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An Imp who always has a question to ask.

0 · 356 views · located in Volundr

a character in “Dragons Among Us”, originally authored by Fredalice, as played by RolePlayGateway



Species: Imp

Gender: Female

Age: no one knows because no one has asked, but by Imp terms she is 23

Height: 8 inches (she is about average for an imp)

Personality: Breena's main trait can easily be said to be curiosity. She is one to travel constantly just because she's never been there before, or do things such as jumping off cliffs or into whirlpools because she wants to know what that feels like. She is constantly asking questions, whether they be obvious or philosophical. Going along with this she is a bit of a chatter box, never really and truly being quiet unless she knows she is in way over her head...which she rarely does. Breena is daring and courageous, and even though people make her out to be such an innocent little creature that hardly knows the world enough to make her own decisions, this is hardly the case. She is wiser than you would expect, but with her curiosity and willingness to tradition, she often disregards most things and jumps in anyway just for fun. She is also far from "innocent" because after all she is an imp; meaning that she grew up not trusting anybody who is an outsider from Fangorn and that makes them fair game to mess with; one of her favorite past times is to scare anyone who happens to wander into the Fangorn domain.

Though with all this fieriness there is another side that others rarely see. When Breena's wisdom shows through there is a calm about her, a calm that follows those who have lived for a long time. The catch is she only really shows this side while around water, especially still water. She loves to just stare into it, learning all of its secrets; though others (even other imps) have suggested this is just because she is obsessed with herself and likes to look at her reflection it isn't so, Breena just likes to watch the ripples and the life that belongs under water. Once her eyes leave the water, however, she is usually back to her fiery self again.

History: Breena was born out of a small pond on a rainy day; unlike other creatures, Imps don't have parents they are usually born out of a form of nature and their family is the village of imps that they had wandered into. Breena is part of one of the families of imps that live on the ground, most don't have wings, but the few that do (like Breena) can only fly in short spurts that really only help them jump long distances and can hardly be considered flying. With so many family members, Breena was never alone; her three favorite sisters whom she stayed around constantly taught her everything she knows. The eldest kept her curiosity alive, never brushing her questions off or telling her to grow up. The middle sister would often times put her into situations that forced her to be brave until the two willingly went on these dangerous adventure together, the adventures started off in Fangorn, but eventually grew to them travelling to Midgard more than once. Then the youngest of her eldest sisters, often times just played with Breena, pulling tricks on her like pushing her into the water that Breena was staring at or making it rain mud on her younger sister, which got Breena to "fight back" and the two have had their own prank war going on for a third of Breena's life.

As she has gotten older however, Breena has felt a pull out of Fangorn and away from her sisters. She started going to Midgard on her own more often and even to Valsung. The dragons put Breena in awestruck, during her travelling she had never seen so many dragons before and it wasn't until she started exploring when she was 20 that she started to notice a certain faerie dragon following her. When Breena and Ninar first started becoming friends, Breena would feed the little dragon whenever it deigned to show up, but then it started to let Breena touch it and then started actually following her around. She had named it Ninar about that time and even though most would consider Ninar to be Breena's pet, Ninar can come and go as he pleases and just chooses to stay more often than not.


So begins...

Breena's Story


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Drograh Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton Character Portrait: Reegan Gengery Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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The sun rose in the eastern part of the northern mountains, still hanging below the highest rising cluster of the floating kingdom. Tuilinn had been awake before the sun, had quickly pulled back her hair out of her face, pulled on her clothes, and was out of the house before she remembered her bow and arrows. On this adventure she didn't need them, but always felt naked without.

Her feet were bare, allowing her better traction for the steep climb up the High Rocks to the nesting grounds of the Mist Dragons. Today some of the eggs would hatch, they had rested in an open hearth of their parent's foggy breath for nearly a full turning of a moon. Eager giddiness arose in her, as every new hatching day had done to her.

In the dark of the morning, she had climbed. Now, as she noted the sun rising, she lay on her belly on a rock separated from the nesting ground, a safe distance from the nervous parents. There was never a true way to know if the parents were about - at least one always was, but it was hard to tell when one or both dragons from each nest would erupt into mist that settled over the High Rocks. Tuilinn lay there all morning, watching for any sign of movement within the nests.


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Character Portrait: Breena
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Breena flitted around her little home that was made below a tree. She was gathering everything her hands could touch; berries, roots, water, clothes, breads, rope, and everything she gathered was placed inside a pack. It was that time of year again, the time when the trees were no longer frozen, the time when she could go outside and like every year she was starting this season off with an adventure. The imp wasn't planning to go for a specific place, oh no, that would leave a trail for someone to follow her.

When she was ready, she poked her head out and looked around. She had timed the start of this adventure perfectly, when all her family should be asleep, though there was always a chance that someone would be out, taking a morning walk around in the low hanging mist of Fangorn. The longer Breena looked at the silent forest floor, the further out of her home she crept and it wasn't long after that she was walking well away from her family's little village.

Breena kept an eye out for Ninar, though she honestly didn't expect to see him as today was the day that the faerie dragons would be starting to mate and Breena knew how much of a ladies man Ninar was.

Her mind was absent most of the walk, so she honestly had no idea where she was going, not until she reached the edge of Fangorn, where the trees fade away enough you can see distant hills. As Breena looked at the world in front of her, at the distant hills beyond the glen, she saw the Southern Mountains where Valsung was. With a shift for her pack, Breena began to walk. It had been almost a year or so since she had last voyaged to the dwarven city, though she wasn't certain how much it changed in a year, she knew there would be something new for her there, as there always was with her adventures; and if there wasn't in Valsung, well she would just keep travelling South until something new did happen.

In the glen, Breena passed by most of the faerie dragons, and even though she wanted to try and find Ninar, she knew that it was best just to leave the sky deities alone to their business. So she just walked on, the tall grass keeping her mostly hidden, for her this was more like walking through what a thick forest would be for humans; Breena could barely see anything ahead and the blades of grass kept hitting her in the face. However, this wouldn't have been the first time she traveled through such grass, so the little imp knew what she was doing as she made her way South, through the glen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Torven walked forward up to the faerie dragons, two of them were lying beside one another and singing in their ancient tongues a love song that transcended all English translations Torven could have put to them. Torven spoke to them in the ancient dialect of the Faerie dragons, as best as he could, human voices cannot properly do this archaic language the justice it deserves.
"I am in awe of the gorgeous love songs you two shared with me today. I apologize a thousand times over if I am intruding upon your land. Trust me on this. For I am just venturing into the land of Fangorn, to visit your people there. I have heard of it's majesties and I wish to lay my own eyes upon them for my self." The male Faerie dragon's large eyes blinked slowly in admiration as he spoke in the light fluttering beautiful tongue of the Faeries.
"A very noble quest, quite worth the trip, Illgari and I sense no ill will or violence from you. . . Unlike others of your race you, you understand us and you can communicate with us as well? Impressive indeed. We need someone like you good noble. All of us dragons do, especially us more prized ones, or hunted ones. We need more like yourself to help defend our safety within the kingdoms holds. I am Stalro, please Dwarf, enjoy your venture, thank you for complimenting our love songs, we wrote them specially for each other. . . My Illgari, she truly is a being of wonder." Stalro said in a hazy, blissful voice as he gazed upon the stunningly beautiful female beside him on the mushroom in the center of the glen.

Torven had said his formal goodbyes as he walked by them they started singing again, the most beautiful songs Torven will ever hear in his long lifetime. As he walked however his instincts told him there was something else here, in the glen. . .Heading straight for him A small presence to be sure, but a presence nonetheless.

"Hello?" Torven asked in basic. "Anything out there?" He asked in the general direction he felt the noises coming from.


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Breena froze when she heard a voice calling, "Hello? Anything there?"

She didn't move, let alone reply back. When the call didn't come again, Breena peeked through the tall grasses until she saw who had called out. It was a dwarf standing a little in from the other side of the glen, though for Breena that was still pretty far away. She smiled as she crouched down. One thing she always loved doing was pranking unsuspecting travelers that she comes across. All she needed to do here was rig about five blades of grass to act as a catapult. With her experience in pranking and thus fiddling with inventions, it hadn't taken long for her to create the make-shift catapults. Breena then went around and filled each catapult basket with mud.

She peeked through the grasses again at the dwarf to see if he was still there and still in the right spot. Her eyes twinkled when she spotted that he hadn't moved so much as an inch. She then ran to each catapult and released it, only at the end did she stop and watch as the mud flew through the air. Some of them did miss, but others did actually hit their target. Breena fell down laughing, trying to keep as quiet as she could so she could stay out of sight from the dwarf.

There was a small rustle from behind Breena and she stopped laughing immediately. It was just a small rustle, far too small for it to be the dwarf, but she still didn't know what it was. That is until Ninar came through.

The imp smiled at her friend. "Ninar," she said, "What are you doing here? I thought you would be courting the women by now."

Ninar made a couple of singing noises, though Breena couldn't translate what he said word for word, they were close enough friends that she understood him none-the-less. She peeked back through the grass one more time, it would seem that her laughter hadn't been quiet enough, so she with a bit of defeat in her heart and a glance back to Ninar, Breena climbed onto a nearby rock, one in which its top was above the grass. There she stood out in the open for the dwarf to see because she knew, with her laughter having been too loud and having gotten noticed, there was no use in hiding.

"Well, well, well, looks like you caught be after all," Breena said, a tone of defiance dominating her voice.


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Torven felt small pellets of mud splatter against his clothing, some hit his bare arms, then he heard light fluttery laughter from the grass. Marching towards the small voice he loomed over a small imp, she was pretty but I mean, most faerie creatures were. Imps however were also mischievous, Torven didn't much appreciate being pranked. Although he wasn't angry, he was slightly peeved, just on principal really, she "attacked" him before even knowing him.
"Look here imp," Torven stated looking down at the smirking little faerie, her nose crinkling in devious delight at his confusion and slight anger towards her little trick. "I don't much care for being pummeled with mud. Now, would you mind terribly if we tried this again?" Torven wiped the mud from his arms and his clothing.
"My name is Torven. Just who might ye be?" He asked with slight irritation in his voice, however faeries intrigued him so very much that he decided he wanted to know more about the imps, he had never seen one in person before. As he watched the small little imp shifting and looking around, he sat cross-legged a few feet from her, as not to startle her with his size.


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"Look here imp," the dwarf stated looking down Breena. The imp puffed her chest out at being addressed so, "I don't much care for being pummeled with mud. Now, would you mind terribly if we tried this again?" the dwarf wiped the mud from his arms and his clothing, "My name is Torven. Just who might ye be?"

Breena cleared her throat and gave a grand bow as was costumed when introducing yourself for an imp, "You can call me Breena, just for the sake of never calling me imp again; and trust me Torven no one likes to get pummeled by mud," with that she gave another smirk.

"Can I ask what are you doing so close to Fangorn? Nobody other than those who live there visit...nobody who's smart that is," Breena said. She crossed her arm and squinted her black eyes at him.

She suddenly felt a nudge behind her, when she turned around she saw Ninar, his wing rippling as he floated behind her. "What is it?" Breena asked. Ninar just stared at her for a minute then stared at back at her, all the while making more urgent singing. Breena's strong and commanding stance suddenly faded into one of defeat. "Sorry...I know...I know," she rubbed under his chin the way he liked, "Thank you dear Ninar." The dragon smiled and gave a chirp before flying off to the rest of the faerie dragons.

"Now my question, what are you doing in the glen?"


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I am here, making conversation with the faerie dragons along my way into Fangorn to see the creatures there. I don't much like my own kind, or my closer kin either. I figure why not venture forth and find some new family, or at least friends, or less than that, gain some interesting stories." He grinned an ornery grin, his eyes crinkling at the edges and slight dimples pronouncing around his mouth.

"Breena eh? Cute name, suits a lovely thing such as yourself . . . Answer me this. You are a sub-species of faerie and elven blood. Or at least that's what I've gathered from my books. Moreover, can you understand the dragons? All dragons or perhaps just the flittery tongue of the Faerie dragons?" Torven watched Breena closely as her dragon flew off to dance and sing with the others. Ninar, hmm. . . Perhaps I could converse with that dragon as well, he seems younger than Stalro. Perhaps he is an adolescent.


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I am here, making conversation with the faerie dragons along my way into Fangorn to see the creatures there. I don't much like my own kind, or my closer kin either. I figure why not venture forth and find some new family, or at least friends, or less than that, gain some interesting stories," the dwarf said. Breena scrutinized him, dusting herself off and walking towards him. How strange, she thought, A dwarf who doesn't like dwarves.

"Breena eh? Cute name, suits a lovely thing such as yourself . . . Answer me this. You are a sub-species of faerie and elven blood. Or at least that's what I've gathered from my books. Moreover, can you understand the dragons? All dragons or perhaps just the flittery tongue of the Faerie dragons?"

"You talk a lot," Breena said, starting to circle the dwarf and poking him where she could reach, "A lost dwarf, wandering into Fangorn...I can understand the dragons, though not in the way that you might think. I understand their ways. I have watched the sky deities for years, so yes I understand them," Breena left the conversation at that.

"Now what can I do with a lost dwarf who is so willing to travel into Fangorn," Breena climbed back up onto the rock, "Do you know what happens to lost souls who travel to our land? Ever since the races began claiming territory, no one besides those who live there have been able to travel. Do you really think, just because you've come to hate your own kind that we'll accept you? Foolish, lost dwarf."


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Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I do understand that you are not trusting of me, and I accept this wholeheartedly. However Breena, I also know that I am certainly not lost. I am an explorer, a seeker of truths, I wish to find solace, or even just some sense of completion in my heart. You see I have never been what you call, happy or fulfilled by the life I was offered back in Valsung. Drakes there are vile and ignorant. Dwarves are judgmental and violent." He sat down in front of the rock Breena sat upon, sighing heavily he brushed hair back out of his eyes.

"I do talk a lot, although I think I get that from my mother. She was very social, loving and such. It is because of her that I wish to venture out, expand my horizons and gain stories that my mother could never have made because she was weak, sickly ever since she was a child. But, honestly if I was you I wouldn't be too trusting of a strange dwarf like myself either."
Torven watched Breena intently as she judged him, Torven could tell at first glance she didn't much care for him at all. "I understand their ways. I have watched the sky deities for years, so yes I understand them." Torven thought for a moment scratching his head before asking.

"So, you cannot speak dragon? Yet, you know of their ways? Such as temperament? Or perhaps like a way of sign-language? I find this very interesting so please humor my ignorance in the matter." Torven said cracking a slight smile at the smaller creature.