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In a post-apocalyptic world scientists have been experimenting on people to create a stronger soldier. The successful experiments become infused with the DNA of animals that have gone extinct or are nearly extinct. Now they are fighting back.

2,559 readers have visited DNAxis since TheUnnamedOne created it.


In the land of Varathia, humans waged countless wars upon each other. The result was the downfall of society and technology as the survivors holed themselves up waiting for fires to die down and the land to heal itself. After a few generations they came out of hiding and started over, building off the land and creating settlements over the country.


One of the settlements became a rather well known village named Serenity. It was known to be a peaceful and safe village, with an elite guard, a fair leader and a well educated doctor. Over time people have attempted to take over the growing village but each time they have been sent back to where they came from. But that wasn't the problem....


If humanity ever learned anything it was that they don't learn how to be peaceful. Despite the many wars that plagued the land, there was still several beings who wished to take over the steadily growing and newly developed world. One of these was named Tacrus. His plan was to create soldiers that were faster, stronger, and all around better. He did this by acquiring the DNA of extinct or nearly extinct animals. He was working on this for many years before he was satisfied with his result. And then his work began.

Gathering up children and teens ranging from the ages of 10 and 20, he ordered his scientists to prepare testing and experimentation. Most of the children died in the process or nearly directly afterwards. However, some of them were successfully infused with the DNA of animals. These children were name the Expri children- Experimental Soldier. And Tacrus had a specific plan for them...


Experimental Soldiers to be Enlisted under Tacrus

Experimental Soldiers are humans infused with the DNA of an animal that has gone extinct or is going extinct. Generally the humans chosen for experimentation are exceptional in certain ways. These can include special β€œgifts” (e.g. mind reading, future sight, mind control, healing, ect.) or a high immune system or high levels of strength, speed and/or stamina. The subjects chosen need to fit these specifications:
~Abandoned, orphaned, willing, or otherwise unable to decline the experimentation. Humans are experimented on only if no one will notice they are missing as the success rate currently is very low.
~A special skill or gift, or training.

Previous tests have shown that certain blood traits will force out the intruding DNA and the subject will self-terminate. It is yet unknown as to why this is or how to identify which blood traits cause this.

The objective is to create a new breed of soldier able to transform into animals, and thus lose all human limitations. These soldiers, when successfully mind wiped and trained, will be enlisted under Tacrus. As of this point in time only 4 experiments have been successfully mind wiped and trained.

There was an unfortunate accident at one of the labs resulting in a number of successfully infused humans to escape. Some of the humans had been mind wiped but none of them had yet to be enlisted. It appears that one of the humans was infused with lion DNA, and broke free of the scientists and freed several other experiments with him. This is the precise reason why lion DNA had been forbidden from being used. There are no records to show why it was used yet but teams are still looking.
The escaped experiments have yet to be found.

Three Stages of transformation:

Stage one – Appearance fully human, abilities slightly increased and hair and eye colour slightly unusual. It also appears that a mark forms on the subjects body, the mark varies but seems to be similar depending on Animal groups and species. The mark can appear anywhere on the body but has shown up on every single subject, even the ones who died during infusion. These are the only signs that they are different to normal human beings.

Stage two – Partial animal features depending on the DNA infused in the subject. Most common features to change are ears, eyes, facial region, hands/fingers, tails may appear, skin. In bird infused subjects the arms are completely replaced with wings. Physical, mental and inhuman abilities are increased by nearly triple. Limitations are severally decreased, emotions still fully present. Thought process shown to be fully human.

Stage Three – Subject is fully transformed into the infused animal. The subjects are shown to be substantially larger and stronger than a natural animal. Thought process to be simple and emotions nearly non-existent. Cannot seem to feel pain.

The subjects are dangerous; they are not yet shown to have any obedience except submission towards a larger animal of the same group.

Currently there is a blood infusion being created that will allow Tacrus absolute control over any and all Soldiers. However, this has not yet been tested and still possesses many flaws.


Here is a list of the currently known animals that people have been infused with, including the features that are changed when they are in the second stage of transformation and a small bit on what the general public think about these animals and how they will interact with the Expri:

~Panther: Only a couple Expris have been known to be infused with this DNA as big cats tend to be hard to control. In the second stage the Expri will have panther ears, claws, a tail, paws for feet and slitted eyes. Panthers became extinct during the last war and were viewed as beautiful and dangerous - something people wanted as a rug and not alive.

~Wolves: Fairly common DNA to be infused. In the second stage the Expri will have wolf ears, a wolf nose, paws for feet, fluffy tail and their hair will turn slightly to fur. Humans hunted wolves to extinction and so view wolves as dangerous vermin. They are terrified of any wolf Expri and tend to be quite aggressive.

~Shark: Scientists were unsure how this DNA would work with a human but so far subjects have shown to be alright. Sharks tend to be aggressive and have very sensitive mouths and tongues. In the second stage the Expri will have sharpened teeth, gills, fins for hands and feet, and greyish skin. As soon as a Shark expri begins the transformation, they MUST be in water or they will die. (Though apparently it doesn't need to be salt water)

~Birds: Another extremely common animal DNA to use when infusing. In the second stage the arms are completely replaced with wings, the feet are turned to claws and hair starts turning into feathers. People have no real opinion on birds.

~Lion: Only ONE Expri has been infused with this DNA (His name is Hail) as Lions are viewed as uncontrollable.

~Dragon: This DNA, though technically not an animal, was a new strand of DNA working off of a mix of a snake and lizard species. Only one person has been known to be infused with this DNA and was broken out of the lab and taken by the lion.

~Snakes: Another common animal DNA to be used. This is the only animal whose second stage has very little change. the eyes are slit and the tongue will become forked but thats about it. People view snakes as cruel and manipulative but this is not always the case. Still, people tend to be afraid of them.

~Bears: This is a rare DNA to be used, bears were hunted to extinction as they were dangerous and too hard to control. Of the few Expri who have this DNA one expirement took an unexpected turn. The experiment survived but missed the first two stages of Transformation and became permanently the form of a bear. The other Expris did not show this sort of result. In the second stage of transformation the Expris arms are covered in fur and gain claws and paw, the ears are changed to bear ears and fur starts to cover the body.


Character requirements:
Name: (you don't have to have a last name)
Age: (if Expri between 10-20)
Race: (Human or Expri- if Expri what animal)
Physical Description: (I accept pictures OR description, you choose which one or you can put both)
Strengths: (At least Three)
Weaknesses: (At least Three)
Likes: (As many as you want)
Dislikes: (As many as you want)
Brief History: (Optional but helpful)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Banzel Character Portrait: Palmira
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#, as written by chrono

Seeing the young snake on the ground smelling the fear coming from her she was scared of something either she couldnt control her powers or more likely she was rejecting what had been done to her on an emotional level something he knew well the memories of his early days and how he had at first rejected it all how this couldnt happen how this was a nightmare and he needed to wake up without the support of kai and hail he wouldnt have found the strength to go on! this was a guess he could either be right or be horribly wrong!

not touching her but close he dropped to one knee he spoke calm warm supporting voice you wish for the nightmare to end to be anywhere else but here your not a monster ,your something new they did something to you to make you this way but your not a beast, humans will fear you but you want to be one of them they cast you out call you names monster or worse but your not you are you always what they did is apart of you now embrace it for it is not going away but know you are not alone you have others here who know the pain and fear for they to experienced it we are your family now your friends your support we will not abandon you I will not abandon you !


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Banzel Character Portrait: Palmira
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Once Pal had voiced her distaste, and Sin had moved behind him Hail growled at the tiger. He was about to speak when Sin screamed and fell to the ground. He blinked before spinning and crouching to put an arm on her shoulders. She looked afraid, and in disbelief. How long had it been since they experimented on her? He didn't know... but surely it had been long enough that her body would've already gotten past the stage of trying to reject the DNA. Again before he could say anything to calm the girl Banzel had come closer to the girl and was speaking. Hail growled lowly again at him, his claws dancing to come out of his fingertips. Without meaning to his arm tightened around Sins shoulders.

"Banzel. Leave. Challenge me to a fight later but these two girls are under my protection and if you do anything more to make them uncomfortable, I will kill you." He turned to look at Sin and kept the growl out of his voice. "Can you walk...Sin?"


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Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Banzel Character Portrait: Palmira
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#, as written by chrono

Alright brother i'll leave for now our battle will be another day his appearance had changed claws ,fangs,and tiger markings appeared growling but if you dont keep your word or you hurt those girls or prey upon those humans who are not our enemy and I hear about it looking at a small tree near him with a flexing motion of his hand the trees trunk began to splinter and crack finally shattering the tree fell over nothing will stop me from ripping you apart !

turning fully into the tiger he moved off into the forest heading away from them he had other places to be he was going to check out around the facility something about that girl didnt sit right with him he was going to find some answers!


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Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Banzel Character Portrait: Palmira
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Her mouth tasted like blood. There was nothing she could do about it at this point. Sin was weeping on the ground--the pain was so intense and she had no choice now but to endure it. She had promised herself that she would not show any signs of weakness in front of the Expris that could potentially rip her to shreds, but now it was all but impossible. There she was in a ball on the ground, her bloodied hands covering her mouth as the fangs continued to extend into her oral cavity.

A hand on her shoulder now--was it that tiger? She already felt uncomfortable as it was with this guy around--first leaping out of the bushes with absolutely no clothing on, then immediately turning his attention on her! Scared and intimidated as she was of him at this point, she could do nothing as she picked up on him saying something to her. Sin did not understand what he was saying, but she did know that she did not need nor want to hear him prattle on about how he wanted to know more about her--

The hand on her shoulder squeezed tighter and another moan escaped between her fingers as a second voice--she could tell this one was Hail's--spoke up. Again, through her sobbing and whimpering, Sin could not quite make out what they were talking about, but soon the tiger Expri's voice was quiet, and then... silence. Nothing but the sound of her heartbeat pounding like a possessed drum against the inside of her head and her whimpering--if Hail wanted to kill her after all, this would be the time to do it.

"Can you walk... Sin?" Hail's voice was soft as a bit of pressure left her shoulder. Was that the lion's hand? Why did he care about her well-being so much, especially when he had seen how weak and useless she was? Her entire body was trembling still as another jolt of pain in her mouth forced another cry from her lips. Despite her hands muffling the sound, the pain that could be heard in each whimper was evident. Keeping one hand across her mouth, Sin used one shaky hand to try and push herself back up to her knees, but her muscles had turned to jelly and she found it near-impossible just to stabilize herself on the ground. Feeling absolutely helpless and tired and confused, Sin wiped her eyes with her bloody hands and spat on the ground, leaving a glistening red dot among the otherwise green undergrowth of the forest.

" hurtssssssssss..." the girl whispered, now gently rubbing her cheeks and leaving reddish-pink splotches against her pale skin. Her tongue flicked out of her mouth, covered in blood--the scent was making Sin nauseous again, moreso than even before. Her yellow eyes seemed to stare right through the lion Expri, as if she were in a daze. "...hurtsssssssss ssssssssso-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Another scream, this time louder than before as Sin opened her mouth wide and the blood-stained fangs finally seemed to settle into position. She left her mouth open, too sore and painful to move it at this time as her body began to tremble uncontrollably once more, this time much more noticeable than the last. Not even able to think of anything to say without the risk of impaling her tongue or jaw with these new fangs, she remained in slack-jawed shock, quiet sobs filling the air around them.

She didn't care at this point that she was displaying weakness in front of Hail or Palmira. She didn't care whether they thought of her as pathetic or useless. If that were the case, Hail or Palmira could easily put Sin out of her misery, but they didn't attempt to do anything. What Sin did care about, however, was the burning sensation in her chest; the piercing pain from inside her mouth; her trembling arms covered in purple scales that constantly reminded her of what she had become. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she attempted to pick herself up off the ground again; her strength was fading fast, the pain and fatigue in her body completely overtaking what little bit of energy she had left, and she collapsed in a heap on the ground once more, sobbing all the while.

" hurtsssssssss..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Banzel Character Portrait: Palmira
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At the sight of the fangs and scales Hail understood what was happening. She was transitioning into the second stage of transformation. It would be painful for her, especially the fangs. Hail grimaced as he remembered when he had transformed for the first time. Kai hadn't left his side when it happened, just as she hadn't left the tigers side. Dammit he didn't know what to do, Pal had already gone through all her transitioning when he broke her out of the lab she was in. Seera and Zac had endured their first time transforming away from him, as he had been out hunting both times it had happened. And Aura, well Aura was a freak. She had been the head scientists daughter and so had been given any number of painkillers for her transition. Lucky bitch. He frowned as she tried and failed to stand. Aura might be able to get something from the village, after all if it hurt Sin so much now, it would hurt a hell of a lot more when she moved into Stage 3 and back. He had made up his mind.

"Pal, please run quickly to the clearing where Aura is, I need her to quickly get me some painkillers from the village. Preferably strong ones. I will carry Sin to the meeting place since she can't seem to walk." Why was he bothering? This girl hadn't even agreed to work for him so why had he fed her and now planned to carry her? He didn't know but Hail decided to leave his stupid questions for later. Giving a sigh he reached over to pick up the sobbing girl as gently as he could. He had one arm under her knees and the other one underneath her upper back. He wouldn't be able to walk as fast as he would like but it would have to do. With that he set off to find Aura.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Banzel
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#, as written by chrono

The tiger had backtracked to the area outside the facility having picked up a trail the scents coming from it were strange he smelled a heavy scent of bear and a few others wolf maybe and what was that a scent he picked up only a moment Kai moving down that trail he was following it was heading toward the direction the village he found a spot where it looked like a brawl had happened he was picking up the bears scent quite heavily here still moving on thinking about how alone he could move at a much quicker pace than if he was in a group how he was always alone it was better this way humans they feared him ,the scientists just saw him as a weapon ,to hail a challenger and rival , and kai he was out cast he was nearing the village now he was quite hungry and it was late he could hear the villagers moving about young teenagers having fun they had no idea that he was so close moving through them nearing the village he had some clothes stored around here ah there they were hidden moving closer they were in good shape and the weather hadnt damaged them slowly changing back his body felt tired he had pushed himself hard but eat soon enough he heard talk some of the villagers were talking about how a large creature had killed some kids and and how the bodies had been found Hail his tiger markings were peeking through calming himself the scents and sounds of the village felt rather strange after so long he would deal with the lion while all this had happened before his threat of crushing him he still would take the lion on this was something you just dont do these were not their enemies they didnt hurt them they are not the ones who turned them into monsters Hail had blood thirst the Tiger knew well what it did he never would forget what had happened during the escape the lion had killed a lot of the scientists but whats worse he reveled in it their torture he had to talk to kai she was here he would see her soon enough that he had no doubt about he hadnt been to the village in a while always in the wood was where he felt most at home now !


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Palmira
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Palmira had been stood watching, leant against the tree with her hand across her stomach again, seeming distinctly unimpressed by the whole thing. She'd kept her opinions to herself however, staying quiet, until Hail had told her to go to find Aura to get some painkillers.

That seemed to hit something of a raw nerve with the dragon expri, particularly as she had been doing her best to put on a brave face against the burning in her abdomen. She snarled.

"Painkillers?!" she snapped.
"Do you happen to see any sort of irony here? You never seem to give a damn about whether I'm in pain or not! Do you think I should make more fuss about it next time maybe? No Hail, no. I'm not running errands and playing nurse like this is some kind of medical emergency because someone has a toothache and can't man up about it. Not when you happily ignore everything I tolerate."


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He sighed and turned back to face the Dragon. She had a point but Hail was at a total loss for what to do. He had smelled the pain nearly constantly, but if he had a feeling if he ordered her to do something about it she would just snap and try to bite his head off. Then again, maybe she would appreciate it if he took better care of her, of all of them. Not for the first time Hail wondered how Kai would solve this, how would she handle a cranky Expri and a girl going into the transformation for the first time? Maybe if Pal was with Kai this sort of discussion wouldn't even have come up. The panther just seemed to be able to take care of people, something Hail had never been able to do. He was completely powerless at taking care of the ones around him. He growled and bit his lip before sighing and turning his weary gaze back onto Pal.

"Look... I.... am not sure how to fix this. I admit, whenever you are in pain I don't know what you want me to do and so I do nothing. I don't know whether you prefer painkillers or simply having a target to kill in order to relieve some stress. I don't know what you want, I don't know how to fix these problems. But with this," he nodded at the girl in his arms. "I do know...somewhat, what to do. I do know that the first time you transform it's like your entire body is erupted with pain and it appears as if this is what is happening. I thought that if Aura could get something for her, it would go faster and smoother. But I'm sorry for expecting you to assist me with her. It isn't your responsibility. Will it please you if I simply forget the painkillers and contact Seera to come get her?" Seera always seemed to hear when Hail called her, the falcon had an eery knack for it. Surely Seera and Zac would know what to do to help Sin and hopefully with some distance between Pal and the snake would ease the aggravated dragon Expri.


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Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge
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#, as written by Jynxii

After watching Koda for a while, Amara heard her stomach growl a little. A bowl of fruit and meat lay on the floor for Koda, and on the door was a note. ' Dear little one, if you are hungry feel free to help yourself to food in the kitchen. Turn left out of your room, go down three doors, take the stair case on your right, then it's two doors on the left.' Just the thought of food made her stomach mumble a little louder, demanding to be fed. It has been a while since I ate anything.. she thought to herself. "I'll be back, Koda. I'm going to get something to eat..." She slipped out of the room, and closed the door behind her. The hallway was longer than she expected. Gingerly, she began to walk through the house, nervously toying with her still damp hair.

Now let's see... take a left out of the room.. was it two doors? Or three? Stairs? She stopped in the middle of the hall. She had been so excited to eat that she didn't think to really pay that close of attention to the letter on her door. Looking around, she spotted a door just ahead of her. Biting her lower lip, she decided to try it. Maybe this led to the stairs? Cautiously she knocked and then slowly opened the door. It wasn't the staircase.

Redge was a sleep on his bed. "Oh, I'm sorry, Redge," she whispered. She blushed a little and took her hand off the door knob. Redge's room looked a lot like hers. The same small bed, dresser, and window, only Amara had a huge sliding door attached to the courtyard and Redge didn't. I guess the door was more for Koda than for me.. she thought to herself. Koda. She had left him alone in the room. Glancing over her shoulder she hoped that the room would still be in one piece when she got back to it. Seeing as the panther was asleep, she gently closed the door to his room and proceeded to try and find the kitchen.

When she did, she fixed herself some soup. Once she was finished she noticed a brown bag with a strap on it. Thinking of her idea, and of Koda, made her stomach twist. But she didn't belong here. She took the bag and filled it with some cans of soup, rice, beef jerky, and a jug of water. It was heavier now, of course, but the bear in her said it weighed nothing. She made her way back to her room, quiet as a mouse. She wasn't stealing. The female panther had said to make herself at home.

She found the dresser in her room, being careful not to wake Koda, and slowly began to slip the multiple changes of clothes into the bag. Luckily, most of it fit. She took the blanket from the bed and rolled it up, tucking it under her arm. She recalled matches and a candle in the bathroom, so she went and added them to her loot. She gently closed the sliding door that she had left open earlier behind her after one last sad look at Koda. She just couldn't stay here. It wasn't the place for her. With a heavy heart, she took off at a light sprint. Sure, she was still tired, but the soup had restored some of her strength.

She ran and ran until she was far, very far, from the village lights.


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Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Palmira
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The pain was overwhelming. Sin had no idea what was happening anymore, but it hurt too much for her own comfort. She could no longer articulate anything that she wanted to say, but that did not matter--all she would do anyway is cry softly and moan over and over again. It would do nothing to dull her pain, but at least it would have given her a slight sense of relief.

Her entire body was trembling as she felt herself being lifted off of the ground. Was Hail... carrying her? Despite the pain coursing through her body, she started wondering why this expri cared so much about her well-being. Was he genuinely concerned? Probably not--he seemed too aloof for that sort of thing, especially compared to his attention with Palmira. Could he be in love? Again, probably not--what was the possibility that he would have cared that much about her in the short span of time he had known her? Besides, who would ever care about a freak like her that much anyway? She would not have been able to survive without his assistance, but she never deserved it in the first place--

...was he attempting to recruit her for his plans? Hail had mentioned something about doing a few "favors" for him at some point in the future... Would he require her to kill someone for him? Multiple people? Swear an oath of undying loyalty? Rub his feet every night before bed? Perhaps this work would be demeaning or... bloody--she flicked her tongue out of her mouth in her pain and the stench of blood was overpowering as it was before--but whatever she had to do for the lion would have to be better than sitting in a cell all day, waiting for a plate of meat and dreading what they might need her to do for them...

She could hear them talking over the pounding in her head. There was no real way to discern what they were talking about in particularβ€”Sin knew that it was because of her that they were talking, but she did not need nor want to be that extra weight if she did not have to be. She wanted to speak up and tell them to just leave her alone, that she wasn’t worth the time or effort, that no one should be acting this protective of the freak that she was becoming--

Another burning sensation of pain in her mouth as the fangs pushed through ever so slightly through the gums. Sin could not help but cry out as something began to burn in her sinuses, a sensation that she had never felt before this moment. Her face felt as if it were on fire, crackling and burning and taking on a dry, cracked texture. Her eyes darted around the area, glancing from tree to tree and watching the shadows grow longer with every second. Her gaze was growing lower and lowerβ€”

A crack in her back, followed by another and another. Suddenly she felt limp, bending over Hail’s arm much farther than she thought possible. Sin was now looking straight at the ground, taken aback by the sudden change of scenery. She gasped and watched as a bit of blood dripped from her tongue, falling to the ground and covering a small flower with red splatters of color.

At first, she could not hear it over the pounding in her head and the soft whimpering escaping her mouth, but she saw it with her own eyes: the flower was wilting, curling its petals andβ€”were those holes forming in the flower!? Was her blood… burning through!? Another quiet moan as she felt a tear welling up in her eye; so many emotions flooding her system at this point, but by far the most predominant were fear and confusion.

What’s… Who… Why me…?


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Palmira gritted her teeth, showing her rather pointed canines, both top and bottom. She was clearly not appeased by what had been said.

"And now you're looking at me like I'm just doing this to be awkward! You don't seem to even understand WHY I'm upset, do you? I don't have some sort of unreasonable vendetta against this person, I am apathetic at BEST. I don't really care either way. It's the unfairness I'm having trouble with.

I wouldn't mind if you were an unfeeling bastard. I wouldn't mind if you were obnoxiously overbearing about people's problems...but you seem to think that for some reason my pain is a completely trivial matter compared to hers, and that not only is it fine to ignore what I go through, but that I should be ignoring it too and putting my energy into helping princess over here! And if I don't, it's because I'm some sort of vicious psycho!

Well no Hail, I am not helping with this. Why should I be making sure people I don't even like are somehow elevated over me? I am going to give you an accurate impression of how it feels by not doing anything!" Palmira snapped, walking over to the nearest tree and dropping into a sitting position, her arms folded and form bent forwards.


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#, as written by chrono

arriving at the one place in the village where he could find others like himself kai would have brought them here the rumors around the village were many he would have to be careful his ability to control his transformation wasnt that good it tended to be triggered by his emotions when they ran out of control he could smell the strong scents of wolf and bear in the air !

lets just hope they remembered him the long leather coat and pants still fit quite well !

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kai
Character Portrait: Koda
Character Portrait: Hail
Character Portrait: Palmira
Character Portrait: Sin
Character Portrait: Redge
Character Portrait: Connor
Character Portrait: Amara Stark
Character Portrait: Banzel


Character Portrait: Banzel

Lion or Tiger which do you think is better!

Character Portrait: Amara Stark
Amara Stark

"Please... let me help you!"

Character Portrait: Redge

"Well look on the bright side..."

Character Portrait: Sin

"Even assssss an outcassssst, I had a home... Now what do I have?"

Character Portrait: Palmira

"It burns.."

Character Portrait: Hail

"I'll make every one of those bastards pay!"

Character Portrait: Koda

Born a broken man, turned a horrific beast.

Character Portrait: Kai

"No use crying over things we can't change."


Character Portrait: Redge

"Well look on the bright side..."

Character Portrait: Sin

"Even assssss an outcassssst, I had a home... Now what do I have?"

Character Portrait: Kai

"No use crying over things we can't change."

Character Portrait: Palmira

"It burns.."

Character Portrait: Banzel

Lion or Tiger which do you think is better!

Character Portrait: Koda

Born a broken man, turned a horrific beast.

Character Portrait: Amara Stark
Amara Stark

"Please... let me help you!"

Character Portrait: Hail

"I'll make every one of those bastards pay!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kai

"No use crying over things we can't change."

Character Portrait: Amara Stark
Amara Stark

"Please... let me help you!"

Character Portrait: Hail

"I'll make every one of those bastards pay!"

Character Portrait: Sin

"Even assssss an outcassssst, I had a home... Now what do I have?"

Character Portrait: Koda

Born a broken man, turned a horrific beast.

Character Portrait: Banzel

Lion or Tiger which do you think is better!

Character Portrait: Redge

"Well look on the bright side..."

Character Portrait: Palmira

"It burns.."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » DNAxis: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in DNAxis

Re: DNAxis

Uuuuhm....if there's anyone still here, sorry for my temporary disappearance. I've been dealing with lawyers and custody stuff and hospital trips and haven't had the time or energy to do much on this site >_< I'm back now though if anyone is still willing to rp. Again, sorry!


Re: DNAxis

So due to the fact that no one around my character ever posts, I'm going to go ahead and leave this rp. I have had Amara run off in the middle of the night. As I said, I'm leaving the rp so please don't have anyone try to interact with her. I've waited days for someone to post, and it just never happened. I only allow myself to do so many rps at a time so that I can give a lot of focus to each one. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I'm really contributing to this rp anymore. I wish you all the best, and I hope the four people that randomly vanished on you come back at some point.

Re: DNAxis

May I just say... I love Pal. <3 LOL

Re: DNAxis

Will have a post up soon guys... Sorry for the delay

Re: DNAxis

its from personal exp animals can smell when another is afraid your character was in fear of something and since my character has known hail a long time as to how long they have been out I dont know really on the amount of time on that but if it has been awhile then he would have seen other cases as well as what he has gone through himself banzel would know the signs which is why I wrote such a broad range of things one of them had to have hit the mark on what she was thinking about. if I wrote more than one that it the mark than it just means I have a certain animal empathy nothing more but if thats too close for you at this point in time I can rewrite part of my post.

Re: DNAxis

Also, Chrono, with regards to your latest post... Can Banzel read minds? If not, how the hell does he know what's going on inside her mind after only knowing of her existence for about thirty seconds?

Re: DNAxis

How about if both Vit and I post? Does that help too? :v

Re: DNAxis

I'm gonna wait to post for Kai until some of the others post, and Hail will wait for a response from Sin and/or Pal guys.

Re: DNAxis

no prob I was already thinking on that still weak against elemental powers as for the control level if there is enough he can form basic things with it like if there is enough fire around him well there is a fireball think pyro second xmen film he got better control in the third film and that level is beyond my characters skill as for why there is another big cat lion vs tiger tiger is more solitary than a lion so they though easier to control ! weapon against a weapon if lion ever went out of their control !

Re: DNAxis

Chrono: Could you please add one more weakness to your character? I know one of your weaknesses is pretty big so I'm counting that as 2 points, but you have three strengths and one strength that would count for two since you said it's very strong. So just to even it up and not have your character OP just add one more please. Like maybe he could be afraid of closed spaces or maybe his bones are incredibly easy to break. Also I'm going to allow him to be a tiger but I'll put in a reason on the main page why they allowed it. The scientists don't usually like using cat DNA larger than a panther because they are just too hard to control so I'm gonna need to think up a reason they allowed it. I'm not too keen on allowing the control over nature but I will allow it for now, just don't go power crazy lol. Other than that, nice job and welcome. :)

Wolflover: Wow those pictures are BIG O_O

glmstr: .....were you still interested in joining? I was rather intrigued on finding out how you would work a bug one :P

OTHER THAN THAT: Nice job guys ^_^ Hail, Pal and Sin will be meeting up with Aura soon and Kai will be checking in on the other Expri once they all get to the house :P

Re: DNAxis

to those who dont know me just wanted to say hello!

Re: DNAxis

Special thanks to Mattie for collaborating with me for my most recent post. <3 ^_^

Re: DNAxis

...still waiting on a post from Unnamed or Vit so I can post something...

Re: DNAxis

I haven't been posting with Connor, but for now, just assume she's sticking with Koda and Amara.

Re: DNAxis

Hahaha sorry I've been caught up with my baby and posting slowly :P I'll have a post up with Hail shortly guys ^_^ Though Kai and the others are waiting on Koda :P

Re: DNAxis

I'm actually waiting on either Unnamed or VitHeart to post... Hopefully they can get something up sometime relatively soon... :/

Re: DNAxis

Is everyone waiting on me...? >_>

Re: DNAxis

Hey everyone! Just to clarify, in case I wasn't clear or maybe worded it weird: Amara isn't dead, or dying lol. She has simply over-worked herself, causing a nose bleed and then she passed out (or fainted). She's perfectly fine.

She does not take on the wounds of her person she is healing, or their pain. She remains completely fine. She's just over-done it, and passed out from her strength/power being drained too much in such a short amount of time.

Just wanted to clear that up, in case anyone was confused (:

If anyone has any questions about her powers, or anything feel free to PM me! ^-^

Re: DNAxis

Kai: Deers make goat sounds. Oddly enough o-o. Thy make a strange BWAAAHHHHH kinda sound.

Re: DNAxis

Hey guys! Dont poke holes in my post! I made that post in like, less than 20 mins. I havnt had a chance to read the rest of the posts from other peeps yet because of school/LoL stuffz. Don't worry, I wont let it happen again.

PS: Instead of making a new character, I'm going to have Koda get pissed off at points :DD And yall have to calm him down n stuffz.