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Yshani Ashatur

Darkness within Darkness...the Gateway to better Understanding...

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a character in “Dragons”, as played by Sil


Name: Yshani Le'ra Ashatur
Age: Approx. 163 YRS
Race: Nymph

Image Image
Written Appearance: Upon taking up a more humanistic appearance, the only thing left of Yshani's original appearance is her mane of white curls, rising from her head in a flaming aray of silken white, a single ponytail of sorts rising from the back of her head, held by gold bands, to cascade to her waist, unseen. Her pale complexion fits well with the white curls that frame her elegant, angular face. Upon that face are eyes as bright a purple as the star nebulas in the night sky, her pupils ringed with silver. Her body is nimble, lean muscles decorating every strong bone. Each ear, pointed slightly much like an elf - though the point curves in a downward motion - is pierced. The right ear is pierced three times, the left five - both containing hoops in the lobe, both with two shimmering gem studs, the left containing a chain that connects two three other piercings, each one allowing that chain to lengthen and dangle from the ear. Her body is small and petite, almost, her chest showing the effects of womanhood, if only just. Her nails are long and elegant, and her right wrist is adorned with a slave bracelet. This bracelet is made of five gold chains wrapped around the wrist loosely, held together by five turqoise beads, a single small chain wrapping around her middle finger to finish the mark of slavery. On each foot are anklets built of metal loops connected by chains, a single emerald in the center. Much like the slave bracelet, the anklets wrap around her second toe to allow the full chain to show, once more marking her.

For items on Yshani:

Upon taking up her original form, Yshani's ankles are covered with foliage from whatever grows around her. Her nails grow out into claws. And her eyes are swallowed by a deep onyx color hinted with violet, no white left. In this form, she is considered the Slave and the Beast. Some would consider her dangerous; others might not know what to think of her. But when she takes up this appearance, it only means one thing: the inner power has been tapped. That can easily be noticed by the aura of sizzling air around her body; at least, sizzling is what it sounds like...

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 84 lb
Hair Color: White/Silver
Eye Color: Nebula Purple/Silver
Body Type: Very lithe, leanly muscled shape that, if human, would be considered nothing but skin and bone


Personality: If one were to classify her alignment to D&D standards, she would be considered chaotic good. Like most nymphs, Yshani is a solitary creature, only acting uncharacteristically in the fact that she is oftentimes territorial due to her hate of feeling captive. She is a like a cat, mischievous and playful, not quite knowing when enough is enough. Human is not really a word she understands, thus she does not know quite how to act it. Yet in all her time alive, she has come to understand what looking human means. And slowly, as she ages through her long years, she will learn how to act human again. However, because she has lived alone most of her life, visted only once every five or so years by her "Master," her solitary, territorial attitude will be very hard, indeed, to expunge. Only time will tell if the slave can become the master...
Quirks: Yshani can oftentimes be found talking in strange tongues around her, as if caught in her own little world. When she does this, animals seem to be drawn to her by some invisible force. Especially cats (of any sort), birds, and wolves...and later, a dragon.


  • Freedom
  • Running/Climbing/Jumping
  • Wildlife (including all animals/plantlife)
  • Dancing/Music
  • Rain/Waterfalls
  • Positive Encouragement/Attention

  • War
  • Captivity/Being Bound
  • Fire/Lighting (that's more like a fear)
  • Feeling Lost
  • Authority
  • People in her territory


This story will not be a happy one...but many stories with happy endings do not have happy beginnings...

"Mamisa?" The small whisper of a child echoed in the shadows of the nymph adobe deep within the Southern Yrian Wood (a small forest on the southern tip of the Eden continent). She peeked around the corner where her mother and father lay on the floor face down. Slowly, she stepped in, closer and closer, before arriving where they lay, rolling over first her mother, then her father. By this time, she spotted their eyes, dead and glazed staring into the spaces of Death.
Yshani, no older than ten (around 3 or 4 in Nymph years), stepped back, crystaline tears filling her dark eyes. There were no marks on their bodies. No bruises. No cuts...just death. Written all over their faces.
The Ashatur family lived secluded in this small wood, known only by one small tribe of their kind, yet holding no obligations to anyone. So when the two parents of Yshani died, the little nymph was to be left alone. But no matter...
As she continued to back away into the shadows, staring at her beloved Mamisa and Papona, she had no idea what lurked in the shadows behind her. A man who called the shadows...a man who could kill little Yshani with a single blow. But this man did not do this...oh no...he had much more...profitable things in mind. Taking her her up as she began to scream, this stranger wrapped little Yshani in a blanket of Darkness...where she would stay for the next century, sleeping...waiting...

Out of the cocoon nearly a century later, Yshani was nearly full grown. Her body was flawless, her power...fiery. She was pierced and branded, bonded by the chains of slavery, the only visible bonds those on her wrist and ankles. Yet her burden lurked far in the shadows.
She never spoke, not a word for the next ten years. Instead, she hid and ran, trying all the ways she knew to break free of the curse that had befallen her. To no avail. But her words would come when a human man had stumbled into the Yrian Wood, blooded and bruised from a raging fight for his village. So close to death was he that when Yshani came across him, he begged with weezing breaths for her help.
Stunned, Yshani slowly came to him, acting more like a curious animal than any humanoid. After all, she'd never met a human. But she would soon learn...

"Please......beautiful" His breaths became ragged as blood covered his hands, which held fast to his side. He would die if she didn't do something.

So Yshani ran...ran and ran at amazing get some water and healing herbs only found in the area. How she knew this language he spoke, she did not know. Nor did she care. This was her first interaction in a century...and she wanted to make it last. Back to him she was in a flash, lifting his head gently and giving him some water before placing it, asking for a small patch of moss to grow in a whispered tone. It did so, pillowing the strange man's head as she lifted his hands and began to tear the strange armor, which was nothing more than worn down leather and a few missplaced metal studs, and the shirt beneath it, revealing a gash that ran along his side, at least two inches deep.
He wept at that point, praying in his strange (strange to her, that is) tongue not to pass out. She paused, staring at him much like a cat would, curious and aloof. Then, placing a clawed finger on his lips, she made a gentle, "Shhhhh," the first sound she'd made in years. Then, Yshani cared for him, placing herbs and leaves on this cut, watching as it quickly healed to a more manageable point. After that, she tore enough fabric from his stained shirt and tied it around his waist to keep the cut relatively closed.

"Thank you," he said...then he was out.

She sat there for a night and half a day before he woke again. By that time, he was able to stand and walk. She motioned for him to stand as she did. He did so, slowly, groaning and clutching his side. Then, together, they walked to a small oasis within the wood. There, she would finish helping him heal. After that, only time would complete the full process.

This strange man was so afraid to leave that he ended up staying with Yshani. From her movements and motions, he was able to learn how to survive. How to hunt and scavenge. In turn, he taught her how to fight...which only lasted a day before she ran away from him in fear.
War scared her. Fighting scared her. Naturally, she was a skittish creature. And the man, who became known as Connart, searched for her in apology, promising he would never do it again. Finally, she spoke...only a word...but more than she'd done for over a century. "Promise..." The word was foreign to her lips, making her smile slightly. He, in turn, smiled, reaching out to her.

"Promise," he said again, allowing her to reach for his hand and take it.

Slowly, she came from her perch in a tree. Then, she ran again, this time to play. They'd done this many times already, and he immediately followed.

Another month passed by, and Connart finally asked about the bands on her wrist and ankles. She went silent, completely and utterly, thinking hard about it, but not remembering how she had them. But at the same time, she felt that disturbing presence watching her. He didn't ask again...fearing that she wouldn't come out of hiding.

For another ten or so years, Connart would live with Yshani. Together, they would learn. She would teach him how to be one with the world, and he, in turn, taught her how to be human. Her eyes slowly changed to a bright purple laced with silver, with whites and a pupil instead of a single, whole color. She began to speak in his tongue, learning, and loving. Every moment was precious. And soon, they became a mated pair.
Upon that moment, though, the stranger that killed Yshani's parents and taken her captive reappeared in the night. With him came fire. Fire that tore down the entire Yrian wood. She woke, and began to run, fear ripping through her. But as she did so, she grabbed the hand of her beloved human, only to realize that he lay there, his eyes staring at Death just as she's seen in her parents.
The memories tore through her, and Yshani collapsed, crying out, her entire being going back to its original state. Her dark eyes stared up watching as the stranger came from the shadows with a malevolent smile.

"Yshani," he said in a deep voice, triggering something inside her that locked her in place, "You should have known better...mating when you are enslaved. Only I may have you..." His finger traced her cheek, piercing her skin as it went. "Now you will never forget your place."

The cut instantly healed on her flesh, but the pain forever remained. From then on, she would never forget that she was not her own being. She was owned...captive...lost in slavery. And for the remainder of her years, up until now, she has wandered, running from war and remainging as often as she can in the shadows of the trees, once more becoming that animal she was before. She knows not where she finds herself, nor does she really care. For home is lost...and now she knows that it can never be found least, that's what she believes.

She is now in a wooded area near the village, Ohmah, where she wanders in the shadows, having no idea about the very special encounter waiting for her...about the friends and creatures she is about to well as that very special something watching from afar...

So begins...

Yshani Ashatur's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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#, as written by Sil
The shadows dance and sing like the gentle strokes of a bow upon the strings of a violin...soothing as the breeze continues to caress the smooth, ivory skin of the young nymph watching from afar, listening. Her body moves with the shadows like a ghost. Her eyes watch like a bird of prey waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She feels and smells everything...and she hears even more.

"Tissimoma, Arani," she whispers to the wind, her lips only parted slightly to allow that small breath - those two words - out. But it continues to sing to her, bringing her the elusive voices of those she watches. The events unfold quickly and surprisingly. The dragon is the strangest one...the most dangerous. Smells of danger wreak from its scales as it unleashes a breath weapon after the strangely large wolf launches from the trees. She is taken aback, whispering more and more to the wind.

"Etimo, Arani...etimo..." As if to ask the wind to calm itself. And slowly, things within this strange group are beginning to calm. And the wolf sits there, his thoughts reeling. He and the large dragon are the two most intruiging. Such creatures...

"Werfen..." She tests the name on her tongue, the corners of her lips pricking into a small smile. "Werfen...wodef...nan wodef...bentai wodef..." She takes a deep breath, taking in all the scents around her, especially that of the wolf. He smells of wild...of freedom. Of wolf. More, she smiles. She cannot help but feel giddy about this.

Slowly, Yshani takes a step from the shadows, her eyes on the wolf that draws her. The wind has finally calmed and quieted, and her thoughts are on that wolf. Oh, how she wishes to pet speak to know him. But he is attached to someone else...and suddenly, Yshani hesitates. Somehow, she knows that he is too close to the one he called Heart that Yshani could never really get to know him.

She lets out a sigh, which turns into a slight whimper. Her dark eyes watch sadly from the darkness, her slave bracelet jingling as the wind once more whispers to her. The trees begin to sing a gentle, soothing song...and this allows her to smile again, looking around at the beauty of it all, whispering her thanks back in her own strange tongue.

She finally takes that other step from the shadows of the forest, revealing herself to the group, standing almost defensively, her eyes watching both the dragon and the wolf.

"Hanami ama...hanami ama..." I mean you no harm... Over and over, she repeats this to the dragon and wolf, as well as everyone else, in hopes that one of them will understand her. The common language hasn't been hers in 30 or so years...only wild. Only Yshani. And now what she wishes is Yshani and wolf...and dragon? But not danger....not dragon danger.

"Hanami ama...." This is more of a whisper now as she waits for the reaction that must be given.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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Delzah was getting tired of the argument between the girls going back and forth and he gave Aura a look out of the corner of his eye.

Aura leaned down, putting her face in between the two arguing women and let out a loud roar. There was no concussive energy from her, but it was loud enough to stop them in their tracks. Aura then straightened herself and backed away a step as Delzah took one step forward, looking at Adanessa.

"Do not mistake my youthfulness and my choice to reveal Aura to Ohmah as naivete Adanessa. I have been traveling these lands with Aura for decades and I chose Ohmah because they are a small community and are far removed from Girotos's influence. The elders still tell stories of Dragons to their little ones and many of the children dream of flying through the skies on the back of a Dragon. Who better to introduce Dragons to then those who wish to see them?"

He looked to Kissandra.

"Becalm your heart Kissandra, Werfen." He said calmly before looking back to Adanessa.

"If you fear the humans of this small community whose only armaments are the forks and knives they use in the kitchen to feed themselves, then you do not have to accompany us inside but we are going and there is nothing you can say in your fear of the human race to stop us."

As he finished the sentence there came a new face from the shadows of the forest, whispering a phrase over and over again as she cautiously approached the group.

"Hanami ama...." She repeated.

Delzah looked to Aura for a moment, but she was confused as well.

Aura, however, had an idea.

Little one... What brings you to this gathering? Aura asked the new arrival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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Kissandra didn’t hear either the boy or Ada. Well, she heard them but the words didn’t matter. Werfen came first and his attention had been stolen, and with it hers. Her green eyes were fixated across the road, toward the figure across the way. It was a nymph. Kissandra hadn’t seen one in several years and the last one she transported through the forest had been great company. Kissandra felt bad for it. It was female, her ankles dotted with the leaves and vegetation of the woods. Her fingers were extended into long claws that seemed delicate, but Kissandra knew better. The creature slowly moved forward, whispering in a language that she didn’t understand, yet somehow it felt familiar.

Fen left her side, the whimper in his throat so quiet that she almost missed it. The black wolf walked out to the middle of the road, and suddenly, Kissandra felt alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Werfen knew this language/talk/speach, or parts of it. It was broken wild/ freedom. No harm/hurt threat. His padded feet moved forward, his legs carrying him across the road toward the creature leaving his Heart alone. The hardened path/road under his paws cut and hurt. His nose was guiding him forward, his heart too when she called/whimpered/summoned him. His Heart.

He stopped and looked back. She was alone, standing separate from the band/pack/group of elves and Dragons. Her fear flooded his nose and he looked back toward the Captured. He’d be too far to save/protect her in time from an attack from the crazy/mad girl elf. But Captured called his soul/mind/spirit. She needed him. He turned and gave a threatening growl at the Dragon kind and elf child. Touch her, you will die.

Heart smiled, but he could still smell her worry/fear under her love for him/ Werfen. Instead of turning back though, he bounded forward toward the Captured, slowing down as he neared, head lowered and tail tucked slightly in a sign of submission/compassion/companionship. He whimpered and opened his mind/heart/ soul to the Captured.
You will be safe/protected with me/Werfen. Do not show fear/worry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Kethti
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#, as written by Sil
The air tickles her cheek as the breath of the dragon deepens just before a great roar sounds. She falters, falling back, her solid eyes showing a panicked soul. Dragon danger. She can smell it. A whimper sounds from deep inside her throat, and those strange wet droplets that taste like sea and spring when she is afraid have begun to pool beneath those eyes.

"Hanami ama! Hanami ama..." I mean you no harm.

She scuttles back, her claw-like fingernails digging into the soil as flowers begin to bloom around her, growing up her ankles. The shadows that lurk behind her seem to dance ominously, as if ready to take her back in when she is ready to stop her foolish ventures. The wind whispers to her...

Her nose raises into the air as the dragon enters her thoughts. Little one...What brings you to this gathering? The language that is spoken is strange, yet she recognizes it. The dragon longer wreaks of this. It is calmer now, and Yshani's nose picks up no more danger smell but for the hint of danger in all living creatures. "Nomomai amaq," she says aloud. I don't know what I'm doing here.

But the wolf draws closer, catching her attention. Her nostrils flare, eyes looking in wonder towards the beautiful black beast. "Woden...Bentai woden..." Beautiful wolf. He stops a moment, turns back to the one he calls Heart. She is worried, staring between Yshani and Wolfen. But still he comes. And Yshani watches, wide-eyed, as he shows his compassion.

A smile pricks the corners of her lips, and the droplets disappear. Slowly, she turns to all fours, crawling towards him, head lowered, eyes darting everywhere but at his. "Bentai woden...bentai..." His mind extends to her, allowing her to feel safe. Safe and free. But the shadows still lurk behind her, the wind picking up just enough to jingle the bracelet on her wrist, marking her as Slave.

"Werfen?" she asks with a small wince. "Werfen woden...enimant..." Werfen is friend...

But another dragon there is. Smells of danger. Smells of freedom. She raises her head to the wind, sniffing, watching as another like her...another nymph...drops from the dragon's back. It speaks...common language. Not yet does Yshani fully understand. She pulls a knife, starts after dragon. No dragon danger. Safe. She relaxes slightly, crawling closer to Werfen, extending a hand as if to pet him.

"Werfen Inama enimant?" she asks the wolf suddenly, pulling her hand back hesitantly, looking up at Kissandra. Werfen Heart friend? "Enimai ti?" Is anyone friend?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Kethti
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Werfen understood, broken/shattered words of Nymph. Fear, so much fear. What could make a creature/animal so free/wild/pretty come to this made his heart ache/mad/hurt. He whined and gently pushed his black nose into the Nymph's clawed hand/paw, sliding under it. He didn't tence, but remained calm/peaceful as he let the poor/injured/chained Nymph touch him. Protect. He leaned into her touch, letting his animal/wild/free side out.

He could smell his Heart nearby, she had crossed the road/path and was now watching/listening/present a couple paces behind him/Werfen.Heart would come no closer/nearer untill he/Werfen let her know it was ok.

'Werfen Heart friend?'

It was as clear as anything and he looked deep into the eyes of Nymph/Capured. His head bobbed slightly. His mind gently caressing/holding/petting/soothing that of Captured.

Calm/quiet/still. Heart will not hurt/harm/distroy you. Werfen friend. Werfen enimant. Heart enimant.

Kissandra watched with all the proudness of a mother. Her Fen, her sweet beautiful Fen was slowly calming down the Nymph. She was so beautiful and so skinny. But, Kissandra noticed, something was horribly wrong.
'No creature should ever be this afraid.

Without the responisbility of the little green dragon she took her chance and moved across the road. She stayed behind Fen, crouching down onto her knees as she watched the wolf work his majic. She could smell the pine coming off of him as he pushed his nose under the retracted hand of the Nymph who was much shorter than he was. He lay on his belly, his pink tongue running sofly across the skin as he whimpered.

Something was defenetly wrong.

She turned back and shot a glare across the clearing. Whatever had happened while she was walking across the path had obviously frightened the Nymph. Her black, violet eyes reflecting just how afraid she was. Kissandra saw that another dragon and another Nymph had joind their group and she felt her stomach twist. There was no way she could stay in a group of that size. She just didn't know how to handle it. With a huff, she brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and motioned for the others to say far enough back so as not to distract the two. Werfen needed to focus and too much would frighten the Nymph back into the woods, possibly for good if she wasn't careful. As Kissandra turned back, she heard the nymph ask something, her eyes fixated on her. She looked to Werfen who waged his tail once with a small thud.

"žádná škoda" Kissandra whispered, keeping her voice in a whisper. It was Fen's language, and it was well worth a shot as she whispered it once again.
No harm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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#, as written by Sil
The cool, wet nose of the grand wolf comforts her as he pushes it beneath her trembling hand. Now, she looks only to him, moving closer and closer, easily managing to stay shorter than him, looking away first when he gazed into her eyes. Submission. I am the pup, and you are my alpha. That is what the gestures said.

Her hand slowly traces up his face, her nails/claws barely touching his fur as it brushes beneath the surprisingly soft, delicate skin of her fingertips.

"Werfen woden...Werfen enimant..." Werfen is wolf...Werfen is friend...

Slowly, she manages closer to him, as if his mass will protect her from the world. A pup in the bosom of its father/mother/protector. Upon doing so, she finally looks up at the one he calls Heart, who sits on her knees, watching him proudly. Yshani's eyes gaze at her curiously. "Werfen Inama enimant..." Werfen Heart friend... After that, she curls up beside the great wolf, comfortable in the presence of them both.

So foolishly trusting. So tragically young for such long years...

Her eyes are still open, now watching the large group behind Kissandra...the two dragons. Dragon is not always danger...could she have a dragon? A wolf? One to call her own? One to call her Heart? Perhaps...perhaps not. But for now, she has Werfen...and Heart...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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Kissandra moved closer, taking note of Werfen who was now resting his head on the Nymph's shoulder. The two fit. Wolf and Nature. She carefully moved closer, coming to sit beside the Nymph, her hand gently reaching out to Fen's paw. She smiled gently, keeping her lips pressed togeather as her fingers moved over the wolf's pelt. She would let the Nymph make the first move to touch her. Sometimes wild things just couldn't be pushed. For now she was content to just stay as a protector and as a watcher. She winked at Fen, the wolf's eyes facing her with a glimmer of love and pride as he huffed through his nose.



That's what she/Heart had said/spoke and it made him happy/content. His tail tumped on the ground before he picked his head up. Chained was his. He would protect/gaurd/keep safe just like he kept Heart. They would be togeather/family/pack. His Heart was sitting next to Chained/Captured. Her fear scent/smell/taste was gone. Heart was keeping distance/space. Captured would go to her. Heart would wait/stay/watch. His own heart flooded with love and pride. Heart was good/nice/gentle with Hurt. So proud.

He/Werfen stay put/same as a few moments passed, pressing himself around her while slowly nuging the two cloer/togeather. As the sun/light ball/heat stuck his pelt/skin and he began to grow hot. He began to pant. His silver eyes watching/observing/tracking everything around them/family.Nymph needed/had to touch/contact Heart. Let her/them know that it was alright/safe/good.

His black nose gently touched the Nymph's hand/paw before touching Heart's.

Touch/connect. Be safe. Be family/protector/pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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#, as written by Sil
Her head rises, watching the one he calls Heart. Heart now sits beside her, waiting patiently, watching her with curiosity and anticipation, her hand resting on the paw of Werfen. The wolf has curled around her, shifting more and more, growing closer and closer to the one he calls Heart.

Yshani sits up, startled. She moves, pants, not sure what to do. Her nails lengthen. Instinct. Fight or flight. Her eyes darken, and the anklets jingle across the tops of her feet. Werfen is wolf. Heart is not. Heart is not as wild. Not as free. Yshani wants free.

More and more as instinct takes over, her thoughts become simpler and simpler sentences. "Inama qotep...amaqe dyrn..." Heart cannot touch...Not without my permission...

But Werfen enters her thoughts. She hears him speaking to her, and the wild feeling of his mind mending hers calms her. Her shoulders relax, her nails now shortening, the bright violet slowly overcoming the dark depths, though not completely controlling. She is now between wild and human. What is she?

She is Slave.

Her heart races as she stares at the one called Heart. Permission? Should she give permission?

Slowly, she eases her way towards Heart. Her hand reaches, trembling, for the girl's. Yshani does not know what to expect. Every muscle in her body screams Run! But she is curious...and Werfen knows it is safe. Wolf knows it is safe.

"Safe..." Her fingers brush Heart's hand as that single word is said softly before it is pulled back to her stomach as she crouches a small distance from the girl. Yshani has shown there is a small amount of trust. But more simply must be earned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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There, that was all Kissandra wanted and without a word she stood and walked calmly away. Leave Fen to take care of her, bring her back to ease. The wild is what made her feel at home and the trust was only shown because, obviously the Nymph knew that Kissandra was close to her Fen, was loved by her Fen. She would make her way back to the group, apologise for her quick exit. But like Fen, she was raised in the wilds of the woods, taught how to grow up there and thrive from what the wilds had to offer. Ohmah was about to become crowded quick and this group was sure to get in some trouble.
She couldn't do it. There was just too much here, to many people. Honestly, it made her uneasy. It reminded her of the time in the brothal. Her foot crunched across the path and she froze.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Candle light by a mirror. How fricken romantic. Kissandra reached up and touched the large welt on the side of her cheek, the black and red sore giving her high cheekbones an akward unevenness. Her geen eyes stared unblinking back at her as she dropped her hand to the edge of the desk, the wash bowl shaking with the force of the impact. She didn't cry anymore. The pain was gone, the disqust had been killed, all that remained was a burning hatred. That's what kept her going, the thought of escape, the thought of one day earning her freedom from a place like this. Dark, damp halls by night, the moaning and screaming as people were stolen from and others granted their wishes.

"Kirsten? Is there something wrong sweetheart? You've been in there awhile, and this isnt cheep."

Her fingernails dragged across the wood as her lips pulled into a feral snarl, for once her appearence looking more elf than human as she walked out to see her next clinet. Her robes falling to the ground behind her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She shook her head sharply as if to clear the memory, not wanting to remember what happened next, what came after. She continued moving forward as if nothing had happened. Heat flushed her cheeks as she passed the Elves who were still looking to the Nymph, her head held high as she passed the other Nymph and her dragon, moving toward Aura only. Her heart became uneasy as approached the giant Dragon, Aura, her mind gently reaching out to caress the Dragon's.

Bright one, I am truely thankful for all that you have done, but i'm afraid that I must take my leave. I will spread the good word about you and what you have done.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Good! They had touched and his Heart was doing the good/right thing. She left, walking back to dragon. He stood and padded over to the Chained/Captured. His black nose sniffed the air, bringing in her scent/smell. She had changed/become human/not wild.
He/Werfen would stay with her. Protect/keep safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Kavel Corferanu
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(accidentally tagged Kavel, pay no attention to that part)

Delzah and Aura looked at each other and Delzah shook his head with a small smile on his face as he turned towards Ohmah and started walking away.

Aura then turned and started to follow him, keeping close by and letting the others do as they wished. Originally Delzah was going to undergo this mission alone anyway. Meeting Larien was a happy coincidence and little Volos as well, but right now he didn't have time for all of this. He was on a mission to bring back the Dragons, and this was a waste of time. If these people, who all seemed to be drawn to Aura, would follow her and perhaps help him on this venture, then he would greatly appreciate it. However, if all they were going to do was stand around trying to comfort the new arrival then Delzah had more important things to attend to.

Master, are you sure you just want to leave them? Aura asked.

"Yes Aura. Most of these people were drawn here because of you. If we leave, I'm sure most will follow. Larien and Volos especially because you have basically become Volos's big sister and Larien won't separate him from you for obvious reasons. As for the others, I'm not too sure but whatever they choose to do is up to them. I, however, am done waiting for them to get acquainted with each other and I am going to Ohmah because we came here with a mission and it has been stalled long enough.

Aura simply nodded to him, inwardly hoping that he would relax his heart for those who had recently appeared. While they were somewhat strange company in Aura's opinion, they were company none the less and they all seemed to share the same desire for the Dragons to return. However, if Delzah wouldn't wait for them, neither would she.

The two of them headed off silently towards Ohmah, the small village appearing on their horizon within a matter of minutes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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#, as written by Sil
The moment her fingers brushed Heart's hand, she rose and left...just like that. As if that is enough for her. Yshani stares at her, puzzled.

Werfen is again at her side now as her eyes become less swallowed by the endless black. She has taken a more human appearance, something that hasn't been shown since...

She shakes the memories away, standing and staring at her shortening nails. No longer are they claws. Instead, they are more human, short and elegant. The foliage that has grown along her ankles is now much less, only a few flowers here and there, and the anklets marking her are now a bit more free to jingle. She stands upright now, a full 5' 8", good height for human. Only her ears and hair now give her away, the white curls stretching all around her head, the banded ponytail stretching to her waist in the same gentle curls, covered in blooms much like her ankles.

Werfen seems happy, but Heart...the girl who is Werfen's closest friend...she departs, seemingly upset. Yshani reaches for the girl before letting her arm fall back to her side, her bottom lip trembling. Something must be wrong when one leaves and the other stays. She turns to Werfen. "Inama noca?" Is Heart hurt?

Dragon begins to leave, smelling of worry. Yshani watches, eyes pooling. No more dragon. No more wonder. Only wolf and slave. Should she follow?

She looks to Werfen, as if to ask what he thinks. His shimmering black coat has been ruffled as the wind whistles to her ear, whispering its wishes. It wants to play, to soar beneath the wings of dragon. "Aenki ama, Arani...Dyrsta noteq ama..." Don't ask me, Precious Wind...I don't have dragon... As if to pout, the wind calms slightly, no longer in its playful mood.

The trees sway, their many whispers calling her, as if they have something to show her. Her ears prick, her eyes flicking from Werfen to the shadows of the forest. To go back there could mean to go back to being Slave. He could be standing right there, His red eyes glowing evilly. Just like He did when she was taken. When her parents were killed.

So finally, outright ignoring the trees and shadows of her home in the forest, she turns and slowly begins to walk towards the dragon and its followers, in high hopes that she can feel safe with them all, not just Werfen...her beautiful wolf friend...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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#, as written by Sil
The trees's whispers become frantic, and the shadows begin to close in. Somehow, she can feel Him. He is there. He wants her back. She trembles, cowering from the breeze as it ruffles her hair. Her heart beats frantically, and her eyes turn back to that deep, frightened black...nails grow into claws. Perhaps a group is not what she needs. She needs something else...something bigger.

"Akanai ma....akanai ma..." She looks back and forth, her breaths growing faster, more into hyperventilating. She is lost suddenly in thought of those red eyes. She sees them everywhere. Glaring. Laughing. Calling.

"Kanat! Kanat..." She shakes her head, closing her eyes and twisting her fingers into a clawed fist so tight it draws the strangely dark blood from beneath her ivory flesh. The darkness draws her. Calls its slave.

"Hello there..."

A squeak sounds from Yshani's lips as she whirls around, claws extended, towards the voice of the newcomer. Slowly, her legs pull her towards the shadows. The trees' whispers grow louder as the newcomer asks to join the party. the one they cry about. The one that is so much like Him.

Her scent is normal...strangely cool...but it's shrouded in darkness. Yshani can smell that. She smells like Him. And suddenly Yshani is sure if that hood is pulled down she would find those strange red eyes...crimson...glowing...vampiric.

"Nat...nat nat nat nat...Akanai ma...ene akan..." Her words are more and more frantic.

And then instinct kicks in. Fight or flight. The hard part is which should she do?

Eighty-four pounds of half-starved nymph versus Gods-know-how-strong/heavy of scary vampire? No chance. Yshani backs up a bit, looking to Werfen. She shakes her head, the strange salty water droplets forming beneath her eyes once more. "C'nai Werfen...bentai woden..." I'm sorry, Werfen...beautiful wolf... Then, she looks again at the strange one. And back at the shadows...slowly stepping back into darkness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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He howled, so lound/strong it made his bones quake/rattle/shake with anger and frustration. New blood/evil blood had come/arrived, had frightened away his charge. Her smell/scent clouded his nose, made him want to rip/tear.
Blood drinker, monster! You frightened/scared/hurt Captured!

But there was something more. She rose a deep passion/anger/lust inside that he/Werfen had never seen/felt/smelled before. Evil. Murderer. He had to protect. To defend. His Heart!!!!

She was too close, to close and too far away. He could not run/jump/fly to her in time to protect from danger/Blood sucker. But she was close to Drangon kind. Kind that saved her. She would protect/defend his heart. He could attack/protect/defend by taking her head from her body. His body crouched down into an attack pose. His Heart was screaming at him, shouting for him to still. He/Werfen wouldn't. Not now. Not ever! His teeth gleemed, sharper and dagger like against that of the pink gums. Protect/defend! It's what I/Werfen promised. His heart sprang into his chest, beating like a war drum as his muscles contracted. With inhuman speed he launched himself toward the Vampire.

Kissandra hadn't heard the Vampire, only felt Werfen. His anger stuck her hard and she staggered back. His animalistic anger flooded everyone of her sences as she forced herself to turn. Her lip pulled back in a ferel snarl almost matching that of the wolf. What she saw nearly made her vomit. A Newcomer, hood bowed around it's head was walking toward them, or more like gliding. Kissandra had seen a Vampire before, infact she had friends that were Vampieres but this was just too much. Werfen was free, his savageness proving her suspisions that the traveller was a Vampire the moment her green eyes flicked towards the wolf. He was gathering energy, she could see the way his body was growing and constricting. His muscles were cleanched togeather and his sleek fur stood straight up, tossing the sun dancing about the individual strands. Kissandra began to run forward, her voice rising in a sharp bark as she directed it at the wolf. It was pointless, he wasn't going to stop and she looked to the traveler.
"Run!" She couldnt stop him, but the Vampire herself could, that or the Nymph. Fen launched himself forward moving faster than she'd ever seen him move and she screamed. Oneof them was going to end up hurt, or worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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#, as written by Sil

Werfen fight.

She stops in her tracks, staring...eyes wide and terrified. The tears fall free. She is frozen. Darkness shrouds behind her. His eyes watch. He laughs at her...she is His. A feral smile on His lips. His whisper echoes in her ear, carried on that gentle breeze, making her cover her lips in a gasping sob. You are know better than to get come to me...

Her eyes squeeze shut as she leaps forward, arms extended, wrapping around Werfen's neck, clinging to him. Her sobs are loud and full of fear. "Nat Werfen! Nat! Werfen fahntaq..." No, Werfen! No! Werfen doesn't need to fight...

She still feels those red eyes on her back, and her cries don't stop as she buries her face in his fur. He is warm. He is soft. He is safe.

Those eyes are not...


The darkness swallows. It devours. It holds. But it cannot possibly control all.

The legends of vampires are never something to take lightly. Creatures wrapped around death, destruction...blood and sex. All can become victim to the predatory beauty of the animals in cold, dead, human form. Only the truest of the true have those glowing eyes. At least, that is what the stories say. Those glowing eyes, pupils slit like a cat, canines sharper than razors, straight, gleaming, resting over perfect, humanistic teeth. Ivory skin like marble...hard and cold. The heart does not beat. Nothing works as it should.

But the Ashatur family could not be compelled by a vampire. His gleaming eyes watched them from afar for months. Like a cat...patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce. He would change the parents first. Then the child.

But the night he did so, all went wrong. Their blood clotted in his throat, and he quickly found himself throwing it back up in strange clumps. Instead of being able to create vampires from these beautiful creatures, he ended up killing them both. Whether by accident or not, no one knows. But then, the child wakes...and enters.

He makes his move, shrouding her in darkness. She will not be lost. And he has his ways of capturing her without changing her.

He spends years doing so...

And now he watches her...


She can feel his gaze leave her as he turns away, heading back into the shadows. The darkness pulls her like a chain pulling a slave. She curls her fingers tighter into the black fur of the great wolf, sobbing aloud as she sees the darkness from that night so very long ago once more wrap around her. Still, she continues to whisper to him, pleading...holding even tighter when he launches forward, not daring to let go.

"Nat Werfen...ysni..." No, Werfen...please...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath Character Portrait: Yshani Le'ra Ashatur
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Kissandra cried as she saw the Nymph move forward too, tears pricking her eyes as she ran forward to throw herself in the face of Fen. Her handsgently pulled at the ruff of the wolf, forcing his eyes to stare into hers. His lips were still curled into a snarl, but something more sane had appeared in his eyes. Something soft and gentle about those eyes, the silver in them shinning bright. Kissandra saw the Nymph is sobbing to, and, without thought, she wrapped her arms around them both. Werfen had stopped trying to leap forward but instead had settled down into a larger pose, his feet placed under him with those silver eyes watching the Vampire that was laying on the grass. Kissandra didn't care about the others, let the dragon walk into town and start somesort of panic. She would stay here with the wild. With her Fen and now the Nymph.
"You big ball of fur you! You could have died!" she scolded the wolf lovingly before gently brushing her fingers over the back of the nymph in a soothing mannor.

"Thank you."

Werfen had not expected to be stopped. In fact he didn't want to stop. He nearly tore/bit into the Nymph, her frial/tiny arms clutching around his ruff/neck but as his jaws turned to bite he saw her/Captured. Not enemy! Friend/Captured. He managed to swivel his jaw back around and stop so he didn't drag Captured forward. He would protect, even if he couldn't tear/rip/shread. He snarled, the growl working his way up out his throat. He would listen to her pleas, but only becasue the scent of her fear flooded his nose/mind and he didn't like it. But as his/Werfen's fur settled and his anger calmed/cooled. Someone ran forward.

He roared/snarled/growled his loudest. His body crouching down again. Protect/Defend. Kill. He was about to lunge/tear into the person when her face came into view.
His Heart. Not Enemy. His Heart!
His head pulled up as her arms closed around his neck, touching both him and the Nymph. He growled, low/quietly. He needed to keep an eye on the threat/danger but Heart wouldn't listen. Eyes met/hearts opened and minds touched. Then she was clinging to both him and Captured, and he forgot about them.

He wouldn't fail either one. His eyes watched the Vampire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath Character Portrait: Yshani Le'ra Ashatur
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Teadora knew that it was the wrong move to bow down like she did but she didn't care. She could hear the wolf growling and snarling at her, and could just feel and smell how he reeked with rage and protection. Teadora knew that deep down inside she truly wanted to die. So she slowly and gracefully stood tears of regret and sorrow in her eyes, as she'd slowly close them preparing for the wolf to lunge and kill her. Her mind raced with the regret and sorrow of not being able to avenge her family and beloved Draconia. Though she knew in her dead heart she was done with being alone and casted off as evil and soulless. Teadora just sighed out in a painful sorrowful sigh as she closed her eyes the tears flowing silently and freely now. Suddenly she could hear someone screaming at her to run and telling the wolf to stop. Teadora just kept her eyes closed while just excepting her fate. As she finally excepted her painful demise she suddenly hears and smells the nymph. That got her attention, she quickly snapped her tear leaking eyes open that glowed a bright maroon color of pain, regret, rage, sorrow, and disgust with herself. She watched as the nymph bravely leaped up on top of the wolf and screaming and crying telling him stop.

Teadora's mind raced with confusion and angered sorrow, as she sees the wolf stop not to far from her now teeth snarling at her. She stood perfectly still as she'd watch the one who screamed at her to run walk up and stand in between her and the wolf. Teadora then hears the one who yelled at her say, "You big ball of fur you! You could have died!" Suddenly Teadora's sorrowful anger rose as she then says in the same voice yet edged with her angered sorrow, "I wouldn't have done anything to this wolf... this wolf is right I do deserve death... you should of just let him kill me, why didn't you just let him kill me?!!!" She'd scream that last part out in great sorrowed pain, as she'd fall to her knees in a collapsing fashion in sorrow, yet in slight relief. Teadora's tears suddenly began to fall in great sobs of sorrow and pain as, she'd slam her right fist into the ground making a 2ft deep hole in the ground.......


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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#, as written by Sil
He goes to snap at her. She feels his muscles tighten, his head turning, jaw open. Her grip tightens, her sobs wrenched harder from her chest as she shakes her head. The wild from within is taking over, more and more. Her legs are now suddenly covered with strange foliage, her hair decorated in blooms. She looks like spring.

And yet, what a sad sight she is.

Even when the great wolf stops, and Werfen's Heart hugs them both, Yshani cannot help but sob. Her breaths are shortened, and she clings to him. The great wolf. "Bentai woden..." Beautiful wolf...

His presence is gone for the time being. His eyes are no longer upon her back. Instead, Yshani feels the gentle touch of another. Heart's hand. And yet, she cannot stop sobbing.

Slowly, she allows her grip to release the fur of the wolf, her arms wrapping instead around her own small chest, knees pulled tight against her. She must protect herself. She must not go back to Him. Her eyes squeeze shut. The memories flash around her...those glowing crimson eyes. The color of blood. And that...creature's...the one sitting before Yshani now...her eyes are the color of Yshani's mother's blood. Oh, how it pooled on he floor.

"Mamasi..." A choked sob springs from her lips.

"...why didn't you just let him kill me?!!!"

Yshani pauses, her sobs becoming a little less painful in her chest. Her black eyes look out at the creature, now a heap on the ground, her fist in a hole a great size for such a seemingly delicate woman. Yshani clutches her knees to her chest, drawing away from Werfen and Heart, afraid that she had only made Werfen's anger worse by being so afraid. But it's not her fault for fearing so much...being a creature locked in darkness is never something easy. Especially in her case...and yet, Yshani knows she can do better than that.

Slowly, her legs show a little more, the foliage a little less dramatic. She is calming, her sobs becoming nothing more than small hiccups. She watches the creature with wide, dark eyes. She doesn't know what she should do. Should she be brave?

Yshani cringes at the thought, her face showing the visible wince of fear. Dragon appears behind her, and she looks up and back at her. She smells of curiosity, and the wind is playful around her. Her mind reaches out, wishing for an explanation of sorts.

Instead of explaining, the nymph holds herself tighter, tiny tears still trickling from her eyes as her words begin to flow in a strange form.

"Mamasi conseita? Mamasi tonok. Arani windema inema ama ke...Tonaki vanu ymana ma...Mamasi unt qunoma...mmmm..."

Is Mama a spirit? Is she a bird? The wind whispers sweet nothings in my ear...and the trees dance to the music of the sun...all while Mama watches from above/around us...mmmm...

Her ramblings continue on like that, her mind wandering through her own little world. All while He watches...hidden far too deep in the shadows to ever be noticed...once more awaiting his moment to strike.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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Teadora could hear the young small frail nymph's sobs as she'd sob herself. So much pain she could sense off this poor innocent being, and in an instant she knew exactly how she felt. The memories of her mother, father, brothers, and finally the terrifying horrific screams of her beautiful faithful dragon Draconia rang in her ears. Her tears never ending as she'd gain control over her voice as she'd say in a soft voice in elfin perfect accent thanks to her dear old friend ÁLFLJÓTR teaching her for a good 30 years, "amin "know" sut lle "feel" "please" "don't" gorga amin..." "I know how you feel please don't fear me..." Teadora's mind raced as she's suddenly spot the small Dragon and ask in a very sorrowful voice still in elfish now, ""Did" lle "know" "a" sgiathatch "called" "Draconia"?" "Did you know a dragon called Draconia." A painful sorrowful hope glowed in her glowing maroon vampiric eyes as, she'd hear her question to the nymph and answer in the same voice silent tears still falling uncontrollably, "amin "am" nan' "a" onna en' i' dome "a" "soulless" "hideous" "vampire"...." "I am but a creature of the night a soulless hideous vampire..."

All Teadora could do was stare up at this dragon in great pained sorrow as flashing back of Draconia flashed back into her mind, of her horrific painful demise. Teadora's body began to shake in horror as her eyes glazed over from her flashback taking over her mind.....


"I've been longing to do this for some time now Teadora my dearest, now that I've killed your entire family now it's your turn, so watch and hear the dying screams of your precious Draconia for she will die as you do, Hmmm I love the smell and taste of pain and sorrow..." Stephine Donatello says in his wickedly charming deep menacing voice. He then suddenly lunged forward forcing her head to crank so as to give him easier access and to watch as Draconia lay there injured and weakened. Suddenly as she'd stare into Draconia's beautiful onyx saphire eyes tears fell from her eyes, as she screams out in great sorrow, "I'M SORRY, I'M SO SORRY DRACONIA, I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO KEEP YOU AND I ALIVE... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!" Teadora would reach out her hand to Draconia as Draconia reached out her weakened claws to her as well.

Finally Stephine lunged down and sank his fangs deep and painfully within the nape of her neck. As Teadora screamed out in pain, so did Draconia. Draconia's screams were horrific and pain ridden yet not for herself. No her screams were for Teadora, as her glowing onyx saphire eyes stared into Teadora's. Finally as Teadora finally fell unconscious she no longer heard her own screams, and no longer heard Draconia's screams..........

*~.......END OF FLASHBACK......~*

Teadora just fell to the ground curled up into a ball and screamed out in the same pained sorrow she did that fateful day, her screams of pain, anguish, and sorrow could be heard for miles around. As she'd shake uncontrollably against the ground her tears falling freely like she never let them fall before.....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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Delzah sat on his bench in the village of Ohmah and heard the sounds and the painful feelings of the one crying in the distance, as others seemed to do so around him as well. He didn't know what was going on, but Aura's confusion had vanished and she now knew what she was going to do. That much, Delzah could sense from her.


Aura listened to the cries of this poor, tortured creature as she curled into a ball on the ground and wept. Her screams and tears could rend the soul of any who heard them, and Aura's heart sank with that of the poor girl on the ground before her. She lowered her head and let Volos off of it and assisted Larien in sliding off of her back without letting her just drop to the ground and get hurt. She then straightened up and walked over to the girl crying on the ground and curled up around her, placing her head next to the girl and breathing a warm mist from her mouth over the young woman's body.

Aura then reached out with her left claw and gently brought it down around the young woman, her claws digging into the ground slightly and forming a cage around her. Aura's eyes began to glow and her body as well in a bright blue hue as she looked to the sky and let out a loud roar towards the heavens. A twisting, almost invisible energy erupted from her mouth and rent the air in its path as it spiraled skyward and disappeared in the vastness of the heavens above. Through the mist she had released, Aura was able to see the poor girl's memories and now was about to give her the chance to make peace with a part of her past.

Dragons have long since forgotten many of their ancient abilities and to this day, as Aura was doing now, they could only activate them on instinct in times of great need. By releasing her own spirit into the void beyond time and space, Aura was able to allow the soul of another Dragon appear on Earth's plane for a limited time. This time was determined by the Dragon's own willpower and strength of mind as well as the power of their Soul Matter, a special metaphysical energy within their bodies which they also used when invoking the Dragon's Heart Pact.

Now, due to Aura's temporary sacrifice the soul of this girl's Dragon, Draconia, was now descending upon the land. Visible and audible only to Teadora, the soul of Draconia landed softly in front of Aura's body. Aura herself was in a trance. Unable to move, think or even breath until the ritual was over. Her body was still aglow in a blue light from head to toe and her eyes now pure white as Aura's unconscious mind held the image of the soul of Draconia, allowing this poor girl to communicate with the soul of her Dragon whom had long since passed from this world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur Character Portrait: Teadora Serenitydeath
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Werfen was pacing. Back and forth, whimpering as he did so. His black fur was raised slightly and his teeth were bared. He made no move to attack, nor any move to come and sit beside her hip like he normally did and Kissandra frowned. Her eyes flickered over to the Vampire girl, her body collapsed on the ground after a sudden change from sadness, even wanting Death, to a state of sorrow happiness and then to her unconscious state.She wanted to die, and yet again something was wrong with the wretched world in which she lived in. Truthfully, Kissandra wanted no part in it.
She worked up the courage to slowly move forward. Her body kneeling beside the Vampire as she gently brushed away some of the bright red locks from the Girls face. It was pretty, but even etched in sleep there was something so painful, so horrible that it caused Kissandra to shiver. She had found many travelers like this, had held them until they woke but Kissandra feared that Fen would be very upset if she chose to hold a Vampire until it woke. Instead she carefully made sure that the girl would be comfortable. She wouldn’t try to wake her now. Poor thing probably needed sleep anyways. But Kissandra would wake her once she was ready to leave. It would be dangerous to leave someone alone like this. But she had to leave, and soon. They had tarried too long here and something strange indeed had happened. Vampires, Nymphs, Dragons: it was all too much. Her head reeled and with a huff Kissandra shoved her hair out of her bright green eyes, the brown dots flickering brightly as she turned away from the collapsed Vampire and toward Aura. She rested her hand on the scales of the Dragons leg, extending out her mind as her eyes flashed.

Vampire, Dragon. That’s what this poor girl is about...but I fear that I must end the travels with you and be on my way now. Too many things have happened here in the time that I have tarried. I mean to ask the Nymph and the Vampire if she wakes to come with me back into a safe place. I have a feeling that the people of Ohmah will not look kindly upon a have crazed Nymph and a Vampire along with you, Great one.

Kissandra looked at the Nymph, so vulnerable looking curled up in a ball, Werfen now standing by her side as his mussel gently returned to her skin and his bright pink tongue slid out from between teeth as he tried to slow her hiccups. Kissandra moved briskly forward, bending down in front of the Nymph while gently clasping her hands.

"Come with me, into the forest. I'll protect you and Fen will to."

Werfen pushed his hand under the girl’s hands/paws. He was okay/good now. Good boy Werfen/Fen. Fen won’t hurt. Her sadness/fear was evident but that’s what kept him/Werfen calm/good.

Good Wolf. Beautiful wolf. No harm/no hurt friends/family/pack.

His Heart was taking care of the Vampire and though it made him angry/upset/mad he made no move to stop her. Heart could take care of herself. He paid her no attention until she was behind him. Her thoughts/mind speaks were tainted with Dragon. Their scent/smell mingling. Captured/Chained was making/sounding funny. Her body shook/jumped with every noise and his tongue worked along her cheeks/mussel/face as he cleared water/salt/eye drops from her cheeks. Then Kissandra was beside them, paw/hand clutching/holding that of Captured. Her voice was soft/urgent/pleading as she asked in human speech. Werfen knew. Home. He wagged his tail and barked/growled/howled. Home/forest/explore. Too much here for the wolf. He wanted to run again and Heart meant to take them back home. Safe. No Vampires or strange people. Less worry about Heart. His silver eyes sparkled as he tipped his nose towards the woods/Home and dropped onto his front paws.

Come! Come with Fen and Heart!! Come Captured/Chained!! We protect/defend/love.
