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Audra Elton

"What do you mean, you don't feel like it? Did anyone ask you if you want to or not? Just follow my directions, and everything will go perfectly. No discussion needed."

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a character in “Elenia Legacy: Hero's Reborn”, as played by Nivosity



Audra has long pale hair that falls to the small of her back - it tends to seem like a silver-blue color - which tends to be slightly mussed up most of the time. She possesses grey eyes which always seem to have an arrogant, almost cruel look. Her bearing is firmly upright, and her head is always held high. She prefers to wear more formal attire, usually in lighter shades, and is always carrying around a small stuffed animal in her pocket.

Audra Elton




Wind Gem
Her skills mainly deal with the manipulation of winds, but depending on the strength of the wind, it can take a lot of energy and concentration. In order to create a wind, she changes one of her body parts into the wind itself. So, if she wants to create a small wind, she turns one of her limbs into the wind. After she ceases using this spell, the body part returns to normal, but can be injured if the wind becomes heated or cooled. These created winds are easier to control than other winds, but the larger the wind, the more parts of her body need to transform. She can turn her entire body into wind at times, but it’s a dangerous ability in that if things go wrong, she may lose much of her body. Other than that, she can manipulate surrounding winds into doing whatever she wants, but the larger the wind and the longer she’s already been controlling it, the more likely it will escape from her grasp and backfire badly. Winds are harder to stop than start, of course, so she can only calm smaller breezes.

~Good Aim - Due to her strong eyesight, she has good aim. This aim helps her be a good archer, but she can also use other weapons such as sling shots, and throwing objects at other people.
~Concentration - When she’s focusing on something, very little can distract her from whatever it is. This can backfire on her as when she’s really concentrating, she will be very vulnerable to the world around her.

Bow and arrow - usually recurve or crossbows. She can use other bows, as well, to varying levels of success.

Audra views herself as superior to the vast majority of people and therefore, insists on maintaining control over them for their ‘own good’. She has little care for emotions and the physical wellbeing of people other than herself and her close friends, seeing most people as simply tools, ‘cannon fodder’ in other words. She is slightly detached from the people around her, and is usually wearing a mocking half-smile. However, when people make the first move, she can be quite willing to talk to them - in her attempt to find someone who can match her own high standards. Audra’s speech is usually blunt, disliking to sugar-coat her words to keep people happy. After all, words don’t hurt them anyways. She isn’t afraid to use biting words to tear down the egos of others and almost enjoys the feeling of insulting someone until they break emotionally. That said, she doesn’t understand why people will break down when she insults them - ‘If it was me in that situation, I wouldn’t be crying. Weak.’ - but finds it slightly amusing.

Also, she is also very competitive. She hates to lose, especially when she believes that her opponents are worse than she is. However, at times, she becomes too self-assured, and underestimates her opponents. Due to this, those who have bested her once become her greatest rivals. In a group setting, she naturally pushes for more control and power. Audra dislikes even the idea of being bad at something, and therefore, if she finds out that she has average skill in anything, she will pretend that it doesn’t exist. She is unwilling to face her own weaknesses, such as music, and therefore, focuses only on her skills, mostly archery.

Audra Elton is the only child in a well-to-do family. Her parents both work, and therefore have little to do with her. When she wants something, they instantly provide it. For all her life, things have pretty much gone the way that she wanted to. She started archery when she was about ten years old, watching a famous archer on TV. Believing that she could do better than that guy, she pushed herself into her practice and found that she had a natural gift at doing so. She spent more and more time with her hobby, and ended up participating in small, local competitions, all of which she won. At the age of 11, her mother promised that she would have a present for her on her birthday. That day, her mother was in a car accident and died. Audra was angry, believing that her mother had broken her promise.

The day they asked for people who were interested in attending an assembly to meet students from different places, Audra didn’t quite care. People from a different country will be just as weak as the ones that existed where she lived. But when they said that only the best would be chosen, her curiosity was peaked, and she immediately signed up. After all, she was the best - and maybe, she’ll find someone good enough to be her equal.

So begins...

Audra Elton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sikes Kazer Character Portrait: Audra Elton Character Portrait: Felix Alliard
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Audra narrowed her eyes in annoyance as she mused over what the winged boy had said. Something about them not being from Elenia. What in the world was this Elenia that he was talking about? Was it the name of this place - Audra didn’t quite understand what in the world it was about, but it just went to show her that her subconscious was fully capable of creating strange worlds.

“Well, perhaps a compromise, my dearest ray of sunshine. If you’re looking for civilization, then I can escort you and your companion to Sora Academy for the Gifted. And answer any questions that you may have.” Audra nearly ended up losing her temper at that simple word - Gifted. It was such a disappointing word. There had been too many occasions when she had met someone who was ‘gifted’ but ended up being nothing but a simple bore. Answers seemed nice, but they weren’t helpful anyways.

Wasn’t it almost time for her to wake up from her dream already? The presentation must have started by now, so either time was messed up or there was something wrong with her. It didn’t matter. All that was needed was a bit of a shock and she’d wake up sooner or later. An adrenaline rush never failed to remove her from her dreams whenever she was about to die or something anyways.

 I don’t know who you are.. but you’re nuts if you think I’m willing to follow some random, winged, Casanova freak to a place that I’ve never even heard of,” stated the darker-haired boy with a voice that made it seem as though he was annoyed. Giacomo Casanova - the famous womanizer. It did make sense perhaps in that context, but she preferred to think that his words were given to her, and her only.

She stopped in her tracks to try and respond to the winged boy, before the other boy directed some of his ire her way. “I’m not to fond of you trying to act like the boss all of a sudden, but I’m only following you ‘cause you’re the only normal thing in sight.” Audra allowed a little smile to creep up on her face when she took in the implications of these words. Usually, people were all too willing to leave the decisions to someone else, especially in a place far from their comfort zone. How nice of this one to want to have some say.

Audra continued to walk forward, before turning her head to address the winged boy. “No thanks, flyboy. Don’t care too much for this academy of yours.” Then, in a deadpan voice, she turned towards the darker-haired boy, before shrugging. “And if you ever thought that your opinions would mean anything to me, you were mistaken. If you’re upset about it, then deal with the implications of being alone yourself.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sikes Kazer Character Portrait: Audra Elton Character Portrait: Felix Alliard
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Just when she had finished her little speech towards her darker-haired companion, the winged guy grabbed him, spun him around and gave him a hard slap in the face. Audra turned around as well to see just what had happened - especially to learn what had set the boy off into doing such a thing. Before, he had seemed to be quite well-mannered, even chivalrous, but apparently, the black-haired boy had done something that had gotten on his nerves.

“I don’t know where you came from nor do I particularly care. But as you can see, you are not dreaming. This isn’t some figment of your imagination, and neither is it a ploy by the people you know. You’re on my home planet of Elenia. If you insist on traveling, I’ve no choice but to accompany you; seeing as you know nothing of this place or its inhabitants.” He gave a slight bow that just served to allow Audra to take a closer look at his wings. They didn’t seem to be some thing that was strapped on to his back - to the best of her knowledge, it appeared as though they were seriously attached to the boy’s back directly. “Consider it my obligation to work for such knuckleheads.”

Audra hoped that the boy wasn’t addressing her in any way, but as there was no possibility that his rage wasn’t directed just at the boy - in her opinion. Her grey eyes flashed with anger; no one insulted her reasoning, even if they were winged people. “Excuse me!” she spat out, with a slight tinge of injured pride. “Exactly what is your reasoning behind calling me a knucklehead.” Then, knowing that she really shouldn’t be losing her temper - not in whatever this place was - in front of people, her voice became quieter, but still brought with it an aura of anger. “If you’ll insist on doing such distasteful things such as insulting someone, do you really think that your information would be helpful? Do you think that I’d believe you?”

She took a deep breath before continuing. “Let’s put it this way so that even someone like you can understand it. There is no way according to the laws of physics as we, humans, know them that we can be on a different planet without actually traveling. We can’t be on this planet - Elenia, you called it - because about just a little while ago, we were on Earth. How do you suppose that we’ve ended up here then? If something is impossible, then do not have the impudence to suggest it like an everyday occurrence. Now, Flyboy, what kind of reasoning did you use to come up with your ridiculous conclusion because I have to say that your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. You might as well go and get a new brain implant with the way that you think.” That berating of the sheer idiocy of that winged boy seemed to make her a bit more pleased than before, but she still looked, almost glared, at the boy.