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Atlas Jameson

"Betraying the Global Conglomerate is not in your best interests"

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a character in “Enter Galactic: A Space Opera”, as played by danm36


To infinity and beyond the limits posed by the Alien Races

Name: Atlas Jameson

Age: Unknown. Estimated to be around his late 40s

Appearance: Image
Species: Human
Size: 5'11"
Weight: Estimated to be 147lbs.

Hometown/Homeplanet: Manchester, England, Earth, Sol

Rank And Branch: Parliament Official #4

Personality: An enigma of a man (the cause of his current employment) who enjoys more drastic tactics than some of his parliamentary brethren. He is also one of the youngest, being appointed as a result of his charisma, logic and extreme intelligence. He is also one of the more social of the parliamentary members, preferring to talk to direct subordinates personally, yet - apart from sparse public appearances - remains elusive. Behind his charismatic exterior lives the same private personality that inhibits all Parliamentary Officials - one that will go to any length for their cause. This can give the appearance of ruthlessness to those who ever see this side of an Official. His slight obsession with weapon's can also make appear creepy and even slightly mad. Slightly xenophobic on a political degree.

Mana-Drive: A custom Mana-Drive built for the Parliament Officials that, while augmenting the intelligence, psychokinetic and electromagnetic abilities of the Official, also grants them a sort of 'Master Key' ability, allowing them to open any human and studied alien lock, both electronic and mechanical. This Mana-Drive comes with a psychic blocking facility that resists and tries to cancel out psychic actions (Like telepathy) used against its host by replacing the psychic signal with garbage signals, often ending up as static to the Official. It also comes with a small brain implant giving the Official direct access to a personal network giving them abilities such as remote nuclear launches, the initiation of conflicts and, with the agreement of three other officials, the complete destruction of any solar object including the sun located within Sol. 'Tests' have shown that performing an action like this causes a similar damaging effect of a super-nova.

GEAR: A personal Parliamentary GEAR with the catchy name of 'GPO4'. This GEAR is designed around luxury and, as such, contains a limited armament, favouring speed instead. It features two chainguns at the end of each 'arm' and a small personal missile defence system of around 16-32 rockets. What differentiates this GEAR from most is that it's AI Jinn is interlinked with all other Parliamentary GEARs giving them exceptional combat initiative. Each AI also does not possess a GEAR but is rather housed in a bank deep beneath Gaea Tower with the tower acting as a transmission tower. As a result, each Parliamentary Official possesses at the minimum 5 GEARs in different PiNGs. If one GEAR is permanently destroyed but the Official survives, even in the confines of space, they may activate another PiNG and re-enter or flee the battle with the same combat data they possessed before being destroyed.

Each GEAR also possesses a unique thermonuclear device that can be launched of be detonated as a result of self destruction. If the bomb is not activated when its compartment is damaged or the GEAR destroyed, it will degrade completely within a couple of seconds.

PiNGs: Pocket watch (Primary GEAR), wrist watch, bangle on right arm, small attachment to the bottom of his personal energy pistol and finally the Parliamentary Official badge.

Skills: His intelligence reaches to around an IQ of 174 (With 165 being a requirement for a Parliamentary official) giving him astounding understanding of tactics, the universe and his personal specialisation, technology and weapons. Atlas prefers the use of ranged experimental weapons including rail-guns, gauss guns and gamma cannons, although his trust energy pistol has never failed him. He also also proficient and close quarter combat including the use of knifes, but struggles when it comes to swords or blunt weapons. He prefers to stay on the sidelines coordinating the attack and sniping enemies rather than attack face to face.

Weapon: A personal Parliament issue energy pistol that causes intense molecular damage to a small point which, if fired over a great enough area, could cause the molecules to simple fall apart. Atlas's pistol has been specially tuned to focus on specific wavelengths and has a greater energy output by syphoning some of the energy from the PiNG attached to the base of the grip. He also often carries a laser knife with the laser giving the metal blade an impossibly sharp edge, a tool only often found within the medical profession. Atlas, being more competent at combat than the other Officials, will often be the one protecting them if the need arises. If there is a chance of combat, Atlas will often be found with some sort of experimental ordnance and a crazed grin on his face.

History: Atlas was born to a rich family with good political ties and it wasn't long before he was at Neo-Oxford university learning law, engineering, computing and weapons development. He was in his late 30s when Official Alice Rospek 'retired' and Atlas was voted into Parliament. He was present at two more 'retirements' and headed the Pinnacle research facility on Venus which handled experimental weapons design.

Short history log:

November 19th: A large GEAR is found orbiting the corona of the sun in the Sol System. After a dangerous and expensive mission it is recovered. Appearing inactive and without AI, it is given the designation 'VOID'.

November 24th: The Pinnacle facility acquires the GEAR before the Hermes GEAR division can begin research on it.

December 13th: An inactive AI is discovered within the GEAR. It could not be activated.

January 4th: The VOID GEAR AI wakes without prompt and goes on the destroy part of the facility, killing 20 researchers and causing the JX reactor to meltdown. A directed EMP was emitted just before the GEAR could escape but the residual EMP from the emitter caused a blackout throughout Hermes. Despite the power of the pulse, the GEAR electronics were almost intact, the only thing that had changed was the AI was back to its dormant state. It is quickly theorised that the Sun emitted just enough electromagnetism to deactivate the AI. This became known as the JX event (With the blackout being attributed to an 'accidental meltdown' of the JX reactor, even though it only supplied power to a tiny part of Hermes). An electromagnetic emitter is projected at the AI at all times.

January 13th: Work on Project Indigo begins as directed by Atlas.

January 29th: Ideas form about placing parts from the VOID GEAR into Project Indigo. The idea goes ahead almost instantly.

February 16th: A human brain is successfully embedded within the Project Indigo skeleton.

March 1st: The VOID GEAR AI is implanted into Project Indigo. The memory stores for the AI are not transferred and are instead housed in a unique division of the Pinnacle facility with the aims of trying to decode its unique contents.

March 25th: Mechanical construction of Project Indigo is completed.

April 7th: Atlas personally awoke the new weapon construct Project Indigo. Over the next three months he stayed in the facility and closely monitored the project. He was deeply intrigued by how the biological and mechanical parts could work together (Especially when the mechanical components were dominant, unlike the Mana-Drives) and soon became the father figure for Project Indigo.

July 7th: Indigo (as the construct now referred itself as) was introduced to the Parliament. Initially Atlas suffered from backlash from who he considered to be the cowards of the Parliament, even if they were more elderly and experienced than him, but soon they warmed to the idea.

July 15th: Present at the grand celebration for both the trial of Solo and the actual celebration.

Music Themes:

So begins...

Atlas Jameson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Solo The Mad Character Portrait: Atlas Jameson
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#, as written by danm36
Atlas was in the right hand corner of the auditorium, hidden in shadow where Solo could easily have missed him if he was the standard pirate. That's the thing, Solo was not a standard pirate, and yet his infamy seemed to have sprouted from nowhere. Yes, he stole the Black Book, was exiled from his own planet and procured a suspiciously recognisable ship but he and his companions were just that, one ship. They shouldn't have caused as big a problem as they seemed to and, with the other councillors insistence, his infamy was fabricated. This was obviously what he wanted, though, to make a name for himself. Well, he had certainly done that, but the Grimoire - The Black Book, was back in the Parliament's possession, his crew had ratted him out and he had no method of escape. If he was captive for at least one more day, the Grimoire would be deported back to Titan where it would be kept within the Titan Council vaults, deep beneath the crust.

Atlas was a subsidiary member at this meeting, though he had been been given an ulterior task. Within every five years, a Parliament member 'retired' to allow for a new member. Alice Rospek was the member he had replaced, and where was she now? Best not to think about it. Each member was immune to three retirements, then they were eligible for retirement. Atlas was given the task for the third retirement since his inauguration - a tradition within Parliament - and had to choose within five years one of the four applicable members to 'retire'. He hated deciding the fate of his co-workers, to some degree, but it also gave him a strange feeling of power over the others. This trial was one of the few times every member was present for the same reason, and so he could judge each members resolve and continued skill.

"Solo The Mad!" boomed Ms Hale, one of the elders in the Parliament. While there was no definitive leader, she came closest as a result of her category of governance - law and order. After almost ten years working together, she still slightly scared him. Solo remained defiant and unfazed.

"Yes m'lady?" he taunted. Hale disapproved.

"You have been found guilty of several acts of murder, theft, and vandalism in, and outside of Global Conglomerate Space. Simply one of these crimes would place you in Tartarus for years, but with your list, a life sentence is likely—" she rolled off the standard charges sheet, but was interrupted.

"All of those crimes are besides the point Sandra! This man, this…monster, he is a Genetic! Unbranded, and roaming our stars unattended! It’s bad enough that you all let them into our army, but to have this one in our space, and to not address it is madness!" Mr Argent, an extreme xenophobe who stuck to humanistic ideals. Like Ms Hale, he was one of the elders of the group and another candidate for retirement. He face was reminiscent of a particularly heavyset villain from an very popular old Japanese video game made before the millennium. "This mutant deserves nothing else but to burn!" he spat out. Solo was observed smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"Councilman Argent, calm down! We are not here to execute a Genetic. We’re here to bring a criminal to justice. Leave your prejudice out of the court room." shouted new kid Mr McCall, a rare occurrence where a son supersedes his father. His father didn't manage to retire, but rather died in an avoidable conflict. McCall probably got in as a result of a sympathy vote, although he served the Parliament well as a temporary official. He was the newest member of the Parliament, yet was very strong willed. He continued for Ms Hale.

"Solo, as Councilwoman Hale stated before me, your actions are liable to keep your in Tartarus for the remainder of your life, not only that, but positioning on death row is a likely reality," he sighed as if he actually cared about Solo, "Not only that…but due to your... " he paused "..actions in GC space, the Jupiter Treaty could now stand to be neutralized. Do you understand what you’ve done?" He didn't look too happy - the rest of the council shared in his lack of optimism - "You’ve just endangered your comrades, and Earth. With this, humanity is looking at yet another civil war Solo!" He shouted the last part angered almost bordering on the authority of Ms Hale. He sighed and looked directly at Solo. "But there’s one way you can prevent it. If you face execution, we will turn a blind eye to your actions in GC space, allowing the treaty to continue. We know that you care about your crew deeply. This is how you can save them Solo." There was silence. Atlas noted McCall was using emotional tactics to influence Solo's choice, but it didn't work. Solo simply laughed.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men!" Solo's voice raising in pitch, he continued "Listen to the specters and their designs! Real Shepherds of Man! Bravo!" He began bowing and continued laughing

"Silence! I said silence!" shouted Ms Hale while repeatedly banging her gavel. It didn't do anything "Archer, your men!" Two soldiers immediately grabbed Solo. Atlas noted how she lost resolve to quickly, fell to Solo's games.

"You call me the murderer? Call me the monster? Yet you place millions of lives in the hands of this criminal? Use my crew as a bargaining chip?" Solo was manic now, clearly justifying the name 'Solo the Mad', "Can the Global Conglomerate even afford another war with the Spacers? Especially when your hands are so full with the Brin and Genetics?" after faltering Ms Hale he now targeted his accusations on McCall. "You can’t, can you? Can’t even bring yourself to say it." McCall was shaking as if scared that Solo would eat him. Atlas gave him a stern look, but he didn't notice. The soldiers restrained Solo further.

Then, out of nowhere, his wrist computer beeped. Atlas looked down at it to see what critical message had got through. It was an automated message from Luna Base.

[Proximity warning! Marked ship 'Red Rose' detected entering Earth atmosphere near Olympus Island.]
[Possible Reasons: Ship Commander Solo present in Gaea Tower, Ship Commander Solo in custody.]
[Possible intrusion reason: Criminal Break Out of Ship Commander Solo]

The other council member had also received the message. Solo hadn't stopped laughing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Sotoru Character Portrait: Solo The Mad Character Portrait: Atlas Jameson Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
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"Sir, the Red Rose is approaching!"

A soldier had informed Colonel Archer of the inevitable. The cavalry had arrived, and Solo sensed his freedom was immanent. The visor wearing man had began spitting numerous orders over his small black earpiece. The room had just began to recover from the pirate's tirade when the news had came to them. Archer was confident though, the news did not shake him. It was the informant's influence no doubt. Whenever he thought about a traitor being in his ranks, something burned within him. Betrayal was one of his biggest fears, and one he never thought he would have to deal with. It not only pissed him off, but it hurt him too. He wanted something to kill.
And then, there was the crash. The room seemed to lurch back and forth. Lights dropped from the ceiling, leaving only a few flickering on and off. Some councilmen lay sprawled out, thrown from their seats by whatever caused the commotion. A member of the Parliament hollered to the Colonel.

"Is it Trifle?!"

Archer checked his earpiece. The sound of cries and gunfire resounded. And then there was only static.


Even Solo stiffened up, just a bit.

Olympus - Ballroom

Taro trembled in his footsteps. In what seemed like brief moments, the entire world had gone mad. With tear filled violet eyes, he stared blankly at the ones responsible: Ad Infinitum. An orchestral group, apparently famous throughout the galaxy. On their second piece, titled: "Requiem For Stella", the group summoned something vile. It oozed from their instruments like tar. Writhing in some kind of pain, wailing like a tortured instrument at the hands of a untalented child, a shape began to form. Four legged monsters appeared, dripping black ooze. They ghouls possessed no outstanding features save the gigantic red eye on their stomach. They were the size of your average human, and moved with frightening speed.

Soldiers attempted to fight them, but many were quickly overpowered. He watched as the pristine marble floors were stained with the blood of marines and civilians alike. Ad Infinitum had disappeared. Using a small type of GEAR that acted as high-powered armor, they flew through the commotion to another floor. Taro was paralyzed. He couldn't find Fae, and he had been separated from Elizabeth. One of the creatures was inching towards him. The giant eye sized him up as a tasty morsel.

Taro screamed. He fell back onto his ass and scooted himself until he collided with a pillar. An oozing black space slowly parted above the eye--he couldn't help but see it as a smile. The monster shrieked again as if it were a battle cry.

Olympus Tower - 100th Floor

A soldier had managed to relay a video feed to the council before he was overtaken by a group of the monsters. The situation was grim, not just inside the tower, but on the rest of the island as well. Humans donning mobile GEAR suits flew along side the strange black creatures and were overrunning the GC Marines. With all the chaos, communications were a mess and there were too many civilians in the line of fire to account for. Ad Infinitum had opened up Pandora's Box, Olympus was burning. Archer was a wreck. He was ready for a pirate attack, not a full on war with a group of terrorists. He couldn't tell how Ad Infinitum launched the attack, let alone what their goal was. Reports said they were headed to the upper levels. The obvious target would be the council at that rate. The Colonel began barking orders at the men present, and his headset at once. The Red Rose, and Solo became the least of his worries--an attack on the council offered even more shine than a criminal.

The chained Captain had watched the video was great interest. The beasts and their design were similar to spells within the Black Book. Old, forbidden magic of the Genetic race. The spells within the Black Book were summoning techniques able to be performed when one of considerable power forges a contract with the spirit being summoned. These monsters, Solo thought, must have been the result of a summoning. Only a Genetic, and a skilled one at that, could pull a summoning of this scale off. The idea enraged him. This was a sloppy, tasteless, unfocused performance of such a rare skill. Whomever was in charge of this attack possessed no vision. It pissed him off. He wanted to deck the unrefined bastard and kick him square in the loins. There was another reason Solo was against this mystery Genetic now.

The Black Book. The item sort of...leaks dark, foreboding energy. To a Genetic well attuned with his abilities, the 'aura' of The Black Book is like the bass to a song. The can feel it deep within them, stirring. Any self respecting Genetic would want it, and Solo had no desire turning it over to someone. Especially this sloppy bastard.
He looked at one of the more composed members of the council, a man whom had kept quiet during the trial. A tag on his desk read "Coucilman Jameson".

"You, tell these soldiers to take these fucking chains off me! Let me go, and I'll help with your little...problem." The dashing pirate grinned wide, "Deal?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Solo The Mad Character Portrait: Sarah Briggs Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Atlas Jameson Character Portrait: Kale Horn
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#, as written by danm36
"The ship for the criminal Solo is headed here. Head up to the observation deck and..."

Atlas's report stopped synchronously with the screams of the party goers and a slight tremor in the building. Ignoring his commanders orders Indigo ran back onto the 4th floor balcony overlooking the main hall. Below was carnage, the band had disappeared and monsters were attacking the guests.

"Open fire!" he commanded, and at once the men on the balconies shot down at the creatures to little affect. Their bodies were like fluid and, as a result, the bullets and energy shots passed straight through. Deep in his mind he recognised at least the constitution of these creatures, and then the thought disintegrated. Watching below, some of the guests were taking a more active participation in the battle, doing what the guards could not. One woman was even in possession of something similar, using it to smash the creatures to pieces.

The bullets were too small to have an effect, designed for little more than human targets. They needed larger pieces of metal to destroy them, and before the hand cannons got here from weapons storage, he would have to do. He drew his sword and leapt as gracefully as his metal body would allow into the storm below. The bullets couldn't dent his body, only his face which he aimed to keep pointing down. Within a few seconds, and with careful aiming, he landed straight on a creature that almost seemed to explode, as did the floor beneath him. He stood up surrounded by dust when some of the creatures turned on him. Two leapt at him, and in response he swung his sword with precise force aiming to bisect both of them. The first simply reformed where the sword cut, albeit being a little stunned and missing him. Indigo misjudged, though, and he caught the second dead center in the eye, splitting it. The creature dissolved to dust and all that hit him was a slight gust of air. Indigo maintained the swing and brought it down back on the first creature, this time aiming for the eye.


"You, tell these soldiers to take these fucking chains off me! Let me go, and I'll help with your little...problem. Deal?" The convict was acting as insane as he was during the trial, never losing his grin. Calmly, Atlas replied.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that Solo." The grin swapped to Atlas, Solo now looking furious. "You see, under interplanetary law, a majority vote must be.." he began, semi-sarcastically, only to be interrupted by McCall. "Here's you majority vote, sir!" and he released an equally shocked Solo. Solo glanced at Atlas for a second, before running down the hall. McCall, meanwhile, returned to his stand. No more would be said until the building was safe again.


Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Zoara and an unknown man running deeper into the bulding where some of the guards were coming from, and behind them were three of the creatures. One of the creatures switched targets, only to be batted away again by a guard behind a column. Indigo began to run after the creatures before something heavy smacked into his face, knocking him to the ground. In a daze, he subconsciously called out and, almost instantaneously, saw Zoara stumble a little. In his head, he could hear her gasp.

And then...


Indigo opened his eyes. He was standing again, stock still in the middle of the hall, barely moving, but something was off. It was as if the world was placed at the front of a theatre, surrounded by a black outline. It was like he was watching the world from a projector. He looked around to assess the damage, and the image of the world scrolled out of view. Turning back to face it, he could see that it was indeed some form of screen or projection. He tried to move and found his arms bound and a suspicious lack of legs. He could see faint red lines on the walls around his 'vision' and, as his eyes adjusted, could see he was strapped to some sort of giant pillar that looked suspiciously like a neuron. Turning back to the outside world he was now moving, or at least his body was. He bent over his sword to pick it up, and Indigo gasped, a sound that echoed through the void.

His hand was definitely his hand, but what had been brown or yellow painted metal was now covered in a smooth matte black that had formed soft curved spikes. As 'he' grabbed the sword a black fluid, similar to the creatures, emitted from his shoulder and enveloped the sword, shaping it, transforming it into a brutal matte black scythe. What happened next shocked him more. The scythe suddenly sprouted three red eyes near the blade, not too dissimilar from that of the creatures, and as those eyes appeared, their visions appeared alongside the main projection. He could 'see' through them! Sadly, his body was just out of sight.

"So, you're awake?" announced a booming voice, slightly deeper than Indigo's and featured a subtle hint of egotism.
"Who are you? Where am I?" cried Indigo's particularly feeble voice back to the void.
"Who am I? Who am I? Let's see..."

At that dark grey beams appeared from outside Indigo's vision, coalescing on on point in front of him, forming a large mass. The viewports all ceased in movement. Whoever was talking to him was also controlling his body. After a few seconds the mass solidified and grew sharp obtuse edges, three spikes on a large torso, two arms roughly the size of Indigo here and whisps where the legs should be. Then the face solidified, forming a long pointed edge down the middle and then, on the left side, appeared a perfectly circular dark red eye. Instantly the figure began talking and gesticulating as if performing.

"I am you... or to be more precise, I am your significant." He grabbed Indigo's chin with a thumb and finger and pulled him forwards, almost tearing the bindings. "...and this is our mind. Don't you like it? I reside here while you fumble about, and then when I'm tired of you, or you don't go where you should go, I take control."
"Take control?"
"As I said, I am you. This body was built for me, with only you to tether me, restrain me. Not that I needed restraint, as with restraint comes inaction, and with inaction comes failure. Oh, and if you need a descriptor for me, call me Zero." He released Indigo who fell back into place. "Now, while I'm awake, I must fulfil our purpose," he turned. "...Oh, and thank that woman for wakening me." he replied, before the form disintegrated.