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Division 372

Division 372


Division 372 serves as the training branch of P.H.O.E.N.I.X, which is an organisation that hires those with extraordinary abilities to protect the world's peaceful civilians from the forces of evil.

1,657 readers have visited Division 372 since Septemberism created it.



P.H.O.E.N.I.X is a superhero organization that was founded in 1978 by a group of seven people who were gifted with special abilities. They had started off as individuals who believed they could change the world for the better and protect the innocent. Eventually, fate brought them all together. They fought crime aside one another, as a team. Soon, they were recruited by the CIA and received special training. As the years went by, more and more beings who were unique and special turned up in the news. Some were in the streets, fighting crime, wanting to be superheros. Others were unstable, making headlines as a new threat to civilians. When the group of seven heroes started hearing about all these extraordinary beings, they left the CIA and tried to recruit them all.

Eventually, the number of recruits became too large for just the original seven to handle. With the support of the U.S. Government, they opened their first facility, where they continued to train each and every aspiring superhero. Calling themselves P.H.O.E.N.I.X, they quickly began to expand and take on missions all over the world, and soon, the universe. Now, with 386 divisions, all with different levels of skills and clearance, P.H.E.O.N.I.X is devoted to training the new generations of super heroes and preparing them for all types of fieldwork. Once training is completed, they become official agents and join different divisions, saving the world and keeping all innocent civilians from harm.

"My name is Walter Grimes, head of Division 372 of the worldly known P.H.O.E.N.I.X. Now that you're here, you are about to learn more about this organization then you ever imagined you would in your lives. Not just anyone is allowed inside these walls. Millions of people from around the world apply to P.H.O.E.N.I.X., and every year, less than two hundred are recruited. The next chapter of your lives begins here. You're all special beings with extraordinary abilities, who wish to help others and fight for justice in this universe. The agents of this organization vow to protect the innocent and do what is right.
I am delighted to inform you that you are just what we are looking for.
You are special, you are incredible. And you are in.
Welcome to Division 372: The Training Branch."

You may add any type of information as long as this is included at the beginning of your sheet.
Replace the brackets with your character’s information. Keep the information capitalized and the rest in lowercase. It is gender neutral and you can choose your character’s preferred pronouns at the end.

[CHARACTER NAME] is [AGE] and in their [1ST/2ND/3RD/4TH/5TH] year of training. They have the ability of [2 POWERS MAX]. Their preferred pronouns are [SHE/HER,HE/HIM,THEY/THEM].


JANE DOE is TWENTY and in their 3RD year of training. They have the ability of FLIGHT and INVISIBILITY. It is said that they resemble JANET DOE and their preferred pronouns are SHE/HER.

Training Years
P.H.O.E.N.I.X. trains its agents for five years. The youngest they take first years is eighteen and the oldest is twenty-one.

I'm not planning on putting a character limit, unless it gets to the point where there are too many characters and it is difficult keeping up. If you're not sure when you will be able to submit your character sheet, PM me or post on the OOC thread to reserve a spot.
Current reserves: (2 day limit)
Alexandra Shipp with the power of Superhuman Strength for Aporia

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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0.00 INK

It is four months into the training year. Every morning at eight, the trainees do their warm-ups and spar together. They're paired up randomly by their mentors. The purpose of this is so that the trainees get used to never having the same partners and they learn to put some variation into their fighting styles. It teaches them that everyone is different and they have to adapt every single time to defeat a new opponent. Once the clock hits ten, they're given a ten minute break and then separate by their year.

The trainees are again teamed up, this time with their own peers. Groups of four are given a training mission and then put against another group of four. Each team has a task that pits them against each other. They have to believe the other is the enemy. After successfully coming their training missions, the future agents of P.H.O.E.N.I.X. have a thirty minute break and go off to their classes. From CoveOps, Languages, and Computing, to Culture and Assimilation, Research and Development, and Countries of the World. By the end of their four years, the trainees are expected to able to survive anywhere in the world. Sometimes surviving means knowing the language and culture, not just throwing punches and using one's power. By five o'clock, the day is over for the trainees and they are free to study, continue practicing or have downtime.

You may all start roleplaying at the beginning of the day. Once you have your own conversations going, you can have the time pass at your own pace. You may have more than one conversation going but for the sake if it making sense, pretend they're not all at the same time unless there is a reason they are/have to be.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey
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0.00 INK

Quantum awareness they called it. Corvin had always been very aware of his surroundings but he'd never considered it a super power. It wasn't until he joined P.H.O.E.N.I.X and he was told it was classified as a class 2 power -- a rank higher than his portal creation, a class 3 -- that he realized it's significance.

He couldn't turn it off. The fly fluttering around the other side of the room, the bead of sweating running down a training partners neck, even the electrical impulses shooting through the wiring in the walls... He couldn't not notice these things.

It became stronger when he meditated and sleep was the strongest form of meditation. When he dreamed details of the things going on in the building -- in the city -- around him manifested in his mind. A lost child wandering the alleyways might come to him in his dream as cub weaving through towering forest cedars, trying to find it's den. A police car with wailing sirens might come to him as a knight riding a steed, shouting as loud as he could as he charged into battle. This night, however what he saw was Godzilla tearing through his city. Ripping buildings apart, and bellowing it's mighty roar. This vision yanked him out of his slumber.

He sat bolt upright. After the shock of the dream wore off he stretched the tightness from his arms. He checked the alarm clock right next to his bed. 7:30 AM. "Not enough time," he grumbled to himself, voice still a bit hoarse.

When he had bad dreams he liked to sneak out of the training facility and make sure the city was safe, covertly taking out any threats he might find, and then sneak back in before anyone noticed he was gone, but at the moment he had to get ready for training... or as he liked to call it "purification by fire"... and he was the fire.

He took a shower, brushed his teeth, threw on a fresh pair of clothes, and fussed with his hair for a few minutes. When he was done getting ready his eyebrows narrowed in concentration. A portal appeared in front of him. It was as if space in front of him ripped open to form a large circular window overlooking the training room, framed in a ring of bright light. Corvin stepped through it and the next instant his room was empty.


The sparring area was empty when he arrived. As usual he was the first there. He strolled over to the punching bag looking to get warmed up before the others arrived. He took a few bounces on his toes, warning the bag of the beating that was to come, and then started unloading quick hard shots.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Justice Lyons Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey
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0.00 INK

Font Color= Dark Slate Grey(#25383C)

Justice laid on his bed in the comforting darkness of his room. He really didn’t sleep much due to his relationship with the darkness. He feels things that others cannot. He hears things that shouldn’t make sounds. He sees things that others should never see. The darkness is the unknown, mortal men have no clue as to what lurks in the dark. Not to get confused with the night but there is a whole other world that is simply referred to as the Dark World. A place Justice has been to way too many times.

Suddenly, a small whisper that sounded as if a dozen child-like voices were speaking at once had broken the silence of the room,”Massster… we miss him… Busy Massster hasss been…” Impossibly, the room grew even darker. Imagine being in a cave system deep within the earth where you can’t even see your hand in front of your face. Now multiply that by a hundred. All senses, whether advanced or not, is lost in this Absolute Darkness. As if a person only dreamed in black and couldn’t do anything but breathe. Justice calmly looked to his right to see a pair of yellow eyes hovering about 2 feet off the ground. To the normal eye it would look like a small shadow but Justice could see much more. The best way to describe this creature was to say it looked like a small imp but it had more of a mist to its body. The creature didn’t seem to be solid but at the same time it was able to keep its shape.

Justice smiled,”Shade, you know you can call me Justice… But yes I have been busy. Sorry, I haven’t visited the World lately. Im just getting close to finally doing what I’ve been dreaming of!” For a split-second he thought of Faith and what he needed to do to protect her. As if the creature read Justice’s mind it spoke in it’s eerie voice,”Thisss one hasss been watching Masssster Faith… Good girl sssshe issss Misses you sssshe doesss….” The creature known as Shade slid its way up the bed and sat on top of Justices stomach. Luckily it really didn’t weigh much.

Justice started to scratch the back end of Shade’s ear like you would a dog. Shade made a sound that could maybe be described as a purr but also as an ominous growl. ”Thanks buddy, I don’t know where I’d be without ya!” Justice had said gratefully, ”I will visit the World tomorrow night and then maybe we can see Faith as well, sound good? Shade nodded with approval as the surround mist off its body seemed to be excited. This must have been equivalent to a dog wagging its tail. Justice continued,”Alright, Shade, its getting close to day time. Go ahead and watch my sister today and I’ll meet you back here when its time for lights out. Sound good?”

Shade hopped off of Justice’s stomach and plopped on the ground, it replied,”Yessss Massster Jussstice…” Then a circular vortex of dark energy appeared in the closet. Shade hovered/crawled into it looked back at Justice tried to smile and melted into the vortex. Justice laughed a little bit and lifted the Absolute Darkness from the room. He did that as a precaution to make sure his privacy stayed private. No form of technology or superpower could break the veil of darkness, keeping Justice’s secrets safe. His alarm clock started to glow again and it read β€œ0700” meaning it was time for Justice to start getting ready for the day.

Justice headed over to the shower room to get cleaned up. He took a quick shower then headed over to the sink to finish up. Once he was done Justice headed back to his room to finish changing. Knowing that he was going to be training he was sure to pick cloths that were loose and free flowing. He picked out some cobalt blue UnderArmour shorts and a black compression UnderArmour shirt to go with it. Once he finished Justice laced up his shoes and jogged over to the training room.

Corvin was already in the room working with a punching bag. Justice greeted him with a,"Hey bro!" Justice headed over to the padded area and started stretching up. Justice loves to workout and he knows that a person needs to stretch up before hitting anything too hard. His jog warmed him up so now he just needed to loosen his muscles. He sat down, tucked his left leg towards his torso while stretching out his right. Using his fingertips he reached out past his toes to start up a sitting hurdler's stretch. Then he started counting in his head so he could switch over.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: India Lewis
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0.00 INK

India's alarm clock went off at a little past seven thirty. The beeping noise filled the room until she rolled over, barely conscious and hit the snooze button. Five minutes later, the beeping started up again. India, having grown more than a little accustomed to her morning routine over the last few years hit the button again. The third time it rang though, India groggily sat up, properly turned it off, and glanced around the room. It was seven forty five, so she had roughly fifteen minutes to get ready.

She would probably use every second.

First India rushed through her morning routine. She quickly brushed her teeth, then devoured one of those weird breakfast bars. Clothing was next, and she tossed on the first t-shirt and first pair of sweats she could find that were clean, then hastily pulled on her sneakers. In between these tasks, she probably wasted a ton of time trying to motivate herself to get off the bed after she'd sat down for a five second break which had actually taken five minutes.

India was right on the wire now, there was less than three minutes for her to get to the training areas. It didn't quite matter though, because after India glanced around the room, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything, she teleported out.

India looked around the training hall, satisifed by her accuracy. Her first day, she'd ended up in the cafeteria instead of the training area. That was a fun run. Shaking off those negative thoughts though, she headed off to get started. Sure, she was possibly the last one there, but her sleep had been worth it.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Casey Visser
Character Portrait: India Lewis
Character Portrait: Justice Lyons
Character Portrait: Audrey Brookes
Character Portrait: Kyo Lulan
Character Portrait: Matthew McKinley
Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey


Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey
Corvin Dailey

"I'll neutralize the threat, you do the paperwork."

Character Portrait: Kyo Lulan
Kyo Lulan

Time is all I have left.

Character Portrait: Audrey Brookes
Audrey Brookes

"People aren't who they appear to be, unfortunately.."

Character Portrait: Justice Lyons
Justice Lyons

"Just put me in the field!"


Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey
Corvin Dailey

"I'll neutralize the threat, you do the paperwork."

Character Portrait: Audrey Brookes
Audrey Brookes

"People aren't who they appear to be, unfortunately.."

Character Portrait: Kyo Lulan
Kyo Lulan

Time is all I have left.

Character Portrait: Justice Lyons
Justice Lyons

"Just put me in the field!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Corvin Dailey
Corvin Dailey

"I'll neutralize the threat, you do the paperwork."

Character Portrait: Audrey Brookes
Audrey Brookes

"People aren't who they appear to be, unfortunately.."

Character Portrait: Justice Lyons
Justice Lyons

"Just put me in the field!"

Character Portrait: Kyo Lulan
Kyo Lulan

Time is all I have left.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Division 372: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Division 372

Re: Division 372

Um, is this still happening?

Re: Division 372

Is this too late to join?! Looks awesome! :D

Melissa Ray is nineteen and in their 1st year of training. They have the ability of astral manipulation, meaning that she has contact with and command over astral and spiritual beings and entities. Lissa therefore also has some power over life force, meaning she has limited means to heal and withdraw people from the brink of death. She is however limited and sometimes she cannot retrieve someone's astral counterpart from the spirit world. Astral manipulation is very trying on a physical person's body. Their preferred pronouns are she/her or they/them. (They/them is more reserved for when she is linked with an astral being.

FC: Devon Jade


Re: Division 372

I'm out of town till Wednesday night. So I won't be able to post till I get home. I'll be reading everyone's posts though and will catch up ASAP.

Let's do this!

Re: Division 372

I'm ready for it. Despite my CS having nothing... Whatever. xD

Re: Division 372

Hey everyone! I hope you're still checking this. I'm back. I would've have posted this rp yet if I knew I would be gone for almost an entire week. I'll make a setting post and you can all start roleplaying.

Re: Division 372

Hey, could I reserve FC Alexandra Shipp with the power of Superhuman Strength?

Re: Division 372

Hey everyone! So I didn't think I'd be busy in the last few days, I ended up going out and only checking in to accept characters. You all can start posting. I'll join you all on the weekend. If you have any questions, PM me. I get email notifications on my phone when someone ends me a PM so I can go on mobile and reply to you.

Re: Division 372

Just wanted yall to know that Justice is ready to go!
So... I'll just leave this here for yall to get excited...

Re: Division 372

I want in on this.

I'd like to reserve Corvin Dailey, with the powers of portal creation and quantum awareness.

He would have the ability to create portals to any place he's been before, and he's always aware of everything happening within a 100 foot radius of himself (more if he meditates).

Re: Division 372

Curious if anyone, and at the moment I am thinking possibly Jericho (Justice) would be interested in some kind of friendship - or whatever. That or depending on the character's personality there is the possibility they could just completely hate each other.

Having a hard time trying to guess who my character could have any relationships with a few don't have personalities.

Re: Division 372

Can i reserve FC: Ki Hong Lee with the powers of (Limited) Time Control.

He would have the ability to speed things in a small area around him up or down.

Re: Division 372

I will be making another character and I hope to start posting tomorrow. I know we only have a few people but I'm always glad to rp with a small or large group.

For now, does anyone want any sort of connection to Casey? I always prefer to start right in the middle of a relationship and figure the rest out later, go with the flow. If you like planning everything out, I can do that too. PM me if necessary.

Re: Division 372

RCJJ23 wrote:Actually, I don't think I will be participating in this RP. Sorry.

Sorry to hear. I'll remove you from the reserved list.

Re: Division 372

Actually, I don't think I will be participating in this RP. Sorry.

Re: Division 372

May i reserve a spot with the FC of Dylan O'Brien and with the powers of superhuman speed and electricity manipulation? Thankies. :)

Re: Division 372

RCJJ23 wrote:Hey, I'm interested in this. Could I reserve a spot, and may I ask if the power of Intangibility is going to be alright for use?

Yes, of course. Intangibility is fine.

Re: Division 372

Hey, I'm interested in this. Could I reserve a spot, and may I ask if the power of Intangibility is going to be alright for use?

Re: Division 372

Okay, cool! I'll start looking for a face claim now. ^^

Re: Division 372

Fear The Cat wrote:Hiya! I'd love to join this roleplay. Quick question before I do, though: do you prefer the face claims to be realistic or anime?

Realistic, please!

Re: Division 372

Hiya! I'd love to join this roleplay. Quick question before I do, though: do you prefer the face claims to be realistic or anime?