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Dawn Carter

" People say i have a pure heart....they have no idea how pure tho"

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a character in “Elemental Spirits Reborn”, as played by AuroraDawn


Dawn Amaya Carter




Snow white curl wild hair reaching down to the middle of her back, blood red eyes, snow white skin. Curvy, petite body







Goddess Form:


-singing and dancing
-sunrises and sunsets
-drawing and painting

-scary movies


- Healing
- make storms
- Lightning blots and Thunder
- When in Ultra form can purify the darkest of souls and turn into light dragon

Zeus's lightning bolt and the Scythe of Life (opposite of scythe of death)

Personality: " i am a very quite person at least i would say so, but i have been told i am very kind hearted"

"I was always made fun of because of the way i look, me and my mother were always on the run because years ago we had left my father because he was very abusive. He wouldnt let us just stay in one place he would come find us and we would run. That all stopped though when my mom came down with cancer and was bed ridden. She died a few months after and i was shipped off to the Pink Owl girls only orphanage"

The dark
Elements you think you will get along with:
"everyone i hope"
Has a tear shaped diamond necklace giving to her by her mother before she died. Her favorite color is red

Light Dragon:

Gift from Zeus

Dawn using Artemis animal powers:

So begins...

Dawn Carter's Story

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn sat there speech less she couldnt think of anything to say, to comfort him. Tears trailed down her eyes, not of pity but from the fact he had lost his mum just like her. Dawn knew it was time to show him hers and tell him her story.
Turning her back to him she lifted her shirt off her back and moved her hair to saw the long scar that traveled from her right shoulder blade to the middle of her back. It was a dark red shade and horrible from the mutliple knife cuts to it.

"when i was little everything was great, my mum was a nurse and my dad owned a music store. I learned how to play so many instruments......we were happy. But that all ended when i was 10. Dad had gone out of business because he couldnt pay back the loan shark who had given him money to start his business. One night he came home and was all bloody and bruised, a bottle of whiskey in hand. My mom wasnt home yet so it was just me, my dad.......he was so mad and broken he went into the kitchen without even looking at me then came back out with so many knives. He smashed his empty bottle against the wall and broke it then hit me across the back of my head with it, then slashed at my face and body. He then turned me around and took a butcher knife to my back, jabbing it in until i could feel it on my spine. He did that with all the knives, he didnt want me to die quickly he wanted me to suffer like he did. He blamed me, he said i was the reason he didnt have enough money to pay them back, that he wished my mother never got pregnant with me. He said he hated me. After he put the knives in my back i couldnt move so he punched and kicked me repeatedly thats when my mum came home.........she saw me and screamed trying to get the neighbors attention but my father attacked her, he didnt shove knives in her no he just punched and kicked her until she was blue. I remember getting so angry, not at the fact he had hurt me but was hurting my mum. I guess it all makes sense now cause out of no where he started going into a spasm and the tips of his fingers, toes, nose all looked badly burnt like what would happen if you got badly electrified. Well he passed out after that and my mum did first aid on me, taking out all the knives then carried me to the car and went straight to the hospital. They took care of me but that same night my dad came in while no one was there and promise me that it didnt matter where we ran he would find us and that one day he would kill me.......he went crazy" Dawn took a deep breath in, trying to calm her heart beat then put down her shirt and faced Terra again, her skin had no color what so ever and her red eyes haunted by the memories.

"we ran the next day but he kept his promise it didnt matter where he went he found us and we would run again. We had to stop running though when my mum got cancer, she died a few months later and by dad was there. After my mum died he cornered me in an ally way and beat me again when i was 13. He sliced my already scarred back again and left me there to bleed out, i was so happy though when one of the nurses came looking for me, after that i was transferred to the local orphanage and stayed there until now. Kids in that orphanage would pick on me, saying i looked weird and that no one would ever love me, and you know i started believing them. Actually right before Zeus brought us all here i had received a phone call from my father saying he was coming for me.......i bet he's still looking right now" Dawn whimpered. She couldnt look at Terra as tears clouded her vision.

"we all have battle scar's.....but its the way we heal our minds not our bodies that really matters" Dawn said softly repeating her mum's last words.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he looked at her scarred back and hated that such a beautiful like Dawn was scarred in such a way and by her own father at that. Terra had begun to shake thinking of all the people who go through this every single day, but some learn to still love the people who did this to them or they learn to forgive just not forget. he shook his head when Dawn said her dad might still be looking for her and he reached out and grabbed Dawn by the shoulders. he brought her to his chest and hugged her tightly his head perched on her slender shoulder "if he is i wont let him touch you i promise you that" his voice soft and full of caring.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Tears trailed down Dawn's cheeks and soaked into Terra shirt as he held her. She couldn't speak all she could do was nod her head and snuggle deeper into him. He made her feel safe and warm.
"thank you" she said softly. Dawn eyes fluttered as sleep tried to take over.
"terra i'm tried i would like to go to sleep now" Dawn yawned. The stress of all thats happened is finally taking its toll.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"oh yeah sorry" blushing slightly realizing he had yet to let go of her. smiling at her Terra slowly let go of her and kissed her goodnight on the forehead and quietly walked to his bed and soon fell asleep, a smile on his face as he slept peacefully.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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"goodnight" Dawn said softly, She cuddled into the comforter, missing the warmth Terra gave her. She shivered then stood up and closed the window then looked down at Terra sleeping. Remembering the kiss to the forehead Dawn blushed then walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek whispering goodnight in his ear then went back to her bed and drifted off to sleep.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

he was running but not moving anywhere, he was stuck and he saw a femenime figure before him "Mother?" a smile spread across his face as he was filled with joy that she didnt die that night. but then it began to crumble and Terra fell, he fell somewhere cold and watery. he couldnt breath and he was sinking fast, he swam upwards with what he knew from watching swimmers. but he was met with a layer of ice a figure walked along its surface but Terra couldnt see who or what it was. then something smashed through the ice and a huge hand grabbed him, Terra let loose a soundless scream and right when he was about to see who or what it was that grabbed him he woke up.

gasping for breath, Terra put one hand to his mouth trying to calm down his clothes where soaked in sweat and he sat at the edge of bed and looked over at Dawn still sleeping in the cool sunlight. "sunlight its morning might as well look for the baths" shaking his head Terra got up grabbed a few things from his dresser and headed in the direction he remebered seekng baths from before. the whole time his mind kept straying to his nightmare, recently he had been having that one a lot but he always woke up before he saw what it was that grabbed him. "what the hell is up with these damn nightmares" grumbljng under his breath, this caused a group of maids to scurry off in fear intimidated by his expression of frusteration.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn blinked her eyes open as the morning sun shone threw the windows. Yawning loudly she sat up in bed to look around, seeing the twins still sleeping in their beds 'what time did they come in?' and that Terra bed was empty.Looking around she couldn't see Terra in the room but then she heard the frightened squeals of the maids as they ran placed the door. Being as curious as Dawn is she got out of bed and looked out the hallway to see a frustrated looking Terra entering a room that was labeled 'male baths'. Dawn was about to call him when her stomach growled loudly and some of the passing maids giggled as Dawn blushed in embarrassment.

"shut up you stupid stomach i'll get you food" she muttered to herself as she started walking down the hall towards the dining room, the smell of freshly made bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausage, anything you could think of leading her to her destination. Once she entered the dining room is dove right in, grabbing a plate and shoveling food on it. No on else was here yet but there was a note on the table saying the Elements could help themselves, then go train in combat with each other because the gods are in a meeting for most of the day. Dawn started eating her happiness radiating off her like a bright sun.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

stepping out of the baths Terra felt a whole lot better and clean at that. "whew never realized i was so dirty" chuckling at himself, he got dressed but realized he forgot his shirt, so he left the baths his hair dripped water, he quickly shool his head makeing his hair go to right. when his hair was wet it looked a whole lot better than his usual mess, though perfered it messy. some of the people he passed by either stared or shook their heads in disgust at the fact that he wore no shirt, thats when he smelled it the awesome smell of good food. he didnt care if people saw his upper body not in the slightest all he cared about was eating that mouth watering bacon.

stepping into the room he was totally oblivious of Dawns presence and quickly stacked his plate full of food, nibbling on a peice of toast as he got his food. Terra then plopped down on a plush chair, eating the rest of his toast then going to his pancakes. looking up his blue eye came in contact with deep red pools of colour and he smiled "good morning lil'lightning sleep well" taking a huge bite out of his pancake.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn blushed as she watched Terra enter. She also noted he was shirtless showing off his lean but muscular torso.
"morning jolly green giant" dawn giggled
She loaded her pancakes with whipping cream and strawberries and shoved a good big piece in her mouth moaning from the delicious taste. Swallowing her food she turned back to terra.
" I guess the gods are in a meeting most of the day so they said we are to do some combat training then after lunch we can go explore" dawn chirped happily handing Terra the piece of paper.
" I want to go swimming in that swallow waterfall after we train, I'm not that great of a swimmer but it's so hot out today it's 43 degrees Celsius out there!" dawn explained shoving another pancake in her mouth.
" yum you have to love these people's cooking but they haven't tried my cinnamon buns yet!" Dawn said happily then finished up her plate and took a drink of her field berry juice.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

taking the note he read it really quick, then turned to Dawn his face paled a moment at the mention of water. "water oh yeah i'll have to pass on that Dawn i dont do well in water and i refuse to get near it" his tone serious. but it was soon replaced by a contened sigh as he leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head staring at the ceiling before he sat forwards again. "well i guess we should start heading towards the training grounds right?" looking at Dawn with a sidelong glance for approval.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn took note that Terra didnt like water.
'but he doesnt mind showering......hmm idea!' Dawn thought innerly then contacted Zeus using the link they had and nodded at Terra.
"Ya im all done lets get goi....wait" Dawn looked down noting she was still in her night shirt.
"i need to go change first i'l be there in a moment" she blushed then ran quickly out of the room and to the bedrooms where she grabbed a pair of light jean shorts and a white tank top and undergarments then ran into the bathrooms and changed quickly.
It took her 6 minutes to get ready but now she was running towards the combat training arena.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"right then" he got up slowly taking his time as he followed Dawn to their room but knew to wait for her to leave before he entered. grabbing a clean black shirt Terra left but soon ran back in realizing he wasnt wearing his eye patch so he grabbed it, put it on and jogged over to Dawn who was already in the training fields.

"so what do you wanna start with if you want we can do a sparring match or something see what we can do?" he knew if he did spar with Dawn most likly it wouldnt end well if she punched him full of electricity. at that thought he smiled but shook his head looking down at Dawn "so what shall it be lil'lightning?".

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn looked up to see Terra towering over her, she giggled at her nickname.
"Well the only weapon i know how to use is a bow, so why dont we try archery first? then we can do some hand to hand combat then we can practice against each other with swords.....then i think even though our Gods arent here we should try to call upon our element weapons, how does that sound?" Dawn asked looking up at Terra then walked over to the rake that held a quiver full of arrows and a wooden bow with beautiful carvings in bedded into the wood. She grabbed a bow and a full quiver for Terra to then went back to him and handed it to him then went over to the archery range where the bulls-eye targets where waiting.

Dawn quickly braided her white hair but left it untied at the bottom cause she didnt have anything to tie it with. Then she took aim, breathing in deeply then exhaled, her red eyes zooming in a the target. On her last exhale she let go and the arrow seemed to morph around her bow, flying straight and the arrow hit the bulls-eye. It sunk into he wood until you could only see the feathers at the end but Dawn knew it had gone all the way threw to the back.

"Oops didnt mean to shoot it that hard" Dawn nervously giggled then turned to Terra.
"Your turn"

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"sure sounds good" taking the bow and arrows from Dawn. "wow your a pretty good shot" smiling at her with pride as he stepped up to face his target. Terra had little to no experiance in archery so he looked strange holding the bow especially considering his large size which seemed to darwf the bow in his hands. he raised the bow and released the arrow, which completly missed the target "well thats the best i got" laughing a little.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn giggled then nodded her head. It was almost noon already and the blazing sun was shining directly on them making Dawn uncomfortably warm.
So hope Zeus and the twins came threw on her little plan to cool down. Smiling at Terra she motioned for him to come at her.

"Well if we are done with archery next is hand to hand combat, so bring it on Jolly Green Giant" Dawn readied herself then lunged at Terra.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"yeah sure" and before he knew it Dawn lunged for him and his years of martial arts kicked in and he easily side stepped her, his fists raised in front of him prepared for what ever Dawn threw at him "come on lil'lightnin gotta try harder than that" teasing her.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Dawn growled at his teasing and tried the lung for his torso but Terra easily dodged her again. Dawn stepped back and started looking for his weak spots.

'well he's tall but he's lean meaning speed and agitlity are not problem but then he cant see with his right eye meaning thats his weak point, and from him being so tall and me short he would think i am going to attack from underneath so if i attack high maybe i'll be able to get somewhere' Dawn planned in her head. Smiling at her plan she dashed past Terra from his right side then used lightning to lift her into the air. She landed on Terra's back and she hooked her arm's lightly around his neck to make sure she didnt choke him. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to pull down.

She made one mistake. She cant put him down because's he's stronger and heavier then her.

"Well that didnt go as planned" Dawn groaned and rested her head in the crook of Terra's neck.
"My plan would have worked if you werent so tall Bombax terra elementum" Dawn spoke the last part in Latin, calling Terra a Darn Earth Element.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

"what the-" before he knew it Dawn ran to his right, taking advantage of his blind side 'resourceful, good' she hooked one arm around his neck just enough to keep him still but not enough to choke him. he laughed as she realized her failed attempt at bringing him down.

"I have absolutely no idea what you just said but this ends here" smiling, Terra grabbed her wrist and flipped her off his back but made sure not to throw her to hard onto the ground. Terra willed the earth to soften a bit and it did becoming like sand as dawns body came on impact making a low splat sound. she stared up at him in shock "im guessing you weren't expecting that were you, at least we know one thing your good with archery and im good in hand to hand combat we should learn from each other no?" crouching besides her Terra offered her his hand.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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"Sure" Dawn smiled sweetly then took Terra's hand. One thing no one knows about Dawn is that she is very competitive. She pulled him down beside her,grunt coming from him. Then Dawn moved quickly climbing on top of Terra and holding him down by his shoulders and straddling his waist then smiled down at him.

"You may be good at combat but i can be quite sneaky and quick when i want to" Dawn giggled at his shocked face.
"Dont you know your never suppose to throw a girl cause they come back biting?" Dawn asked raising an eyebrow. Smiling down at Terra she whispered in his ear
"Besides its not nice to pick on the birthday girl" she whispered then (she couldnt help it he looked so shocked already she had to add to the fire) she kissed Terra's cheek and shot off of him then ran over to the swords.

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Character Portrait: Dawn Carter Character Portrait: Terra Alkaine
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Terra Alkaine

before he knew Dawn was on top of him, surprisingly able to keep him down but it was mostly due to the shock that he hadn't expected that. he smiled up at her and blinked when she kissed him on the cheek, then she was gone, Terra sat up slowly rubbing the spot where she had kissed him 'so she's the birthday girl eh well then how bout a birthday surprise then' a mischievous grin on his face.

Terra then took out the stone Golem who vibrated even more in his hands, Terra then brought up the stone to his lips and whispered something to it before throwing the stone in the direction Dawn ran off to. the moment the stone came into contact with the earth it ruptured as if by an even large rock of some kind, dirt clods flew everywhere.

after the dust cleared a large figure slowly made its way towards Dawn, a deep rumble escaped from its huge chest; Golem was unrecognizable being covered in really dark soil and bits of twigs and the sort.