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Adam Biest

I just want to get off this island.

0 · 516 views · located in Disney Island

a character in “Disney's Magical Island”, as played by Malfunction


Adam Biest


Nicknames: I don't have any that I know of.
Age: 19
Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Birthday: December 11th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
The only memory left: I remember a rose, anger, and a very peculiar dance. It's strange though because I can't remember who I was dancing with. I just remember the feeling it gave me. I think that feeling is the thing that I'm missing. If I only I remembered what it was - and how I could get it back.

  • Money
  • Junk food
  • Action movies
  • Winning
  • Working out

  • Losing
  • Rejection
  • Romantic movies
  • Magic
  • Flowers, especially roses

  • Rejection
  • Being made fun of

Personality: How do I begin? I try to be as straight forward and honest as possible. This seems to annoy people though; especially when I tell them something they don't want to hear. I have a short-temper and have a tendency to snap a lot out of anger. It's because others provoke me though! Oh, I tend to put the blame on others even though it may be my fault at times. I'm usually right anyway. I like getting my way and I really hate it when they don't. That being said, I can be a bit of a sore loser. I am a bit of a loner because people don't tend to look like and my "aggressiveness". It's their loss though and I really could care less. I'm not easily impressed over things and things have to be really interesting for them to get my attention. I admit, sometimes I can act arrogant and thick headed. I can also be selfish and impulsive most of the time. Like my temper, my jealousy is something no one can control. I really can't stand it when others have something I want and don't have. I can be really possessive over my belongs because of that. I am pretty honest about my feelings most of the time, especially if I don't like you, but I'm not that outgoing to the point where I will tell a stranger that I hate his hair or something. I can be pretty laid back actually. Other people's opinions really don't matter to me unless I value that person somehow. Most of my personality that causes everyone to hate me is forced mostly so that people don't see that I'm pretty sad and lonely which is too pathetic for me to show to anyone. I'm actually not that confident in myself but I act like it so people don't try to make fun of me; I really hate being made fun of so I try never to give them the chance. I can be kind and a gentlemen if I wanted but only for people that I either care about or want to make an impression on. I have met no such people though so no one has really seen that side of me.

Biography: In his true life, Adam was a prince who grew rich and spoiled. He grew arrogant and selfish and because of this got a curse planted on him when he refused to help an old woman. He had been transformed into his "true form" much to his horror. He was ugly and no one wanted to be around him anymore. He tried his best for people to like him again but they all ignored him and avoided him. He began to resent people and stopped trying to please them seeing as he always got rejected. He grew colder, angrier, and more defensive to the point where he kept everyone at bay so that if there was any rejection to do, he would be the one to do it. The thought of anyone liking him for who he was became absurd and he saw everyone as a potential threat. One day, an old man crossed his path and out of his growing hate he locked him in his castle. Adam had not expected for the daughter of the old man to come and give her own life for her father's. The act of kindness angered the Beast and he selfishly locked Belle up and let the old man go. As time with Belle went by, Adam began to grow feelings for her. As awkward and uncomfortable feelings made him, he tried his best to make it work. In the end, that meant letting Belle go to aid her ill father. When Belle left, Gaston appeared though and attacked the Beast and his castle. The fight ended with a dead Gaston and a fatally injured Adam. Belle arrived though and when she declared her love for him, the curse was broken and Adam transformed back into his human self. They danced that night as much as they wanted until they were ripped away from their happiness and into another world.

Now, at the island, I am lost to say the least. I'm so confused about who I am and that frustrates me to the point where I take it on others. I'm very unpopular because of it but I could care less about the people on the island. All I know is I'm missing something and I'm desperate to have it back. The island itself disgusts me. Things are lively and sociable. The fact that there are people all around upsets me. I rather be alone most of the time.

Anything else? I have a habit of going to Goofy's Gym a lot and I'm usually eating in various places instead of a home cooked meal. I go to watch movies a lot too even if I'm by myself.

Password: Disney's Magic

So begins...

Adam Biest's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider Character Portrait: Gaston LeGumme Character Portrait: Yzma Empressa Character Portrait: Rey Kuzco Character Portrait: Mikey Muse Character Portrait: Briar "Aurora" Rose
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Rey Kuzco

An obnoxious yawn escaped the young boy's mouth as his eyes fluttered open. His hands reached into the air to stretch in the bed he had all to himself. He paused for a moment and allowed his senses to come back to him. It didn't take long and Rey jumped out of his bed in one quick move. Saying that Rey was a morning person was honestly an understatement. The young boy scratched his belly, his feet moving him to get cloths to change into. Even though they had only been on the island for a week, Rey's closet was already more than filled with lavishing cloths that showed off his awesomeness.

He picked a pair of jeans and a dark grey T-shirt with a V-neck. He decided to go the casual way that day, at least for now. There was no need to show off so early in the morning, there was more than enough time for that later. He put on his white sneakers and grabbed his phone before making his way out of his room and to the bathroom. Rey didn't even bother checking if anyone was in there first and instead went straight to washing his face and teeth. As he did so, his head bobbed to a tune he was humming with tooth paste in his mouth. The music from last night was still in his head and he couldn't help but smile at the memories of it. Most of it consisted of Gaston being extra touchy, Yzma arguing with him, James drinking everything in the place, and Flynn flirting with any girl that caught his eye. Through it all, though, they had an amazing time, like they always did when the group was together. Good times, good times.

Finishing, Rey made sure he was looking his best, which wasn't so hard seeing as he always good great, before making his way out the bedroom. As he made his way in the kitchen, Rey noticed a piece of paper on the counter. He skipped over to it and read the fancy handwriting that could only belong to Belle. It was a simple message that informed them that she had gone out and the could leave any dishes in the sink for her to wash later. Belle would make a great wife, Rey noted and smiled at her cuteness. Seriously, he would even write all over himself just to tell Belle she could read him all night because he was just that committed to pleasing his ladies. Shaking his head, Rey broke the fantasies that had begun to form in his head and read the rest of the note. She added that if they needed her, they could text her and to write down anything they needed as well. And almost as if she knew that Rey was about to send her a million of messages that consisted of Rey demanding for her attention, she added not to bombard her with them. Pouting, Rey grabbed the note, crushed it in his fist, and threw it away. Call him mischievous or evil, Rey wasn't about to let Simon see the note. No, the only man Belle took care of was him.

Before Rey could rummage through the fridge, his cell phone buzzed to announce someone had sent him a message. It was probably one of his many admirers wanting to know how he woke up and wishing him the best of luck. When he checked to see who it was, he was greeted to a text from Mikey asking if he wanted to go to Daisy's Diner and get something to eat. A smile reached his lips as his fingers began to pounce on the keys.

Sounds like a plan. It'll be your treat! I'll meet you there in around five minutes, okay?

Sending the message, Rey ran upstairs to get his jacket. Mikey was someone Rey could easily push around so it was actually easy for Rey to get along with him. Although the two didn't have the same kind of fun that Rey would have with people like Yzma and the others, he did have great moments with Mikey. After grabbing his jacket, Rey left the house and began making his way to the diner with a delicious breakfast in his head. He could practically smell the pancakes already and he had barely taken a few steps out the house.

Adam Biest

When Adam's numb senses reached him through his sleep, he woke up with a heavy sigh. He didn't move though and instead remained laying in his bed for a moment. His body was covered in a number of blankets and anyone who came into his room, though nobody would be so stupid to do so unless they want to be greeted by a very angry man, wouldn't think twice that the heap of blankets on the bed would contain someone. Yet there he was, in all that mess, hoping that he would fall back to a decent slumber. Yet the sleep had left him, it seemed, and Adam was forced to bring himself out of his bed because of it.

His room was a complete mess. There were cloths thrown across the floor, a few empty bottles of beer, and many more various objects that Adam couldn't even recognize. He put little mind to the things covering his floor though and kept moving past the trash to leave his room. His eyes glanced over to the direction where his other two roommates slept. Fortunately for him, neither of them were too loud or annoying. They didn't bother Adam and Adam didn't snap at them, simple as that.

He dragged his feet down the hallway until he entered the bathroom. He stripped out of the cloths he was wearing before turning on the water. He had slept with the same cloths he had worn last night, like usual. Once the water was to his liking, Adam stepped in and began to take the much needed shower to take out any sleep he still had left. His time on the island could be better described as him doing things on his own while now and then snapping at the others inhabitants. He always ate out, cooking was not his forte and the food in the fridge didn't appease his hunger. He would find himself eating alone at Daisy's Diner and in the same condition for lunch at either Chip N' Dale's Famous Burger or at Pluto's Pizza. Then he would either go to the Pier, by some sushi on the way, and read a book at the beach to spend the time. Then there was the gym where Adam could take out his anger freely or the theater to entertain himself. Aside from the library, those places were the main spots Adam would be at most of the time.

After finishing his shower, Adam stepped out and dried himself with a towel. As he wrapped the towel around his waist, his ears picked up the sound of footsteps. They were soft, almost undetectable if it wasn't for the silence in the house, and Adam guessed they could only belong to Merida. Adam stayed still for a moment. He sure as hell didn't want to run into her in the hallway with only a towel covering him up. Once he heard a door open and the sound of footsteps fade away, Adam deemed it safe and stepped out of the bath room and began making his way back to his bedroom. His eyes caught sight of the door that lead to Flynn's room opened and his eyebrows knitted together. It wasn't until his eyes caught sight of a flash of blonde hair that belonged to a girl who was scrambling off of Flynn's bed that Adam's mind registered it hadn't been Merida's footsteps. For a moment, Adam thought it was Rapunzel. He wouldn't be surprised if she got in the wrong house to be honest. Yet he quickly noticed right away that it was Aurora after she gave Flynn a stuttered apology.

Adam's body tensed up and his feet quickly moved him out of the hallway and into his room. That was great, just great. His day had just begin and now his head was going to be filled with the blonde all day. It wasn't that Adam harbored feelings for her, no that would be crazy. It was because she reminded him of the rose in his memory and the option that she could be someone in his past made him a complete mess. It was all that had been in Adam's head since he awoke in that stupid island. He wanted to go back home because he knew that he had been happy there. He remembered the feeling clearly and he desperately wanted it back. Sighing at his thoughts, Adam ran a hand through his wet hair as he went to find anything that wasn't dirty to wear before heading out to get breakfast.