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Drake LaCroix

"I'm a killer baby."

0 · 3,800 views · located in HollyWood, CA

a character in “Drop Dead, Beautiful.”, as played by desire99600




"Killing is as easy as breathing."

Image Image Image Image Image




| Full Name |
"The LaCroix family is a dangerous one. If you hear it, usually that means someone's dead or is going to die."
Drake Tyler LaCroix

| Nickname |
"It's one syllable. I think you can manage it."
Drake typically just goes by Drake because there's really not much you can shorten it to. Sometimes, people he's close to will just call him D.

| Age |
"I've seen and done more then most eighty year-olds."
Twenty-six years-old

| Gender |

| Role |
"I'm a killer babe."
Boy Two



| Appearance |
"Women can't seem to resist."
    >> Dirty blonde with lighter highlights <<
    >> Usually kept cut fairly short <<
    >> In summer seasons, the sun naturally bleaches it lighter <<
    >> Facial hair is sometimes shaven, but he normally lets it grow
    out a little. He never has lets it get too far though <<
    >> Very light blue <<
    >> More vibrant in sunlight <<
    >> Keeps himself fit with lots of exercise <<
    >> Fit torso with obvious abs <<
    >> Broad shoulders <<
    >> Tall, 6ft 3in <<
    >> When he was a teen he used to have one ear pierced,
    but he no longer wears it now that he's older. <<
    >> He has no other piercings <<
    >> Along left shoulder blade <<
    Trailing along his shoulder blade on his back, Drake has a fairly large
    scar. This he got from getting in a fight with the friend of his that
    stole his wife from him.
    >> Front of right shoulder <<
    Above his collarbone, on his right shoulder, Drake has three small scars
    from bullets. The night he got them, he'd been so high, he didn't even
    remember getting them. All he remembers is waking up nearly dead, in
    a hospital with about a hundred people asking him what had happened.
    >> Right thigh <<
    There's a scar on his right thigh from a car accident he got into once.
    He'd been extremely drunk and hit a tree. He fairly large piece of
    metal had wedged itself into his thigh.
    >> All Over <<
    Aside from these large, obvious scars, Drake also got several smaller,
    less noticeable scars on his body. They're mostly from getting into
    fights when he was a teen, but none are huge or were particularly
    life threatening situations.
    >> Left hand <<
    On the back of his hand, he has a skull in a rose tattooed
    >> Between shoulder blade <<
    His second tattoo is complex and detailed. Between his
    shoulder blades, Drake has a fairly large lion tattoo
    >> Inside of arm <<
    On the lower part of his arm, on the inside, Dark has a
    tattoo of the grim reaper with a moon behind it. This is
    because he does so many jobs, killing off celebrities,
    that, jokingly, some of the other guys call him the "Reaper"



    | Likes |
    "I like to kill."
    ♥ Dogs
    ♥ Women
    ♥ Parties
    ♥ Drinking
    ♥ Drugs
    ♥ Killing
    ♥ Rough sex
    ♥ Smoking
    ♥ Fast cars
    ♥ Black coffee
    ♥ His brother and sister
    ♥ Danger
    ♥ Fighting

    | Dislikes |
    "Just don't try and order me around."
    ✗ Failure
    ✗ Clingy girls
    ✗ Being told not to do something
    ✗ Emotional situations
    ✗ Being told what to do
    ✗ Idiots
    ✗ When people don't do what he says
    ✗ His ex-wife
    ✗ Sleeping
    ✗ Not getting his way
    ✗ Not having control
    ✗ Not being the best

    | Fears |
    "I don't fear."
    ☠ Losing his brother and sister ➛ Drake is extremely protective of his family. If someone says or does something to hurt them, you can bet your ass, he'll come after you. Even though he doesn't normally like to show emotion or express love, he loves his family more then anything in the world. If anything were to ever take them away from him, he'd probably lose it and he'd blame himself, even if it wasn't his fault. The way he sees it, he's the oldest so he's responsible for protecting them.
    ☠ Love ➛ Drake fell in love once and it ended horribly. It broke his heart when she did what she did to him and he never quite managed to recover from it. As such, he is honestly afraid to ever love again because he's afraid to trust someone that much only to be let down and hurt all over again.
    ☠ Becoming emotionless ➛ While he's afraid to love, Drake is also afraid to become emotionless. His job requires him to shut down any and all emotion so he does easily because that's what's necessary to do what he does. However, the job is gradually taking it's toll on him. Every year, he becomes a little colder, crueler, and emotionless. He's afraid that, someday, the job will be all he is, that he won't be able to care about anything anymore and it will cause him to do things even he can't handle at the moment.
    ☠ Failure ➛ Drake is a killing machine. He gets in, kills someone, and gets out without so much as blinking. Everything he does is precise and calculated with no room left for mistakes or failure because that's how he is. He succeeds and there's nothing else to it. Failure, to him, isn't an option and the thought of failure terrifies him because he can't fuck up. He can't let his father and his family down. He has to be the leader and he has to be the best he can be at his job or he's lost and confused.



| Personality |
"If you're not afraid of me, you should be."
Drake is the very definition of dangerous. Not only is his natural talent for murder terrifying, but the fact that he is capable of doing so with absolutely no emotional involvement whatsoever. The danger in Drake is that he's not afraid to do the shit others won't and he's smart enough to figure out how to do the shit others can't.

He's a man of precision. He get shit done with such accuracy and efficiency, it's scary because you know, if he sets out to do something, he does it and he does it well. He kills with confidence because he's been doing it for so long, he knows exactly what to do. It would be an understatement to say he's a professional at what he does.

There are three main reasons Drake is so good at what he does, and they're also the biggest reasons to fear him.

The first, is that he's smart. He likes danger, adventure, and thrill, but he's not impulsive. He thinks before he acts, making him all the more dangerous because he knows what he's doing when he's doing it. He helps his father run Equinox very easily because of how incredibly smart he is. Not only can he plan the perfect murder without even so much as blinking, but he knows how to do business and solve problems. If he had been born into a different world, he might possibly have been the CEO of a major corporation.

Another reason he's dangerous is because he's good with words. He can win in a fight and he won't hesitate to kill you, but, rather then throw his weight around to get what he wants out of people, he uses words. He's good at breaking a person down, getting into their head, and knowing just the right things to say to get the reaction he wants from them. He could probably, quite literally, sell ice to an eskimo. This skill comes in handy when he has to do things like deal with celebrities or torture information out of people, but it's also useful with women. Girls fall all over him because he always knows exactly what to say to talk them out of their clothes.

Drake is also absolutely ruthless. He's utterly cold and has nearly flawless control of his emotions. He can kill anyone and not feel a single ounce of regret, even his brother's girlfriend and child. It's easy to him, to lock down the his feelings like he doesn't have any. Many of the people working for him are even terrified of him because, since he's so detached and ruthless, he's willing to do the jobs the others won't even touch. He'll kill innocent people and torture for information.

Very rarely, will you ever get any sort of affection or emotion from him. Even the way he speaks to his brother and sister sometimes is strictly business, and when he gets angry, things get even more frightening because he very rarely explodes. His temper is one that lashes out in the most cruel ways. He's very calm when he's angry, but that doesn't mean he won't hurt you. In fact, it's quite the opposite. He doesn't just explode and beat the shit out of you because what he wants isn't just to cause pain. He wants to cause the most pain he possibly can. He'll tear a person so pieces emotionally and mentally before he ever even touches them.

At times, however, if pushed the right way, his lid will blow. It's hard to get him to explode, but not if you know how and when he does, it's terrifying because that's when he's lost all control. He doesn't even know what he's doing sometimes when he's that angry so he has no sense of restraint and it is very likely that, if you get him to flip, he'll kill you without so much as thinking about it.

Despite his cold hard demeanor, however, Drake does have feelings. He loves his family very much and would do anything for them, even die for them. He believes it is his job to protect them, so if anything were to ever happen to them, he'd take it hard and blame himself. It does take a toll on him, all of the awful things he does, but the only signs are subtle and you have to really know him to be able to tell because he's so hard to read.

In all, Drake is an extremely bad man. He does tons of drugs because he likes the way they make him feel. He treats women like shit, seducing them, fucking them and then throwing them away like nothing. He kills people ruthlessly, and he's willing to do things that even some of the cruelest guys working for him refuse to do. He knows the difference between right and wrong, he simply doesn't care.

Still, despite all this, in the end, he'd die for the ones he loves and does his best not to hurt them, even though he sometimes fucks up.



| History |
"It hasn't been easy, but there's no use trying to change it."
Growing up wasn't exactly easy for Drake, given the world he was born into. He's seen a lot of pain, experienced a lot of suffering, and done a lot of horrible, unforgivable things. As a child, his life was always filled with violence, murder, and danger. His father raised him to be a leader and a man of power, meaning sometimes he had to teach him hard lessons that many would consider cruel and abusive, but they were effective. All of his father's teaching turned him into what he is today: a ruthless killer.

Ever since he was a kid, it was clear he was going to be great. Even at a young age, he had a capacity to turn off emotion that let him witness horrible things with little trouble. He watched his father murder his mother and, though it wounded him deeply, he never showed a sign of it and this seemed to make his father happy because he was raising killers and killers had to be cold.

It became very clear to everyone that Drake was his father's favorite out of his three children. Kimber was a girl, which his father considered to be completely useless and not just that, but she was also the product of their mother's affair and not even really his daughter. Enzo, his younger brother, for some reason, never quite seemed to match up in his father's eyes. Every time Enzo would fail or do something reckless and get caught, their father would compare him to Drake, forcing him to live in his shadow, causing a bit of tension between the two brothers, even if they loved each other.

Fourteen was when he completed his first job. His father tested him by giving him a job that was easy in the sense that he wouldn't get much resistance, but difficult because the target was an innocent child. He was supposed to teach an actress a lesson and scare her back into obeying by killing her son. It was hard. Drake could control his emotions, sure, but he wasn't cold. He still felt horrible and the memory of that first kill still follows him around.

At nineteen, Drake fell in love with a girl named Skylar Freeman. She was one of the few female women working for Equinox. She wasn't a celebrity, like so many of the girls he met. She was good at killing off celebrities that caused them trouble, but, what she really did well was interrogate and torture people for useful information. She was dangerous and he was drawn to her from the moment he first saw her.

He fell for her and fell hard. They were pretty much inseparable for a long time. He'd been cold and detached for years, but Skylar seemed to bring him back to life, making him feel things again. When he was twenty-one and they'd been together for two years, they got married.

At twenty-two, his father asked him to do something that really pushed even his limits. His brother was in love with one of the celebrities that they had control over and the woman was starting to cause trouble. His brother couldn't do it, so Drake had to kill both her, and their child. He played it off like it had just been another job, but it had been hard on him because he hated hurting his family.

At twenty-four, his perfect married life with the woman of his dreams was destroyed. He discovered that she'd been cheating on him for a year, but not just with any random guy. She'd been fucking his best friend behind his back for over a year. He lost his shit completely. He went over to his best friend's place and they got in a fight that nearly killed him, but, in the end, he'd killed his friend.

Then he went after Skylar, but she was smart. She knew he'd go for her so she'd gone to his father. Normally, because she was a woman, he wouldn't give her the time of day, but she wasn't just any woman. She was one of his best murderers and interrogators. He couldn't afford to lose her. His father wouldn't let him kill her. Instead, he payed for their divorce, but he wouldn't let him lay a hand on her.

Skylar is still alive, working for his father and she's completely guiltless over what she did. She even purposely taunts him and teases him seductively. A few times, he's slipped up and slept with her only to wake up to her missing. She's driving him crazy.




baby girl, youre my baby girl
and dont every forget that s***
big world, its a big big world
the last thing i can do is commit
diamond rings, and fancy things
the stars don't shine as bright as this
shallow thoughts and empty hearts
how can you find the right fit? just can't, you just can't so

monogamy, is not for me
i wanna do whatever i please
dirty deeds, and sinful things
get down on your hands and knees

baby baby i want this to work
but maybe its the wrong approach
youve been held down, been missin the boat
love aint what you want the most
random a** with some brew and some gas
girl lets get emotional
i find it hard to believe that you want
something more than physical
so listen baby, cus i believe...

monogamy, is not for me
i wanna do whatever i please
dirty deeds, and sinful things
get down on your hands and knees




Da Vinci
I tried taking a picture of you
When I look at it nothing comes through
Sometimes I wonder if you're just a ghost
And I wonder who's haunting you most

I tried describing you to all my friends
But they just told me to polish my lens
You're sweet, generous, my sweetheart
I don't even know where to start

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words

I looked you up on
There was no record of Dad or of Mom
It's like you fell straight out of the sky
And left the scholars to figure out why

I like to think that I know quite a lot
But with you it feels like I forgot
I wish that I could explain who you are
But when I try to I never get far

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words

We've come so far, now here we are
We made it through the night
I know we will, be strong, cause still
Everything will be alright

Even Da Vinci couldn't paint you
And Stephen Hawking can't explain you
Rosetta Stone could not translate you
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I couldn't put it in a novel
I wrote a page, but it was awful
Now I just want to sing your gospel
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words
I'm at a loss for words, I'm at a loss for words


So begins...

Drake LaCroix's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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“Hollywood Heartthrob Gavin Parlor and Jetta Brooks are at it again. After two months apart the two are back together.” the lady in the YouTube video stated. Jetta sat on the edge of her bed, nothing but a pair of expensive lacy panties on, her laptop on her lap as she watched the video irritated. She was supposed to be getting ready for a night out at the club with Gavin and her sister. It was an attempt to help Willow get her mind off her Ex. Sure it had been a while since they’d broken up, but Jetta had to keep her sister busy. “Gavin was spotted front row at a fashion show in Milan last weekend, only for the two to be caught hand in hand into a club in Italy later that night.”

Suddenly the computer closed and Jetta glanced up to see Gavin standing above her dressed and ready to go he raised a brow as he lend in and kissed her. The taste of liquor on his lips made her smirk as she kissed him harder. “I don’t know why you watch that shit.” he breathed against her lips. He moved the computer aside and crawled over her as she laid back on the bed his lips moving slowly along her body. His hand moved down her body causing her to moan against her lips. He rubbed between her legs roughly. Causing her to let out quite, desperate moans.

Only they didn’t have a chance to go much further, when the door opened reveling her mother. “I really hope you’re not planning to do that under my roof.” Charlie spat irritated as she looked over the two of them. She didn’t bother shutting the door as she walked off and Jetta let out a frustrated noise as she pushed Gavin off of her.

“I don’t know why you don’t just move in with me.” He sighed sitting up as Jetta walked over to her closet pulling out a dark red cocktail dress that was way to mature looking for a nineteen year old, she slipped it on, avoiding the mirror as she did. She was craving a cigarette, but her mother would beat her if she even know she smoked.

“I told you babe, we fight too damn much and I can’t leave Willa here with the wicked witch.” She said stepping into her platform heels. “Besides, you get tired of me that much quicker.” She shrugged. She took the next hour perfecting her hair and make-up before finally slipping back out of the bathroom. “I’ll go check and see if Willa is ready.” She said slipping out of her room and headed to her sister’s room knocking on the door. “Wil, let’s go babe the nights wasting away.” She called from the other side of the door.
Enzo had spent the entire day at a sleazy strip club in downtown L.A. Him, his brother, and Gavin were pulling off one of the their biggest jobs ever. Taking out the Brooks sisters. In all honesty the only reason he knew anything about the girls was because Gavin and Xander had dated them and their mother Charlie had slept with their father a few times. Other than that, Enzo didn’t know much about them, nor did he care about two spoiled little bitches. Normally they killed celebrities, but there were occasions when they faked a celebrity’s death and kept them alive.

Charlie had failed to pay the reaming sum of money she owed his father and so, he was taking away both her girls, faking their death and torturing them. The idea was that Gavin took them out and on the way back the got into a fatal accident, the bodies were burned so badly in the accident they were non-existent. It was going to be a lot of work and it had to be a completely flawless job. The thought alone was exhausting to Enzo.

The stripped that laid in his bed next to him was still asleep, he couldn’t quite remember her name not that he needed to. He nudged her awake fairly roughly, causing her to groan and he rolled his eyes as he stood slipping his pants on, glancing to the clock. “Shit.” He breathed. He was late. He had to meet with his father and brother to go over last details make sure they were completely prepared. “Bitch, get the fuck out.” He spat grabbing he girl by her arm and lifting her effortlessly from his bed. He shoved her towards the door grabbing her clothes, not bothering to let her get dressed as he shoved her out of his room tossing her clothes at her, before slamming the door in her face.

He was quick to clean himself up, so it didn’t look like he’d been fucking some girl the entire afternoon. He sat down cutting lines of coke on his dresser before leaning down and snorting them. He decided it wasn’t enough and cut a few more lines, before finally heading out thankfully the girl was no longer around he was grateful for that.

He slipped down stairs and made his way through their huge house, before pausing outside his father’s office running his fingers through his hair as he opened the door and stepped inside. Of course, Drake was already there, why wouldn’t he be he was the prodigal son. His father glanced up looking less than impressed with Enzo.

“Nice of you to join us Blake.” His father breathed cruelly as he took a seat next to his brother. Enzo clenched his jaw, refraining from smarting off to his father. “As I was saying.” His father continued. “You two have to be in that intersection. Gavin’s slipping the some stuff into their drinks, they won’t remember much, but what he’s giving them won’t keep them high for very long.” He explained. “You’re on time limits…don’t fuck this up.” He said glancing to Enzo as he said it. “You two are going to be in charge of the two, keeping them contained.” He said glancing between the two of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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0.00 INK


Willow had been locked in her room pretty much all day. She'd only left her room once to go downstairs and grab something to eat and that was when her sister had managed to catch her in the kitchen and talk to her. She'd talked her into going to the club later that night and Willa had, reluctantly, agreed, before going back up to her room and locking the door for the rest of the day. She'd been avoiding talking to anyone all day and she'd been flipping back and forth between the TV and her laptop, alternating between watching various news stations and youtube videos.

It wasn't that she didn't love her sister or she was angry with her or anything, it was just a particularly hard day for her. She'd woken up that morning, showered, felt good, and then sat down and turned on the TV to find out from the news that, the night before, Xander had been released from prison. It had ruined her entire day to learn that he was out and so she'd locked herself in her room and refused to talk to anyone. She couldn't. Xander's release was fucking her up and driving her crazy and she really didn't want to look at anyone.

She hadn't seen Xander in four months and still, just the sound of his name was enough to send shivers down her spine. He'd really fucked her up when they'd been together and the last four months, she'd been fighting a hard, ugly battle to recover. He'd gotten her so hooked on drugs, it had been nearly impossible to get off of the shit he'd put her on, he'd put her in the hospital just before Jetta had him locked up so she'd had to recover physically, and he'd left her with more emotional scars then she could even name. He'd completely ruined her ability to love and trust, and the sick part was, after everything he'd done to her, she still had a fucked up obsession with him that she made sure not to tell anyone.

All day, she'd been watching reports about Xander's release. Most of them talked about their relationship and showed old pictures and clips that made her wince every time. That year of her life had been dark. She'd still been modeling and working, but she'd been in the tabloids nearly every week because of her ridiculous drug habit and the things she'd been doing with Xander. It was hard to watch videos of herself drunkenly crashing parties, having ugly, public fights, or, even worse, videos of her and Xander practically fucking each other in public places. Still, she wasn't sure why, but she'd been torturing herself with them all day.

Willa had been in a horrible place since she'd found out that morning. She was watching video after video, flipping between the TV and the computer like a crazy person and, every once in a while, she'd pick up her phone and pace the room, squeezing it tightly in her hand. She wanted to call Quinton, the man that had been Xander's dealer when they were back together. Willa had been off hard drugs for a long time now, but thinking about Xander all day had her horribly missing them. She wanted so badly to call Quinton and have her bring her something strong, but she was afraid of relapsing, sinking into another hole, and not being able to pull herself back out again.

Instead of the powerful, potent shit she knew Quinton could provide, Willow forced to settle for marijuana and a few mild pain killers. Her mom, of course, would murder her if she caught her smoking, so she had to sit over by the window every time she rolled a joint. She smoked enough to make any average person stoned off their ass, but to her, with all the heavy drugs she'd done for that year with Xander, it was practically nothing but a slight tingle

Eventually, after watching a video that focused more on some of the highlights of her and Xander's relationship as opposed to the problems, Willow couldn't take it anymore and she caved. She dialed Quinton's number and sat in her window sill, one leg hanging outside, the other in her bedroom as the phone rang and rang and rang for what seemed like hours. Before there was an answer, a knock on her door startled her and she hung up and tossed her phone across the room, onto her bed, suddenly realizing what she was doing and that she couldn't.

“Wil, let’s go babe the nights wasting away.” Her sister called from the other side of the door and Willow sighed, taking one last hit of her joint before flicking it out the window and swinging her leg back inside. She went to the door and pulled it open to see Jetta standing there, all ready to go and looking stunning as ever while Willow stood in front of her in nothing but one of Xander's old t-shirts she still saved.

"You'll have to give me a second." She breathed before turning away from her and slipping back into her room. She got ready as quickly as she could. Her hair was straight, her makeup dark, and her dress extremely short. She really didn't feel like going out in public but, at the very least, she figured, she could get shitfaced drunk and then go home with some hot guy and spend the night forgetting Xander even existed. That was, until the morning of course.

Finally, once she was ready, she grabbed a bottle of vodka from under her bathroom sink and took a long drink from it before putting it back with a sigh and slipping out of her room. She went downstairs to find Jetta and Gavin in the kitchen, kissing, causing her to roll her eyes and clear her throat. "Are we ready to go or are you two just going to stand there and make out all night?" She asked, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow as she looked them over.


Drake's day hadn't exactly been good and that was putting it lightly. It had started out decently, but it had gotten worse as it progressed. He'd woken up that morning with a hangover and two dark haired girls in his bed that honestly, looked way too young to be in his bed. He couldn't remember their names no matter how hard he tried, but honestly, he didn't really care. After a moment of failing to remember, he'd just kicked them out and gone to hop in the shower.

After showering and dressing, Drake started work. Only he didn't exactly work in an office. He worked for his father to exploit young celebrities, promising them fame in exchange for money and other favors. Typically, his job wasn't too difficult. He'd just send someone over to collect payment or meet with new celebrities who wanted the services only him and his family could provide. When a "client" failed to carry out their end of the deal however, his job got trickier and he then had to murder, torture, or kidnap anyone who refused to comply to their wishes or couldn't meet their demands.

That morning, things had been simple at first. He'd just had to send a few guys out to collect money from a few guys and he'd met with a pretty young girl who was dying to be an actress. He'd made a deal with her and even fucked her in the bathroom of the restaurant before he'd gotten a call from one of his guys and had to head over to where they kept all the people they kidnapped. Most of them were there to be tortured. Some for punishment, others for information. Some of them were there to be ransomed off as well or to scare one of their loved ones back into obedience.

He should have known she'd be there. His ex-wife, Skylar. If she wasn't off killing someone, she was there, working to get information out of their victims. She was honestly incredible at it, one of their best. In fact, she was so good at her job that no one treated her the way people in his world usually treated women. Unlike most girls, Sky was respected and even admired. Even his father treated her like one of his guys. Hell, his father's respect for her talents was the only reason she was even still alive.

Skylar had been up to her usual tricks, taunting him and making it a point to speak to him when all he wanted to do was ignore her and forget her existence. She was incredibly tempting, even after what she'd done to him, she still knew how to make him want her. He'd slipped up and kissed her and that had quickly turned into sex, and, in the end, he'd gotten no work done and fucked up by screwing his ex-wife for the hundredth time since their divorce.

Afterwards, they didn't bother talking about it, just went their separate ways. Her, to get back to work, him, to meet with his father and Enzo to talk about the final plans for their latest job: the Brooks sisters. After a while of waiting, Enzo finally arrived, late, and Drake ignored the slight tension, just listened to his father briefly about the plans before nodding. It was a complicated job, but he wasn't worried. They could pull it off easily.

"Don't worry dad, we've got this covered." Drake shrugged simply with a smirk, glancing over at his brother. "Don't we?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Her sister answered that door and Jetta raised a brow. She could tell just by the way her sister looked, she'd been obsessing over Xander all day. That was precisely why she'd done what she'd done in the first place. Xander was killing Willow, not figuratively but literally. She took a quick look over her sister, hating that she was so broken with Xander and even more broken it seemed without him.

"You'll have to give me a second." she breathed pulling Jet from her thoughts and she nodded as her sister turned away from her. She slipped down stairs where Gavin was in the kitchen having a pleasant conversation with her mother, like her mother hadn't walked in on the two of them about to have sex. Sometimes it irritated Jetta that her mother actually allowed her to be with so much older then her simply because it was publicity good or bad they were still getting attention.

When her mother finally slipped out of the kitchen Gavin backed her into the counter and pulled out a small mint tin and she knew exactly what it was making a wicked smirk paint her dark red lips. He ran his fingertips across his tongue, before setting the tin down beside her on the counter and grabbing her jaw roughly forcing her mouth open and she let it happen. He ran his cocaine dipped finger across her top gums, before kissing her hard, slipping his tongue past her lips. Gavin drove her crazy, the way he touched her and kissed her. She couldn't get enough of him and she lend into the kiss grabbing a fistful of his shirt pulling him closer and it probably would have went further if Willow hadn't cleared her throat and interrupted them.

"Are we ready to go or are you two just going to stand there and make out all night?" she asked and Jetta flicked her eyes to her sister, looking her over before shoving Gavin away walking across the room to her sister and pausing in front of her. Gavin followed, wrapping his arms around Jet's tiny frame resting his head on her shoulder.

"Cheer up sis." Jetta held her sister's eyes a wicked smirk on her lips. "Your beautiful, were fifthy fucking rich, and you can fuck any guy you want." she said honestly "Let's go have fun alright." she smiled trying to cheer up her sister.

"Yeah, maybe if I'm lucky I'll finally get both of you in bed." Gavin added, receiving an elbow in the stomach from Jetta, before she slipped away from him linking arms with her sister. "Babe, it was a joke." he called after Jetta as she led Willow out to Gavin's expensive, flashy sport car.

The drive to the club was fairly short and when they pulled up they were greeted by none other than a group of obnoxious paparazzi, calling out things just to get a rise out of them. However, most their comments were geared towards Willow and Xander's release. Jetta kept her close, while Gavin aggressively shoved them away and cursing them out.Gavin was a lot of awful things, but when it came to protecting Jetta and Willow, he took it pretty damn seriously.

They'd eventually managed to get into the club. The music was so loud you had to yell just to hear the person standing next to you. Security almost immediately escorted them to a private VIP area. Gavin kissed Jetta on the lips before excusing himself to get the three of them drinks. When they were alone Jetta got up and sat next to her sister.

"I know your worried about him." she said leaning in close so her breath was on her sister's skin. "But, we have a restraining order, he can't be around you or he'll get through right back in prison." She lend in and kissed her cheek then. "I won't let him hurt you, not again." her words were a promise. "Your sixteen Willa, not twenty-five. Let go." she breath against her sister's ear.
Enzo was well aware of how important the job was, despite his father's constant animosity towards him, Enzo was actually pretty damn good at pulling off jobs when he wanted to be. He just never gave it much effort, because there was no point to him when his father gave him little to no credit. "Don't worry dad, we've got this covered." his brother said simply and Enzo glanced to Drake raising a brow. "Don't we?" He asked and Enzo rolled his eyes before glancing back to his father.

"I don't know how I'd fuck up kiddnapping two teenage brats, but yeah...we, got it covered." he said with a shrug. "There girls, hell if you ask me Gavin could have probably pulled it off his self." he breathed before standing up like he had better places to be. "Well it's been great catching up, but I wouldn't want to fuck anything up so it's best we get an early start." he said before heading out of the room not bothering to wait for his brother.

He made his way down to the large garage where several of their cars were parked showroom floor style. He grabbed the keys to the black stingray corvette. They used it to do night jobs, because it was fast and small and it was also unmarked, there were no license plates for anyone to catch. He lend against the drivers door, lighting himself a cigarette and taking a long drag off of it.

He honestly didn't understand why these two particular girls had to be handled with such care. Their father had gone out of his way with this job. He didn't want the girls kept with all the other captives. Usually they had some lower end Equinox member look after the kidnapped, however his father wanted him and Drake in particular to watch after these girls. It was all irritating to him and he just wanted to get the whole damn thing over with.

He didn't even have to glance over his shoulder to know that his brother had opened the door and was walking over to him. His brother's presents in a room was as potent as his own, things in the air shifted when either of them were in the room, like a lasting tension they couldn't get rid of. He took a long drag off his cigarette, before blowing out a breath of smoke and turning to finally face his brother as he lend against the car.

"Took you ass long enough." he breathed, taking a finally drag off his cigarette before flicking it away. "You have a nice time fucking that bitch ex of yours." he said with a smirk gesturing to the hickey on his neck. "What she do this time to get your galible ass in bed?" he shook his head rolling his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willa watched as Jetta pushed Gavin away, walking over to stand in front of her. Gavin followed and wrapped his arms around Jetta. Willow sighed. Ever since Xander, she hated couples. Sure, she was happy that Jetta was happy, she just didn't like the idea of being in a couple anymore. She preferred to fuck random guys two or three times at the most and then dump them on their asses like it hadn't happened. She didn't want to get close to anyone, not anymore. "Cheer up sis." Jetta said, smirking wickedly. "You're beautiful, we're fifthy fucking rich, and you can fuck any guy you want. Let's go have fun alright." She smiled and Willow just smirked and shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe if I'm lucky I'll finally get both of you in bed." Gavin, making Willow roll her eyes before Jetta elbowed him in the stomach and slipped her arm through hers, Gavin calling after them as they slipped outside. In the car, Willow lit a cigarette and watched the window as they drove. She really didn't feel like going out, she'd rather sit at home and mope, but she knew Jetta was right. She had to get out of the house and stop thinking about Xander before it drove her fucking insane. She needed to get ridiculously drunk and fuck some random hot guy an forget Xander even existed.

After a short drive, they got out of the car and Willow rolled her eyes. There were cameras and people everywhere, shouting questions and taking pictures. Most of them were targeting her, asking her about Xander's release, how she felt about it, and even if they were getting back together. Willa just gritted her teeth and flicked them off as they pushed their way into the club, Gavin doing a pretty good job keeping them at bay.

Inside, they were shown to the VIP area where things weren't as crazy and Willow sighed as she took a seat. Gavin left to get drinks before Jetta sat next to her. "I know you're worried about him." She said as she leaned in close and Willa just shrugged like she didn't care and brought another cigarette to her lips, lighting it. "But, we have a restraining order, he can't be around you or he'll get thrown right back in prison." She said, placing a kiss on her cheek as Willow took a long drag from the cigarette. "I won't let him hurt you, not again. You're sixteen Willa, not twenty-five. Let go." She breathed in her ear and Willow blew out a long breath of smoke.

"You really think a restraining order will keep Xander away?" Willow scoffed and shrugged, not trying to be rude, just being honest because she knew Xander. She could have a team of body guards and an electric fence around her, he'd find away. A restraining order wouldn't mean shit to him. "He's going to come back eventually and when he does, he'll be pissed." She breathed, turning her head to hold her sister's eyes. "And not just at me." She said simply because it was the truth. Jetta had gotten him thrown into prison and he'd probably kill her for it. "I love you Jetta, and I want to believe you can keep him from hurting me, but I'm scared." She admitted with a shrug, bringing her cigarette back to her lips.

Before her sister could respond, Gavin returned with the drinks and she stood, not bothering to wait for him to hand them out. She took hers from his hand and downed it quickly in no more then a few swigs. "I think I'll go find someone hot to grind on." She smirked simply before slipping away from them. She went to the bar first and took several shots, getting herself good and drunk. The bartender hadn't even looked at her funny. Even though she was only sixteen, he still served her shot after shot.

After doing four shots, someone placed their hand on the small of her back and leaned in close to her ear so she could hear him over the loud music. "Want to dance?" The guy asked and she smirked, glancing at him. He was easily old enough to be her father and she had no idea who he was, but she didn't care. She just nodded and grabbed his hand, dragging him out onto the dance floor, grinding her body against his sexually, without a care in the world.


"I don't know how I'd fuck up kiddnapping two teenage brats, but yeah...we, got it covered." Enzo said, shrugging and Drake sighed. He could understand his brother's frustration. Their father honestly never gave him enough credit. Enzo was great at what he did, but their father just never seemed to see it. "They're girls, hell if you ask me Gavin could have probably pulled it off himself." He breathed and stood. "Well it's been great catching up, but I wouldn't want to fuck anything up so it's best we get an early start." He said, taking off.

Drake sighed and their father rolled his eyes. "Your brother's such an ass." He said simply and Drake just smirked and shrugged. He assured his father one more time they could handle it and his father told him he knew they could before Drake slipped out of the room. He didn't go to the garage right away. First, he went upstairs. He snorted a few lines of coke and grabbed his gun before making his way out to the garage.

His brother was already there, leaning against a car, smoking a cigarette. Drake smirked as he approached him and stood in front of him, lighting his own cigarette. "Took your ass long enough." He breathed, flicking his cigarette and Drake just took another drag of his and shrugged. "You have a nice time fucking that bitch ex of yours." He said with a smirk, gesturing to a hickey on his neck, making Drake's jaw clench slightly. "What she do this time to get your gullible ass in bed?" He asked, making him raise a brow.

"None of your fucking business." Drake shrugged simply with a smirk. "Now do you have anymore questions or can we get going?" He asked, raising his eyebrow and heading around to the other side of the car, climbing into the passenger seat. He took a long drag off his cigarette as he waited for his brother, slightly pissed off now that he'd brought up Skylar. He hadn't meant to fuck her. He never did.

In fact, he hated her so much, he honestly wished his father would let him kill her. There just seemed to be something about her that he couldn't seem to resist. Maybe it was because he used to love her once, he wasn't sure, but when she started to tease him, he always seemed to find himself playing along and, before he knew it, they were fucking. He didn't love her anymore, he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her, but he had to admit, she was pretty damn goof in bed and, if he was being entirely honest, there was a small part of him that missed what they used to have, before she'd gone and fucked everything up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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"You really think a restraining order will keep Xander away?" Willow scoffed and Jetta sighed frustrated, because she knew her sister was right. "He's going to come back eventually and when he does, he'll be pissed." She breathed turning and Jetta held her sister's eyes. "And not just at me.I love you Jetta, and I want to believe you can keep him from hurting me, but I'm scared." she admitted bringing the cigarette to her lips and Jetta opened her mouth to say something only Gavin came back with their drinks.

Before Jetta could say anything to her sister, Willow was up and slamming back the drink Gavin had brought for her. "I think I'll go find someone hot to grind on." She said before slipping away. Jetta set her drink on the table in front of her, standing up to head after her sister, to keep her from doing something stupid. Jet was extremely protective of her sister and a part of her felt bad for having separated Willow from Xander, it was like now without him she couldn't breath on her own and the drugs and liquor were the equivalent of an oxygen tank. It was killing Jetta to see Willow so fucked up.

Only she hadn't gotten very far before Gavin wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her roughly down to sit next to him. "Let her go." he breathed in her ear and there was something so darkly intoxicating about his words, she couldn't move. He wrapped a hand around her neck and kissed her hard, slipping something into her mouth as he kissed her. Stupidly, because it was Gavin she trusted him she hadn't even asked what it was.

They made out for a long time, before he pulled leaning forward and grabbing her drink. She downed it, Gavin's hand resting high on her upper thigh. The drugs in her system, mix with the fire of his touch on her bare skin had her ready to fuck him right there and he knew it by the way her leg bounced up and down impatiently. He stood up then and led her to the bathroom and she followed without so much as hesitating. Once they were in the bathroom, he shoved her against the wall, it didn't matter that there were girls fixing their make-up in the mirror.

He hiked up her skirt and slipped off her panties while she quickly and desperately undid his jeans. He lifted her and started fucking her roughly. It was fucking incredible, whatever drugs he'd given her, had her so high she could care less where they were or who was watching. Hell she could care less if a picture of them fucking made the front page of tabloids tomorrow. All that mattered was the way his body felt all over hers.

After tey'd been fucking for sometime, her body started feeling heavy and she pushed him away with what strength she had left. She pulled her panties up and she didn't have time to adjust her dress before she lend to the side and threw up. Whatever he'd given her had made her sick and weak. She could hear him asking if she was alright but it sounded distant, before she knew it, he was carrying her out to the car only this time there was no paparazzi around. She was confused as fuck and eveything seemed hazy and far away. Her head felt heavy as he laid her into the front seat of the car seat belting her in.

He kissed her forehead and she wanted to ask him what was going on but she almost felt paralyzed. "I'm going to go find your sister so we can get you home." he breathed before shutting the door and leaving her alone.
"None of your fucking business." his brother said with a shrug a wicked smirk on his lips. "Now do you have anymore questions or can we get going?" he asked raising a brow as he slipped around to the passenger side of the car and Enzo smirked, he loved fucking with his brother. For the most part the two got along, when they weren't around their father, despite their past.

"Yeah, actually I do have one more important question." Enzo said and an arrogant tone as he slipped into the drivers side of the car. Watching in his rear view mirror as Teddy another one of their men got into another car behind them, the car that was going to cause the accident. It was twisted that they planned as far as having cars made specifically for what they were about to do. "When are you two renewing your vows?" he said glancing to his brother, being the sarcastic smart-ass he alsways was

The garage door opened up and the car roared to life as they pulled out. Enzo didn't exactly drive safely or slowly. You'd think after almost dying in a car accident it would have changed the way he drove, it only made him more dangerous. It was late on a Saturday night in Los Angeles, yet that didn't bother Ezno as his police scanner turned on. He could avoid every police cruiser. He shifted the car as they pulled out onto the road.

"You know if you do get married, I'll be your best man...any reason to dress nice and get fucked up." he smirked continuing to taunt his brother as he dodged through traffic, running lights that switched from yellow to red. He was an expert driver. "Think of it this way, at least you won't be tempted to fuck one of these stupid bitches, you'll be to preoccupied planning that wedding." he laughed at his own joke. He started steering the car with one of his knees as he lit himself a joint and adjusted the radio station in the car.

The scariest thing about the LaCroix brothers, was when they did jobs, it was exactly that, just another job. They didn't have any regrets or remorse about fucking up a family or causing yet another Hollywood tragedy. Ezno took a long drag of the joint before offering it to his brother only half paying attention to the road, but still driving as if his full attention was on the road.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow danced with the man for quite a while, letting his hands wander and grinding her body against his shamelessly. She didn't even ask his name because she didn't care. All that mattered were his hands on her skin and her body against his, keeping thoughts of Xander far away from her. Eventually, he took her hand and before she'd even realized it, he was pushing through people, pulling her off the dance floor.

They made their way back to the bar and he bought her several more shots before, at some point, he grabbed her hair and pulled her close, kissing her. Willow smirked against his lips and kissed back, loving the way it felt to kiss some random stranger twice her age. She liked doing the wrong thing, it got her high. He kissed her roughly and spun her so her back was pushed up against the bar and his body was against hers as he kissed her even harder, clearly wanting her, making her smirk.

He slipped a hand up under her dress then, rubbing her between her legs, teasingly over her panties. Willow bit her lip hard and held his eyes as he did it, trying hard not to moan or make any noise because they were in the middle of the bar. It excited her and drove her crazy that he was touching her right there with so many people around and the alcohol in her system only made it feel that much better. He leaned in, kissing her neck softly as he pushed her panties aside and started rubbing her roughly, making her bite her lip even harder. She couldn't believe no one had noticed yet.

After an agonizingly long time of him touching her and her trying not to make it obvious, he took her arm and pulled her quickly through the club. Willow's head was starting to spin, but she blamed it on the liquor and let him drag her right out the back door and push her up against the wall hard. Her whole body was dying for him to fuck her after the way he'd just been touching her, but she was quickly realizing something.

Her head was spinning out of control and she was starting to feel weak. One of her drinks had been spiked. He'd fucking drugged her. Willa tried to push him away as he pulled down her panties, but she was too fucked up to really put up a fight. He just spun her around, pushed her face against the back of the building, and started fucking her hard.

When they were finally finished, he kissed her forehead before slipping back inside and Willow might have gone with, but she couldn't. Her whole body felt weak, like just her foot weighed a thousand pounds and it would take more effort then it was worth to lift it. She pulled her panties up and slid down the length of the wall to sit on the ground, lighting herself a cigarette clumsily as she tried to think back to when she'd been drinking with him. Which drink had been spiked? Her mind was hazy and she couldn't figure it out.

A voice came to her then and she glanced up to see Gavin standing over her. She looked at her cigarette, realizing she'd lit it, but then let it burn out completely without even noticing. Gavin asked her if she was okay and Willa could only manage to shake her head miserably. He asked if she could walk, and she bit her lip and tried to stand. She failed and slipped back to the ground so he lifted her and she let him because she honestly just wanted to get home. A little while ago, she'd felt incredible, but now she just felt weird and she didn't like it. He carried her back to the car and Willow leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes, hoping they'd be home soon so she could sleep off whatever drug was in her system.


"Yeah, actually I do have one more important question." Enzo said arrogantly as he slipped into the car and Drake just rolled his eyes. He could tell by his brother's tone, he wasn't seriously asking a question. He was going to taunt him more about Skylar and he honestly wished he wouldn't, but there was no stopping Enzo. If he asked him to shut up, it would honestly only amuse him that he could get a rise out of him and he'd try harder. Drake just had to deal with it. "When are you two renewing your vows?" He asked sarcastically and Drake just rolled his eyes again and took a drag off his cigarette.

The garage door opened and Enzo peeled out quickly, making Drake smirk. They both drove like maniacs because their cars were fast and it felt good to drive recklessly. That's exactly how Enzo was driving. He was moving fast, weaving in and out of cars, running lights, not whipping through the streets like someone was chasing them. Even if someone was, it would be hard to keep up, with the way Enzo drove.

"You know if you do get married, I'll be your best man...any reason to dress nice and get fucked up." He smirked tauntingly and Drake just smirked, knowing he wasn't done yet. "Think of it this way, at least you won't be tempted to fuck one of these stupid bitches, you'll be to preoccupied planning that wedding." He laughed and started to steer with his knees, lighting a joint. Any sane person would have been scared shitless, in the passenger seat with Ezo, but Drake didn't even flinch. He drove the same way and he knew his brother could handle it.

Enzo took a hit off the joint before handing over to him and Drake smirked and took it, taking a long hit. "You're a fucking asshole." Drake said with a smirk, glancing at his brother before handing the joint back. "We're definitely not getting married again, I just like to fuck her every once in a while." He shrugged simply and took another drag from his cigarette before flicking it out the window. "Besides, even if we did, you wouldn't be by best man. You're too much of a dick." He teased casually, like they weren't on their way to kidnap two innocent girls just to punish their mother.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She hadn't even realized she'd passed out until she heard the door slam shut making her jump, although whatever drugs where in her system kept her from opening her eyes wide enough to see that Gavin had put her sister in the car, her head was pounding so bad, she managed to let out a miserable groan as Gavin started the car and the motion of the car seemed soothing enough that she started to fade in and out of consciousness.

The drive seemed longer and she opened her eyes enough to notice they weren't going home, instead she wasn't entirely sure where they were headed. Then again for all she knew they could be headed home. She was confused as head, her thoughts were hazy. Gavin kept asking her if she was okay, but she couldn't answer him. Whatever he'd given her was seriosuly fucking her up. She'd never been completely conscious, but completely immobile at the same damn time and it was frustrating as hell.

There was a loud shattering and Jetta felt her body lunge forward and if it hadn't been for the seatbelt Gavin had strapped over her, she'd have flown out the window. She was numb to the pressure she felt on her body, but she knew something was seriously wrong, but her body was paralyzed. Her eyes fluttered open only for a short painful moment to see Gavin to some other guy, before her eyes closed again and she tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

She tried to call her sister's name to see if she was alright, but she couldn't get the words to form. She was struggling and on the verge of having a full blow panic attack, only still she couldn’t' fucking move and she was losing it very quickly. She was trapped inside her head.
He glanced to his brother as he took a long hit off the joint. "You're a fucking asshole." Drake smirked and Enzo laughed. "We're definitely not getting married again, I just like to fuck her every once in a while." he shrugged and Enzo took the joint back taking another long drag off of it as they got closer to the intersection. "Besides, even if we did, you wouldn't be by best man. You're too much of a dick." he teased casually and it was terrifying how good the two of them were at closing down their emotions.

Enzo pulled up to the curb and cut the engine of the care as he checked the police radar making sure they were clear of any cops catching them. They had a good five minute window for the accident talking place, them getting the girls out of the car and replacing their bodies with to girls who resemble them well enough. They weren't even worried about DNA or autopsies. Gavin was staying behind stating he got out of the car and couldn't get them out in time.

"Fuck you." Enzo smirked. "You'd only be so lucky to have me as your best man...then again I forgot you and Gavin are sprung off each other." he smirked as he glanced up waiting for Gavin to pull up into the intersection any second now. He glanced to his brother taking another drag off his joint. "You suck his dick? Or does he suck yours? I've always wonder which one of you is the girl in the relationship." he asked with a wicked smirk.

He blew out a breath of smoke just as Gavin started to roll through the intersection and without even so much as flinching he watch Teddy ram into the side of Gavin's car T-boning him. "Oh shit, that suck I guess I'll never know." he smirked as he stepped out of the car knowing they couldn't waist time. He watched as Gavin got out of the car looking pissed as he walked over to Teddy.

"What the fuck man. I told you to hit my side, you could have killed her." Gavin spat irritated as Enzo walked up to the two of them. Enzo didn't waste time with trying to stop the banter between the two guys. He walked over to the back passenger side opening the door, revealing a very drugged version of the youngest Brooks sister. He grabbed her around her waist, tossing her over his shoulder effortlessly.

"You fucking faries going to keep on arguing or you going to get you shit together." he spat at the two who were still bickering at each other. Gavin scoffed irritated and Enzo just smirked as he popped the trunk laying the blonde in the back, adjusting her to make room for her sister. "Three minuet's" He called watching his brother grab the other sister while Gavin told him to be careful with her. Enzo rolled his eyes as Teddy went to work setting the car on fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow just wished she could focus. She couldn't get her mind to settle on one thing no matter how hard she tried. Every time she tried to think about something, her mind drifted and her eyes kept opening and closing because she was on the verge of falling asleep. She wanted to speak up and tell Gavin and Jetta that she felt weird and that she thought that guy had spiked her drink, but she couldn't. She couldn't seem to muster enough strength to speak.

It was strange, she'd been drugged a hundred thousand times by Xander to make her compliant and want to fuck him, but hed' never given her something this strong. Why would someone who just wanted to fuck her give her something that would completely immobilize her? It didn't make a lot of sense, but then again, nothing did at the moment, she couldn't really wrap her head around it so she just gave up trying.

Willow watched the world fly by outside the car and it was a long time before she realized they weren't headed the right way. Where the hell was Gavin going? The only thing she could think of that made any sense was that maybe he was going to a hotel so him and Jetta could fuck without her mother around. Still, that didn't make complete sense. Gavin had a place, they could just go there, and, if they were trying to avoid her mother so they could fuck, it would make more sense to drop her off at home first. Where Gavin was taking them, she didn't know, but she was too high to even ask.

The car jolted violently sometime later and it took her a long time to realize they'd been in an accident. Suddenly, she was worried for her sister, but she couldn't say or do anything. Someone was pulling her from the car then and she expected it to be Gavin or Jetta, but it wasn't. It was some guy she'd never seen. She could hear Gavin arguing with someone and the man holding her carried her over to another car, laying her down in the trunk.

That was when her foggy brain started to figure things out. They were being kidnapped and Gavin had planned it. It was him who'd spiked her drink, not the guy she'd fucked. Suddenly, she was terrified. What the fuck was going on? Jetta was placed in the car next to her then before the trunk was slammed shut and they were plunged into darkness. Fuck. She couldn't figure out what was going on to save her life. The only thing that came to mind was Xander. Was he behind this somehow? Her heart was pounding and she wanted to scream as the car roared to life and started moving, but she couldn't do a damn thing. She just had to wait.

Eventually, the effects of the drug started to fade a little. Her head was still foggy and spinning, and her movements were groggy and slow, but at least she could move. There was no pretending to be brave and denying it, she was terrified. Willow pulled herself closer to her sister and wrapped her arms around her, trying not to freak out, just needing to be close to her sister and know that, for now at least, they were alive. "If this is Xander, I'm so sorry." Willa whispered weakly. "I never should have gotten involved with him." She breathed as she held her sister tighter.


Finally they arrived and Enzo pulled over and cut the engine. They sat in silence as Drake lit another cigarette and rolled the window down, resting his arm on it as he smoked and watched the road calmly. It was a big job, but he wasn't even remotely nervous because kidnapping was nothing compared to actually murdering someone and getting away with it and he did that all the time. It would be easy and take less then five minutes. There was nothing to be worried about.

"Fuck you. You'd only be so lucky to have me as your best man...then again I forgot you and Gavin are sprung off each other." Enzo smirked and Drake raised an eyebrow as he took a drag off his cigarette. "You suck his dick? Or does he suck yours? I've always wonder which one of you is the girl in the relationship." He asked with a wicked smirk and Drake just smirked and rolled his eyes, ignoring his brother while he waited for Gavin to show up with the girls.

Just then, the accident happened and he smirked, watching Gavin drive through the intersection only to be hit by Teddy, just like they'd planned. "Oh shit, that suck I guess I'll never know." Enzo smirked before stepping out of the car. Drake knew he had to hurry, but he wasn't the least bit worried. He just casually took one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it away and following his brother over to the car where Teddy and Gavin were, arguing.

Drake just rolled his eyes. Gavin was all worried about the older sister, his girlfriend, but Drake knew he was an idiot. If he really cared about her, he wouldn't have help them stage their kidnapping. His father would probably torture them and have them killed at some point anyway, who the fuck did Gavin think he was protecting? Drake just ignored the argument and went over to the car, pulling the older girl out of it.

She was extremely fucked up, so she didn't resist, but he knew she wouldn't stay that way long. The drugs she'd had were strong, but fairly short-lived so he took her to their car and quickly lay her in the back with her sister. He smirked before slamming the trunk shut and glancing at his brother. Teddy and Gavin could handle the rest, they had to get out of there. "Alright, let's go." He said simply, heading over to the passenger side and getting in, not wanting to waste time waiting around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Jetta felt someone pick her up and she assumed it was Gavin, until she heard his voice behind her telling whoever was carrying her to be careful. That was when it all sank in. She was being kidnapped, Gavin had set this whole thing up. She wondered briefly how long he'd been planning it. She felt someone lay her in the trunk and she got a brief look at him before he slammed the trunk shut confining Jetta alongside her sister. It was only a matter of time before Jetta lost it.

The drugs were starting to wear off which meant the more conscience Jetta became the more likely she was to have a full blown panic attack. Her breathing started to increase noticeably as the car continued to drive. She couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that she was trapped in a small enclosed space. She felt her sister move closer, wrapping her arm around her and that seemed to calm her a bit for the moment, it gave her something else to focus on but she knew it wouldn't last very long.

"If this is Xander, I'm so sorry." Willa whisper, her voice was weak."I never should have gotten involved with him." she breathed as she held Jetta tighter and under any normal circumstances, Jetta would have been mature about the situation. She'd have comforted Willa, but her fear of being trapped was creeping up on her, because every second that ticked by the drugs were fading and she was becoming more aware of her surroundings. She swallowed hard focusing on trying to get words out.

"No way in hell this is Xander." she breathed. "If he wanted me dead and you back...admit it Willa he'd do it himself. Her voice was a whisper. "Even if it was him," she swallowed again clearly between freaking out and staying clam. "It wouldn't be your fault, Gavin was clearly a part of it," she hissed his name. "If we don't get out of this car though, it's not going to be pretty." she knew her sister would know what she meant, although Willow had only seen a handful of her attacks.

It was quite for a long moment as Jetta squeezed her eyes shut desperately trying to pretend she was in a trunk being kidnapped by her boyfriend, her sister's ex, or someone worse. Only she heard the laughing of the two men over the soft buzz of the radio breaking through her attempt at meditation. The smell of weed seemed to calm her back down though as she started getting feeling back in her body.

"Wil, when they open this trunk you have to run." she whispered. "I doubt they expect us to fight back." she breathed honestly just as the car came to a stop. She hopped like hell they would be getting out of the back of the car soon, she wasn't sure how much longer she could manage to keep herself from flipping out.

Enzo waited until his brother was back in the passenger seat of the car before he took off expertly driving like usual. This time though he stopped at stop lights like he was supposed to a drove a little less reckless as to not draw attention to them and the two human being they had drugged in the trunk of their car. The house they were headed two was high up in the Hollywood Hills away from the city and away from people who might be suspicious.

The drive was fairly long but not too far. Only without telling Drake, Ezno took a different turn. e pulled up in front of his dealers house. "I'll be right back." he said not really giving his brother a chance to say anything before slipping out of the car and heading inside. He did a few lines of coke with him, before paying him and picking up a briefcase full of cocaine. Once he slipped out of the car he tossed the briefcase in the backseat and without a word they were off again.

The drive was only a good fifteen minutes after that before they pulled up out front of the large house. Their father had the house specially build. Where they were keeping the girls, even if the police were tipped off they'd never find them. The basement had a hidden door. It was genius really. He sighe as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Gavin will be up in a week or so. Xander's coming tomorrow." he shrugged "Dad said the four of us get to word in shifts. Oh and your wife may be up here a few times" he said with a roll of his eyes "Now let's get this shit over with so I can enjoy the rest of my night in peace." he said as he slipped out of the car headed to the trunk.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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"No way in hell this is Xander." Jetta breathed and Willow bit her lip. It was the only thing that made sense. Who else would try to kidnap them? "If he wanted me dead and you back... admit it Willa he'd do it himself." She whispered, making her sigh, knowing her sister was right. Xander was reckless and dangerous, but he was also a perfectionist. No way in hell he'd ever trust someone else to get them. He'd want to do it, not only to make sure it was done right, but also, because he would want to be the one scaring the shit out of her.

"Even if it was him," Jetta said, pulling her from her thoughts and Willow could tell by the panic in her sister's tone that she was freaking out. "It wouldn't be your fault, Gavin was clearly a part of it." She hissed and Willow sighed. "If we don't get out of this car though, it's not going to be pretty." She breathed and with that, Willow pulled her sister tighter to her, holding her close and rubbing her back slowly with her hand.

She knew Jetta was terrified of small spaces and she was close to sheet panic. Willow was fucking terrified, but she knew she had to be the strong one for the moment or her sister would completely fall apart. So she just swallowed her fear and held Jetta through the drive. She rubbed her back and stroked her hair softly, breathing slowly so that Jetta could feel how calm she was and maybe feed off it a little. The men were laughing and talking and she tried to listen, for any clues about who they were or what was going on, but the voices were too muffled to really her anything.

The car stopped but only for a little while before it stared again and they were back on the road, driving for quite a while. "Wil, when they open this trunk you have to run." She whispered and Willow sighed. "I doubt they expect us to fight back." She breathed. She was probably right, they wouldn't be expecting a fight, but the truth of the situation was, there wasn't really anything they could do. They were totally stuck.

"Jetta, I don't think we can run." She breathed realistically, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. "For one thing, they're a hell of a lot stronger then us, and I'm still a little weak from whatever drug I was given." She sighed, hating the fact that she wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to get away. At least not for a while. "Besides, they've got guns, I saw them." She breathed. "If we run, they'll probably just shoot and if they don't, what's the point anyway? Where the hell will we go if we don't even know where we are?" She whispered.

Finally the car stopped again and she hoped this time it was for good. She heard the door slam and footsteps coming close so Willow squeezed her sister's hand. "Don't do anything stupid, not yet." She sighed in the darkness, heart beating fast. She wasn't sure what was going on, but at the very least, they wanted to keep them alive. At least for a little while. Otherwise, they wouldn't have gone through the trouble staging an elaborate kidnapping. They would have just killed them.


As soon as they were both in the car, Enzo took off again, only this time, he took care to mind the lights and stop signs, not wanting to give any cop a reason to pull them over. Drake knew that the drugs the girls had in them would be wearing off soon and the drive was long. He just hoped they didn't do anything stupid when they finally showed up because then he'd have to hurt them. Not that it bothered him to hurt them, it was just a hassle. Everything always went a lot smoother when people cooperated and didn't make rash decisions, though he was rarely ever that lucky.

They drove for a long time, not really talking about anything in particular, just casually laughing and joking around like there weren't two supermodels in the trunk of their car and they hadn't just faked the deaths of a couple celebrities. The girls were innocent, Drake knew that. It was their mother who had crossed their father so really the girls didn't deserve what they were getting, but Drake didn't care. It wasn't always about killing the target. Sometimes, it was about teaching the target a lesson. If they could scare their target back into obedience then, not only would they make sure they never crossed them again, but they also wouldn't lose any clients in the process.

This wasn't an ordinary kidnapping though and Drake didn't know why. Sometimes a target would skip town and disappear so they'd kidnap a loved one and torture them for information. Sometimes, they'd kidnap loved ones and ransom them off for triple the debt originally owned. Sometimes, they kidnapped and tortured loved ones just to punish a target, but it was always the same procedure. They'd pick up the victims and then take them back to the place where they kept them all to be dealt with by Skylar, him, and some of the other guys.

These girls, for some reason, were different. His father was going all out. He'd gotten them a special house and was going to assign Xander, Gavin, Enzo, and himself, the task of watching them. What was so special about these girls, he had no idea. All he knew was, if he questioned his father's judgement, he'd never hear the end of it. He just had to keep his mouth shut and do what his father told him to do, no matter how strange it was.

"I'll be right back." Enzo said after a while, pulling him from his thoughts. By the time he realized they were at his brother's dealer's, Enzo was already out of the car and inside. Drake sighed and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag as he waited until, finally, his brother came back out with a briefcase that was no-doubt filled with drugs. They didn't waste time, just got back on the road and in another fifteen minutes, they'd arrived.

"Gavin will be up in a week or so. Xander's coming tomorrow." Ezno explained and Drake nodded. "Dad said the four of us get to word in shifts. Oh and your wife may be up here a few times." He said, making Drake roll his eyes. ex wife, he wanted to correct him, but just kept his mouth shut, not wanting to cause Enzo to tease him all over again. "Now let's get this shit over with so I can enjoy the rest of my night in peace." He said, slipping out of the car. Drake smirked, taking one last drag of his cigarette and flicking it away before following.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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"Jetta, I don't think we can run." She breathed, being realistic about the situation. "For one thing, they're a hell of a lot stronger then us, and I'm still a little weak from whatever drug I was given." she sighed and Jetta matched her sigh knowing she was right. "Besides, they've got guns, I saw them. If we run, they'll probably just shoot and if they don't, what's the point anyway? Where the hell will we go if we don't even know where we are?" she whispered and Jetta took a shuttering breath.

The car came to a finally stop and Jetta felt warm tears staining her cheeks.She hadn't even realized she'd started crying and she honestly couldn't remember the last time she'd cried. She was terrified for her life, for her sister's life, and because the drugs in her system were nearly gone, but her body was weak. She was also terrified of being sober, because when she was sober she tended to be a complete wack job. Willow squeezed her hand, pulling her from her thoughts and she bit her lip to try and stop crying.

"Don't do anything stupid, not yet." she sighed and nodded her head as the trunk opened up. Tall man who she'd never seen before grabbed her roughly by her upper arm yanking her from the car and she winced trying to not freak out, glad she was out of the trunk. He shoved her in the direction of the other man, smirking as he did.

Jetta shoved the man away, clenching her jaw tightly and her heart pounding in her chest. "Don't fucking touch me." she spat taking a few steps back, not running just want a few seconds of space to collect herself though she highly doubted they'd give it to her she glanced to see the other man pulling her sister out of the car. "Don't hurt her." her tone was less hostel now, her tone begging him now because she didn't think she could handle something happening to her little sister, she definitely couldn't handle it sober. "Please."she breathed.
Enzo rolled his eyes as he popped the trunk the two girl clung to each other and he instantly knew he'd have to separate them to get them to cooperate. He grabbed the older sister by her upper arm roughly yanking her effortlessly from the trunk, before shoving her roughly in the direction of his brother. He hears he yell at him not to touch her and rolled his eyes before scoffing irritated at how pampered he could tell the two of them were.

He grabbed the younger sister, whom he took into consideration for the first time, that she was insanely beautiful. He pulled her roughly from the back of the trunk before slamming it down and pressing the gun against her lower back a wicked smirk on her lips. "Fucking run, baby girl. I'll put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours he whispered darkly and there was something utterly terrifying about the way he spoke.

"Don't hurt her. Please." he heard the other sister say and her glanced up to her a wild smirk on his lips at her begging tone. He shoved the gun against her body tighter. Holding the older sister's eyes. It was sick, but he could already tell he'd have a good time torturing them. It'd probably be short lived but it would be good while it lasted.

"Or what? If I hurt her, what are you really going to do about it." he asked raising a brow. "How's it feel to know you can't protect you little sister." he taught before nudging her towards the house. "Move." he ordered her. He grabbed ahold of her hair using it to guide her up to the door, before unlocking it. He led her through the house, before coming to a door.

He grabbed her forearm and pretty much drug her down the steps until her reached a dimly lit hallways, there a few doors on either side that lined the hallway. He unlocked one of them shoving the younger sister inside. The bedroom wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. there wasn't anything she could hurt herself with. "Welcome home." he smirked. "No window. One door. No chance of escape so don't fucking try." he spat.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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The trunk opened after what seemed like forever and she honestly half expected to see Xander there, smirking cruelly down at her, but it wasn't Xander. It was the same man who'd pulled her out of the car and put her in the trunk. What the fuck was going on? Her eyes flicked to the man behind him, not recognizing him either. Who were these people and what did they want with her and her sister? And why the hell was Gavin involved in all this? She had so many questions, it almost hurt to think of them all.

Willa was terrified, but she knew she'd have to stay strong and block out her emotions if she wanted to survive whatever was about to happen so she watched, horrified, but calm as the man tore her sister from her and pulled her roughly out of the car, tossing her to the man behind him. Her sister protested and Willa bit her lip, wishing she could do something, knowing Jetta was freaking out, having a hard time being sober.

The man yanked her from the car next and Willow stumbled, knees still weak from the drugs. He slammed the trunk closed and pressed his gun against her lower back, making her body tense. She wanted to cry and beg him to leave her alone, but she didn't. She pushed back the urge to freak out and tried to focus on anything but the wicked smirk on his lips, the gun against her back, and her racing heart. "Fucking run, baby girl. I'll put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours." The man whispered darkly, making her shiver and look away from him.

"Don't hurt her. Please." Willow heard her sister beg and she bit her lip hard, knowing it had to be hard for Jetta not to be able to protect her and she wished she could. Willow was strong and independent most of the time, but when things got to hard for her to handle, it was Jetta she leaned on for support. That was why Jetta had gotten her away from Xander, because she was always there to protect her when she got herself into a situation too dangerous for her to fix on her own. This time she couldn't protect her though and that scared her a little.

"Or what? If I hurt her, what are you really going to do about it." The man holding her asking, pushing the gun harder against her, making her wince and bite her lip hard. "How's it feel to know you can't protect you little sister." He taunted Jetta before pushing her towards the house and telling her to move. He grabbed her hair, making her wince at his tight grip as he lead her up to the house and he unlocked the door.

He took through the house to a door where he switched his grip on her, taking hold of her arm instead and dragging her down a flight of stairs. She was still slow and weak so it was hard for her to keep up without stumbling, but she managed to keep from falling at least. At the bottom of the stairs, was a hallway with several doors on each side. He unlocked one of the doors and shoved her in.

It was a bedroom and it was perfectly clear that she wasn't going to be with Jetta for the simple fact that there was only one bed. It was nothing extravagant, like she was used to, but it wasn't like a prison cell either. She was scared, because she had no idea how long they wanted to keep her locked up there, maybe the rest of her life. Still, at least it meant they wanted to keep her alive for a while. If they were going to kill her within a day or two, they wouldn't have taken the time to set up a bedroom for her. She was going to be alive. She just had to keep telling herself that or she might lose it.

"Welcome home." The man smirked and Willow glanced at him. "No window. One door. No chance of escape so don't fucking try." He spat and she sighed, glancing around the room. He was right, there really was no way out. If she wanted to try and escape, she'd probably have to bide her time until an opportunity came alone, but even that was terrifying because there might never be a chance. These guys weren't idiots, that much was obvious. They were professionals. They wouldn't make stupid mistakes.

Willow took a shaky breath and sat on the bed, glancing at him. "So are you going to tell me who you are or why the fuck I'm here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, not really realizing that her tone was probably too aggressive because that was how she was. When you backed Willa into a corner, she didn't cower, she fought. She was scared, but that didn't mean she'd completely lost her ability to fight.


Drake stood back as Enzo opened the trunk of the car. He knew the girls wouldn't be as drugged up so he was ready. On more then one occasion, he'd kidnapped someone and stuck them in his trunk only to be punched in the stomach as soon as the door opened before his victim tried to make a useless, pitiful mistake. Thankfully, however, the girls didn't jump Enzo. They were clinging tightly to each other, no doubt scared for their lives and Drake just smirked as he tore them apart.

Just opening the trunk was enough to tell Drake exactly how to fuck with them. They were clearly extremely close. If they were kept apart, it would weaken them. Enzo tossed the older sister towards him and he caught her, but she instantly pushed him away. "Don't fucking touch me." She spat and took a few steps. Normally, Drake would have lunged at her, but, for the moment, he let her have her space because she wasn't running, she was just freaking out and needed space. If he went after her right away, it might cause her to freak out more and actually try to run.

Drake stayed ready, in case she took off, but didn't touch her, just watched as Enzo pulled the younger girl from the car roughly. "Don't hurt her. Please." The older girl breathed, making Drake smirk and raise an eyebrow. Just a second ago, she'd been brave and shoved him away. Now that her sister was in Enzo's hands, she was begging. She was clearly very protective of her sister and the thought amused him because it would be very easy to use that against her later if he had to.

After Enzo taunted the older girl some, he pushed the younger one towards the house and Drake sighed and closed the distance between himself and the older sister again, grabbing her arm. This time, he grabbed her hard enough, she couldn't break away. "Try to run. I'll kill you and my brother will beat the fuck out of your sister." He spat bitterly, warning her not to do anything stupid before dragging her up to the house and inside, through the door, pulling her roughly down the stairs.

He took her to the room that was as far away from her sister's room as possible. They paused briefly outside as he unlocked the door before he opened it and shoved her in, leaning in the doorway with a smirk. "Home sweet home." He shrugged simply and pulled out his cigarette, lighting one. He knew she was scared, nervous, and confused, but he just stood there calmly and smoke. "Don't bother trying to escape." He shrugged simply. "You'll just get your pretty little ass killed." He told her so confidently, she'd know he was telling the truth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Jetta took a step forward to head after her sister before pausing knowing that they probably hurt her if she pursued them. She just had to trust that they wouldn't hurt he. She hadn't even realized that the older man was closing in on her until her grabbed her roughly and she jumped. If she'd have been high, she'd have fought back and probably gotten her and Willa killed. His grips was so tight she knew she couldn't get away even if she tired.

"Try to run. I'll kill you and my brother will beat the fuck out of your sister." he spat bitterly causing her jaw to clench. He led her through the house and she followed, glancing around looking for exits if y chance she managed to escape sometime in the near future. Though she highly doubted that she'd get the chance. He took her down a set of stairs and she was honestly terrified, he paused at a door and she thought about running, only he shoved her inside before she had the chance to try.

The room was very basic. There were no windows and one solid door. She decided this wouldn't work out. If they locked the door and kept her in that room, sober none the less she'd flip the fuck out and so she made the conscious decision to cooperate as much as possible, even if she'd hate it, her fear won over her pride especially when it came to a room with no windows.

"Home sweet home." His voice pulled her from her thoughts and she glanced up just as the smell of smoke, made her desperately crave a cigarette. She held his eyes, trying to remember if she'd ever seen them, before. His eyes were incredibly dark and dangerous, they drew her in. "Don't bother trying to escape. You'll just get your pretty little ass killed." He shrugged, but his words were so casual and confident she had to believe him.

She didn't speak right away, she wanted to keep him there as long as possible. Even if he was an ass hole to her, she'd honestly rather him beat the shot out of her then leave her locked in the room alone. She faked calmness as she glanced around the room casually like she was suddenly content with her surroundings. Finally her eyes came back to him and she took a few steps towards him as terrified as she was and on the verge of panic, she seemed utterly fearless as she lend on the opposite side of the doorway, keeping his eyes making it clear she had no intent to run.

"I'm not going to run." she breathed as much as she wished she could she couldn't hide the nerves in her voice. "Why us? What the hell did we do to you guys? To Gavin?" she asked liked she was honestly hurt, but the truth was she didn't put it past Gavin or Xander to do something like this to her and Willa. "Never mind, don't answer the question. I have a feeling your not going to tell me anyway." she shrugged."If you want money, I can give you money." she tried to reason with him calmly.
Enzo kept his eyes on her as he lend against the closed door, making it impossible for her to try and escape. He shamelessly let his eyes run over, her though he pretended to be unimpressed by her as he lit himself a cigarette. He watched her take a seat on the bed and he raised a brow. He didn't understand why his father had made such a big deal about the two girls, they'd barely fought back. There was nothing remotely special about them.

"So are you going to tell me who you are or why the fuck I'm here?" she asked boldly and slightly aggressively causing him to take a step forward and wrap his hand around her neck tightly. He lifted her off the bed roughly, his cigarette resting between his lips as he held her eyes a dangerous look in his eyes before he shoved her back down onto the bed.

"What your fucking tone or I'll cut your tongue out of your God damn mouth." he spat his words slightly muffled as he spoke with the cigarette between his lips. "To answer your question I'm your worst nightmare, you keep talking to me or anyone else like that you'll be dead in not time." he shrugged. "As far as why were doing this, you have your mother to blame for more than your attitude and body image issues." he smirked darkly.

He could tell just by looking at her she was terrified and covering it up with anger. He thought about warning her that Xander would be coming soon, but he figured that would only piss her off or scare her further so he didn't mention it. It was going to be hell having all four of them in the house together, his father was crazy. They were all dangeorus ass holes, with no moral compass. The girls were liable to get killed in the crossfire of all their stupid fights alone.

"By the way, no one is coming for you. By now to half the world you were in a fatal car accident. By tomorrow I'm sure you and your sister will be in the spotlight across the world." he smirked. "It's tragic, really." he taunted, turning to head for the door. "Get some rest, you could use it." he breathed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow could tell she'd pissed him off. He crossed the room towards her quickly and grabbed her by the neck, yanking her to her feet. He held her eyes and the look in his was so dark and dangerous, she couldn't help but be attracted to him, as ridiculous as it was. She'd always been drawn to danger. He shoved her back down on the bed and Willa looked up at him, wondering what he was going to say or do to her. She still had no idea why they were even there. Did he want to kill her? Torture her? Rape her? She didn't know and it was driving her crazy. She at least wanted to know what the fuck was going on.

"Watch your fucking tone or I'll cut your tongue out of your God damn mouth." He spat and she looked away because she couldn't hold his eyes anymore. "To answer your question I'm your worst nightmare, you keep talking to me or anyone else like that you'll be dead in not time." He shrugged and her jaw clenched tightly. "As far as why we're doing this, you have your mother to blame for more than your attitude and body image issues." He said, making her glance back at him, hating the smirk on his lips.

What the hell? Her mother? Whatever was going on kept getting more and more complicated. She couldn't make sense of it all. "By the way, no one is coming for you. By now to half the world you were in a fatal car accident. By tomorrow I'm sure you and your sister will be in the spotlight across the world." He smirked, suddenly scaring her shitless. Fuck. Not only had they been kidnapped and gad very little chance of escaping, but they also had no chance of rescue either because, as far as the world was concerned, they were dead. "It's tragic, really." He taunted her before heading for the door. "Get some rest, you could use it." He breathed.

Willow shook her head. She was scared of him, but she wanted to know what was going on. He hadn't exactly answered her question, he'd just confused her more by adding her mother into the mix. "Wait." She breathed before she got off the bed and slipped quickly past him, standing between him and the door, holding his eyes. "What are you going to do with me?" She breathed, hoping that maybe, if he couldn't tell her why she was there, he could at least tell her what he planned to do to her.


Drake could tell the room unsettled her and the thought only amused him. Of course the tiny, basic room with no windows and a crappy bed would bother her. She was a spoiled brat. She was used to sleeping in luxurious, plush rooms. She looked calm on the outside, but he knew she was freaking out. He could see it in her eyes when they finally came back to him. She was on the verge of total panic and he knew it, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, it could still see it.

Drake took a drag of his cigarette as she walked over to him and leaned in the doorway with him, making him raise an eyebrow at her. She was scared, but at the same time, she was pushing through her fear and approaching him. That wasn't something he saw often, especially in women. He had to say, it surprised him a little, but he liked that she wasn't a sobbing, begging mess like most of the women he had to deal with. Hopefully her bravery didn't get her into trouble though.

"I'm not going to run." She breathed and he just shrugged like he didn't care because he didn't. Even if she tried to run, he could catch her. There was no where for her to go. "Why us? What the hell did we do to you guys? To Gavin?" She asked, sounding slightly hurt and he looked her over, wondering if he should tell her. His father hadn't exactly told him not to. "Never mind, don't answer the question. I have a feeling your not going to tell me anyway. If you want money, I can give you money." She said, speaking calmly, trying to bargain with him for her freedom.

"Babe, if all we wanted was your money, we wouldn't have gone to all this trouble." He smirked and shrugged. "I'd have just held a gun to your head and made you give it to me if money was what I wanted." Drake breathed, looking her over. "As far as your question..." He said, bringing his cigarette to his lips, pausing as he took a drag. "You didn't do anything to us." Drake shrugged casually and blew out a breath of smoke. "Your mother did." He breathed simply, holding her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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As much as she hated Gavin for whatever involvement he hd in this whole shit storm, she almost needed him. She wished he was there, because for the first time in her entire life she didn't have control. It was killing her not to have control, she was so used to routine. Runway show, parties, sex, drugs, repeat. Having something like this happen to someone like her who had to have routine was torture enough. She already wanted to pull out her hair and she had only been away from her perfect life for less than a couple of hours.

"Babe, if all we wanted was your money, we wouldn't have gone to all this trouble." He smirke and she bit her lip hard, wishing that she could pinch herself and wake up. "I'd have just held a gun to your head and made you give it to me if money was what I wanted. he breathed and she looked away. "As far as your question..." he brought his cigarette to his lips and pushed the conversation like they had all the time in the world and it drove her fucking nuts. "You didn't do anything to us." he blew out the breath of smoke and she brought her eyes back to his. "Your mother did." he breathed.

His words caused her head to spin. Despite the bad reputation models had for not being smart, which wa complete bull shit, Jet was smart enough to put together the facts and add her mother's personality in. Her mother owed someone something and now Jetta and Willow were the bargaining chips. Whoever her mother owed money to Gavin was a part of and that hurt that he hadn't protected her. She let out a shuttering breath turning away from him and running her fingers through her hair, trying not to cry because she had a feeling she'd end up dead.

"Selfish bitch." Jetta spat resting her back against the wall because she honestly felt like her knees were going to give out. She felt like she was going to pass out half because her mother was too selfish to pay off dangerous people to keep her safe and half because she was having withdrawals. She glanced back up to the man and she hadn't known him for more than a few minutes but she didn't care.

"I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there any chance you have drugs? Anything. I'll do whatever you want." she said bluntly no ounce of remorse in her voice. "If you want me to cooperate, you don't want to leave me in here alone and sober." she said honestly holding his eyes doubting he'd give her anything.
He had every intent of leaving her down there and going to do lines of coke and drink until he passed out. Maybe call so ex-girlfriend to fuck because watching porn didn't exactly sound like a successful night to him. He was slightly irritable mostly because the lines of coke he'd been taking were weaker than usual and he hadn't been fucked up in a few days, not to mention the girl he'd had sex with earlier today had been less than memorable.

"Wait."she breathed and he rolled his eyes as he slipped between her and the door "What are you going to do with me?" she breathed and he could her the worry and curiosity in her voice. He raised a brow, most girls didn't want to think about what was going to be done with them, let alone know what they had planned for her and her found that slightly amusing.

He lend in close, boxing her in a hand on either side of her head and he lend in close. Even just the way he lend in close to you was both terrifying and intoxicating. He held her eyes, his lips inches from hers. He let the silence hang between them for a long moment like he was trying to decide whether to tell her or to fuck with her.

"Whatever we damn well please." he breathed against her lips. "It's up to my brother and I, whatever we say. Whatever we want. Will get from you and that's a promise." he said not pulling away, staying close to her. "If we want to fuck you, will fuck you. Your little boyfriend just got out of prison because of your sister? Isn't that right?" he taunted her. "Your boyfriend and I, were pretty good friends." he said with a dark smirk. "He can't wait to be alone with your sister." he laughed before finally stepping away.

"Don’t' worry about what were going to do with you princess. Just know that the world thinks your dead, which means you have no freedom." he shrugged. "Eventually, you will be dead, it's inevitable." he said holding her eyes.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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He leaned in close to her and as he leaned in, she leaned back until her back was pressed against the door and he was boxing her in with a hand on either side of her head. He was extremely close and the look in his eyes was somehow dangerous and magnetic at the same time. She hated that she noticed how close his lips were to hers because he'd just kidnapped her. She shouldn't be thinking about him that way.

Silence hung between them for an agonizingly long moment before he spoke. "Whatever we damn well please." He breathed against her lips, making her shiver because she wasn't entirely sure what that meant. "It's up to my brother and I, whatever we say. Whatever we want. We'll get from you and that's a promise." He said, making her raise an eyebrow despite her fear. "If we want to fuck you, we'll fuck you. Your little boyfriend just got out of prison because of your sister? Isn't that right?" He taunted and her jaw clenched at the mention of Xander. "Your boyfriend and I, we're pretty good friends." He said, smirking darkly and making her whole body tense. "He can't wait to be alone with your sister." He laughed before stepping away.

Willow finally let out the breath she'd been holding and looked away because she couldn't hold his eyes. Not after hearing that Xander was a part of what was going on. She'd thought, when he told her, that her mother was involved, at the very least, she could rule out Xander as being the one who'd kidnapped her. He may not have been behind it all, but he was still part of it, and she'd still be forced to see him. What would Xander do to her when he saw her again? The thought was honestly agonizing.

"Don’t' worry about what we're going to do with you princess. Just know that the world thinks your dead, which means you have no freedom." He shrugged and she bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair. Fuck. She was so screwed. "Eventually, you will be dead, it's inevitable." He said, holding her eyes so intensely she had to look away again.

"Well fuck resting." She breathed, shaking her head and sitting on the bed. "There's no way I'm sleeping after that." She breathed, shaking her head and biting her lip hard because it was the truth. There was no way in the world she'd be able to sleep knowing Xander was coming for her. She'd be up all night pacing the room with nothing to do but think about Xander and the other men and what was going to happen to her.


Drake could tell he'd gotten to her. Finding out her mother had gotten her into this mess had shaken her, he could see it. She let out a shaky breath as she turned away and he just watched her, taking another drag off his cigarette and stepping into the room, closing the door and leaning against it. She was turned away from him, but he knew she was fighting back tears. He just remained calm and kept his eyes on her.

"Selfish bitch." She spat and leaned on the wall, making him raise an eyebrow. Clearly, her relationship with her mother wasn't a good one. Hell, her mother was the whole reason she was there. She looked at him then and he could see the desperate look in her eyes, making him curious about what it was she wanted from him because he could tell she was going to ask for something. She was pretty brave, if she was going to ask favors of him. She wasn't exactly in a position to be making requests.

"I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there any chance you have drugs? Anything. I'll do whatever you want." She asked, bluntly cutting right to the question and he raised an eyebrow at the fact that she'd so quickly agreed to do anything he wanted her to. "If you want me to cooperate, you don't want to leave me in here alone and sober." She said honestly and he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

He looked over her, wondering if he should give her something or not. She looked stressed as hell, which was normal in her situation and he could easily make things a little easier on her. She was an addict, that much was clear, which meant that she'd be pretty hard to handle with or without drugs so he couldn't win either way. In the end, he sighed and rolled his eyes as he pulled out a few joints and a small bag of pills. He had coke too, but he wasn't about to give her anything that would get her riled up and rebellious.

He tossed the pills and joints next to her. The pills would relax her but they weren't ridiculously strong. "That's all I'm giving you." He shrugged simply. "That's pretty good weed and the pills are decently strong so you'll get high enough, but it's not going to be as intense as coke or something stronger." He explained, not entirely sure why he'd given her the drugs, but figuring he'd take her word for it that, if he didn't, she wouldn't be cooperative.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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She watched him think about it as she moved to sit on the because she honestly felt like her legs were going to give out on her. She let her eyes run over him as he dug into his pockets. A part of her wondered if he was a good kisser and she hated herself for that. The first thing that came to mind was the movie premiere that she'd gone to with Gavin a couple months back. Gavin had kiddnapped a girl in the movie and she'd fallen for him. The thought of Stockholm syndrome ammused her to a point where she thought of playing into the damsel in distress so much that he feel for her.

She was pulled from her toughts when he tossed the drugs down next to her. She brought her eyes back to his slightly shocked that he'd willingly given her something. "That's all I'm giving you." he said and she raised a brow. "That's pretty good weed and the pills are decently strong so you'll get high enough, but it's not going to be as intense as coke or something stronger." She bit her lip as she stood up again,grabbing one of the joints, before closing the distance as she walked acoss the room towards him.

She paused in front of him this time she was much closer. She wanted to know just how far she could push him. She wanted to know what he'd let her get away with before her hurt her and as cazy as it sounded she almost wanted him to slap her so she'd know that it wan't just a really, realistic bad dream although she aleady know she wasn't dreaming. She was fucked and what was even worse was she had no idea what the other man was doing to her sister, however she seemed much calmer now.

"You can tell Gavin when you see him, that I hope he burns in hell." she said honestly. "I'd tell you the same, but I feel obligated to thank you for keeping me sane." she smirked. "I hope you guys get whatever your trying to get out of my mother. As far as I'm concerned she deserves all of this." she shrugged before holding up the joint. "You got a light?" she asked placing the joint between her lips.

She wanted to hate him for kiddnapping her, but she honestly couldn't. Her mother had more then likely gotten herself deeper into something then she could handle. Her mother was always doing stupid fucked up sit at the expensie of her and Willa. Even now that Jetta was over eighteen her mother still treated her and controled her like she was ten.
He watched her knowing the comment about Xander had gotten to her and he smirked. What she didn't know though, was that when her and Xander were together he could do whatever he wanted with her. However now that she was in the possesion of the Equinox he had to respect whatever Valintino or the LaCroix brother's told him or they'd kill him. Not that Enzo had much intent to stop him if he wanted to fuck her or taunt her. He couldn't give a shit in all honesty.

"Well fuck resting." she breathed heading back over to sit on the bed and he just rolled his eyes. "There's no way I'm sleeping after that."she breathed shaking her head bitting her lips like she was terrifed and she had everyright to be. Aside from him, Drake, and their father , Xander was the most dangeorus member of Equinox. He didn't blame her for being utterly terrified.

He slipped out of the room then not bothering to lock the door because even if she tired to escape he'd catch her before she di. He made his way up stairs he rummaged through the liquor cabnet before grabbing one of the cheaper bottles of vodka and a couple sleeping pills. He made his way back down stairs and slipped back into the room. He set the vodka bottle on the nightstand with the sleeping pills.

"It's completely up to you, but ther are some sleeping pills and a bottle of vodka." he shrugged. "You can either cry your spoiled ass to sleep or drink yourself to sleep." he said not carring either way. "I'm going to head up stairs and find something...productive to do." he smriked down at her. "If you need anything that's too damn bad, deal with it." he said heading for the door once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willa watched him leave for a moment, leaving her alone. She sighed and dropped her face into her hands. Fuck. She hated her mother for doing this to her and Jetta. She'd worked so hard for so long to get over Xander and, as soon as he showed up, it would all be ruined. He'd make her his again, no matter how much she hated him. She couldn't stand the thought of seeing him again because she knew Xander. Somehow he always had the right words to say to get under her skin and make her want him.

After a few minutes, the man returned and she raised an eyebrow as he set a bottle of vodka and some sleeping pills on the nightstand for her. She was surprised he'd actually give her something to help her sleep. "It's completely up to you, but there are some sleeping pills and a bottle of vodka." He shrugged and she glanced at them before glancing up at him. "You can either cry your spoiled ass to sleep or drink yourself to sleep." He said and she raised a brow. She hadn't cried so far and she didn't intend to, not yet at least. "I'm going to head up stairs and find something...productive to do." He said with a smirk. "If you need anything that's too damn bad, deal with it." He said before turning and heading for the door.

Willow didn't want him to leave yet. She wanted to keep him there as long as possible because she really didn't want to be alone in that little room. She wished Jetta and her were in the same room because she needed her sister, but, since they couldn't be, she at least wanted him to stay for a little while so she wasn't alone.

Willa grabbed the vodka bottle and took a long before standing and grabbing his arm, turning him back to face her. "Don't go yet." She breathed, holding his dangerously alluring eyes. "I don't even know your name." She shrugged taking a long swig of the vodka, loving the way it burned her throat and made her feel lightheaded. "Stay and get shitfaced with me." She breathed, hoping he would because she really just didn't want to get left alone.


Drake watched her get up and grab one of the joints, walking over to him and pausing in front of him. She seemed a little less freaked out now, which was good. He hated when he had crying girls on his hands. It pissed him off to no end when a girl couldn't stop freaking out. He understood, obviously, why she'd be freaking out, but that didn't mean he liked it. He was glad she'd calmed down some. At least for now.

"You can tell Gavin when you see him, that I hope he burns in hell." She said and he raised an eyebrow. "I'd tell you the same, but I feel obligated to thank you for keeping me sane." She smirked in a way that made him kind of want her. "I hope you guys get whatever your trying to get out of my mother. As far as I'm concerned she deserves all of this." She shrugged, interesting him. She must really hate he mother.

She held the joint up to her lips and asked him to light it so Drake smirked and pulled out a lighter, flicking it on before lighting the joint for her. "You can tell Gavin that yourself sweetheart." He said as he lit the joint before slipping the lighter back into his pocket. "We're supposed to take turns watching you girl. My brother and I, Gavin, and your sister's ex, Xander." He shrugged simply.

He pulled out a joint of his own, lighting it and taking a long hit. "As far as me, don't worry, you don't have to tell me to go to hell, I've already got a first-class ticket." He smirked darkly, blowing a breath of smoke in her face as he held her eyes. "You should get some sleep, you look like you could use it." He shrugged simply, taking one last hit of his joint before turning and heading for the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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There was something strongly magnetic with in the silence as he lit her cigarette there was something darkly intimate about it. She didn't understand the pull she felt to him, but she ignored it for the time being as she took a long inhale off the joint nearly moaning, but holding back. He was right it was strong and instantly she felt light headed and it felt fucking incredible.

"You can tell Gavin that yourself sweetheart." he said pulling her from her thoughts and she glanced up to meet his eyes that she couldn't seem to look away from. "We're supposed to take turns watching you girl. My brother and I, Gavin, and your sister's ex, Xander." he shrugged and she just rolled her eyes. "As far as me, don't worry, you don't have to tell me to go to hell, I've already got a first-class ticket." she smirked wickedly almost liking that he was well aware of how psychotic he was. It made her want him. "You should get some sleep, you look like you could use it." he said with a shrug as he headed for the door.

She took another long drag off her cigarette. "Well since I'm assuming your going to eventually kill me," she called after him, this time there was no fear in her voice as she spoke. "I guess I'll have to wait to find out what your like in bed, till you join me in hell." she said arrogantly. The smirk was clear in her voice as she taunted him.

She wasn't exactly sure why she'd said it. The was the worst part about Jetta she never thought before speaking she was impulsive and that's what always got her in trouble. This guys was dangerous, he'd kidnapped her and yet she was taunting him about fucing her, despite the fact that she was Gavin's girlfriend or she was a supermodel. None of that mattered. She sat down on the bed then laying back much more relaxed now as the jointed rested between her lips. Her eyes closed waiting for the sound of the door closing.
He went over a list of girls he'd slept with that would be painless, he could fuck them and kick them out without any sort of backlash. It was a short list but he managed to mentally line up a few girls before he felt an unfamiliar heat on his arm as she grabbed him turning him back to fact her and he rolled his eyes, like she annoyed him.

"Don't go yet." she breathed and there was a desperation in her voice that amused him. "I don't even know your name." she shrugged and he watched her take a long drink from the cheap vodka and there was something about the way she drank the liquor that seemed to make the thought of tasting it on her lips, enthralling. "Stay and get shitfaced with me." she breathed and he cocked his head to the side like he was thinking about it before shaking his head.

He wanted to, fucking her and then bragging about it to Xander seemed entertaining to him. However, he knew she was far too young for him and if she thought Xander ruined her, he'd fucking destroy her. He had a way of causing girls like her to get addicted to him. He'd mess her up to an unfixable point and he had the slightest feeling he might actually like her and he knew getting involved would be a bad idea.

He ripped the bottle from her hands, taking a long drink. "No fucking chance baby girl, not so you can get me shitfaced and run." he said with a wicked smirk. "I'm not fucking stupid. I don't play games and I don't get involved with pretty little black widows like yourself." he shrugged grabbing her upper arm and yanking her violently close as he took another swig of the liquor.

He switched his grip from her bicep to her hair yanking her head back roughly opening up her neck as he pressed his liquor soaked lips against her skin and letting his lips inger there.He kept his grip tight on her hair so she couldn't move and just under her skin he could feel her pulse change making him smirk against her skin. He finally pulled away and released her. In one long drink he finished off the rest of the liquor before flicking his eyes to hers, holding them.

"Look at you. Your already fucking high off that kiss. You are little red and I'm the big bad wolf. You'd be sorry you ever got involved." he warned her honestly his voice dark. "I'd break your little heart before you even realized you loved me." he shrugged. "Xander's an addiction...I'd be an obsession." he said dead serious because it was the truth. "Go to bed little girl." he said turning back to the door.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake LaCroix Character Portrait: Blake "Enzo" LaCroix Character Portrait: Willow Brooks Character Portrait: Jetta Brooks
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Willow watched him tilt his head, like he was considering her offer and she took another drink of her vodka before biting her lip as he shook his head. He tore the bottle from her hands and took a long drink and she just watched him. "No fucking chance baby girl, not so you can get me shitfaced and run." He said with a wicked smirk that both scared her and drew her in. Something about the way he called her baby girl made her want him, despite the fact that he'd kidnapped her. She was attracted to how dangerous he was. "I'm not fucking stupid. I don't play games and I don't get involved with pretty little black widows like yourself." He shrugged and she smirked, raising an eyebrow.

He grabbed her by the arm then, yanking her close roughly and she watched him drink from the vodka bottle again. She couldn't deny the fact that there was a heat between them, it was driving her crazy. He released her arm, grabbing her hair instead, pulling it so that her head was tilted back and he could place his lips on her neck, causing her to let out a strangled moan. Her heart was racing and she wanted more. His lips against her skin were electric and she wasn't sure if it was the liquor or the drugs still lingering in her system, but she wanted his lips all over her body.

She felt him smirk against her skin before pulling away and finishing off the vodka, holding her eyes. "Look at you. You're already fucking high off that kiss. You are little red and I'm the big bad wolf. You'd be sorry you ever got involved." He warned, tone dark and she bit her lip. His warning her how bad for her he was only made her want him more. "I'd break your little heart before you even realized you loved me. Xander's an addiction...I'd be an obsession." He said so seriously, she couldn't help but believe him. "Go to bed little girl." He said, heading for the door again.

Willow bit her lip hard. She knew she should just let him go because he was no good for her. He was way too old, clearly dangerous, and he'd kidnapped her. Still, she couldn't ignore the fact that the spot on her neck his lips had touched was still tingling. If anyone could get her to forget Xander, it would be him. The only problem with that was, he'd be worse for her then Xander. Xander had fucked her up, he would fucking ruin her.

Willow didn't really care. She wanted to know what his hands on her skin felt like. So she slipped between him and the door again, stopping him for a third time with a wicked smirk on her lips as she held his eyes. "I'm not a little girl." She breathed, closing the space between them and wrapping an arm around his neck, standing on her toes to kiss him hard on the lips. Willa pressed her body tighter against his and slipped a hand under his shirt, teasing his waistline with her fingertips. "I don't care if you're bad for me, I like things that are bad for me." She breathed against his lips with a wicked smirk, kissing him harder, hoping he wouldn't walk away.


"Well since I'm assuming your going to eventually kill me," He heard her say from behind him, making him pause with his hand on the door handle, wondering how she was going to finish that sentence. She didn't sound afraid anymore, she sounded confident, which was interesting, considering she was talking about her own death. "I guess I'll have to wait to find out what you're like in bed, 'till you join me in hell." She said, tone so arrogant, he knew she was smirking.

He raised an eyebrow and turned back to face her. He was laying on the bed with her eyes closed, smoking her joint. Drake just let his eyes rake over her entire body slowly as he took a hit off his own joint. He wanted to fuck her and that wasn't totally surprising, she was stunning, any guy would be an idiot to not want to fuck her. He just couldn't figure out why he wanted to fuck her so damn badly. She wasn't like most girls. Most of the girls he met were all the same, but she was different. She wasn't overly eager to please him, but she also wasn't a sobbing, scared mess. She was stronger then most girls he met. It reminded him of when he first met Skylar.

He knew he should probably just leave, but now he didn't want to. He took one last hit of his joint before flicking it away and crossing the room to her, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her up off the bed, kissing her hard on the lips as he backed her roughly into the wall. "You don't want me to fuck you." He breathed as he continued to kiss her, pressing his body tight against hers. "You'll get addicted to me and I'll fucking destroy you sweetheart." He smirked as he started to kiss her jaw and neck slowly, teasingly.

He couldn't quite explain the way it felt to kiss her lips and skin. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, full of fire and electricity. She made his entire body burn in the best way. It was like when he'd first started fucking Skylar only a thousand times better and he couldn't figure out why. He'd only known her for two hours and most of that time, she'd been in the trunk of his car. It was dangerous, he knew that because he could easily get hooked, but he didn't care. He liked kissing her. It felt incredible.