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Kina Midori

Never follow the crowd

0 · 295 views · located in Disney School Of The Magicel

a character in “Disney's School of the Magical”, as played by Wild1


Kina Midori

Ki, Ki-Ki, Mid, midi, Kimori

Known As:




Disney Character:
Lilo Pelekai from Lilo & Stich

Kina has dark brown curly that falls past her shoulders and is always messy. To see Kina with well groomed hair would be a rare sight indeed. Kina has tan skin and a Lanky form. She stands at about 5'6 and ways around 122 pounds. Another notable thing about Kina's appearance is that she always wears bright colors. Even if she's going to a funeral Kina will stick a red rose into her ensemble. Finally, Kina has sea green eyes.

Kina likes to have fun and be herself, and she isn't about to let anyone change that. She's always dashing off into one adventure or another, and is usually in trouble. Part of what get's her in trouble is the fact that she has zero respect for authority. Kina could politely be called eccentric. She has lots of strange idiosyncrasies such as the fact that she's sixteen and believes in magic, that she still likes to play pretend, she prefers eating with her hands in stead of a fork, and she loves arts and crafts. Kina always tries to keep a happy face and tries to make friends wherever she goes. However, Kina comes off as really weird and is often outcasted because of it. But, once she's set her eye on something Kina never gives up. She's as stubborn as mule, and fairly brave.

-arts and crafts

-being disliked
-tight spaces
-Dark colors

Claustrophobic- fear of tight spaces
Autophobia- fear of loneliness or solitude

Kina tends to live in the moment, she's not one for planning ahead. But if she had to put her dreams into words she'd probably say she dreams of having an adventure. The kind of adventure that comes once in a lifetime, the kind of adventure that changes the world for the better, and that ends with love, happiness, and and lots of amazing memories. Beyond that Kina doesn't have much of a life plan (something which often keeps her dad up at night.)

Kina's mom died when she was little and since then it's just been her dad looking after her and her older sister. Kina went to public school and lived in a rundown three room apartment because it was all her dad could afford. Kina's older sister was always working hard in school so she could have a bright future, Kina was not. Kina's dad worried a lot about what would happen to her, she was getting bad grades, acting out, and didn't have any friends. Needless to say her dad jumped at the opportunity for her to have a scholarship to a school in disney. He hopes it can be a brand new start for her, Kina is just excited to be going to school in disney.

Average Post Length
2-3 paragraphs depending on the average post length for the rp.


So begins...

Kina Midori's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

Donni glanced at the old Mustang's clock and cursed. 15:01. He was supposed to be there a freaking hour ago. He pressed his foot down on the gas pedal as he zoomed towards the School. He was still surprised he had gone. I mean, a school for romance and airy-fairy characters? Not his style at all.

He parked the car in the parking lot, and was surprised to see almost no cars there. Where was everyone? As he walked into the Lobby, he looked up at the wall clock. 13:01. For god's sake, how many times had he told Chip and Dale to leave his car alone?! And he had been rushing for nothing. Now he would have to wait a whole hour for his roomate to arrive.

He had to admit, he was kind of nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be? You were meetig the supposedly love of your life. If it was the love of his life, then Donni wold probably regret coming here. He had kind of just come here to meet some hot girls, and possibly screw someone. Besides, he was - unfortunately - still a virgin, and that was definitely something he needed to change.

He glanced over at the woman behind the desk, a short middle aged woman with fair hair tied up in a bun and glasses. She looked kind though, and had green, twinkly eyes. "What's your name?" she asked him, giving him a small smile. "Uh, Donald. Donald Dawkson," he mumbled awkwardly. The woman looked down at the computer screen. "Aha, Dawkson, Donald, in Room 506. You have the key, right? They mailed it in the letter, I think." Donni held up the card in response.
"Perfect. Fifth Floor, Room 6. You can use the elevator there."
Donni nodded and walked towards the elevator, pulling his suitcase behind him. He had only brought one, but figured it should do him anyway.

Donni subconsciously rubbed his arm where his tattoo was, even though it was covered from his hoodie, it was a habit. He placed his bag beside one of the beds and lay down on it with a sigh. He wondered what to do for a whole hour while he aited to see his room-mate. What was her name again? He scramled in his suitcase until he found the crumpled up slip of paper at the bottom of it. Ava Bellmore. He better remember that. He knew from experience that girls hated it when you forgot their names.

Peter Potts

Peter lugged his two suitcases up the stairs and finally reached the top, at 13:45 exactly. Just then, he noticed the elevator. What the fuck? Couldn't that seemingly nice desk clerk have told him before he walked up five flights of stairs?!

He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked into his room, labeled 509. He slipped the card in the slot, and when the light flashed green, he walked in. He dumped his suitcases on a bed immediately, before walking into the bathroom and washing his face. He sniffed his armpits, then decided to change his shirt for his hollister top, and slipped a hoodie and a beano hat on after, but not before putting on deodorant. Happy with himself, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coke can from the fridge, popping it open. 13:51. God, he was impatient.

(Hello! :L You can now post about your character arriving and entering their rooms and stuff, and meeting their roomates. Everyone got their key in the letter, which you can find in the intro. You can also find your roommates here as well. I will probably post pictures of some of the school soon, though posiibly not tonight, because it's late.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori
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#, as written by Wild1
Kina Midori

In truth, walking probably hadn’t been a good idea. Kina lived about six miles away, and when she’d started walking about two hours ago it had seemed like a fun and active idea to walk to her new school. Kina figured she might as well start an adventure with and adventure. But, her suitcase was heavy and it was really hot out. Naturally the idea worked out perfectly.

Not. Kina was late and sweaty, her hair was a frizzy mess, and some of the blue ice cream she’d stopped to buy had dripped onto her bright orange shirt. Ah, well, if this guy she was about to meet was supposed to be her soul mate he’d have to learn to deal with her being messy. She smiled at the thought of the poor guy who going to be stuck with her.

Kina glanced at her watch, 14:10, well ten minutes late wasn’t too late… Kina walked into the reception office and smiled at the woman sitting behind the desk. She walked up to her smiling, “Hi! I’m Kina Midori, one of the new students here?”

The woman couldn’t help but smile when she looked up and saw Kina’s disheveled state. She replied with only the smallest bit of mockery, “Pleasure to meet such a well kempt girl… You have the room key right, it came in the envelope? Your room’s on the fifth floor. Have fun meeting the love of your life.” Kina couldn’t resist sticking her tongue out at the woman (which was blue from her ice cream) before she began to walk up the stairs.

The woman shouted out to her, “Sweetie, there’s an elevator!” Kina replied sarcastically, “I know, I happen to like walking.” She walked up to the second floor before hopping into the elevator.

While waiting to reach her floor Kina dug around in her bag until she found some perfume and deodorant. Quickly using some to mask the ‘sweaty girl who just walked six miles’ smell Kina put the toiletries away as the elevator door opened up.

Taking a deep breath she pulled out the keycard and inserted it into the slot. This was going to be the first time she met her supposed sole mate. It was a pretty weird thing to have hanging over her head. On the one hand, this was Disney and if magic came true anyplace it was here. On the other hand, well Kina had a certain knack for driving people away…

Kina looked down, the light should have turned green, but instead it was still red. She tried inserting her card in several more times before letting out a frustrated grunt and knocking hard on the door.

Kina shouted, “ Hey Peter, are you, uh, in there? It’s Kina, my key’s kinda’ , not working…” Kina grimaced; this was not how she’d hoped to start out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

"Hi, I'm Ava," Donni looked up to see a blonde girl standing next to the bed next to him. He quickly put the sheet at the bottom of his bag and stood up.Before he could reply, the girl continued. "And I'm guessing you are... Donald?" Donni gave a small smile. "Well, most people call me Donni," he responded, wincing slightly as he said most, as his slight lisp could be heard, but the wince was unnoticeable - well, to the unobservant. "But, y'know, you can call me Donald if you want," he blushed slightly and looked down at his shoes for a second. He felt so awkward.

"So, have you seen the place yet? Pretty sweet." He mentally gave himself a face-palm Of course she hadn't seen it yet. She had just arrived. He walked towards the kitchen, turning to her for a second. "I'm still not sure why I got into this school," he admitted as he turned to enter the kitchen.


Peter Potts

“ Hey Peter, are you, uh, in there? It’s Kina, my key’s kinda’ , not working…”
Peter stood up from where he had positioned himself on the sofa. Nice place, he thought as he jogged to the door. "Yeah, uh...coming!" he called to his locked-out room-mate. He quickly opened the door - obviously not needing a key to get himself out. He smiled at the brown, curly haired girl. "Uh, Kina, right? The room's over here," he grinned at her and went back into the room, holding the door open for the girl. "Pretty cool room, huh?"

He swiveled his gaze all around the room. One bed, he noted. That'll be awkward. He moved away from the pool, which was beside the door. "And, look, a pool, and-" he stopped himself from saying anymore before he embarrassed himself.

(Just to clear things up, the door leading to the garden in the picture of Room 509 is where they will enter from the hall.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori
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#, as written by Wild1
Kina Midori

"Uh, Kina, right? The room's over here," he grinned at her and went back into the room, holding the door open. Kina smiled at him and followed into the room. "Pretty cool room, huh?" Kina nodded and looked around the room, searching for a second bed, except there didn't seem to be one.. What on earth? She was going to school at disney. The same disney that waited till the end of the movie before the characters finally got to kiss. Yet, this disney school had her in a room, with a guy and and only one bed. Kina's eyes flitted over to the couch and she silently thanked sleeping space gods. She would just sleep on the couch.

Kina moved her gaze back to peter as he moved aside to show more of their new quarters,"And, look, a pool, and-" Peter stopped talking, but Kina didn't really notice because she had eyes only for the pool, "There's a pool! This is awesome! I mean, wow, our own pool! I wonder if there's mermaids in it, this is disney after all..." Kina stopped talking and her face reddened a little, "Sorry, got distracted by the pool..." She paused before trying to strike up a new conversation, "So, uh, are you excited?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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0.00 INK

Donni Dawkson

"Me to... I mean, who even knew there was a school at Disney World, of all places!"
Donni grinned in agreement. " old do the think we are? Well, I do enjoy Disney now and again - and it's gotta' be better than normal school...right?" he gave Ava a sheepish smile.
"Well, on the bright side, hopefully they tell us why we are here int he first place once everything starts up."
"Hopefully," Donni agreed with a nod. He looked around the kitchen, then walked towards the fridge. "Would you like anything? They have eough food to feed an elephant in here," he jokd as he examined the food.

Peter Potts

"There's a pool! This is awesome! I mean, wow, our own pool! I wonder if there's mermaids in it, this is disney after all..."
Peter grinned at the girl's enthusiasm. She seems okay, he thought. "Sorry, got distracted by the pool..." Kina said, a slight blush reaching her cheeks. She looks cute when she's embarrassed, he thought, then mentally shook his head to rid the thought. "So, uh, are you excited?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I suppose. I mean, it's gotta' be better than regular school, right? It's Disney, afterall. I've never actually been to a boarding school before so..." he trailed off. "Sorry...I tend to blab on a bit." He felt his cheeks go red. Heglancd at the bed, where his suitcase sat. "I'll take the couch," he mumbled, grabbing the bag from the bed and walking into the sitting room. Maybe he could ask the clerk at the front desk for an extra mattress, or even another bed. Who knew, maybe she would oblige. She seemed pretty nice, anyway.
