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Galen Tolland

I decide my own fate.

0 · 556 views · located in Thedas | Ferelden

a character in “Dragon Age: The Dragon's Ballad”, as played by kexia


❝There is no Qun. There is no Maker. There is only me and my blade. I decide my own fate.❞
Dropkick Murphys | Devil’s Brigade

| Name |

| Nickname |

| Gender |

| Age |

| Sexuality |

| Race |

| Status |

| Eye Color |
Dark brown - almost black

| Hair Color |
Dark Brown

| Height |

| Weight |
160 lbs

| Skin Tone |

| Distinct Markings |
Galen has tribal tattoos on each side of his head. On his back is a huge dragon tattoo. Part of its head and flaming nostrils can be seen at the back of his neck. The wings of the dragon spill across his shoulders and rib cage, and the tail dips down toward the side of his left thigh.

He is also covered in various battle scars here and there, the worst of them being one deep scar down the left side of his face, just barely missing the corner of his eye, and a fairly fresh scar on the back of his right thigh where a spear went through the muscle during battle.

| Physical Description |
Galen has an intimidating appearance. His hair is shaved into a closely-cropped mohawk at all times. He almost always has somewhat of a scowl on his face, features permanently formed into a fierce look with his brows drawn and lips curved into the slightest frown. His armor is key to creating his intimidating look. Nearly his entire body is covered by his armor and it makes him appear even larger than he really is. Without the armor, he is on the thinner side, but muscular.

| Weapon(s) |
Galen fights with a polearm that was given him by his father called a bardiche. The blade itself is attached to a staff and is about two feet long. He slashes it through the air with deadly grace. At the other end of the staff is a smaller, curved blade.

| Potential Interest |

| Family |
Father: Goren | 71 | Deceased.
Mother: Marielle | 52 | Deceased.
Sister: Elienne | 18 | Deceased.

| Personality |
Galen is reserved. Even before the deaths of his family and tribesmen, he was more of a silent observer than one who would join in the banter of his brethren. He is a believer in the ‘words were not meant to be wasted on unimportant matters’ theory. He might have attempted to join in from time to time, but his humor had always been darker than others’, which would lead to more awkward situations whenever he tried to share a joke of his own. Since the Qunari attack on his tribe, he has traveled alone and has become accustomed to not speaking at all.

Galen hates the Qunari and has a strong distaste for mages of any kind. He takes pride in his skills as a warrior and gains an immense satisfaction when he has the chance to kill things. He will swear no fealty to anyone and refuses to tie himself down to a single master. Galen is his own man and he prefers to keep it that way.

| History |
Galen hails from Northern Seheron. He comes from a small tribe of Fog Warriors that was constantly at war with the Qunari. He grew up in the tribe and the moment he could walk, a training sword had been placed in his hand. The tribe was constantly on the move, always changing their campsite location in order to make it difficult to be found by those who hunted them.

Two years ago, a large band of Qunari came across the tribe quite by accident and a bloody battle ensued. Few survived. Galen’s father suffered a fatal wound, and thus handed his weapon down to his only son. Galen’s mother refused to leave Goren and she took up her own sword while Galen and his sister escaped. Elienne and Galen ran for days to get the Qunari beasts off their backs until they were so exhausted they could run no more. They hid deep within the jungle brush and prayed that they would not be found. While they slept, a small group of Qunari spotted them. Galen woke in time to see his sister’s throat slit and watch her lifeblood drain away. In a fit of rage, he killed three of the Qunari and injured the other two well enough that he could escape- but not without receiving an injury of his own. One of the Qunari threw a spear through his right thigh. Due to his limited skills with healing, the muscle did not heal properly, and he was left with somewhat of a limp when he walks.

Galen wandered the jungles for the next year and a half, quietly killing any Qunari that he came across. He came across other bands of Fog Warriors, but refused to join them. At last he left Seheron, bound for Ferelden. There, he wandered alone as an occasional mercenary until he heard of the battle to come at Ostagar. It had been far too long since he’d been in a true battle. So, he headed south, to take out as many darkspawn as he could, while quietly praying for death at the same time.

So begins...

Galen Tolland's Story

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Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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#, as written by kexia
Galen had never been in a battle of this enormity before. He had never even seen a darkspawn before this day, and to see so many of them together... Seasoned warrior though he was, Galen was still somewhat unnerved by the sight. When he’d arrived at the battle, he had stood back atop a hill for a moment, surveying the scene. He saw the King’s army as they rushed in while another contingent waited on the sidelines. Backup. That would turn the tide of the fight. He also noticed mages spread throughout the army. That unnerved him and nearly had him turning away from the fight. Nearly. With a soft grunt, Galen had descended from the hill and rounded the hoard to join up with the army before charging into the fight. From the moment he’d stepped on the battlefield, he had not stopped swinging his polearm once.

The joy of the fight coursed through him. He hadn’t truly fought anyone since he’d left Seheron and the Qunari behind. He took pleasure in the howls of the beasts as he sliced through limbs. He took even more pleasure when the howls were silenced and the heads went rolling. Battles. They were the one thing that could bring a true smile to Galen’s face. He spun in a circle and halted the movement of his weapon, stopping himself as he nearly cut the head off of one of the King’s soldiers. The man gave him a wide-eyed nod of thanks and Galen nodded back, only to watch in horror as a hurlock came up behind him and buried an axe deep in his skull.

Galen let out a cry and ran forward, slicing one arm from the hurlock, followed by its head. There was a strange lull in the battle around him as a horn sounded through the air and he turned to watch as the alternate contingent turned their backs on the fight and began to march away. “What?” Galen panted. “No. Cowards!” He stumbled forward a few steps, looking around the field. Blood, gore, and bodies littered the land. Most of those bodies belonged to soldiers, not darkspawn. It seemed that for every darkspawn that was killed, another was there to take its place.

He was getting tired, he knew that much. His shoulders were beginning to ache and his limp was becoming more pronounced. Soon it would become a hinderance. Galen knew he had to make a decision soon. If he wanted to leave the battle, he would still have to fight his way out. Or he could stay and die. Death would be welcome. He didn’t fear it. But he couldn’t help but feel like... there should be more to his life. His moment of peace was beginning to end as the darkspawn noticed a living man standing among a the dead. He spun and heard an arrow whiz past his head, then raised his bardiche to slice another out of the air. As he sliced open the guts of one darkspawn, another arrow was shot and buried itself just above his right hipbone where his armor did not cover him. He let out an angered howl and flipped his weapon around, stabbing the archer in the eye.

Yes, it was time to leave. Galen broke the shaft of the arrow off then began to run for the edge of the battle, swinging the bardiche wildly at anything that came near him. He had to move quickly to get that damned arrow taken care of.

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Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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#, as written by kexia
Galen paused to catch his breath, looking around the battlefield. Damnit, how had he gotten so far in? He was almost out, though. He heard a deep growl behind him and was about to turn when he felt a huge foot connect with his back, sending him flying forward into the air. His breath left him as he hit the ground and he opened his eyes, dazed for a moment before rolling to the side and narrowly avoiding having his own skull split in two. He grabbed up his polearm and parried another blow before driving his blade up into the creature’s chest. He let the creature fall to the side then pulled his weapon free.

The warrior lay still for a moment, feeling the warmth of his blood as it soaked the tunic beneath his armor. He didn’t want to get up. He could just lay there and sleep. For the rest of his life. It wouldn’t be much longer now. But that would be giving up; that was something he would not do. Galen pushed himself up and began to run again. He could see the edge now; the road to Lothering where other men and women fled the battle. A few darkspawn broke off to follow, but most of the hoard stuck together, killing and feeding on those who remained trapped in the middle.

His leg protested with every stride, arms threatened to give out and drop his weapon entirely, but he urged himself on until at last he broke through the edge of the hoard. He made it several steps up the road then stumbled over into the trees and sank down against one. Just a short rest. Then he would continue on. Galen leaned his head back against the rough bark and closed his eyes, giving in to the exhaustion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose

Freedom is, by its nature, fickle. One's body can never truly be free, there is always some creed that one must follow if they wish to survive. Kings cannot do whatever they please, lest they start peasant revolts, peasants can do even less, lest they be executed or flogged. The Qun, however, is set in its ways. All have the same freedom, for all have clearly defined tasks, there is little room for ambiguity when under the influence of the Qun.

Ostagar was lost, it was clear to Talan. The soldier's remaining were fools, the battle was lost and they were deluding themselves if they thought otherwise. The Horde was a macabre array of grotesque monstrosities, killing machines, they had no right to be amongst the living. They had no place in the world. They were mindless creatures that only cared about killing others, not survival, just slaughter. It was pathetic in Talan's mind, yet also sad in a way. These creatures could never be gifted the light of the Qun, they were lower than animals, at least animals had purpose in their lives, and in the lives of others.

Gazing upon the battlefield it seemed ever doubtful that Talan would find a surviving Grey Warden. Luckily for Talan, a large man, looking like a formidable warrior, charged from the battlefield. He flew into the trees with brutish grace, seeming like he barely made it, then he was out of sight. Talan didn't get a great look at the man, but he figure it was his best shot at figuring out where a Grey Warden was(maybe the man even was a Grey Warden). Talan swiftly entered the forest, followed by Anaan. He sauntered through the forest, feeling safe and at ease, as he moved towards where the man had entered.

Much to Talan's surprise, the man appeared passed out a few meters from the tree line. The man was attractive, Talan could see that. He had a good build in Talan's mind, if the location of his armor was any indication. Talan was distracted for a few seconds as he checked the man out, but then crouched next to him, Anaan sniffed the man as Talan spoke, "Hey, are you okay?" Talan had a slight Orlesian accent, but it was nowhere near as defined as most those living in Orlais.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kexia
Galen had begun to drift deep into the darkness that called to him. His short rest had quickly become a long sleep, and he was perfectly content with that. But no sooner had he drifted off did he hear a voice calling out to him. No. Go away. I want to sleep, he thought desperately. But he could feel the presence of the person remaining there and felt a strange wetness nudging at his hand. He let out a soft grunt as he opened his eyes and tilted his head forward, trying to focus on the stranger next to him through the haze that had clouded his mind.

The softness his face had taken on in sleep disappeared as his brows drew together in his ever-present scowl. The man seemed to have one and a half heads, and the wolf that stood next to him was so hazy that it appeared to be twice as large as it should have been. It seemed odd, for a wolf to be traveling with a man. But anyway, what had the man been asking? Oh, right. The battle. The dying. Galen removed the hand he’d held over his right side and held it out, for it was now covered in blood. “I took an arrow,” he answered simply.

Another man might have tried to reassure the stranger that he would be fine. Or, another man might have grasped the stranger’s cloak and drew him closer, begging to be healed and saved from the death that awaited him. But Galen stayed silent, laying his bloody hand in the grass at his side. He didn’t know why he’d had it over the wound anyway. It wasn’t as if he could stop the blood flowing from his side with the palm of his hand. He supposed it was a basic instinct; for a man to do what he could in an attempt at staying alive. He lay his head back against the tree once more, letting out a quiet sigh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose

Pride can take control over one's body better than any other emotion can. Hence why demons of Pride are stronger than any other. One only succumbs to rage for short periods, similar to sloth. Stronger emotions like Pride and Desire however, those can cloud judgments for a lifetime. There is no room for pride in the Qun, pride corrupts, pride is undesirable. One must be logical, not proud.

The man looked at ease as he slept, unaffected, untouched, peaceful in a way. His entire demeanor changed as he grunted to life, a scowl appeared on his face turning his pleasantness into gruff brusqueness. He held out a blood-coated palm that was held against his side and said, curtly, "I took an arrow."

His terse attitude surprised Talan to say the least. One usually panics when injured. He ran from a battle injured, and didn't bother asking for assistance or anything. He had no mental trauma from the battle, he was calm, collected, very Qunari-like. Talan smirked for a moment as he thought this.

Talan glanced at the wound, the man had broken the shaft of the arrow off, but not removed the head, he knew what he was doing. Talan looked into the man's eyes, the eyes of a soldier, the eyes of a man who had seen too much, but could still handle himself well. Talan said in a down-to-earth tone, less honeyed than what he first had said, "I can help you if you can answer a few questions I have about the battle."

In the man's shape, and the horde not too far from the tree line, Talan's remark was more of an ultimatum, 'Help me or Die.' Or at least it would have been to the average person, but there was something about this man that said he would be fine. It wasn't like he had a strong will to live, in fact it was like his will to live was not all-encompassing like most creatures, it made him deadly, it made him a man one would not want to face on the battle. His blood-soaked armor showed this fact as well. But there was still something about him that made it seem like he would be fine, Talan could not put his finger on it, nor could he understand it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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#, as written by kexia
Galen raised his head when the man spoke again, his dark eyes focusing enough at last to lock onto the stranger’s lighter ones. His lips curled into the slightest of grins and he let out a soft laugh. He could hear the threat in the man’s tone but he found it unnecessary and amusing that such a tone would be presented in a situation such as this.

He looked the man over once, taking in the sight of just how clean he was, noting that he had not been involved in the battle himself. He wondered if, perhaps, he had been one of the cowardly deserters. Eyes narrowed in suspicion, he glanced to the wolf once again, wondering if the man would set the creature on him if he refused to answer any questions. The idea of it interested him. He wasn’t sure he could pull out his dagger in time to kill the thing should it attack.

Uninterested in playing any games at the moment, Galen dipped his head obligingly. “Ask your questions. I make no promises that I will have the answers you are looking for. I was not a part of the army,” he responded in a soft voice. Meaning, he knew not what the actual plan had been; but clearly whatever it had been, the plan had gone awry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose

Pain is an unavoidable fact of life. Elves know this, Humans know this, Dwarves know this, and Qunari know this. One cannot truly understand pain, unless one has gone through a great deal of it. A child with a splinter cannot ever hope to understand an adult who watched their family slaughtered before their eyes. Yet if one is subject to enough pain, then one may become numb to it. One of course may question if this is good or not.

The man stared at Talan briefly before letting out a slight laugh, obviously unimpressed with Talan's subtle threat. Talan returned his laugh with a scoff and a smirk of his own. The man looked Anaan over carefully, who kept his wolf eyes trained on the man. He spoke in a soft manner, not gruff, like his first comment.

Once the man finished speaking Talan reached into the bag at his waist, he pulled out a small vial of concentrated elfroot extract(a very potent healing herb), some bandages, and a thread and needle. He laid them out in a careful manner next to the man then asked, "You weren't in the battle? Why are you here then?"

Talan looked the wound over, he didn't prod it, he simply inspected it, realizing what exactly he would need to do to help this man. The arrowhead appeared serrated, if the man had ripped it out, he would already be dead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kexia
Galen watched the stranger as he began to pull supplies from his bag. He let out a long, slow breath, thankful somewhere deep inside that there was someone here to help him. As little as he cared for this life, he knew that this was not the place he wanted to die. “Oh, I was in the battle,” he answered. “I just was not a part of the army.”

He would have left it at that in the best of times, but these were not the best of times. And this stranger clearly wanted answers. Galen grunted to himself, tired already with speaking. He’d been on his own for so long, he’d barely said a single word in the past two months. He liked it that way. And he hoped this stranger would simply help him then be on his merry way- and take his dog with him.

“I heard about the battle, and I came south to fight. I travel alone.” And that was that. Did he need an excuse otherwise to fight in such a battle? The man could imagine that he was some chivalrous knight, come to try to rid fair Ferelden of the plague that threatened her. Galen didn't need to explain that he'd just had an urge to kill. And that urge had been thoroughly placated after the time he'd spent among the darkspawn that day. Now the man would have to get down to asking whatever else it was he wanted to know. And Galen would oblige him, if only to get rid of the arrowhead lodged in his side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sammael

”I stumbled upon the first people who would eventually help me end this war. Of course, first meetings are not always so grand. Asania and Fenlin were the duo who would help me embrace my father’s lineage and these two, well
if it were not for those two, I probably would have been dead long ago.”

”We saw your Loghain earlier human,” the male elf spoke as swiftly as Aeryn had. He mentioned the Teryn was heading towards Denerim. Probably to tell his daughter of her husband’s demise, she bitterly thought before her eyes snapped towards Fenlin. He had gently grabbed Asania’s elbow and turned her towards the wilds. So, she’s blind, Aeryn thought as Fenlin spoke again.

“I know of Asha’bellannar, and who are my people?” she questioned as Asania introduced herself and her brother. “There is no word for my people,” Aeryn continued as she grabbed her side. Although she was wounded on the back, a pain on her side was nudging her. In reality, she was a little upset that Fenlin just insulted her heritage. Just because she looked human did not mean she is. She shook the thoughts from her head. Now was not the time to be bull-headed about a frivolous matter. Besides, Asania was trying to be friendly in a time of death.

“Forgive my rudeness. I am Aeryn Norre’mitore,” she apologized and introduced herself. She winced as the pain at her side subsided. She rubbed it gently trying to sooth it away. “We should probably go now,” she stated, watching as more darkspawn filled the bloodied battlefield. She glanced around and spotted an opening. “We can go this way,” she stated as she began to trudge through the dense thicket. She didn’t pay attention to see if she was being followed by the two elves, but regardless they needed to leave the field. As she made her way through, she spotted two figures. Two men to be precise, who were having a one-sided conversation by the looks of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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#, as written by Zentose

Trust is a powerful thing. So easy to give, yet so easy to exploit. Trust is much more easily given when powering over another. The only thing one must trust in whole-heartedly is one's self. In the Qunari, one's self is Qunari, and therefore, they must trust only in the Will of the Qun.

The man's acquiescence was clear in his voice. Talan scoffed at his reply. The man was there to fight, nothing more. Talan's impression of him was true then. He seemed interesting, in his own way. However, Talan realized that he would probably not know where to find a Grey Warden, but he gave his word to help the man, and he would do so, even if it was detrimental to the expedience of his mission.

Talan opened his mouth to inquire about something else when Anaan growled lightly. Talan glanced at him, his demeanor changing to that of a soldier, stoic and ready. Talan lifted his right index finger to his lips, signaling to the man to keep quiet. He closed his eyes, feeling the forest, and that was when he heard it, the rustling of the underbrush, unmistakable. Talan gripped his bow and an arrow from his quiver, then rocketed upwards aiming the bow at three figures, two Dalish elves(it's easy to spot if you look), one male, one female, and a half-elf, female.

An average person may not have been able to tell that the girl was a half-elf, usually they just look at the ears at hers didn't have even the slightest point to them. Growing up in the Val Royeaux Alienage(the largest Alienage on the continent) Talan saw his fair share of half-elves. They all had the same look in their eyes, not of an elf, and not of a human, but a look of their own. Most elves hated humans too much to bother noticing that about the half-elves, and the humans hated elves too much to do the same. Then, there was Talan.

With an arrow loaded into the bow, the string pulled back and at the ready he said, "Who are you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose

Racism is a powerful force in the land. Elves hate humans, humans hate elves, and dwarves have an equal dislike of everyone that isn't underground, even their own kind. The power one holds is shared within a community, and that power must be sent upon something else. If one's community is one's whole race, then the only people to unload one's power on, is another race. All under the Will of the Qun are Qunari, there is no racial strife, or at least none is tolerated. The Will of the Qun causes equality.

Talan watched the ensuing scene and slowly lowered his bow with a great deal of acquiescence. He returned the arrow to his quiver and slipped the bow back around himself, but he was still ready to draw Shok at a moment's notice. He glanced at the one male elf and said, "I always found it interesting how the Dalish say shemlen. It is exactly the same way the humans call the elves knife-ears."

Talan never liked the Dalish facial tattoos, he thought it took away from the beauty of the Elvish face. The man was decent enough, Talan didn't like his hair color or style(an important thing in Talan's mind) though. However, now was not the time to be gauging the man's attractiveness. Without waiting for a response from the elf, He turned his gaze to the woman whom had stepped forward. She was a mage, something Talan didn't like.

He stepped back, next to the man he was just about to help. He kept his gaze on the mage, he didn't trust her, and said, "So, Chevalier," the term was meant to be ironic, for Talan hadn't bothered asking the man's name, "Or whatever they call them in Ferelden. Do you want her to heal you? Personally I think she should be chained up and collared like the Saarebas she is, but it's up to you."

He didn't use Qunlat often, when talking to none Qunari, but he always referred to mages as Saarebas, not trusting them at all, thinking them all 'dangerous things.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kexia
Galen stiffened as the wolf growled, alerting them of others in the forest. His hand closed around the staff of his polearm, which lay on the ground next to him. He wouldn’t be of much help if it came down to him needing to use it. He wasn’t sure he could even get up anymore, at this point. He was tired. All he wanted to do was sleep. Was that so hard to ask?

The scowl on his face deepened when he heard the voices. He couldn’t focus on them very well, but as they drew nearer, he realized it was two elves and a human. Elves. It wasn’t that he hated them... It was just... they were always so pretty and dainty. And pretty and dainty had no place in a warrior’s world. Then one of them- the female elf began to move toward him. “I could fix that.” His gaze slid up to note the staff on her back and he raised the end of his polearm, about to tell her to stay back, when the man who had first come across him spoke up.

"So, Chevalier," the term was meant to be ironic, for Talan hadn't bothered asking the man's name, "Or whatever they call them in Ferelden. Do you want her to heal you? Personally I think she should be chained up and collared like the Saarebas she is, but it's up to you." Galen let out a hiss. He recognized that filthy language immediately. He would have attacked the man the moment he’d seen him if he had known. And to think, he had almost let him touch him. “Filthy Qunari dog!” He stabbed the end of the polearm into the ground and used it to pull himself up. “I do not want help from any of you! Not mages. Not Qunari animals.”

Standing up had been a bad idea. Galen had known it the moment his feet were flat on the ground. His head spun and stars danced across his vision. “Just leave me,” he growled. He would rather die than allow either of them to touch him. And as darkness took over his mind, he thought that it might just happen that way. His mind went black and he sank back down to the ground in a heap.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sammael
Before Aeryn could respond, the male elf known as Fenlin, spoke to the man who had his bow drawn. Asania hushed Fenlin as the man lowered his bow and his wolf ceased to growl. When Asania mentioned help towards the wounded man lying on the floor, the man with the bow spoke about Asania being chained up because of being a mage. A frown marred Aeryn’s face before she stepped forward.

“Now is not the time to be determining who is what and what they should be. If she can help, let her help. These times are not bright with the darkspawn still on the loose and most of my fellow wardens are dead,” she spoke, her tone firm, yet still retaining a certain softness. She was tired and there was no need to fight against someone who wasn’t a darkspawn. If there were able-bodied hands around, she could use them. “If you are done playing superior race, I think it is wise that we move this man into a haven until he can be looked at,” she continued.

The man had expressed distaste for both the mage and the man, whom he stated to be Qunari, so the only option there was is that Aeryn would have to treat his wounds. She walked over to the man and squatted to take a closer look at his wounds. She traced a finger around it before motioning for Fenlin to assist her in heaving this man up and carrying him into the wilds. She might have been small, but she was a soldier as capable as any man.

“We need to move before the Darkspawn become curious around these parts. Once we are out of the fire, then you may continue to eat each other’s throats out,” she stated as she lifted the injured man’s arm around her shoulders. She sighed, fatigue still plaguing her body as she turned towards Asania and the man with the wolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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Fenlin and Asania

Fenlin continued to glare at the brunette human, his eyes darkening in distaste. Racial tensions were high between there kinds, humans an elves had a long history of war and distrust. Fenlin would argue that most of that stemmed from the humans more than the elves, their fear of the unknown being what had resulted in their attacks on the elven people from their arrival in Thedas millennia ago. The young elf took a deep breath though, not bothering to reply to the human male, after all what he said was true. There was nothing to argue with or against.

It didn't take long for the man with the wolf to anger him though, to make his blood boil. The term Saarebas was enough for Fenlin to know that this human was more than he appeared. Few times had the Dalish had run-ins with Qunari, but how they treated their people who possessed magic was no secret. "Qunari scum!" He hissed, grabbing at his daggers and drawing them out of their sheaths. "Ar tu na'lin emma mi!" He took a step in their direction, but Asania was in front of her brother in a second, blocking his path.

"Calm yourself Fenlin." She said sternly, hand pressed to her brothers chest to keep him in place. The mage knew that her brother had no true problem with the Qunari, not with the people themselves anyway, just their treatment of their mages. Asania truly tried to let the comment just slide off of her, each culture had their customs and it really wasn't her place to judge, regardless of how hurtful the comments may have been to her.

The redhead noticed Aeryn move from her and Fenlin, making her way towards the injured man. The young woman's reasoning was sound enough and Asania wholeheartedly agreed with her that safety was of the utmost importance at the moment, regardless of how the trio's new company would treat her. Noticing that both, Fen had calmed down from his earlier bout of rage and that Aeryn was motioning for him to assist her, Asania gave her brother a gentle push in the other woman's direction. Fenlin left her side reluctantly, his eyes never really leaving the Qunari's form.

Taking the injured man's other arm and slinging it around his neck, Fenlin adjusted to the additional weight. He noticed Aeryn tense a bit as she too adjusted as he remembered that it wasn't too long ago that she too had been injured. "Asania could do another healing on you if you'd like. It could help if you are in pain, she also carries a few herbs around with her if you feel tired and sore. Or," His golden eyes drifted to the man in-between them. "If you are against her using magic to heal you." If it had not been for the sudden shift in weight, Fenlin would have never noticed the man had passed out. With a frown on his face, he hefted the other man more securely on his shoulder.

"Which way should we be going?" Asania asked as she placed her hand on the trunk of the tree next to her, her eyes turned in the direction of her brother. The mage was not a traveller and though she could tell which way was north and the like, she was by no means a navigator. Outside of the paths where the Dalish travelled, she knew were nothing was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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#, as written by Zentose

Community is important to people. Collective strength is greater than any individual. Evolving in tribes made this become ever prevalent in the collective unconscious. The Dalish are extremely involved in tight-knit communities, they are a great example of collective strength. Most Kingdoms are so detached within themselves that they can hardly be known as a collective. The Qunari are united, the Qunari are a universal collective, the Qunari are all Qun.

Much to Talan's surprise, the man he had nicknamed "Chevalier" recognized the term Saarebas, no Ferelden Natives would have recognized it, for few if any Qunari had come here. That meant that he wasn't a native Ferelden, he was either from the Free Marches, Tevinter, or Seheron itself(he had no semblance of an accent so Talan assumed he wasn't from Orlais). A smirk rose on Talan's face as the man tried to get away, pathetically falling onto the ground not long afterwards. He insulted the Qun, so any pain, or even death, dealt upon him was justified.

Then a second person expressed disdain for the Qunari, calling them scum. It was less surprising that the Dalish, whom travel to other lands, not just Ferelden, would know about the Qun, but the man was still a mystery. Talan glared at the elf as he drew his daggers and wagged his tongue in Elvish. Talan drew Shok in an instant, but the elf had barely any time at all to come near when the Saarebas stopped him.

Talan smirked and was about to speak when another woman stepped forward, the half-elf. She spoke calmly and collectively, but Talan ignored most of what she said other than, 'my fellow wardens.' Her fellow wardens, serendipity had shined it's light on Talan, running into the only Grey Warden left on the battlefield(from what she said he assumed this). He was not too fond of her being a woman, but a mission is a mission and he didn't have to like her. The male elf went and helped the Grey Warden after her speech. He caught the Saarebas's name as the male elf spoke, but instantly forgot it, not caring enough to remember.

"Looks like the Saarebas has you collared, boy," Talan said, mockingly, "But the Warden is right, we had best not be at each other's throats if we want out of this alive, seeing as we are going to be carrying around that wounded dathrasi," Talan picked up the supplies he was ready to use on the dathrasi, and put them back into his pack, "We had best head to Lothering, but avoid the main roads seeing as they aer most likely overrun by darkspawn by now, or soon will be. We don't have the speed to escape quickly enough either, because of the dathrasi."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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#, as written by Sammael
Aeryn shook her head as Fenlin mentioned another healing. Her healing could wait, but the man they were carrying needed tending to first. She felt fatigued, almost as if she were carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders. With an ounce of strength, she managed to lift the man so that she was comfortable. She glanced at the other man who had used the Qunlat language as he spoke about Lothering. It would be safe, but many people would be heading there for refuge. It was a start at least.

“Just try not to kill each other until we survive this mess. The darkspawn and other unpleasant beings will be loitering around the main roads, so like you said, we had better avoid them,” she stated. The Qunari male was correct in avoiding the main roads though. She couldn’t stress enough the importance of evading the darkspawn. Although the three in front of her were probably more capable to handle them, with two injured, it’d be hard to keep up. It wouldn’t matter if they left her or the injured man, they would still be outnumbered and killed.

“Asania, could you heal this man a bit? If he can recover some of his wounds, perhaps we would have a better chance at survival. We need every capable body if we are going to venture through the Kokari Wilds,” she stated as she turned to the female elf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asania Character Portrait: Fenlin Character Portrait: Talan Character Portrait: Galen Tolland Character Portrait: Aeryn Norre'mitore
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Fenlin and Asania

The eyes of the male elf narrowed on Talans' form as he continued with his jabbing. This man was truly a human who represented just about everything that Fenlin found wrong in man-kind. He would have fought back, protecting his sister from the Qunari's spiteful words but he suspected that that may have been what the man was looking for: a reason to fight them, to condemn Asania. So instead he remained silent and focused on Aeryn instead.

Neither elf could argue with Aeryn's reasoning. There were tons of darkspawn in the area and their tiny group of unlikely companions were very much outnumbered at the current time. Death at the hands of darkspawn were not something that the siblings hoped to achieve in their life. The creatures did more than just kill their victims, sometimes torturing their prey appealed more to the brutes than the actually killing.

Asania's head lifted slightly in the direction of the Warden. The young elf was quite reluctant to actually heal the unconscious man. He obviously did not like magic or mages and she did not wish to cause any more tension then what was already present. On the other hand the group could not stop to properly treat his injuries, which may cause him to bleed out before they escaped the confines of the Wilds. A soft sigh escaped her as she hesitantly made her way towards where she sensed her brother.

Fenlin watched his sister carefully as she approached them. He was quite impressed with her maneuvering at the moment, despite the limitations that her blindness caused her. Asania placed her hands near the injured man, her magic flaring and causing a blue light to shine from her body. Her eyes once more turned an eerie white right before the wounds on the unconscious man began to slowly mend. It took time, healing deadly injuries always did.

"I am done." The mage spoke moments later, her hands dropping to her side and her magic calming from her activities. "He should be fine for the time being, probably a little sore just as you are Aeryn but that's to be expected when the body heals so rapidly. I have some herbs for that though if you or he, when he wakes up, want." She smiled politely as she stepped back, touching her brother's arm briefly in balance.

"Alright," Fenlin announced, giving his sister a once over before turning his head in the direction of Aeryn and then the Qunari. "To Lothering then."