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Edgar Gormly

"Let me show you how I feel."

0 · 262 views · located in The Teller's Domain

a character in “Dreamers And A Teller”, as played by Zalgo



Name: Edgar Gormly

Role: Male #4

Age: 20

His Crime: He nearly beat someone to death in his rage.

Sexuality: Straight


He is very hard to hurt. Allow me to elaborate.

The first basic detail of his dream ability to look at is his stamina. He has a very high endurance, capable of lasting well past the maximum fatigue level that a human can reach. His body can function normally on very little blood and while he can still weaken he will never die of hunger, dehydration or lack of oxygen.

Now here is where it gets weird.

His body hardens in proportion to the damage he's received. A scale of how resilient to damage he becomes in proportion to the damage he takes is as follows:

- After suffering a light injury or multiple light wounds his skin will toughen and his bones will grow denser without increasing in weight.

- After suffering a significant but ultimately nonlethal wound or mildly impairing injury his skin will become as tough as leather while his bones will become as hard as natural stone.

- After suffering a single wound or multiple wounds which would stand a significant chance of being fatal or after losing entire limbs his flesh will become as hard as wood yet still flexible like regular skin, not inhibiting his movement in the slightest while his bones become harder than concrete while still remaining no heavier than ordinary bone.

- After suffering wounds so grave that death would become certain for most regular human beings his flesh, muscle and skin become as hard as stone while his bones become as hard as steel.

He possesses a regenerative quality that follows a similar escalation to his resilience. Interestingly enough he heals small cuts and injuries slower than regular people while greater wounds heal much faster. Just as his regeneration increases in speed the more injured he is it will also slow down as he heals into a less wounded state. A scale of how fast he heals in proportion to the damage he takes is as follows:

- A light injury or wound takes five weeks to heal completely.

- A significant wound or mildly impairing injury takes five days to heal up until the damage becomes a light injury or wound.

- A major wound or lost limb takes five hours to heal up until the damage becomes a significant wound or mildly impairing injury.

- All damage close to and beyond the point of certain death takes five minutes to heal until the damage falls into the upper category of being a major wound or lost limb.

No matter how much he is damaged his body will continue to regenerate. Even if his head is cut off his body will regrow from the decapitated head. If the head is destroyed then the head and the rest of the body will regrow from the largest piece of remaining brain. So long as a single neuron remains he will continue to regenerate until he is whole again.

He can be killed by having his whole brain destroyed by attacks that destroy on a cellular level such as fire or acid. Cold will slow down his regeneration and having his brain become frozen will stop the regeneration altogether. Despite being frozen however he will continue to regenerate upon being unfrozen.


- Solitude

- Snow

- Fine blades

- The Art of Fighting

- The macabre

- Schadenfreude

- Writing

- Animals

- Spicy food


- Company

- Everyone he knows

- Excessive heat

- Bullies

- Cheaters

- Confrontations

- Seeing people happy

- Being controlled

- Himself

Relationships: (To be announced)



Edgar is not a happy person.

He is a misanthrope with a slight bend towards nihilism and this was before he was trapped in the world of the teller. Sour unto outright bitterness would be a kind way to describe his demeanor. Thankfully for most he disdains conversation with others, keeping most of his negativity to himself.

His hatred for all people is eclipsed only by his hatred of himself. He judges others harshly but judges himself the harshest. All too often he is consumed by his apathy and the regret leaves him miserable. It is not so much that he is lazy that he never accomplishes what he wants to do however. He can force himself to work just as hard if not harder than the people around him but he somehow cannot bring himself to see his work to the end when it is something tied to his pride. His fear of accomplishment and the unknowable results it can bring drives him to stop before he can ever finish his work. When it is just menial work or something he deems a nuisance he has little problem grinding through it but if his work might be something for him to be proud of his destructive sorrow gets the better of him.

Still, despite his outward contempt for people in general he will help others. A strong ethical code is ingrained into him, wrapped firmly around his low sense of self worth so as to adhere to a standard where he feels only makes him barely worth the skin he's given. Even without the code of ethic however it just seems right to him to be helpful to those who he feels need the help. He will never ask for thanks in return for his help and never expects it either. He will also rarely ever ask for help as he is strictly bound to return the favor and loathes the idea of owing anyone anything other than payback.

He isn't just a ball of misery however. There are things he enjoys. He likes to fight and shows a keen appreciation of the fighting arts. He's been trained in karate and while he deems himself a mere dabbler he isn't half bad at it. He appreciates the science and art behind combat, admiring the aspects that encompass melee combat whether it be with weapons or bare handed. He also enjoys food too, especially spicy foods. The burning pain puts a fire inside him that really animates him, bringing him out of the sullen ball he normally is. It wouldn't technically be right to say he enjoys writing since it's brought him so much self loathing and misery but he loves the creative process behind it. With the world so cold and cruel to him he's made his own head his home and the only way he can share the little remaining shreds of light in him is to write it down no matter whether it be it by pen or by keyboard. The only problem with this is his fear of accomplishment, the scathing critic within him tearing apart his own work before the final product can ever be read. He has written over twenty stories and deleted every single one regardless of what phase of the creation process they were in.

Ultimately he is a callous person. He assumes the worst of everyone because at least that way he'll never be disappointed by them. He assumes that everyone will turn on him sooner or later leaving him to put very little trust in anyone, even himself. Pain is simply inevitable to him. He does not like pain but something inside him feels as though the world is only expressing it's true feelings towards him by making him suffer. Perhaps being trapped in the teller's domain was where he belonged. Maybe...

But he can't allow himself to surrender.


Edgar was not always an unhappy man. Once he was a child.

A young child he was too. Life was all good until he started school. The other children saw him as an outsider for he was different from them. Such as the nature of children dictates they needed someone to oppress, someone below them who they could tear apart. That someone was Edgar.

As a result he got into fights often. Almost all the time he was the loser since the older kids were stronger than him. He grew tougher, he grew meaner and he grew colder. By the time he was among the oldest kids in his school he was the Edgar everyone now knows. Scathing, critical and bitter towards peers and authority figures alike. Come high school he was a misanthropic menace just trying to get by without being bothered by anyone and failing miserably.

As the incidents of violence grew more and more numerous and the threat of him being expelled became a real possibility his father sought out a solution to help temper his son's rage. He believed that perhaps if he enrolled the young man in a martial art perhaps he'd learn discipline. So did Edgar's lessons in Karate begin.

Though reluctant at first he was never one to not give new ideas a fair chance. He was humble before his teachers and so they taught him. He surprised a good number of people who did not believe he had the capacity to withhold his anger, especially his own family. He showed the art the respect it deserved and learned well from his lessons. Outside of fighting he sought to better himself intellectually and took to writing. He worked at it, improving his diction with each attempt but his own bitterness always consumed his work before it could ever meet completion, ending in him deleting the whole piece no matter how close he was to completion. Still, his writing did improve from the effort he put behind this Sisyphean trial of futility.

Despite all that his situation at school did not improve. As a matter of fact, it got much, much worse.

The fights he was getting into did not go down in frequency. They were actually becoming much more common as those who would subjugate Edgar became more brazen in their attacks. There appeared to be an escalation of force as his foes would start bringing friends to try and gang up on him. This all culminated in the incident which got him expelled from school. He was attacked from behind by someone with a foldable knife who attempted to stab him in the back. Managing to catch a glimpse of his attacker before he could be stabbed he spun around and blocked the arm holding the knife while grabbing the guy's lapel with the other hand. They were standing at the top of a stairwell that connected the floors of the school when the conflict took place. In the heat of battle Edgar saw no other objective besides the complete destruction of his enemy.

Using his grip on the fellow's coat he swung him around and flung him down the stairs. The student who Edgar had flung landed in a cacophonous clatter at the bottom of the stairs, breaking his arm upon impact. Acting off the instinct of fight versus flight Edgar leapt down the staircase in his fury, landing upon his attacker's back before stepping off and reaching over to retrieve the knife his enemy had dropped after breaking his arm. With much disregard for this young man's life he drove the knife into the back of his leg, leaving it there as he grabbed his downed foe's head and proceeded to smash his face into the floor repeatedly even after it was clear that he wasn't fighting back anymore. He only stopped when the teachers came and dragged him off the bleeding limp body.

It was a major fiasco. The student managed to survive though his stay at the hospital was sure to not be a short one. After the dust settled Edgar had managed to avoid being charged with assault and attempted manslaughter since the school camera's picked up video evidence of the failed assassination of Edgar. Despite his narrow legal evasion there were still other repercussions to his actions. In spite of who was truly at fault he was expelled from the school.

His parents now saw him as a failure and stopped paying for his karate lessons. He pleaded innocence to them but they turned a deaf ear to his words. With his only place of belonging barred from him and no one left to turn to his resentment began to boil over. All he could do was write... And write... And write.

After a year his parents kicked him out of the house. Forced to find a job and a place to live he set out in a world that didn't welcome him like so many others. He was quite lucky to find a job as a minimum wage security guard due to his background in karate and the fact that he is rather tall. His job was to guard a playground at night since it had been vandalized in recent history and the school needed to claim they put up adequate security measures for insurance purposes. In essence his job was effectively a pointless gesture of bureaucracy.

Unable to afford a house he bought a cheap beat up old car which he lived out of when he wasn't sitting around on the swing set being guardian of the playground in the dead of night. Such was the monotony of his life for a couple years until one night he fell asleep up in the tower with the spiral slide. Now he is trapped in the Teller's domain, a prisoner in a twisted dream prison.


- Being at the mercy of others. He trusts no one and fully expects those around him to kill him at the first given opportunity.

- Having his mind looked inside. His mind is his only sanctuary, his each and every thought precious to him. To have his only sanctum breached and corrupted by outsiders would drive him crazy.

- Having someone behind him. Ever since the incident he's always been looking over his shoulder, each time expecting someone to step up and stab him in the back.


- Paranoia. He trusts no one and assumes only the worst motives for people's actions

- Range. His power is very internal and gives him very little improvement over his mobility and ability to harm others at ranges beyond his arm's reach.

- Doubt. He is quick to doubt his own capabilities. His lack of confidence can leave him to not trust himself.

- Small wounds. While injuries which significantly hamper his performance regenerate far faster than normal he heals smaller wounds slower than normal.

- Fire/Acid. Either effect can actively fight back his regeneration so long as he's exposed to them and if his brain is destroyed entirely then he is dead for good.


- Melee combat. Whether it be with weapons or bare fists he is not an inconsiderable fighter.

- Durability. Between his power and his general hardiness he is very difficult to hurt.


Broken Fingers by Aktass

De handed by henning

Guy guy guy guy by XMenouX

So begins...

Edgar Gormly's Story