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Drake LaCroix

"I'm a killer baby."

0 · 3,825 views · located in HollyWood, CA

a character in “Drop Dead, Beautiful.”, as played by desire99600




"Killing is as easy as breathing."

Image Image Image Image Image




| Full Name |
"The LaCroix family is a dangerous one. If you hear it, usually that means someone's dead or is going to die."
Drake Tyler LaCroix

| Nickname |
"It's one syllable. I think you can manage it."
Drake typically just goes by Drake because there's really not much you can shorten it to. Sometimes, people he's close to will just call him D.

| Age |
"I've seen and done more then most eighty year-olds."
Twenty-six years-old

| Gender |

| Role |
"I'm a killer babe."
Boy Two



| Appearance |
"Women can't seem to resist."
    >> Dirty blonde with lighter highlights <<
    >> Usually kept cut fairly short <<
    >> In summer seasons, the sun naturally bleaches it lighter <<
    >> Facial hair is sometimes shaven, but he normally lets it grow
    out a little. He never has lets it get too far though <<
    >> Very light blue <<
    >> More vibrant in sunlight <<
    >> Keeps himself fit with lots of exercise <<
    >> Fit torso with obvious abs <<
    >> Broad shoulders <<
    >> Tall, 6ft 3in <<
    >> When he was a teen he used to have one ear pierced,
    but he no longer wears it now that he's older. <<
    >> He has no other piercings <<
    >> Along left shoulder blade <<
    Trailing along his shoulder blade on his back, Drake has a fairly large
    scar. This he got from getting in a fight with the friend of his that
    stole his wife from him.
    >> Front of right shoulder <<
    Above his collarbone, on his right shoulder, Drake has three small scars
    from bullets. The night he got them, he'd been so high, he didn't even
    remember getting them. All he remembers is waking up nearly dead, in
    a hospital with about a hundred people asking him what had happened.
    >> Right thigh <<
    There's a scar on his right thigh from a car accident he got into once.
    He'd been extremely drunk and hit a tree. He fairly large piece of
    metal had wedged itself into his thigh.
    >> All Over <<
    Aside from these large, obvious scars, Drake also got several smaller,
    less noticeable scars on his body. They're mostly from getting into
    fights when he was a teen, but none are huge or were particularly
    life threatening situations.
    >> Left hand <<
    On the back of his hand, he has a skull in a rose tattooed
    >> Between shoulder blade <<
    His second tattoo is complex and detailed. Between his
    shoulder blades, Drake has a fairly large lion tattoo
    >> Inside of arm <<
    On the lower part of his arm, on the inside, Dark has a
    tattoo of the grim reaper with a moon behind it. This is
    because he does so many jobs, killing off celebrities,
    that, jokingly, some of the other guys call him the "Reaper"



    | Likes |
    "I like to kill."
    ā™„ Dogs
    ā™„ Women
    ā™„ Parties
    ā™„ Drinking
    ā™„ Drugs
    ā™„ Killing
    ā™„ Rough sex
    ā™„ Smoking
    ā™„ Fast cars
    ā™„ Black coffee
    ā™„ His brother and sister
    ā™„ Danger
    ā™„ Fighting

    | Dislikes |
    "Just don't try and order me around."
    āœ— Failure
    āœ— Clingy girls
    āœ— Being told not to do something
    āœ— Emotional situations
    āœ— Being told what to do
    āœ— Idiots
    āœ— When people don't do what he says
    āœ— His ex-wife
    āœ— Sleeping
    āœ— Not getting his way
    āœ— Not having control
    āœ— Not being the best

    | Fears |
    "I don't fear."
    ā˜  Losing his brother and sister āž› Drake is extremely protective of his family. If someone says or does something to hurt them, you can bet your ass, he'll come after you. Even though he doesn't normally like to show emotion or express love, he loves his family more then anything in the world. If anything were to ever take them away from him, he'd probably lose it and he'd blame himself, even if it wasn't his fault. The way he sees it, he's the oldest so he's responsible for protecting them.
    ā˜  Love āž› Drake fell in love once and it ended horribly. It broke his heart when she did what she did to him and he never quite managed to recover from it. As such, he is honestly afraid to ever love again because he's afraid to trust someone that much only to be let down and hurt all over again.
    ā˜  Becoming emotionless āž› While he's afraid to love, Drake is also afraid to become emotionless. His job requires him to shut down any and all emotion so he does easily because that's what's necessary to do what he does. However, the job is gradually taking it's toll on him. Every year, he becomes a little colder, crueler, and emotionless. He's afraid that, someday, the job will be all he is, that he won't be able to care about anything anymore and it will cause him to do things even he can't handle at the moment.
    ā˜  Failure āž› Drake is a killing machine. He gets in, kills someone, and gets out without so much as blinking. Everything he does is precise and calculated with no room left for mistakes or failure because that's how he is. He succeeds and there's nothing else to it. Failure, to him, isn't an option and the thought of failure terrifies him because he can't fuck up. He can't let his father and his family down. He has to be the leader and he has to be the best he can be at his job or he's lost and confused.



| Personality |
"If you're not afraid of me, you should be."
Drake is the very definition of dangerous. Not only is his natural talent for murder terrifying, but the fact that he is capable of doing so with absolutely no emotional involvement whatsoever. The danger in Drake is that he's not afraid to do the shit others won't and he's smart enough to figure out how to do the shit others can't.

He's a man of precision. He get shit done with such accuracy and efficiency, it's scary because you know, if he sets out to do something, he does it and he does it well. He kills with confidence because he's been doing it for so long, he knows exactly what to do. It would be an understatement to say he's a professional at what he does.

There are three main reasons Drake is so good at what he does, and they're also the biggest reasons to fear him.

The first, is that he's smart. He likes danger, adventure, and thrill, but he's not impulsive. He thinks before he acts, making him all the more dangerous because he knows what he's doing when he's doing it. He helps his father run Equinox very easily because of how incredibly smart he is. Not only can he plan the perfect murder without even so much as blinking, but he knows how to do business and solve problems. If he had been born into a different world, he might possibly have been the CEO of a major corporation.

Another reason he's dangerous is because he's good with words. He can win in a fight and he won't hesitate to kill you, but, rather then throw his weight around to get what he wants out of people, he uses words. He's good at breaking a person down, getting into their head, and knowing just the right things to say to get the reaction he wants from them. He could probably, quite literally, sell ice to an eskimo. This skill comes in handy when he has to do things like deal with celebrities or torture information out of people, but it's also useful with women. Girls fall all over him because he always knows exactly what to say to talk them out of their clothes.

Drake is also absolutely ruthless. He's utterly cold and has nearly flawless control of his emotions. He can kill anyone and not feel a single ounce of regret, even his brother's girlfriend and child. It's easy to him, to lock down the his feelings like he doesn't have any. Many of the people working for him are even terrified of him because, since he's so detached and ruthless, he's willing to do the jobs the others won't even touch. He'll kill innocent people and torture for information.

Very rarely, will you ever get any sort of affection or emotion from him. Even the way he speaks to his brother and sister sometimes is strictly business, and when he gets angry, things get even more frightening because he very rarely explodes. His temper is one that lashes out in the most cruel ways. He's very calm when he's angry, but that doesn't mean he won't hurt you. In fact, it's quite the opposite. He doesn't just explode and beat the shit out of you because what he wants isn't just to cause pain. He wants to cause the most pain he possibly can. He'll tear a person so pieces emotionally and mentally before he ever even touches them.

At times, however, if pushed the right way, his lid will blow. It's hard to get him to explode, but not if you know how and when he does, it's terrifying because that's when he's lost all control. He doesn't even know what he's doing sometimes when he's that angry so he has no sense of restraint and it is very likely that, if you get him to flip, he'll kill you without so much as thinking about it.

Despite his cold hard demeanor, however, Drake does have feelings. He loves his family very much and would do anything for them, even die for them. He believes it is his job to protect them, so if anything were to ever happen to them, he'd take it hard and blame himself. It does take a toll on him, all of the awful things he does, but the only signs are subtle and you have to really know him to be able to tell because he's so hard to read.

In all, Drake is an extremely bad man. He does tons of drugs because he likes the way they make him feel. He treats women like shit, seducing them, fucking them and then throwing them away like nothing. He kills people ruthlessly, and he's willing to do things that even some of the cruelest guys working for him refuse to do. He knows the difference between right and wrong, he simply doesn't care.

Still, despite all this, in the end, he'd die for the ones he loves and does his best not to hurt them, even though he sometimes fucks up.



| History |
"It hasn't been easy, but there's no use trying to change it."
Growing up wasn't exactly easy for Drake, given the world he was born into. He's seen a lot of pain, experienced a lot of suffering, and done a lot of horrible, unforgivable things. As a child, his life was always filled with violence, murder, and danger. His father raised him to be a leader and a man of power, meaning sometimes he had to teach him hard lessons that many would consider cruel and abusive, but they were effective. All of his father's teaching turned him into what he is today: a ruthless killer.

Ever since he was a kid, it was clear he was going to be great. Even at a young age, he had a capacity to turn off emotion that let him witness horrible things with little trouble. He watched his father murder his mother and, though it wounded him deeply, he never showed a sign of it and this seemed to make his father happy because he was raising killers and killers had to be cold.

It became very clear to everyone that Drake was his father's favorite out of his three children. Kimber was a girl, which his father considered to be completely useless and not just that, but she was also the product of their mother's affair and not even really his daughter. Enzo, his younger brother, for some reason, never quite seemed to match up in his father's eyes. Every time Enzo would fail or do something reckless and get caught, their father would compare him to Drake, forcing him to live in his shadow, causing a bit of tension between the two brothers, even if they loved each other.

Fourteen was when he completed his first job. His father tested him by giving him a job that was easy in the sense that he wouldn't get much resistance, but difficult because the target was an innocent child. He was supposed to teach an actress a lesson and scare her back into obeying by killing her son. It was hard. Drake could control his emotions, sure, but he wasn't cold. He still felt horrible and the memory of that first kill still follows him around.

At nineteen, Drake fell in love with a girl named Skylar Freeman. She was one of the few female women working for Equinox. She wasn't a celebrity, like so many of the girls he met. She was good at killing off celebrities that caused them trouble, but, what she really did well was interrogate and torture people for useful information. She was dangerous and he was drawn to her from the moment he first saw her.

He fell for her and fell hard. They were pretty much inseparable for a long time. He'd been cold and detached for years, but Skylar seemed to bring him back to life, making him feel things again. When he was twenty-one and they'd been together for two years, they got married.

At twenty-two, his father asked him to do something that really pushed even his limits. His brother was in love with one of the celebrities that they had control over and the woman was starting to cause trouble. His brother couldn't do it, so Drake had to kill both her, and their child. He played it off like it had just been another job, but it had been hard on him because he hated hurting his family.

At twenty-four, his perfect married life with the woman of his dreams was destroyed. He discovered that she'd been cheating on him for a year, but not just with any random guy. She'd been fucking his best friend behind his back for over a year. He lost his shit completely. He went over to his best friend's place and they got in a fight that nearly killed him, but, in the end, he'd killed his friend.

Then he went after Skylar, but she was smart. She knew he'd go for her so she'd gone to his father. Normally, because she was a woman, he wouldn't give her the time of day, but she wasn't just any woman. She was one of his best murderers and interrogators. He couldn't afford to lose her. His father wouldn't let him kill her. Instead, he payed for their divorce, but he wouldn't let him lay a hand on her.

Skylar is still alive, working for his father and she's completely guiltless over what she did. She even purposely taunts him and teases him seductively. A few times, he's slipped up and slept with her only to wake up to her missing. She's driving him crazy.




baby girl, youre my baby girl
and dont every forget that s***
big world, its a big big world
the last thing i can do is commit
diamond rings, and fancy things
the stars don't shine as bright as this
shallow thoughts and empty hearts
how can you find the right fit? just can't, you just can't so

monogamy, is not for me
i wanna do whatever i please
dirty deeds, and sinful things
get down on your hands and knees

baby baby i want this to work
but maybe its the wrong approach
youve been held down, been missin the boat
love aint what you want the most
random a** with some brew and some gas
girl lets get emotional
i find it hard to believe that you want
something more than physical
so listen baby, cus i believe...

monogamy, is not for me
i wanna do whatever i please
dirty deeds, and sinful things
get down on your hands and knees




Da Vinci
I tried taking a picture of you
When I look at it nothing comes through
Sometimes I wonder if you're just a ghost
And I wonder who's haunting you most

I tried describing you to all my friends
But they just told me to polish my lens
You're sweet, generous, my sweetheart
I don't even know where to start

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words

I looked you up on
There was no record of Dad or of Mom
It's like you fell straight out of the sky
And left the scholars to figure out why

I like to think that I know quite a lot
But with you it feels like I forgot
I wish that I could explain who you are
But when I try to I never get far

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words

We've come so far, now here we are
We made it through the night
I know we will, be strong, cause still
Everything will be alright

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
And Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words


So begins...

Drake LaCroix's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Jetta was expecting him to leave, Gavin would have by now. Their managed that she fucked occasially would have. Every guy she'd ever been with had left right after, so she expected him to. She kept her eyes on the ceiling waiting to feel him get out of bed as she breathed out a breath of smoke. She was exhausted from fucking him, she wished that he was her boyfriend. She knew it was a stupid thought, but she couldn't help but wonder what waking up next to him would be like. The two of them were clearly fiflthy fucking rich, the world could have been there and it was a nice thought.

"You're incredible too babe." He breathed as she just listened to him. She didn't want to look at him, because then she'd be tempted to beg him to stay. "I just wish I could get you out of here." he shrugged and that was when she finally looked at him confused. "You and your sister don't deserve any of this. It's your mother we should kill." he sighed out a breath of smoke as he looked to her and she shivered lightly. The way he looked at her and the way she felt around him was indescribable

She wondered if he was honestly serious about wishing he could get her and Willa out. Then again she knew she had to be careful. Jetta had the worst habit of believing false promises. Not that he was making her a promise, but it kind of seemed like he was on the verge something similar. Then again he could be playing her, she'd only fucked him twice and already she was falling hard for him, she was just insanely good at hiding it. She let the silence hang there for a long moment, as she took another long drag off her almost forgotten cigarette.

"So get me out of here." she breathed like it was that simple. She wasn't ordering him, she was just telling him to do it, instead of wishing he could. "I mean how hard could it really be, according to Gavin youā€™re the favorite." she breathed out a breath of smoke. She glanced to him holding his eyes a mischievous. "Then again your probably your daddy's favorite because you do everything your told. right?" her voice was quite, because she was relaxed, laying there with him. There was something about being around him that calmed her always anxious nerves.

"Your right though, it should be my mother in our place." she said simply, although as she spoke her words were rather dark. "I'd have killed her a long time ago if I thought I could get away with it." she said dead serious. She took a final drag off her cigarette, before flicking it away and closing her eyes as she blew out a breath of smoke. "It's whatever though, we all have to die sometime." she said causally, because she'd already accepted the fact that she was going to die.
The longer he stayed with her, the more he wanted her. It was wrong, she was a teenager and he was a grown man. It was wrong in every sense of the word, but he didn't give a shit. She did things to him that even the mother of his deceased daughter couldn't do to him and he'd been sure he was in love with London. He hadn't even left the room and already he was thinking about the next time he was going to see her, she was already plaguing his thoughts before he'd even been without her and that was beyond dangerous.

"Wait."/b] she breathed and he immediately paused turning back to face her hopping hse'd beg him to stay. [b]"Your shirt." she shrugged and he smirked as she slipped it off wearing nothing underneath. She walked over to him and he took the shirt from her, but his eyes never left hers. Surprisingly he didn't let his eyes rake over her naked body, just held her eyes as she wrapped her arm around his neck.He wrapped a hand around her bare waist and her smooth skin burned against his skin. She kissed him softly moaning against his lips and he pulled her tighter against him. It was a moment that seemed bittersweet, like he was only going off to work and she'd be waiting for him when he got home.

He pulled away and he watched her as she slipped over to the dresser slipping into something and he wanted to stay, so damn bad he was going over a list of excuses, but he knew he had to leave. If he stayed down there too long they'd come looking for him and if they found him fucking her, not raping her his father wouldn't exactly be please. He wasn't supposed to be making the hostages comfortable.

"Keep it." he breathed with a smirk as he tossed the shirt back over to the bed. "I'll come up with some excuse." she shrugged. "I gotta go babe, I'll be back when I can." he sighed before slipping out of the room. He'd never hated his father so much, if his father was out of the picture, him and Drake would be in control and he knew he could talk Drake into not killing Willa, it was the least his brother could do. Then again, killing his father for a girl wasn't exactly the best idea he'd ever had. He sighed shaking the thought from his mind as he slipped up the stairs.

In the kitchen; Skylar, Xander, Gavin and Teddy sat at the table. There guns and a variety of drugs laid causally on the table scattered amongst poker chips and playing cards. "Xander, I don't want you fucking with her. We need her somewhat cooperative. You can have her all you want after we get what we need." Enzo said plainly, lying but doing it well. "Stay the fuck out of her room or your ass is of this job." he threatened making it clear that he'd have to go through him to see Willa. He wasn't really able to get into Willa's room though thankfully considering him and Drake had the only set of keys, still Xander had his ways and he knew warning him would piss him off,


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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"Keep it." Enzo said from behind her as she pulled on a new pair of panties and a bra. She glanced at him over her shoulder to see him toss the shirt on the bed, making her smirk. "I'll come up with some excuse. I gotta go babe, I'll be back when I can." He said and she sighed and went over to the bed as he slipped out of the room. Willow grabbed his shirt and pulled it on before sitting at the edge of the bed and lighting herself a cigarette.

She hated that she was alone, but at least Xander wouldn't be coming for her for a while. She missed her sister more then anything. It had been two days now and she still hadn't even gotten to see her for a few minutes. At the very least, she wanted to know Jetta was alright. It killed her to think that they'd been torturing her earlier and Willow didn't even know if she was okay or not. Hell, for all she knew, Jetta was dead.

Suddenly, she was thinking dark thoughts and she knew she had to stop soon or she'd drive herself crazy. Willow placed her cigarette between her lips and reached down between the mattresses where her drugs from Enzo were still hiding, pulling them out. She needed to be high so she could forget Xander, her sister, the pain in her body, and the terrifying situation she was in.

She popped back a few strong pills before flicking her cigarette away and lighting a joint, stashing what was left away again. Willow sighed, taking a long hit of the joint before rolling onto her stomach on the bed because her back hurt from the burn there. She rested her head on her arms as she smoked and tried hard not to think about her sister being dead or the fact that she was going to be killed soon. Instead, she tried to think about Enzo's touch, and the way she felt when he kissed her.


It was silent for a moment and they both smoked before she finally spoke. "So get me out of here." She breathed and he winced, hating how simple she made it sound. As if he could easily do whatever he wanted even though he knew it was never that simple. Yes, he had power, but he still had to answer to his father. "I mean how hard could it really be, according to Gavin youā€™re the favorite." She breathed, glancing at him and he held her eyes for a moment, sighing.

Drake knew he'd never get her out. He could probably convince his dad to keep her around for a while after they were done with them, just for the sake of sex, but he'd never be able to give her back her full freedom. She'd go from being a prisoner, to property, which wasn't much better, then, eventually, his father would decide he was too attached and make him kill her anyway. The best he could do was postpone her death. "Then again you're probably your daddy's favorite because you do everything you're told right?" She breathed and he looked away from her, hating that she was right.

"You're right though, it should be my mother in our place." She said simply, tone dark and he glanced over at her again. "I'd have killed her a long time ago if I thought I could get away with it." Jetta said so seriously, he didn't doubt her for a second. She took one more drag off her cigarette before flicking it away and he sighed. "It's whatever though, we all have to die sometime." She said causally, and he glanced away. He wasn't sure why he cared so much about whether or not she died, he never cared when he had to kill.

Then again, he never slept with his victims either. Drake let it fall silent for a moment before sitting up. He leaned over and kissed her lips before standing and pulling his clothes on. "I don't want to, but I should really get going." He shrugged, leaning over her and kissing her again, reluctant to leave. He tossed a new pack of cigarettes down on the nightstand for her as well as a bag of various drugs. "Keep the drugs hidden." He warned before pulling away and turning, heading for the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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It fell silent for a moment before he sat up and she followed suit sitting up and watching him. He lend over and kissed her, but she barely kissed back because she knew what was coming he was leaving and she'd be alone and leaving her alone meant Gavin was sure to come down stairs and make her pay for earlier. "I don't want to, but I should really get going." he shrugged kissing her again, before tossing down a bag of various drugs and a new pack of cigerette's on her nightstand. "Keep the drugs hidden." he warned as he headed for the door and she fought of the urge to beg him to stay.

It wasn't long before Gavin had come and beat the shit out of her already sore body, then he'd apologized and like always she had forgiven him and they'd fucked. The next two months had gone nearly the exact same way as that day. Skylar and Drake tortured her for information and each time she was forced to give them more and more to keep them from killing Willa, which were the threats she faced every time. Skylar would leave, her and Drake would fuck, he'd leave. Gavin would come in next, they'd fight and then fuck.

It was completely destroying her. She'd thought she was destroyed before, she was mistaken. Gavin was familiar to her, he knew how to get her worked up and he knew how to manipulate her. Drake was incredible, he was mature, he knew how to handle someone like her. At the end of the day though, neither of them cared about her, she was just a pretty face they liked to fuck. However her once flawless skin was starting to accumulate scars.

When she was alone her darks thoughts surfaced and her thoughts were almost worse than the physical torture. The only thing she knew about her sister was that she was alive, the only reason she knew that was because she could hear her screaming and begging when they tortured her. She hadn't seen her little sister in two months and it was eating her alive. Gavin played head games with her, that left her hating herself. Then there was Skye and Drake. She wasn't stupid, there were lipstick stains and hickey's on Drake that she noticed occasionally, she knew they were Skye's.

She couldn't stop herself from falling for Drake, he was everything she shouldn't want and couldn't have, which only made her want him the much more. She'd start fights with him to try and make herself hate him, but it was no use, his touch instantly melted her. She was weak to him and he made her feel every single damn emotion all at once. When he wasn't with her, it left her wondering where the hell he was and why he wasn't with her and it was enough to turn her into a complete psycho when she saw him.

Drake left her drugs, which thankfully kept her somewhat numb most the time. Gavin though always seemed to find her stash no matter where she hid it at he'd take them from her just to punish her. It was a never ending destructive circle. She honestly was hoping they'd killer her, because the sooner they did, the sooner she'd be put out of her misery.

She was pacing the room. Her body covered in bruises and fresh scars. She had a black eye and a fractured rib from Gavin. Her hair was still long but Skye had cut some of it, Drake had to stop her from shaving Jetta's head. Her neck and hips were covered in bruises from Drake and her face still stung from the last time he slapped her. It was agony being alone and it was misery when anyone was in the room. She was pacing, exhausted because she'd turned into an insomniac, it was impossible to sleep when you never knew who was coming in your room next or whether he was with her.

Finally she lit herself a cigarette, Jetta was incredibly tough and she'd gotten ridiculously good at shutting off her emotions, but she was wearing paper thin. The door opened and her body tensed as she turned to see who it was, she'd made the mistake of speaking far too soon. "Drake." she breathed before seeing Gavin. "Fuck." she spat under her breath.

"Fuck is exactly right baby doll." he said moving quickly, she tried to run, it was no use though. He caught her now mid shoulder blade-length hair. Spinning her back to face him as he walked her roughly back into the wall, picking up the cigarette she'd dropped. He kissed her hard and she stupidly melted into his lips. He wrapped his hand tightly around her neck making her wince from the sensitivity of her skin from the bruises the was there. He pulled her arm out and pressed the cigarette down on the inside of her elbow, adding yet another cigarette burn to her collection of scars, she groaned in pain biting her lips, to keep from screaming.
It had been two months since Willa and Jetta's death. The funeral was particularly unbearable it reminded him way to much of London's funeral and the only reason him, Drake, and his father had went was because his father knew everyone so it would have been weird if they didn't go. However, just like every other Death his family handled in Hollywood, the girls were quickly forgotten as another beautiful model rose to oddly quick fame in their place. She was the knew thing and she oddly resembled both girls.

The girls were surprisingly still alive, mostly because there mother was in hiding and although they'd gotten every bit of information they could from the sisters, there father insisted on keeping them alive. He had this idea that it would draw their mother out from hiding. The tension between him and Xander was unbearable. They'd gotten into a few fist fights, where Drake and Gavin had to pull them apart, because they didn't want to stop till the other was dead.

He'd started getting particularly close to Willow. He was seeing her every chance he got, whether he was torturing her for information, apologizing to her for what he had to do, or fucking her. It didn't matter he just liked being around her. Not that he'd ever admit it, but he was pretty sure he was in love with her. It was fucked up, she was sixteen and he was twenty four. It was wrong on every damn level, but that's what made it that much better. He'd brag about fucking her to Xander's face and that was what started most there fights. He'd convinced his father to keep Xander limited to visiting her once a week, his excuse was that Willa wouldn't give information if Xander was around and his father seemed to believe that.

There methods of torture only got worse and worse. He hated what he did to her, but it was the only way he could continue to see her. He was cold and cruel every time he tortured her and it had his father believing that he was capable. His father was on his side for once in his life. When Enzo couldn't be with her, he spent his time at the gym. He'd become somehow more dangerous, because he spent his free time in a boxing ring to control his anger.

Then there was Mercedes. The girl he spent his time with trying to pretend that he didn't love Willa. Of course he hadn't told Willow about her. She was a hopeless crack whore who worked at the strip club he was often at. They were technically together, if you called getting high, fucking, and going out together on occasion being a couple. Then technically him and Willa were together. It was a complicated love triangle. However, he could keep both Mercedes and Willa happy as long as they didn't know about the other. It was fucked he knew that, but he need a distraction to keep him from being so attached to Willa, he needed a believable lie and despite her being a stripper, Enzo's dad seemed to like her.

He had blood on his lips and a pretty bad hemorrhaged eye. He was losing the current boxing match, because all he could think about was the pain he'd caused Willa in last nights weekly torture session. He felt like shit and he honestly wasn't sure how much longer he could keep putting her through it. He was keeping everything bottled up. His feelings for her, his unhappiness with himself, his hatred for his father, his jealousy of his brother, his wanting to murder Xander. It was all a matter of time before he erupted. He was punched again pulling his from his thoughts at it was like it suddenly hit him that he was in the ring and only moment's later he'd knocked his boxing partner out cold.

He didn't bother seeing if he was alright he slipped out of the ring and headed to the showers. He looked fucked up. The blood in his right eyes looked terrible, but surprisingly didn't hurt and his lip was swollen. He made his way back to the house feeling increasingly angry. Like always Gavin was missing, Xander was more or less with Willa, but he couldn't think about it and Skylar, he didn't know where she was. The house was seemingly empty which was odd.

He slipped up stairs to his room slipping off his shirt as he turned up his music loud enough that it drown everything else out. He glanced to his open balcony door and raised a brow when he saw Mercedes lend against the railing in nothing but her studded bra and lace panties, smoking a joint. In comparison to Willa, Mercedes was a old station wagon, while Willow was a Lamborghini. They both got you where you needed to go, one just performed better than the other. One was expensive and worth every penny you put into it, while the other was a piece of shit that you dealt with cause you likely had no other choice. The thought was honestly depressing.

He cut lines of coke on the dresser as he listened to the music, leaning over and doing far to many lines. Enough was never enough with Enzo. Mercedes, came into view and he glanced up to her she smirked down at him before getting on her knees and he lend back on his hands as she started to undo his belt, followed by his jeans.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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The next two months were pretty intense. The world had pretty much forgotten them and somehow, they were still alive. It was surprising that they hadn't killed her yet because she'd run out of information for Enzo quite a while ago, but for some reason, they were keeping her around. She knew it was probably because they were hoping, eventually, her mother would come out of hiding in order to get her daughters back, but Willow wasn't optimistic about that. Her mother was a selfish bitch. If her life was in danger, there was no way in hell she would risk it for her daughters, it was just a matter of time before Enzo's father figured that out and decided to kill them because they were useless. Every day she lived in constant fear that they were finally going to kill her.

Then there was the torture. It was downright awful and it was only getting worse, especially seeing as she had nothing to give him anymore. Enzo claimed he only did it because he had to, but she couldn't help but wish he'd stand up to his father for her and make it stop. She knew that was pretty ridiculous of her to ask of him though. For all she knew, his father would kill him for something like that. So she hadn't said anything to Enzo because she knew there probably wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop it.

When he wasn't torturing her, Enzo was apologizing to her for torturing her and fucking her because she hadn't been able to make herself stop fucking him. He was incredible, and the more she slept with him, the more and more she wanted him. He occupied all her thoughts all the time, even when she was with Xander, she couldn't get him out of her head. She was becoming horribly addicted to him and she knew it was fucked up. He was just and dangerous, if not more then Xander, but she couldn't help herself from falling hard for him because he made her feel better then Xander ever had.

Willow wanted him so badly, it was driving her insane. She wanted him to be hers even though she knew he never could be. He tortured her relentlessly so she knew she should hate him, but, even as awful as she felt when he was hurting her, it didn't matter when he was touching her or kissing her. She was only sixteen and he was her kidnapper, so she knew it was fucked up, but she wanted to be with him all the time. She wanted the two of them to be a real couple, even if she knew he'd destroy her worse then Xander ever had, she couldn't help it, she was pretty damn sure she was in love with him.

She'd never admit it though. Admitting it meant making it real and it couldn't be real. She couldn't love him because he'd never love her. He made her feel like she meant something to him, but she knew she never really could. Eventually he'd have to kill her and they both knew that so she didn't really mean anything to him. He just liked fucking her and she let him because, without him, her life would be fucking miserable.

Xander came to see her a lot as well. He didn't come as much as Enzo did because Enzo had done as he'd said and made sure to keep him away from her as much as possible, but Xander was stubborn and dangerous so there was no way he'd stay away forever. He still came down once a week and, occasionally, he managed to sneak in more then that. It infuriated him that Enzo was fucking her and she liked it, she could tell because, a lot of the time, he took it out on her.

Just like when they were together, Xander was always playing games with her, driving her insane. Half the time, he was horrible, screaming, yelling, and beating her. The other half the time, he was so good to her, Willow caught herself actually missing him, despite knowing that he was merely manipulating her. But he was good at it. He knew all the right ways to pull her back into him. All he had to do was say loving things to her and play her something he'd written for her on his guitar and she was his again. He was like a fucking sickness she couldn't seem to shake no matter how much she hated him or how sure she was that she loved Enzo, she kept finding herself getting sucked back into Xander.

At the moment, she was with Xander. The night before had been difficult, Enzo had spent quite a while torturing her, leaving her in sobbing, her whole body in horrible pain. A few hours after Enzo had finally left, Xander had come down and he'd been good to her so she'd let herself forget she hated him and pretended they were a couple again because she felt so low, she just needed him to make her feel good. He'd shot her up with some powerful drugs and, despite the fact that she hated taking drugs from him because it made it easier for him to play her, she'd let him because she'd been in too much pain to resist.

After getting high, they'd fucked pretty much all night and then they fell asleep together. She'd woken up the next morning with him and he hadn't left yet. They'd been together all day and it had been a pretty decent day. They fucked most of the day, and when they stopped, they were getting high and she was listening to him play his guitar until eventually, he rolled over and kissed her and they went back to fucking. Eventually though, he rolled off her and stood with a sigh, starting to pull his clothes back on. Willow bit her lip as she watched him pull his jeans on. Before he could grab it, she pulled his shirt on and he smirked, leaning down and kissing her. "I really have to go, that fucking prick only lets me come down once a week and I was already with you all last nigh and today." He breathed and she sighed, kissing him again.

He continued to kiss her for a while before finally pulling away and she sat back and lit herself a cigarette, letting him. He didn't take his shirt from her, just grabbed his guitar and kissed her one more time, reluctant to leave before finally slipping out the door. Willow sighed and lay down on the bed, starting at the ceiling as she smoked her cigarette, wishing he hadn't left. She hated him and she'd much rather him be Enzo, but she hated being alone and it was only getting worse and worse to be alone lately.


Within the next two months, Drake fell completely in love with Jetta. He hated himself for getting attached because it wasn't like him at all. He was usually so cold and emotionless but, for some reason, when it came to Jetta, he couldn't turn his emotions off. In fact, it was the exact opposite, she made him feel things. Which, of course, drove him insane. He felt like he wasn't himself anymore because all he fucking did lately was think about her and wish he was with her. It pissed him off to no end that he'd let himself get attached, but he couldn't help it. She was fucking incredible.

It was awful, having to continue torturing her with Skye. Thankfully though, Skylar was ruthless enough for both of them. Skylar wasn't an idiot. She knew him better then she knew herself. She'd been married to him for a long time. She knew he was falling in love with Jetta and that made her become more and more cruel towards Jetta. She did and said things to her that honestly made him feel awful, but he couldn't show it. At least not when Skye was in the room.

After she left, he could make it up to Jetta, which was strange. He'd never felt bad about doing what he did, he'd never had to apologize, but now he was constantly trying to make sure Jetta knew he wouldn't be doing it if he didn't have to. He hated hurting her, it killed him, but he didn't have a choice. If he didn't do it, his father would let Skylar do it alone and, as much as he hated hurting Jetta, he knew Skye would be so much worse if he wasn't there to keep her in check. He'd torture Jetta within an inch of her life if she was allowed to, but Drake kept her under control, claiming that it was because, if they did that to Jetta, she'd quickly become too weak to be any use.

Skylar wasn't fooled though. She knew he was making her control herself because he cared about the girl. She took every opportunity she could to taunt him about it and her games had gotten increasingly more determined. She was pulling out e very trick she had now to fuck with his head and it was driving him nuts. On one hand, he had Jetta, who he loved, but couldn't do a damn thing to help and on the other, he had Skylar, who was beautiful and completely attainable, and yet he fucking hated her because all she did was fuck with his head.

He did his best to keep Gavin away from Jetta because it made him nuts, thinking about him with her, but he couldn't do a whole lot. He'd restricted Gavin's visits, but it wasn't like he could stop him from seeing her altogether like he really wanted. He still got to see her and that made him crazy because, not only did Gavin fuck her, but he was also beating her. He'd seen the bruises. The thought of Gavin hurting her that way pissed him off, despite the fact that he did it all the time.

At the moment, Drake knew Gavin was with Jetta and the thought had him so fucking pissed, he hadn't even tried to resist Skylar when she'd started playing her stupid head games. The two of them had been on the couch, watching something he hadn't really been paying attention to when Gavin came up and asked him for the keys. Reluctantly, Drake had handed them over and, once he was gone, Skye turned up her charm and manipulation and Drake had let her until eventually, they were upstairs in Skylar's room.

They fucked for quite a while before Drake finally rolled off her. He pulled his jeans on and she pulled on his shirt before the two of them lay down in the bed, her on his chest. He smoked a cigarette, one arm around her, hating that, even after fucking Skylar, he couldn't stop thinking about what Gavin was doing to Jetta. "We're so good together baby, I wish you'd just forgive me." Skye whispered as she traced circles on his chest with his fingers and he winced. He didn't think he could ever forgive her. He'd been totally in love with her, but to her, it had only been a game and finding that out had killed him. "I really do miss you." She whispered, and she didn't sound like her usual manipulative self. Instead, for the first time in a long time, she sounded sincere. She sounded sad and lonely and Drake couldn't take it. He had to get away from her.

He didn't answer her, just pushed her off him and stood, slipping out of the room because he was afraid, if he stayed, one of two things would happen. Either he'd start an argument with her about how she had betrayed him and he'd lose it on her or, even worse, he'd get sucked into that needy, apologetic tone of hers and might actually find himself wishing he could have her again. He couldn't handle her at the moment so he slipped down to the kitchen in search of something to drink that was strong enough to make him forget both Skylar and Jetta.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Gavin's temper only got worse the every time he was alone with her. Gavin was possessive and manipulative, ven if something wasn't Jetta's fault in his eyes it was. Not to mention Jetta had been hoping for Drake and that pissed Gavin off royally. He beat the shit out of her until she was too weak to fight him. Then he'd fucked her, roughly. When he finally rolled off her, she was sore and exhausted. She rolled over on her side, her bare, bruised back facing him. She closed her eyes fighting off tears because she was physically and emotionally exhausted.

"You want out of here?" he breathed causing her to open her eyes confused. When she opened her eyes he was knelt down in front of her a needle in his hand. "I can get you out of her, but not if you keep fucking Drake." he spat grabbing her arm and sticking the needle into the inside of her elbow. She moaned as the drug filled her veins. "I love you Jetta and I hate seeing you like this...but you drive me crazy." he breathed and his words were so sincere that she couldn't not believe him.

"Stop." she begged, her voice quite. "Please." he lend in then kissing her and she moaned, because she couldn't remember the last time he kissed her like he cared. She wasn't stupid, she knew he couldn't get her out of there. She knew it was just another ploy to get her to hate Drake and she had to admit it worked. As much as she knew he was lying, his lie was to only false hope she had to hold onto.

"He doesn't love you baby, he's upstairs fucking Skye right now." he breathed and Jetta visibly winced hearing that hurt like hell. Sure she fucked Gavin, but it wasn't like she had much of a choice, she was stuck in a room with him. He could look the door. Drake on the other hand, had every chance in the world to say no. He wasn't hers though, she had to remind herself, because sometimes the intimacy between her and Drake felt so real and so incredibly passionate she forgot that he was her kidnapper and she was just his washed up model hostage.

She nodded like she understood what he was say, because she just wanted him to leave. He kissed her forehead then and she let out a shuttering breath as she heard the door close. The silence was deafening as it filled the room. The drugs had number her body so well, she couldn't feel anything. She lit herself a cigarette as she rolled onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. She couldn't let Drake win, she'd fallen for him, but she had to fight him. She meant nothing to him, the way Gavin meant nothing to her. Like always thought Drake was the last thought on her mind as she drifted to sleep with a forgotten cigarette between her fingers and only the sheets covering her still naked terribly bruised and injured body.
His head was lend back eyes closed, music so loud the if something was happening outside his room he had no idea. Mercedes was busy blowing him and her groaned. She was good, but she wasn't Willa and that's all he thought about. Mercedes glanced up at him as she stood up pulling off his shirt and he didn't object, like he wanted to. She climbed over him and they started fucking. They'd gone at it for a long time and he'd almost called her Willow a few times but managed to catch himself. He had it bad for Willa and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

After they finished fucking Mercedes slipped into the bathroom to shower and Enzo sighed as he cut lines of coke snorting them. He wiped the blood from his nose before throwing back a few painkillers and chasing them with whiskey. He was hoping that he'd OD, simply because ODing would be easier than trying to stop his father from torturing the underage girl he was in love with. He slipped into the bathroom after he was finished getting high only to join Mercedes in the shower to continue fucking her.

He got out once he was finished, he was irritated. He slipped into some clothes looking himself over. He debated going back to the gym, but his eye was fucked up enough he knew he shouldn't go try and fight more only to fuck himself up more. Willow was who he wanted to be with and it was all he was thinking about. Finally he made his way down stairs, because he couldn't stand it anymore. Gavin was coming up from downstairs more than likely with Jetta and his brother was in the kitchen. He gestured to get the keys back from Xander who seemed reluctant to give them back but didn't exactly have a choice.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Gavin asked and Enzo just ignored him as he grabbed a beer from the fridge heading down stairs to see Willa. He popped open the bottle, taking a long drink from it. He was high as fuck which meant he was dangerous and explosive. He slipped into her room slipping the keys into his pocket. "You have fun fucking him?" he spat cruelty, clearly not happy.

He hadn't fucked her in a few days, mostly because aside from torturing her he'd honestly been trying to avoid her, for both their sakes. They were both getting to attached and sooner or later he'd have to kill her and it would be like looking London all over again, this time though he wouldn't be able to pussy out, he'd have to kill her or his father would kill him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow was alone for a while as she smoked her cigarette and she hated it. She wanted to see Enzo again because he hadn't fucked her in a while and she honestly missed him, but at the same time, she didn't want to see him because it was hard, wanting him so badly and knowing she could never have him. She was pretty sure she loved him, but she knew he'd never love her back and it hurt. Just like everything else in her life lately. At least she was still fucked up from the last time her and Xander had gotten high. It made being alone a little more bearable.

It didn't last very long, however. Before she knew it, the door opened and she rolled her eyes when she spotted Enzo. Instantly, she could tell he was high and so was she. That was only a good combination when they were fucking, but he looked pissed off so she knew he was probably going to start trouble. "You have fun fucking him?" He spat cruelly and that pissed her off. It wasn't like she had a choice whether she fucked Xander or not. If she told Xander no, he'd just fuck her anyway because that was how he was, no one told him no.

It wasn't fair of Enzo to make it sound like he was accusing her of doing something wrong. She'd fucked Xander and she'd liked it. Her life was so fucking miserable lately, she would willingly take anything that would make her feel good and if she cooperated with Xander, the sex was good and he gave her drugs. She wasn't going to fight him and add rape to her pile of miseries just to stay faithful to a guy who didn't love her and never would. "Yeah I did, he's a great fuck." She breathed casually with a smirk, taking a long drag off her cigarette, knowing that would get to him.

Normally, she probably wouldn't dare try pissing him off, because she knew he was dangerous and she hardly got to see him, so when she did, she hated fighting. However, she was high and his comment had irritated her. Besides, she wasn't stupid. He'd been avoiding her for the past few days. The only times she'd seen him was when he was torturing her so that had her pissed off as well. She just wanted to get under his skin a little before letting him fuck her because the bottom line was, she'd missed him and she wanted him to kiss her and make her feel like only he could.


In the kitchen, Drake grabbed a bottle of whiskey and leaned against the counter to drink it, glancing as Xander came in, followed by Gavin, then his brother. He watched as Enzo got his set of keys back from Xander and he tension was pretty thick between the two, making Drake smirk as he took a drink of the whiskey. It was clear, just by the tension between Xander and Enzo over Jetta's sister that his little brother was in the same boat as him. He was quickly becoming attached to the girl and would do anything to piss Xander off because Xander still wanted her too.

Drake just stayed quiet as he watched before his brother took off and Xander punched the wall, clearly pissed as hell because they all knew Enzo wasn't just going down there to have a nice chat with Willow, he was going to fuck her. Drake just smirked and glanced at Gavin, gesturing for him to hand over his keys. Gavin was clearly reluctant, but he couldn't exactly say no so he handed them over and Drake smirked and winked at him before slipping from the room with his whiskey and heading downstairs.

He knew he shouldn't go see her. She drove him crazy and made him feel things he shouldn't, but he had to be with her or he felt like he'd lose it. He couldn't take Skylar anymore. It was like the more he fell in love with Jetta, the more he hated Skye, no matter how tempting she was, as soon as the sex was over, he wanted to wring her neck. Eventually, he'd kill her and his father would punish him for it.

He unlocked Jetta's door and slipped inside, sighing when he found her sleeping. He wanted to be with her badly, but he didn't want to wake her. Whatever Gavin had done to her, he knew she'd be exhausted from it. Drake sat in one of the chairs across the room from the bed, kicking his feet up on the little table as he drank his whiskey. If he couldn't be with her, at least he could stay down there where it was quiet and no one would come for him. If he was there, Skylar wouldn't bother him. So he just stayed quiet so that he didn't wake her and leaned his head against the wall behind him, closing his eyes as he lit a cigarette and drank his whiskey, enjoying the silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Jetta's sleep was dreamless, for the first time in a long time. It wasn't clear whether it was because she was too exhausted for her brain to try and dream or simply because she'd just lost all hope and her brain just didn't want to bother with giving her false hope. Whatever it was, it was nice. It didn't last long thought, because she heard the door open, she'd been a light sleep the past few months. She pretended to stay asleep, hoping maybe whoever it was would leave and come back not that she was ever really that lucky.

Surprisingly though she wasn't cruelly pulled out of bed, she wasn't thrown into the wall, or stabbed with something. There was nothing. The was a silence that hung in the air and she knew then it was Drake. Her back was facing him, she flicked away the burnt out cigarette before turning on her side to face him. There was a certain underlying arrogance about him that she always seemed to catch after he fucked Skylar. Even if he hated her, even if the sex had only be mediocre sex that arrogance was there and maybe he didn't even realize. Jetta though had started to study, he was like reading a complex book with no ending, but you still kept reading because you just had to read the next page.

She sat up without saying anything and grabbed a shirt off the floor, it was his. She slipped it on pulling her panties back on not bothering to say anything to him. She wasn't stupid, Skylar rubbed it in her face how much they fuck, told her every damn deatil. It was painful to think that his hands had just been all over his ex-wife. It was painful to think Jetta could never be that. Even if she threw all her pride out the window and admitted to possibly being in love with him, he'd probably laugh. The thought alone drove her crazy.

He was easy to read when it came to superficial things; like when he'd fucked Skye, when he was horny, when he was lying. His real emotions through, she couldn't figure them out to save her life. She lend in close grabbing his bottle of whiskey bavely taking a long swig of it. Each day it got harder and hard to not fall apart. She was pissed off at him, but she wasn't allowed to be, because he wasn't hers. She was hurt, but she couldnā€™t fall apart. Gavin and Drake took turns play fucked up head games, but she had to stay sane. It was all enough to drive her into giving up completely and begging him to kill her or going over the edge just enough to get Skye to lose it and kill her.

She took another drink from the bottle before legging it hang between her fingertips as she started to pace the room. "You and Gavin must have a schedule." she finally breathed her tone casual at first as she took another drink from the bottle clearly struggling to stay calm. "It's like clockwork, in case you failed to notice." she shrugged. "Every time Skye bats and eyelash, your fucking her and Gavin's fucking me." She spat. "I kind of wish you'd just fuck off." she said honestly finally glancing up to hold his eyes.
He already knew that Willa was going to smart off. He knew it like the back of his hand. Thatā€™s one of the reasons he'd fallen so hard for her, because even if she was terrified she acted fearless when it was just the two of them. He both loved and hated her for that. She pissed him off and him being alone with her, with no one to stop him if he got out of control was dangerous for her. She was the only girl he'd ever know that could make him feel completely incredible one minute and the next he was wanting to kill her.

"Yeah I did, he's a great fuck." She breathed with that smirk he loved to hate, she took a long yet casual drag off her cigarette making his blood pressure rise and his anger boil over. Normally he could honestly care less if she'd fucked Xander, but lately he'd gotten more possessive of her. She was always on his mind, no matter how hard he tried to hide it people were starting to notice.

He continued to stand there causally like her comment hadn't bothered him, when in fact he was fuming on the inside. He finished off his beer before tossing it away. He walked over to her like he was going to try and talk her out of her clothes. He lend in close his lips centimeter from hers as he held her eyes. He didn't say anything for a long moment just held her eyes as if he was trying to read her, when he had figured her out by the third week.

He stood back up then grabbing her roughly by her hair yanking her up from the bed. He grabbed the cigarette from between her fingertips taking a drag off of it, holding her eyes the entire time, his grip on her hair painfully tight. He pressed the burning end of the cigarette into her arm then. He twisted back and forth as if her arm was the ashtray. His eyes were dark, never leaving her eyes. He flicked the cigarette away then, using his free hand to grab her jaw tightly, forcing her to hold his gaze.

"Yeah I bet he was, but you thought about me the whole time." He breathed with a terrifyingly dark amount confidence. "Don't front baby girl, you and I both know he can fuck you, but your not thinking about his touch." He said dropping his hand from her jaw and slipping it up under Xander's shirt as he rubbed her between the legs. "You should know though, youā€™re the only one thinking about me." he breathed cruelly against her lips. "Because I'm sure as hell not thinking about you when I fuck that pretty little blonde I've been seeing." he smirked darkly. His words were a lie, but his confidence covered his lie perfectly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow could tell she'd pissed him off and she smirked, liking it. She hated fighting with him and she hated when he was cruel to her, but she couldn't help but like pissing him off, especially over Xander. She was pretty sure she was in love with him, but she knew he'd never love her back, she when he got pissed that she'd been with someone else, she liked it. It wasn't love, it was possessiveness, but that was better then nothing. At least he cared about her enough that the thought of her fucking Xander irritated him. He may only ever think of her as his property and nothing more, but at least she wasn't nothing to him.

Willa kept her eyes on him, standing there calmly, like she hadn't phased him even though she knew the truth. He was going to try to hurt her, he just wasn't going to explode. She watched him finish his beer before walking over to her. The energy coming from him was seductive and honestly hard to resist no matter how much she liked to irritate him. His lips were tantalizingly close to hers, making her hold her breath, wishing more then anything that he'd just kiss her, but she refused to bend and kiss him first. Instead she just held her breath and did her best to keep her eyes on his without folding.

Enzo didn't kiss her though. Instead, he stood and grabbed her roughly by her hair, pulling her from the bed. Willow didn't fight him off, knowing that would be stupid, she just winced at the painfully tight grip he had on her hair, watching him as he took her cigarette and took a drag from it. He brought the burning tip of the cigarette down on her arm then, causing her to bite her lip so hard it bled and let out a whimper she couldn't contain because it hurt like hell. Willa looked away from him, unable to meet the intensity of his gaze as he put the cigarette out, grinding it into her skin painfully.

When Enzo finally flicked the cigarette away, he grabbed her chin and turned her head back towards him so she had to hold his eyes and Willa knew, whatever he was about to say would probably hurt. "Yeah I bet he was, but you thought about me the whole time." He breathed so arrogantly it made her raise a brow at him and smirk. "Don't front baby girl, you and I both know he can fuck you, but your not thinking about his touch." He said releasing her jaw, slipping his hand under Xander's shirt she was wearing and starting to rub her between her legs.

Willow's breathing was suddenly shallow and she bit her lip hard, closing her eyes as she tried to hold back her moans but she couldn't. After a second trying to fight them off, Willow let out short, desperate moans. No matter how much he hurt her or how angry she was with him, when he touched her, it felt so good she was almost willing to drop the whole fight. She was about to kiss him and pull him to bed with her when he spoke again and she opened her eyes and held his, trying to concentrate on his words and not what his touch was doing to her. "You should know though, youā€™re the only one thinking about me. Because I'm sure as hell not thinking about you when I fuck that pretty little blonde I've been seeing." He breathed crudely with a dark smirk.

His words hurt like hell. She couldn't help but let out a weak, pained noise, as if he'd hit her because he knew just how to hurt her. She wasn't stupid, she'd figured he fucked other girls. It wasn't like she was his girlfriend or he had to be faithful to her. It hurt like hell to hear about it though. And to know he didn't think about her was like a slap in the face because honestly, all she did was think about him when she was with Xander. It made her feel like she wasn't good enough for him and it stung because all she wanted was to be his.

"Fuck." Willow breathed, struggling to gather her strength to pull away from him, wanting him to keep touching her, but not wanting to let him get away with hurting her like that. Finally, she managed to pull herself from his grip and take a few steps away from him. She turned her back to him and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to compose herself so he wouldn't see just how much his touch had affected her or how bad his words had hurt her. "If I'm so easy to forget and she's so great, why are you here?" Willow spat, trying to sound confident, turning back to face him, holding his eyes.

She wanted him so bad it hurt because honestly, only he could make her feel incredible and not leave her feeling like shit once it was over. She hadn't been with him in days and she wanted nothing more then to fold and kiss him so that they could stop wasting time fighting, but he'd hurt her so she wanted to at least try and resist him, knowing it would make him crazy. "If I'm so easily forgettable, why do you keep coming back for more babe? Why does it bother you that I like when Xander fucks me?" She breathed with a smirk, taking a step closer to him, doing her best to ignore the intoxicating heat between them. "I think you're full of shit. You can't get me off your mind." She smirked wickedly, trying to hide just how much he'd hurt her with confidence.


After a second in silence, drinking his whiskey, Jetta rolled over and he watched her as she sat up and pulled on a shirt and a pair of panties. Clearly, something was bothering her and he sighed, hoping, whatever it was, it didn't cause a fight because he didn't want to fight her. He just wanted to be with her. He couldn't kiss her or talk with her honestly when Skye was around, so when it was just the two of them, he hated fighting because honestly, he could get cruel and he was cruel enough to her as it was with all the torture.

Drake kept his eyes on her, wanting to know what she was thinking as she leaned in and stole his whiskey bottle. Sometimes, he could read her like an open book, other times, she was a total mystery to him and he loved and hated thar about her. He hated when he didn't know what she was thinking because it made her harder to predict and more closed off to him, but he also liked it because it made her different then every other girl he'd fucked. He couldn't just see into her head and know how to handle her and he liked that, it made her more challenging and kept him interested in her whereas, with other girls, he bored quickly.

Drake could tell, as she paced the room, she was pissed about something. "You and Gavin must have a schedule. It's like clockwork, in case you failed to notice." She finally breathed. Her tone was calm on the surface but he could sense agitation underneath. "Every time Skye bats an eyelash, you're fucking her and Gavin's fucking me." She spat and his jaw clenched. She was pissed about Skylar. He should have guessed it. "I kind of wish you'd just fuck off." She said honestly finally glancing up to hold his eyes.

Drake let it fall silent for a moment. What could he say to her? That he was sorry? She didn't want to hear that. Sorry wouldn't change a damn thing. And it wasn't like he could explain to her why he kept going back to Skye because even he had no clue. All he knew was that, no matter how much he hated her, for some reason, she was hard to resist. He had no feelings for her, but Jetta would never believe that.

Drake just shrugged and held her eyes. "You don't mean that." He breathed casually, like he could read her mind. "You don't want me to leave you alone, anymore then I want to give you up." He breathed, standing and walking over to her calmly so he was standing inches from her. He swiped the whiskey bottle from her and took a long drink, finishing it off before tossing it away and placing his hand on her cheek, thumb tracing her lips as he smirked at her. "Skye doesn't mean shit to me." He shrugged because it was true.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She held his eyes fearlessly. There were a million things going through her mind. The one that she tried to shake the most, was the fact that she loved him. She needed to be around him to feel wanted. It was almost like Drake had become her new runway. His attention though was more fulfilling then runway or media attention had ever been. It was addicting and gave her a high she didn't want to share.

"You don't mean that." he breathed causally, like he knew her and she had to look away. "You don't want me to leave you alone, anymore then I want to give you up." He breathed standing up and walking over to her calmly, she started to take small steps back until he was in front of her, then she was frozen, the heat between them was intense. He took the bottle back from her taking a long drink and finishing it off before tossing it away. His hand came up to the side of her face and she shivered despite herself as his thumb traced her lips. "Skye doesn't mean shit to me." he shrugged and there was truth in his voice, but she found it hard to believe him considering he was still her kidnapper.

She pulled away from him frustrated, turning her back to him. She walked over to the bed slipping her hand in between the mattresses and grabbing the pack of cigerette's and lighter he'd left her a few days ago. She lit one, before hiding the pack again. She took a long rag from the cigarette before she glanced back to him trying to form words into a sentence, words that would piss him off just enough. She wanted to drive him as crazy as he drove her but she was convinced she either never got to him or he was a phenomenal liar.

"You're a brilliant liar. You know that." she sighed. "You expect me to believe that Skye means nothing to you and I mean something." she rolled her eyes. "That's bull shit. You don't give a shit about me or my sister." she shrugged taking another drag. "And that's fine, but stop acting like you do...because it's fucking me up..." she trailed off wanting to tell him so bad how she felt, but it was a mute point. "Just fuck me if that's what you came down her for." she sighed out a breath of smoke. "Just fuck me and leave." she shrugged.
"Fuck." she said having trouble breathing making him smirk, but she managed to pull away and he knew she was going to fight him. She turned her back to him and he debated reaching for her, but a part of him wanted to hear what he was going to say. "If I'm so easy to forget and she's so great, why are you here?" Wiliow spat with weavering confidence in her voice that he could hear even as well as she was trying to hide it.

She was completely different from any girl he'd ever met. Any other girl would be terrified of him, they wouldn't have pulled away to smart off. They'd have gotten on their knees and begged him not to hurt them. She was different though, he liked that about her, but it also pissed him off. She knew how to get under his skin and she knew what to say to make him hurt her and that was dangerous.

"If I'm so easily forgettable, why do you keep coming back for more babe? Why does it bother you that I like when Xander fucks me?" she breathed with a smirk that both pissed him of and excited him. He wanted to fuck her so back he had to keep himself from reaching out and pulling her close to fuck her. She was closer now, the heat between them was intoxicating. "I think you're full of shit. You can't get me off your mind." she smirked wickedly and he rolled his eyes.

He reached out grabbing her and pulling her close. He pressed his lips to hers kissing her hard. He pulled away holding her jaw tightly so she had to look at him, the look in his eyes making it perfectly clear that he was about to say something cruel. "You ever own a puppy princess?" he breathed voice low, dark. "I' sure you have a rich little bitch like you probably has a purse chihuahua." he smirked keeping hold of her tightly. "Your like my puppy." he smirked wickedly. "I own you. I'm your master. I like to play with you, Other people like to play with you, but when you like playing with someone else a little more...I get jealous." he shrugged.

"It has nothing to do with you being easy to forget or Xander fucking you." he said letting her go. "It has to do with the fact that you belong to me and sometimes I get really fucking tired of sharing." he said honestly heading for the door, like he didn't give a shit. "I'll let Xander know he can come back down here since you like fucking him so much." he rolled his eyes having ever y intent to leave her there.



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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Enzo reached for her and Willow winced, afraid he'd hurt her, but she didn't have time to slip his grip. He pulled her close and, instead of hurting her, he kissed her hard ion the lips. She moaned softly against his lips, leaning into him, despite how bad he'd hurt her, his kiss made everything but him melt away. Eventually, he pulled away, gripping her jaw tightly so she couldn't look away and Willow bit her lip, knowing already that she'd probably hate whatever he was about to say.

"You ever own a puppy princess?" He breathed voice dark and she didn't answer, just kept her eyes on him. "I'm sure you have a rich little bitch like you probably has a purse chihuahua." He smirked and the way he was looking at her made her want to turn away from him but she couldn't. He was holding her too tightly. "You're like my puppy. I own you. I'm your master. I like to play with you, other people like to play with you, but when you like playing with someone else a little more...I get jealous." He shrugged and her jaw clenched. Only Xander had ever spoken to her that way and it pissed her off and excited her at the same time. She hated that he thought he was her "master" because that's how Xander had acted and it had only fucked her up, but at the same time, she liked the thought of belonging to him.

"It has nothing to do with you being easy to forget or Xander fucking you." He said, releasing her and Willa instantly took a few steps away from him and looked away. "It has to do with the fact that you belong to me and sometimes I get really fucking tired of sharing." He said and she bit her lip as she heard him turn to walk away. She knew she shouldn't let him get away with the things he'd said to her, but she didn't want him to leave. For all she knew, the next time she got to see him, he'd be torturing her again. "I'll let Xander know he can come back down here since you like fucking him so much." He said and Willow sighed.

She wanted him to stay. She couldn't stand the thought of him finding someone else to fuck and she really didn't want Xander to come back. Besides, her high was starting to fade and she wanted him to keep her high. She crossed the room quickly and grabbed his arm before he could reach the door, turning him to face her. She didn't say anything, just kissed him hard, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her toes to kiss him even harder. "Don't go." She breathed against his lips, kissing him again with a moan, hoping he'd stay.


Jetta pulled away from him, clearly frustrated as she, turned her back to him and he sighed. He hadn't known it was possible to love and hate someone so much until he met her. She pissed him off and excited him at the same time. It honestly drove him insane. Part of him wanted to just admit that he loved her, but part of him wanted to keep it hidden because he knew they could never be together. If he told her he loved her, he might not be able to kill her when the time came.

He watched her grab her cigarettes and light one before hiding them again. "You're a brilliant liar. You know that." She sighed and that irritated him because he honestly wasn't lying when he said Skye meant nothing to him, but he didn't know how to make her believe him. "You expect me to believe that Skye means nothing to you and I mean something. That's bull shit. You don't give a shit about me or my sister." She shrugged, making his jaw clench. "And that's fine, but stop acting like you do...because it's fucking me up..." She trailed off and he looked away because he hated what she was saying and he wished she knew how much he actually cared about her. Just fuck me if that's what you came down here for. Just fuck me and leave." she shrugged.

Drake rolled his eyes and took a step towards her. He reached out, grabbing her by the upper arm so tightly she couldn't get away as he yanked her close and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I didn't come down here to fuck you." He breathed, holding her eyes. "I came down here to be with you. Whether we're fucking or not, just being around you is all I need." He shrugged before kissing her hard on the lips, wanting her to know he was telling the truth and not sure how else to make her see it.

Finally, he pushed her away and shook his head, irritated that she'd probably never believe him. "If you want me to go then fine, I'll go." He spat, looking her over. "But you'll be miserable without me, don't pretend you won't." He shrugged simply because he knew it was the truth. "And I'll be just as miserable without you." He breathed honestly before turning and heading for the door, wishing he could make her understand that he wasn't trying to fuck with her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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He grabbed her by her upper arm, his grip tight as he pulled her close. Being so close to him was tempting. She could already taste his lips like he was kissing her and it was killing her not to lean up and kiss his lips. She hated how desperate she was for him, if she wasn't such an impossibly good liar it'd be obvious. She held his eyes hoping, praying even he'd just kiss her and end every doubt and painful thought. He wrapped an arm around her waist and she almost forgot what she was upset about.

"I didn't come down here to fuck you." he breathed so honestly she was forcing herself not to believe him. "I came down here to be with you. Whether we're fucking or not, just being around you is all I need." he shrugged before kissing her and she couldn't help but moan against his lips. She never wanted the kiss to end, but eventually he pushed her away and she clenched her jaw.

That was the fucked up part. He'd kiss her like he needed her to breath, then turn right around and push her away like she meant nothing at it was confusing as fuck. She was used to guys wanting her twenty-four seven. She couldn't recall a time before Drake that any guy had ever pushed her away. Even when Gavin was pissed, he still coulnd't just walk away from her the way Darke could.

"If you want me to go then fine, I'll go." He spat and the way he looked over her made her feel dirty and she hated him for that. "But you'll be miserable without me, don't pretend you won't. And I'll be just as miserable without you." He breathed honestly before turning and heading for the door. She needed to let him walk away, she needed to stand her ground, but watching him walk away was painful.

Even though they weren't together, watching him walk away wondering if he was going back to Skye was just as painful as if they really were dating. She hated herself and she felt completely insane. She didn't know if he was thinking about her or if he was thinking about Skylar. He could be telling the truth about everything. The fact was though, Jetta had learned that trusting people in Hollywood wasn't wise and so she didn't trust anyone short of her sister.

"Donā€™t go back to her." Jetta whispered and she wasn't even sure he'd heard her, she was more thinking out loud, she hadn't really meant to say it. Her voice had sounded desperate. She wanted to tell him how she felt so bad, it was on the tip of her tongue, but the thought of him using it against her or Skye finding out and using it to taught her, kept her from saying anything she'd regret. She walked over to him stepping in front of him. "Drake I...your right, I need you." she admitted hating herself for that, she lend up kissing him then, except when her lips pressed against his they weren't rough or desprate.
He really didn't want to leave her. If he left that would mean that Xander would come back and be with her. But, he also couldn't let her think that she meant anymore to him then sex. He wanted to tell her how he felt but admitting it would mean that he would have to come to terms with it himself and he was still in denial that he liked her, even though deep down he was struggling with not abandoning everything he'd ever know to get her the hell out of their and move somewhere far away with her.

He felt her grab his arm and he sighed. He was still high as fuck, but when she touched him it broke through even his most dangerous highs. What she did to him when she simply touched him he'd never understand. He was still struggling with the fact that she was still just a kid, no matter how much she denied it, she was sixteen. She kissed him when he turned her to face him and he clenched his jaw, trying to fight it a first, before he gave in. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped an arm around her waist as she lend up on her toes to kiss him harder.

"Don't go." she breathed against his lips and there was no way he could attempt to leave her now. She'd said two words, but they didn't matter the kiss alone had been enough to draw him back in. She kissed him again, moaning against his lips and he pulled her close to his body pressing her body tightly against his. She anitanable and it was killing him. Sure he had her now in the moment, but when he left the room and went back into the real world, she was no longer his. Everyone was convinced she was dead and soon enough she would be dead.

He pulled away then shaking his head he took a step away from her running his fingers through his hair as he took a step away from her looking over her. He turned away from her then like he was going to leave but instead he put a hole in the wall with his fist, before leaning his forehead against the wall miserably. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep everything bottled up. He'd been bottling up every emotion since he was a kid. It had never been a problem until Willa, because she made him feel new emotions, she brought up old emotions, and she made him feel alive.

"Your right." He breathed, eyes closed as his forehead stayed against the wall. "I don't know how long I can keep lying to you." she sighed. "I fucking hate my father and my brother and this life." he admitted. "What I hate most of all though, is you." he breathed honestly, pushing off the wall turning back to face her. "I don't think you even realize what the fuck you're done to me." he breathed, but his words weren't cruel they were defeated, like he was tired of fighting how he felt about her no matter how fucked up it was that she was almost ten years younger, she was under age, and he was her kidnapper who'd beat and tortured her the past few months.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Enzo wrapped his arm around her as he kissed her back and instantly, she felt better because she knew that meant he wasn't going to leave her. She wanted more, dying to feel his skin against hers because it had been days since they'd last touched. Before things went any further though, he pulled away and Willow bit her lip as she looked at him, hoping that didn't mean he'd leave. She didn't want him to leave her alone, she wanted to be with him.

She kept her eyes on him, as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked over her. She was dying to know what he was thinking, but she didn't ask because she was afraid of what he might say if he was still mad at her. He turned then and Willow sighed, thinking he was going to leave, but instead, he punched a hole in the wall and she jumped a little because she hadn't been expecting it. Stress was clearly eating away at him as he leaned his forehead against the wall and Willow bit her lip, wishing she knew how to help him, but not even knowing what it was that had him so stressed out.

"You're right." He breathed, his back still turned to her and she just listened. "I don't know how long I can keep lying to you. I fucking hate my father and my brother and this life." Enzo admitted, surprising her. There was something so genuine about his voice that told her he wasn't lying and she wasn't sure he'd ever been so honest with her. "What I hate most of all though, is you." He breathed, turning to face her and she sighed and looked away, unable to hold his eyes. "I don't think you even realize what the fuck you're doing to me." He breathed, like he was exhausted and defeated.

Willow sighed softly and went to him, pressing a hand against his cheek and kissing his lips. Her lips weren't desperate, they were reassuring because she wanted to make him feel better and let him know she was there for him. She could tell he was under a mountain of stress and needed to let it go, but didn't really know how because he had no one to talk to. "If you hate this life, stop living it." She breathed against his lips, pulling herself closer to him and trailing her lips along his jaw gently. "Get away from here. You know how your father works, you're smart enough to hide from him." She whispered, pulling away and holding his eyes.

Silently, she hoped he'd do it and maybe he'd take her with but she didn't want to ask. If she asked him to take her with him, it would look like she was trying to manipulate him so he'd get her out. Besides, she couldn't leave without her sister and he had no reason to take Jetta as well. It would be awful for her if he left, but she could tell his life was making him extremely unhappy. She went to sit on the bed and lit herself a cigarette with a sigh. "If my stupid mother can hide from your father for this long, you can do it." She shrugged as she took a drag off her cigarette.


"Donā€™t go back to her." Jetta whispered from behind him and Drake sighed. He almost wished she meant what she said about wanting him to leave her alone. It would hurt and he'd be miserable, but at least it would keep him from getting any closer to her then he already was and, inevitably, breaking her heart the way he knew he would. However, as badly as he wished he could walk away, he couldn't. Her voice was desperate so he knew it would hurt her if he left and he hated hurting her.

She stepped in front of him and Drake stopped. She didn't even have to say anything, he already knew he was going to stay. He couldn't resist her to save his life. "Drake I... You're right, I need you." She admitted before kissing him and Drake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, kissing her passionately, but not roughly, wanting her to know she meant more to him then sex without having to say it.

"I need you too." He breathed against her lips despite himself, knowing he shouldn't say it, but needing her to know. "I wouldn't lie to you Jetta. I'm a horrible person so I understand if you don't trust me, but you can believe what I say." He promised, letting his lips trail her jaw and neck slowly, loving the way it felt to kiss her and wishing like hell he could have her all to himself, away from everyone else, without the fear that one day, he'd wake up and his father would tell him to kill her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She hated that she'd said it out loud. She wanted so desperately to need Gavin instead. Gavin wasn't unitabable. Gavin for the most part was hers. Drake on the other hand she'd never ba bale to have and no that she'd said it out loud, for all she knew he could take that to Skylar and she could use it against her, to torture her. She was also terrified of what he'd say, if he'd laugh at her.

"I need you too." he finally breathed against her lips and she pulled away a bit to look up at him. "I wouldn't lie to you Jetta. I'm a horrible person so I understand if you don't trust me, but you can believe what I say." he promised and she hated that she believed his promise despite all the horrible things he'd done to her. His lips trailed along her jaw and neck causing her to moan, because his lips felt incredible on her skin.

She pushed away from him with a sigh. She took a step away from him, creating distance between them as her eyes fell on the ground because she couldn't look at him. She ran her hand through her hair trying to figure out what the hell to say to him. She thought maybe if he needed her enough, she could convince him to get her and Willa out or maybe even convince him to kill his father. His father seemed to be the real problem, his father and Skylar. Without the two of them hanging around and telling him what to do, he might actually be a different person and her and Willow might actually have a chance. It was a long shot she knew that, but it was worth a shot.

"Drake, I want to be with you." she breathed her voice quite as if she was telling him a secret. She close the space between them again. "We'd be good together, you know that." she smirked as she lend up on her toes to kiss him. "Your smart babe, get me out of here. Just you and me. Think about it." she breathed against his lips. "I hate the spotlight anyways...we could go somewhere, you could be happy...we could be happy." She held his eyes.

She knew it was a stupid idea, what she was saying. It was maddening though, staring at the same four wall just waiting to be fucked, torrtured, or murdered. She was treated worse than an animal. For the past few weeks, she'd been begging them to just kill her and get it over with. She didn't understand why they kept her alive if they were looking for her mother. Her mother didn't give a shit about her or Willa.

"You could make her disappear, couldn't you?" her words dark as she kissed his lips again. "If you can't get me out though, I understand...but at least let me see Willa?" her tone practically begging. She hadn't seen her sister in two months. She didn't know if she looked good or if she was barely hanging out and the thought was eating her up.
She walked over to him and he couldn't look at her even as she rested her hand against this cheek. He hated fucking Meredes, but he hated being alone. He hated hurting her, but his father was likely to kill him if he didn't. She kissed him then and her lips against his felt incredible, they made him feel powerful and he liked that more than he should. He held her eyes when she finally pulled away to talk. It was weird to him, because in her eyes he could see she understood the pressure and pain he was going through.

"If you hate this life, stop living it." she breathed like it was that simple and for a moment he believed that it was that simple. Then he knew better. She pulled herself closer as he wrapped an arm around her waist holding her against him. Her lips moving gently along his jaw. "Get away from here. You know how your father works, you're smart enough to hide from him." she whispered against his skin before pulling away and holding his eyes.

It was tempting to up and leave. He knew he could do it. He'd been ready to do it with London and Amelia, had it all planned. He'd just chickened out at the last minute because he was terrified of his father sending Drake after him. He loved his brother, even as jealous as he was, Drake was still blood and he'd still pick him over his father any day of the week. He started to think about it and maybe it was really as simple as she'd said it. He'd always just been terrified of doing it, he'd just wanted so much to gain his father's approval. Ever since he'd been around Willa though that didn't seem to matter.

His eyes followed her as she went to the bed to lit a cigarette. She was fucking amazing, everything she did was beautiful, yet tragic. He looked at her and he didn't see perfection, he saw flaws. He wouldn't change one single thing about her though, he loved everyone of her flaws. He loved that she could piss him off and then they could fuck until they were both to exhausted to continue. Most of all though, he loved that she wasn't scared of him and if she was, she hid it well.

"If my stupid mother can hide from your father for this long, you can do it." she shrugged, her voice pulling him from his thoughts and he sighed, because that wasn't the truth they'd found her mother. They were just waiting till they could get her alone, then they would grab her. She was rarely ever alone though and that was what was hard.

"It's not that simple Willow." he breathed. "My father found your mother, they just have to wait to make the grab." he sighed, because his father had told both him and Drake when they grabbed their mother and brought her in, then they'd kill Willa and Jetta in front of her that was her punishment. "My father's a powerful man, he's got people all of the world working for them. I'm from a family that's murdered for generations. It's practically bred into us and my father...he's a human tracker." he said shaking his head running his fingers through his hair.

"And the only way I'd want out is taking you with me...that's never work though." he said honestly. "Knowing my father, he'd turn it all around on me, go to the media tell them you were still alive and I kidnapped you." he said pulling her close, he kissed her forehead. "And I can't leave you here alone." he whispered against her skin.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow glanced at him as he spoke, wishing she knew what he was thinking. "It's not that simple Willow." He breathed and she let out a sigh, looking away from him. She had a feeling he'd say that. "My father found your mother, they just have to wait to make the grab." He sighed, making her bite her lip hard as she kept her eyes on the wall. That meant she'd be dead soon. "My father's a powerful man, he's got people all of the world working for them. I'm from a family that's murdered for generations. It's practically bred into us and my father... He's a human tracker." Enzo said and she brought her cigarette to her lips, taking a long drag.

His family was dangerous, she understood that. Hell, they'd been torturing her for the past two months, she knew they were dangerous. Still, she really wanted him to leave. Him taking her with him if he left was the only way she'd get to live and she honestly didn't want to die, but even if he didn't take her, she still wanted him to go. Not because she wanted to be without him. The thought of being without him was almost unbearable, but she wanted him to leave so she could at least die knowing he didn't hate his life. Besides, if he left, he wouldn't be forced to kill her.

"And the only way I'd want out is taking you with me... that'd never work though." He said honestly and she hid it well, but she was so terrified of being killed, she was fighting back tears. "Knowing my father, he'd turn it all around on me, go to the media tell them you were still alive and I kidnapped you." Enzo said as he pulled her close, pressing his lips against her forehead and she closed her eyes and let out a shaky sigh. "And I can't leave you here alone." He whispered and Willa bit her lip hard before pushing away from him, turning her back to him, wishing things didn't have to be so hard and she hadn't fallen in love with him.

She let it fall silent for a long time as she smoked her cigarette, not sure what else to say. She didn't want to beg him to risk his life for her, but at the same time, she did. She wanted him to save her life, but at the same time, she wasn't sure she could leave Jetta behind to die or let him die for her if it didn't work. She turned to face him again, pulling herself close to him again, letting her lips trail his jaw slowly. What she was about to say might piss him off or make him think she was insane, but it could work if he was willing. "Kill him." She whispered against his jaw, referring to his father. Her kisses were persuading and seductive, hoping he wouldn't lash out at her for suggesting he kill his own father. It was the only way she could see that would save her and Jetta.

"You said you hate him anyway." She whispered, trailing her lips back along his jaw to his, kissing him hard on the lips and slipping her fingertips under the edge of his shirt, trailing them along his skin. "If you kill him, it will save my life and my sister's, we can be together, we won't have to live on the run, and you'll have all the power. You could have and do whatever you want." She breathed with a smirk, knowing how much he liked power. "He won't expect it. If you're really a born and bred murderer, it should be easy." Willow whispered, pulling away and biting her lip, holding his eyes.


Jetta pushed away from him and he ran his fingers through his hair, keeping his eyes on her, hating that she couldn't look at him. "Drake, I want to be with you." She breathed, closing the space between them again and he sighed. Now it was him who couldn't look at her. He could promise he needed her, but he wasn't sure he could promise to save her life to be with her. The consequences of not being able to keep that promise were way too great. "We'd be good together, you know that." She smirked, leaning on her toes to kiss him and he kissed back and held her tightly.

Drake sighed, wishing more then anything that what she was saying could be true because they would be more then good together. They'd be incredible. "You're smart babe, get me out of here. Just you and me. Think about it. I hate the spotlight anyways...we could go somewhere, you could be happy...we could be happy." She said holding his eyes and he wished he knew what to say to her. On one hand, he wanted to save her. On the other, he didn't think it was possible. Not to mention the fact that it completely went against everything he'd ever known.

"You could make her disappear, couldn't you?" She said, words dark as she kissed him and he kissed back, groaning against her lips. What she was saying was driving him insane because he wanted it so bad it hurt, but he didn't think it would ever happen. "If you can't get me out though, I understand...but at least let me see Willa?" She asked, practically begging him and Drake just nodded and kissed her lips again, wrapping his arms tight around her, kissing her hard.

He wasn't supposed to let her see her sister, but it was the least he could do. "I don't think I can get you out of here Jetta." He breathed, pulling away and holding her eyes. "I want to, trust me, I need you in my life." He sighed deeply. "I just don't know if I can do it without getting both of us killed and possibly your sister too." He said honestly, knowing his father was cruel enough that, if he caught him trying to get Jetta out, he'd punish Jetta by torturing or killing Willow in front of her and then punish him by doing the same to Jetta in front of him or worse, making him do it. "You'll have to let me think about it. It would take careful planning." He shrugged because that's how he was. He didn't do things out of impulse and he rarely did things that were risky. Sure, he did difficult things, but he planned them to the point where there was no room for error and hew wasn't sure that was possible with this case.

"I'll let you see your sister though." Drake breathed because he owed it to her. It honestly wouldn't be hard. "You'll just have to wait until it's late and everyone else in the house is sleeping." He informed her. His father didn't stay at the house, he came and went and he never just dropped in, he always told him or Enzo, so the biggest issue would be making sure Gavin, Xander, or Skye didn't see, seeing as they lived in the house, but even murders had to sleep. All he had to do was wait until they were out and then get her down the hall for a bit to see her sister.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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"I don't think I can get you out of here Jetta." he breathed pulling away to hold her eyes. She let out a disappointed sigh although she'd already figured that much. The way she figured it, Drake was dangerous sure, but he was only as dangerous as his father allowed. If he wasn't under his father's rule, he'd probably be a hundred times more dangerous. Jetta had realized that Drake was a sucker for needing to please his father at whatever the cost and that was the real reason her couldn't and wouldn't get her out no matter how much he claimed to like her.

"I want to, trust me, I need you in my life. I just don't know if I can do it without getting both of us killed and possibly your sister too." He said honestly and she just listened. "You'll have to let me think about it. It would take careful planning." he shrugged and she just rolled her eyes as she pulled away from him to light herself another cigarette. "I'll let you see your sister though." he breathed and she seemed unamused by his answer. "You'll just have to wait until it's late and everyone else in the house is sleeping." he stated.

She was silent for a long moment. She wanted to hate him for not being able to stand up to his father. Then again, that would make her a complete hypocrite. All she'd tried to do was please her mother, it didn't matter that she was smart enough to realize a long time ago her mother didn't really love her or Willa. She knew, but her mother had fucked with her head so badly that she always seemed to need her mother's approval. She took a long drag off her cigarette and there was a fire in her eyes, what she was about to say would probably piss him off, but maybe he just need to be pushed and she was going to push him.

"You know what I think." she breathed out a breath of smoke as she held his eyes. "I think youā€™re a gutless daddy's boy." she shrugged. "The only reason you feel obligated to let me see Wil, is because of your own guilty conscience." she breathed brutally honest as she took a drag off her cigerette's never letting her eyes fall from his gaze. "You act hard, but deep down youā€™re a scared little boy who's afraid to stand up to daddy." she smirked, letting a breath of smoke fill the space between them. "I guess I'll just way her till it's safe for you to let me see my sister." se shrugged, going to sit on the bed.

It was quite between them for an agonizingly long moment. He figured she'd give up then. She was hard to read though, so he wasn't entirely sure what she was thinking. He wanted to take her away so they could be together. He knew it was fucked up, everything about their God damned realtionship was eyond fucked up. He couldn't find it anywhere in his selfish DNA though to give a shit. If he really did leave with her, she'd be worse off then she had ever been with Xander, mostly because when he was in a relationship with a girl he was dangerously possessive and darkly arrogant and when he's fucked up on drugs that's the only time you ever see the real him.

She closed the distance between them and it was her heat and energy that she put off whenever she was near, that pulled him from his thoughts. Her lips trailed his jaw slowly and he let out a low quite groan, because he couldn't resist her or what she did to him. It was hard to concentrate on anything but her. He slipped his hand up under her shirt wrapping his arm around her waist so his skin was against hers.

"Kill him." she whispered against his jaw, causing him to clench his jaw. He'd thought about killing his father at least two dozen times, hearing her say it though was almost a definitive enough reason to do it. Her lips on his skin and wanting to be with her was way to convincing. "You said you hate him anyway." she whispered as she continued to kiss against his skin. "If you kill him, it will save my life and my sister's, we can be together, we won't have to live on the run, and you'll have all the power. You could have and do whatever you want." she breathed against his sking and he could hear the smirk in her voice. "He won't expect it. If you're really a born and bred murderer, it should be easy." she whispered as she pulled away to hold his eyes.

His fists and jaw were clenched tightly. The thought of killing his father had always been there, it was never NOT and option. the idea of actually committing the murder though seemed honestly terrifying. His father had been so abusive to him and his brother over the years that even if he watched the life drain from his father's eyes, he'd always be looking over his shoulder. It would always feel like someone was watching me. he fingers tracing his waistline making it hard to focus.

He sighed. "We'd be in power." he corrected her with a smirk. He lend in fisting his hand in her hair he kissed her hard. "IF," he breathed pointedly "I did, you'd be only mine." he practically demanded. "I'm not like Xander, you play games, I won't play them back." he breathed honestly. "I'd be doing this for you, for us." he breathed against her lips holding her eyes dead serious. "Killing him isn't the problem." he breathed.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow could tell she'd upset him. He was tense, she just couldn't tell if it was because he was angry because he was practically impossible for her to read. It drove her nuts, never knowing what he was thinking when he seemed to constantly have her perfectly figured out. She wanted to know what he was thinking, but she didn't bother asking because she was nervous he might be thinking something she didn't want to hear. If he was angry and cruel to her, she'd probably break down. If he told her he didn't want to try saving her at all, she definitely wouldn't be able to handle it.

"We'd be in power." Enzo finally said with a smirk that made her smirk as well, liking the way that sounded. The two of them would be a fucking mess, she could already tell, but she didn't care. The thought of being with him was driving her insane, she wanted it so bad. "IF," He breathed pointedly and she raised a brow, "I did, you'd be only mine." He practically demanded and she smirked wickedly, all she wanted was to be his even though she knew it would be a disaster. He'd try to control her and she'd probably push her limits with him constantly, pissing him off and causing fights just because.

"I'm not like Xander, you play games, I won't play them back." He breathed and she knew that was true. She hadn't seen it yet because she was stuck in her little room all the time and it wasn't like they were really together, but she could tell he was a hundred times worse then Xander. He was a lot more dangerous and a lot less willing to put up with her games, but she didn't care. One of the things she liked most about him was how dangerous he was. "I'd be doing this for you, for us. Killing him isn't the problem." He breathed against her lips, making her shiver slightly.

Willow smirked wickedly and stood on her toes, trailing her lips along his jaw slowly before pressing them against his ear. "Baby, if you kill him, you won't have to share me with anyone." She whispered darkly before kissing him hard on the lips. She backed him up a few steps as she kissed him, pushing him down onto the edge of the bed and climbing in his lap, straddling him. She slipped her hand under his shirt, fingertips teasing his waistline as she kissed him even harder. "I can be all yours." Willow breathed against his lips as she continued to kiss him, loving that, even though her drugs had worn off a while ago, his lips made her high all over again.


Drake could tell his answer had pissed her off and he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He really didn't want to hurt her or fight with her, but he could tell the instant she'd pulled away from him, just by the irritation in her movements as she lit a cigarette, that she was going to say something to piss him off and he honestly hoped he could control himself. He wished she'd understand how difficult it would be to get her out of there. She was silent for a while and he kept his eyes on her, wanting to say something, but not knowing what to say.

"You know what I think." She finally breathed, letting out a breath of smoke and he raised a brow, looking her over, already having a feeling he knew what she'd say. "I think youā€™re a gutless daddy's boy. The only reason you feel obligated to let me see Wil, is because of your own guilty conscience." She breathed, keeping his gaze and his jaw clenched. He hated that she was partially right. He'd always done everything his father told him to, but that was only because he didn't know any other way to live. Why he let his father make him do horrible things like killing his brother's fiance and child, he had no idea, but the fact was, if his father ordered it, he always did it.

"You act hard, but deep down youā€™re a scared little boy who's afraid to stand up to daddy." She smirked, making his whole body tense, hating what she was saying even though she was sort of right. He was strong and dangerous, afraid of nothing. Except his father. He couldn't stand up to him because of how powerful his father was and what would become of him if he did. It honestly scared him. "I guess I'll just way her till it's safe for you to let me see my sister." she shrugged, going to sit on the bed.

Drake rolled his eyes and reached out before she could sit down, grabbing her arm so tightly he knew it'd leave bruises, but he didn't care. He whirled her to face him and yanked her close, anger clear in his eyes. "What about you love?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "You ever stand up to your mother?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. "It's not that easy. If it were, I'd have done it a long time ago," He hissed, grip on her arm tightening. "I don't have a death wish. I have to be careful. The fact that I'm even considering this is ridiculous, but I'm doing it for you." He spat, shoving her away, shaking his head. "If you don't want to be careful, fine, be impulsive." He shrugged, tossing her the key to her room. "Make a run for it right now, see where it gets you." He smirked, holding her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow smirked against his lips as he slipped off her shirt, wanting him badly, needing to feel that high that only he could give her. Talking about killing his father had only filled her with a dark excitement, making her need his touch. It had only been a few days, but it felt like an eternity since he'd touched her and she wanted his lips and hands all over her body, setting her on fire. He started kissing her chest and Willow's breathing picked up rapidly as she leaned into his lips, loving what he did to her, wanting more. The way his lips lingered across her skin drove her insane, making her desperate for him.

He flipped her onto her back then, taking control and she smirked as his lips started to move down her body slowly, teasing her, causing her close her eyes and let out soft, breathless moans. He kissed along the top of her panties and Willow bit her lip, letting out a noise of desperation. All he'd done was kiss her a little and already, he was driving her crazy. No one could get her worked up and needy as quickly as he could. He knew exactly how to kiss her, touch her, and tease her to get her needing him. It was like they'd been fucking each other for years when, in reality, it had only been a few months.

Ezno brought his lips back up to hers then, kissing her hard and she kissed him back just as hard, wrapping her arms around his neck. ā€œYouā€™re a God damn liar.ā€ He whispered against her lips with a smirk, like he could see right through her and she smirked back and kissed him even harder, both hating and loving the way he could read her like a book. It made it impossible to keep anything from him and easy for him to control her, but no one had ever understood her the way he did and she loved that about him. Just a second of his attention was better then a thousand photoshoots or runway shows.

"So what?" She breathed with a dark smirk, breaking their kiss for only a second to slip his shirt off, running her hands along his bare chest as she kissed him again before rolling them over swiftly so she was over him. She let her lips trail his jaw slowly as she reached down and rubbed him teasingly over his jeans, smirking wickedly against his skin. Her lips moved lower, continuing to tease him as she kissed down his chest and abs before letting her lips tease his waistline. She undid his jeans quickly, slipping a hand down his jeans to rub him as she kissed her way back up to his lips, kissing him roughly with a moan as she touched him. A few days without his touch had been way too long. She needed him badly.


Drake hadn't thought she'd do it. He hadn't exactly expected her to give in either, he'd expected her to say something cruel or irritating, but he hadn't expected her to actually use the keys. He'd mostly given them to her to taunt her and make her realize how ridiculous her impulsiveness was. However, he could instantly see the gears turning in her head and knew he'd made a mistake. She was going to do it just for the sake of proving a point and he rolled his eyes, hating her damn stubbornness.

ā€œUnlike you Dray, I do have a death wish.ā€ She breathed holding his eyes and his jaw clenched, hating her for being so damn impossible, but loving her refusal to give in at the same time. She drove him nuts. ā€œIā€™m dead either way. Why not give it a shot?ā€ She smirked and Drake groaned in irritation as she slipped over to the door, unlocking it and ducking out it before he had the chance to stop her. He had half a mind to let her get caught, just for the sake of punishing her for her stubbornness, but at the same time, the idea of Skylar or one of the guys punishing her made him go after her. They wouldn't be like him. They wouldn't hold back because they cared about her, they'd really hurt her.

Besides, he'd get in trouble as well for giving her the keys. Gavin would jump all over it. He'd see the opportunity to rat him out to his father, hoping that maybe it would make his father take his keys away and give them to Gavin instead. He sighed and went after her, catching up to her quickly in the hall, just before she reached the stairs. He backed her up against the wall roughly, placing a hand over her mouth in case she decided to do something stupid and try to get them caught by making noise.

"Are you an idiot?" He spat, holding her eyes. "You're going to get yourself killed." He hissed even though she knew that already. He knew she wasn't afraid to die, but he certainly was. He couldn't live without her and, if they decided to just punish her and not kill her, he'd hate himself knowing he'd been the idiot who'd handed her the keys. He grabbed her arm and started dragging her back towards the room. "If you want me to get you out of here alive, you'll have to try and refrain from doing things that will get you killed." He spat, ripping the keys from her hands as he dragged her swiftly.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She hesitated too long, he grabbed her backing her up into the wall. He covered her moth instantly almost as if he knew she might try and scream to alert the others. It wasnā€™t that she wanted him to get in trouble, she just wanted to push him to a point where he finally had to stand up for himself even if it got him killed. Sure that was fucked up, but was he really living if he was scared to die and all he ever did was take orders from his father. In Jettaā€™s eyes he was even more dead inside then he and that was hard for her to take in, considering she was dead sure that her and Willa were the most mentally fucked up, broken people who ever existed.

"Are you an idiot?" He spat, but she didnā€™t even react as she held his eyes. "You're going to get yourself killed." he hissed and she raised a brow. She wasnā€™t scared to die, mostly because sheā€™d already come to terms with the fact that she was going to die young at a young age when she started doing drugs regularly, sheā€™d just assumed she just wouldnā€™t wake up one day. Death wasnā€™t a big deal to her. He started yanking her back towards her room, pulling her from her thoughts.

"If you want me to get you out of here alive, you'll have to try and refrain from doing things that will get you killed." he spat ripping the keys from her hand and she just rolled her eyes. Before she could protest to anything she was back in her room. She had her back turned to him. She was exhausted from the past two months but she wasnā€™t sure how much longer she could stand being in the small windowless room. She was tittering on the edge of sanity and insanity.

She was smart enough to understand that he wasnā€™t going to get her out of there. He was talk, but no action. He did what he was told, never colored outside the lines so to speak and it was driving her crazy. Jetta had always listened to her mother, but at the same time sheā€™d also been a complete wild child because he mother had allowed it as long as it was getting her publicity.

ā€œKill him.ā€ She finally breathed, turning back to face him. ā€œYouā€™ll never have me if you donā€™t kill him.ā€ Jetta shrugged. ā€œAnd donā€™t tell me itā€™s not that simple, because it is. Your job is to make people disappear.ā€ She said holding his eyes. ā€œStop being suck a fucking coward.ā€ She practically ordered.
"So what?"she breathed with a dark smirk on her perfect lips and somehow their mutual understanding that they would be the most fucked up couple, only made him want her that much more. She broke their kiss to slip his shirt off before her hands were running along his chest setting a fire along his skin that gave him a dangerously powerful high that he could never quite get enough of.

She rolled them over taking control and he let her for the moment. Her lips trailing along jaw driving him crazy, it felt like a chore trying to be patient and let her have the control. She started rubbing him over his jeans and even through the denim her touch was pure burning fire. He let out a low groan. No one had ever been able to make him so incredibly desperate to their touch as quickly as she made him.

Her lips started to move lower and he close his eyes, loving the way it felt when she was touching him. Finally her lips started to tease his waistline, before she undid his jeans quickly making him smirk down at her at the way she was rushing like she thought he might change his mind. She slipped her hand down his jeans before she started rubbing him making him groan, his eyes closed enjoying the way she touched him. It had only been a few days since theyā€™d been together, but in all honesty to him it felt like it had been years. It was like an addict going a few hours without a hit.

Heā€™d had enough though of her having control and he flipped them over again, he was struggling with taking things slow because he just wanted to feel her all over him. He slipped out of his jeans before, he slipped off her panties pushing open her legs. He pressed his lips against the side of her knee, before moving slowly along her skin up to her upper inner thigh, his kisses slow and agonizing even for him.

ā€œTell me how bad you want it.ā€ He whispered as he lend in kissing her lips. ā€œMake it convincing Kitten or else I might just leave you alone to finish yourself.ā€ He breathed against her lips with a wicked smirk as he started to finger her slowly.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow loved that she could make him feel as good as he made her feel. It was incredible, being with him and she loved that he felt the same way, she wasn't the only one hopelessly addicted and attached, he needed her just as much as she needed him. Enzo took control again, flipping her onto her back, slipping out of his jeans, making her smirk, sensing his urgency. He wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. He pulled off her panties then, pushing her legs open, making her bite her lip and let out a low moan when he pressed his lips against the side of her knee.

She wanted to get on with it so bad, it hurt, but she loved the way he liked to tease her, always dragging it out until she was absolutely desperate and then fucking her until she couldn't take it anymore. His lips moved up the inside of her thigh and Willow closed her eyes and moaned softly, enjoying the trail of fire he left along her skin, making her body want him more and more with every slow, lingering kiss. It was agonizing, but she didn't rush him because she knew he wanted to control the pace.

Finally, he brought his lips back up to hers, kissing her hard and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back with a soft moan, loving the taste of his lips, her entire body tingling, wanting more then just kissing and touching. ā€œTell me how bad you want it.ā€ He whispered, wanting to hear her beg for it. Xander used to make her beg him for things all the time and she hated it, she was spoiled, rich, and successful, she'd never begged for anything in her life. ā€œMake it convincing Kitten or else I might just leave you alone to finish yourself.ā€ He breathed against her lips, smirking wickedly, making her shiver and let out a whimper at the thought of him leaving her without fucking her.

He started fingering her slowly then and she gripped his shoulders tightly, letting out low, needy moans. She wanted more so bad, it hurt, but she was having a hard time concentrating on speaking with what he was doing to her. "Holy shit." Willa moaned, a shudder running through her body as she arched her hips and let out an impatient moan. "Please fuck me." Willow begged breathlessly, her heart racing. "I want it so damn bad. I need you to fuck me." She moaned kissing him hard, lips practically begging him to fuck her just as much as her words.


Drake pushed her roughly back into her room before closing and locking the door again, leaning on the wall and watching her. He was an idiot for giving her the keys and challenging her to run. She didn't back down from a challenge, that much was perfectly clear and he loved that about her, she was fearless and impulsive in ways he wasn't and probably never could be. She did things just because she wanted to, without thinking first, kind of like his brother and, even though it got her into trouble, she didn't care.

It was silent for a moment and she kept her back to him, making it impossible for him to tell what she was thinking, but from the tension in her body, he could tell she wasn't happy and she didn't believe he'd actually try to get her out of there. ā€œKill him.ā€ She finally breathed and he raised an eyebrow as she turned back to face him. That was dark, even for her. ā€œYouā€™ll never have me if you donā€™t kill him.ā€ Jetta shrugged, making his jaw clench as he looked away from her. ā€œAnd donā€™t tell me itā€™s not that simple, because it is. Your job is to make people disappear. Stop being such a fucking coward.ā€ She practically ordered.

It was silent for a moment. His first instinct was to get pissed off and say she was being ridiculous because that was how he'd been raised. He didn't love his father, but he worked for him and he was loyal to him. Still, once the wave of anger passed, he had to admit that the idea was tempting. He hated his father so it wasn't like he had any sort of emotional attachment to him. It'd be like any other murder he'd committed and she was right, it wouldn't be difficult. In fact, it'd actually be easier then a lot of the jobs he'd performed.

Most of the people he went after had purposely disobeyed them so they knew they were coming, but his father didn't. He had no reason to be looking over his shoulder and that alone would make it simple because it meant he'd be pretty much clueless. It only made it easier that he was the "favorite" son. By the time he even realized what had happened, he'd be dead. He was around his father all the time. Hell, it didn't have even have to be messy or complicated. Killing his father would be as simple as poison in his drink or shooting him in his sleep. And once it was over, he'd have the power. He'd be in control and could do whatever he wanted. Even if the others found out, he knew they wouldn't turn on him because they'd be too afraid of him after he murdered his own father.

The thought was becoming more and more tempting the longer he thought about it. Finally, he let out a sigh and brought his eyes back to hers. "You're right. It would be easy." He breathed simply with a smirk as if he was talking about riding a bike and not murdering his father. He reached out, grabbing her and pulling her close, wrapping an arm around her. "But if I do this, I better not wake up one morning and find you missing." He spat, holding her eyes, his words warning her. "It would be for us so we could be together." He said sternly, keeping his gaze locked on hers. "If you betray me the second my back's turned, I will hunt your ass down, and I will make you pay for it." He breathed darkly, needing her to know what she was getting herself into by deciding to be with him.


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Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She watched him, she could practically see his thought process as clearly as if heā€™d written it down on paper for her to read. He was selfish, twisted, and dangerous. His own father had brainwashed him to be that way. The same way Jettaā€™s mother had brained washed her to believe the only thing she was good for was her looks. She had a daunting feeling in the pit of her stomach that they would destroy each other, that once she got a taste of the kind of power heā€™d inherit things between them would only get colder and darker. Yet, somehow theyā€™d never be able to live without each other.

"You're right. It would be easy." He breathed simply and she knew she had him, sheā€™d gotten his attention. He grabbed her pulling her close and she melted the second he touched her, wrapping and arm around her, she held his eyes. "But if I do this, I better not wake up one morning and find you missing." he spat making her tense ever so slightly. He knew her way to well. "It would be for us so we could be together." he held her eyes making sure she knew how dead serious he was. "If you betray me the second my back's turned, I will hunt your ass down, and I will make you pay for it." He breathed darkly and she didnā€™t doubt his words.

She lend up placing a hand on the side of his face as she kissed him promising she wouldnā€™t leave him, but her kiss also told him that she knew they would be a fucking mess, but she didnā€™t care. She slipped her tongue past his lips, deepening the kiss. Sheā€™d only known the guy for two months, time though didnā€™t matter. She felt so strongly about him that she knew what they had was deeper then what her and Gavin had. It was real, they were both broken, but somehow they fit perfectly.

ā€œConsider me your ride or die.ā€ She breathed against his lips with a smirk. It wasnā€™t an I love you, but to Jetta that meant more then I love you and it was as close as sheā€™d probably ever get to saying it. ā€œBesides, the world thinks Iā€™m dead. Where the hell am I going to go?ā€ She kissed him again, before her lips started to move along his jaw. ā€œAnd what about her?ā€ she breathed against his skin. ā€œI donā€™t think I can share you with her babe. It kills me every time you leave me cause I know you go back to her.ā€ She breathed against his skin.

Deep down though she was aware that Drake wouldnā€™t stop seeing her. Hell even if ten years down the road the two of them settled down and had a few kids, heā€™d still probably be fucking her. She was his first real love, that was something that Jetta could never live up to. Not to mention Drake would probably never fully trust her because of his past with Skylar. Then there was Gavin, who somehow terrified her, even though Drake was a million times more dangerous.
"Holy shit." she moaned as she arched her hips into his touch and he smirked wickedly. "Please fuck me." she begged and he watched her loving that he could drive her so crazy. "I want it so damn bad. I need you to fuck me." she moaned kissing him hard and heā€™d have made her beg more if her kiss hadnā€™t been so desperate for him making him unable to drag it out any longer. He fingered her for a moment longer before he finally pulled away and started fucking her roughly.

They fucked for hours. Heā€™d gone down there in the middle of the day and now it was evening. The room was a disaster, which was pretty impressive considering their wasnā€™t much in the room to destroy. Like always it was incredible. Everything about her was unbelievably beautiful. He was in love with her he was well aware of that now. The thought though hit him that he honestly didnā€™t deserve her. She was way out of his league, despite how young she was, it was the fact that she was innocent no matter how mature she might think she was or no matter how much Xander had already fucked her up. She was still a kid.

He pulled her to his chest when he finally rolled off her. He wrapped and arm around her and he desperately just wanted to stay there with her. He knew though heā€™d have to leave soon. He spent too much time with her as it was, he was surprised that Xander hadnā€™t gone to his father yet and ratted him out by telling their his father how much time he tended to spend with Willa.

Willow was right and he thought about it as he laid there with her. The only way heā€™d ever be able to stay was if his father was dead and him and his brother were in power. His brother though was the real problem. Drake was his fatherā€™s favorite for a reason. He was mulling over the idea in his head, because he had to do it. Heā€™d already made up his mind, it was just telling his brother or not telling his brother.

ā€œIā€™m going to have to stay away for a few days.ā€ He breathed. ā€œGive Xander the keys and keep him distracted.ā€ He admitted hating the idea even as he said it. ā€œHeā€™s one of my fatherā€™s favorites, I canā€™t let him on knowing what Iā€™m doing.ā€ He breathed kissing her forehead before lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. ā€œI hate the thought, but if heā€™s kept busy it will be easier for me to pull this off.ā€ He spoke quietly.