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Eric Princeton

Come with me my love; To the sea, the sea of love

0 · 819 views · located in Disney Island

a character in “Disney's Island”, as played by KittyKLL


Eric Princeton


Nicknames: My mates call me Eri, all the others call me Eric.
Age: 20
Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid
Birthday: September 23
Gender: I'm a male, got it?
Sexuality: I prefer the ladies, but I wouldn't mind a man.
The only memory left: The only think I can remember is a beautiful singing voice. It was something that I couldn't believe was true. I don't even remember if it was a girl's voice or a guy's, all I know is that it was breathtaking. Also, i remember a green fish tail, don't ask me why. I don't control my memory ya'know.

  • I love swimming, and for some reason I'm very good at it
  • Ice cream, heaven on earth
  • Seafood
  • Watching Movies, you can always see me at the theater
  • Flirting, me like the ladies, and on occasion, gentlemen.
  • Sex
  • Rain

  • The unbearable heat, ugh.
  • One word. Idiots.
  • Sour food.
  • Bad breath, like seriously people? Brush your damn teeth.
  • I don't like getting lost. At all.

  • I'm scared of anything with eight legs, spiders, octopus, you name it.
  • I'm absolutely terrified of being lost in sea, oh and drowning.

Personality:On the outside, I'm the type of boy you want to bring home to your mama. A respectful, smart, good-looking, young man. Too bad its only on the outside. Every since I came to the island I let myself be free. I only know that I was like that on the outside because it was my first instinct to act like that. Well now, since I don't really know anyone and I doubt anyone knows me, I'm just living as myself, and free. I love to have fun and drink alcohol, also I've gotten addicted to these certain things called cigarettes, which at first I thought were normal cigars, something that I know. I feel the need to be heroic for some reason, and I have tons of courage to do stuff that ordinary people will quiver just from the thought of it.

I love fishing and being out in sea, actually I'm trying to built my own boat now. It may take me a while, so I'm able to calm my love of the sea with trips to the gorgeous beach on the island. I also go to Pete's Pier a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to get a job there or something, maybe even take a lucky lady to a ferris wheel ride. I'm very flirtatious as you can probably tell. I always like having someone around me, and I am a bit spoiled. I like other people to get things done for me alright? Also since last week's movie that had a certain accent, British I think it was, I've been talking like that. I think it absolutely delightful. Also some woman may call him a sex addicted pig, and you know what? They're right.

Biography: Before the island: Eric was a prince. Although he lived more on a ship then he ever did in the castle. One day during a horrible thunderstorm, his ship sank. Then a beautiful mermaid, by the name of Ariel, saved him and took him to shore. The only memory he has is of her and her singing. There is where his story was, when he was taken away. He was in love with a mermaid, which he didn't know was a mermaid, and living behind the mask of a prince. It seems like he has a better life here.

On the Island: I just woke up next to the sea, and you know what? It seemed perfectly normal. I wasn't assuming anything was wrong until I woke up with a throbbing headache and next to people I have no idea who they were. One girl seemed familiar, Ariel, I think it was, but hey I like my girls ginger. It took my a while to get fully used to the island, some things were not that new to me, such as an oven. I even think I had one of them, although I have no idea how to use it. I'm in love with the theater here though. Greatest entertainment ever. Also the club here isn't so bad. I wouldn't want to leave even if they told me I was rich in my old life, just to live behind that mask would make my life miserable.

Anything else?

Password:Disney's Magic

So begins...

Eric Princeton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Stitch Sixtosis Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose Character Portrait: Wynn "Winnie" Milne
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#, as written by Runika

She panted and tried to steady her breath as she jogged around the island. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and she was dressed in grey sweats and a navy blue tank top. Jogging prevented her from being lazy, and also she didn't like spending time in the house when Eric was around. She had been up for a while now, and had gone out for her daily morning jog. There was a nice refreshing breeze that felt cool against her skin as she ran. Surprisingly, she noticed that there were people awake. At least it was still quiet. One thing she admired about the island was how peaceful and serene it could be when no one was around. It was beautiful, actually. The best time she could admire its beauty was in the morning during her run, in the evening when the sun was setting, or even better in the middle of the night, when nobody was awake and the stars were clearly visible.

Mulan noticed someone wadding around in the shallow water. She smiled when she recognized the familiar red head. She seemed entranced as she stood in the water. She jogged down to the shore area and stopped a few feet away. "Good morning, Marian. You're up early." She took the chance to take a look at the ginger. Beautiful as always. Marian was one of the first people she had met on the island, and definitely the most gentle person she had ever met. Mulan felt like Marian was someone she had always wanted to be. Quiet and gentle...

Wynn "Winnie" Milne

Wynn rolled around in his bed and forced himself off. He stretched out his arms as he yawned with a hand over his mouth. Stitch's and Ollie's room was left open ajar and he peeked inside. No one. "Wonder where they all went..." he grumbled. He went downstairs still dressed in his pajamas and looked around some more. Still no one. Going back into the kitchen he pulled out his jar of hunny and a slice of bread. He spread the honey on the bread and took a few bites, still wondering where everyone could have gone. Finally he looked down and noticed a note left by Stitch. "Oh. That's where they went." He said to himself. Finishing his breakfast in a couple more bites he threw his dishes in the sink, making a mental note to wash it later; hopefully he would remember. Climbing back up the stairs he changed into a pair of denim shorts and a yellow button up shirt.

He made his way out of the house, closing the door behind him. Stuffing his hands inside his pocket, he started to make his way over to Mickey's Mall. As he walked he noticed a blonde up ahead nearby Minnie's Merchandise. Noticing the basket in her hand he grinned and called out, "Rose!" He had heard other people calling her Aurora, but he found 'Rose' so much easier to use. Plus, it suited her. She was as pretty as a flower. Seeing her, he remembered that she was going to bake him something today. He was happy just thinking about the delicious treat. Even though food was always prepared, it couldn't compare to her cooking or baking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: James Hook
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Eric wasn't pleased, He heard Mulan, a hated roommate of his, wake up early and she caused such a raket that he had been woken up. Now he can't fall back asleep. He also had a hangover from last night's party with Hook. Eric groaned as he got out of bed. He went downstaries, to get something to eat, but sadly he didn't find anything he really wanted to eat. Maybe he should go to one of the girls on the island, and they'll give him a treat, and something to eat. His belly rumbled once more. "I guess I need to eat now, " he said to himself, as he took out a can of tuna. He didn't know how to cook at all, so he had to settle for this. When he finished, Eric went outside. I was way to early for Hook to be awake, but he'll just go for a walk on the beach. Eric started to walk towards the beach he saw someone who he wanted to see and an other he didn't. Marian and Mulan. In that order.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton
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#, as written by Runika

"Oh, really? I'm always up this time for a run. Hopefully I get to bump into you more." She said with a smile.

Honestly, she actually hoped she would. Seeing Marian was a delight. Especially if it was this early in the morning when no one else was around. She could literally sit around all day and just talk to her. Unfortunately she had noticed a lot of people fancied Marian, which really wasn't much of a surprise. But with that many people wanting Marian's attention, Mulan couldn't really hold a conversation with her without someone jumping in and interrupting them. Now at least in the mornings there was a chance she could hold a decent lengthy conversation that wasn't a simple "hello" and "how are you". With a chuckle she added, "Well...." She pointed to her outfit. "I've been exercising as you can see." Or, as Eric would put it, 'totally not being a girl and being disgusting'.

In the corner of her eye she noticed a figure walking down the beach. Speaking of the devil.... she thought to herself. Why was he awake so early? Did she wake him up? Guess she should be quieter next time. "Oh... it's Eric. Lovely." She grumbled, trying not to sound too sarcastic. Despite her hatred for the guy, she knew Marian sort of fancied him. What could she see in him? Shaking her head she sighed and looked up in his direction. Hesitantly, she raised her arm and gave a small wave. Hopefully he wouldn't come over. Around Marian she tried not to blatantly show her detest for the guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton
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Marian Fitzwalter

Marian grinned at Mulan and took a step closer to her. "God you're so fit. I wish I would exercise as much as you do." She said, tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear and tilting her head down slightly so that her chin tucked into her neck a little. "I probably couldn't even do, like... half a push up." She commented, laughing a little bit and looking up at Mulan slightly. "Though, I don't know... It's not like you look that bad in your exercise gear." She said, tilting her head as a gentle smile came upon her face. At the mention of Eric coming nearby, her expression instantly faltered, and she looked around slightly, her cheeks going a little bit pinker and her movements instantly showing a kind of shyness.

She looked round to Eric and tilted her head slightly, giving a small timid smile. She always got this way with certain guys. It was possibly the charms they had that she wasn't used to. But at any rate, Marian couldn't help herself. She wasn't used to being treated in a flirty way, and therefore the way Eric approached her brought on a whole new feeling. She wasn't sure whether she liked it or not, but she knew she couldn't help it. Maybe it was possibly not being used to boys, or maybe it was just being treated so nicely (When she felt like she hadn't done anything to deserve it) and not knowing how to react. Who knows... she certainly didn't. "O-Oh yeah... so it is..." She said, smiling a little to Eric and giving him a small wave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose Character Portrait: James Hook Character Portrait: Adam Noblestein Character Portrait: Wynn "Winnie" Milne
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Stupd thing posted twice, might use this space for Tillie when I get it up :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Rita Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro
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Adam woke up on the floor of his bedroom. Again. The young lad had absolutely no idea how he had got there and what had happened last night. He cursed to himself sliently under his breath as he slowly stood himself up, only to sit himself back down again on his bed a few seconds after. Adam put his head in hands. Yes, he was hungover. The last thing he remembered was going out with James and that Jack ass Eric. He really hated that guy with a passion. Eric was the type of the guy who used women for one thing and one thing only and although most guys would have hailed him as a legend for doing such things, Adam thought the guy was a tool, simple as that.

As Adam raised his head, he smelt something cooking Aurora he thought to himself, sighing as he threw himself back down on his bed. That girl worried far too much about everything, at first it was kind of sweet. Now it just got irritating. Eventually the smell of the food got all too tempting for the young male and he rose from his bedside and headed downstairs in the Kitchen.

The sickening smell of Honey met him as he walked into the kitchen, It didn't take a genius to work out why. Adam rolled his eyes. Wynn was obviously coming over for dinner tonight. That was going the simplest and slowest conversation in the history of the world, Adam thought to himself. Why did he have to share a house with a girl that was best friends with him. The guy was a dimwit and it irritated Adam, a lot.

With a sigh, the young male got himself a glass from one of the cupboards and poured himself some water from the tap. That was better; Adam as the cooling liquid ran down his throat, soothing it.


Tilli was awaken by the creaking floorboards outside her room that signaled that someone was on their way out, or back in as was normally the case into the house. The young blonde knew that was sharing her house with some pretty freaky people. Rita was nocternal and stayed in the library until ungodly hours in the morning.

The young blonde rolled over her and grabbed her phone off the side dresser. She missed Eric, a lot. It had been a long time since the two of them had been intimate and Tilli missed it, she wanted it and she wanted it now. She found the males name in her phonebook and typed out a text

Hey Handsome, Long time No sex, See you today? ;) xoxo

Tilli placed the phone back on the stand and then rose out of her bed to look of the window onto the straight. There were already people out they must be mad Tilli thought to herself as she looked closer down at the street. That's when she saw him. Peter. That's when Tilli it. That strange but recently familiar feeling, the feeling that she knew him from somewhere, the feeling of wanting to protect him, to look after him. He was with Herc, which made Tilli smile. It was nice to see him talking to people and not getting into some sort of trouble. Quickly grabbing a jacket and her phone, she bounded down the stairs and opening the front door, heading towards the place where Peter and Herc, were stood.

'Morning Peter.' She said, smiling at the pair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose Character Portrait: Adam Noblestein
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Aurora smiled as Wynn offered to take the basket. She handed it to him, because he offered. It was really sweet of him, but that was the boy that he was. Wynn was sweet, sweet as the honey that he loved so much. She smiled at him and said,"Thank you very much." Then she started to walk towards Minnie's but not until she saw that Wynn was walking beside her. Although she was older than him by two years, he still was taller than her, and by a lot. She really quite enjoyed spending time with him and his slow nature didn't bother her at all, her roommate Adam though was another story. She hoped that for dinner tonight he wouldn't be so upset, he really dislikes Wynn. Maybe she'll make his favorite food and find a way to make it up to him.

Aurora realized that her attention was drifting and so she looked at Wynn and said, "So Wynn, what are your plans for today, well other than helping me." She laughed and smiled at Wynn, she felt so at ease near him, and Aurora assumes it could be his laid back personality. She continued to walk humming the same tune as before, she just couldn't help herself. Maybe she'll ask Eric's help to put that song on what he called a "music player". For some reason Aurora couldn't get used to most of the technology that wasn't in the kitchen.


Eric saw the dissatisfied look on Mulan's face. He knew that Mulan admired Marian and now he was going to use that to his advantage. He waved back at the girls and started to walk towards them. With each step closer he knew that it was killing Mulan, man how he loved to bother her. As he reached the girls he smiled and winked at Marian. He loved when she blushed, he hoped that maybe once she'll let him take her home, but he could wait. The chase made it a whole lot better. Also he kinda liked her, he didn't want to shag every girl possible, take Mulan as an example. She's a hot asian chick, but he hated her existence so there would be no way in hell that they will be sharing a bed, unless they were extremely drunk. Suddenly Eric got a text message, and he said "Excuse me for one moment, my love"

Hey Handsome, Long time No sex, See you today? ;) xoxo

Quickly he replied and he smiled. "Ohh Tilli," he thought. He knew really well all the electronics that there were on the island, although teaching Aurora was a different story. He forced her to take a cell phone with her because she was just so naive and things could happen to her. Although the most dangerous man on the island was him, but still he worried about her pretty face.

We can meet more than once today, you know. See you in a few? Or should I fuck your brains out now? I think now would be perfect for me."

Then he looked once more at the girls and said, "Up early today, huh girls? Mulan next time could you please be a bit quieter? Pretty please?" Eric said the last part in a way that Mulan would be upset, Marian although would probably think that it was friendly request. "Although I must thank you, if you hadn't woken me up, I wouldn't have seen this lovely lady so early in the morning," he said as he kissed Marian's hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose Character Portrait: Wynn "Winnie" Milne
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#, as written by Runika
Wynn "Winnie" Milne
Wynn smiled down at Aurora as he walked beside her.  "You're welcome," he said.   As they walked he listened to her hum.  He always heard her humming.  They were the nicest songs, though he never knew any of them.  Even though she was just humming, it was still pretty.  After a while he realized that he liked hearing her talk too; she had a pretty voice.  Every time he heard her hum or speak, he would wonder what her singing voice would sound like.  "Rose, how come I never hear you sing? You have such a pretty voice." He asked curiously.

They were approaching Minnie's and he opened the door and looked inside.  The large superstore never failed to amuse him.  He was fascinated how almost everything could be in one store.  He could find food, furniture, books, and a lot of other random things. If he didn't pay attention he tended to get lost.  This time he would just stay close to Aurora.  That way he wouldn't wander off aimlessly.  Maybe he should get that thing that he saw Aurora have. A cell phone is what she called he thought. It looked like that device would be useful if he got lost. But then he would have to try to learn how to use it. That would probably be too difficult.

She smiled at the compliments she received from Marian.  Damn.  How could someone be so cute? "Thanks. I've never had anyone tell me I looked good when I dress like this." She said with a laugh. Well, since the island actually.  But she had a feeling that no one back from where she came from would have complimented her either.  "Seeing you do a push up would be hilarious, not to mention adorable."  The conversation was actually going really well.  Why did Eric have to be so close by?  Mulan saw the way Marian started to react when she had noticed Eric was nearby.   It disgusted her.  She became all shy and self conscious, just because Eric would flirt to no end with her.  It probably irritated her more because she could only react this way with Eric and never with her.  

Seeing Eric actually start to come over she resisted the urge to groan.   To add on to his "kind" request, he had knelt down to give Marian a kiss on her hand. Who was he trying to be? Prince Charming? Why did this guy have to enjoy annoying her so much? Then again, she enjoyed annoying him just as much.  "Really really sorry Eric.  I'll do better tomorrow. But could you return home a little quieter too? Your drunk talk isn't very interesting to listen to." She said in return.  Just to piss him off she mimicked him and added with a sweet voice, "Pretty please?"

Turning back to the blushing Marian, she sighed.  "Alright Marian I'll see you later I guess.  Bye."  Remembering the nuisance she added, "Oh, bye, Eric." Mulan waved to the both of them and jogged off.  Seeing Marian ogle over Eric and just being in Eric's presence was too much for her.  At least Eric was out so she knew that he wouldn't be home later.  Perhaps she'd grab a friend and head out to eat something. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro
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Peter Pan

Peter aimed his sight in Tilli's direction at his name being called and at being greeted. As soon as the blonde hair came into his sights,his eyes lit up, and his cheeks developed dimples as he somehow managed to grin even more than usual. "Tinkerbellll!" he exclaimed, dashing in her direction and flinging his arms around her, bringing her into a tight hug and lifting her up a little. He understood that everyone else seemed to prefer to call her 'Tilli'. However, that didn't seem to fit right to Peter. To him, Tilli should be named 'Tinkerbell'. He didn't know why even. She didn't have any bells, and he didn't quite know where the tink came into it. It was just a name that came natural to him. And he was pretty sure it seemed to have a certain ring to it for her too.

"I came looking for you Tink. I mean, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out. But then I remembered the last time I asked and it was before ten A.M..." That cheeky and childish grin grew back onto his lips as he pulled away a little and looked down to who he considered to be his best friend. "However, you're already up! I was gonna ask Herc if he wanted to do something, but all three of us can go and do something together, can't we?" He beamed and looked between Tink and Herc, referring the question to the both of them. Peter always seemed to get that little bit more... excitable when Tink was about. He really did care about her a lot. And when she was with him during the day, he couldn't help but be that tiny bit happier, knowing that he had her around to always keep him company. Well most of the time. When he needed her, she'd be there. And Peter assured her that it would be the other way round too. If Tinkerbell wanted Peter there, he'd be by her side quicker than you could say Codfish.

Marian Fitzwalter

Marian found herself trying to hold back giggling goofily as Eric kissed her hand and held her free palm over her delicate lips to hold it back. She looked down from Eric a little as he complimented her and such, cheeks almost as red as a rose. It was annoying for her. None of the other girls on the island seemed to get this way around Eric. Most seemed to either treat him as he treated themselves, or would ignore him, being slightly snide to him and making snappy comments. She thought for a moment, pausing in her blushing state and looking to the sand. It was pretty much the way Mulan acted towards Eric. Sure, she acted polite whilst she knew Marian was around, but often when she had just been walking by their house, she could hear the two arguing. It upset her, the fact that two friends of hers couldn't get along. Or, well... she hoped they were friends...

She bit her lip and then looked up to Mulan when she started to walk away, her expression dropping quite suddenly as she felt like Mulan was irritated, and it was her fault. She panicked a little and stepped towards Mulan a little, who was already jogging away. "W-Wait! Mulan!" She called out to the black haired girl, pausing in her steps and holding her hands in front of her, thumbs twiddling together slightly. "Can we... maybe... hang out later? Like, at Lunch or something?" She gave her a small smile, but then it dropped. "I mean, if you don't want to then we really really don't have to. I don't want to upset you, but... Could we?" She smiled a little at Mulan again and then tilted her head the slightest.

Marian did always enjoy having conversations with Mulan. She seemed like she was getting complimented some of the time, which made her feel the slightest bit funny inside. A good funny, but a funny all the same. She enjoyed her company. A lot. However, it was kinda like... Well, it sometimes felt like Mulan was hiding something from her. Like, every so often she seemed to be just looking at Marian, and she had to wonder what she was thinking. More often than not, it had caused the red head to check to see if she had any marks on her face or something embarrassing, but it was another thing that made her feel fuzzy and tingly. Although she didn't react the ways towards her that she did to Eric, and it was a lot more discreet, she really felt something there for Mulan...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton
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#, as written by Runika

Hearing Marian's voice call out her name unexpectedly she stopped and started taking steps back towards her. The girl looked nervous or something of a similar emotion. Mulan thought of it as some what strange, but she also couldn't help thinking this was a side of Marian she adored. The ginger was definitely too cute for words. Genuinely surprised that Marian had asked her to hang out for lunch that for a few moments she couldn't even bring herself to reply. All she did was stare at the red head, wondering if she was imagining those words coming out of her mouth. Blinking at her, she recomposed herself and nodded eagerly. She would have have bounded forward to give Marian a hug, but seeing that she was in exercise gear that might have disgusted Marian, she simply clasped her hands around the other female's. "Definitely! I would like that." She replied excitedly.

Mulan was feeling all happy inside. Like butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. She knew that she was interested in those of the same gender, but she still considered herself in a phase and was in denial. Somehow she had the feeling that liking both sexes wasn't something that was normal back home, and something that was probably not acceptable. Even on this island she felt uncomfortable revealing her sexual orientation, so she just kept it hidden. After she met Marian and had gotten to know her a bit, it became harder and harder to tell herself that she only liked Marian as a friend. But she didn't expect anything to blossom between the two other than friendship. She was still very happy being able to be friends with such a sweet heart.

Furthermore, she felt even better because Eric was there. Even though he was the one who was just wooing her and making her blush just moments earlier, now Marian had turned her attention back to Mulan. At least she knew she was still in Marian's mind despite Eric's overwhelming presence. Reluctantly she pulled her hands away from Marian's, thinking she had clung on for a bit too long. She would have asked there and then about where to meet up, but she didn't want Eric purposefully pop in on them just to steal Marian away. "Do you have a phone?" She asked. The cell phones on the island were something she was fascinated with, and it didn't take her too long to get used to them either. She didn't really have a need for a device to communicate, but she had music on her phone, so she just carried it around with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro
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Tilli gave a small smile when Peter told her, in the style of a small child, his thought processes when deciding whether to come see her or not. 'The boy's learning' She gave a mock approving glance before returning his hug. Tilli found the boy in ront of her cute, almost like a mother finds her son. She was always there, in the background keeping a watchful eye on him, steering him out of trouble and making sure he hung around with the right people. They were best friends, there was no denying that but Tilli knew there couldn't be anything more. He just...wasn't ready somehow.

It was only then that young blonde noticed that the Hershel was staring at her. She sighed inwardly. Herc was hot, she'd give him that and she probably would if he offered it to her, but that's all there was too him, just Herc. She didn't know much about the second man in the group and decided it was probably an idea to get to know him before she.... or maybe not, who knew.

'Of course we do some-' Tilli was interrupted by her phone vibrating in her pocket signalling the arrival of a reply from Eric. Mumbling a quick apology She opened the text.

We can meet more than once today, you know. See you in a few? Or should I fuck your brains out now? I think now would be perfect for me.

Till's stomach did a double somersault and then just exploded into a million pieces when she read his text. She briefly closed her eyes, enjoying the image of Eric on top of her, touching her....
The young girls eyes snapped open when she realized where she was and who she was. She suddenly realized that Herc had disappeared, she had heard him say something about getting ready properly. When she returned, the young girl spoke.
'Well, i'm going to get dressed now, I will properly be more than five minutes... I am woman.' She added at the men's disapproving looks. 'Decide what we're doing whilst i'm gone, no dangerous stuff' She told the pair, pointing a finger at both of them before smiling and walking back to the house.

Once inside, she then replied to Eric

I can't right now, I'm out with Peter and Herc, come over later when i'll be wearing something a little more...comfortable? xoxo

Then, the blonde went to run herself a shower, she needed it to get herself out of this mood before showing her face to peter and Herc.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose
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Aurora looked at Wynn. She thought about his question. "Why didn't she sing in front of people?" she thought to herself.Maybe it was because she didn't want people to critisize her voice, or maybe she wsa just saving it for someone. Truthfully she didn't really know, but she couldn't leave Wynn hanging. "I'm afraid of singing in front of other people," she said quietly. It wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie either. Althought she did feel a bit terrible not telling me, after all she was close to Wynn. Maybe one day she will.

As they entered Minnie's the cool air overcame her, and she shivered. Aurora assumed that some kind of spell was cast on this building to make it winter forever. Occasionally it was nice when the weather was warm, but early in the morning it was just a bit uncomfortable. She saw that Wynn was a bit in awe, and even though she had been here numoures times, so was she. Aurora started to wander towards the food section, to get whatever she needed to make for tonight. There she cheaked each and everything she needed, which was expiration dates all the way to how a certain vegetable smelt. For example she took a the basil and smelt it, while mummbling, "Just picked today." For some reason she knew how to cook and garden, so Aurora assumed that she was probably a cook in her old life, maybe even a castle worker, although she dreams of being a princess. Pretty much every girl did, so Aurora didn't take it as anything unusual. When they arrived to the honey section, she grabbed five jars of honey and a honey stick. The jars she put in the basket, while the honey stick she gave to Wynn. "That's about it," she said smiling at Wynn. "Winnie are you okay carring everything?" Aurora looked a bit worried, since the basket did seem pretty heavy.


At first, Eric was pretty upset. Just a minute ago, Marian was blushing and all she could think about was him, but for some reason that made no sense what-so-ever, that tomboy was able to take Marian's attention from him, and she got her phone number! When they said that they will meet up later, Eric was beyond upset, now he was furious. He didn't like it when people stole away his girls, especially if it was a stupid, annoying, he-she such as Mulan. Finally when she left, Eric was pleased. Now he could use his charms are Marian. He turned to her and said, "You know Marian, I don't have your number either. I could put it in your phone and maybe we could even take a picture together and then you won't forget to call me." He winked at her. "Also if you have my number, you can call me and I'll be there whenever you want," He whispered in her ear, "When ever, and where ever."

Suddenly he got a text. "See, love, I'll always answer." Then he opened the text.

I can't right now, I'm out with Peter and Herc, come over later when i'll be wearing something a little more...comfortable? xoxo

Eric was a bit upset, he knew Herc had a think for Tilli, it was obvious as the blue sea, and Tilli was just so protective of Peter. Although Eric always knew that she'd come back to him, she always did. Quickly he responded.

Tell me when to come over, maybe we should do something different. Ever been on a boat? No one can hear your loud moans for miles. ;)

Then he looked at Marian and smiling his most dashing smile. Hopefully he had made her forget about Mulan, maybe today would be his lucky day with the red-headed beauty.

(I'll post for Toulouse later :) )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Rose (Piglet) Character Portrait: Oliver Twirl
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Oliver Twirl

Oliver felt his cheeks heat up slightly at his hand being held, not having her done that before. It made him grin widely at the blonde, nodding slowly at the urge to follow her and then allowing himself to be dragged along by Rose, swinging their hands slightly and squeezing hers back. He was pretty sure that if it was Rose that he was following, then there'd be no need to worry about getting into trouble or doing anything dangerous. Sure, sometimes she wanted to be a little bit adventurous. However, Oliver knew that they were both scaredy cats and if got into any trouble, if ever, then they would both squeal like pigs and run all the way home.

"Where we going, Rosy?" Oliver asked with a small smile, looking around and then looking straight ahead in the direction they were going, curious and slightly ponderous about whereabouts they should go. Last time they went wandering off on their own, they got told off by one of the more worrying, motherly type people on the island, and it kinda made Oliver a little wary of what they could do without someone else there to protect them, if need be.

Marian Fitzwalter

Marian watched Mulan jog away, able to see the smile on her face and unable to not smile at the sight. Who knows, maybe they would actually be able to get closer now. Every single time they tried to have a conversation, someone else interrupted. However, if she learnt how to text or how to make phone calls, they wouldn't need to even be with each other to keep up a conversation. Things would be able to work and maybe she'd actually get to know the girl.

Before she could ponder this thought further, she heard Eric's voice and turned round to him the moment he spoke up, still holding her phone lightly in her hand as Eric said things. She blinked a couple of times, glancing down to her phone as he talked about the kind of things they should do and tilted her head. "I didn't know you could take pictures..." She murmured, before she found Eric was leaning in incredibly close. She tensed up again, his whispers tickling her ear and making her shiver a little and break out into another blush.

It took her a moment to figure out what he meant by 'wherever, whenever' but eventually got the general idea that he was insinuating... something that she'd never even thought to do. Wouldn't know how to do even. Her cheeks lit up a little more, and she looked down to her phone. She wasn't sure she'd want to do... that with Eric, but maybe it would be nice to have more than her, Tilli and Rita's number on her phone. She didn't know what the hell she was meant to do with it and so held it towards Eric. "...Could you put your number in for me?" She asked with a tiny smile, getting a little bit lost with words by his smile. "I don't know how to work it... I... probably wouldn't really know.... how to call you anyway..." she said slowly, looking down slightly, embarrassed that she was acting like Wynn, being all slow and such. Though now that she was going to be taught by Mulan about how to use the technology, it would be a problem that'd cease to be. She smiled again, reminding herself that she was finally going to have a chat with Mulan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro
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Tilli was just finishing up her shower, letting the hot water run over her. God Eric was insatiable, he knew exactly how exactly to push her buttons. Then again, so did she when they were together. The thought made the young blonde's toes curl as she rinsed her hair of shampoo and stepped out the shower. Stupid man. He wasn't even here and he was completely paralyzing her. She sighed as she wrapped her hair and body in a towel and stood in front of the mirror. She thought about Peter again, how embarrassing for him to see her like that... the worst part was. he didn't even know or understand what was going on. If he did, Tilli was sure heh'd have a far worse off opinion of her. It brought a tear to her eye.

Wiping the tears away, Tilli walked back into her bedroom, and picked up her phone, she then read the reply that Eric had sent:

ell me when to come over, maybe we should do something different. Ever been on a boat? No one can hear your loud moans for miles. ;)

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she hit reply.

Will you stop! I'm supposed to be being responsible here! Meet me at the pier at 6, where I will punish you for you what you're doing to me ;) xoxo

It was only then that Tilli realized she wasn't alone in her bedroom. Sitting on her, sat Herc, looking around the round room aimlessly. Tilli wrapped her towel a bit further around herself, 'UM...herc.... what are you doing here?' She asked quizzically, staring at the man on her bed


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Wendy Moira Angela Darling Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose
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Eric took the phone from Marian, nicely. Making sure his fingers brushed her skin. Quickly he pressed a few buttons and said,"You calling me won't be difficult. All you need to do is press the number two for about ten seconds and it will call me automatically." Then he pulled Marian close and took a picture. "Look how cute you look," he said with a laugh as he pressed a few more buttons. "It's your home screen so you'll never forget me," Eric whispered in her ear once more. He loved the way she blushed when he did it, so he kept doing it on purpose. He also knew that once she'd meet up with Mulan later, Mulan would get angry that they have a picture together. He can already picture the asian girl upset, but trying not to show it.

Then Eric felt a vibrate in his pocket. It was another text from Tilli. "Excuse me once more," Eric said with an apologetic look.

Will you stop! I'm supposed to be being responsible here! Meet me at the pier at 6, where I will punish you for you what you're doing to me ;) xoxo

He smiled and quickly replied.

Only if you promise to punish me.

He put his phone back into his pocket and said to Marian, "This seems like a wonderful morning for a walk on the beach, care to join me?" He offered her his hand.


Aurora smiled at Wynn. It was really kind of him to offer to take the basket, but she did see that it was a bit of a burden on him. "I have an idea," she said as she took another basket that was similar to hers. She took a few items from Wynn's basket and put it in hers, although she made sure that Wynn had more items. After all, she didn't want to hurt his ego. There we're only in Minnie's for another ten minutes before Aurora said, "That's about it!" She smiled at Wynn. "Now, let's go to my house and then you get to decide what we're doing today Winnie." she said.

Aurora started to walk outside, and compared to the air conditioned store, it was pretty warm. Once again Aurora started to hum, she couldn't help herself. Although she did have an urge to sing, but she didn't. Not yet. One day she'll sing in front of Wynn. In the week that they've known each other, it seems like they have known each other forever, making Aurora assume sometimes that they possibly came from the same place. More than once had she wanted to asked Wynn about it, but realized it was useless. He probably didn't remember any more than she did. All though thoughts swirling around her head worried her, those thoughts always did. When she realized that she was making a worried face, she quickly smiled, not wanting Wynn to know.


Toulouse yawned as he got out of bed. The house he shared with Phillip and Wendy was a bit quiet. He wondered where they were. It didn't bother him much when the smell of pancakes entered his nose. Quickly he put on some pants, not a shirt though, and wandered into the kitchen. There in the middle of the table stood a plate filled with pancakes that looked like they just had been out of the pan. Toulouse licked his lips and started to eat, they we're good, not as much as Aurora the island's best cook, yet still good. It never ceases to amaze him how everything on this island is always taken care of.

When he finished, he poured himself a cup of milk and finished the cup in once gulp. Then he walked out of the house, truthfully he didn't know where to go. Maybe the music store? He loved that place. Or even to gym, he could use a great workout. Then Toulouse got an even better idea, quickly he ran upstairs and got his paints and a canvas. He found himself a great hill overlooking the sea and sat down and started to paint.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Rita Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro
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Tilli was grateful for the arrival of Rita into the bedrooom, which was frankly turning into some sort of Suburb in her opinion. She twiddled a stray piece of hair around her finger as Herc spoke, telling her to bring her bikini out because they were going to the beach. Why they couldn't have just told her this when she got back outside, Tilli had no idea, but she supposed that was the common sense live of the pee she had become friends with. She had no doubt that, given the option Peter probably have just stormed into the bathroom whilst she was having a shower without even thinking about it. The Blonde sighed. Boys.

'Thanks for letting me know Herc' She called after him, mouthing a silent thank you to Rita as the girl closed the door behind the pair. Well that had been embarrasing it was plain for all to see that Herc....wanted her. Tilli knew that she couldn't have been in a more compromising position for his... longing. However. he had been a gentleman, he can kept eye contact with her the entire time, his eyes hadn't strayed, not even once. Tilli decided she defiantly had more respect for the male now.

Realizing she was still naked, the blonde quickly got changed into this. Then she quickly grabbed her black bikini and her towel for the draw and shoved into her handbag, there were changing room at the beach, she'd be able to change there.

'I'll meet you outside Herc.' She called, flying down the stairs and out of the door, not wanting to keep Peter waiting any longer. She approached the Auburn haired boy with a big grin on her face. 'Sorry about that there was an unfortunate incident with He-' She was then interupted by her phone vibrating in her pocket, Time and a place Eric! She thought frustratedly. Giving Peter an apologetic look, she fished out at her phone and read the message.

Only if you promise to punish me.

She quickly hit reply.


Deciding not to tell the over poessive Eric what had just happened, she smiled up at Peter,' So, beach?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Esmeralda Djali Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Stitch Sixtosis Character Portrait: Eric Princeton
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#, as written by Runika
Wynn laughed a little seeing Aurora take another basket. "Sorry, I wish I was a little stronger." He really did. Sometimes he felt so... Well, he wasn't sure what word he could use. He wanted to be of more use to her, that's all. And to be able to make her happy. He followed her out of the store and braced himself for the usual temperature difference. He didn't really like the feeling of going into the cold supermarket and then returning outside to the island's warm climate. It was comfortable in Minnie's. Sometimes the cool air made him feel sleepy and he would cuddle up somewhere if he was lost and take a short nap.

He heard Aurora humming again and smiled. She really did have a nice voice. If only she could sing in front of him. Thinking about what Aurora said he looked at the ground and started to ponder. "What to do...." He wondered quietly. As they made their way over back to Aurora's place he remembered her house mate, Adam. It didn't take much to know that Adam didn't like him. The reason why wasn't unknown either; he always commented on how slow and retarded he was. This was just how he was. He couldn't NOT be slow even if he wanted to. Gosh, now he was confusing himself. "Do you think Adam will be angry that you're bringing me over again Rose?" He asked sadly. He loved to go over and spend time with Rose, but Adam's temper was something that Wynn seemed to set off no matter what he did. If he did nothing than he was yelled at for being useless. If he did SOMETHING, he was yelled at for getting in the way. Sometimes he just sat outside on the porch so Adam didn't have to see him.

Still very much optimistic about her and Marian's little get-together, she had a small smile all the way back to her house. Mulan walked into the house she shared with Jasmine and the dreaded Eric. She actually really liked the house. Everything seemed so... nice. If only she didn't have to live with someone that hated her. The houses and housemates were pre-assigned somehow at Scrooge's City Hall. Of course, she didn't want to live with him and at first decided to live with Lily for the first night. Soon it was common knowledge that no one could rest easy unless in their assigned homes. Normally her and Eric tried to ignore each other, except for maybe a few snappy comments or sounds of disgust every now and then. Arguments weren't uncommon either though.

She sighed as she went up to her room. Thoughts about Marian and Eric soon plagued her. What if Eric was going to somehow keep Marian from the lunch they had planned together? She bit her lip. It was actually very likely. Eric hated Mulan, and would love to take Marian away from her. She shook her head. "Marian wouldn't do that to me..." She mumbled with hope. Marching straight up to her room and then into her bathroom, she shut the doors and stripped herself before she got into the shower. As the hot water fell onto her body she tried to enjoy the feeling rather than try to think about Eric; the person she least wanted to have on her mind. Thinking about Marian was an option, but thoughts of her just brought thoughts of Eric anyway.

Once she was done with cleaning herself, she stepped out and dried herself off. Her hair was still a little damp, but the island weather would soon dry it up. The Asian slipped on a pair of dark army green short shorts, a blank tank top and a similar green jacket, grabbed her phone, slipped on her brown boots and went out the door. If she stayed home all she would do was try and kill time unsuccessfully until lunch. Mulan decided to go over to M-Mall and maybe find something to do or run into somebody. She smiled seeing someone in the mall: Stitch. "Good morning Stitch!" She called.

Esmeralda woke up to the sun's rays beaming on her face. She groaned as she got up to shut the curtains. Her arms extended upwards above her head as she stretched and then slumped her shoulders with a sigh. "Well, good morning to me." She grumbled to herself. Still dressed in her nightgown she walked out of her room and into the hallway. Listening for any signs of her house mate she concluded Herc wasn't home. Man, Herc sure was an early riser. But she was a deep sleeper, so it didn't bother her. "Probably off chasing Til." She said with a chuckle. It was funny how he could so openly try to get to know her when everyone knew the Princeton boy through of the girl as his bitch.

She admired people like Herc who got up early to stay fit. There was Mulan and Robin too. Her, she just needed to dance; it was her own way of staying fit. Making her way down to the kitchen she grabbed a piece of bread and chewed slowly at it. There was some french toast sitting around magically, but she didn't feel the urge to eat it that morning. For some unknown reason, Esmeralda was content with even the simplest of meals. She was pretty grateful for everything actually. On the island, she felt free and blessed, like she could do whatever she wanted without having to worry. Maybe she was someone who was constantly hunted before, who knows.

Still in her nightgown and putting off changing for later, she walked out onto the porch and looked around. There were people out and about, as expected. Her attention was caught by a figure up on a hill. It looked like a boy was painting. Ah, must be Toulouse, she thought to herself. The boy was an amazing painter. It seemed like everyone on the island was special in their own way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tilli 'Tinkerbell' Bell Character Portrait: Marian Fitzwalter Character Portrait: Eric Princeton Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Herschel "Hercules" Petro Character Portrait: Rose (Piglet)
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Marian Fitzwalter

Marian blinked a couple of times, trying to take in everything she had just done to her phone, a bit baffled and a bit blown away. How he'd managed to do that in a matter of ten-seconds was beyond her. She blinked a couple of times at the picture of herself and Eric on the home screen. She knew that she'd been taken completely by surprise by it and therefore her expression was that of a ditzy and confused one. She was embarrassed by it, but Eric saying she looked cute just made her feel all fluttery again. Eric offered her his hand and a walk along the beach and, to be honest, Marian's love for the beach mixed with Eric's charm just washed her away like the waves. She grinned and then gingerly took hold of his hand, still having her phone out and looking down to it with mystified eyes. "I don't know how you could just do all that like... it was reading a book or something." She laughed a little and then looked up to Eric, smiling widely and then looking down to the sand. "You're really smart Eric." She complimented, wondering if many people told him that. She knew most just thought of him as handsome. But who knows, maybe there was another side of him that could be a fancy technician.

Well... maybe that was a little far. However, she didn't believe that all Eric was was a pretty face. Sure, that was the thing that got her hooked most of the time (whether she wanted to or not) but there was also an element of Eric that she sure he tried to hide. Maybe, there was a part of him that wasn't so much just a flirty charm. Maybe...

Oliver Twirl

Oliver laughed a little at Rosie's constant talking and then at her last statement shook his head gently. "I like hearing you talk. You're really quite shy. It's nice to hear your voice." He said, grinning at her and then swinging their hands a little. As much as that was true, in all honesty, Oliver was just desperate for food, food and more food. He was hungry. And a boy of ten years old can't concentrate on more than one thing. He was excited about the den. A lot. But he was hungry. Geez, one thing at a time...

Oliver looked up as they approached Pluto's pizza and he had a little jump of joy, his grin dominating his face as he automatically sped up little by little until he was dashing towards the building and pulling Rosie along behind him. "Come on Rosie! I bet there's no one here right now, so we can get lots and lots all to ourselves!" Oliver said excitably beaming back to her.

Peter Pan

Peter's face lit up into a giant grin and he punched his fists into the air. "Beach!" He said excitably, looping his arm with Tilli's and then hoisting his beach bag up over his shoulder. He'd gone back home quickly when Herc had gone into tell Tinkerbell about getting a bikini on, picked up a couple of towels and switched to his swim shorts. He looked was now wearing brown swimming trunks and had simply left his shirt on over the top. He looked down at what Tilli was wearing. It was green, his favourite color. He broke into a giant smile and then said, "Like the outfit." Before stopping quickly and looking back to the house. He'd gotten so carried away with his best friend... "Where's Herc?" He asked, tilting his head back at Tilli's house and then looking down to the blonde. "He did come into tell you we were going to the beach, right Tink?" He asked, tilting his head gently.

Tilli's opinion about himself walking in on her wasn't very far from the truth. He didn't exactly want to see her naked, knowing it would be... really awkward from then on. Unlike Tink, Peter wouldn't really know how to act around someone who was naked. To act... sexy. The thought of Peter acting sexy was hilarious to anyone who was questioned it. It just wasn't something that would happen. However, Peter had, in the past, had caught sight of her bum when her bikini bottom slipped down slightly. However, instead of getting awkward, he laughed and told her not to fart in his face. Stuff like that wasn't at all strange, because it was silly and funny. Not at all serious and... sexual. God knows what Eric would've done at the mere sight of her butt cheeks right up in his face.