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EmerGEN. C.



a part of EmerGEN. C., by Forensic_Anthro.


Forensic_Anthro holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of EmerGEN. C..

15 Characters Here

Reap Castion [0] Dont worry, i like my meat raw. (updated)
Jon De' Phantasia Fantasm EGEN.C [0] "Oh, it's you. Well, welcome back."
Izzy Leo [0] Oh!
Heroku Hiroshima [0] If I run far away from here, you can always find me. Just follow the nearest rainbow, up along the trail of rice and sparkles, and I will generally be from the third hello kitty to the right. If you have reached the Pokemon, you have gone too far
Kerrik Mercerne EGEN.C [0] "You wanted a beast? Well, You got one."
Marcello Flarige Chaves [0] "Bring it on, Baby!"
Matt Ciardha [0] "Don't worry. I wont hurt you. ... He might. But I wont."
Dimitri Mika Helikos [0] "I can hear it raining. This time, may I go outside?"
Xanna Star Shaw [0] ~::Beast Girl::~

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... what? Matt's eyebrow raised. It took him a second to understand what Elspeth had just said.
So... something different happened in her session this morning...? And she thinks that what caused her color problems... hmm... Matt folded his arms, wondering what to say now. There were two sides to what could have happened then. Whatever they had done different had caused Elspeth's color whatever-it-was. Some kind of chemical, possibly... Or there was option two. Whatever said scientists had done differently cause Espeth's body to react badly, causing an abnormality in her vision. Although which one was which could not be determined. Only time would tell.

"It just depends. "I don't know if it's what they what they did, or your reaction to what they did that's messing with you." He looked down. "Only time with tell, really. Although I'm sure if you told the scientists then they could fix it in a second."

But if she does that, that means she will have to wait until AFTER the couple of us break out... Damn it... I kind of wanted her to go with us... Matt looked down, a little saddened by this new revelation. Speaking of which... who else is coming? Reap and Kaylee at least... anyone else? I kind of wanted Elspeth to come with us. She always seems so lonely. She CAN'T enjoy that. No matter how she plays it...

Matt considered just flat out asking Elspeth if she was coming (He had mentioned it yesterday, after all.). But he thought against it. He doubted she would like that. So instead he focused his gaze on the grass on the ground in front of him, thinking.


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"It just depends. I don't know if it's what they what they did, or your reaction to what they did that's messing with you. Only time with tell, really. Although I'm sure if you told the scientists then they could fix it in a second." Elspeth nodded at his suggestion. "I heard you guys where planning to escape." She stated bluntly before the small wolf turned towards its right. "I would never do it alone, or with anyone. I guess you could call me a coward for saying, but I think I am scared." She had finally admit it, and to be honest, it didn't feel good at all like she would imagine.

"What do you think will happen once you do? You know that they are going to chase after you, so its like you will never have your freedom." She looked down as she petted the wolf. "What will happen if you fall in love and want to settle down? Its not like you can, because they will most likely chase after you. I think its a waste, either way, if you think about it, we are hidden from the world if we stay here, get tested on and live this life, or we could escape, be shunned by others and most likely killed by the people who run this place." She gave a small sigh as she knocked her head slightly back onto the tree. "I really feel stupid right now, everyone has big dreams about escaping and living normal lives while I am here thinking about all the bad things."

It was the most she had ever spoken here in a while, and she felt like she was about to get sick because of it. Her eyes shifted towards him, "I mean, one day, you will be all alone, with out no one by your side and most likely still be hunted like prey." She then sat up before stretching out her arms.


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"Run faster." Matt chuckled under his breath. He turned to the Elspeth, smiling full heartedly this time, and put a hand on her shoulder. He wasn't surewhat that would accomplish, but it just felt like the right thing to do.

"You're not a coward." He said just as blunt as she had. "Don't you ever think that. Anyone would be scared of somthing like this. You think I'm not scared? Even I'm scared." Matt layed the double meaning of the sentance on nicely. His eyes flickered to red for a split second unintentionaly. He hoped Elspeth hadn't seen it.

"But I think I could make it out there. I really do." Matt looked back at the ground, smiling softly. "They won't kill us... we're way to prized for that... but you're right. They will hunt us." He looked up at the glass dome serving as te sky. "Maybe I could leave the country. If it came down to that..." He sighed, wondering. "I could keep moving. I don't know about ever meeting somone like that though." Matt frowned. "Who'd ever like me like that." He smiled with the statment, but it wasn't happy at all.

It was right then that the unconscious meaning in Elspeth's words hit him. She couldn't do it alone... Or with anyone... she was lonely. Poor girl... "It's okay to be pesimistic at times." He nodded at her once. "Keeps you grounded towards the earth. Keeps your thoughts realistic." He thought for a moment. So does she want to go, and she's scared...? or does she just think we're idiots... I'd bet the former... He stared at the girl for a moment, but looked away, not wanting t give any clues as to the deep process of thought he really had. It was nice to keep certain information to yourself. Comes in handy later.

Oh fuck it. He was going to take a chance. Moment of truth. Matt paused a moment to regain his cool, keeping this personality in dominance, then turned Elspeth and asked simply. "Do you want to go? All fear aside, would you like to come with us? Safety in numbers, you know." He smiled at her to complete the sentance.


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#, as written by reap
"Do you want to go? All fear aside, would you like to come with us? Safety in numbers, you know."

Reap's keen cat ears picked it up even so far away, he broke away from the dogs in an instant. In a blur he was now by Matt and Elspeth, he sat down, watching them both intently. His Cheetah instincts were urging him to go hunt so he switched to his hawk once again. Who was at the moment flying around the dome. He tilted his wings down and dived towards the two, pulling up slightly he gently landed on Matt's shoulder. Careful not to let his talons dig in to much. He had been keeping track of the conversation since it began, and was just as eager to hear the response.

(Srry so short :p)


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Elspeth watched the hawk swoop down towards Matt and landed onto his shoulder to listen, then out of the blue, Matt asked a question."Do you want to go? All fear aside, would you like to come with us? Safety in numbers, you know." Elspeth look at him before looking straight, as if she was thinking. She was silent for at least ten minutes before she gave a small and silent breath in before looking over at him. "OK." She said silently, almost a whisper. "But I still think we're idiots..." She mumbled under her breath, though, it may have been a rude comment to anyone, if you listened close enough, anyone would've notice that she didn't say 'But I still think your idiots.' She said, 'we're', meaning that she was one too and she accepted it.

Well, you know what they say, idiots live in bliss. She thought, pulling her knees up to her chest, pushing the small wolf aside as she rested her head onto her knees. Though, it kind of seemed to bother her about the comment of who would ever like him. It wasn't that she had feelings for him, but it was just that he thinks that know one would like him just because of what he is, or so Elspeth thinks in her mind.


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Matt flinched as he felt Reap's talons on his shoulder. It wasn't that he was fressing hard of anything, but those claws felt too much like fingers. And fingers slowly pressing in to his shoulder at the angle, right underneath the collar bone... might have activated a 'break the bones of said object immedeatly' mode.

But that was only for a second.

"There's a Reap on my shoulder..." he mumbled under his breath, a little uncertain of the fact. He waited for a few moments for Elspeths answer, but after the first minute or so, he decided he was in this for the long haul. So during those ten minutes he was left only with his own thoughts. A dangerous thing usually.

But what if Elspeth's right...? Matt thought silently, looking down. I'm sure I can get out... but what about outside? We look like normal children, so blending in shouldn't be too difficult... but we'd be on the run... what if I did want to settle down... I suppose thats a long time away... but still... Would I meet somone like that? Could i have a family...? Matt simply couldn't see himself as a family man. Even if he did find a girl. And then there's the running in itself... where would we go? Out of the country? We could do that... maybe... could I take my animals with me...? THAT would be hard... if I did that, we'd have to stick to country... can't drag a bounch of animals through the city...

Matt sighed. This was difficult. To many options. He decided that when it finally was time to go, he would stick to his happy persona. That way he could just wing the bitch.

It was then the Eslpeth answered. It was a good thing Matt had excellent hearing, or he never would have caught it. But would today be okay with the others?
He would ask later. Elspeth seemed tired by the very thought of speaking. Perhaps it was best to take his leave? Or should he stay, keeping the color-deficiant, loney girl a little company? Where would he go? Kaylee was over there... He looked at her and smirked, then looked back at the ground. She was playing with the animals though. He didn't want to interupt her. So Matt decided simply to sit where he was, right next to the blonde, with the hawk on his shoulder. He reached out and layed a hand on Elspeth's shoulder again. "You okay?" He smiled. Wouldn't hurt to check.


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#, as written by reap
But I still think we're idiots..." Reap agreed with this assessment. Now glad that he had two partners in crime he briefly wondered if anyone else would be coming. The more there are, the less chance of succs......OOOOO MOUSE!! His hawk brain screamed, it took a considerable amount of willpower to remain where he was. I swear this hawk has A.D.D. he thought. He wondered if Matt had a plan, or was just winging it currently. We'll need weapons. We my be ruthless fighters but we still need weapons. He fluffed his wings, taking off he flew to a nearby tree and up to the center of it. Before him was a small nest, in the nest was a container filled with green liquid, venom from his snake. He picked it up and dropped it in Matt's lap, landing on his shoulder once more.


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Elspeth nodded slightly as she watched Reap take off and fly towards a nest, picking up something and landing it onto Matt's lap. She leaned over towards him to look at it and realized it was a vile of something; she leaned back before laying back onto the tree. She was thinking almost the same thing that Reap was thinking and knew that it might be harder for everyone to escape all at once and practically knew that it would be even harder to escape with out good weapons. "My next therapy session is later on today." She stated, almost as if she was asking when they might leave.

((Srry for the short post too, there isn't that much to write until the GM kinda progresses on what will happened next.)


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"My new world beckons me." Matt said with a smirk right as some green crap fell in his lap. After a moment of silence, he picked it up slowly, examining it.
"Yep. ... That sure is a nice vile of green you have there." He mumbled under his breath, having no idea what this was. But as with all things Matt didn't know about, he treated it like it was about to explode any minute. ... Minus the 'throw the thing away from you as fast a possible' instinct.

Yeah... this wasn't going to be identified until either he opened it, or Reap changed back and told him what it was. At least Reap didn't actualy transform into his animal. Cloths tended to be stupid with those experiments. He never understood why the scientists didn't make cloths that change with the person. But all that aside, option one seemed like it was the best.

"Thatssssssss a nice little everything you have there... I'd be a shame if sssssomething happened to it... sssssssssssss." Matt smirked as he slowly opened the vile. He silently hoped he wasn't the only one who got the joke.
After a minute of careful, the lid was off. He looked over the top and could smell it almost immedeatly. Bitter. Matt quickly put the cap back on, screwing it on tightly.
"Poison." He said simply, shooting Reap a glance. "Reap... I can't use this..." I can... Shut up.

"Where..." Matt started, but paused. Poison... Matt turned to look at Reap's unconsious body, and stared at the snake tattoo. "Ah... cobra vemon..." Glad I put the cap back on...
"I don't see why we would need this..." Matt trailed off. "We're trying to escape. This isn't nessesary... A tranq works just as fine..." He silently remembered the tranq gun he had snuck off a guard a few years ago. He still had it too. There were only two darts, and the narcotic had long since drained out. But he still practiced shooting them here and there.

What is he implying? We need weapons...? ... I never thought of that... perhaps... perhaps today isn't the best idea. Maybe we need more time to prepare... "We need Kaylee over here, and anyone else who is coming. We need to plan. Like... times." Matt glanced at Elspeth, catching her hidden meaning in her last sentance.

Inuko... Matt's wolf looked up from under a tree. She had been sleeping. Go get Kaylee. And you can come back. But act weak. Don't flaunt dominace in front of the other wolf. Inuko narrowed her eyes. Stupid wolf... Inuko walked over to Kaylee, growling. Her equivilant of grumbling. But when she got to Kaylee, she sat smarly and looked back at her master. Then back at Kaylee. The wolf only hoped she got the message.


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Kaylee raced after the Cheetah, knowing that she had no chance at winning- especially in human form. She was a little annoyed at how the feline showed off, but didn't give up; running until she was wheezing and her legs felt like Jell-O. Sitting Indian style on the ground, she ruffled the fur of the Australian Kelpie and Rat Terrier that were sitting beside her, completely exhausted. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a wolf approaching her, growling. When the wolf sat and looked submissively from Kaylee to Matt, Kaylee quickly got the message.
Getting up, Kaylee began walking to Matt, but stopped, panicked, as she felt her chest tightening. Using a nearby tree for support, she coughed, feeling like she couldn't breathe. Her wheezing had gotten louder and was likely loud enough for Matt and Elspeth to hear, several feet away. Sinking to the ground rather clumsily as her legs began giving out, she kept wheezing struggling for breath. Her skin had quickly gotten pale and sweaty, despite the cool air that was surrounding her. Without her realizing it, she had gotten very tense and had started to tremble and feel nauseous, panic clear in her eyes. She occasionally had asthma attacks, but never this bad and never in front of anyone but the scientists.
Looking up, she vaguely noticed her Australian Kelpie, which she had been racing alongside less than five minutes ago (though it felt like forever right then), nipping at Matt's shirt frantically, trying to bring him to Kaylee; the large herding dog had likely noticed Kaylee's scent on him from the night before when they had been socialized and she had mostly hung around him.


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#, as written by reap
Sorry, double posted..ignore this first one)


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#, as written by reap
In his snake form he saw Kaylee double over, something wrong. He quickly shifted to the cheetah once more. He raced from across the dome, reaching Kaylee's spot in seconds he was beside her. He let out a small growl that sounded almost like a whine. as she began sinking to the ground he placed his back under her slightly and helped lower her to the ground softly. He looked at her face and saw what was happening. Leaving the cheetah where it was he become the snake once more and slithered to her, he flicked his tongue on her arm, using it to gauge her temperature. acting quickly he was now his trusted hawk, swooping down towards Kaylee the hawk landed on a tree nearby and dug its talons in. It began flapping its wings smoothly towards her, usefully turning them into a sort of fan. causing the air in front of her to turn into a small breeze whose current was directed at her face mostly. Asthma, shouldn't have pushed her to run so fast. He thought, feeling guilty about it. Sorry Kaylee. He decided he would tell her in person soon.


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Matt's wolf started to howl loudly as Kaylee fell over. Matt frowned as Kaylee's own dog started nipping at his shirt.
Matt began to turn around. "What is going on over-"

Not even bothering to finish his sentance, Matt dug his feet into the ground and launched himself over to his friend, sliding on his heel for the last few feet. He fell to her side, panic in his own eyes as well. But he quickly hid it. Being calm was step one. He could react better, and it would keep to victim calmer. Of course, this was if it was what he thought it was. Matt quickly pressed two fingers on the side on Kaylee's neck, feeling her pulse. It was out of control. She was breathing very irregularly too.

You should really let someone know if you have asthma. Matt couldn't help but be frusterated. But there was no time for that. He had to react. The scientists would know if she had asthma. So whoevers watching should have an inhaler, right? Right?! He glanced at Reap, and trusting him to do whatever he could, he bolted away towards the elevator. There were two guards by it. They would have somthing for Kaylee. They'd better have something for Kaylee.

The guard was reading a book, not knowing or caring what was going on. He barely looked up when Matt suddenly appeared in front of him. "Kaylee's having an Asthma attack!' he yelled at them.
The guard reading the book frowned, reaching into his pocket. "Leave me out of it." He pulled out an inhaler and tossed it carlessly at the screaming child. Any other time Matt would have crushed the man's skull for such an attitude. But he was in a hurry.

He bolted back to Kaylee's side, lifting her up so she was upright. He quickly fitted the plastic into her mouth and spoke softly. "On three. One, two..." Hepressed the button, letting her breath in the medicine. He did this once more before setting the thing down. He absently rubbed her back as he thought what to do next. Umm... a drink. She should probably have a drink. There was some- He quit thinkking and smiled soflt ywhen he saw his wolf rolling a bottle of water on the ground over to Kaylee. It sure helps to have part of your soul in an animal. Inuko always knows what I need. He thought. He had learned to keep a bit of his soul in his animals at all times. Let him talk with them.

He set the water in front of his friend, still rubbing her back, hoping it would help her breathe better. "Kaylee?" he said softly. "You okay? You need anything?"


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Elspeth watched as Matt's wolf went to fetch Kaylee and she sat there in silence, or until Kaylee fell over; Matt started to run, no, launched himself over towards her and Elspeth stood up immediately, little emotions on her face as she stared from the distance she was at. Matt ran over towards the guards to grab help as Reap tried to fan her to give her some air. She didn't know what to do and just stood there, bluntly and dumbfounded as if she didn't care and was just watching as the events unfolded.

Personally, she didn't. Was that bad? She didn't know and didn't really think about it. As Matt ran back towards his friend, he treated her with the inhaler as the wolf rolled a small bottle of water towards him. Her eyes beaded across the area as she watched the events unfold and before she knew it herself, she was slowly walking near Matt, Kaylee and Reap; but she stopped herself quickly after moving a few feet near them. The small wolf was behind her, ready to ram himself into the crowd and help; her eyes glancing at it before she slightly folded her hands together to watch Matt speak to him.

She let out a small sigh as she gave up her own small pride to walk near them and crouch down near her, the other side of Matt. "I-Is she alright?" She asked, the wolf quickly following her from behind, keeping his eye on the bigger and older wolf that had brought the water.


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Kaylee was vaguely aware of what was going on around her. Matt had gone and gotten her inhaler- the blue plastic piece with her name labeled on it in neat handwriting was brought close to her face and- she realized- the mouthpiece was fitted into her mouth. Breathing in the medication when instructed to, she continued to cling to the tree, wheezing, but getting better.

"I'm fine." she wheezed, still breathing hard.

She was a lot more conscious of what was going on now and was startled to find that Matt was rubbing her back. All this fuss for her? She would have recovered from the Asthma attack eventually, but still her dogs had gone and brought her to everyone's attention.

"I-I'm sorry." her voice was steadier and she had stopped trembling.

Reaching up, she brushed a stray strand of red hair from her face and closed her eyes, taking long, deep breaths before she she opened them again.

Voice barely a whisper, she spoke to Matt. "What was it that you needed to talk about? I suppose this could be used as a useful opportunity to talk."


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"Yeah, I think she's fine." Matt glanced at Elspeth as Kaylee leaned on the tree next to her. He sighed and looked down as Kaylee began to speak. "You don't have to be sorry. There was nothing here that was your fault." Matt smiled at her. "It was nothing." Of course Kaylee just wanted to just right into the conversation. "I don't think this is the best time for something like that."

This is bullshit... Am I going today or not? This uncertainty is killing this personality... I doubt Kaylee should be trying to escape a military facility after an asthma attack... Of course it depends on how long we're in this dome though... ugh. Ill wait a little bit, then bring it up. I guess I'm just glad Kaylee's fine right now.
"I guess I'm just glad you're fine right now." Matt sighed in relief, pulling her into a quick side hug, before releasing her and smiling. "Just rest for a few minutes. You sound like you're gonna fall apart."

Matt's wolf walked over to the two experiments, laying her head down in Kaylee's lap, whining softly. Inuko shared a bit of Matt's fondness of the girl, honestly. Maybe it was because all her animals were canines. Maybe it was that Kaylee was the ONLY other experiment that was nice like Matt. It didn't matter.

Matt smiled at his wolf, then turned back to Kaylee, repeating his question. "Are you sure you don't need anything? Anything at all?" He tilted his head slightly.


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#, as written by reap
Glad that Kaylee was better Reap stopped fanning her and returned to his own aching body. aww shit, I need a pain killer. He thought as he sat up. He rubbed his neck and felt his ribs. Sighing he stood up and carefully stretched. Earning groans and pops from his muscles. He looked around, wondering what time it was and how much longer they would be here. He glanced at the others and went for a walk towards the Forrest, feeling the trees and grass underfoot.


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"It was my fault. I shouldn't have done that." Kaylee frowned.

However, her frown quickly disappeared when Matt pulled her into a hug.

"I'm fine." she repeated her earlier statement with a small smile.

Absently scratching behind Inuko's ears, Kaylee saw her Kelpie and Rat Terrier come trotting over from where they had been sitting, figuring that they couldn't help. The Rat Terrier seemed to be glaring at Inuko as he climbed into Kaylee's lap, trying to push the wolf's head out of his way. The Australian Kelpie, however, simply stretched out beside Kaylee's legs and placed her head on her paws.


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Inuko growled quietly as she was pushed. She knew that was her master, and Inuko had her own, but pushing her out of the way... why that cocky-!
"Inuko." Matt said simply, glancing at the wolf. Inuko stood up and layed down in Matt's lap instead. Matt smiled and then looked at the grass in front of him. So... this was it. He supposed everyone was here. Now was as good as a time as ever to say it.

"So I was thinking about breaking out of here today." Matt mumbled just loudly enough for everyone around him to here. Although that might not be the plan any more... Kaylee just had an asthma attack, and Reap looked like he would kneal over any second. But he left his statment at that, just wanting the gauge their reactions right now.