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Esra Villseth

To light a candle is to cast a shadow. - Ursula K. Le Guin

0 · 496 views · located in Future Dystopia with Dragons

a character in “Drakospeda”, as played by ShadowHawk



Esra 'Draco' Villseth



"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."

Species: Dragon
Alignment: Dragons
Age: 22
Gender Identity: Female
Orientation: Demisexual
Personality: Loyal, Fierce temper, Curious, Determined, loves to learn, hates humans but is intrigued by them as well.

History: Esra was one of the last to be born before the others were taken but she grew fast and learned just as fast her Curious nature led her to learn more than the others as she studies and practices for hours, Esra was taught to hate humans and she does, she wishes to kill them all, but she also wishes to learn from them so she can expand her knowledge, this is why she jumped at the chance to infiltrate the city as an undercover scout and assassin.

    + Shifting
    + Immune to poison
    + Magical ability
    - Easily angered
    - Forgets things
    - Becomes overly curious

Other Remarks: Esra is a steel dragon who can change into a human, she was raised by the other Dragons and grew to hate humans who caused her people pain and used them like toys in their selfish games.

So begins...

Esra Villseth's Story

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Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth
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Esra walked calmly through the street stopping occasionally to 'Shop', though she would still have to hunt it helped keep her cover, she had just picked up a small round fruit and was examining it with keen interest when a shout broke her concentration. She saw a younger looking boy with crimson hair run past, a soft glow seemed to outline his form and Esra dropped the fruit following him with curiosity, he was a dragon one like her, without thinking she followed him to an old restaurant using her magic to keep up without raising too much suspicion.
As the gaurds came closer she went the other way and caught a glimpse of him turning into his dragon form and smiled "Another dragon! How intriguing, he wasn't in the nest or I would remember him he must have been lost..this is a great discovery!" Esra thought excitedly her eyes lighting up she hid herself well then used the little magic she could spare to appear on the rooftop where the boy had gone she felt dizzy as her feet touched the ground on the roof but looked at the boys back intent to study him for a moment.

After a few seconds she spoke up softly as not to startle him "Hello, dragon boy" was all she could say as she studied his actions ready to protect herself but immensely curious as to how he had come to be, all of the hatchlings were said to have been killed. She absently twirled her whit-silver hair as she thought of the endless possibilities the very thoughts making her noticeably giddy. Her figure buzzing with excitement for her discovery and the theories running through her mind, her eyes went slightly draconic as she awaited the boys response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth
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#, as written by Evenir
Liam nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice from behind him. He was on his feet in a flash, whirling around to face whoever had discovered his secret. Questions raced through his head, building up a bit of a panic in him and causing the pupils in his bright blue eyes to turn to slits. His position was defensive, ready to flee in an instant, yet his curiosity on how someone had snuck up so close to him kept him in place.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice low and airy, like there was a slight hissing behind it as the air moved around slightly elongated, sharp teeth. "How did you get up here? What did you..." he trailed off when his keen eyes caught sight of the draconic eyes to match his own. With a sharp inhale of surprise, he took a step back toward the ledge. "You... You're like me..." Carefully, he straightened up a bit, seeing the woman looked just as defensive as he was. "I didn't think there was- I thought I was all alone."

The street rat had no idea how to process the information. Clearly she was older and far more experienced them him if she could sneak up on him, not to mention she had somehow recognized him as a dragon in the first place. Although slightly less afraid now, he was still brimming with questions. Did this woman know more about what they were? How did she recognize him? Did she contain some sort of power that maybe he had latent as well? Glancing over the edge, the two cops were still sniffing around, so he had time to kill before he could get back on his way again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth
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Esra stiffled a small yet amused giggle as Liam jumped up, she listened carefully and was amazed at his power for one so young. Esra watched his stance straighten and felt relieved she let her body relax a bit and looked into his eyes taking all of the details in carefully when she saw his realization she was about to speak when he did "I didn't think there was- I thought I was all alone." Came his voice and her heart skipped a realization all her own he was alone 'How it must be to have been mother to love one to teach you..' She thought sadly before looking him in the eyes once more.

"Y-yes I am, I am Esra Draco and I can answer any questions you may have young one I know this must be strange..and I hope you are alright I have never met another of our kind who wasn't raised in the nest.." Her thoughts ran wild 'How did he survive? Where is he from? Is he the only one?' She was becoming overly curious again her body language showing this curiosity as well as her care to help another of her kind she felt her eyes become bigger slits and her body exuded a magic glow as her curiosity was making it hard to control her human form.

Esra took a deep breath and calme herself trying not to overwhelm the boy. She realized she didn't know his name "Sorry I am caught a bit off guard by this discovery, what is your name?" Her voice was soft and kind as she tried to calm her Curious nature.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth
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(Ooc:Sorry my phone reposted)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sallos Galan Character Portrait: Danny Loftwright Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth Character Portrait: Lilith Character Portrait: Jason Taylor
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Elet shoved his hands into his jacket as he wandered through the streets. His bright green eyes scanned everything around him in intrigue. He had been in this little town many times now but there was always something new and different to investigate. The humans interacted with each other in a very different way that the way his family interacted. There was just so much more complexity to their speech. He craved it. He wanted to speak to them the way they spoke. He had chatted with a couple of children who seemed his age but he knew he didn't belong. Their gazes said as much and he didn't know how to play their games. So, he found himself consistently stuck on the outskirts of human interaction. In a way, that gave him an advantage. People ignored him so he could observe their mannerisms and learn about their daily life without hindrance.

He had learned pretty quickly that to own something here, you had to purchase it with money. Money was hard to come by if you didn't have a 'job'. He didn't really know what that was, but he understood that you had to work for it. Every once in a while he did find coins and the like on the floor which he had collected. He didn't know how to count but he assumed that the amount of coins he had collected would amount to some kind of value. Perhaps he had enough now that he could purchase some of the mouth watering and warm delicacies they had for sale. He particularly wanted a piece of that pie. He could see the steam rising from it and his stomach growled loudly. That morsel looked a lot better than the scraps the humans tossed his family or the trash they ate, or even the live game they hunted down.

Elet hurried over to the pie stand and looked up at the shop keeper. "H-hello," Elet greeted. "I would to buy a piece of pie," he said and offered a little smile. He quickly put all of the coins he had on the table and pushed them towards the woman. "Is this enough?"

The woman standing there looked down at Elet and arched an eyebrow. She looked down at the coins and shook her head. "That is not enough to buy a pie, sweetheart. Take the coins back."

Elet frowned and looked down at the coins. "How much do I need?"

"A lot more than that. Where are your parents?"

"I don't have any," he lied. He didn't have any parents that this woman would be able to talk to anyway.

"You poor dear," she frowned. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you a piece of pie. Tomorrow you come back early in the morning and I'll have you earn it by helping me set up my things. Okay?" She knew she ran the risk of never seeing the boy the next morning if he was playing her, but she couldn't help herself. She was a sucker for kids.

Elet's face brightened and he gave her a big smile. "Thank you! I'll be here in the morning!" Elet accepted the pie then and hurriedly scurried off with it. He bit into the warm, gooey apple pie and moaned. It was the best thing he'd ever had the pleasure of tasting. In his excitement a few scales appeared on his neck and on his hands and his eyes had become slits without his realizing for a moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth Character Portrait: Lilith Character Portrait: Jason Taylor Character Portrait: Elet
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#, as written by Evenir

The young dragon shrugged at the woman, tugging at the straps of his pack and relaxing back to a regular human form. "Well, I was kind of raised in a nest, but I don't think the others quite understood things like I did. I was always pretty different from them, not the same type I guess..." Liam's eyes glazed a bit at the fond thought of times passed outside the walls of the human city with the small dragons that had become his family. He hadn't seen them in so long, it being so hard to escape the city now with in increased size. Even for human standards he was pretty tall and lanky, not exactly easy to hide in the trash anymore. Quickly returning to the real world though, he extended a hand out for a friendly hand shake.

"Esra? I'm Liam, nice to meet you," he smiled cheerfully. Before he could say anymore, however, he was cut off by the sound of an alarm coming from his watch. "Crap! Uh, I gotta go. Mouths to feed and stuff like that. Um... catch you around I guess? We need to talk some time!" Without warning, he turned and shifted quickly, jumping from the building and speeding off with a sharp crack of the air beneath the tips of his wings. The young dragon soared over a few building before diving into one of the less used alleys, where he shifted back and took off at a sprint back to the market street, not bothering to even look back. "Shit they're gonna go crazy if I'm not back soon..." he muttered to himself.

Still crowded as usual, he nearly bowled straight into some kid who looked maybe like a young teen who had stopped to look around himself, dodging at the last second but not even slowing down. Almost like he had blinders on to his destination, he didn't notice the girl sprinting with the pie until she tripped right in his line of travel. He had just barely managed to jump over her body and barely maintain his balance when he realized he recognized the long purple hair, making him skid to a stop and turn back around to help her up.

"Lilith, woah! You okay?" he inquired, offering a hand up and oblivious to the plate of pie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth
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Esra smiled at Liam he was an interesting boy one she was impressed to find 'A nest outside the city?..The non sentient ones!' She thought ecstatically not noticing his reaction she saw him reach his hand out in a friendly gesture and say "Esra? I'm Liam, nice to meet you," he smiled cheerfully. Before he could say anymore, however, he was cut off by the sound of an alarm coming from a small thing on his wrist,Esra still didn't remember that word for the tiny contraption. "Crap! Uh, I gotta go. Mouths to feed and stuff like that. Um... catch you around I guess? We need to talk some time!" Before she could reply he jumped up and turned into a dragon the wind shooting towards her ruffled her hair and she smiled immensely her mind racing "I found another! I know there must be more, now to tell the elders!" She said aloud to herself before using her magic to return home to the small house she had procured when she arrived in town.

After writing out a letter explaining the events Esra lit a small fire on a candle "To the elders you must go!" She said as she lit the paper on fire it flashed blue then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Esra grabbed a book on the history of the dragons and started reading trying to find any knowledge the humans may have had about her kind being found as she read her mind relaxed taking in the literature in front of her. She finished one book and went to the next shuffling through the books she had gathered at the market.

After reading several books Esra let out a great sigh of relief no records show that any of her kind had been found as she put her book away her stomach growled immensely ' Curse my appetite.. This form cannot be sustained for long I need to hunt' she thought feeling her body become less human as her hunger grew. She quickly made her way to her roof and jumped letting her body transform, though dangerous she knew not feeding would plunge her sentience farther down making her a machine like the humans had wanted she knew without food she would be a useless killing machine unable to complete her task at hand, find their weaknesses and destroy them all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akhira Character Portrait: Sallos Galan Character Portrait: Danny Loftwright Character Portrait: Liam Character Portrait: Esra Villseth Character Portrait: Lilith
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Elet hummed to himself. Pie was so tasty! He had like little bits of pie before but they were never this good. Fresh, warm, and gooey pie was now his favorite food in the world. He closed his eyes for just a moment and then... it was gone. His deliciousness was gone! He looked up a bit startled when he found his plate had been snatched out of his very hands. A young girl was running down the alley way with it and his eyes narrowed. That was his pie! He had gone and got it! The nice lady gave it to him and no one else! He was even going to work for that slice of amazingness.

"H-hey! That's mine!" he called after her and started running. He was not going to give it up without a fight. The girl tripped then and his eyes remained glued on the soaring plate of pie until it landed. He gave a sigh of relief, but really, even if the pie itself fell on the floor he would have devoured it. He ate out of a garbage can for crying out loud. A little bit of dirt wasn't going to deter him from his prize. He rushed forward but immediately cut himself off when he saw someone else in the alley. Elet pressed up against the side of the building and looked at the boy that leaned down to help the pie thief up. Oh no! She had a partner! He couldn't stand up to two people.

Elet nibbled on his lip and glanced between the two of them and the fallen pie. He started to slowly inch around his corner and tried to stay out of sight as he moved towards his pie. He snatched it up from the ground and quite literally shoved the rest of it in his mouth. There. Now the two thieves couldn't get it. He looked like quite a spectacle with his cheeks extended like a chipmunk as he tried to chew. He looked over at the girl and the other boy then and soon, guilt filled his stomach along with the remainder of his pie. They were probably hungry to.

Elet pulled at his sleeves and looked down at his shoes. "I... I am sorry. I should have shared it with you." He moved a little closer and looked at the girl trying to see if she was hurt. He really should have checked to make sure he was okay before he jumped his pie. "Umm... Are.. Are you okay?" he asked then and glanced at the boy. He hoped the older boy didn't try and beat him up for letting his friend get hurt.