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Paige Evelyn Byrne

Doll: Angel

0 · 392 views · located in The Boston Branch

a character in “DollHouse: The Awakening”, as played by create_something



Name: Paige Evelyn Byrne

Physical Description: She is of average height, standing about 5'4". Slender but curvaceous with shoulder length blonde hair that is gentle balance between curly and wavy. When Paige was still Paige, and not Angel, she dressed in an plain way, not trying to stick out, but appropriately appearing easy on the eyes.

Age: 27

Alias: Angel

Personality: Paige is a caring and lovable person, willing to help any who will accept it. Generally she is a soft person who always tries to look toward the positive in others and situations. Though she tries to avoid confrontation, she will push back when pushed.

History: Paige was living in Dorchester, MA with her best friend Johanna, who she considered to be her sister born of other parents. They were two peas in a pod and practically did everything together. Paige was living as a starving artists, working in art galleries installing the work of other great artists. It was during one of these art shows that Johanna met 'the love of her life', Dustin. Dustin and Paige, however, never quite got along. He was a liar, Johanna just couldn't see it, but Paige could clearly see the monster he was trying to disguise.

Johanna started coming home with bruises and Paige pleaded with her to leave him behind, but he was the love of her life and Johanna often blamed herself for pushing him to far. It wasn't until Dustin brought Johanna home with a broken arm, Paige nearly lost her mind with the anger she felt towards him. Screaming ensued which elevated to Paige attempting to phone in the police. It was almost as if a switch flipped in Dustin's head and beast within emerged. He began to beat on Paige, beating her near death, and then turned to Johanna who was trying to protect her best friend. He saw her death to its completion.

Paige was given two bits of terrible news the horrific morning after, laying in a hospital bed. Though she opened her eyes, her world was still clad in darkness. The nurses had to restrain her in her panic. Paige was blind, though there was no physical evidence to attribute as to why. The Doctors had no explanation, she only suffered a concussion. Psychiatric offered a different theory, Paige was suffering from hysterical blindness, a physical manifestation of the grief of the loss of her best friend and the horrific way in which she died. As long as Paige avoided facing the horrors of that night, her sight will remain void.

Three years toddled by and Paige tried to get on with her new way of life, with the aide of alcohol. It was when she was at her lowest that the DollHouse found her and offered her a deal she couldn't refuse: She offers her body to the corporation as a doll for five years. When her term is served she will be paid handsomely, the memory of that night expunged and her blindness cured. She will awaken as if the five years flew by in the blink of an eye.

Paige graciously accepted, little did she know the world she knew would never the same.

So begins...

Paige Evelyn Byrne's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Beverly Cohen Character Portrait: Paige Evelyn Byrne Character Portrait: Mike Shadderson Character Portrait: Megan Stone Character Portrait: Damien Voclain
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Natasha pulled her Rose Royce up to the traffic gate, the attendant sleeping as usual in his nice warm booth. Its a shame, to think this low life is being paid to sleep, especially knowing Ms. Cohen arrives at this time, precisely 5:00 every morning. And as every other morning since she took this position she greeted the attendant with a startling and long honk of the horn, snickering as the attendant practically jumped out his skin. With a satisfied smile, Natasha swipes her key card and enters the garage, the slick black vehicle drives down the spiral path, passing the paying patrons of the garage. The ride must seem like forever to those who don't make the trip every day.

Finally reaching the bottom layer, the head of the DollHouse parks her car in her marked spot and swipes her key card again to gain access to the elevator. Once inside, a thumbprint to activate the elevator code acceptance, followed by the proper sequence in floors, 1124387. "Good morning Ms. Cohen." The soothing robotic voice of the elevator sounds through the small speakers and the quick decent to the DollHouse begins.

The dolls were right on schedule, beginning their morning session of Tai Chi, a nod in approval at thier instructor was as far of a good morning as anything in Natasha's case. Though the DollHouse wasn't as large as one would expect, it was as well equipped as a top notch spa, peaceful and efficient with circular rooms for a more welcoming feel.

A quick glance into the empty exam room reminded her of today's biggest decision, what to do to replace Dr. Johnson. Is the hassle of finding a new Doctor really worth it, or would it be more in the House's interest to simply create a Doctor with one of the lesser requested Actives?

First to attend to the more immediate tasks, a scheduled engagement. Joshua Fox, a well off gentleman from Texas has been in Boston for the past two weeks on business and would like to play out the fantasy of being with Thelma and Louise. His background check yielded squeaky clean results, and the rules of the engagment were made clear. Under no condition were dolls to come under any harm and under no condition were they to leave the state. Ms. Cohen entered the imprinting room and took a gander at the state of it. "Okay, Mr. Shadderson. Did you have the personalities created with the character specifics? Mr. Fox requested Angel and Belle, this is only to be a one time engagement. When you are ready please page Mr. Voclain. And do hurry, we are on a time restraint, they are to be filling up at the gas station just before the Cape Cod exit at nine this morning."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Beverly Cohen Character Portrait: Paige Evelyn Byrne Character Portrait: Mike Shadderson Character Portrait: Damien Voclain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kexia
Damien was hanging out in what had unofficially become the handler's break room. From that room, they could watch the actives as they moved about, exercising or doing… whatever else it was they did in the early morning. As always, Damien's eyes followed Angel's movements. He was overprotective of her, always looking to see that she was healthy, always looking for any sign of distress. She looked perfectly content this morning. He felt the pager at his waist vibrate and looked down. His gaze came back up just in time to see both Angel and Belle being ushered away from the group so they could get ready for their "treatments."

It looked like it was showtime. Damien turned away from the window and headed out of the room toward Mike's office. Of course, he would need to be briefed on what the situation was before he took Angel out for her job. He wondered what it would be this time. The ex-policemen made his way up the stairs to the brainiac's office. In his younger days, he might have considered taking the steps two at a time. But these days, his knee just didn't work that way anymore.

He opened the door and stepped into the office, ducking his head a little as he greeted Natasha and Mike. "Morning," he said, hanging his thumb off the corner of his pocket. "What've we got today?"