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Linde Xe' Almna

Nature's whispering to us all... Open your ears and listen.

0 · 429 views · located in Lian

a character in “Dragon Emblem”, originally authored by KumoriRyuu, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Linde Xe' (pronounced Shey) Almna
Nickname: "Doll Face"
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Lian
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Red
Complexion: Fair
Distinguishing Marks: Red eyes and two green tattoos
Element: Nature

Visual Appearance:

Linde is not a mage of any kind but this is the approximate visual that I've been going for. The hair is not quite this long but the overall features and the general idea of what her gown looks like in this first Chapter of Dragon Emblem is about right.


Written Appearance: Linde is a slender but very athletic young woman. She has long, dark brown hair that falls to the middle of her thighs and is typically tied up in a ponytail. Her face is lean and somewhat heart shaped tanks to the bangs which hang in front of and frame her face. Her shoulders slope gently away from the base of her neck and her bust is a relatively large C-cup, just bordering below D. Her stomach is flat and her abdominal muscles are crisp and firm. Her hips curve out nicely from her waist, giving her a very womanly hour glass figure. She has long, attractive legs which are very strong for someone her size given the nature of her training.

She has two tattoos. The first tattoo is that of a green vine running which starts at the base of her neck, snakes in a zig zag pattern down her spine, and stops at the tip of her tailbone. The other is that of a green Dragon wrapping itself around her left arm from her wrist to the top of her shoulder. To hide these tattoos, she typically wears long sleeved, forest green tunics so that even if one did glimpse the tattoo it would hopefully be mistaken for part of her clothing.


Personality: She was born with a love for the flora and fauna of the world and is typically a very sweet and gentle soul. She does, however, possess a feisty side as well. Her mother likened her to a rose when Linde was a teenager, stating that: "She looks beautiful at a glance but if you get too curious and come too close, you'll catch a thorn". When Linde's anger is provoked, she can be unpredictable but will almost always take out her frustrations on inanimate objects such as rocks fallen logs instead of other human beings.

Linde is a quiet individual, though she is not shy about conversing with the people she comes to know. She's not shy about conversing with strangers so long as they don't appear to be a threat, and is usually seen with a faint smile on her face. This "half smile" that she is famous for earned her the nickname "Doll Face" by most of the village, as aside from the smile her expression is typically blank. Despite this very stoic expression, she is an incredibly bright individual. Linde did however grow up having a limited education, and the extent of her knowledge is almost exclusive to combat, nature, and basic logic and reasoning skills.

Quirks: Linde has three unique features that make her stand out in a crowd.

The first is that she has a rare defect of the eyes which caused her pupils during development to extend into her iris's which is why her eyes are a crimson red coloration. This defect makes her eyes very sensitive to light which is one of the reasons for her stoic expression, but in turn it gives her incredible night vision capabilities because her eyes are so sensitive to ambient light.

Her next identifiable trait is that she seems to have no romantic bones in her body. She has turned away all respective suitors and has never shown interest in anyone. This is unnatural and nobody seems to know where this detachment comes from, except for Linde.

Third, Linde is terrified of fire. As a child she was trapped in a burning building when her friends accidentally played near the fireplace while she was sleeping over and the building came down around her. She managed to escape, but developed arsonphobia as a result of this incident.

Likes: Linde is in love with nature and is most at home wandering forested areas and valleys. She also enjoys swimming and hiking as past times and is fond of competitive games that test endurance and coordination such as long distance running against friends or sparring.

Dislikes: Linde cannot stand fire and is equally terrified of predatory animals that are greater in size than she is. Though she will stand her ground against the animals, her fear of them is quite obvious to anyone who happens to be present during the encounter.

Talents: Linde's talents are swimming, climbing, hiking, staff based combat, and herbology thanks to her affinity for nature.


Armor: Her father was the blacksmith of Lian before he lost that job and was forced to become a loader of goods on wagons and carriages for the village's trade. He designed basic armor for Linde using what remained of his own materials that perfectly compliments her slender and athletic frame. The armor itself comes in three pieces which are all easy and quick to adorn.

The first piece is the chest plate which covers the entirety of her chest and part of her ribcage from frontal attacks. The core, which protects her stomach and lower back from harm. And finally her greaves and vambraces. The greaves cover her legs from the base of her kneecaps to the top of her ankles, while the vambraces cover her arms from the elbow to her wrist. The vambraces connect to a hand guard which covers the backside of her hands for a little extra protection.

Her armor has a few serious weaknesses, most of which come from attacks from the rear. Being a frontal design, the chest plate does not cover her shoulder blades on up, but instead wraps around her core beneath them leaving her upper back and neck completely exposed to attacks. The back of her legs and arms are also vulnerable to attacks, as well as her face and head since she wears no helmet of any kind.

Weapon of Choice: Spear

Weapon Skills: Linde learned to use a staff when she was younger but came to enjoy the thrill of training with the spear due to the advantage of having a blade at the end of her weapon. Though it was not as easy to use as others, it was none the less a very powerful and unpredictable weapon to work with which is why she enjoyed her training with it as immensely as she did. The difficulty that came from using a weapon that to most was somewhat cumbersome and limited in its practical application was a challenge she was eager to face.

While she carries no special or identifiable skills or techniques, she is somewhat famous for her improvisational abilities with her weapon in that it's not always her first weapon of choice. Linde has taught herself to use literally anything and everything around her as a potential weapon or object of distraction, such as rocks, grass, misplaced objects, and even her own clothing when necessary.

A good example of the latter was during a recent encounter with a group of thugs who posed as travelers in order to pilfer from the weak and less fortunate. They decided that since she was a woman and alone that she would be an easy target. Instead, they found more than they bargained for. Linde was able to use her clothing and feminine charms to lure them in close before sweeping the two largest men off their feet while she grabbed a rock off the ground while she was down and bashed another on the foot, leaving only one stunned target left as she quickly jumped to her feet. He was about to move in to attack when she faced him and ripped her shirt open along the front, exposing a rather uncomfortable amount of cleavage without completely tearing the shirt off which further stunned him long enough for her to snap her fist into his Philtrum, knocking him out. The other three recovered relatively quickly, but not before she got her spear and forced them to leave.

Such a use of her body and clothing is something that she doesn't like resorting to, but will none the less make use of when she has no other weapons available. She has long since come to the understanding that all men are susceptible to the exposure of a woman's body and she has embraced that fact and incorporated it into her fighting style. Whenever and wherever necessary she will not hesitate to show cleavage, purposefully flip her skirt, or act sexually interested in order to move in close on a less guarded opponent. Such tactics are somewhat frowned upon by some of the people who have seen her fight within the village since it's considered inappropriate for a young woman to reveal herself in such a manner, but to Linde it is all fair play when it comes to defending herself or others. In Linde's mind, there is no such things as dirty fighting. Such a term is but a tool for the weak to hide behind when they have no real confidence in themselves or their fighting style.

Despite her improvisational and highly instinctual style of combat, there are a few specific movements and stances that are unique to Linde alone among those who train with spears in the village:

* Linde's stance when her spear is drawn is that of an "X" in relationship to her upper torso. When her stance leans to the left she has her spear slanted up and to the right, and vice a versa when she leans to her right side. This gives her both an offensive and defensive capable stance that allows for fast and unpredictable movements since the spear has free range of motion instead of being held directly at her opponent where it can only move in one of three directions: up, down or forwards.

* Despite the blade being the primary point of interest, Linde often doesn't use it in favor of using it instead as but a balance point so that she can use the non bladed end to inflict non-lethal damage to most of her opponents.

*Linde's steps during combat are light and her feet stay very close to the ground. Also, her stance is fairly low, giving her a low center of gravity to allow her explosive movements whenever necessary.


Background: Linde was born and raised in Lian by two loving parents and a pair of older brothers. Her bond with her family is exceedingly strong and she will throw caution to the wind to defend them no matter the cost. Her brothers are the reason for her somewhat feisty side, as she had to learn to defend herself against their childish taunting early in life. Despite this she is very close to the both of them and watches out for them while trying to keep them out of trouble.

Linde was part of a sleepover at a friends house when she was five years old and while she was sleeping her friends played too near the fireplace which had inevitable consequences. Her friends knocked the fire stoker into the fireplace which caused one of the logs to ricochet back and it landed on Linde's sleeping bag. Linde woke up too late to stop it from catching both her sleeping bag and her clothes on fire. The instant her eyes opened up and beheld the flame on her lap she panicked. Not only were her eyes burning from the light of the fire, but in her desperation to get away she could not completely get out of the sleeping bag and so struggled to free herself for what seemed an eternity while the flames grew around her. Her friends had to help her through all of the struggling but they all managed to free her and they all safely exited the house. Linde was forever scarred by this event and has carried arsonphobia ever since. Even the smallest flame from a candle will have an almost immediate effect on her, causing her to tremble in fear.

After that event, she was convinced that if she trained herself to be a warrior that her fears would disappear and she would become fearless like the warriors in her fairy tales. This was nothing but a child's delusion, of course, but never the less it was what inspired her to begin training. As she grew older, she came to accept her fear of fire and began to focus on training not for becoming brave, but for becoming a stronger person so that she could protect her family and friends in the future. Also, she has a subconscious need to prove herself as a strong minded individual to those she knows because she sees her fears as weaknesses and her pride will not stand for the existence of such weaknesses.

Her training is focused primarily on the use of her spear which she now views as a fifth limb rather than a simple weapon. Linde has also taught herself to fight without the spear, as relying on a single weapon to fight one's battles is a fool's errand. Though she does not have the experience to face a master of self defense in unarmed combat, she is easily trained enough to take down thugs and less experienced fighters. Her hand to hand combat focuses on both nerve striking and close combat, remaining inside an opponent's reach where their power is dramatically reduced. Linde studied very briefly with a master of medicine and massage, learning the nerve pathways and meridians of the body for the purpose of improving her own medicinal skills. This training, however, not only improved her abilities as a healer, but gave her a new arsenal of attacks which she has perfected over time and made extensive use of in combat situations.

One of Linde's favorite places for training is just outside the Village and across Gunther Bridge. Working with the environment to better herself as best she can, she often makes use of the trees, rocks, boulders, logs and even Gunther Bridge itself to further her training. She has been scolded often whenever she was caught training either on or beneath the bridge by those who make regular use of it for work or trade, but she never pays them any mind and at this point in her life most have stopped reprimanding her, instead opting to watch her in their spare time. Typically the show does not last long, as the bridge is often her warm-up area instead of her true training ground. When it comes time for her serious training, she retreats into the woods outside the village and away from prying eyes.

Growing up in a relatively poor family, Linde never received a formal education beyond the schoolhouse when she was a child. As such, her knowledge is almost exclusively geared towards the nature and herbology that she loves so much, as well as combat and her ability to read a situation based on logic and critical thinking. She is humble about money, and finds those with wealth to be quite pompous and in need of a reality check. As of late, she has become increasingly secretive about her training for some reason, and will no longer let even her own family watch her practice.

Linde currently volunteers at the Apothecary run by Aleiva, who takes her gathered herbs and the handmade salves and extracts to treat her patients while Linde in turn is allowed to reside in one of the old storage rooms which she has since cleaned out and modified into her own living quarters. Aleiva is adverse to combat, so Linde also offers her protective services whenever she has to travel or leave the Apothecary for work.

Linde holds a longstanding friendship and rivalry with a young woman named Nimuae. The two compete with each other quite often, but always to push each other to become better and stronger. Somewhere in recent years, the two of them had a serious fight which nearly destroyed their friendship. By some miracle, the two have remained friends, albeit somewhat grudgingly so. Their rivalry has only grown stronger, but they still retain a certain level of silent respect for each other which is enough to keep them from trying to tear each other's throats out.

So begins...

Linde Xe' Almna's Story


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Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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Twisted Woods

The air was quiet and the local residents of the Twisted Woods slept blissfully in their dens and nests as the tender caress of the night swept over their heads. The sky was dark and carried with it a light mist brought about by the waters of the stream which flowed through the gorge nearby. The moisture of the air permeated the surroundings, placing everything in its path under a thin blanket of water as the first rays of the sun began to shine over the edge of the mountains.

Deep within the woods, a small clearing played host to a scene which had since become so common that even the local animals did not bother finding new nest sites or den locations. This morning ritual was held every day before dawn, and for some of the locals the end would not come soon enough...

Her spear sliced through the air as she stepped about the clearing. This way and that the weapon spun, twirling around her body and her head as she leaped gracefully from one spot to another. The visualization of opponents all around kept her on the move and on her toes as the sound of the blade at the end of her weapon created a light hum as it whipped through the air.

Despite the chill of the night, her body was drenched in sweat from having exercised countless hours since midnight. As the light of the sun began to rise higher, her attacks on the invisible enemies around her became faster and more vicious. Stabbing and slicing this way and that as the imaginary enemies drew ever closer. She began to grow desperate as more and more began to appear. Her breathing became faster and louder, causing several of the local animals to stir in annoyance as she began to grunt and growl with her attacks.

Finally, everything went quiet. In her mind she saw a single sword piercing her throat, and her own weapon was not where it should have been. Her breathing slowed to a crawl as she stood up straight in the center of the clearing. Inhaling in through her nose and out slowly through her mouth, she felt her heartbeat begin to crawl as her body began to relax. She looked up just in time to catch the sun's first reveal above the edge of the mountains, and the small clearing suddenly filled with light.

She slowly raised her right hand to shield her eyes as both of the red spheres retreated behind her eyelids. The morning mist gently glided across her flesh, reminding her of her mortality though still allowing her to enjoy the rapture of the adrenaline in her system. These fights were so real within her mind that she could swear, had there been anybody there to speak to, that her throat now stung from the blade that theoretically pierced it. She looked down at her own weapon, eyeing the blade as she turned it slowly in the sunlight and made a somewhat irritating discovery.

"... I need to sharpen you don't I?" She asked it as she brought the blade up close to her face.

That thought by itself was irksome to her, as she prided herself on keeping her weapons and armor in top condition. Luckily, her father had been a blacksmith for many years and still had many of his old tools lying around the house that she could use.

Her body was currently weighed down with over sixty pounds of armor, thirty five of which belonged to the chest piece alone. Her core armor was fifteen pounds and the combined weight of her greaves and vambraces were in slight excess of twenty pounds. Topping that off with a twelve pound weapon, Linde was currently supporting just over eighty pounds of extra weight, but she found it invigorating to do so. Her brothers often teased her about being "mannish" and "too strong for a girl", but she didn't mind. Among the members of her family, she was easily the best fighter and that was enough for her.

Her friend Aleiva, who ran the village Apothecary and who was technically her landlord, often scolded her for numerous things that she did which included but were not limited to: training from midnight into the wee hours of the morning, training as hard as she did in any weather or temperature, using herself as a guinea pig for her herbs and concoctions, and much more.

Linde knew that when she returned to the Apothecary that she was likely in for yet another friendly scolding, so she gathered her extra belongings which were in a small traveling pack that she kept on a nearby tree stump and headed back towards the village. It took over a half an hour of walking, but Linde finally made it back to the village and couldn't help but smile.

Lian Village

Everywhere she looked, people were just waking up and getting ready for their day. It was a heart warming sight to behold. Such a peaceful and wonderful village with people of all races and backgrounds who lived together in harmony... or mild harmony at least. Every now and then there was the occasional spat, but that's what it meant to be human.

Linde wandered through the streets, greeting those she passed with a smile and a nod of her head before she reached the doors of the Apothecary. She inhaled deeply and let the breath out on a sigh as she opened the doors and walked inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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#, as written by Yorda
The Hospice. (Apothecary's)

Aleiva had woken early as usual, just a little before sunrise, to get things ready at the Hospice. She always wanted to be sure her supplies were fully stocked, lest she need something in an emergency and be unable to find it. People counted on her when they were injured or ill, and the young apothecary wanted to be sure she never let them down. It didn't take long for Aleiva to get dressed. She was not a fussy girl by any means. No fancy clothes or hair, just a pony tail held up by pink ribbon and a canary yellow, knee length dress with brown ankle boots and she was on her way.

The Hospice what built right next to her family home. Her father had wanted to make sure no one had to look far for him, and now Aleiva herself, when they were in need. Most were still in bed as the girl stepped into the cool night are and took the short walk to the Hospice. Once inside, Aleiva immediately crossed the building to see if Linde had gotten more sleep like she had suggested.. but the open door and missing weapon and armor said it all.

The exam room was little more than a large room with a small, wooden exam table in the middle, just long and wide enough for one person to lay on. There were also cupboards full of Herbs, bandages and other supplies along one wall under a counter, and barrel of clean water in the corner, ready if she needed it for cleaning wounds or to mix with herbs for Medicine. It was here that the young Apothecary went, wearing a small, worried frown, to make sure everything was stocked properly.

Aleiva was just noting they were low on two herbs they commonly used, when the sound of the door caught her attention. Hoping it was Linde, Aleiva all but ran to the waiting room. Though it was in deed her friend, Aleiva's frown deepened. "You were out all night again... weren't you?" She asked softly. Aleiva worried that if Linde continued to push herself this hard her body would give out on her. That worry was quite clear on Aleiva's face as she studied the herbalist critically for any signs of injury or poor health.

After a few moments, Aleiva turned her sapphire gaze to the window with a resigned sigh. She was satisfied that her friend wasn't going to pass out or die, but still a little disappointed that Linde refused to treat herself better. "I wish you would at least get more rest.." She said in the same soft voice as before. Aleiva would never yell or scream at Linde, but some might find this sort of 'kind scolding' even worse. Like when a mother says she's disappointed in her child.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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As the doors opened Linde was greeted by her friend Aleiva.

"You were out all night again... weren't you?" She asked softly.

Linde smiled, somewhat sheepishly and nodded to her as she walked forward a few paces.

"I wish you would at least get more rest." Aleiva said upon her approach.

Linde looked Aleiva in the eyes and placed her hand on Aleiva's shoulder.

"I'm fine Aleiva." She said gently.

No sooner had she removed her hand from Aleiva's shoulder than Laris suddenly entered the room. She watched him as he scratched his head, no doubt a subconscious reprimand for not coming up with a reason for his being here. Her suspicion was confirmed by his stammering as he came forward to talk to the two of them.

"H-hello, Aleiva, Linde. I..uh..thought you might be running low on some things..s-so I scavenged a bit last night."

Linde almost shook her head but she smothered the thought and resisted the urge. The boy was so obvious that it was almost painful. No doubt, being as innocent as she was, Aleiva didn't realize what was going on and thought that Laris was just shy like her.

"Are you a-alright, Linde?" Laris asked suddenly.

Linde's left eyebrow rose slightly and she looked down at herself, checking her armor and clothing for any signs of injury that she was otherwise unaware of. After a semi thorough search, she regarded Laris with an expression that was treading the line between suspicion and irritation. Despite this, when she spoke, her voice was calm and even.

"I am fine Laris. I don't know what gave you the impression that I was injured, but thank you for your concern. Now, if the two of you will excuse me I have to freshen up. It has been a long night and I need some time by myself."

She smiled at Aleiva one last time and gave her a slight nod of her head before turning away from her. As she started to walk away she suddenly came to a stop and turned back to look at Laris over her shoulder. The expression on her face was unreadable, but never the less she kept direct eye contact with Laris for well over ten full seconds before turning away again. She walked through the door ahead and into the hallway where she wandered for a moment before finding her room. She unlocked the door and walked inside, setting her armor down before grabbing a few accessories as she started to clean and polish it. Nobody liked dull armor, and Linde was no exception. She cleaned her armor and her spear for a good ten minutes before replacing them on their racks and removing her damp and dirty clothing.

She stepped into the small bathroom that used to be a closet and into the tub to wash herself and relax. Aleiva was good about keeping the waters heated while she was away, even through the nights and the days when she was not present at the Apothecary. Linde appreciated her friends determination to take care of her, even if it was somewhat unnecessary. It had been a long morning, and she leaned her head back as she let the warmth of the water calm her soul and ease the tension that had built up within her muscles and joints from her hard night of training.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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#, as written by Yorda
The Hospice

Aleiva smiled despite herself when Linde said she was fine. Some part of the young healer knew she worried too much, but Aleiva couldn't help but want to take care of others, especially her friends. the young Apothecary was going to say something more, but the opening door caught her attention once more, causing her to look over at the entering Laris. He was so nice, always trying to help out. Though, he seemed as nervous as she was about talking to people. In Aleiva's case, it was worse around people she didn't know, or didn't know well. That meant there was little talking between them.Though they had spent some time together, Aleiva didn't know all that much about the white hared man.

"Oh.. Laris.. Th-thank you very much.. I was running low on-on St. jon's wart and... myrrh." She said softly. "Did you.. happen to-to find ether..?" Usually Linde supplied her herbs, but Aleiva wouldn't turn down Laris's attempts to help. He was treated like an outcast by so many and, while Aleiva didn't understand why he was treated so, it made her want to be all the nicer to the poor thing.

When Linde excused herself, Aleiva returned her friend's smile with a sheepish smile of her own. "Alright.." She said in that usual, soft tone that barely lifted above a whisper. "There are fresh towels... on a stool neat the tub." She added when Linde paused to stare at Laris. The girl tilted her head slightly to the side and looked between the two in mild confusion until Linde went on her way to freshen up. Of course she was curious about the odd interaction between the two, but Aleiva was a bit too timid to ask Laris. Maybe she could ask Linde later, if they didn't get too busy.

With her friend gone to freshen up, Aleiva turned her full attention to Laris. The apothecary's gaze drifted to the floor as she folded her hands behind her back and shifted her weight from foot to foot nervously. It took nearly a full minuet for the girl to speak again. "Uh.. so.. may I see what you-What you brought?" She finally asked. Unless there was some sort of medical problem that needed solving, Aleiva found it awkward trying to speak to nearly everyone outside of her family.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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The steam filling the room was heaven to her skin, and the warmth of the water melted away the soreness in her muscles. The wonderful effects of the special herbs she added to it before entering were helping all the more as the sweet scent of the plants mixed in with her skin and hair before she finally opened her eyes again and looked up at the ceiling of her little bathroom.

She inhaled deeply, letting it off on a sigh of content as she leaned her head from one side to the other, gently cracking it at both ends before leaning back once more.

"At times like this I almost wish that I weren't so engrossed in my training... It does get rather lonely around here since Aleiva's always working."

She closed her eyes as her mind began to wander to her days before training became important. She remembered vividly times where she would rely on others for comfort, especially her mother. Before the accident, she was always looking for her mother and hiding behind her, all the while hoping that things would work out. When they didn't, she would turn to her father. Today, however, things were very different.

Her eyes opened and she felt a single tear roll down her cheek.

At first it was almost surreal. Surely that tear wasn't really there, was it? She reached up and picked it up on the tip of her finger, staring at it for a long while as more began to fall.

"Wh-.... What is this?" She asked to nobody in particular in between small gasps of breath as her tears began to flow like a pair of rivers down her face.

She gripped her shoulders, hard, and her fingers dug into her skin causing small rivulets of blood to ooze forth from the now open wounds. There was no recognition of the pain through the memories and flowing thoughts which now cascaded through her mind, and her grip only tightened until she finally opened her eyes and saw what she was doing to herself. She released her grip and gently stroked her shoulders, smearing the blood over them before allowing her body to sink below the surface of the water. The blood began to wash off of her skin, but in the process it began to stick to the minerals and herbal liquids she had placed in the tub, staining the water red around her shoulders.

"That won't do... Aleiva's really going to let me have it this time." She said, a small and somewhat pained smile on her face.

Linde rose out of her tub and stepped over to a small cloth on the floor as she reached for her towel. Her blood was flowing slower, and it didn't stain her towel very much, but none the less it did stain it. Once she was done she got dressed into a small outfit resembling a nightgown which Aleiva had bought for her last year as a birthday present. It was a light material and looked almost like a one piece dress were it not for the small white frills on the collar and the lapels, not to mention that it stopped just above her knees which is where she liked it to be.

Aside from this small gown from Aleiva, she was wearing only her undergarments. Her arms and legs were bare, which was a sight not many had seen from her. She looked in the mirror and a glint of depression crossed her eyes. She turned from one side to the other, looking her body up and down while she wondered if she actually looked feminine anymore. When she was young she had big dreams of marriage and a family, but after the accident that all vanished in favor of becoming stronger. She continued to pose in front of the mirror as the memories of her childhood dreams came rushing back into her head.

"Am I... still a woman to these people?" She asked herself quietly.

She opened the door to her room from the bathroom and sat down on the edge of her bed, wondering if she should talk to Aleiva about getting her shoulders bandaged before a thought occurred to her. Aleiva had always been there for her and was always working hard to watch out for her despite how distant she always was, and Linde had to admire the girl's dedication to such an absent friend. Linde had done little to repay her, save for giving her the batches of herbs that she could not find for herself in the wilderness beyond her comfort zone, which was where Linde did most of her training.

"... I'll make her something..." She said softly as her eyes lit up and her face brightened.

"Yes! Something nice and something practical... But what to make?" She asked herself as she stood up and approached the door.

A thousand and one ideas began to rush through her head before a single thought finally occurred to her. Aleiva gathered her own herbs even though she let Linde find others that she could not reach in the wilderness, and she mostly used a basket for such an effort and would get the herbs mixed up and have to organize them upon her return.

"Yes, I'll make her a belt with pouches for different herbal ingredients!" She said aloud to herself as she opened the door.

"Aleiva!" She called out.

She was about to call again but suddenly cut it off as she saw the event unfolding before her as she rounded the corner of the hallway into the main room. On the floor before her was Aleiva and a new face. A quick examination of his feature confirmed him as Delerian and Linde came forward to Aleiva's side, watching as the man quickly downed the water and started speaking in Delerian. She understood his words, her father being a Delerian himself, and so she chose to answer the man's question since nobody else around her was doing so. She spoke softly and evenly in Delerian for him, supporting his head as she slowly lifted him to a more seated position.

"This is the village of Lian, on the border between DelĂšre and Caelum. Who are you sir, and why have you come into such bad fortune as to be in such a state?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Yorda
Hospice (Apothecary's)

The merchant's words fell upon death ears. Aleiva was too engrossed in taking care of her new patient to notice his somewhat suspicious departure, and may not have picked up on it even if she had been paying attention. It was a relife that the man was able to drink on his own, that meant he would probably be fine with fluids and rest. Though the speed that the Delerian drank the water was cause for concern. For a moment, she was sure he would throw the water back up. It was only after the man spoke that the young Apothecary reached out to gently take the empty glass. "Please... you must drink m-more slowly or-or you'll make yourself sick." She said softly. Now that she knew the man wasn't in mortal danger, Aleiva's timid nature returned with a vengeance.

Aleiva wasn't sure when she had come out of the back, but she heard Lindie's voice. Suddenly the woman was at her side, helping the Delerian sit up and answering his question. Aleiva also noticed her friend was wearing the dress she had gotten for her... and that her bare arms had small wounds in them. While this made her frown, the girl could only tend one patient at a time.. she would have to examine the wounds later. It was still a relief to have Linde there, she was a great source of moral support and spoke DelĂšre much better than the young apothecary. Thanks to her father, Aleiva did speak some DelĂšre; enough to get by at least. However, Aleiva was not fluent.

As Linde spoke with the Delerian, Aleiva walked back to the barrel and refilled the glass. This time Aleiva added a couple of herbs, a little pellitory and barberry, to the water before returning to offer the glass to the Delarian once more. "It may taste bitter, but it will support your kidneys." She said softly. Sever dehydration could cause the Kidneys to shut down. Aleiva didn't see any yellowing to say they were damaged, but the herbs wouldn't hurt him, better safe than sorry.

It occured to Aleiva that the stranger may not understand her, so she spoke once more in DelĂšre. "Taste... bad. For you... good." She managed. Though, knowing how choppy her words were made her wince. Aleiva could only hope that the Delerian would understand what she meant. If nothing else, Linde could probably explain it better should he not understand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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0.00 INK

Laris' face turned red with embarrassment as she thanked him. He himself did not know, and was only aware of a warm feeling in his cheeks. However, he ignored the heat, and tried to get out a reply to her. "Y-y-you're w-welcome, Aleiva. S-s-sorry I couldn't h-h-help m-more." He wondered to himself why he had said her name just then, as it wasn't exactly necessary. He felt as though he simply enjoyed saying her name. As she began to mutter to herself about the herbs, he continued with his thoughts, unintentionally mouthing them out. "Wonder why I did that...and sheesh, why did I come in for no reason.." However, his pondering was again interrupted by Aleiva. Not that it mattered much, he felt joy at hearing her speak, on the rare few times that she did to him. She had asked him for the basket, and his response would have been to give it to her without regret. However, as it seemed they were both about to speak, the door creaked open and someone came in.

Make that two someones. Which was panicky. Laris didn't like people, especially outsiders. Perhaps dislike was the wrong word; Laris didn't like interacting with others in general. Except Aleiva, for whatever reason. But these two strange men were not her, obviously. But, when she asked him to help carry the dehydrated-looking man over to the exam room, he could not refuse. As the man who wasn't dying shot him a grin, Laris tried to smile back, knowing it probably looked a bit strange. He wasn't used that particular facial expression. After the he moved the man, he stepped back to let Aleiva do her work. He gently tapped her on the shoulder, saying "I-I'll just b-b-b-be o-over there...c-c-call m-me if y-y-you need s-s-some h-help." Laris decided that she might need something, hence why he said his statement. He then proceeded to step back and tried to blend into the background until he was called. He noticed the man get up and say something in a language that he didn't understand. He also watched Linde re-enter the room, and say something, again, in the language he didn't understand. Though, from the sound of it, it was probably Delerian. He only managed to pick up a few words here and there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Renmiri
Ilene da Silva
The Twisted Woods
Goin' to the Lian's Apothecary

Within the wee hours of morning light, as haunting dusk breeze gave way to golden forest skies, a little less than a dozen tired minds scrambled awake from the clutches of a midsummer nights' dream. Watching as a timid moon become its' brilliant, beseeching counterpart, it came as an inconvenient reminder to one particular, already alert mind that her world had not been lovingly enchanted by a dream; that the otherwise charming midsummer night had only graced her eyes with --or what had been-- a bleak, wholly uneventful stretch of darkness. It had been, after all, an evening where not a thieving soul had stirred save the natural, ethereal residents of the forest. And, although a guard should be glad for inactivity, suffice it to say that she could've very well been vigorously waving a sign saying 'Please eat me, mosquitoes!' and gotten no less but the same amount of action; just kind of sitting there like a ripe, plump tomato.

But a guard is a guard, and nobody asks to get robbed. So, with only a dispirited sigh to tell the tale, Ilene hopped from her perch as the last shift of night watch ended; eyes warmly welcoming the change from shades of black to gold. Because, although it wasn't entirely obvious (if at all), her sight was never the sharpest in the shadows. No matter how bad, though, her lack thereof was never enough to shirk sentry duty; and, being the ever competent high-class waitress, Ilene didn't really have the option to say no. Not that, of course, she ever would; when work and getting paid was just as --if not more-- important. In any case, amongst the hustle and bustle among the newly awakened travelling party, these depressing thoughts pushed to the corners and recesses of her mind; to be dwelled on the next, equally depressing night. What fun.

Or, well, perhaps not. For the past couple days, one of her charges had been caught in excessive bouts of coughing; and, from what Ilene had seen, was now snared in some sort of dim, increasingly severe fever. It was only a matter of time before the decision came to get a check-up at the border mountain village of Lian; the only available pit-stop within a couple dozen miles. We were going to replenish our supplies, anyway. And, after a few weeks of weary travelling, no sane person would reject the idea of a clean bath; or the prospect of, you know, not being attacked one night. An intermission between mosquito bites, like the calm before the swarm, yes? Ilene, of course, had absolutely no idea how right she was. Really, blood-sucking insects in an inn? But, in any case, within an hour and a half of back-breaking swerves to avoid overhanging branches on top of a slightly disfigured horse, the answer to the entire party's prayers shone between the edges of the Twisted Woods.

That is to say, Lian came into view in much the spectacular fashion; with, in their eyes, a heavenly glow of sunlight illuminating the scene. Which simultaneously triggered nine or so relaxed, pent-up sighs; although most entirely for completely different reasons. Personally, there had been an unrelenting itch on Ilene's back she hadn't been able to get, for fear of a vicious tree causing an equally vicious concussion. So, perhaps two hours after dawn and all with rather sore muscles from days and days of riding; these nine travelers checked into the local inn, three with quite lavish rooms while the rest took significantly less expensive posts all around. Happy horses went into happy stables, and weary guards were dismissed for most of the day. The tavern was the first hit for the vast majority of these people and, as Ilene had been the lone sheep heading back to her room, unknowingly passed the young adult to a wolf wrapped on a bright, silver platter.

The cause for the wreckage of her entire afternoon, evening, and perhaps days thereafter was initiated by two, very simple words. "Apothecary. Now." What am I, a dog? It wouldn't be such a source of agitation for the future Ilene if the previously frantic pair of rich parents had bothered to be even the least sincere for their child; which, in all fairness, they weren't. And who was it again that wanted to get halfway across the country in less than a month? The duo had complained all throughout the journey, and by their parenting it wasn't very difficult to imagine them causing the declining health of their child. All of the hired help had thought, at more than one point, that life was really just unfair; that it really was a shame that the miraculously sweet Gilbert Junior had been born to a bad set of parents. But, well, that's how it goes.

In any case, it was with an altogether mixed sense of disgust, accompanied by the beginnings of morning exhaustion, that made Ilene's daily, inwardly annoyed attitude; unknowingly brought to delightfully add to the congregated crowd's already-stiff mood in the Apothecary. And, although she was hit with a wave of 'life is just about to get a little more difficult! Don't go in!' just before opening the door, the kid was never one to back away from someone in need; no matter the client a bitch. So, throwing all caution into the wind, Ilene quietly slipped in to be part of the busy clinic; instantly regretting her decision when the parting noise of the Delerian language welcomed her. She inwardly winced, of course, but stayed put with a friendly face for the sake of a job to do.

Right. They're not all murderers. I'm not supposed to judge-- Damn it. From a quick, five-second survey of the scene, it seemed as if the Delerian in question had somehow been dehydrated and brought there; revived by copious amounts of water. The others, most likely of mixed heritage (as she wasn't able to discern it upon a glance), were crowded around; and she could only assume that the two women worked for the apothecary, while the man just a regular villager. The only impressions her mind enforced was the unjustified, immediate disliking of the Delerian; as she always had. But nothing changed among a still, calm face; and it took a few moments before she deemed it polite to approach for the sake of a child. Seeing that the taller woman was busy helping the downed man, Ilene chanced her bearings on the shorter; approaching by the front and staying a respective distance away. After all, being that she was armed, it was always better not to startle when pitching a request.

Without wasting time on introductions (and a little on edge as Gilbert Junior had been steadily getting worse), Ilene gave a detailed as much explanation of her own situation; her tone of voice a tad urgent, but calm enough. "A child just arrived at the inn with a bad case of fever, and he's getting worse. He's been coughing for days, but we don't know what caused it, or why. Please, can we have a moment of your time?" Practiced, a little pleading, she waited for a response; fully having thought that the taller woman, Linde, was also a healer. Her eyes casually danced from face to face, although determinedly ignoring the Delerian, but the fact that she only asked for one only meant that she hadn't ignored his sickness. Just, you know, bypassing the person in question. (Well, you can't expect better treatment from one grown in Caelum, can you?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Nimuae y'Velstc Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
The Apothecary

The Delerian’s eyes cracked open when he felt a hand slide behind his head. It had been rough and calloused that he thought it had been a man’s at first until he heard the language of his people being woven on feminine lips. Grey hues travelled up Linde’s outstretched arm, but hadn’t exactly reached her face before they met two, massive roadblocks that made the warrior’s brows knit in astonishment. Her breasts were enormous. If she hadn’t been helping him sit up, he might have lost his strength in his awe. Once he was sitting up, he gazed at Linde’s face, observing some Delerian features as well as Caelum. There was no way she would have jugs that huge if she was pure Delerian. He would know. He had seen female Delerian warriors. They were as flat as a board, lacking the proper nourishment since the land around them was a desert. He didn’t know much about Caelum women, but it made his brain ache to think that women with knockers that size would come from the enemy nation. It couldn’t be true! He wouldn’t be able to stomach it if it was.

The Delerian was looking frustrated, confused, or even constipated. There was a dumbfounded frown on his face, and it wasn’t until Aleiva returned to hand him a glass of herbal water that he awoke from his condition. He blinked a few times, and then took the glass, listening to her broken Delerian. He looked her over, and she appeared more Caelum with hints of Delerian. These women were hot! But wait, what was going on here? Had the rack queen said that the village was on the borders of Caelum and Delùre? Then who claimed it?

The Delerian raised his hand, resting his palm against his forehead. It was too much for his brain to take. Before responding to Linde, he took a drink from the glass the herbalist had offered to him, believing that it would cure his headache, but instead put a bad taste in his mouth. His nose wrinkled as he lowered the glass and forced the liquid down his throat.

I don’t understand
 The warrior began. He scowled down at the glass in his hands as he thought over what he’s seen so far. If King Rodul ever discovered this village, he would have his soldiers slaughter everyone here. Delerians were forbidden to lay with the enemy. It disturbed him to think how lucky this village was to have survived this long. It could have been the cover of the mountains that had kept them hidden from those that would do them harm. Closing his eyes, the Delerian decided to rid those thoughts from his mind. I am Daerio Vardin. I hail from Gunnimead, a village in Delùre. I was crossing the desert when I wound up here. That is all you need to know.

The accent of Caelum then filled his ears. It hadn’t been an accent similar to the hybrids that stood around him. There was no mistaking that accent. It was pure-breed Caelum. Daerio gazed past Linde at the blonde woman that was speaking with the platinum-haired beauty. His eyes lowered to her chest and his lips parted as a disgusted hiss streamed through his teeth. Gods
he had been missing out. On a positive note, his journey was given meaning. He had found prettier women, and there had bound to be more in the village.

Daerio finished his glass of herbal water and reached a hand behind his back, brushing over the empty leather holsters that had once carried his axes. His eyes widened in disbelief. No wonder the weight on his shoulders was lighter. They hadn’t been there!

What! Daerio exclaimed. He abruptly rose to his feet, dropping the glass that shattered upon the floor at his feet. His hands went behind his back and he began frantically patting around as though he were trying to scratch what he couldn’t reach. He then accusingly glanced to Linde, Laris, Ilene, and Aleiva before a memory cue flashed before his eyes. The nice axes he had seen on the merchant’s cart had been his.

Daerio’s hands lowered and he felt around his pockets. What else did that man steal? His money was gone. The Delerian’s face flushed red with anger before he roared, THIEVES! SCOUNDRELS! SWINDLERS!

His hands clenched into shaking fists. You let him escape with my money and gear!

The Smithy

The door to The Smithy opened as a blonde man backed into the shop, dragging a large pair of battleaxes. His face was tense with his struggles as he gazed over his shoulder at the young woman and blacksmith within. He flashed them a brilliant smile before he greeted merrily, “Hello, hello! What a wonderful
” He rasped. “Morning.”

Once he was close enough, he leaned the weapons against the wall and bent over, resting his hands upon his knees as he softly panted. As soon as he caught his breath, he straightened and faced the two beings with sweat lightly glistening on his face. The Smithy wasn’t at all refreshing in temperature.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ivan, a traveling merchant and do I have a sale for you, Sir! Or perhaps ma’am,” he said, eying Nimuae like a gold-snatching crow. “What I have here are two axes composed of Delerian steel. Yes! Inspect them yourself, Sir. This is no sham. I found them off a dead man in the desert—lucky me! They are in exquisite shape, and there’s enough steel there to be melted down into swords or

His eyes narrowed impishly as he eyed the Nimuae’s bow. “Arrowheads.”

The merchant then glanced innocently to the ceiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

The Apothecary

"I don't understand..." He said quietly to himself.

A few moment's later, "I am Daerio Vardin. I hail from Gunnimead, a village in DelĂšre. I was crossing the desert when I wound up here. That is all you need to know."

Linde was a bit unsure of this man. She had seen him eyeing her breasts before he spoke, which didn't bother her as she was used to men staring at her. The dress she had on didn't help as it did show a fair amount of cleavage so it was only natural that his eyes would wander.

At least he hadn't looked farther down. She thought to herself.

Linde's dress was short and fell to just above her knees. That being said, she was currently kneeling on her right leg and had his eyes wandered lower there was a chance for him to see her underwear. Luckily that didn't seem to be the case and Linde decided that it was best that way.

A few seconds later he rose to his feet quite abruptly, and Linde stood up with him, standing somewhat defensively in front of Aleiva as the man searched himself for something.

"THIEVES. SCOUNDRELS. SWINDLERS." He shouted as he turned to face them.

"You let him escape with my money and gear!" He yelled.

Linde came forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. One again, she spoke in a clam voice as she once again spoke his native Delerian language.

"Calm yourself. There is only one place that someone could go in this village to sell weapons or equipment of this nature. The blacksmith is not far from here, and if you will calm yourself and allow me to, I will lead you there. The one you speak of could not have gotten far and will not likely sell your belongings before we reach him."

With that she let go of his shoulder and walked to the door past the young blonde woman from before. She looked over her shoulder to Aleiva and gave her an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Aleiva, but I have to get this sorted out before it turns into a massive scene in the village. You take care of the boy that girl was talking about and I'll help this one find his belongings."

She looked back towards the Delerian and jerked her head towards the door, "Come!", she ordered in Delerian to him as she walked out the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Yorda
Hospice (Apothecary's)

Aleiva felt a little guilty that poor Laris was just standing awkwardly in the corner, but she had to make sure her new patient would be okay before allowing herself to get distracted. He drank the herbal water a little more slowly, which was good, but she did notice his hand go to his head. Ah, she should have figured he would have a head ache, that he would be be sore in general really, and added something for the pain as well... The young Apothecary's mistake made her frown, but it wasn't too late to rectify it. She would just have to try and remember the right words...

As she tried to think of the right words, letting her gaze drift to the floor as she did so, Aleiva listened to Linde speak to the Delerian. While she didn't understand every word, the girl did get the gist of what he was saying. He was basically answering Linde's questions. Aleiva felt even more out of place than normal, seeing as she barely understood what was being said, and rubbed her arm awkwardly. "I sorry. If you.. head hurt I-" She started sheepishly, but never got to finish.

A new voice drew the young Apothecary's attention from the Linde and the Delerian to yet another stranger. This one a Caelum woman. "A-A sick child?" She asked. Her tone was urgent but not loud or panicked. Aleiva turned and went to her cupboards without waiting for conformation to grab a few things. With children, ever second counted. "I-Is it just a fever and cough...? Any other-other symptoms?" She asked softly. The more she knew about the child's illness, the more prepared she could be before hand.

Aleiva was stuffing her supplies into a large, brown, leather sack with a single strap when the shattering of the delarian's glass and his sudden yelling made her freeze. Something about thieves... taking his money and his gear? The young Apothecary turned her head to look at Daerio, but Linde was already on top of it. It was times like this that Aleiva was especially grateful to have her there. Linde was strong, bold, and brave... everything Aleiva wasn't. Her friend's words, however, quickly brought her out of her hero warship. Aleiva had a child to take care of. "R-right." Came aleiva's answer. It was quiet but firm.

Aleiva returned her attention to her supplies. "Uh.. Laris.. I may need an-an extra par of hands. I-if you don't mind.." She said softly before heading for the door. the girl wanted to reach the Inn as quickly as possible. Aleiva would normally have been more timid around a stranger like the Caelum woman, but she had to push herself outside of her comfort zone when a child's health was on the line. "Lets-Lets go quickly...uh.. Okay?" Was all Aleiva said to.. well, asked the woman before hurrying out the door. She assumed the Caelum would join her, and Laris would follow if he decided to help. Hopefully she wasn't asking too much of the timid man. The blond would surly know the room the boy was in and be able to take her to him, but first they had to get to the Inn! In her hurry to get to her new patient, Aleiva was all but running.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

The Hospice

Laris observed the man from the corner as he seemed to rage abut something. Of course, he couldn't understand what was being said, but he was glad that for once that Linde was there, even if she had given him that look earlier. Which he still wasn't sure what it meant. 

However, what drew his attention was the woman who had entered. Her look was vaguely reminiscent of a Caelum, but her words were more important than her looks. Did she just mention a sick child? As Laris stepped forward to answer the call, Aleiva beat him to the punch. He wad content to let her ask the questions, after all, he wasn't the apothecary. 

As she finished packing her bags, h was surprised when she asked for his help. "M-me? A-a-alright, sure." He jogged after Aleiva, pausing only to throw a short word to the Caelum woman. "The inn, r-right? P-please hurry and help her find the room when we get there. The only thing that makes her go this quickly is a person who needs help." With that, he ran off after Aleiva, trailing behind her. Just to be thoughtful, he decided he would try to help out a bit more. "D-do you w-w-want me t-to t-take your bag, Aleiva?" There it was. He had said her name again for no reason. Strange. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna
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0.00 INK

The Inn

A white haired young man came stumbling out of the only inn in Lian quickly followed by a much larger, stronger looking man with quite the ferocious look on his face, landing on his knees as he tripped down the last stair and into the road. "Alright boy, this is your last chance to...apologize. But simple words aren't going to be enough. I'll be expecting a good shoe shine to get your blood off my boots after I'm done kicking you around a bit." The man cracked his knuckles with an evil grin on his face. "If you apologize now though I'll let you live and we can laugh about this later on."

The young man slowly got up and dusted himself off before turning to look the older man in the eyes. "Sir, I don't know what I have done to offend you. I simply pointed out that the DelĂšreian government is horribly misguided in its attempts at maintaining control. You don't rule with an iron fist a people you could simply rule with sound judgement and reasoning."

The man bristled at the last bit and quickly retorted "Oh, so now our people are unintelligent huh? You calling us stupid, boy?" he asked, reveling himself to be either a true DelĂšreian or a close descendent.

The young man quickly lifted his hands with open palms in defense of his words, "Not at all sir! I simply called your government leaders stupid." The look on his face showed he immediately regretted his poor choice of words but before he had the chance to attempt to take them back the DelĂšreian exploded and lunged for the white haired boy.

The boy sidestepped out of the way as the large man stumbled a few steps into the road, surprised that he didn't have a human body ready to be pummeled in his grasp. With a roar of rage the man turned and swung a beefy fist towards where the boy was but was again met with no resistance as his target sidestepped and stepped up behind him with his back to him. The large man took two steps back in surprise before he pulled a large knife from his belt and snarled, watching the boy who still hadn't turned to face him.

"You don't want to do that my good sir. Weapons shouldn't be in the hands of those unable to use them properly,"
the boy said calmly and without any mocking tone. The DelĂšreian snarled again and leaped forwards to drive the blade into the boy's back when the boy suddenly turned and ducked under the incoming blade before reaching up with his left hand to grasp his opponent's wrist, swinging his right hand in an arc to connect with the pressure point on the inside of the man's wrist causing his hand to open and release the grasped blade. The boy picked the knife up mid-flight with his left hand and flipped it over to his right as he took a step back, recovering his balance. The man looked up at the white haired boy with a startled look on his face but before the boy could follow up the older man stepped forward and he had to dance out of the way to avoid being grabbed and probably ended. He kept dancing around, trying to get in close but the swings of the much larger man kept him at bay, unable to get close enough to strike back.

The boy's earlier over confidence got the better of him as his dancing eventually lead to him finding a rock on the unfamiliar territory and almost toppling over, stumbling once again. The DelĂšreian took his chance and closed the distance but the boy managed to duck inside his reach, ending up on the older man's left side with the knife grasped by the hilt but pointing the opposite direction. He sent several quick, precise strikes with the knife, one across the shoulders, one down the belt and one across the back seam of the man's pants before he returned to his passive standing position, his arms folded into the sleeve of the opposite a few feet behind the man's back.

The crowd that had gathered burst into laughter as the DelĂšreian's outer clothing fell away from his body, revealing his undergarments. The man quickly bent down to pull what was left of his pants up in a semblance of coverage but with the belt sliced clean through and the back seam completely gone it didn't do much and simply caused him to look more foolish. "Now sir, I did warn you about not drawing a blade you were unfamiliar with did I not? Maybe you should listen to a monk in the future."

Neal Songburrow could barely contain his inner laughter as he turned to look at the man he had just exposed to the crowd, the man who was now attempting to cover as much of himself as he could with two torn garments and cursing at the top of his lungs. His training had taught him to not use his abilities in aggression or for enjoyment and as such he had given the man several warnings both in and outside the Inn before he had reacted. One should have better manners then to interrupt one who was enjoying a private conversation with another about a matter that truly didn't concern them. Neal gave a slight bow to the DelĂšreian before he turned to continue his visit to the town with a short stop at the local Hospice to sell the herbs he had gathered near his camp on Green Peak.

He had just turned the last corner before he reached the Hospice when he had to take a step to the side to avoid a sprinting girl followed closely by a sprinting boy. He was about to intervene, falsely assuming the girl was being chased until he recognized her from his previous visits to the town as the one who maintained the Hospice. Neal heard the boy ask if he could carry her bag for her and he realized that the boy must be assisting the girl on whatever errand she was running and so Neal let the pair run off as he headed on towards the building. Even if she was gone she had to return at some point and he was sure there would be something interesting to do or someone to talk to while he waited.

The Hospice

As Neal approached the Hospice he was almost struck in the face when the door came flying open as one of the occupants exited the building. He was saved simply by the fact that he hadn't quite reached the door and had only just begun to lean in to grasp the door handle before quickly leaning back out of the way with the door whistling past, inches away from his nose.

He blinked a few times before he fully realized he still had his nose attached to his face and took a few steps back and out of the way of the red eyed woman who came through the doorway. He bowed an apology for being in the way and said, "Pardon me for being in the way, my fair lady. Might I ask if you know when the kind Apothecary will be returning? I have certain herbs that I would like to sell if she has need of them." he quickly raised his hands before she could object to him charging, "I promise it won't be the exorbitant price of a merchant. I merely need a few items from the Grocer myself and unfortunately he doesn't work on the barter system as I have first hand knowledge with."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Aleiva Yrtera Character Portrait: Laris Obscura Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Ilene da Silva
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Renmiri
Ilene da Silva
The Apothecary
Goin' to the Inn

Well. That's mighty representative of Delerian nature. I'm judging again, aren't I? From the angry tones of a certain incomprehensible jumble of a tongue, Ilene could only gather that the previous patient before her was --for lack of a better phrase-- still under the mighty delusions formed by dehydration. Or, something she'd much rather believe, taken under a peculiar mental condition that all from his race seemed to have; one easily explained by the example 'Who're you lookin' at, Wall? You lookin' for a fight? Yeah? Don't you just stand there, bitch. Askin' for a go?', followed by a pissed off guy punching said wall. In other words, a disease called stupidity: when it magically seems perfectly logical to beat up anyone and anything, even biting the hand that feeds you. Yes, because violence is always the answer. But, in any case, as Ilene's beautiful impression of the young, enraged man suddenly planned suicide and jumped off a cliff, her nonchalant expression remained much the same; allowing only a raised, sarcastic eyebrow to express her thoughts. Because what kind of person is able to keep a good image of a (sadly to say) already prejudiced adult, when said person bursts out yelling in a language you simply don't understand? And those accusing looks? Not helping in the least.

But I digress. Brunette, on the other hand, seems pretty level. Which, coming from such a grounded person already, was as good a compliment as a stranger could get. Ilene, having caught the parting comment this girl made to.. Aleiva, was it?, couldn't help but give to a momentary drop of disappointment. Because, unfortunately, she couldn't paint a Delerian's impression worse. Put a damper on someone's day, why don't you? Anyhow, as one occupant quickly filed out the door, it soon became very apparent her next course of action. Which, thankfully, took her far, far away from a pissed off, prehistoric barbarian. Needless to say, she was wholly agreeable when Aleiva and Laris, stuttering all the while, gathered their wits and requested a quick leave; bringing back the previous sense of urgency that had only been pushed away by disgust. It was from such a rush that Ilene wholeheartedly ignored their words to hurry up, as she was effortlessly keeping pace anyway.

Then, just as she began to think of ways to help, the kid finally remembered that directed question: "I-Is it just a fever and cough...? Any other-other symptoms?", unanswered since she'd been busy trying to recall the past days. Then, when she did have an intelligent response, a rampant viking had went ahead and announced pretty loudly to the world that he had anger management issues. Well, it's better late then never, right? So, with the least further ado (but after Aleiva had responded to Laris, mind), Ilene set to rectifying her earlier lapse in memory. "Aleiva, was it? I couldn't say before, but I think Gilbert Junior --the child-- might have eaten something. We've been travelling hard for about two weeks now, it'd be even more surprising if he hadn't." Or, if what I think is right, then it's his parents' fault and not his own. They've never treated him well. But what can I do? "But since this morning he hasn't been able to keep anything down, not even water."

The look on Ilene's face remained a tad troubled, while her tone mildly urgent; akin to the times when she had to give a report. Her pace was kept in a brisk, fast walk; fluid though any warrior's would be. No lines of extreme worry were etched into her face, although the fact that she was was quite evident; and just a great a feat for a usual untouchable, secluded person as she. Rare, no doubt. But he's a good kid. Nevertheless, this temporary reprieve of depressed sadness only lasted until the inn came to view just a couple moments later; along with her fellow Caelum bodyguard standing impatiently just by the entrance. Seeing him, Ilene gave a quick, almost distracted "Excuse me, looks like there's news." to her companions before dashing across the clearing to meet him; upon reaching speaking in a series of rapid Caelum. Such brisk words would've otherwise been too swift for the unaccustomed ear to decipher completely, although strays could be picked out.

In the end, the gist of their conversation came as something like "What took you so long? Junior won't stop shaking, and he started coughing blood; which only made the fever worse. It only began when Lana (the mother) tried feeding him again. The severity of Junior's sickness is only hitting them just now. Damn it, the hell did they do to make him like this?!" Sparing no moments, Ilene relayed this information (with much teeth clenching) back to Aleiva, this time including various references to Junior's irresponsible parents; coming surprisingly bitter in those parts. It didn't take long to guide the duo to the child's room in the inn as she did so, which was quite the contradictory place; with lavish furnishings but with the smell of the sick and vomit infesting the air. A crying set of parents, along with several concerned guards, stood around or some distance away from an occupied bed; none of them minding the possibility of catching the same disease.

Ilene's explanations conveniently ended the moment the door opened, from then calmly and efficiently alerting her fellow travelers of the presence of Lian's very own doctor. Speaking in Caelum, the hired help nodded and evacuated for work's privacy; leaving behind two distraught guardians. Not knowing whether or not to escort them out, lest Aleiva want to question whatever it was that they might have fed Junior, Ilene left them promptly --and comfortably-- seated a little ways away. It was only then that she allowed herself to look down and finally let Junior's condition sink in; gaze immediately hardening at the deprived situation. He was sweating and violently shivering, surrounded by small splotches of blood soaked into the blanket on top of him; barely conscious, if at all. Had it not been for Ilene's vigorous lifestyle, she might have gathered into a rage or broken down; but as it was, only a cold, blank sheet could be seen.

Thinking to help, she laid out her swords on a free table behind her and, rolling up sleeves, turned to the only person who could possibly cure Junior now. "What do you think? How can I help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
The Smithy

The merchant’s eyes flicked back to Shyan as the blacksmith helped himself to the axes. He watched his experienced, brown eyes trace the weapon’s detail. The blacksmith hadn’t said he was impressed, but he hadn’t said he wasn’t impressed either. Watching him take his time examining the weapon nearly made him drool at the idea of there being loot involved. How much should he charge him? 200 gold? No; that’s pocket change! He had risked his life getting those weapons. 5,000 gold—yes that sounded about right. The merchant’s hands came together and they began fondling each other in his eager excitement.

They are certainly quality

The merchant’s mouth cracked a little, revealing some of his teeth.

I would be willing to buy them certainly.

His lips had fully parted, revealing his clenched rows of teeth in a grin of pure greed. Gold coins had appeared within his eye sockets.

You found them on a dead man you say? Most Delerians wouldn’t be foolish enough to travel the desert without precautions. How long dead would you say?

The merchant’s grin lost its shine for a second as he took a few seconds to conjure a believable story.

“As I was crossing the desert, I saw a venue of buzzards around a corpse that perhaps had been dead for three days. The beasts had nearly picked it clean, and I found these weapons lying beneath it. It was my lucky day!” He then turned the conversation back on the blacksmith. “Oh? Are you Delerian? Your accent isn’t quite distinct, but it’s one I recognize. Well then, I’m sure you are familiar with Delerian steel and know that the weapons I brought to you are no imitations and are worth a portion of the weapons in your shop. Ahem, of course I mean when it comes to the steel and dragon bone they’re comprised of. Ah yes that reminds me. These aren’t just any Delerian steel axes, I believe the dead man had been a Dragon Slayer, and it is only the dragon slayers who carry the finest steel—the steel born from dragons.”

The merchant quickly thought, In that case, ten thousand gold!

“Surely you understand how valuable the weapon in your hand is? With how rare dragons are nowadays, these weapons are few in existence.”

The Apothecary

When Linde rose and set her hand comfortingly on his shoulder, if she had been a man, he would have slapped her hand so hard, she’d be lucky her wrist didn’t dislocate. Instead, his steel-grey eyes darted tensely to it, his pupils so small they looked like they could fire lasers, or to match the time period, pierce her flesh. He had been slightly baring his teeth like an irritable hound. From her hand, his gaze might have been on her face if she hadn’t been standing in that flimsy gown with the cleavage of her enormous mammaries beckoning for his attention. As Linde gave him reassurance, Daerio swore her voice was coming from her chest. He was mesmerized, a moth to a bright and alluring flame until she retracted her hand and briskly went to the clinic’s door.

Daerio’s left hand went to grasp his face. His fingers converged upon his eyes, rubbing them as though he had stared into the sun for too long. There was a pain in his heart. It was the pain of sadness and regret. How could he have missed women like this? Where did he live? Under a rock? The middle of nowhere was a better answer, but still, she had the biggest rack he had ever seen in his pathetic misadventure of a life.


Lowering his hand, Daerio glanced at Linde with narrowed eyes and a long frown. He wasn’t a damn dog. He then strode over to the door, following that Caelum woman, his caretaker, and the stuttering boy as they rushed out the door. When he crossed the threshold, he noticed the young man that had been standing patiently outside and immediately recognized him to be another Caelum. They were becoming a common sight to his abhorrence. He hadn’t even tried to hide the look of disgust that flashed on his face upon seeing him.

Pardon me for being in the way, my fair

Daerio abruptly stepped between Neal and Linde, and leaned forward until his face was inches from Neal’s.

Piss off! he interrupted. You’re in our way!

He didn’t want there to be any delays. His weapons and coins were at stake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Nimuae y'Velstc Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

Outside The Apothecary

"Pardon me for being in the way, my fair-"

Daerio had suddenly stepped in between Linde and this new young man who had been asking for her attention, which she did not find very polite. Given the circumstances, she could understand that he wanted his belongings, but he didn't have to be rude about it. She gave the Delerian a quick elbow to his right bicep, not enough to injure, but to grab his attention. She had no intention of starting a fight wearing nothing but her small gown and undergarments... That would be too much stimulation for most men at this early hour.

"That's enough!" She barked at Daerio in his native tongue.

"If you want your supplies back then follow me and just stay away from my fellow villagers. If you've nothing kind to say to them then you can find another guide." She warned before turning her head to the new arrival.

"Please pardon this man, he's Delerian and had his goods stolen but a short time ago and we must retrieve them with all haste lest he become violent. I'll be back soon enough to deal with your needs so please have patience and wait inside... But don't touch anything." She said with a hint of warning towards the end.

Lian Village Streets

With that Linde continued on past him and led Daerio through the streets of the village until the Smithery came within sight.

The Smithery

As she approached the Smithy Linde saw the merchant in question, as well as two other familiar faces...

"Hello Shyan." Linde said, forcing a smile.

"I believe my new acquaintance has a few things to say about this merchant and the items he's trying to sell." She announced.

Her eyes then slowly glided over to Nimuae, who was in the process of looking over new arrows which, no doubt, Shyan had made for her. Linde's gaze toward the girl was very calm, but cold. Nimuae and Linde had quite the history together, but over the last couple of years it had grown quite sour. Had the two not held a certain level of respect for each other's skills, Linde's presence here while Nimuae was testing new weapons would surely have been an invitation to a fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Nimuae y'Velstc Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

The Apothecary

Neal's stuttered slightly at the Delerian's outburst but he finished his sentence before he turned to respond with a smile on his face. A smile which faltered a little at the obvious sign of disgust on the man's face. Neal had taught himself Delerian in order to better interact with the nation in his travels so he understood the man's message, if not in its entirety. He did wonder why the man wanted to go use the bathroom...or why he would bother telling the others that.

"Ah another Delerian. Such is my luck for today it seems. It appears the nation's legendary temper that I have read about has quite a solid base in reality. But if you would have so kindly listened to my sentence instead of brutally interrupting me half way through you would have realized I was apologizing for, in fact, being in the way." he responded in Delerian. Neal kept his outer calm visible as his training fought with his inner annoyance with the unprovoked outburst. Especially since this was now the second time in the same day he had been verbally assaulted by a Delerian without due reason.

Even so the monk did detect that the two of them had a purpose of some sort and when the woman spoke again he turned his attention to her as she explained the story. His attention was quickly distracted however as he realized she was wearing rather..reveling clothes to say the least. His monkish demeanor once again almost faltered but he maintained it through sheer force of will and the desire to not embarrass himself by staring. This was probably the first time he had seen her outside of either armor.

He did manage to bow as she took her leave and lead the Delerian off presumably to recover his belongings and he contemplated staying at the apothecary alone for only a few moments before he shelved his plan of selling herbs for the time being and decided to follow the two of them at a discreet distance, simply to watch of course. It wasn't his usual modus operandus to interfere with a Delerian's problems but if it provided entertainment for the short wait he had before he could return to his camp he wouldn't mind.

The Smithy

Neal arrived at the Smithy just as the woman was giving the floor to the Delerian, apparently accusing the merchant of taking the man's belongings. Considering the temper Neal had experienced himself earlier today at the hands of Delerians he doubted this encounter would go well and leaned against a nearby building, watching as things unfolded, ready to intervene if things got violent. He didn't approve of stealing, but nor did he believe that it in any way justified the murder he was expecting to be attempted soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Nimuae y'Velstc Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

outside the blacksmith's
s!!t's about to go d o w n

In her excitement, Nimuae had completely forgotten that she should've waited and tried out the goods before actually buying them. It was only pure good luck that Shyan was her blacksmith, otherwise she would've been running for her money, for others selling items were not as generous as he. The blacksmith had been hers for so long that she had never really established any rules for shopping; besides, everything he made always surpassed her expectations and standards. There was never any reason for her to check or try things out when it came to Shyan, but she supposed it was a bad habit to develop. If she ever left (which she never would), Nimuae would have much problems buying goods for crafty merchants.

"You're probably right," she said, and slid the bow off her shoulder, accepting the bundle quickly afterwards. Shyan had nudged her toward a makeshift range, one with few marks that suggested he had done something there a couple of times. She wondered if he as as good with wielding weapons as he was with welding -- man, he really had it all! If she ever wanted to get as good making arrows as him, she'd need a lot more practice, years more. The stoneheads she hadn't used often, only a couple of times as they were the only things lying around for her to carve and practice with. Needless to say, his looked a lot better and probably flew a lot better than her own. Iron was something she was used to, and something that hated her wholeheartedly. The ones in his hands glared bitterly at her, having heard the rumors of how she drowned its relatives often.

Now, steel... Such beautiful creations, such lovely beings -- they gazed at her curiously and excitedly, and she couldn't help but return the same eager face. Nimuae had never used steel before, but just looking at the arrows made from the hands of one who was talented and passionate in his work invoked a once sleeping fervor. There was a stump several feet away from her, and rather than place the bundle on the ground, she gently laid it on the tree stump; after making sure no harm would come to them, she plucked an arrow from the herd, one with a steel head. His hard work shown brightly in the light, glinting off the metal as the archer set the arrow against the bow; she relished at how it seemed to fit against her hand perfectly and marked her target with a growing determination. Having heard nothing he said, Nimuae stood still and sucked in a breath, calming the enthusiastic nerves that were bouncing off every inch of her.

Watch me, Master. I will not fall behind you, suffocating in your overwhelming shadow. With this steel arrowhead, I shall show you what I have done, what I can do, and what I will do. Are you proud, Master? Looking down at me from Paradise, are you proud?

Just as she was about to let the arrow take its first steps in flight, a bird flew overhead, one that wasn't fat, but lean. With the instincts embedded in her from years of training under a great man, she readjusted the trajectory and fired at the winged animal, striking it in its belly. The animal dropped to the ground yards away, twitching and writhing in pain.

"Hey, Shy, looks like I found the Yeskens's dinner." They would be pleased to see that she had found them a bird to eat; normally, the Yeskens only had fish, and so this would be a nice change for them. As she turned around, she saw that Shyan was not paying attention to her, but to a merchant that seemed to have stumbled upon them without her notice. Glancing back at the arrows to make sure they had not gone anywhere, Nimuae held onto her bow and stepped away from the range and headed for Shyan. He held an axe in his hand, examining it quietly before letting it swiftly fall to his side in expert hands.

"They're nice," Nimuae commented. She didn't have an eye for weapons like he did, but she didn't need to be an expert to know a finely crafted axe when it bit her in the arse. On the other hand, the merchant was anything but finely crafted. The way he grinned greedily sent a shiver up her spine. Nimuae had to glance back at the arrows to make sure the stranger hadn't somehow snatched it from underneath their noses when she wasn't paying attention.

The chilling sensation wasn't helped when a certain someone had stepped onto the blacksmith's land: Linde Xe' Almna, her rival, the enemy, and overall, the person with whom the twenty-two year old found to be quite the irritating nuisance.

"Oh, great, here comes the big boobed queen of indecency..." she muttered, almost rolling her eyes, wearing something revealing to show off her goods to the world. The woman had a watermelons for boobs and they never seemed to be still, always showing up the archer's own. It wasn't as if Nimuae had a flat chest, but honestly, how was it that Linde's seemed to just mutate and expand to such a ridiculous size? As if that wasn't bad enough, her skills in close-combat battle weren't something to stare at with one's nose in the air, and that only seemed to flare up their rivalry even more.

Nimuae didn't bother to greet her, only allowing her eyes to fall onto the man beside the swordswoman -- another stranger looking to be from Delerian descent.

"Since when has Lian been so popular?" she mused quietly to herself. With Linde now present, she found herself tense, awaiting a fight that she knew would not happen. It wasn't that they hated each other, after all; it was just...a strenuous relationship. Besides, she could count on Shyan to break them up before any real damage could be dealt; she knew Linde could best her in hand-to-hand, but that didn't mean Nimuae was going down without a fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
Daerio felt Linde’s elbow and he scowled at her when she scolded him for shouting at the Caelum. In his culture, it was perfectly fine to do so; in fact, it always made a humorous story. Even killing one got a Delerian praise. As she relayed to him the consequences for not listening to her, the corner of Daerio’s lip arched in defiance as he then wrinkled his nose and uttered a dismissive, “Psh!”

After Linde had apologized to the man he had interrupted, Daerio waited for the Lianese woman to jog away before he turned to Neal and dragged his index finger across his throat (Daerio’s), signing to him the infamous cut-throat gesture. The kid talked too much, and overall, he just didn’t like him. Daerio turned to catch up to Linde and the skirts of her gown that dangerously fluttered in the breeze of her jog. The warrior tilted his head and leaned to the right as though trying to gaze beneath the flapping excess material until he recognized the wagon outside the Smithy. The sight of it had Daerio straighten and a stern frown returned to his face.

He slowed to a walk as Linde crossed the rest of the distance to the three beings outside the building. Daerio had approached the merchant’s cart and browsed its crates, barrels, and sacks. His gaze then traveled over to Shyan who was holding an all too familiar ax. The warrior turned from the cart to face the blacksmith, noting only one was in his hand and the other was propped against the wall.

Ivan hadn’t seen the two visitors that had approached. His blue eyes were locked upon Shyan, anxiously waiting for him to name his price so the bartering could begin. It was when his attention seemed to focus on someone else that the merchant turned his head to gaze over his shoulder to first notice Linde and her outfit. His attention might have lingered if the Delerian next to her didn’t excite in him a sudden urge to piss his pants. The merchant’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he and Daerio’s eyes had met. Ivan’s head snapped forward as his hands came together to fondle each other again. It was his pitiful attempt to hide the fact that they were shaking.

“Heh, heh, well, uh, it’s busy for you today. How about I come back another time?” the merchant attempted to reason. He then listened to the exchange between Shyan and Linde, the pits of his tunic becoming damp with sweat.

I suppose three days dead, being picked clean by buzzards is an exaggeration
I have a particular dislike of liars and thieves Ivan. I don’t suppose you have any truths to offer in your defense, criminal?

The cat was out of the bag. Ivan was trembling all over, fearing the idea of having to confess the obvious before the man he had stolen from. He gazed at Daerio who had been quiet and apparently calm throughout the entire exchange (when in actuality he was plotting). Ivan backed against the Smithy wall; feeling the stone against his back gave him assurance that no one would try to sneak up on him. The walls were closing in and it felt like the world was turning on him. Sinking to a crouch, the merchant wrapped his arms protectively about his head as he began weeping pitifully in his guilt.

“Yes; I stole them; I’m sorry! I was desperate, and I thought I wasn’t going to see him again. I’m not an evil man for if I was, I would have taken his belongings and left him to fry in the desert. Did I not save a man’s life?”

Daerio was now gazing at the merchant as he sat there crying: weakness! He didn’t understand what the merchant said for he was speaking Lianese, a muddled up hybridized form of Caelum and Delerian. There were only bits and pieces that he understood but nothing to present a coherent sentence.

The blacksmith approached him, and when he began speaking Delerian without accent, it told Daerio that he wasn’t one of the hybrids walking around. Daerio smirked, taking the smith’s right hand with his left. He gave him a firm handshake and noted the inflection in his voice on the title Dragon Slayer. It had said enough. This man, though Delerian, was not his friend. He also didn’t seem eager to return his belongings.

Sou-Daerio Vardin, he confirmed. He added his rank at the beginning of his name, feeling no need to explain to a Delerian what it means for he was sure Shyan knew.

Abruptly, the grip Daerio had on Shyan’s hand dramatically increased. If the blacksmith had been a weak, nonathletic being unaccustomed to work and training, his grip then might have felt like a vice strong enough to mangle his hand. He jerked him forward, his left knee rising with the intention of burying the iron knee guard on his cap right into the man’s gut.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daerio Vardin Character Portrait: Neal Songburrow Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Nimuae y'Velstc Character Portrait: Shyan Adromus
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0.00 INK

Neal listened with interest as the scene unfolded, the merchant's trembling, the Smith's gruff manner, and he grinned. This was going to turn out to be an interesting meeting after all. He let his eyes wander a bit as his attention was pulled away by the sight of a dead bird laying a few yards away with an arrow through its chest. He walked over and kneeled down to poke at it with a finger and realized it was only recently dead and still had plenty of heat left to it.

He started looking around for a cause for the bird to be there and noticed that the girl with the smith, who he had until just then not noticed, was still holding a bow in her hands with a quiver of arrows nearby. Assuming she must have been the archer he chuckled to himself a little as he solved his most recent question of the day and he stood back up, already having lost interest and almost forgetting why he was there in the first place.

Oh right wasn't he going to sell herbs to the Apothecary? He took a moment to get his bearings before he struck out back towards where he believed the Apothecary to be until his ears caught the Delerian word for Dragon Slayer coming out of the smith's mouth. Neal's haphazard focus suddenly zeroed in on the two men talking, watching as the Delerian from earlier gripped the hand of the smith in a firm handshake, or what Neal thought was a hand shake, and he let his head turn sideways with a quizzical look on his face as he considered this poor, uninformed man who was so misguided as to attempt to slay dragonkind, those that were gifts of the gods themselves.

It did explain his obvious hatred for a Caelmite such as himself, which was extreme even compared to the other Delerians Neal had met over the course of his stay in Lian. He considered approaching the man and attempting to explain to him the truth behind the dragons but something told him that would simply end in disaster at this current moment, considering just how riled up he already was. Neal sighed and returned to the building he had been leaning against earlier and sat down, crossing his legs, as he closed his eyes in meditation to consider what he should do, completely missing the man's knee rising towards the smith in an obvious act of aggression as Neal calmed his inner self to clear his mind.