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Pixis Poletti

A talented street performer and devout follower of Agni.

0 · 343 views · located in Terra Magus

a character in “Divine Intervention: A Fantasy Adventure”, as played by Captain Awesome


[Sketch of his actual appearance WIP. In the mean-time, this is the closest look-alike.]

"Ladies and gentlemen, give our brave volunteer a hand!"


⌈Full Name⌋
Pixis Poletti






Ranged/Battle Mage

⌈Face Claim⌋
Rath (Look Again)

Reflected Image

⌈Height & Weight⌋
5'11, 162 lbs

⌈Hair Color⌋
Light Chestnut-Brown

⌈Eye Color⌋

⌈Distinguishable Features⌋
He likes to keep the right side of his head shaved.
There is a scar on his right hand and forearm from his early days of recklessly practicing magic without caution.


Pix has the ability to magically create and manipulate fire on a theatrical skill-level; able to swiftly maneuver it around, wrap himself in it, and even generate enough heat to bring it to an orange color, only once in his life managing the concentration needed to produce a white-hot flame. He is, however, limited on the amount of fire he can produce at a time, as it does put a gradual physical strain on the body. Fatigue can also be expected with each use, often requiring he take a quick nap between every other performance of his.

He also learned the ability to summon a spiritual familiar in the form of a fiery Ball Python that he affectionately named 'Tico'.

Being a user of fire magic, Pix found a home with the rugged nature of the matchlock-style arquebus. While he cannot manually fire his weapon by using magic to ignite the pan while concentrating on his aim, he can do so at short ranges and, though typically one would have to worry about their slow match being extinguished or when they should light one to get it ready, Pix needs not to worry about either, as he can easily keep his burning in the heat of combat without having to pay special attention to it and can simply light one in as little time as the amount it takes for him to remove the cord from storage and attach it to the mechanism.

During his performances, Pix sometimes utilizes gunpowder and slight of hand to spice things up and make his visuals more exciting. Using the same principle, he may use the substance as a means to make a quick burst of flame by scattering it and igniting it at the same time.

Finally, Pix has a knife he keeps for utility purposes, though it would have to be a special situation for him to need it.

⌈Other Equipment⌋
Pix, on top of a bag for his general supplies, has a small ammunition pouch, where he keeps a hefty supply of paper cartridges, slow matches (soaked in lye, and the finest sources of...sodium nitrate...), and a set of cleaning gear.

Inner Soul

⌈Habits Quirks⌋✩Expressive || Pix, being the performer he is, leaves a presence everywhere he walks. Everything, from the way he talks to his body language, may appear to any watchful observer as though it were somewhat exaggerated. His hands move around with his speech, his voice dynamically gets louder and softer at the drop of a hat, and his most commonly used expression has to be tilting his head over to his left.
✩Tico || He has often either traveled alone or with a different group of people from the last one. As a one-man show that makes the majority of its money off of festivals and parties, Pix has had to get used to travel by himself. As a result, he likes to summon Tico simply to keep him company and will let the creature move about on its own accord, though it typically stays on him and rarely lets Pix out of its sight.

♄Parties || Pix, as a natural performer, enjoys the night life and generally any kind of lively gathering. It provides him with multiple people to entertain with his crazy stories and party tricks.
♄Company || Ever since Pix left his mother to live and perform for his own show, he has had no permanent companions. Often times, those who can really appreciate the value of something are the ones who have gone without it for long periods of time. The same could be said about Pix and someone to regularly converse with.

✖Getting wet || Pixis is very much like a cat when it comes to water. He absolutely despises getting wet and will actively avoid water if he can. While he does bathe, he typically does so only every once in a while or when he gets dirty.
✖The Cold || Pix, ever since he was a young boy, has always been able to summon at least some amount of fire at will. He has hardly ever known life without his abilities and, as a result, despises the feeling of cold. There was always at least some measure of ability to use his powers for warmth. He can keep the temperature of his skin from dropping in chilly weather but requires the active use of his magic as the temperature drops to shivering lows (approximately 45°F being the temperature he will begin to use open flame).

✖The Dark || Just like with the cold, Pix hates the dark. Since as a child he quickly learned the ability to at least summon some measure of fire to light his way in the dark and, in all situations, must have some sort of light source around him or else he will begin to feel uncomfortable with his surroundings.
✖Spiritualistic Evil || Largely due to the culture of his upbringing, Pix is fairly wary of evil which may have an...unnatural perspective on things.

✓Charismatic || Pix is an honest soul with a good heart which longs for the company of others. While that alone does not exactly help his ability to charm others, his life as a performer has provided him with the experience needed to build him a captivating personality.
✓Versatile || He can hold his own in a multitude of situations. Give him a distant opponent and he'll ready his arquebus. Give him a close opponent and he'll use magic to combat the enemy. He also has the ability to deal with situations non-violently, using his charm to avoid harm or even trick his enemies or create a distraction by using his magic.

✖Pushy || Sometimes Pix can be a little aggressive toward people who prove stubborn to his social advances, leading to a confrontation.
✖Limited Magical Use|| As stated previously, Pix can only use so much magic before he becomes too fatigued and, even with rest to mentally recover, will begin to physically hurt as though recovering from a full-body workout.

⌛Pix is a very open individual, with little to hide. However, he would rather avoid bringing up the time he accidentally burned a childhood crush during his attempt at impressing her.
One cannot talk about Pix without mentioning his fiery personality. He is loud, but not necessarily in an obnoxious way. He is bold, but does not necessarily lack tact. Pix quite literally thrives off of his charisma, using it throughout his performances and when speaking to others. He has always had a certain sweetness about him when speaking to people but, with the advent of his career, he now has the bravado to push his charm well beyond its original potential. To him, the interest of people is an achievement to strive for and, if he can wow someone or make them smile-if he can just entertain them, he has accomplished his goal.


⌈Romantic Interest⌋
Pix has fallen in love once before but, due to the mobile nature of his lifestyle, has never had the luxury of being able to keep a steady relationship.

Pixis Poletti was born to a single mother who was part of a caravan of fire gypsies. He never met his father, as Pix was the product of a weekend relationship between his mother and a travelling merchant, but one of his favorite things in the world was hearing his mother tell him about the man; how charming he was, his big arms were, and how his determined eyes and chestnut hair matched Pix's own. It was such tales that his mother tucked him in bed with, before she lit a candle to accompany him while he slept.
His mother was everything to him. Of course, the others in their caravan helped raise him but his mother's strength of will was the rock upon which he was built and he always appreciated her for it. She taught him everything he knows about life-his and the lives of all creatures, the magic he uses and its relation to Agni, and being able to support himself in general while on the road. One way the people of Pix's caravan earned money was by utilizing fire magic to create performances which dazzled audiences wherever they traveled to and, while his mother was not among those who made their money in that way, he took a deep fascination in the act. To become such a master of performance was his dream and, under the guidance of his mother and one of the performers, he would see that dream realized.
Pix joined up with the other performers, working with them in their show. It felt great to be able to help people enjoy themselves. However, he felt something was missing. Life as a gypsy in a caravan was not enough. He wanted to go to as many different festivals and share a conversation as many walks of life as he could. He needed to get away and live life to his own accord for a while. So, with his mother's blessing, he set off in another direction, leaving the caravan and developing his own solo act, using a combination of magic, story telling, and even Tico to wow others across the land. Town by town, night by night, festival by festival, he makes his tip-fueled living and shares his company with anyone who will have him.
Now, five years after the period of deities fallen, Pix finds himself in a festival celebrating the birth of a new lunar goddess, performing in the center of packed grounds, unaware to just how much his life is about to change...

[ Other ⌋
  • While most groups of gypsies in the world worship Yonah, the goddess of nature, with Svend, the god of adventure as a close second, there are multiple groups of them that devote themselves to other deities. The people who worship the deities of fire are known as 'fire gypsies'.
  • Pixis is a follower of Agni, the current god of fire, and holds a deep appreciation for the being he worships.
  • Pix's mother made her living in the caravan as a spiritual guide and expert. People would seek guidance from her for a variety of things, from overall health and wellness, to learning about familiars, influencing the spirits of loved ones for the better, and even learn how to influence the spirits of the people they admired in hopes of helping them fall in love.
  • Tico is the spirit of a ball python, which belonged to another member of the caravan, that Pix grew attached to. While the animal was still alive, Pix would make frequent visits and feed him every week. Shortly after its passing, Pix's mother noticed the spirit of Tico constantly by the side of her grieving child and, believing that it would be the will of the snake to remain with its friend regardless, summoned Tico into his current fiery form before placing it on Pix as a gift, and teaching him to summon the spirit on his own as a familiar.

So begins...

Pixis Poletti's Story