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"I would kill my own father if it meant being King. Oh wait I already did."

0 · 627 views · located in Planet Vegeta

a character in “Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride.”, as played by cheater0611


Name: Rubis

Age: 30

Appearance: Rubis is the average height of Saiyans. He's also the average build for a Saiyan. When he is out of his home he wears his Saiyan armor with pride, the chest is always shined and the boots are so clean that you could see your face in them. When he is in his house, he wears the undersuit of the armor. His hair is black and it's kept at a short length. His eyes are the standard black. The only thing that really stands out about Rubis is the fact that his face is all sorts of screwed. Over his right eye is a piece of cloth that works like an eye patch. Around it is a bunch of scarring from the great battle.

Hero Machine 2.5: Image

Hero Machine 3.0: Image

Power lvl: 126,150

Personality: Rubis is what you would call the poster boy of the Saiyan race. He's cold, ruthless, and not hesitant to follow orders. To his wife however, he is a completely different person. He can be kind, caring and decent man. That is however in the privacy of their own home. When they are in public, Rubis acts like he usually acts. He isn't without mercy. He does know when to stop and when his enemy is beaten. He lives by the rule if you show an enemy mercy, then that mercy will be returned in some fashion. He often plays over his first mission in his head.

Even before the battle with Frieza, Rubis focused on his hatred and fury for his moves. Before Frieza it was his father driving his rage. Now afterwards it's the now dead Frieza. This fury and hatred is seen throughout his daily life and his combat life.

Notable achievements: After the month in the tank, Rubis's father told him that he was a useless boy with out his eye. "?A Saiyan is nothing without both his eyes" he said to his own son. Rubis was still weak at the time, his father might appeared to be in his 30's, in actuality he was about 60 years old. He was so angry that he struck out at this father and killed him in cold blood. The other Saiyans who sat this agreed with Rubis. The man was from a different era of the Saiyan legacy, and he needed to be gone.

Before the battle with Frieza, Rubis was a middle rank Saiyan. He got some of the more dangerous jobs and he often completed them with hardly any losses to him or his low ranking soldiers. His most famous mission was the invasion of a planet that held Saiyan Prisoners. These were Saiyans who tried to capture the planet and failed. The planet didn't believe in killing it's prisoners. Rubis's mission was to take the planet with the help of the prisoners. He broke them out and soon the planet was under Saiyan control. While he was scavenging the wreck of the prison looking for more Saiyan's who were trapped in the destruction and couldn't help with the invasion. He met a young woman. She wasn't a saiyan, and was just a regular prisoner. He lifted the rock that was keeping her trapped and when she was free she kissed him. He was a bit surprised and embarrassed. From then on out he started coming to this planet for any reason he could find. He soon married her and brought her back to Planet Vegeta.

Dream/Ambition: Rubis wants to become King so that he will instill upon the galaxy what it truly means to fear the Saiyan race and not Frieza's lackeys. He will do almost anything to attain this dream.

Injury during battle with Frieza: Being the knuckle head that he usually is; he went and fought Frieza. He remembers the cold chuckle that he heard from the monster. It still haunts him to this day. He lasted about 5 minutes before Frieza got bored toying with him. He then death beamed Rubis's face hoping it would kill him. Rubis didn't get out of the way in time. The beam caught him in the right eye and it completely destroyed his eye. He was in a tank for all most a month trying to repair his eye.

Unique Moves:

Flying Fists of Fury: Rubis fists start producing Ki blasts. He often uses this to his advantage when his opponent is relying on ranged attacks. This allows his enemy lose their sense of security of being far away from his fists.

Fury Cannon: Rubis brings his left hand back and his right hand on his forehead. He produces a red Ki blast that upon impact that detonates with the power of a stick of dynamite.

Raging Kick: Rubis rarely ever uses this move, however it is one of his strongest moves. He kneels down and when the enemy is in range he does a back flip kick. This foot spins his enemy in a circle and drags them across the ground and sends them flying.

Ultimate Fury Cannon: This is a last resort move. Rubis only does this move when he knows he has no shot at winning. He first starts with a fist combo then towards the end of it, he grabs his foe and slams them into the nearest wall. He then brings back his right hand and a regular Fury cannon appears, then the same with the left hand. He then brings them together and crushes his opponent with the move, and he releases it right in the chest or face. Depends on how badly he's losing. After this move he often passes out, it was a great strain on his Ki.

Instant Transmission: Mission Reward.

So begins...

Rubis's Story


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Rubis sighed as he looked upon the planet he was sent to conquer. It was a decent sized planet, nothing to write home to his wife about. It had a stable climate and the people there were fairly advanced. Of course not as advanced as them. Rubis cracked his knuckles as he braced for impact. The easy part was landing, the hard part... getting home. He planned to away for a few days. Now seeing at the distance he had traveled. He was looking at anywhere from a week to a week and a half.

Rubis soared in the air and pulled out his Scanner. He was getting low power levels everywhere. "Pathetic planet. Relying on creations instead of your own body for defense. He landed and saw that the people were wearing strange attire. "It always amuses me about the different garb people wear from planet to planet." He said walking down what appears to be a road. He heard something about a tourney going on in the most southern part of the planet. All allowed entry. "So that is where I shall find the strongest of these weaklings, it is also there I shall find the leader. If I don't... Well, blowing stuff up usually gets peoples' attention." He muttered to himself as he shot up in the air. People around him couldn't believe that they saw a man fly.

He arrived at the tourney in about 15 minutes. They were still holding registration. Rubis smirked and pulled out his scanner. The power levels were a lot higher than the ones he saw before. They weren't the saiyan power levels, but they might win in a fair fight with a low powered Saiyan... Like Bardocks' son Raditz. Not that Saiyans fight fair. He walked up to the desk and put down his name.

It was a few hours before Rubis got a chance to fight. These guys were pretty decent. After seeing how some of them fight, he started seeing openings and flaws in each of the varied fighting styles. Rubis knew he couldn't exploit those weaknesses as soon as he saw them, but he sure as hell could make them wider and then strike at them.

The announcer called Rubis and another fighter to the stage. The man towered over Rubis, however he had muscle mass over the other guy. He was forced to remove his armor for the tourney. Rubis agreed to it and kept a close eye on his valuable stuff. They shook hands and started off on opposite sides of the ring. The announcer yelled "Begin." Rubis and the other guy rushed at each other.

Rubis wanted this to be a decent fight and not use Ki blasts. He had observed that these fighters had no idea about how to use Ki. He dodged and weaved the punches that the larger man was throwing at him. At one point the big man landed a decent hit on his stomach. It knocked the wind right out of him. Rubis retaliated with a blinding combo, however the man blocked all but the first one. The fight raged on with both opponents getting very few hits on the other. It was a question on who was going to tire out first. The deciding moment was when the other man had gone in for a right cross. Rubis had ducked and brought up a left uppercut. The man landed on his back and the announcer had started counting. Rubis turned away because he knew that he had just won. After the match he checked the power level of his last opponent, he saw that he was exactly the same power level as Rubis. He just smirked and when he saw the man again he shook his hand. The rest of the fighters were going to be a piece of cake.

At the end of the tourney, he had placed second. He had lost, he was still tired from his last match and the time in between matches wasn't enough for him to recover completely. So, Rubis had been knocked out by a jab. He collected his prize money and stayed in a local hotel. He was exhausted. Fighting in the Tourney really took a lot out of him. Tomorrow, he will start his destruction of this puny planet.

The next day, Rubis woken up sore and even more tired than he was yesterday. He looked at himself and saw several bruises. Today was going to be a glorious day for the saiyans. Now, he won't be holding back for those impatiant fools. He donned his Saiyan armor and walked out of the building. He rose up high above the ground. He then shot a Fury Cannon into the small town. All he could hear were the resulting screams of the people below as they died. He started moving to another city. This time he wanted to see the peoples faces as he slaughtered them. When he touched down on the ground he was met with the sight of the man from yesterday.

"Leave now Saiyan. I didn't kill you yesterday because you weren't killing innocent civilians." The man yelled at the saiyan.

"Wrong move, if you see a Saiyan and if the planet your on isn't under Saiyan control. Death and destruction will follow." Rubis said dashing towards the man. He was met by the man doing the same thing. He was surprised that this man could fly. They rose up into the air throwing punches and kicks and having them blocked. At one point Rubis was able to land a decent hit on the man's face. He saw a faint line of blood running from the man's mouth. He wiped it off and rushed towards Rubis again. Rubis was able to land more hits than the other man, but the guy's hits were powerful. Rubis could feel the force behind every single one of them. He backed off and shot a Fury Cannon at the man. It hit the man directly in the jaw. He saw the man drop to the ground. He dusted his hands off, he then felt a burning sensation on his back, then the explosion went off. He was being driven to the ground. When Rubis landed, he put his hands forward and did a cartwheel. He paid a high price for landing on his feet. He dislocated his right arm. He looked at his shoulder and put constant pressure on it. The ball was pushed into place.

The fight was renewed with vigor. Both sides were able to land more hits than before. The last time the other man got a hit, Rubis was sent flying back. He landed on his stomach and he felt his armor give way underneath him. He knelled and took of the rest of his armor. He looked like he was fixing his show. the man dashed towards him and right when he was in range, Rubis yelled "Raging Kick." Combining the momentum of his target and his momentum, he was able cause a huge trench across the ground and sent him flying into the nearest building. Rubis chased after him and started pounding his face in. When the fight was over Rubis looked into a window that surprisingly wasn't broken. His nose was bent and crooked, his suit was in tatters, and he had scratch marks everywhere. On top of that, he was completely exhausted from the fight, and he wasn't even half way through the invasion. He sat down and leaned his head back. He soon fell asleep. When he woke up the sun was at it's peak. He got up and thought that he felt a little better. He streched and flew off to the next city. There he wasn't greeted by a lone warrior, no, he was greeted by guns. He rushed the crowd of military men. The bullets flew past him and few even hit him. When he was done cleaning the floor with the army Rubis finally thought that this planet had no more defences and would fall under their rule.

This time he was riddled with a few bullet holes. Most of them were in non-vital areas, like in his legs and arms. He was a wreck. All he wanted to do was go into his pod and head home. He couldn't yet. There was still some pockets of resistance on this planet. He doesn't like leaving a job half finished.

(No, he didn't invade Earth. It was just an Earth like planet that happens to have Humanoid like figures. I'm not being sarcastic here.)


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Rubis awoke laying in a bed. He looked around and saw that he was on the spaceship. He stretched and got up. He knew there was another mission waiting for him. There was always another mission waiting for him. He put on the under suit and then saw he got his replacement armor. He donned it and proceed to the bridge of the ship. There he saw the saiyans working busily, they were all low ranking saiyans, no better than monkeys. They were lucky they still had their tail. "Well they make for some good first wave material," He muttered under his breath.

"RUBIS!" The captain shouted at him. Rubis rushed over there and stood at attention. The mission was a simple one, go and take care of a rouge saiyan that was causing trouble in the galaxy. His last known location was a dust barren planet known as Rojain, it was was fair distance way. Rubis was told to rest up and ship out immediately. He nodded and headed towards the pod room.

He was being shot off towards the planet Rojain. He received a few descriptions of it. He also saw that the people weren't the strongest and they had a personal distaste for saiyans. "I'd be lucky if I get anything out of these guys." He said pressing the cryo button on his space pod. He started drifting asleep.

He awoke with a shook. He was here. The pod opened and a desert wind was kicking up in his face. There was a small village in the distance, he shot up in the air and flew over there. He was greeted by a less than a warm welcome. Hell it was down right cold. He tried getting a few answers, but from what he could gather, it was all the same response, "Go away, you are not welcome here." Rubis sighed and shot up again in the air. He put on his scanner and and started flying around looking for a huge spike of power level. He swore he flew around the damn planet around 3 times. He saw a few thousands, a couple of two thousands, a singular 3 thousand. There was nothing really special. These people were weak, he couldn't think of a reason to keep this planet for the Saiyan race. He decided to exterminate all life. We didn't need an army brewing here. He put down on one of the larger towns. There he saw a bunch of warriors training. He put on his scanner and saw that the 6 warriors each had a power level of around 2000. These guys were training nonstop. He put his index and middle finger on his forehead and raised his left hand. He fired a Fury Cannon. The red ball was heading straight towards one of the guys. When it exploded. The fighter was nowhere to be seen. All eyes were now on him. He liked a challenge. The seven warriors rushed him, Rubis dodged the intiatial swings and retaliated with his own swings. He caught one of the guys in the jaw and sent him flying towards a building. It promptly collapsed on top of the fighter. Rubis was getting tired. He kept dodging the attacks, but it was taking energy. He finally got hit right in the stomach and was sent flying backwards. He stopped himself before he hit a building. He prepared another Fury Cannon and fired it at another guy, to his surprised the guy kicked it and sent it flying back at him. He braced himself for the explosion. When he felt it go off, his arms were in severe pain. He saw that they were bleeding. He shook his head and started to get angry. He rushed towards the group and started swinging. He took a few punches to the chest and legs, but he was fighting like a man posessed. He relented his attack when he was hit in the back with something. As he laid on the ground writhing in pain, he saw who his attacker was.

Rubis jumped up and pounced on the guy, he started beating his face in. When the guy stopped moving, Rubis was picked up and thrown into a building. He felt extreme pain in his left side. It felt like one of his ribs broke. 'This is bad, I only took out 3 guys, and I'm getting my ass handed to me.' Rubis thought to himself as he readied himself for another assault on the warriors. He rushed towards one and at the last second he jumped in the air and brought down his foot on top of the fighters face. He heard and felt a snap. The warrior was now dead. The other two were taken back by the sudden death of their friend. The started backing up. Now that Rubis was in his blood lust state, he looked at the other two. They saw one thing in his left eye. That was pure fury and hate. They started running for it. Rubis kicked off and flew towards one of them. He tackled him to the ground and he punched the man's throat in repeatedly. Soon, he too was a lifeless lump of flesh. The other one was running quickly. Rubis flew and landed in front of the warrior. "What's the matter, afraid of a true Saiyan? Now, I'm feeling generous, you get five punches to take me out if you don't, I'll kill you in one." Rubis smiled at the sentiment of this weakling taking him out. The first punch was to the chest. Rubis took it like a Saiyan, the next again in the chest, Rubis felt visible signs of pain. The next one was in the face. He felt his nose break, the fourth one got him in the throat. He just smiled, the last punch hit him right in between the knees. He was on the floor in extreme amounts of pain. Rubis watched the man run off in the distance. "Good, I wanted to keep one of you alive to draw out this saiyan." He got up and brushed himself off. He shot off towards his pod and did a self check. His rib was definitively broken, his nose was broken too, and he had an assortment of bruises and cuts. All and all, it was a good day. He sat down and waited for this saiyan to show up. He wasn't masking his power level. He would be like a torch in the dark. Very easy to spot.


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Rubis was getting impatient, where was this guy? He stood up, he looked over his shoulder and saw a streak of light in the sky. Rubis smiled and saw that the saiyan had arrived. He put on his scanner and headed off towards the direction of the light. It was a few minutes before he saw the power level spike. He was shocked, he stopped and floated there for a minute. "His power level... it can't be... It's over 9000," He stammered. There was no way he could beat him, after he was in the tank he was told what his power level was. It was decent, but it was nowhere near this saiyans'.

He saw a two groups of warriors, one was heading off towards his pod, and the other was heading off towards the wasteland. He followed the group that was in the wastes. It wasn't long before they found what they were looking for. He saw a beast, it had to be 15 feet tall. It was green and scaly. When one of the men got close, it shot fire from it's mouth. Rubis smirked and watched the carnage unfold. The monster wasn't killing them, but it wasn't looking like the warriors were doing any damage either. "Weaklings," he muttered as he saw the group of men withdraw and set up camp. The beast went back to the cave. Rubis looked towards the sky, it was getting dark. He had tracked the moon's movement. Tonight was a full moon. He had to work fast. If he wanted to take out the warriors first.

He dropped right in the middle of the group. The four warriors were suprised to see the saiyan, "What are you doing here, your supposed to..." Rubis didn't let him finish his sentence. He had cut him off with a swift kick to the face. That one was knocked out, but there was still three others to take care off. They raised their fists and in the darkening light, it seemed like their fists were glowing with a pale yellow light. Rubis charged one and tripped him on his back, and from there a swift stomp to the air pipe finished the job. The two had a look of shock on their face, they couldn't believe how effectively he took out two guys. They attacked him at once and Rubis started dodging the blows, he had been hit once and he was sent flying back. He landed into a rock wall, his back was on fire. He shot out and fired a fury cannon, this time the guy he fired at didn't repel it back to him. It went off and the dude was sent flying. The man hit a wall and he went limp. The only other one charged at Rubis. They started to exchange blows. Whenever rubis was hit, he was either shot backwards or felt like he was losing his strength. Rubis decided to finish this quickly, he grabbed the warrior and threw him. He crouched down, the warrior took the bait and charged towards him. "RAGING KICK!" Rubis yelled, he caught the dude by the chin and spun him around, he was thrown towards a wall. He too also went limp. Rubis started walking towards the cave, he stopped suddenly because he was in pain. He breathed in and out. He tried using a ki blast and couldn't... "Damn, those punches drained me." Rubis stood at the mouth of the cave

"HEY!! BIG BOY! I'M YOUR NEXT MEAL!" Rubis yelled hoping to get the monsters attention. When he saw it, Rubis backed up into the open ground. The beast screeched and followed him. He looked towards the sky and saw that the moon was out. Rubis smiled, this fight should be interesting. He started to change, The first thing was growing fur, it always felt weird to him. The next thing was the mouth, then growing about 10 feet. He now stood level with the beast. He let out a yell and charged after the dragon. He punched it in the face and grabbed it by the throat. The dragon responded with a fire ball in his face. Rubis yelped and let go of the beast and patted his eye. He let out a loud yell and charged. He tackled the beast and was bringing down his fists. The dragon pushed him off and got up. He lunged after the saiyan and bit his leg. Rubis shook his leg and finally the beast let go. The dragon was preparing for another fire breath. Rubis stopped him and grabbed his jaws and started pulling them apart. He struggled for a bit, then he felt the snap. The jaw was now broken. The dragon was crying, it was obvious who won this fight. However, Rubis was still transformed. He wanted to outright kill this beast. He jumped forwarded and knocked over the beast. It was laying on the ground, it looked like it was pleading for mercy. Rubis looked down and saw. He jumped up and landed on the beast crushing the rib cage and crushing the heart and lungs. The beast was dying slowly from lack of air and internal bleeding.

The ape Rubis started pounding his chest after the victory. He started walking towards a nearby town. When he got there he saw people running around and screaming. He brought back his fist and slammed it into a building. The people inside were left helpless. Three warriors who were protecting the village charged at him. Rubis smacked away like flies. He continued to rain destruction upon the little town for the rest of the night.

(Yup, Rubis went great ape. I felt the need to go psycho. That and I wanted to pull a Godzilla Vs. King Kong.)


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"What say I? I know that I am intruder upon this planet, but as are you. So don't go getting all high and mighty with me." Rubis said after transforming back into his own saiyan self. There was a large burn mark on his face showing that the dragon's breath was lethal. Rubis spotted the eight warrior coming his way. "Ah, I see that you are not saiyan enough to fight me yourself, instead you send your lackeys to kill me. News flash, I've already taken out a group of your warriors already." Rubis said spitting. His mouth was tasted like copper. He glimpsed at the ground and saw a tinge of red in his spit. He saw the group of warriors inching ever closer to him. "Now see a true Saiyan in action." He brought his right hand on his head and lifted his left hand towards the group, "FURY CANNON!" The red ball left his hand and shot towards the group. It went off, when the dust cleared there was one less. He charged towards the group and clothes lined two of the warriors. The other five were still in shock over the fact that a single man charged a group of seven, not to mention the fact that he completely killed one guy with no effort. Rubis kicked another one in the face and saw that two of the warriors were bringing back their fists. Rubis ducked and they hit each other square in the chest. As the reeled back, Rubis grabbed a down man and swung him around hitting the two that tried to punch him.

One of the guys went in for a right jab and Rubis dodged left. He didn't see that it was a distraction and got hit square across the chin. Rubis went reeling back. He shook his head and round house kicked the guy in the chest. he saw that the two he clothes lined were starting to get up. Rubis jumped behind one of them and grabbed his neck. He snapped it letting the limp body drop to the ground. The men redoubled their efforts on hitting the saiyan. It was almost no use. He was much faster than them and he was stronger. Rubis brought back his fist and slammed it into one man's throat. Now there was only five guys left alive out of the original eight. He was dodging and backing up at the same time. He was soon up against a wall. One guy got lucky and started beating Rubis against the wall. It was blow after blow towards the chest area. He felt another rib break in addition to the first one. Rubis brought back his fist and swung it right in the warriors temple. The head twisted at an impossible angle. He dropped. He was getting weak. First was the fight with the four warriors then Giant Ape form, now this. 'If I keep this up, I will be so tired I won't even be able to put up a fight against this Saiyan.' He thought to himself as he took a deep breath. Two of the warriors started towards him, Rubis jumped in the air and did a back flip. When he was directly behind them, he slammed their heads together.

With those two incapacitated, he only had to worry about two more. He knelt to the ground like he was hurt. The warrior saw that it was a good time to strike while the saiyan was down. He ran over to him and pulled back his fist ready to strike, that's when Rubis's foot connected to his jaw, "RAGING KICK" the warrior was dragged against the cold hard ground and flew towards one of the buildings that wasn't destroyed in the chaos that he caused. The last guy was keeping his distance. He saw how the others were taken out. He really didn't want to be the next one. He started to run for it. "FLYING FISTS OF FURY!" Rubis brought back his fists and punched. The resulting beam hit the guy square in the back. He rushed there and brought his foot down on the guy's head. He started back over to where the saiyan was watching. "Now, we won't have any interruptions." Rubis said cracking his knuckles.


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Cragin would be pulled from the tank, laughing. The Qynian doctor would be taken aback a moment. But proceed to help him. He would feel numb, his body limp. He would look down with blurry eyes at the new scars he now owned with pride. His skin was pale, the pale blue liquid that clung to his body would slide along the old scar that looked as if it was new at his ribs. He would reach up, feeling coming like blocks of ice to his arm, weighing it down. Against the pull he would run it through his hair. He would feel a long scar at his scalp where the hair was faint. Cragin would crack a triumphant grin as the doctor extended a hand to check Cragin's vitals. He would merely take it with his own hand looking the doctor in the eye. His voice would be an echo, a ghost to his own adjusting ears. "Thank you." He would use the weight of the doctor to help pull himself up. The bewildered Qynian would raise an eyebrow with wide eyes murmuring a 'You're welcome.'

But if Cragin had heard it, he clearly didn't show it. He would struggle against his adjusting body, grabbing his elite armour and pulling it on over his bare chest, grabbing fresh, black pants and pulling them on then pulling on his boots and wristguards. Lastly he would take a length of red cloth tying it around his waist for a belt. He would inhale deeply taking in the air. His smile fading a moment, 'Rubis.' It was time to see what the Saiyan was up to, possibly tracking down pirates to pick on. Cragin would raise two fingers to his head disappearing in an instant.

He would appear in the corner of a small cell, bewildered. His voice would be a low whisper as he took in his surroundings, noting the Saiyan on a bed at one side of the room. "What the hell.." He would blend into the darkest corner, crouched and soundless. With dismay he realized he couldn't use instant transmission to leave. He tried three times before forcing himself to be okay with it. He would wait patiently, becoming part of the room.