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Dragon Emblem

Dragon Emblem


This game is inspired by The Legend of Dragoon. If you like medieval fantasy, dragons, war, action, and romance. If you like character development and good storyline, then read inside. This is your game.

2,281 readers have visited Dragon Emblem since Sonata created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

the legend of dragoon. tokyo: sony computer entertainment, 1999.


Dragon Emblem

The Run Down

This game was inspired by The Legend of Dragoon. You do not need to have played the Playstation game in order to participate in this game because this game will be run differently. This game is medieval fantasy. The only prominent creatures despite the flora and the fauna are the humans and the dragons. There are no Winglies. There may be strange races later but nothing playable.

Players who are interested in this game will need to have a decent-level of writing and creativity to get in. There are 8 roles total. Players are allowed to compete for the roles as I will only be accepting 8 players. How players compete for the roles depends on the amount of work they put into their profiles and writing samples from past games.

If you see that someone has posted up a profile for the spot you may have wanted, do not lose hope. Just post up your profile any way because I will only be accepting who I feel deserves the spot. Be sure to reserve a spot as well as a weapon for your character. I repeat, if you see that someone has reserved a role that you wanted, do not lose hope. Post up a profile any way because there is no guarantee they will get that spot.

Also, in past games, I have had players drop out due to IRL reasons. If you applied to this game, but didn’t get selected, you will more than likely become an alternate for that player if he or she ever drops out of the game. Players who drop out of the game give the GM permission to write an exit for their character whether it be death to enhance the drama and character developments or just up and vanishing.

The setting

In the world of Rhea, there are humans and dragons that exist in conflict, competing for the land and its food; and from countless battles, the dragon slayers were created to finally be rid of the beasts once and for all. The dragons were slowly being wiped out by the slayers, but some humans who happened to coexist peacefully with them were their only protection. The continent of Fann became divided into two nations.

Delère: This is the nation of Dragon Slayers. All children raised in the western regions of Fann will grow to become dragon slayers. They believe that the dragons are a nuisance, and if they aren’t wiped out, then they will wipe the humans out. Since the western regions have been taken over, most dragons have migrated to the east. Because of this, the western lands are desert. There is little water and food. The hardship this nation faces has turned them into imperialists, and they survive on pillaging villages and expanding their territory into fertile regions until they have exhausted the resources. They are enemies of Caelum, and any human found with any religious symbol on their person will be arrested and tried in the nation.

Caelum: This is the nation of Conservationists. It is also the home of the Children of Caelum, the religious fanatics who believe that it was dragons who created Rhea, the plants, the animals, the water, the sky, and the humans. The dragons are the descendants of dragon gods, and without the dragons the world cannot exist. Caelum resides in the eastern regions of Fann, and they are the most fertile regions. Dragons are a common sight in this region. Any person caught slaying dragons will be arrested and tried in the nation. Delerians, especially, are not permitted in the kingdom.

Whether your character originated from Caelum or Delere, they will have distinct traits that mark them as a Delerian and Caelum. You do not have to list these traits in your profile for NPCs will notice them. However, players will not begin in Delere or Caelum. The game begins in a neutral village between the borders of both nations.

Lian: It is a peaceful village that tries to keep its hands washed of the war that surrounds it. The village has residents both of Caelum and Delerian heritage. There are even humans who are mixed of both races and bear indefinite traits of either nation. Residents of Lian live peacefully among each other. Well, as peaceful as two opposing religious thoughts get when living together.

Lian is where Chapter One begins.

The Dragoons

Dragoons are dragon knights. They are humans chosen by the dragon gods to defend the dragons’ children. They are guardians of Rhea and each knight represents each one of her aspects. Each Dragoon bears the armor of each different dragon god they represent. When you reserve an element for your character, you are welcome to design their personality and characteristics based on what you believe is the nature of the element.

Ignis – Fire: This is the god of fire, heat, lava, and magma. The Dragoon of Fire becomes immune to all aspects of the flame, and instead harnesses it. Role: Taken

Terra – Earth This is the goddess of rock, minerals, metal, soil, and the treasures that inhabit it. The Dragoon of Earth becomes immune to all aspects of the earth, and instead harnesses it. Role: Open

Nymphe – Water This is the goddess of water, ice, cold, mist, fog, humidity, and rain. The Dragoon of Water becomes immune to all aspects water and the cold. Role: Open

Sylph – Air This is the god of the air, twisters, hurricanes, and gales. The Dragoon of Air becomes immune to all aspects of the air. Role: Open

Silva – Nature This is the goddess of nature, fauna, flora, harvest, poison, toxins, disease, and life. The Dragoon of Nature becomes immune to all aspects of nature, diseases, toxins, and poisons. Role: Taken

Aes – Lightning This is the god of lightning, storms (lightning storms to be specific), gravity, electricity, static, and magnetism. The Dragoon of Lightning becomes immune to all aspects of lightning, gravity, and magnetism. Role: Open

Caelum – Light This is the goddess of light, healing, heaven, stars, moon, and the sun. The Dragoon of Light becomes immune to all aspects of light and radiation. Role: Taken

Luxo – Darkness This is the god of darkness, shadows, night, death, weakness, and space. The Dragoon of Darkness becomes immune to all ailments of darkness and the night. Role: Open

Clarifications: The Dragoon of Nature and The Dragoon of Light may have roles that some would believe are similar. But in the case the Dragoon of Nature or Light have healing abilities, the Dragoon of Nature can heal any ailments related to sickness, disease, poison, or status effects. The Dragoon of Light can heal any physical and mental injuries. This is just in case some players want to give their characters healing abilities.

I repeat for a third time, if you see a role that is marked as Reserved, and it was a role that you were interested in, then go ahead and post a profile for it. There is no guarantee that players who apply for the role will get it as writing ability and the profile quality will be the two things that determine it.

Also, it doesn't matter if your character is a girl and you choose a "god" for her or if your character is a male and you choose a "goddess" for him. Choose whatever element you want. Gender doesn't matter.

The Character sheet

Code: Select all
[b]Name[/b] Your character’s actual name.
[b]Nickname[/b] Your character’s nickname either you choose beforehand or acquire it in game.
[b]Race[/b] Delerian, Caelum, or Lian (usually residents of Lian are a mixture of both)
[b]Hair Color[/b]
[b]Eye Color[/b]
[b]Complexion[/b] Skin color.
[b]Distinguishing Marks[/b] Any tattoos, freckles, birth marks, scars, etc.
[b]Visual Appearance[/b] Photo. This isn’t necessary. If you can’t find one, then you can’t find one.
[b]Written Appearance[/b] Basic appearance of your char in a nutshell.

[b]Personality[/b] This may depend on the element you chose for him or her.
[b]Quirks[/b] Psychological Disorders, distrust, stubborn, etc. All the negative aspects of your character’s personality. This may depend on the element you chose for him or her.
[b]Talents[/b] These are skills in like cooking, blacksmithing, artisan, artist, etc. Please no Mary Sues.
[b]Background[/b] There will be no “My mom and dad died,” your character either still lives with his or her parents or they’re an orphan living at the orphanage or on the streets. Understand that your background, depending on how the character has grown all this time, will affect his or her personality. In the background you can also explain if your character knows another character or whatever.

[b]Element[/b] As was listed in the game introduction
[b]Weapon[/b] This must be an actual weapon, no hybrid weapons. These weapons are plain in appearance until your character acquires later on, their dragon arm (it’s not an arm but a weapon from one of the great dragons). Once you choose a weapon for this character, then they will forever specialize in that weapon. For example, if you say he or she uses a great sword, then they only use a great sword. If they use a crossbow, then they only use a crossbow. No one is allowed to wield the same weapon. Do not worry about this until I have approved all of the players.
[b]Weapon Skills[/b]
This is optional, but for those who may want to show off their character’s weapon skills. Maybe he/she has a few trademark techniques. You’d write the name of the technique, and then explain how he/she executes. For example, if your character uses a bow, maybe he/she knows how to shoot with three arrows. Because that takes skill, it is considered a weapon skill.

GM Note: The character sheet above is for pre-Dragoon characters. There won’t be any dragoons at the beginning. Players are welcome to add more than what is listed here in the character sheet. You can also give your profile a fancy look.

Chapter One: The Price of neutrality

This is the beginning chapter of the RP. The RP is broken into chapters that will be summarized as they conclude in case we get new players. This also gives players a goal to reach. In this chapter, you will have a choice to have your character be a resident of Lian or a visitor. I don’t want too many visitors, so if I get too many, I’m going to ask people to change that around.

Those players who already reside in Lian are welcome to collaborate with other players whose characters also reside there. They could already know each other as girlfriend or boyfriend or childhood friends—whatever you like. The game will be pretty sandbox, and every now and then I’ll create situations for the characters. Just go with the flow of the game. Leave the GMing to me.

There will be a description of Lian in the thread.

How to get accepted

There are things to never do if you’re hoping to get your profile accepted. I have created a list so players will know what not to do, and which will equal automatic rejection:

1) Do not use pics from mainstream canon. Try to choose original artwork. No one wants to go, “Hey it’s Ichigo from Bleach! I didn’t know he was in this game.” If anyone does this, then yeah, that’s why it’s on this list.
2) Do not base your character’s description entirely on the picture you have chosen to represent him or her. If I read your written description, and you pretty much listed everything in the picture you’re using that is automatic rejection. Do not list what is exactly in the picture you’re using because then you’re not even making an image of your own in your head. You’re instead taking that artist’s picture and saying, this is that guy in the picture. Make your character your own.
3) Mary Sue/Gary Stu. These are the “I’m so perfect” characters. I have no flaws whatsoever. I can do anything and everything. They pretty much represent someone super fake, super fictional, and someone no one can relate to personality wise and just relate to period. Please, when you’re writing out your character make a believable personality. As I said, make your characters YOURS! Get a good feel for him or her. Bring them to life!
4) Death scenarios. My mom died, my dad died later after he beat me into hating myself, then my sister died, my brother, my grandma, I have no one. I grew up in the orphanage yet have no mental problems whatsoever from the past incidents and trauma of it all. If anyone pulls anything similar to this in their background. I will laugh, and then I will reject it.
5) Misspell, code fail, too many grammatical errors, and awkward sentences. I understand you may be excited to play this game, but if you want to be accepted you need to relax, calm down, and read over your work. I have had this happen many times in the past where someone posted up a profile and didn’t even correct the obvious spelling errors. Use Microsoft Word, use any sort of spell check, dictionary, etc. There is always a way to make sure your spelling and grammar is decent. If you see a code fail in your profile, don’t just leave it there, fix it. Because if you leave it there, it makes me think you don’t give a damn about it.


The characters in this game are not the children of gods or goddesses, they are normal people. They only acquire the abilities granted to them by the god or goddess once they have found a Dragon Egg. The Dragon Egg is what blesses them with the ability of a Dragoon, and which allows them to gain their divine weapon known as the Dragon Arm. So when creating a player, do not model them directly after the god/goddess of the element you have chosen for them.


Q: Are Dragon Slayers available?

A: Yes. If you make a Dragon Slayer, then he or she will be from Delère.

Q: Are there magical creatures aside from Dragons?

A: Yes, but they aren't playable races.

Q: What's the state of magic, can humans use it?

A: Humans cannot use magic. All humans in this game are normal. The only time they can use magic is through unnatural influences.

Q: Are normal humans playable or do I have to play a Dragoon?

A: Playing a Dragoon is the point of this game, therefore, yes, you either play one or don't join. The main characters are the characters of the eight players involved in this game.

Q: Are the military of either nation prejudice toward female soldiers?

A: No; they are not. The females who are strong enough or butch enough (in Delère's case) or who have a fighting spirit can be soldiers without facing any bias.

Q: Is there a military force that goes hunting for Dragon Slayers in Caelum?

A: No; Caelum is a very peaceful nation, and therefore, has a defensive military. They do not actively seek out the enemy. If a Dragon Slayer or any Delerian is suspected to be within their borders, then that is the only time that they will seek out the intruder.

Toggle Rules

Be sure to read the first page of the OOC before you start creating a character sheet.

1. Do not post OOC comments in the IC. Use the OOC when making OOC statements.
2. Use grammar and spelling to the best of your ability and try to post at least five sentences. If you are in dialogue with another character and you don’t think you can produce five sentences, then go into PMs with that person, collab, and post the conversation as one huge post.
3. The enemies are controlled by the GM. I will give you freedom to make trouble for yourself, but the enemies that move the plot along are controlled by me.
4. In the case of duels between players, both players need to use T1 or otherwise known as turn-based combat. You write your actions as an intention, giving the other player a chance to dodge or counter. The GM will be observing these in-game duels, and if he needs to intervene due to illogical movements or play, he will pass the final judgment. If you do not like this, then learn how to fight. ‘Nough said. You should be able to go into PMs and collaborate with the player you plan to duel. Maybe you guys can decide on a stalemate and make the fight look cool. There is no need to try and kill each other or hate on each other over an in-game fight. It’s just a game, so please be civil.
5. Whatever the GM says, goes. I try to be fair. I try to permit most characters, but if I say no, then it’s no. Please don’t argue with me. I’m sorry if you wanted your way, but this is my game and I try to make decisions for the good of the plot.
6. This RP may have mature themes, but there will be no love-making (sex). If pants come off, take it to PMs or where others can’t see it.
7. Do not post ahead of other players. No one wants to feel pressured when they play this game. You may have all the time in the world but others may not. If you post to someone, let him or her have a chance to respond. If you post towards more than one person, let each of them respond. If I feel that a certain player or players are going ahead of others and are not giving them a chance to reply, then I will have to place a limit on posts.
8. No god-moding, no meta-gaming, and no breaking character. The first two are self-explanatory, but just in case you don’t know what meta-gaming is. It is when you have your character know knowledge that only you, the writer, should know. Breaking character is known as breaking the fourth wall when you write a post with implication of OOC knowledge or in response to OOC statements. Another definition for it is when your own emotions filter into your character’s emotions.
9. If you play a character with an Asian name, then I expect that character to be and appear Asian. In fact, there shouldn't be any Asians in this game since this RP takes place in an entirely different world.

Taking place in...

Lian our primary setting

A neutral village between the borders of Delère and Caelum. This is Chapter One and where our story begins.


Lian by Sonata

A neutral village between the borders of Delère and Caelum. This is Chapter One and where our story begins.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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0.00 INK

Linde watched the guards as they spoke with ire in her eyes.

“You are a disgrace. The mayor gave you a noble task and you would dare refuse? By all means run girl, but you will have no home here. The Guard will close this shop and the herbs will be confiscated. I will inform The Guard and Lord Thorndike of your threats and you will not get anywhere near his family or the lord himself. We will give you until morning to reconsider.”

As the guards began to turn around, she stepped forward and placed her hand on the shoulder of the one on the right and spoke to him in a very calm voice, making her sound almost motherly despite the harsh and biting words that came forth.

"A noble task to kill a creature he knows nothing about and can't even be sure of is the culprit. That doesn't sound very noble to me. And what makes you think I'd need to run? I could take you, and your entire platoon by myself under the right circumstances and you know it."

She tilted her head to the side as his head turned and they made eye contact.

"And have you even considered what would happen if you close the Apothecary due to such a petty issue, or if I should go on this mission and die? What do you think would happen when illness struck the innocents around the village? Your wives and children, your neighbors and comrades in arms, people passing through who need medicine and have nothing to do with this private and completely pointless conflict? You'd condemn them all to their fate just because I refuse to go on this pointless journey for which I am not even needed? The man is a Dragon Slayer. If he can't slay the Dragon himself then what right has he to his title and what good is he in his supposed capacity? If anyone here is a disgrace, it's Lord Thorndike and the men under his command like you who do nothing but follow his orders without questioning them. Go ahead and return to your lord and deliver my message to him. I am not afraid of him, nor am I afraid of the things he can do with his money and political influence over this village."

Her grip tightened on the man's shoulder slightly as she leaned forward and started whispering in his ear so that only he could hear her.

"You of all people should know better than to come here and threaten either myself, Aleiva, or the Apothecary. You sir, are a family man. I am the one who delivered your son to this world from his mother's body three years ago, and I am the one who has tended to his medical needs since the day you welcomed him into this world. I am also the one who mixes the herbs which are his medicine. Aleiva doesn't know how to create that medicine without me, so if I'm either incarcerated or dead because I went on this journey, then where would your son be? Nobody aside from the two of us in this village are skilled in medicine or know the herbs that grow in the surrounding area. So what would happen if your son should run out of his prescription and Aleiva and I are incarcerated, run out of the village, or dead? There's nobody here who could save your son if that should happen, and he would die simply because Lord Thorndike is too stubborn and arrogant to accept refusal from someone unwilling to take part in a useless hunt. Remember that well."

With that she released his shoulder and walked back inside, closing the door before they could speak any further if they had wanted to and let out a sigh as she heard Aleiva's voice.

"Linde...? Maybe... it wouldn't be so bad to go with him." Aleiva started, but she paused for a moment to pick her words carefully before going on. "If we could help people... and maybe stop an innocent creature from dying... It could be worth it... I just don't want to lose you... Not to the guards... or a dragon. Please.. Just... think about it. Okay?" She said quietly before walking calmly away with tears in her eyes.

Linde couldn't help but gaze sorrowfully at her friend upon realizing the gravity of the situation she had put her in. She was about to speak, but there were no words that could be said to her, not after what had just transpired. Once again, Linde was shocked and horrified at the words and the level of hatred and ire that had come from her. Never in her life had she behaved in this manner before, and her own words and actions were now coming back to haunt her.

She walked to her room and found her armor back in its place, her weapon mounted on its hook, and everything in order as she had left it... But, something was wrong.

"... Why am I acting like this?" She asked as she began to sob quietly to herself.

She placed her face in her hands and reviewed the message she had spoken to the guards in her head.

To Lord Thorndike, if you wish for your family to remain healthy in the coming days and not contract some mysterious and incurable illness, then leave me alone.

She had threatened an innocent family all because of the words of a man whom she didn't trust or respect. There was no excuse for it, and she would never forgive herself for placing such a threat on innocent people. She looked at her spear, the blade glistening in the candle light. The thought of plunging it into her heart to end the misery she was causing everyone, or worse could soon cause in the future, suddenly became an appealing thought. But she knew that if she did that then Aleiva would never be the same again.

"... What do I do?" She asked nobody in particular as she wiped her tears away.

She stood up and walked to her window, opening it and looking outside at the moon in the sky as she carefully ran through the words the letter had contained in her head.

Dear Commoner,

You have been chosen to participate in a quest for the good of the village. There will be a party gathered at The Gunther Bridge at dawn. The party will be hiking up the mountain and combing through its grassy crown for the beast that has brought death and grief to the families in this village. You will join a Dragon Slayer and be one of the proud few to assist him in slaying the dragon. Refusal to partake in this mission will have you staged for public humiliation before incarceration. I would want the villagers to hear your reasons why you chose not ease their pain and the worries of those children who watch their fathers cross that bridge, praying for their return.

Supply yourself for weeks and be on time.


Lord Thorndike

It was beyond pompous and arrogant, but there was nothing she could do. Aleiva was right. Besides, Linde did not have to participate for them. Linde decided that she would participate, but only as a means to get in the Dragon Slayer's way if there was indeed a Dragon living on the mountain. If they found it, she would protect it at all costs even if it meant dying for it. Dragons were wrapped in mystery, but she had a feeling that if it did exist that it was not the culprit. Could she be wrong? Of course she could, but she had no intention of sitting by and letting the Dragon Slayer have his way. He too was an arrogant, selfish, and greedy man whom she held no trust or respect for.

"This I promise you Dragon Slayer: Should we find a Dragon upon the mountain, its blood will never touch the ground so long as I still draw breath... I will bleed for it if necessary. You do not deserve your title, and you do not deserve to kill a Dragon to further your own fame and arrogance."

She looked over at her armor and her spear, gazing at them for a long moment as she analyzed the movements she had seem him employ earlier in the day and using them to slowly deconstruct his fighting style. She had a knack for remembering things like that, and she began to work out worst case scenarios as well just in case he either changed his style or indeed gained strength after eating and resting for a day. Today, he was strong enough as it was although she knew that if things had gotten out of hand she could have easily defeated him in his weakened state. However, there was no telling how much stronger he'd become after a period of proper recuperation. With Lord Thorndike's resources, it was a high possibility that he was enjoying a life of luxury and recuperating at a rapid pace.

Pound for pound, Linde was one of the strongest and most skilled warriors in the village due to her training regimen. None of the guards, even the top elites who personally guarded Lord Thorndike, could best her in a one on one fight. They were classically trained and highly militaristic in their methods which left a lot of gaping holes in their technique repertoire and gave her an almost innumerable host of options to use against them. She had no such limitations, and every inch of her body was a weapon.

But how well trained was the Dragon Slayer? That question could not yet be answered as she hadn't seen him fight at full strength. She knew that today she would have bested him, but what about tomorrow? No answers were present for her, only more questions as she looked back up towards the moon and let out a delicate sigh before closing it and returning to her bed. She laid down and pulled the covers up over her as she took one last look at the spear before closing her eyes and letting herself fall into the endless abyss of the world of dreams.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
The Dragon of Green Peak
Day 1

The sky was white, the sun obscured behind a blanket of clouds that foreshadowed the chance of rain. Daerio was with the mayor, and a company of guards before The Gunther Bridge, scarfing down the breakfast, poor, bleary-eyed Tully had prepared for him. He smashed his face against a loaf of sweet bread before tearing off a slither of ham from the hock he was holding by the bone. A traveling sack with ropes, picks, and other supplies was on the ground before his feet. It was all he would need to survive the days travel up the mountain.

Curious bystanders were crowding the bridge, wondering what the occasion was to have the mayor, the captain, and a brute of a man standing around. They hadn’t been expecting a crowd that big, and so the guards were called to keep the peace in case of riot.

A lieutenant called into the crowd, “If any of the warriors Lord Thorndike has summoned to the bridge are present, then please step forward and present the scroll that was delivered to your residence.”

Three men stepped out of the crowd, holding up the scroll for the mayor to see. They had the tanned skin of the desert and dark, earthen hair. They may not have been actual Delèrians, but they would do. Daerio smiled through cheeks bulging with meat and bread. He was pleased that the guards had taken his preferences seriously.

“These men are to be honored. They are undergoing a great challenge for this village. These men are going to travel up the mountain and discover the secrets of Green Peak so that the mines will once again be safe to enter. They are willing to sacrifice their own lives to ensure that the mines don’t devour anymore of our people,” Lord Thorndike announced.

A whistle passed through the air and Captain Visaeus thrust his arm outward to grasp the mayor’s shoulder and usher the older man behind him. The arrow knocked into the bone of the hock Daerio was eating, causing him to pause before taking another bite. He lowered the meat and stared at the projectile with a frown.

“What a load of tosh!” a feminine voice cried from the crowd.

The crowd parted, exposing the young woman draped in a brown cloak and holding a long bow.

Captain Visaeus growled, “Mind your tongue! You are in the presence of your lord.”

“Hmph!” the woman scoffed.

“You talk big for a girl that hides her face!”

The archer scowled and raised a milky hand to her hood and tossed it back. Her blonde, wavy locks spilled down her back and shoulders, and she shrugged the layers of her cloak further behind her back to reveal her cotton tunic that clung tautly to her bosom and her leather deer skin pants. She drew an arrow from her quiver and pointed it at Daerio.

“That man is a Dragon Slayer! Any moron can see that and you hired him to go up the mountain and kill the dragon!” she accused.

“A dragon has not been confirmed. Stop spreading these deceiving rumors!” Captain Visaeus ordered.

“Deceiving? If I’m wrong, then tell me why you have a Dragon Slayer in the party? Why does he need a party in the first place? Why not let him go up there by himself and get eaten like all the others? He shouldn’t be disturbing the dragon any way!”

Captain Visaeus parted his lips to speak, but Lord Thorndike rested a hand upon his shoulder. The captain glanced at the older man irritably and held his tongue as the lord stepped forward to speak.

“I have hired the Dragon Slayer in the case that there is a dragon. He is knowledgeable about dragons, and if there is one, he will know best how to handle the situation so that these brave men can safely return home,” Lord Thorndike calmly explained.

“Handle it? You mean kill it!”

“If the Dragon Slayer is forced into such a situation, then yes.”

“Forced? I’m sure he’s looking forward to it. I see your feeding him, getting him nice and fat for the sacrifice!”

Daerio crammed the last piece of sweet bread into his mouth and tore the last slither of ham from the hock bone before he tossed the bone with the arrow still embedded in it to the side. It landed on the sandy earth, and a stray, dusty dog was quick to dart out of the crowd and snap it up into its jaws before it scurried away just as quick. Daerio stood and slightly raised his hand, quieting the bickering between Lord Thorndike and the archer as they turned their heads to regard the warrior. They were interested in what he had to say.

The Delèrian’s cheeks inflated before a loud, explosive belch expelled from his mouth. His mouth even opened wider to amplify its volume and length. When he was finished, he sighed a breath of relief and slapped his palm against his full stomach.

Captain Visaeus’s brows twitched in disgust. Does he have no shame?

Tully hugged herself as she thought of the long night she had spent in the Delèrian’s bed. She knew his crude mannerisms better than anyone and that belch had made her shudder. The horror!

Lord Thorndike had blushed in embarrassment. Was this really the Dragon Slayer he hired?

The archer wrinkled her nose in disgust and stepped back defensively when the Dragon Slayer sauntered toward her. She saw the threatening look in his eyes. Smirking, the girl nocked her arrow and aimed it at Daerio.

“Come and get it you pig,” the archer growled.

A wild grin sliced across Daerio’s mouth as he lunged into a charge. He broke into erratic movements, zigzagging left and right and dashing to her left. The archer followed with a trained eye until she noticed he was running alongside the crowd. It was too dangerous to try and shoot him. If she missed, she might kill someone. She continued to follow him, turning in a near circle until he finally charged toward her. She thought briefly why hadn’t he drawn his weapons, but then thought that maybe he felt that she wasn’t a challenge.

The archer’s heart continued to hammer in her chest the closer he came. There was no way she would miss a shot as close as this. Releasing the arrow, Daerio reacted on instinct, tilting his torso to his left as the arrow missed hitting his chest, but instead bit into his right shoulder. The archer was bold, but also foolish to attempt using a bow in such a crowded area. He could have anticipated her actions and dodged the arrow with but a scratch, but surely it would have struck someone else.

The archer’s eyes widened in shock when the arrow hit. It had been her intention, but for some reason, she hadn’t expected to actually hit him. He was too close for her to nock another arrow, and so she threw herself back, ditching her bow. Her hand snagged the hilt of the dagger at her left hip to unsheathe it in an upward slant.

Daerio caught the side of her hand, which held the pommel, his rough palm like sandpaper against her skin and fingers bars of steel that bit into the back of her hand. His thumb locked just beneath her thumb to crush it against the hilt of the dagger. The power behind his charge then crashed into her, forcing a startled cry from her lips as they fell to the ground. Daerio caught himself with his free hand; blood started soaking into his tunic, dripping free from the wound. He switched hands and clenched his teeth as he yanked it out, inspecting the bloody tip with narrowed eyes.

The warrior was straddled atop of the archer as she struggled to free her arm that Daerio kept pinned to her opposite hip. She tried to reach for his arm to free herself, but couldn’t find any leverage to attempt to pry his hand off. The man was heavy and clearly stronger than her with how effortless he made holding her lithe frame down look.

Setting the arrow aside, Daerio’s maw rolled back to flaunt his teeth in a large and vicious grin. The archer’s eyes widened in fear. Was he going to kill her? She had heard that true Delèrians fought each other to the death over foolish quarrels and insults, but if he killed her here, he would be a murderer. A low chuckle leaked from between Daerio’s teeth as he stared into her timid eyes.

You have nice tits, Daerio complimented.

The archer stared at him in confusion. She hadn’t understood what he said. Suddenly, the Delèrian’s teeth parted and she thought he was going to say something else until his lips clamped upon her bosom.

The captain’s brows shot upwards and the three Delèrian volunteers’ mouths along with the crowds’ dropped. Tully’s expression darkened as she stepped on the back of her shoe and slipped it off. Bending over, she picked it up and clapped the floppy footwear twice against her palm to check its sturdiness. With fists clenched, the servant girl started for Daerio with teeth grinding in her anger. No one should have to suffer what she suffered!

The archer’s face was flushed as she squirmed and bucked beneath the warrior that savagely attacked her breasts. Tully swore she saw a tail wagging happily from the Delèrian’s backside as he slobbered and tugged at the archer’s tunic with his teeth.

Clenching her shoe, Tully screamed, “You disgusting bastard!” Before she brought it down against the back of the Delèrian’s head. She continued to whack him with it and growled to see he was ignoring her.

The archer continued to wail in her humiliation and distress.

“Don’t ignore me!” Tully shrieked.

Daerio paused with a frown and then glanced over his shoulder to see Tully, and disturbed her with the lewd grin that expanded on his face. The servant paled and backed up, keeping her shoe raised in case she needed to use it again. Perhaps it had been best that Daerio found interest in the archer and not her. She didn’t want him slobbering over her boobs. It was a tough world sister!

The guards and the crowd had been watching the scene eagerly, some too stunned to say anything on the matter. No one had been expecting the random turn of events.

Captain Viseaus with flushed cheeks roared, “Stop this madness! You are offending Lord Thorndike with your barbaric behavior!”

Lord Thorndike blinked as he came back down to Rhea. He had been engrossed in the scene when he faintly heard what the captain said, “Huh? Oh yes, stop the nonsense please!”

Daerio sat up with slit eyes. Hanging around non-Delèrians sucked. He rose off the archer and stepped away from her as she rolled over, crossing her arms over her soaked chest. Her thighs were clinched tightly together as she felt violated. How could they let that pig do that to her? She hid beneath her hood and stood to her feet to disappear off into the crowd.

Daerio grunted. Huh; she looked like she was enjoying it to me.

That ought to shut the bitch up. Dragging a hand across his mouth, Daerio started back over toward the bridge and spoke loud enough for the crowd to hear him, I am going to scale this mountain. I will do it alone if I have to. It is just easier to kill a dragon with five men than one. With one man, it may take days of preparation. If there is a dragon, then I will kill it. I will drag it down from the mountain and bring it back here for you to use however you please. In my country, dragons are the ultimate resource. A tooth, scale, or toe is worth a lake of gold. The meat contains nutrients that can make a man as strong as a bull, and I can attest. I have tasted the meat of a dragon before, and its nutrients have made me big and strong. Great weapons and armors can be made from such beasts as well as powerful medicine that can cure any disease. If the dragon exists, I intend to eat my fill, and simultaneously, exterminate a pest that is killing your people. If there’s anyone who doesn’t agree to this, we’ll settle it when I get back.

Those that understood Delèrian cheered, while those that didn’t were left silent and wondering. One of the guards stepped forward to translate all that Daerio had said into Lianese, while Lord Thorndike fearfully rushed to Daerio’s side. He noticed the wound was causing his shoulder to darken.

“We must patch you up, and you must rest,” Lord Thorndike suggested.

Daerio snorted. I’ve felt worse (being burned alive was a good example). I will accept the first aid, but I said I would leave today, and I will. I’m sure there’s Caelumite trash that don’t agree with your intentions, so the sooner I get fixed up, the sooner I can leave.


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Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera
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#, as written by Yorda
Aleiva's house

Aleiva woke up fairly early this morning, as she usually did, but her movements were slow and careful as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The girl wanted to avoided waking her parents or being questioned by them on her way out the door. While her mother may understand, Aleiva;s some-what over protective father would surely object to her trying to tag along on this expedition. The young apothecary could never knowingly let Linde head into danger alone, but that wasn't the only reason she wanted to go. Nor was it just the prospect of helping the minors. Though, she did worry for them, there was more to it than that. Aleiva wasn't religious like her mother, but the dragons did have a certain... draw for her that she couldn't quite explain. This could be a chance to see a real, live dragon. If the creature was really there. Maybe they could even convince the Delarian not to hurt it.

The young apothecary was dressed in a simple, white, cotton tunic that fit loosely and allowed her to move freely along with brown trousers and a sturdy pare of worn, brown, boots when she crept down the stairs with her pack on her back and her staff in her hand. The wolf hound followed her all the way to the kitchen where she scribbled out a note for her parents and brother, if he happened by.

The note Read simply:

I've gone to Green Peak with Linde. Please look after the Apothecary while I'm gone. I'll be back soon. Please don't worry.



Aleiva decided to leave the bits about the Dragon slayer and WHY they were climbing Green Peak out in an effort to put off worrying her family, particularly her father, as long as possible. However, Aleiva knew that in this small town they would probably find out before lunch. The girl would no doubt get an ear full when she returned. Aleiva sighed as she looked the note over. She had written the note in good faith that Linde would join her after reconsidering. Despite the herbalist's strange outbursts the day before, Aleiva knew her friend well. She was a good person. One who would surely do the right thing.

The young apothecary started to leave after that, but paused when she heard the soft sound of paws on the floor behind her. With a warm smile, Aleiva turned and knelt next to Hero. Aleiva generally only dressed as she was, in trousers and boots, when she she went to the mountain to gather herbs. She often took her faithful friend with her on these little expeditions. So, much in the way that a dog will get excited when you pick up his leach for a walk, Hero was happily wagging his tail, ready for an outing. "Sorry, Hero. You can't come with me this time." There was no way Aleiva would risk her dog on a mission like this. After petting his head, Aleiva picked up a loaf of bread from the kitchen counter and broke a chunk off, then threw it across the room. As Hero went to chase the bread down and eat, the young apothecary silently tip toed out the door.

It was truly a short walk to the bridge that lead to Green Peak, but to Aleiva it seemed to take forever. Would they even let her go with them? What -was- the reson people were disappearing in the mountain? Was there really a dragon? By the time she arrived, Aleiva had missed the incident with the Archer. Likely a good thing... the girl was nervous enough as it was. Daerio was just ending his speech when Aleiva approached. With her speaking little Delarian, She only caught the gist of what he was saying until the guard started translating. By then, however, Aleiva was more focused on The mayor as rushed to Daerio and examined a spot on his arm Even from the back of the crowd Aleiva could see the dark stain that was spreading there.

Seeing someone hurt was enough to get Aleiva moving again; albeit a bit slowly with the crowd there. "Um.. e-excuse me... I-I just need to.. uh.. thank you.." came aleiva's soft voice as she made her way through the crowd. She wasn't the type to push but that didn't stop the girl from being jostled by the crowed a bit before making it to the front. Now faced with the guards stationed to keep the crowd in line, Aleiva hesitated once more before clearing her throat and speaking to the closest one. "Uh.. e-" She started, but it was so soft that it was lost to the voices of those around her. The young apothecary took a deep breath to study herself and spoke again; slightly louder this time. "Excuse me.. I-I uh.. I can h-help him..." She managed to stammer at the man. Though, the instant he actually looked at her, the girl looked to her feet as if locking eyes with the man would turn her to stone.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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Linde awoke at the crack of dawn as always when the sun peeked through her window. Her eyes slid open slowly and then shifted to look at the source of the light.

"... Time's up..." She said quietly to herself as she stood up from the bed.

She walked out of her room without any further words and to the bathing room where she and Aleiva would wash themselves after a day's work. She stripped her clothing and stepped into the bath as the water began to envelope her as her body descended into the tub. The warm sensation began to ease her body's weariness, for despite her sleep she felt quite worn and unrelaxed. The water helped immensely as her skin began to soften under the heat and she felt the purifying effects taking hold.

When she was finished, she stepped out of the bath and drained the water before drying herself off with her towel. When she was finished she hung the towel on the wall and walked back to her room. She donned simple undergarments before donning her full armor, the red and black metal glistening in the light as she looked to the wall where her spear hung. She removed it and swung it lightly a few times to acclimate herself to its weight. After a certain amount of time not using a weapon, it was a wise idea to test its weight and allow oneself to get to know it again before use. Using a weapon without getting used to the weight was always a bad idea no matter how strong you are, and so when she was satisfied that she knew her weapon again she clipped it into a small "sheath" on her back which held it in place just off the ground and out of the way of her legs.

She grabbed a pouch from the wall and filled it with a small assortment of herbs and extracts that she knew both Aleiva and herself could use on the trip for various purposes. She grabbed a slightly larger pouch that hung over her shoulder for some of the things she knew she would make regular use of such as her canteen and a few small tools for harvesting plants and skinning animals. Linde always caught, killed, and ate her own meals unless Aleiva insisted on cooking or dining in the village. This way of living was ingrained in her from her father, as he had been a halfway decent hunter like his father before him and grew up with the knowledge that life was precious and not to be wasted. "If you kill it, you eat it." That was her grandfather's way of thinking and it worked well enough for her.

She did a quick check of herself, her armor, and her two pouches before setting off from the Apothecary. She walked in silence on her way towards the bridge and when she arrived, it was something of a pitiful sight.

The journey hadn't even begun and the Dragon Slayer was already in trouble.

Ugh... That does not bode well for this venture. She thought.

She looked over and saw Aleiva trying to get their attention and so she walked over to her friend and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Aleiva, don't bother... I'll do it." She said gently with something of a forced smile.

She let go of Aleiva's shoulder and turned her head towards where the Delerian and Lord Thorndike were. She carefully pushed her way through what was left of the crowd before coming to a stop in front of the two men. She locked her eyes onto Lord Thorndikes and her expression darkened as her left hand slowly and unconsciously made its way to the body of her spear, though she did not draw it.

"You and I are going to have a long conversation about this when I return, and you aren't going to enjoy it. Try to avoid it, and you'll regret it. Do I make myself clear?" She said in a stern and commanding voice.

There were a few murmurs from the crowd about how she had just spoken to Lord Thorndike, and a few people even looked to him and asked if he was going to just let her speak to him like that.

She paid the crowd absolutely zero attention as her eyes slid to the Dragon Slayer. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she came forward and knelt down in front of him. Her armor was form fitting and tight to her body which she knew would spark his interest and undoubtedly would lead to him ogling her later if he wasn't already though he wasn't voicing it yet. She placed her hand on his shoulder just above his wound and gave it a light squeeze.

Speaking in a soft tone in the Delerian language, she locked her eyes on his before speaking.

"Remove your shirt please..." She requested as she removed her hand.

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Lian by Sonata

A neutral village between the borders of Delère and Caelum. This is Chapter One and where our story begins.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera
Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin


Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin
Daerio Vardin

"I tried to come alone, but this army insisted on following me."

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera
Aleiva Yrtera

"Uh.. Hello."


Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera
Aleiva Yrtera

"Uh.. Hello."

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin
Daerio Vardin

"I tried to come alone, but this army insisted on following me."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin
Daerio Vardin

"I tried to come alone, but this army insisted on following me."

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera
Aleiva Yrtera

"Uh.. Hello."

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Lian by Sonata

A neutral village between the borders of Delère and Caelum. This is Chapter One and where our story begins.


A neutral village between the borders of Delère and Caelum. This is Chapter One and where our story begins.

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