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Dawn Carter

" People say i have a pure heart....they have no idea how pure tho"

0 · 9,392 views · located in Omnipotens Caelestis Forestam

a character in “Elemental Spirits Reborn”, as played by AuroraDawn


Dawn Amaya Carter




Snow white curl wild hair reaching down to the middle of her back, blood red eyes, snow white skin. Curvy, petite body







Goddess Form:


-singing and dancing
-sunrises and sunsets
-drawing and painting

-scary movies


- Healing
- make storms
- Lightning blots and Thunder
- When in Ultra form can purify the darkest of souls and turn into light dragon

Zeus's lightning bolt and the Scythe of Life (opposite of scythe of death)

Personality: " i am a very quite person at least i would say so, but i have been told i am very kind hearted"

"I was always made fun of because of the way i look, me and my mother were always on the run because years ago we had left my father because he was very abusive. He wouldnt let us just stay in one place he would come find us and we would run. That all stopped though when my mom came down with cancer and was bed ridden. She died a few months after and i was shipped off to the Pink Owl girls only orphanage"

The dark
Elements you think you will get along with:
"everyone i hope"
Has a tear shaped diamond necklace giving to her by her mother before she died. Her favorite color is red

Light Dragon:

Gift from Zeus

Dawn using Artemis animal powers:

So begins...

Dawn Carter's Story

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

suddenly feeling a presence Terra opened his eye just enough to see Dawn sleeping next to him but he simply went back to sleep. suddenly the realization hit him Dawn was sleeping with him! was she clothed? did something happen between them that he didnt remember?

Terra quickly lifted the covers to check, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of Dawns clothed body but was a bit dissapointed. but as soon as he felt dissapointment he felt guilty of such thoughts if im going to do it with her then at the very least i want to remember how good it felt but then that thought made him feel even more guilty and he could feel his body responding to sich thoughts and now Terra was wide awake.

after a few minites of calming himself down he looked back at Dawn the sun lighting up her features making her look like an angel. this prompted him to lean forwards brushing hair away from her forhead and gentely placed a kissed on there. soon enought Terra simply watched Dawn as she slept a kind and protective smile on his face.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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'Dawn walked threw the green fields of the training grounds and spotted the waterfall her and Terra had visited, a smile spreading across her face along with a blush at the memory. She walked over to the crystal blue water and took a drink from the water, cupping it in her hands. The water was cool and crispy with a slight coppery taste to it, Dawn opened her eyes and looked down to see the water in her hands was now red. Theia screamed and threw the water back, looking up to see the blue waters was now covered in thick clear ice and a red spot in the middle alarmed her. Slowly walking over to the spot she looked threw the ice and screamed as she saw Terra beneath the water, the blood flowed from the millions of cuts on his body. His eyes were wide and scared as he banged against the ice and Dawn knelt down and tried to help but the ice wouldnt break. Then a white hand curled around Terra's torso and tugged him further back. Then a face popped up form behind his shoulder and she saw who it was.
It was her.
Dawn's white hair was black and her once bright red eyes a dull grey, a evil grin on her face as she bite Terra's neck then plugged her hand into her chest and drew out his heart. Terra's cold dead eyes stared back at Dawn threw the ice.


Dawn woke up screaming and she flung up, wide eyed and scared. She searched around the room for Terra but then realized he was right beside her. Thats right she fell asleep in his bed last night. Dawn let out a shaky gasp and wrapped her arms tightly around Terra's neck and brought his lips roughly against her's, tears trailing down her cheeks and she ran her fingers threw his hair, down his neck then back his back. She need to make sure he was really here and that she still wasnt dreaming. She drew back from the kiss and crawled into his lap wrapping her arms around his waist and cuddling into his chest.
She was never going back to that waterfall and she was never going to let him neither because something inside her told her something horrible would happen if they did ever go back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

suddenly Dawn woke up screaming her eyes wide with fear. she then turned to him kissing him roughly, which he welcomed albeit wondered why it was so hard. Terra could feel Dawns tears wet his own cheeks, everywhere she touched he felt a tingling sensation and it felt good. '

when Dawn drew back cuddling into his chest Terra sat up holding her close worry written on his face. "Dawn what's the matter did you have a bad dream?" his voice heavy with worry. Terra gave himself a mental face palm 'of course she had a bad dream why else would she wake up screaming and by what just happened im going to assume it had something to do with me maybe'

"Dawn its okay, I, still here so don't worry. would you like to tell me what happened" Terra rested his cheek against the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her white hair. he stroked her head then her back before returning back to stroking her head in a gentle manner.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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"no i dont want to talk about it....just promise me you will never go back to the waterfall" Dawn whimpered and looked up at Terra with pleading eyes. At that moment Dawn knew she was falling for Terra, the way he looked at her just made her feel warm and safe. She wiped her tears then smiled at him.
"well it wasnt the greatest good morning on my part was it?" Dawn giggled and kissed Terra lightly on the lips.
"Good morning, we should probably be getting ready cause we are leaving today" Dawn smiled and reluctantly crawled out of Terra's arms and off the bed.
The twins were already up, their bags waiting on theirs beds. A backpack, a brown satchel, a iphone and a wallet full of cash and a bank card with their's names on it was placed on every individuals dresser.
Dawn took out a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, socks and her brown leather jacket then placed the rest of her clothes in her backpack, she took off her big sleep t-shirt leaving her in only her dark red lacy undergarments then threw the t-shirt in the bag and grabbed her brush and combed threw her wild curls. She turned back to Terra

"so where do you think they'll be dropping us off?" Dawn asked as she finished brushing her hair and was now tying it into a braid. She put the brush in her backpack and slide on her jeans.
"i wonder how much money we each have on these bank cards because from the look of it there has to be at least $700 in cash in the wallet" She slipped on her socks
"and really hope we will have a place to stay once we are on our own, but i dont really like the city...." She looked at Terra and waited for him to answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

"I guess not" smiling down at her, Dawn then slid off his bed and started to get dressed seemingly not caring that he saw her undergarments. Terra shook his head and he too got dressed but unlike Dawn who took her time he did it incredibly quick. by the time she turned back to face him Terra was already dressed in his usual dark punk style clothes, shrugging into his jacket Terra looked up at her to answer her question.

"I hope so too and I don't like the city too much either but its better than some other places that I've had to sleep in" Terra slung the pack over his shoulder leading the way out of the room. they entered the dinning hall which was now transformed to a going away themed room. "wow you know I always dreamed of this kind of going away party but that was for graduation not to go looking for my gods element and fighting off evil" Terra shook his head chuckling a little.

he then turned his head back to Dawn clasping her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze before turning his attention back to the remaining gods who stood on a high platform.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

"thank you, all of you for taking care of us these past few days" Terra smiled warmly at the remaining gods. Terra looked down at himself at his new 'birthmarks' as Dawn called them amazed at what had happened and nervous too for what was to come the next few days.

"so what do we do now?do you guys just teleport us somewhere and the rest is up to us or" looking at Apaitan for an answer

(OOC: sorry it took me so long to respond to you post Auroraxp I apologize for my long absence and I hope we can still continue this)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

he growled at the sight of a greasy man grabbing Dawn by the waist and was about to deal with him but paused when Dawn delt with the situation herself and came back, tucking under his arm and into his side. 'just like it should be' a warm smile on his face as he looked down at Dawn "yeah I guess we should. who knows what other surprises await us" shaking his head Terra headed to the nearest hotel.

it looked nice enough with a bright neon sign that flashed its name "the Burberry Hotel" it read. "it looks decent enough" Terra said as he lead the others inside. he was actually surprised at how nice it looked and went to the front desk "excuse me Ms. but could I get two rooms please and make them nice too" his voice gentle and welcoming so as not to get on her bad side.

the woman looked up at him a genuine smile on her face when she got up "why of course sugar anything for you" her voice dripped with honey. Terra didn't even twitch as the woman began to flirt with him while leading them to the fourth floor. "well here are the two rooms you asked for you sugar and if you ever need anything you know where to find me" she winked at him then left making her hips swing even more to entice Terra to do as she said.

instead Terra glanced at Dawn who he knew must be seething with fury at what just happened. gulping back his nervousness he turned back to the others a light blush dusted his cheeks but it was barley noticeable "so how we gonna do this" he guessed it was probably a dumb question since the guys would normally room together and the girls would two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he let Dawn lead him into the room and he looked around the room. "this is pretty nice" and walked to a bed, dropping his bags on top of it and sat down. Terra laid out on the bed his large frame pretty much spanned the length, his arms hung off the bed. "dammit why cant i ever find a bed thats my size" growling Terra glared with his one eye at the ceiling and started to daydream.

the sound of Dawns faint singing in the shower motivated his daydreaming to turn into a more personal fantasy that consisted of flesh against flesh and sweet pleasure.after a while of thinking these perverted thoughts Terra realized what it was he was dreaming about and looked down making sure his body hadnt responded to his thoughts. everything was in the clear ad he let out a sigh of relief and laid back down waiting for Dawn to come out of the shower so he could take one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

Something straddled on top of him, hands slid up his chest he felt something soft rest on is chest and softer lips kissed his own lightly. ‘this is one awesome dream’ Terra thought to himself, he could feel his body react to his feelings until he realized isn’t wasn’t a dream when someone began to speak gibberish apologizing to him.

Terra sat up real fast a blush obvious son his face and turned to Dawn who was the same. Terra leaned forwards elbows on knees, head in his hands shaking his head a little. Finally he looked back up the blush was gone now with a soft look of what almost seemed to be relief.

“Dawn, you really need to stop that. Next time I might not be in a state of relaxation and dreaming and I will take advantage of that so please for both our sakes please don’t do that again” His voice solemn. He got up grabbed his bags of clothes and went inside the bathroom. Terra looked himself in the mirror, his finger traced his scar but stopped when it reached his eye patch, he then took the eye patch off then his clothes and entered the shower. Terra stayed there for a whle basking in the warmth his thoughts strayed back to Dawn, none of them were good per say but it most definetly would feel good if they had continued by the water fall.

But Terra was glad it didn’t continue, he wanted it to be a good time at the right moment for Dawn since it’ll be her first time. But not Terra he was no longer a virgin, he had lost that a few years back when he was sixteen. His mother had been so mad when she found out but she forgave him and made sure that if his girl got pregnant he would without a doubt keep the child and stay with his girl.

Thankfully sh ehadnt gotten pregnant but her parents didn’t like that one bit and forced her to move. A smile caressed his lips thinking about is first time and how good it had felt but also about hs mother. She was so good to him, such a great mother, no son could ask for better. Without realizing it teras had begun to stream down his face, thinking of his dead mother.

"It’s my fault she died I could protect her” grinding his teeth Terra leaned forwards resting his head between his arms, his forehead pressed against the cold tile. He let out a low groan of utter pain before regaining composure, ending his shower Terra looked back in the mirror slicking his damp hair back with his hand. Terra got out of the bathroom not bothering to wear a shirt even though he knew it might entice Dawn even more. But he didn’t care at the moment and only wanted to sleep, so he plopped down on the bed turned to his side and was asleep in an instant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he woke up randomly by turning to face the other way hoping to feel warmth on his side from Dawn but it was cold and empty. this prompted him to wake up and slowy step out of bed. Terra found her on the couch asleep, gentely picking her up in his arms Terra placed her on the bed. he tucked her in moving her a little so the blanket could cover her better. thats when he saw it the bandage on her arm. their was a little blossom of blood, a frown appeared on his face at this and he gentely stroked Dawns face before kissing her lightly on the lips. Terra looked at her again with great concern before walking to the couch and went to lay on the couch and after thinking for a while he fell back to sleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he felt nice and warm, he was dreaming of a time when he could see out of both his eyes. but then the dream turned into a nightmare and he was not only blind from one eye but both, suddenly the weirdest thing happened he wasn't scared at all about it as a figure wrapped in a warm glow approached him, the woman held his face and gently kissed his eye and then the dream was over.

Terra eyes snapped open, pushing his hand through his hair Terra then realized something that was very much like a miracle. he could just barely look through his right eye, he grinned and got up shakily and walked to a mirror by the side of the room. he gasped at his reflection, the scars that kept him from opening his eye were just about faded but not quite and he could only open his eye halfway. what surprised him even further was the color of his right eye, it wasn't blue but red? and instantly Terra put two and two together he knew who did this 'Dawn that little-' Terra shook his head and laughed.

as much as he hated it he closed his right eye but suddenly he felt guilty sort of since the scar was a part of him, and it was a reminder that he wont always be strong, it was drove him to become stronger. 'she must be tired from healing it' a grateful smile on his face. Terra looked behind him see the bathroom door closed the light was on and an idea came to mind. he walked over to the door, turned the handle and entered, he saw Dawn standing by the mirror but he didn't care. he reached out to her and wrapped his arms around her they slid downwards clasping together at her waist, and he nuzzled her neck then kissed her passionately on the lips. he stopped just for a moment to whisper in her ear "thank you lil' lightning but next time ask me first" his voice teasing and light and he went back to kissing her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he smiled at her and realized she was right"alright lil'lightn then i hope that day is soon just not today" taking her chin in his hand Terra tilted her head upwards so he could kiss her again which he did. as he stepped back he opened his right eye just enough for her to see his iris but soon closed it as it still put a strain on the muscles. "ill leave you to your dressing" and left the bathroom, Terra sat down before standing back up to look through his assortment of clothing. he picked out a dark gray v-neck shirt and some black jeans, he topped it off with his signiture jacket and sat back down waiting for Dawn to finish so they could get started.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

he glared back at Kanya then turned back to Dawn to address her question."its fine by me though i think i know a better way to get there. it involves walking without actually being seen" giving her a smile. Terra stood up careful not to make Dawn fall out of his lap and lead the others outside to an allyway so nonone could see them. "alright big guy do me justice" he whispered they would have thought he was talking to himself but it was actually Golem he has spoken to. taking the small stone into his hands he blew into them and placed it on thr ground where it sank intk the dirt. soon a giant hole appeared in the ground that was pretty deep you could see two glowing eyes at the bottom. "well after you ladies" stepping aside to let the girls go first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he landed next to the others without making much sound. moving around them Terra stood at the front of the group and startd walking making sure Golem had there back. "hey Dawn do you think you could give us some light" looking over his shoulder at her. they continued dow the tunnel,with Terra pushing the earth away but eventually they stopped. "well here we are i think" he looked up and beckoned to Golem who simply became the tunnel and appeared in front if Terra. he lifted his huge hands making the earth above them move out of the way. soon enough they could see light, at this Terra easily climbed out and reached his hand down for the others to grab a hold of.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he followed Dawns lead and quickly threw on a blue jacket. "right so look through for the elemental and im good sounds easy enough" he told himself more so than to those around him. Terra stretched and patted Dawn on the head "good plan you got Dawn" and at that moment a car rolled in, the driver quickly got out waiting for the others to change the tires and gas. Terra seeing his chance ran over really fast and stepped in the car looking around for his elemental. at first he couldnt find so he closed his eyes and concentrated hard. at the corner of his consious he felt something tugg the back of his mind 'there' he turned back in his seat. there it was a metal chain in the back, he reached for it and grabbed it. but not before the driver came back found him in his car and shoved Terra out yelling at him. "dude im sorry i just got a little excited sorry" Terra glared back at the man while apologizing, since the guy was shorter than him his heaight intimidated the guy who backed away and stepped into his car to speed away and resume the race. Terra let out a sigh and rejoined the others "so where to next Dawn"

OOC: sorry for such a crappy post im just not feeling him today though hopfully i can pit ip something better later today:p

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

he did feel taller and stronger but from the way Aqua said only Dawn would know he automatically understood what she meant, this made Terra blush but he managed to regain his composure. "well why not rock climbing. I remember seeing a flyer at the reception desk. Aqua. Kanya you guys lived here before do know where it is?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine Character Portrait: Aqua and Kanya Rivers
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Terra Alkaine

"no problem" he smiled down at her, he looked up when he caught Kanya's glare only to receive one his way, making him look away. Terra snorted and just for good measure kissed Dawn on the lips, it was quite clear Kanya didn't like this thankfully Dawn didn't notice this.

------------------30 mins later------------------------------------

the truck stopped and everyone got out. the couple helped them into their gear, though Terra's was a bit difficult since they didn't have a size that would fit him well, but they made do with what they had. which was a little tight in places and it was somewhat noticeable if you were looking. "so twins lead the way" they followed the twins up a path that lead them to rocky overhang, the perfect climbing experience. "well this should be fun" Terra was the first to climb after the couple instructed them on safety issues and what not. then they added s fun fact, apparently there was a small cave at the top that a lot of couples went inside to give their confessions and what not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he laughed and caught up to Dawn pretty fast, but when he got to the ledge she was gone. this worried him and he unclipped the rope and examined the cave further, suddenly Dawn called out his name making him jump. she sounded like she was hurt, and in that instant Terra knew she was in trouble. he followed where the sound came from and was glad she called out again and looked up where there was another entrance to a cave just above the old one "great she would go explore" he shook his head and climbed inside.

it was a tight squeeze at first but he managed to stand upright if a bit hunched. "Dawn are you alright-" he nearly tripped into the very same hole Dawn had fallen in, he looked down and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of two glowing red eyes that looked up at him. "Dawn you okay down there or am I gonna have to come down there and get you out?" teasing her, Terra laid out on his stomach and reached down into the hole so she could grab hold of his hand.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he turned away not because he was disgusted(well maybe a little) but he knew Dawn probably didn't like him to see her like this. "alright im coming down" he lowered himself gently besides Dawn, Terra managed to get a good look at her and sighed "ah you did yourself a good one lil'lightin" shaking his head in worry Terra slid his arms below her body making sure to hold her tight so she wouldn't fall out of is arms.

"um no way to get out well then guess we'll just have to do it the old fashioned way" and wit that Terra kissed the top of her head and focused on the ground around them, which soon began to rumble and not long after that the very earth opened up above them creating a new path that led back to the ledge. still holding Dawn to his body Terra glanced down the edge making a show of Dawn. at the sight of her the couple gasped and quickly went onto high gear, they strapped themselves and brought up the first aid kit. they began to fix up Dawn, taking out the rocks that had managed to lodge themselves in her skin. this undoubtedly caused her to yelp every now and then and finally it was over. "there now then how to get you down from here" the woman said looking to the others for any possible suggestions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"don't worry lil'lightnin it aint your fault" rubbing the top of her head. the couple knowing that they walked here offered to drop them off at their hotel which they all happily agreed to, which was really nice of them to have done. the lady even gave Terra a few instructions on to handle her scrapes and what not. "well that sure was nice of them" Terra smiled and lead the others back to their rooms, he glared at the receptions who tried to stop them and ask questions but she backed away at his glare.

they got to their rooms and went their separate ways, Terra dropped his things on the bed, leading Dawn to sit next to him. he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her for a moment "you made me worry lil'lightnin thought something got you" resting his chin at the top of her head. "so you wanna wash off or go straight to bed".