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Elemental Wrath

Elemental Wrath


You are a god, your mission is to amass belief and erode the support of the other gods. Death is coming for all and only the strongest of the gods can defeat it and rule the pantheon. Become the strongest and gain dominion over hearts and minds!

1,409 readers have visited Elemental Wrath since defiante1 created it.


You were once one of the mighty gods that ruled over the earth, a blissful Eden where your followers worshipped you and made you strong. You lived in an uneasy peace with the other gods who each had their own followers. However things could not stay so balanced, a new god rose up and challenged the order of things. The god of death, those who weren't sacrificed were killed in the wake of blood and terror he unleashed. He decimated all your follows and your power faded, one by one the other gods fell into the void with no one to sustain them until just four remained. The elementals, a god for each of the basic world elements. You are one of these. You cannot be fully destroyed for without you the world would cease to be, however with no more followers you have faded greatly.

With nothing more to feed on the death god slumbers, deep in the core of the world and waits for life to return so he can once again feast. His power is so great now that it would take a might force to stop him. You will have to be that mighty force, when the death god finally returns and life is once more rich on the planet he shall harvest again. You must gather your power, take it from the other gods if need be and conquer death itself!

You have ten thousand years to amass enough belief to face Death, the gods will have to unite by then or ruin will face them once more. However whose banner they unite under shall be decided by the strongest, will it be you ? Let us see...

Toggle Rules

This is not like a normal RP, you play as a god and not a character therefor the normal social interactions of characters don't exist in this. Instead you play one of the four main gods, each one based around an elemental.

Earth, Fire, Water, Air

You must choose if your god has physical form or not, advantages to either. A form gives you some way to interact but it can be killed, you will lose power and belief if it is.

They are the four main spots for players although more may be opened up if people request to a max of 6 gods in total. The idea of the RP is to amass power for your god, you do this by gaining the belief of the creatures that inhabit it. Mostly humans but the power to create life shall be yours so who knows what species may start to inhabit the land. You must build up your own power while eroding the support of the other gods, making yourself the most powerful and only then will you be able to unite the other gods to defeat Death. The enemy of all of you.

You achieve your goals by directing minions, creatures, creations and even mighty avatars. Shaping the land and changing it. Impress people or terrorize them into worshipping you, break deals with other gods or try to dominate them. Anything you can think off, its a sandbox RP of sorts.

There are a few rules however, you are a god not a character. All you can do is direct your attacks and creatures, the DM will decide what happens and how it affects the world. Each post you do will be summed up by the DM. This is because the RP is like a giant battle and battle RP we feel needs an independent judge to make sure it stays fair. All DM decisions are final, we do not wish to see arguments about power play or god modding.

Aside from that you can do whatever you can dream up to gain belief from the others, you are a god after all! However the more power you have, the bigger the effects for your actions and the more you can do. We have a guide for this, it is your power level.

God power levels

1: Create lesser forms of life (non free will and simple entities, anything incapable of worship)
2: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
3: Create life of human equivalent
4: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
5: Alter landscape
6: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
7: Create monstrous avatar (e.g. Kraken, Dragon, Balrog)
8: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
9: Create Prophet
10: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
11: Resurrect any fallen thing and control it
12:increase power of everything below and of god abilities
13: Apocalyptic miracle (meteor strike, whirlpool, earthquake, summon volcano etc etc)

Doing any of the special abilities lowers your power but many of them will gain you more worshippers in turn, so your power will regain in time assuming it goes to plan. Also losing any followers or creatures you create will also diminish your power, so use these powerful tools carefully. They can back fire or be wasted otherwise! It is just a guide though and it is not the strictest thing, it is more ment to be a referance of your god abilities since "Everything" is often a bit daunting for some and stiffles their creativity.

The game is like a game of chess, you must out think and beat your fellow gods or try to make peace if you like but that road is dangerous and not all gods will share that idea. The world is what you make of it!


Characterization: In-Progress Plot: Advanced Depth: Proficient Style: Advanced Mechanics: Advanced Overall: Advanced
Scythe Massakür wrote:I greatly approve of this roleplay. It is well written, and detailed. I greatly enjoyed reading it.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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The world was ravaged by death and had been silent for some time, but life was slowly returning, grass and plants had been there for some time now but finially humans had arrived. Small tribes of humans scattered around the world, spread over the lands and continants of the world. Water dividing the land masses, island chains and the like. Earth was still very much earth. The land had shifted somewhat though and old ruins were even in places, harsh reminders that the world had once been a thriving place with mighty civilisations. Now they were just dust, perhaps one day they would be rebuilt if the gods willed it.

The gods themselves were stirring, called from the void by the primitive worship of man. They had never truly gone and the elements were always the first to receive the attention of mankind, the cave men found fires wrath useful, waters life sustaining essential, wind mighty and shaking and the earth was imposing as a mountain.

With such simple worship the gods were gaining strenght enough to affect the world once more, this time they would not make the mistake again and underestimate death, who slept in the core of the world. Or would they ? Victory was not guarenteed, nor was the gods surviving enough to even see Deaths return. One thing was clear though, they were back and the fate of the world would be once more in their hands. The first of the gods was stirring...


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Deep under the ocean rests the ruins of the once great city of Azuna, once one of the greatest wonders of the world, built in honor of Zaroth the god of the ocean. However when the Death god had last risen, Zaroth's last act of power was to sink the city deep into the ocean, in a last act of defiance before Death could over came him. This had zaped the little strength Zaroth had left, and so he sunk along with his city, leaving the rest of the world to die once again.

But then years later, the massive serpent which had practically been fused together with the ground sturred. Its glowing yellow eyes flying open, and inspected the ruined land around it. He instantly recognized the city built in his honor, and felt his heart burn in rage for the Death god. But then his attention was turned else where. He heard a faint whisper in his ear, something he he immediately recognized as a prayer directed at him...Well not him, he soon discovered, but rather some nameless spirit of the sea. Still it had been close enough for Zaroth to regain a small amount of his power.

Through the prayer he could see into the human's eye's who uttered it. The world was a barren waste land, with only small tribed of humanity remaining...But what fascinated Zaroth was that he was the first to awaken. He could not sense his brothers, or sister, only the Death god, but he was far away...No doubt slumbering in whatever pit he hid in whenever he'd finished his gruesome killing spree.

This brought a small smile to Zaroth's face. He could teach the humans his ways, the right way, without those other siblings of his getting in the way of his teachings. Finally the human race would have one true god.

Gram sighed to himself while he sat next to his brother by the beach, hoping for some kind of catch today. Both of the men were thin as bones, as was most humans these days. It had been years sense anyone had seen any form of life, be it plants, or animals, but for the rare exception. The few remaining human tribes had somehow managed to survive, but they were dropping in number each day it seemed.

Finally gram had prayed to the sea to give him something, for once give him something to clench his hunger. He noticed his brothers eyes gaze on him... He probably thought Gram had gone mad, like the others... And perhaps he had? He honestly couldn't tell anymore. His eyes suddenly widened, as the ocean...moved? Through out Gram's entire life time, sense the Wind goddess vanished, there had been no waves, everything had been perfectly still. Yet now the ocean rocked, more and more, until Gram actually had to back away from it in fear. He recalled his father one day spotting a fish in the shallow water, and rushed after it. Soon he had been to deep, and drowned to death, and now it seemed as though the ocean was rising up to take him, and his brother as well.

Then the sea parted as a great spire rose from the sea, He and his brother watched in amazement, which quickly turned to horror, as they realized the spire was looking at them with menacing yellow eyes, bearing long, sharp fangs. His brother let out a shriek, as he wheeled around and ran for their village. Bur Gram couldn't move, he seemed locked in place, while the large creature's face closed in on him. As it opened its massive jaws, Gram thought for sure that he was going to die, as a massive fish dropped from the creatures mouth.

Gram marveled at the fishes size, it sheer weight shaking the ground, this would feed his tribe for months. "A reward for your faith." A voice rang in his mind. The voice was stern, commanding, and almost kingly in a way. Gram's eyes slowly rose the the giant creature looming over him. He knew it was not possible, but who else was there to speak with him.

"I am Zaroth, god of the ocean, and this is my gift to you." Then there was silence for the longest of time, before Gram managed to utter a word. "W-what?" "You prayed to me, did you not? You showed faith in a higher power, though you had no reason to. Zaroth does not forget those who serve him, child. Now this is but a taste of things to come, if you will listen." Whatever fear gram had felt seemed to vanish at the prospect of more food like this fish before him. "You'd bring us more?" "Much more, child..." Zaroth returned in a warm tone.

"All I ask in return, is for you to worship me, praise my name, spread it across your land, let all chant the name of Zaroth, greatest of all the gods! Tell them that if their faith is pure, and unrelenting, the sea shall run wild with fish, rivers shall run through the land, and restore life.... And your people shall never go hungry again...Now go..." Zaroth did not wait for Gram to follow the command, before the great serpent vanished into the sea, making it rock wild with waves once again....before all was still...


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As the first of the gods to rise up from their slumber, Zaroth was the first to make contact with the humans tribes that were scattered across the coast. The elements were always the first things to attract the worship of basic man, water provided life and those who lived near it prospered usually. The fishing tribe soon errected a shrine to worship the sea and the mighty serpent who provided food, belief was slowly spreading that worship of the mighty ocean led to fine returns of fish.

Belief was slow to spread though, tribal man did not travel much and did not know of other tribes. Yet all those by water often turned to revere it and the odd traveller would come now and then. The stone had been set in motion and perhaps in time it would turn into a landslide of belief. Zaroth succeeded though in setting up the first of his belivers which helped to sustain his conciousness in the world. People had a name for the ocean and the spirit within. Power comes to Zaroth.


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Khaine felt power in him again… it was only a sliver as if it his great fire had been extinguished and only the coals remained. Memory flooded back to him, memory of death, of the water god’s cowardice. His anger boiled threatening to explode in rage. He pushed himself up, finally opening his great burning eyes. The world was bright as he remembered it, the mighty Sun, his greatest creation still burned brightly.

He slowly stood, the black obsidian rock cracking and crumbling as the Titan rose. On his feet, he gazed around, curious as to his current location and his memories came back once again in a rush. He remembered standing at the foot of his great volcano… His domain. His great flaming sword in his hand, facing down the black dragon of death, the water god had fled back to his city, using the last of his weak power to destroy his city. The Water God abandoned Khaine, but the Bloody-Handed God would never turn tail, he fought to the end. He remembered the great battle well, no matter how hard he struck the dragon, he could not harm it, and after days of enduring the dragon’s blows the Fire God fell… his fire extinguished, and his body crumbling without his power to hold it together.

He lifted his head; it seemed his cowardly brother Zaroth had awoken before him. The thought that that cowardly worm had a head start angered Khaine, and he leaned back unleashing a mighty roar into the air, his great mouth opening and the fire inside bursting forth fueled by the Gods anger. He could not feel his Sister Wyvaria or brother Wyldeheart, but if he had arisen so would they. He missed Wyvaria although young, fire needed air to burn the brightest. He closed his great eyes and took in the new world.

It was empty… only tribes. He felt a larger tribe. The strongest in their plains and far from the lands of the Water God so to avoid confrontation until his power grew, they were praising him in a primitive fashion. Dancing around a large fire singing and dancing… how disgusting. A true praise of him would be shedding blood in his name. He looked down at his right hand… it wasn’t bloody as it was supposed to be. He had spent too long without bloodshed in his name. He would visit this village and show them the true path of Fire.

--Tribe of the Kurgan—

The barely clothed humans danced around the great fire, while their shamans threw more sticks into the fire increasing it. It was time for the new hunting season to begin, and they believed that with fires passion they could kill much more beast. The people danced lost in their bliss, the tribal leader Archon was watching a particular girl, more lost in her than the dance itself, but his attention was turned elsewhere as a piercing scream pierced the air.

The Chieftain Archon looked around for the source, and an old woman a healer in the group was pointing at the fire. Everyone person in his tribe seemed struck with pure terror, and slowly he turned his gaze to the fire. Large hands reached out from the fire, made from rock and living fire. The planted themselves into the soil, the sand turning red from the heat. The hands pushed down and from the depths of the fire a great head appeared. Women and men alike screamed, but could not move as if an otherworld force held them in place. The head was huge with great horn like objects emerging from the side of his head, and in place of eye sockets were burning balls of flames like mini-suns. The hands continued to push until the torso also rose from the fire, and only then did the hands stop.

The fire giant turned his massive head looking down at the village and to everyone’s terror; it spoke. “I am Kaela Mensha Khaine, and I am your new God.” The Great being pointed at the people “Bow before me mortals” the villagers bowed… lost in shock.

The God opened its mouth its metallic sounding words echoing forth “I am the God of Fire. I am the Bloody-Handed God. Serve me, and I shall grant you Victory. I shall make you into the greatest tribe the world has ever seen. Praise me and attack your neighboring villages. Bring them to heel under the Fire God’s command. Kill their men, and take their women and children for your own, make your village grow and Praise Khaine. For I am your savior and I will be your Enemies Doom. “

One of the braver village warriors stood and threw his spear at the being, but the spear simply caught on fire turning to ashes. Khaine’s gazed lowered to the warrior, and he reached forth grasping the man. The man screamed as the gods burning hands branded the man’s skin, and the huge god laughed. His deep voice echoing through the minds and souls of his people, “Such fire in you people… good, but betray me and suffer the fate of this man” at the end of his words Khaine clenched his hand the man’s blood spraying the ground and covering the Gods hand. Blood flowered freely, and the God let the body tumble out of his hands letting the body fall to the ground.

Khaine pointed to what he believed was the Chieftain and the man stepped back “You, Make sure you follow my will. All must follow my will, for those who do not believe. Kill them. Do not disappoint me, or share his fate” at the end he pointed to the crushed body of the sad brave warrior. The Fire God disappeared, bathed in great flames leaving behind only the shocked villages, the broken body, and a roaring fire pit.


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And so it was that the Kaela Mensha Khaine set into motion the war of the plains, a tribe inspired more by terror than by any religious zeal immedietly gathered its strong ones and set about raiding. Through their raiding they prospered and while their understanding of their god was simple they borrowed his image as best they could. Many of the young men had taken to painting their faces to his likeness before battle and each one of them had dyed their hand red.

The Kurgen tribe at first created a cult to honour their fire lord, but it soon become a warriors credo and mantra of blood and power. Word spread fast in the plains but not of belief, fear came first, fear of the red handed tribe, their brutality and fire worship. Eventually others began to emmulate this and now what was one strong tribe, became a collection of tribes assimilated into one by a single force. However fires unpredictable nature set in too, the tribes turned their attention not to conquest and raiding but infighting and contests of strenght. Their people were stronger now and content with their lands, more eager to prove their own prowess.

The Kurgen were a stronger and more dangerous people now.

The tide of blood however was slowed but who knows for how long, especially with blood sports starting to arrive and shrines being errected to the fire god of the plains. Power to Khaine.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
In the realm of the highest skies, The Goddess of Air floated in isolation. Her powers weakened from their former beings but it didn't not stop her from waking. In the deepest of sea her brother Zaroth had awaked before her as well as Kaine after him. She heaved a deep sigh, her brother Kaela Mensha Kaine was the closest to her and she would fuel his fire but he was unpredictable and she mustn't let that influence her. She floated along the clouds, peaking down to the Earth and saw her brothers take hold of their claim. Wyldeheart had yet to awaken from his slumber but it would soon come. Wyvaria sighed once more, and took to her slumber again. She would emerge from the skies when she was stronger but for now she would allowed time to take it's coarse and her influence would be minimum. From the corners of her mind, five sprites took toward the mountains below. They would spread what they could for now, The Air Goddess messengers of peace. And so they descended, in search for those of worth and loyalty.


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The people of the mountains scratched a hard living from the rocks, food could not be farmed or grown in the same way as the lowlands. It took effort, toil and sweat to survive and sometimes even blood. The tribesmen up there were a hardy and practical folk who werent easily spooked, but even they were bedazzelled and confused by the spirits that decended upon them. Travelling through the villages and spreading word fo the serenity of the air goddess and the peace that would befall those who worshipped her.

They were somewhat skeptical of such things but they couldnt deny the beauty of the spirits that visited them either, so in each mountain village the sprites visited a single shrine was errected in the shape of a woman. The occassional offering of food was left at each and villagers would often stop to ask for protection and safe travel, yet they had no real direction as of yet. The people paid tribute to the spirits and the goddess but their lives had not changed greatly either way. Still, they did belive... which gave power to Wyvaria.


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The Wyldeheart stirred...

In the midst of the deep, old wood, slipping through the maze massive dead trees and crawling roots, a tribe of humans were scavenging. Times were hard for all mankind, and for the people to survive, they had to band together to find food and sustenance. So here they were, scrounging the ancient wood for whatever they could find, vegetable, root, nut, or if they were very lucky an animal. Sadly there was very little to find, and the deeper into the wood they ventured, the more foreboding and quiet things became. This tribe, had survived better then most by working together in union, where the individual would surely have died. Something... had beat in thier hearts, a strength to survive and to seek.

At last they came upon a massive banyan tree. At least a hundred feet tall and made wholly of twisting roots and vines, coiled over massive jutting boulders and rock, and even in this place of nigh barren trees... this one still held life, for its leaves still were green. There was a sacredness to this place that the people all could feel, a heaviness that kept them in awe and quiet. The chieftain led his people around the tree slowly, its massive trunk forcing a wide circuit, till one of the children screamed and pointed up high into the bows. The child's mother silenced her, as the chief looked up at what had scared her.

There in the upper reaches of the tree, hung almost like a trophy was the massive skull of some ancient and massive creature. The skull itself had to be at least 6 feet tall and half that wide, but such was dwarfed by the massive tangle of antlers that curled out from the sides, sixteen long points of stark barbaric beauty. The people gasped in awe and the chief called to his people and together they whispered a prayer to whatever ancient spirit must abide here in this tree.

The Wyldeheart stirred...

Time had seemed to stand still for so time uncounted as the spirit of the Earth, the God of Nature had slept for ages. The world had fallen near lifeless in its wake, the spark of life and renewal had been lost without the beating of the Wyldeheart. Yet, it heard the whispers of a scant few people, here in its resting place, in its ancient tree.

The Wyldeheart had slept for so long, it had lost track of its brothers and sister, yet as it awoke it could sense two of its siblings already had awoken and started to work in the world. It would seem the cycle was to begin again already. The Wyldeheart was different in its view then its fellows. Yes, the world had fallen unto Death, but while his brother Khaine was vengeful, while Zaroth schemed, while sweet Wyvaria was in anguish, the Wyldeheart had simply understood. It was certainly no joy to watch all they had worked for turn to ash, and like the others the Wyldeheart had sought to do whatever it could to the bitter last. Yet while Zaroth had cast his own city into the sea, the Wyldeheart had instead planted the seeds for the future... For the world to live, it had to die, such was the cycle of all life. Now, they could begin again. The great mustard tree grew from the tiniest of seeds, and so too would the Wyldeheart.

Let the Fire burn, and give the Earth new rich sustenance upon which to feed. Let the Water flood and rage, that the Earth will drink it in and revive. Let the Wind cut and wail, that the Earth could spread its seed. The Wyldeheart saw opportunity and victory in all things, and deep in its bowels it had kept so many secrets and treasures waiting for the right time, for it was patient. It was the last to awaken...this was no surprise, and in being so the others had already cast their shadow on the world. Yet this two was pat of the Wyldeheart's plan and purpose. It felt no rivalry to them, and knew that only in harmony could their be victory over Death. It cared and loved its family, even as it loved the world they lived in, and the people that walked it.

The Wyldeheart stirred....

As the people had given utterance of worship, the Wyldeheart could feel the first vestige of its great power echo and return through it. For a brief moment the empty eyes of the beast skull glowed with a soft green light, and looked upon the people. The people murmered and gasped, and the chief raised his hands in an even greater voice to call again to this spirit. The Wyldeheart looked upon their hearts, minds, and souls, and it smiled at what it had found there. Here was one of the Wyldeheart's seeds... and it would cause this seed here to grow.

As they people cried in wonder, the Wyldeheart gave them even more reason to stir. Starting amongst the barren shadowed roots of the tree, mushrooms would burst and pop from the ground. Along the great trunk of the the tree, moss and vines semed to wash up and over the tree, climbing ever upwards like flowing water. From its branches, leaves burst into richer green, and figs sprouted in a great bounty just waiting to be plucked and eaten. All around thier feet, grew life. They could hear the sounds of birds chirping in the highest branches and one man even thought he saw a hare dart and burrow down amongst the roots.

The Wyldeheart spoke...

"My people..." came a deep, calm voice from the skull " children, know that you find favor in my sight. Long have I awaited your coming. You who seek through unity and balance to live, survive, and flourish. Know that I love you, my children, and will be your Father, Mother, and God. That which you see about you is my gift to you, a reward for your first act of faith, and a blessing to ease your long suffering."

"I am the Wyldeheart, the very spirit of the Earth itself. Follow my ways, learn my teachings, and I will give you all you could ever need. I give you plants to eat, and beasts to hunt... I will teach how to cultivate and raise them, that you will never know famine. I will clothe you and enrich you. When you are sick, my plants will heal you.When you need protect yourselves, I will give you the materials to craft the best weapons and defenses. Mine are all the treasures of the earth. All these things are my promises. However, none of these things are free. I will teach you how to work, and to honor me, and my teachings. Love me, worship me, and follow my ways."

"Do not waste... do not destroy needlessly, take only what you need for yourselves and your fellows. Repay and return all that is given. Give and it will be given more unto you. What you sow, so shall you reap. Protect each other, and work together. Do all this in my name, and spread my teachings to all who would listen. Learn knowledge and wisdom, and be slow to anger. Guard each other, and protect your children. Each day, take a small portion of whatever you receive and sacrifice it to me on my alters. Love me, even as I love you, and be my people, the Wyldefolk" for as this was spoken a smooth stone table of white marble would stir and rise up from the ground before the tree, and upon the stone was formed the first wood bow and arrows , the first stone ax, stone hoe, stone spear, and stone hammer "Take these tools. Build in harmony with the earth... and I will protect you. Curry not my wrath with destruction and waste, but seek my love. Be fruitful and multiply."

The Wyldeheart would spend the next few hours talking with his children and answering their questions till night would fall, and then it would grow quiet, having used much of its first vestige of power to return the heart of the wild to beating and abundance, it would rest and watch over its people, giving them one last gift, a lullaby of night song.

The Wyldeheart rested...


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At last, the gods had returned to the earth and the people would be either blessed, or cursed by their return. Still the people would change and grow with their gods, violent or peaceful the gods all brought change. None as much as Wyldeheart though for he brought life to a planet that much needed it, much of the wild life had been destroyed by the death god and even now only basic creatures existed. Few and far between were animals, small herds and simple beasts but not as much as their should. Perhaps now with the return of the earth god that would change and life would not only return but flourish.

His people did, they took the advice of their god and set to work, inspired by his loving speech and his talks of balance within nature. They made the forest their home, not by cutting it down but by living within it. They made houses in the trees and what wood they took, they planet a thousand more seeds to replace. They understood the give and take lesson well indeed for they soon set up shrines too, whittled from dead logs and old wood, carved into the shape of the Wyldehearts might skull and placed offerings. They did all this and more, setting up a solid community within the forest and a druidic like bond with the surrounding enviroment. Food was still scare though but they became talented hunters, ghosts almost inside the dark of the forest. A mysterious and rightous people, firm in their belief that they walked with nature on their side.

However the message was limited, so far word of the earth god had not spread beyond the great forest.


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Zaroth sensed the awakening of his two brothers, and felt his heart race. Wyldeheart he did not mind, in fact he knew he would be needed in time, but Khaine was a quite different matter. What use had Zaroth for fire or war? All it could possibly do is get in his way. This caused the great serpent to work tirelessly, he created fish of all manner of kind. Those who only worshiped him casually got nothing but small, plain old brown fish. Those who worshiped him religiously, and offered him tribute, were rewarded with large, colorful fish, which seemed to do wonders for any common cold.

Still Zaroth felt uncertain, his word spread far to slow for his liking, and his people did not progress as quickly as he needed them to. Feeling pressed, Zaroth did something even his fellow gods had rarely seen him to. The mighty god of the sea, rose to the land. His massive body slithered across the ground, creating great trails where ever he went, which soon filled with water. It was a slow process, for he had to make sure the trail was deep enough for his creatures to live in, and to keep the likes of the Kurgan out. Occasionally he'd run across tribes, and he stopped his labor to tell them of his message, and warn them of the Kurgan, and their fire god.

"He would see us all burn in his abominable flames. But pledge your allegiance to me, and I will protect you. I shall raise great seas in his way. Seas who shall serve you as your protector, and provider..."

While Zaroth began promising all tribes he encountered both protection from the Kurgan menace, and boundless amount of food, he soon changed his tales, villanizing his brother more and more, as it made Zaroth seem all the more greater in comparison. Tales of the Kurgan killing men, raping women, and taking their children to make them into mindless murderers... But most detailed was the tales of how Khaine made his avatars. Gruesome tales of proud warriors being robbed of their free will, forced to burn for an entire week before their body could take it no longer, and simply crumbled.

As the great rivers grew, Zaroth created being such as the Giger's, giant eels with wicked intelligence, who would attack anyone who tried to cross the river, without Zaroth's blessing. They also dug deep under water tunnels, which in time would widen the sea for their master, while Zaroth carried on shaping the land to his liking.


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Life returned quickly to the oceans of the world and fish repopulated them once more, all tribes and villages near the coast prospered from this in a multitude of ways. More fish ment more food and a healthier and stronger people, not to mention those who prayed to the sea seemed to have greater luck with their catch. It became local tradition in many places to make offerings to the sea at shrines before a fishing trip for safety and prosperity. Many places hadnt yet heard the name of Zaroth but the sea they knew all the same, a might tempest of nature that all could worship.

However times had indeed changed, for as Zaroth took to the land for the first time in an age everyone who saw him couldnt deny his existance. Even weakened on the land as he was his great body carved up paths for the water to follow in, spreading his influence and giving him a greater presense on the land. For every where that the water touched, people often moved to live near it. A village by a river did well and a simple offering to the great seperent ment food for all.

The land was truly shaped by the creature, progress was slow for certain and it was still only close to the coast and worming quite litrally inwards. The stories were rampent though, not only of the great serpent but also his tales of a fire doom that stalked the land. Rumours of warriors in the main land that were to be feared and resisted, the red hand became the sign of the enemy the closer to the coast anyone came. War perhaps, was inevitable for the moment the Kurgen ventured out from the great plains and mainland they would surely encounter hateful resistance. River people and fishing communities whipped into a religious zeal and frenzy about any of those who worshipped the flame.

Waves of power came to Zaroth, a tough of his old glory as fame spread and his personal appearance inspiring all. Enough power even to create real life. But at what cost ? The seeds of war had been sown.


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Khaine felt his sister… barely. It seemed she was playing it safe, taking her time as was her way. Wyldeheart was also taking his time, but without a physical avatar like the others he had no choice but to take it slow, now Zaroth that was another factor. Khaine felt his watery brother run across the continent, and it had taken everything he had in him to restrain himself from charging out and dealing with his brother personally. In the water, Khaine could not touch him, but on the land it was something else. He could have slain his brother as his Kurgan slaughtered his weak fishermen.

Zorath’s people tried to make up with martial power by using their religious zeal, but his people had so much more. He had to give it to his brother; the river would slow the expansion of his people, but only just. In an all out war the Kurgan would rape and pillage the fishermen. His tribes were warriors; they devoted themselves to war and him. They had honor, skill, and zeal unlike the fishermen who tried to make up for it with just zeal, but no, Khaine would let his brother’s people live, at least for awhile as by spreading stories of the Fire God and his people; Zaroth had given Khaine belief as well. They hated and feared him, but in order to do that they had to believe in his existence which gave him power.

He closed his eyes and took in the world, to the south lie Zaroth’s territory, to the north Wyldeheart, and Wyvaria’s lands… but to the east and west there was no claim. To the east lay rolling hills, and to the west valleys and rivers, both would fall to him and the Kurgans wrath, but for now he would let his people grow as they had ample room to do so, and if Zaroth did such a stunt again; Khaine would personally lead his men to cut a bloody path through his land.

--Tribe of the Kurgan—

Khaine appeared much like he did the last time, rising from the fire, and his people bowed before him while the warriors kneeled. How great they looked… he was rather proud of his warriors changing and evolving so much in so little time, it was a commendable trait. He raised his arms “You have done well, my children.” He let his gaze wander and truly the Kurgan Tribe had almost quadrupled with size and all of the Great Plains was his.

“You now build altars to me, and these blood games… you have gone beyond my expectations. You are now the mightiest tribe on the plains, and perhaps the world, but I will take you farther. The plains are long and it takes long to travel, and so I come bearing a gift for you. “

He could tell the people were happy, and somewhat fearful of this gift.. good, they should know their place. He raised his left hand and as the blood dripped from it and hit the ground the blood began to gather and take form. When the blood receded a pack of huge wolves were left behind, but they were… different. They had black obsidian like fur, large burning eyes and giant spikes running down the side of their necks almost like handles. The wolves were the size of small horses.

“These Wolves of Khaine, will be your companions in war, the hunt, and they will bare you across the plains. Breed them, fight with them, and ride them to glory. They will only listen to the Kurgan people, and will gladly tear out the throats of your enemies.”

He would not make them go to war yet, he would let them build and prepare, than the great Fire Scourge would begin.


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It seemed the fate of Zaroth and Khaine was to become linked, since neither could do anything without affecting the other in some way. Yet war had not come so far, perhaps that was a blessing for humanity was new to the world once more and finding its feet again, open war might well decimate the life of the planet before it began. Still hatred of the fire gods people was rife through out the land, not just from Zaroths work either. The raiders had made many enemies amongst the other tribes although none were directly strong enough to challenge them.

The wolves were a useful blessing to the Kurgen, the great plains were a large and unforgiving place and horses were not yet mastered by the humans. The first people to ride and roam the plains increased the raiding power of the Kurgens immensely, they became terrors of the ;and and often rode in at night on their mighty beasts taking prisoners. The Kurgens began to develope a new taste, they invented slavery. They took captives from other tribes and set them to work or killed them in brutal sports, much misery and blood flowed from the fire gods people.

All was not entirely well though, they had lost interest somewhat in conquest and were becomming an insular people. Quite content to dwell in their city butching themselves in blood sports and contests, only venturing out to raid and steal from others, taking what they wanted at all. Their slavery raids were spreading far and wide though, becomming adept hunters of man. Leaving empty villages in their wake, destroying some tribes history before it even began.

Still the Kurgen prospered and their numbers grew, taking what they could not build or grow themselves. Power flowed to Khaine not just from the Kurgen but also from the fear of the fire god, perhaps a by product of Zaroths work but mainly a credible fear. The Kurgen tribe was a real danger in the world and many villagers had much right to shake at the thought of the Kurgen raiders.

Enough power came from this fear for Khaine to summon and create real life, a race of his own perhaps. Yet strangely something else happened, power came to Zaroth. His followers worshipping harder, to be spared the evil of the Kurgens. A double edged sword once more.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
During a time before the Harvester of Souls, Wyvaria had created 4 kingdoms of the sky. In each kingdom lived different races of humans, angels, sprites, and many others.

Above the southern sea floated the Kingdom of Shakar, it's buildings were coastal like and a race of angels inhabited it's astral streets. In the kingdom, altars to the air had been erected but cause of their connection to the sea as well, they created altars to Zaroth. The Harak angels were not only beings of air but water as well and would not forsake either of the high powers.

Above the hills of the east floated the Kingdom of Tadja, it's barbaric life force of humans covered it with savage rituals. Upon the hills they created temples of worship to the Goddess and her brother Kaine. The humans of these hills were ancestors of the Kurgens and they too had once worshiped Kaine as the Destroyer.

Above the valleys of the west floated the Kingdom of Ganbai, the vines of a forest below anchored and shaped it's creation. A large amount of sprites and elves payed homage to the Goddess of the Air and God of the Earth. The Cinthra sprites and forest elves lived on both land and sky, bringing worship to each provider.

The northern mountainous Kingdom of Karsoun was last to be created and upon the snow caps of Mount Pagdra is where it resided. Up in the rigid rocks, the winged race of snow elves took residency and gave worship only to their Goddess. The Vorsah elves were very rigorous in their beliefs of Wyvaria and revered the 8 Aeros or the 8 Ways of the Winds. Between each kingdom there was trade and prosperous friendships but the Vorsah were unforgiving to those who did not worship the Goddess and would mostly stay up on their mountain.

When the first races of life had came to be, Wyvaria gave them the gift of breath and even gave some the gift of flight. When she gave these gifts she created the 8 directions and with all of her power split herself into 8 beings for each direction and they became know as the 8 Aeros. Every Aero was only a being of flickering air but each ,besides the first, carried a weapon. Because of their astral properties, the Aeros had to take a willing host to preserve the Goddess’s power.

When the time of the Death God came, almost all the Aeros were decimated in the battle between the Elemental Gods and the Death God. As a last hope of faith, the human male that took upon an Aero sacrificed his body to allow to Goddess to transfer back to her realm and sleep. Because her powers had extremely weakened, the 4 kingdoms of the sky fell to the earth, their ruins never to return to the sky. Below the vast ocean, the ruins of the Shakar kingdom laid for Zaroth. In the valleys, the ruins of the Ganbai kingdom molded into the realm of Wyldeheart. Upon the hills, the ruins of the Tadja kingdom created an inferno for Kaine. After the Death God’s harvest ended, only two hosts of the Aeros remained, the powers bestowed upon them gone with Goddess of Air and only few remnants of each kingdoms’ races still continued onward.

Wyvaria woke again as her influence grew slightly. She sighed as she remembered her failure to keep by Kaine’s side. Below upon the mountains, tribes had create shrines in her image and she could not help from smiling at their worship.

In a cave on the side of Mount Pagdra lived a small tribe of Vorsah, their faith and worship having been renewed at the sighting of the sprites. They constructed the largest shrine out of the other tribes of the mountain to the Goddess and began their vigorous religious practices. In the tribe a young boy by the name of Insha ventured down the slopes of the snowy mountain, beginning his test of manhood and acceptance into the Vorsah tribe. In the freezing blizzard, Insha pushed through until he found his ventured target. On the branch of a dead tree in the middle of a small clearing, a bird perched. The bird was small but it seem unafraid of the blizzard it was currently in. The bird was a light color of brown and looked similar to a barn owl except for a slight orange tint to the eyes. With a flick of his wrist, Insha brought out a small dagger and with a forgiving prayer to Wyvaria he descended upon the peculiar bird. When he was nearly 3 feet away from the bird, it suddenly turned it’s head and stared straight into the young boy eyes. Insha was shocked and stopped where he was. The bird then flapped it’s wings and suddenly burst into a torrent of wind. Insha looked upon the location where the bird was and was in awe and fear. On top of the branch sat a figure of pure air, it’s shape taking that of Insha himself. Then it spoke, “You look very young yet I feel great loyalty may come from you, tell me my son, what is your name?” The being flickered before the boy, it’s face showing a smile. Insha hesitated, “M-my name is Insha, my lady.” The figure giggled which cause the boy to flinch a bit. “You know of me my child?” The small bird returned and perched itself on Insha’s shoulder. Insha was slightly shocked but had pet the bird non the less who pushed into his touch. “Yes great mother I’ve been given teachings on our ancestors and of you.” Insha looked upon his doppelganger’s face with a smile upon his. “I am truly blessed if the mother of our race has shone herself to me.” The figure looked at the bird and grinned at the young boy. “His name is Raija and he is a companion for you and if you worship me with loyalty I will give you more gifts as well as gifts for your tribe. Will you worship your mother?” Insha bowed his head and smile. “My life is yours always, my lady.”


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The air goddess had finially woken it seemed, the Death god had indeed brought much suffering to the world but there was a chance to rebuild and perhaps defeat him this time. There was time aplenty to prepair for his comming and rise above the maddess he ensued. Last time he had risen up in the midst of the empires, catching everyone unaware and causing too much chaos. This time with any luck it would be differant and the gods would not have to suffer the crushing loss of seeing all they held dear devistated and the cycle begin anew.

The young boy Insha soon ran back to his village to tell everyone of the miracle he had witnessed and show others the bird that was now his companion. It wasnt long before word of this spread all across the mountain villages and birds became a holy symbol of the air goddess. Many people carved them things and made shrines depicting the air goddess with birds on her as well, hunting of them also ceased and they were welcome in the villages. People feeding them and encouraging to nest near by became common practice too, soon all the villages were friends of birds and their musical songs could be heard all day and night. All across the mountains.

Belief in the air goddess soared like her wing companions, restoring her to some of her former glory. Enough even to create life again.


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The Wyldeheart stirred...

The stirrings of its brothers worried the Wyldeheart, who seemed already to vie one against the other. Still, it understood that even in this, its goals could be furthered. As the two peoples rivaled and fought, the weak would die, aye, but the survivors would learn from thier fallen, and the victors proved their worth. Some evils, in the long run were necessary if one day they would be strong enough to overcome Death.

One advantage at least was that so long as the brothers directed thier focus at each other, the Wyldeheart's children would go mostly unharrased for a time. Not forever of course, but it needed to prolong that time for so long as it could. So the Wyldeheart moved to speak with each of its Brothers.

The Wyldeheart moved...

Sprouting from cracks in the volcanic stone, the vine like mass carried a dear skull before Khaine, bowing its head in respect "Peace brother. I am not here to quarrel, or speak against you. Such is not my way, but to offer an arrangement between us and our peoples, that mine need not fall into conflict with your, and see my forests lost. Your fire, your passion, are necessary in this world, but strength and destruction alone will consume itself in the course of time. Therefore I offer this deal. I will give life to the plains once more, grain shall sprout in abundance and herd beasts shall roam its fields."

"Tell your people to place a scarecrow in the fields, bearing my symbol and speak my name, and the harvest will come, and the harvest will flourish. I seek not to replace you in their hearts in the least, only to help provide for them and be known."

"Further, if you tell your people not to strike at mine, who keep the forests, I will give them them ore for bronze and with your fire, they will be able to craft armor, tools, and weapons. We will share in metalworking, you and I. Is this acceptable? For only together can we give this gift"

The Wyldeheart moved...

As the great serpent Zaroth cut rivers into the land, awaiting his arrival awaited the great vine mass and skull head that held Wyldeheart's spirit. When its Brother drew near, the Wyldeheart bowed. "Peace Brother. I am here to speak to both our benefit. I see you and Khaine are already at odds. I seek not to interfere in your affair, such is not my way. Instead I seek to ensure the peace between our peoples, and mutual growth in power and prosperity."

"Your rivers and springs provide the water my plants and animals need to survive. Without them I cannot sustain all of this without great strain. I offer then to give rice to your people, and water plants to ensure the balance and natural cycle of your fish. Let us work together to bring life flourishing back to this land."

"I will grow trees on the coasts from which your people can harvest lumber to build boats and venture on your waters. In return, I ask that for every tree, they plant more and harvest only that which they need, and speak my name when they move to take one of my trees. Is this acceptable?"

The Wyldeheart was pleased...

His people had followed his teachings, and would reap the benefits of his gifts. He would teach them agriculture, husbandry, and herbalism. He filled the forests with all manner of dear, rabbits, panthers, snakes, and uncounted other species, teaching his people how to interact with them all.

Exercising its power, the Wyldeheart sprouted special nuts from its ancient banyan tree, its avatar in the deep wood, and bid these fruits be taken by those in Deep Wood that wished to spread to new places in the world, that the Deep Wood would not become overcrowded and unable to support the numbers of humans. Instilled in each fig was some of the Wyldeheart's essence, and wherever the Wyldefolk would plant one of these in a new forest, a new banyan would grow quickly and rise and spread to create another home and source of strength and teaching.

The Wyldeheart selected amongst them Priestesses, beckoned to serve it directly, and be its Voice to the people when it would be otherwise to burdened to speak to them directly. Each priestess was chosen based on her devotion to the Wyldeheart and its teachings, by her strength, intelligence, wisdom, and physical beauty and prowess. It would even give them a runic language, a written way to record their knowledge and its teachings. It commanded them to spread his teachings to the world, to be careful and respectful of other peoples and avoid danger and conflict. It named that in addition to giving a small offering to it in return for the bounty of each day, that every full moon, and every new moon would be sacred days.

The Full Moon would be for the Wyldehunt. A night when the priestesses would each wear an antlered skull and leather armor, take up the spear and bow and lead its people on a hunt for a great beast, a beast that the Wyldeheart would show the priestess in her dream. These were to be sacred creatures, for the Wyldeheart made them itself. These were great unique creations, powerful and dangerous, a challenge that would test their cunning, skill, and strength. When the beast was killed, the party would feast upon it, but the heart would be saved and sacrificed on the stone alter, and the skull would be hung on the sacred tree.

The New Moon would be for the Wyldedance. A night when the priestesses would wear an antlered skull and go naked to the stone alter. The sacred drums and instruments would be played, and she would lead the people in a passionate wild dance to celebrate life. Whoever had dealt the death blow to the beast would have the honor of mating with a priestess and all would watch encouraged to mate amongst each other as well to celebrate life and increase the populace of the Wyldefolk, all in their God's name.

Of the union of the priestess at the Wyldedance, a child always resulted. Each born priestess and would be changed by the Wyldeheart. The priestess would always have green eyes and red hair, and lips crimson as the rose, skin of either dark tan or pale green, and pointed ears and having bewitching beauty and grace. These Wyldeborn daughters would be human still, but the perfect human, stronger and taller then their fellows, reaching 7 feet in height, the epitome of human capability.

The Wyldeheart provided all that it could for its people, nutrition, protection, knowledge, and guidance. It sparked in the wombs of its women to increase the birthrate and likelihood of multiple births. It protected against disease and defect. Yes, all these individual acts would not drain the Wyldeheart, but together it was another matter wholly, and it wisely worked to not drain its strength.

The Wyldeheart rested...

It saved its power, waiting to hear what its brothers would decide on its offers, watching its sister and glad she was working in the world again as well. It knew both brothers would be aware of the offer made to the other, it made no secret of it, and no reason to. It was a neutral, life giving being, and all would benefit from it.It might be too soon to approach its sister, hence not having done so yet. It would by the lifespark, the provision, the steadfast one ever as it had been, till Death awakened again


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It seemed that nature would indeed return to the world by the steady and determined hand of the Wyldeheart, not only had the earth god put plans into motion with his brothers but also with spreading the might of his forests and the power of his people. So much so that it it drained his reserves, so much divine power came at a price and it diminished his abilities somewhat. It would take time to regather his strenght but things were set into motion now, his divine priestess and commands for his religion were set out and his people responded with dilligence and obediance.

They spread in small groups and then set out across the world, leaving their forests and planting their seeds to create new and great forests. That slowly began to spring up across the world, consuming the north in a torrent of wildlife that sprang up within a short time, clearly the hand of a god at work. Even the east wasnt spared, beyind the mountains a single group of explorers planted a seed and soon a forest was born. Life springing up all over and animals being created to fill and sustain the life.

The amount of animals in the forest too helped the Wyldehearts people to grow and prosper, their stomachs full of meat and game from their hunting. They became probably the most skilled hunters in the world, blending in and living in harmony with the forest in such a way that others could only dream off. It wouldnt be long until the people of the earth god were the most numerous and strongest. After all who could match them in their forests and jungles ? In their own enviroment they were gods almost, protected by the animals and just as skilled at blending in as their beastial cousins.

Wyldeheart himself though was drained from his effort, from creating his seeds, the multitudes of life and even his divine priestess. Human belief was powerful but it had its limit and the earth god would have to rest a while before he could resummon his power. However... with so many people out there now and his forests expanding it would return in greater amounts than ever before. Wyldehearts power remains the same for now.


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Word had spread across Zaroth's land, telling them to move towards the holy ocean, where the first of his followers waited for them. Zaroth had spent many years gathering whatever stray tribe he came across, but that would only get him so far. It was now time for him to build a civilization.

Still the mighty serpent continued his labor, and as his powers grew, he managed to carve his way through the land with increasing speed, helped further with his growing number of servants, who widened the rivers behind him, and dug them even deeper.

Then one day, Zaroth suddenly came to a stop, and rose, his massive form blocking out the sun, as he stared down on the mass of vines, he knew to be his brother. "Brother." Zaroth said with a curt nod. "It is good to see you escaped death's clutches once again." His tone was polite, his words sincere. For Zaroth knew Wyldeheart held the power to give life to the land, but also that without Zaroth, it would never last. As such Zaroth always considered himself superior to his brother, but that was as far as it went.

Zaroth listened to Wyldeheart's proposal, nod as he went along, pondering over his brothers word.

"You ask of to much, brother." Zaroth said in a respectful manner, not wishing to offend his brother, for he still needed him. "My people shall only know your name, if yours knows mine. That way we both gain equally do we not? My people will also require bronze to make tools to build the ships you speak off." Zaroth paused respectfully allowing Wyldeheart to think over the new demands. "In return, I propose an alliance between our people. I shall carve a river through the land, and feed your forest with new life. This river shall also serve as a joining of our two people. Tell them to honor my name, and they shall pass across it safely to my people. Let our people trade amongst themselves, and learn from each other. This would offer mutual gain to us both, would it not?"

Zaroth then went back to his labor, until he'd fully carved a large half circle across "his land". This would serve as a protective wall from any unwanted outsiders and a setting stone for something greater, for while Zaroth no longer carved through the land, his servants still did.

Now that he had a small measure of protection, it was time for him to get back to his people. He told them of the Wyldeheart, who would give them the tool needed for them to cross the sacred sea, which was the greatest honor one could achieve, in his words.

But when he were not teaching his people, he withdrew to the ruins of Azuna, far from his fellow god's eyes. Here he created his first born...The Naga...

Unlike the human's, the Naga were not gather's, but hunters. Though despite the Naga's thick hide's, their razor sharp claws, teeth, and powerful tail, they were not designed for individual strength. In the deep tides, there lurked many horrors, all greater and stronger then the Naga. So the Naga had to stick together, work as a pack, and as such, take down a opponent many times their size.

The first of the Naga was Five males, and two females. Naga, being more serpents then man, laid eggs rather then giving birth, each individual female being capable of carrying a great number of eggs once impregnated.

The first two females were created already pregnant, and Zaroth told the five males it was their job to protect the females. If they died, they must preserve the eggs, but if the eggs died, they would have proved themselves unworthy to be his children and he would simply leave them to their fate. However if they survived, they would be his chosen children, his favored acolytes, and in time he'd teach them all secrets of the sacred sea.


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With the mighty water defenses of rivers and steams around his land, Zaroth had given his people a barrier to protect them from not only the worst of the raiding but also any outsiders. The rivers populated with his servants attacked all those that tresspassed, even a few of the advanced Kurgen scouting parties learnt to leave the river alone. Their wolves disliked it too, the water being unnatural to them and filled with the spawn of another god.

The great river though was not the best thing Zaroth did for them, it was gathering up his followers and turning them into a single and united people, rather than a collection of vulnerable villages that worshipped him. The people were happy to move to the ocean and form a stronger community, brought together by their face and provided with food from the bountiful ocean they prospered and soon had the makings of a small town and even a city. They were not a warrior people but instead fishermen and farmers, keen to grow things and build. They became good artisans too, making unusal crafts inspired by their serpent god who provided for them.

With food plentiful the people grew healthy and soft, which lead to greater intellectual development. Longer lives ment they were able to progress their culture more, they dubbed their town Sarentia which was snake in their tongue. A tribute to the form of their god and it quickly became one of the most advanced gatherings of humans in the land. Developing such advancements as nets and superior fishing rods, invention had a home now. Not to mention they began work on a large temple, while still unfinished it would one day become a beacon of mans triumph and tenacity.

The Naga however were now born unto the world, deep down in the watery depths they spawned in great numbers and multiplied quickly. Their numbers growing, their creation however drained some of Zaroths powers who had spent much energy forging his people from the void and crafting his rivers. It would take some time before he could recover the lost divine power but perhaps too much time, for the Naga quickly began to revere their god as the great hunter of the depths. Worshipping as their fish like existance began to take form, soon they would swarm in the ocean.

Power left Zaroth... but not for long.


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Khaine quietly listened to his brothers proposal… it was a fair one and it would give Khaine massive amounts of power as his Kurgan would become the greatest warriors on the planet that not even his brothers little naga would be able to touch. Naga… with their scales wood and stone could not penetrate but with metal they would fall just like any other. “I agree” he said to the empty world, although he had no doubt his brother heard him well, but his brother Zaroth’s time was soon to come.

He moved to a great peak high in the air, and he shouted into the very his deep voice carrying far. “Wyvaria, I come to you for aid. Our brother Zaroth is not like me, in time he will betray us once again, I ask you sister for a gift. Create Great Eagles to bear my people across Zaroth’s little river, and I will tell my people of your aid. I will protect you, give you power, but I need your aid… I can only burn brightest when you are at my side.”

He would not wait for an answer as she was the wind itself so if she wished to speak to him it was rather easy. If all went well his warriors would have metal armor and weapons, food enough to launch a large scale campaign and a way to travel over the waters uncontested. The land of Zaroth would fall before the might of Khaine, but for now he had things to do.

--Village of the Kurgan—

As always Khaine appeared out of the great fire, and the people kneeled before them. It was time to get them out of their new found laziness. “Kurgan!” he roared his voice full of anger “What is this? You are warriors, conquerors why do you not fight your enemies?” He let his great eyes move from one person to the next “But before I tell you how you can fix this atrocity I must inform you of a new development. My brother Wyldeheart and I have come to an agreement. His people live the forest to the north, leave them be unless they step onto Kurgan Land, and place a scarecrow out in every field, before every harvest and planting say the name: Wyldeheart.”

He paused making sure his people understood his orders, and it seems they did for they all nodded eager to appease him. “Secondly, gather the tribes of the plains.” He pulled out a huge flaming blade and planted it into the soil of the village “Once you have gathered them all to this sword, march to the east to the rolling hills and conquer that land. Bring the people there into my arms, and if they do not wish to come… kill them, but I bring you a gift as well.”

He raised his hand and the blood flowed creating huge pills and from them large hulking beast emerged. Each was almost 10 ft, and just barely the people could see most were women and the others male. “These are the Ogres.” The people named looked up their stupidity evident, but in that highly primitive mind they knew who he was, and guttered out the word “Khaine!” one of the few they knew.

He turned his head to his people “These ogres, worship me, and will fight alongside you making great weapons for you. Tame them, train them, and unleash them.” The ogres had little hair on their heads, and extremely large stomachs. These stomachs were protected by thick muscle and inside were all their organs. Unlike humans whose organs were distributed in the body, the ogres were all centralized. Inside their stomachs they had highly potent acid, allowing them to eat almost anything making them rather easy to feed. The ogres understood their gods will well enough to know they had to follow the little people.

Khaine nodded, looking to the north. All depend on his beloved sister to come through for him.


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War was comming now, there was no doubt in it. The Kurgen had been whipped once more into a religious frenzy by their god and they immedietly set themselves to their task. They had been busy making themselves stronger and weeding out weakness but their god wanted action so their gaze went outwards rather than inwards. First they doubled their raids, the surrounding tribes that hadnt fallen to the Kurgen did within days. Not only did they come riding on giant beasts of war but they came with ogres, man giants of flesh that swords could stab yet not wound. It wasnt long before all of the plains and up to the edge of the might river had fallen to the Kurgen.

They had a problem though, they now had two races living as one within a space and plans for the invasion were halted for a small time. They people organised their town and surrounding villages into a caste system. The leader humans and the Ogres who served as a lower class, a working class and a warrior class. The dull witted brutes were shoved around closer to the slaves but treated with enough respect to stop them rebelling at least, for any life created with the capacity for worship also has free thought independant from their god, however slow it may be.

Once their city was organised they began to marshal for an invasion to the east, supplies were gathered and at first a problem was seen. They lacked suffiant food, they were not a particularly skilled farming people and most of their supplies were taken from raiding and hunting. Not efficant methods of feeding a city that now held two races. However the intervention of the earth god eased this problem and then outright solved for the Kurgen did what their god asked, they planet idols of the Earth god in their few fields and said his name when needed and their food became plentiful. More fields were dug and the Kurgen finially began to put aside their hunting nature, using their slaves taken from raids to work the fields instead.

The Kurgen also received metals and ore from the earth gods traders who came to visit, the hard and shiny substance impressed the Kurgens but they were unskilled with working it. For metal working was not a skill the Kurgen possessed, after all their god may well be of fire but his people were not born with an innate knowledge of all things fire. All peoples would learn it in time in the same way the Kurgen could learn to sail, could the Wyldehearts or Zaroths people learn to smelt. They did however tip their spears and clubs with the bronze nuggets and sharp them, impressed with their new hardness. The Ogres took to it well and did infact seem to have a knack for smelting, at least enough to melt it into sheets that they strapped to themselves as simple and basic armour. Yet humans were still only barbarians, the Kurgen especially, advanced smelting was beyond them yet.

With that, they marched east as ordered by their god. As soon as they crossed the mountains they came across a few tribes, most were smart enough to surrender immedietly and bow to the Fire god and his forces. However they did encounter a forest, one of Wyldehearts settlers had planted one of his magical seeds and set up a coloney that had spread fast. Bringing life to the varied lands beyond the hills. The Kurgen while hestitant moved up and began working into the forrest before they a skirmish happened, the Wyldehearts fought back against the invaders killing several and a few being killed in return. It wasnt until a red haired priestess invoked the name of Wyldeheart and that they should leave, did they realise and withdrew. But not far, they set up a camp outside the forrest and lit a might fire. Praying to Khaine, they wanted guidance.

Power of Khaine was diminished by creating a race but it soon replenished by worship and conquest, power stays at the same, still able to create life. Power came to Wyldeheart too, from the Kurgen honouring of his name. Making Wyldeheart able to create his own life now. Fully restored from his expendeture of power by the deal brokered with the fire god.


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The Wyldeheart reflected...

It had exerted much of its power to accomplish all that it had so far. Plants and animals both were becoming common across most of the world, and this pleasing in the Wyldeheart's sight. Its people were evolving and growing with wisdom and skill under its guidance, with its precious preistesses helping to ease the burden and continuous strain of their needs while avoiding leaving them unguided.

Kharne's pact with it was mutually beneficial and a great boon. Its seeds were now planted all over the plains, and herd beasts would provide meat, and in return, the Wyldeheart was known there, even if it was a distant second to their bloody handed god in their hearts.

The brief encounter between the Kurgan raider's and its Wyldefolk did give some concern. It understood what deaths were there had been accidental and should not constitute a
breaking of the current peace between the Gods. It would wait and see how its brother would order his people to act. In the meanwhile, the Wyldheart spoke to its preistesses, telling them not to strike at the Kurgan unless the Kurgan struck first at them purposefully. To stay hidden in the deep Wood, but to leave presents of baskets filled with fruits and vegetables as a peace offering as payment for what blood was shed. If the Kurgan were willing to leave in peace, and keep the pact of the two Gods, then all was to be forgiven, and diplomacy and trade could begin. In the meanwhile the Earth God would cause the forest to thicken near its edges, growing wild with heavy bramble thorn and stone defenses to prevent or slow further intrusions.

The Wyldeheart spoke...

The Wyldeheart it was not concerned about agreeing to its people knowing of the Water god, such was both fair and inevitable. It had no qualms against trade and commerce, for there were indeed things both people would benefit from such, even iron was not so much a strain, and could be provided in small amounts on the banks of Zaroth's rivers. After great contemplation, the Wyldeheart reached his decision.

The avatar of the Wyldeheart brought itself before Zaroth, and bowed in respect, "Brother, I have thought long and hard on your offer, and shall agree within the limitations of my power as it is now. My people will know your name, and speak it to cross the rivers, and to fish your streams. You will have rice for your wet lands to feed your people, and you will be able to harvest my trees so long as more are planted then are ever cut as need comes, and in the banks of your rivers your people will find tin and copper to smelt bronze, brought from my mountains by your waters. Our people are welcome to trade knowledge, skills, and goods to mutual benefit. This is found pleasing"

The Wyldeheart spoke...

Now that its sister Wyvaria was wholly awakened, and the Wyldeheart had engaged its brothers, it was both right and fair that it appear to her as well. On the mountain appearing before its floating sister, the Wyldeheart's avatar grew forth, though this time its body was made as much from stone and rock as it was clinging vines, still crested by the antlered skull. It bowed honorably before speaking.

"Blessing and honor to you, dearest Sister mine, I am glad to see you once more." the Wyldeheart said. "I come to offer my aid to our mutual benefit. Your people are brave and love you, and I would do nothing to change that. Still to help them carve their lives in the mountains, they may have use for my aid as well. I offer to create goats, sheep, and mammoths, and even coniferous trees to grow in the mountains to provide them with more meat, milk, fur, and materials. In exchange all I ask is peaceful commerce between our two peoples, and that our names be known to both."

The Wyldeheart had no desire to rule over the world, nor its brethren, only to provide life and growth for the whole of the world, and prepare for the coming of the dragon of Death. Let the brothers fight for dominance, the Wyldeheart would stay neutral and help its people and all who agreed to cooperate with it. Its ways were that of understanding, patience, and wisdom.

The Wyldeheart breathed...

To continue to improve its people, the Wyldeheart continued to lay its blessings upon the devoted. It gave its Priestesses the power to draw on the lif energy of the Wood, and heal the sick and injured, as well as teaching them how to bend and grow the plants about them to suit thier needs. Futher it gave all its people the gift to speak and bond to the beasts of the Wood, giving them powerful companions in the forms of bears, great cats, mighty lizards, and fiere moose and bucks. It taught them to ride, and be in harmony with the animals, to love them. It even created further and more powerful animals, great dinosaurs that would act as powerful guardians and companions to the strongest warriors and to its Priestesses. Living in such close proximity to the God, his people would change a tiny bit with each generation, becoming more like the priestesses though not as tall, living longer, becoming quicker, and becoming more and more in tune to the Wylde, evolving into something more then human.

The Wyldeheart watched and worked for husbandry and gardening to fully take hold, though never replacing the importance of the hunt in their hearts. Hunting would be a secondly source of food, rather then a primary, but with the religious importance of it, the skills of his people should never suffer for it. The Wyldeheart was a wild god, such would never be forgot.

With the return and even gain of its power, the time had come to make more then simple life in the world. It loved its followers, but wished to add allies for them, and others who it could love and that would love him. That and with the bronze age taking hold throughout the world, the Wyldeheart wanted a race that could be a perfect counterpart to his Wyldefolk. Rather then drawing on the plant side of its being, this race would come from the stones, gems, and metals with the Earth itself. The Wyldeheart breathed life into these materials, forming them into roughly humanoid forms each 10 feet tall, nested within eggs of crystal amongst the roots of his banyan tress. He charged his people to watch over the eggs while they gestated, till low the crystals cracked and a new species emerged. The Elemen were thus born.

These Elemen were each born a living, thinking construct made of some sort of stone, metal, or gem. They had the ability to shape their own bodies, to sense where in the earth the materials lay, pass through the earth and collect them, or summon them to the surface in blossoming shards. Then they could shape any metal, stone, or gem based on which they themselves were like soft clay. Male and female both, the Wyldeheart made, that they could mate and lay new eggs in the roots of the Banyan trees. It gave them a keen mind for construction, mathematics, and art, encouraging a blending of all three in all they do, but also a fierce protectiveness and warrior spirit.

The Elemen were to be treated as equals amongst the Wyldefolk, powerful guardians and craftsmen. The Wyldeheart spoke to its children of the Earth, showing its love and sharing its teachings with them. They would live in caves beneath the forests, nestled in the deep roots and strength of the mighty banyan trees that never stopped growing taller or deeper.

The Wyldeheart then made a point to visit one of its Deep Woods every Full Moon in its avatar, to personally bless the Wyldhunt and accept their offering, that faith in it would not wax for its absence. It taught them to keep its ways and teachings, but not to judge or gainsay others for their beliefs. To seek knowledge and balance, and to love.

The Wyldeheart rested, tired but content...


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The people of the forest grew slowly, expanding bit by bit and their numbers slowly increasing along with their forests. They didnt expand rappidly for their culture didnt allow it, to live in harmony within the forest ment a more controlled population. Not to mention even with their bonds, life in the wild wasnt always easy. But they changed and they adapted, becomming more and more at peace with their world and a part of it rather than using it. The forests themselves became teeming with life, a complex ecosystem within each that was full of animals but also predators.

Life in their was hostile and especially to outsiders, they became death for those not of the Wyldeheart and even for the Wyldeheart they had to respect nature least they be consumed by it. Quite litrally. The pople though prospered as well they could, a druidic culture was firmly established in the forrests and jungles of the world. The people gained a kinship with animals that helped them prosper in ways that others couldnt, they learn to ride some beasts almost as well as Kurgen and their wolves. Not to mention they tried their best to emulate some of the more powerful creatures, some took to wearing the skins of animals and dressing like them.

The creation of the elemen, the rock like golems of the Wyldeheart brought surprisingly few changes. The golems were quiet and purposeful, they lived in the darker places mostly and didnt mix much with the human Wylders. Not because they disliked them but because they moved slower, time was less of an issue for them and they seemed to have little interest in the world at times. Instead they seemed to focus themselves on the ground and making beautiful dens for themselves, they created caves filled with marvels and gems, riches untold even but to them it was purely decoration. They became insular craftsmen to the highest order, their craft though was focused over quality of existing items and not invention. They seemed eager to make duplicates of anything and everything, but to improve them and increase them to artifacts of artistic detail. It wasnt long before the Elemen gave the Wylders a artisan background, letting their forests be known for quality craftsmenship and an almost alien like beauty. Their bows and spears being engraved with beautiful designs and built to a superior standard. Not to mention their houses and apparel.

Such a mass of creation though, from mundane life to advanced life drained the Wyldeheart greatly. Sapping his strenght immensely right down to his most basic form, limiting what he could. It would take some time before his divine powers regenerated through the worship of his follows. For now he was an avatar to his people, but no more.


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After the Wyldeheart accepted the terms set with Zaroth, a river was carved into the forest, and it was not soon there after that the fish followed, though not to the amount that Zaroth's followers had been blessed with. Still there was enough to keep many people feed, and happy, and while he did not try to force his religion on the wild foke, he rewarded any who prayed to him beyond that which was expected. In time Zaroth would widen the river, and create small creeks, and waterfalls.

But for now his attention was with his own people, it was only a matter of time now before Khaine would be on them, and there was still so much to do. With the new plant life within the sea, Zaroth created Plankton, and after that he created the silven. The Silven were small, and very quick breeding fish, who swam around in swarms. Their main purpose had been to feed the Naga, who grew quickly, and require a large food supply, that grew with them.

He also set hard at work to teach his people of a great many things. He told them of stone cutting, how they could build walls around their city, and fortified bunkers. He sent people to the Wyldeheart's domain, over the great river on small boats, to learn how to make better bows, and arrows from wood.

He would also uphold his bargain with Wyldeheart. He told his people to pray to the Wyldeheart with each tree they planted, and in time they would learn how to grow rice to eat.

And finally he told them of the Naga, referring to them as his children, who would come to them at their hour of need. To the Naga, he told them of the humans, who like them revered him as a god, and honored his ways, as such they should be treated with respect. But then he told them of the Kurgan, or as he called them kinslayers, who burned, killed, or even enslaved people of their own kind, all in the name of a savage animal. There was no reason for these crimes, but for the vain fire god's ego, which now demanded the death of all those who worshiped Zaroth.

And so he asked them to go and collect the tin, and copper from the rivers, and leave it by the humans shore, where he'd teach the humans how to make bronze.

Zaroth also soon discovered, as his land was filling with life once more, he needed to create wonder onto the surface as well, as the sea. The first of which was the turtles, and frogs. Zaroth told his people to observe these creatures, and learn to swim as they did.

He then created the Verren, Zaroth's answer to Khaine's hounds. The Verren were scaled, four legged, omnivore, with long sharp teeth, and much like their canine counterparts, they were born hunters. While Verren had keen sense of smell, way above that of a human, it was not up to par with that of wolves. To compensate for this, the Verren were sensitive to sound, and when they could not see their prey, the Verren would starts emitting a low, but rapid clicking sound from their mouth's, allowing them to echolocate preys well beyond view, to the smallest motion of a single leaf. Like most creatures of Zaroth, the Verren were excellent swimmers, and while being land animals, could stay under water for long periods of time.

Zaroth said to the people to respect the Verren, train them to be companions, though Zaroth did not specify of what nature. If they believed the Verren were suited for war, fishing, or if some simply wanted one as a pet, was up to them.
After all, that was what made humans interesting. Their radical thinking, and seemingly endless imagination.

With time, as the his land grew thicker with life, Zaroth would create more creatures to inhabit it.

Then through the small rivers of the mountain, Zaroth spoke to his sister. "Greetings, dear sister." His voice was but a whisper, but he knew the wind would carry it. "I know what our brother have asked of you, but I beg you to ignore his offer. I do not believe you would send anyone to their death's, you are better then that. But I can see how his offer of peace might tempt you. You got your own people to look over, after all. But you know as well as I that our brother knows only war. If he destroys my city, you can rest assured that your people will soon share a similar fate. And that is no threat, dear sister. It is a warning. I will not ask for your peoples aid, nor for you to risk your creatures. I ask only, as a lover of peace, that if my brother do attack, you will blow the wind to our favor, let it guide my people's arrow's, so that they might defend all they hold dear."

The voice vanished, then reappeared in Khaine's land. "Brother. I will only tell you this once, attack me, and you will face your doom. My city is unlike anything your pathetic excuse of an army have ever faced before. Know that you will risk your entire army by attacking it. But also that even if you manage to breach my defenses, my last act, shall be to swallow your entire army into the sea..." The voice turned into a threatening hiss. "You know I am capable of this brother. I let the ocean have Azuna rather then let Death lay his filthy claws on it...And know that I hate you more then I ever hated him. For even Death have shown himself capable of self restraint, something you have never done, you single minded fool. And then I shall make your land run dry. There shall be no rain, where ever you go, and you will be forced to watch as what remains of your army withers away before your very eyes. You could of course go to our brother...But Are you capable of that? Can you bow, and beg him for aid? Would you allow your people to know you have so little strength on your own?"

His people were not warriors, but they were far from weak, and Khaine would soon know that it is far easier to defend, then attack.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
During the time of the Aeros, the followers of the Goddess dedicated 8 temples to the 8 Aeros with each temple built to the farthest reach of the 8 directions. Surprised and grateful by the acts of worship and loyalty of her people, Wyvaria bound each of the Aeros’ powers to the respected temple. Whole tribes would take pilgrimages to the shrines and give worship to the Goddess. When the Aeros themselves took towards their temples, large groups of tribes and villages went to the ceremonies. After the Elemental Gods lost their battle against Death, all the temples were desecrated by the Harvester of Souls. Now they are ruins nearly void of life…

The winds of Wyvaria’s realm were fast in their delivery and as such Khaine’s message was received. When the Goddess heard her brother’s voice, she smiled. Many others heard Khaine’s voice as demonic and molted but she heard it as the ambitious voice of her brother. After his message was given, Wyvaria frowned slightly at Khaine’s request. The Fire God’s lust for conquest could not be quenched even if it meant the destruction of their brother’s people. Wyvaria could not allow her own children to take part in a conquest of either brother. But she would not fail Khaine again so in the safety of her clouds, the Goddess inhaled then slowly sent a stream of air down to earth.

In an instant a beautiful young woman stood before Khaine, her long snow like hair flowing behind her. Her eyes were as black as night but shined like the stars above. With one step her white gown shifted and she bowed slightly for the large flaming God, a smile plastered on her face.

Then she spoke, her voice as light and soft as a breeze, “Brother Khaine, I have missed you greatly and am happy that you ask for my aid. But it saddens me to tell you that I cannot fulfill your request. You are brave and courageous but your also cruel and demanding and my noble children should not be influenced by that. But my dearest brother I will give your people a gift on the conditions of one thing. I ask of you to halt your advance beyond Wydeheart’s forest in the East. There is something dear to me there that I would like to reclaim before your conquest resumes. When this is done my brother, I will give you those of my creatures that created from my foulest nature and who revere me as Thresla Goddess of Fate. They will give wisdom to your tribesmen and relish in the fury of their hate. They will set fortune for your people be it ill or fruitful. And under the wings of the raven and crow will your tribes expand.”

She stopped and her voice turned cold and haunting, “But be warned brother, if you grow my creatures to a larger size then they can natural, I will forsake your people and deny them access to the skies. This is my proposal Khaine, and maybe when you can control your wild flames, I will grant you what you seek.” Then with a puff of air, the woman vanished.

At the top of Mount Pagdra, Wyldeheart visited Wyvaria even if they were opposing forces. When the Earth God made his offer, the Goddess of Air smiled as if laughing slightly. She knew that her brother was the type to stay neutral and offer help but even help came with it’s price. “Brother, you bless me with your visit as well as your proposal and I will accept your offer but know this Great Brother Wyldeheart, my Vorsah cannot give power to you even if you are known to them. They are too connect to me that only I can gain from them, but trade is possible. If to your liking brother, I will give your people the friendship of the birds and the gift of flight but that is all I can give.”

Insha had grown in to a fine young man as he spread the way of their mother. He was seen as a prophet for the Goddess and was given great respect for this title. He journeyed freely about the mountain multiply times with Raija constantly by his side, but today was different as a feeling of being summoned urged Insha. In the clearing where he first met the Goddess was where he felt he needed to be. When he took a step in to the clearing how ever, Raija flapped his wings and burst in to the same torrent of wind that he did when they first met. On Insha’s shoulder sat his doppelganger, the identical face smiling at him. The young man was shock at this display but smiled back knowing it was the Goddess. Wyvaria jumped from Insha’s shoulder and landed upon the same branch of the same tree that was now growing back. She looked down at the young man before her and took in his new appearance. His hair was slightly longer than his hair before and it now was the color of the snow. He was taller and wore the robes of the Vorsah priests as the sign of his title as prophet. He had grown well and the Goddess was pleased of his loyalty. She spoke, “My son, you have grown and have spread my word. I am very grateful to you. But now I must ask a great task of you.” Wyvaria smiled sadly knowing that if he accepted what she was going to give him, it would not only be a gift but a curse as well. Insha blinked and smiled in excitement not know what he‘ll be given, “My lady, I will do anything for you just speak it.” Insha’s eyes sparkled with anxiety, waiting on the Goddess’s command. Wyvaria chuckled at his young determination to serve her, “In order for you to go upon the journey thou, you must take the power of an Aero. Are you willing to even serve your soul to me Insha?” Insha blinked, give his soul to his Goddess? He was shocked. How could he serve the Goddess with his soul? Insha hesitated with his respond, uncertain about what to do. He shook his head, he was the prophet of the Air Goddess, it was his destiny to serve her and so he would; body, mind and soul. With renewed fire in his eyes he smiled at his image, “Yes great mother, my life is yours.” As the last syllable rolled off his tongue, Wyvaria smiled, “And so you shall be my first.” With a large force of wind, Insha was launched into the air and then suddenly vanished. Nothing remained in the clearing and a light breeze blew through the tree in the middle..

Wyvaria blinked when Zaroth spoke to her. Since Khaine had always needed her she was not as close to her other brothers but still loved them the same. She was caught in between but she could not take back her proposal to Khaine. The Goddess sighed, she did not want to see the innocent fishermen of Zaroth slaughtered but she could not stop Khaine’s conquest that he was determined to have. She smiled sadly and spoke toward the sea, “ Brother, I understand what you mean but I can’t forsake either of you. But I will give you this solace, if ever the Kurgen step upon your coast and shed innocent blood my winds will tear apart their bodies. This is all I can do for you and Khaine.”

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Character Portrait: Zaroth god of the sea
Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Character Portrait: Wyvaria
Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart


Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)


Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)

Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)

Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

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