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Avani Guiana Sorent

"The Earth is more than just a big rock. It's a living, breathing thing. Now go get me some water."

0 · 258 views · located in Earth

a character in “Elemental Rage”, originally authored by LostRiver, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Avani Guiana Sorent
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Role: Earth

Personality: Although Avi can sometimes be bossy or demanding, she only does it because she genuinely cares. Often times, when Avi cares about any creature, she is willing to defend them to her death. Although she is a generally open and caring person to someone she likes, when someone hurts her either emotionally or physically, she shuts down and turns steely and distant. She gets close to many people but is always sure to keep them at arm's length. She is not a very trusting person and often keeps emotions like depression and anger bottled up. When she is about to burst, Avi will go of to a quiet place alone and let her feelings out. Afterwards, she will feel better and go back to being the normal, spacey, caring person that she is. This may seem unhealthy to most, but Avi finds it very hard to show her true emotions to people. Within a small group of people, Avi is personable and is usually laughing or cracking a joke. However, in a crowd, Avi often seems spacey. She will normally go deep into thought and begin to daydream or simply observe the behaviors of the people around her. She has a partially photographic memory, making her very perceptive and able to take in everything around her at once. In many different situations, time seems to slow for Avi and she is able to go through numerous scenarios within a matter of seconds in order to pick the best course of action.
- Hurting living things in any way
- Cities
- Being busy
- Blood
- Shoes
+ Daydreaming
+ Wide-open spaces
+ Silence
+ Beaches
+ Bare feet

Element Control: Although Avi is always learning how to wield and use her powers, she has a very good control on them. Since Avi normally keeps feelings such as anger and sadness to herself, she finds that practicing her powers is a good way to bet those feelings out. She normally practices alone and vigorously for short periods of time.
Power Range: Avi is not yet able to grow plants from nothing, but has the ability to manipulate plant shape and growth. For example, if she is within sight of a tree she has the ability to cause the roots of the tree to shoot from the ground, or for the entire tree to change color, or she can simply cause the tree to grow faster. Avi also has the ability to communicate with animals as wells as call to a specific animal or group of animals of a certain species. Currently, shapeshifting is extremely difficult and dangerous for her. If practicing, she must do so slowly and within sight of the animal she is morphing into (in order to reference the animal's anatomy). She broke three ribs the first time she attempted to shift into a tiger, she broke her arm when trying to sift to a bird, and she has a long scar down her back from her first attempt at a fox. Needless to say, shapeshifting is very dangerous and Avi rarely practices it. Avi can also feel vibrations in the Earth and the way it moves. For example, if she puts her bare feet on the ground, she can feel creatures moving across the ground or the trees growing.

History: Avi was born to a mother and father who seemed more focused on work than the well-being of their daughter. Avi had several nannies who all quit due to the strange things Avi would do as a child due to her powers. After quite a few nannies left, Avi's parents decided the best course of action would be to leave her alone in the house until she was old enough to be put into daycare. Avi had to learn everything by herself and that was the stem of her independence and her issues with trust and getting too close to people. When Avi was five, she became the big sister to Caroline, whom her parents seemed to adore. Growing up, Avi became a very wild girl wanting to make her parents notice her somehow. She resented her little sister for the attention she received and stayed as far away from her as possible. One day, Avi's parents came home to find the roots of a tree outside had shot through the floors and walls of their home. Seeing Caroline huddled fearfully in the corner and Avi - who had left the house after the incident - nowhere to be seen, they thought Caroline had been born with the same power as Avi. They slowly began to fear both of their children and further ignored them out of fear. Afterwards, when Avi finally realized what she had done to Caroline, she apologized, and she soon began to take on the task of caring for both herself and her little sister. The two became extremely close with Avi as a fun, motherly role-model for Caroline. However, one weekend at the age of 13, Avi was bored and Caroline was not home, so Avi decided to have some fun with her powers. She called a fox to her and began to play with it and show it how she could bend the branches of the trees outside. Her mother's voice coming from behind her scared Avi and made her jump. Frightened for a moment, Avi sent the branch out and nearly murdered her own mother. Luckily, she caught it just in time before it could impale her. Now scared to death of what she could do, her mother and father told her to leave the house for a while and calm down before she came back. Seeing her tearful mother and father as they attempted to comfort each other, Avi was afraid of what she might do to them and to Caroline if she stayed. So, Avi left a short note to her mother and father and a long letter filled with tearful goodbyes and "I'm sorry"s to Caroline. With that, she left the house behind and never came back.
Other: Later on, Avi realized the fox that had been their the day she left had been following her. Its name was long and complex as most animal names are, so Avi gave it the nickname Mist. Although Mist lives in the forests like a normal fox, he is a great friends to Avi.

So begins...

Avani Guiana Sorent's Story


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Avani Guiana Sorent

Avi sat silently in the grass with her fox friend, Mist, by her side. It was pleasant to have a friend beside her with whom she could either speak to or not speak to, yet they would still understand what the other meant to say. Ever since their meeting the night that Avi had left her own home and family, Avi and Mist had some unmistakable yet odd relationship. While Mist was not necessarily a pet to Avi since he lived on his own as a normal fox, Avi often found herself calling to Mist when she felt depressed, angry, or was simply bored, and the fox would come faithfully as a good friend would. Now, Avi and Mist lay silently beside each other as they sometimes did. Avi played lazily with the grass, twisting her fingers around and causing it to grow and form odd shapes as it came out of the ground while Mist watched her, head on his paws, with his white-tipped tail swinging blissfully behind him.

Avi's brown locks lay comfortably around her head and she moved her head around as someone would if they were listening to their favorite song. Similarly, Avi tapped her bare foot against the soft grass as she changed the color of a nearby daisy to a soft yellow to match her content mood. In fact, Avi was not listening to a song, but she was listening to the harmonies and melodies of the earth around her. She could feel everything in the grassy field, from the roots of the grass, to the breath and the heartbeat of the fox that sat next to her, to the soft treading of a man whom Avi had pinned as the familiar heartbeat of Max, the wind element, walking through the field.

Avi felt a light breeze followed by a more forceful gust ruffle her comfortable large, comfortable beige sweater. She opened her eyes for a moment to watch the wind blow the grass about and then closed them again lightly. She felt the beat of several other people back at the house and placed the familiar heartbeats to the faces of the people she lived with.

A bit carelessly, Avi reached farther out in her mind, trying to feel the vibrations of the world farther away. However, a loud shriek suddenly filled the peaceful melody she had been hearing and she realized that she had gone too far out. It had happened more than once where she would carelessly try to reach out to feel the vibrations of things farther away and, without her careful focus, her power would take over. What would happened was that the hums and tunes of the earth she loved so much would become too powerful for her. She would reach too far out and begin to hear terrible, loud shrieking noises. This would usually result in a lot of strain to pull her mind back to her present spot.

At that moment, Avi sat straight up in the grass and opened her eyes wide. Feeling the earth around her with her fingers, she strained to pull herself back to reality. After a few painful moments, the shrieking no longer filled her mind and she could breath normally once more. Her once peaceful state had been compromised by the shrieks and she cursed herself for ruining her own mood.

Avi looked at the fox beside her and gave him a slight, tired smile. "Go home, Mist. I'll call to you later," Avi said quietly in the fox's own language. The fox looked reluctant, but said a warm good-bye and trotted off in the way he had originally come.

Avi sat a moment in the grass, trying to go back into her blissful state. Upon realizing that it would not be happening and she should head back to the house, Avi began to stand. Her head was still pounding from before and, upon attempting to stand, the world seemed to tilt and wobble. Avi stumbled and fell back once more. Having been in this state several times before, Avi realized that standing was not about to happen anytime soon and she did not want the others to see her in this weak, vulnerable state. Rather than go back to the house at the time, Avi pulled her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around both legs. She would ride out the worst of her aching head before she would go back to the house and to the others. She lay her forehead on her knees and simply sat there, breathing in and out as she attempted to stop the world from spinning and to feel only the earth around her and not the earth miles away as she had been moments before.