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"What am I?"

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a character in “Enter Galactic: A Space Opera”, as played by danm36


To infinity, but not beyond as that is impossible under certain mathematical theorems

Name: Indigo

Age: Unknown. Appears and acts 23

Appearance: Image
Indigo: His body appears metallic and disproportionate at places, like a large upper body and a tiny waist. His face is partially obscured by metal plates on the right side, something that appears popular among body modders and pirate groups, and his right eye is synthetic and emits a dim green colour. Both hands are robotic and modelled in such a way that the slightly elongated 'finger nails' can be used as a last chance weapon. He also possesses a long section of dull white hair drooping over his robotic eye, though the rest of his head is covered in steel parts.

While he appears human when covered in clothing, he is in fact majority machine, the only biological parts being his human face and brain. His mind has been altered in such a way that he is perfectly fine being an artificial construct but may try to hide his body with dark clothes and a cloak so as to bolster a more human appearence if the time requires it - if not he will happily pretend to be an extreme body modder or android. His head was constructed in such a way that he appeared to simply be a body modder rather than a machine and could infiltrate pirate groups as a result.

The conciousness called Zero prefers a different aesthetic. By using a huge quantity of nanobots, he shifts his appearance by forming a matte black covering which would otherwise be covered. At various points of his body (His back, the backs of his hand, the lower legs etc) he will force these nanobots into soft spike formations, and uses the nanobots to generally bulk out the otherwise thin and feeble appearance of Indigo. The most striking aspect of this use of nanobots, though, is the flat two sided mask that is created, divided down the center. The right side of this mask is bare, but the left side features a single large glowing red eye and, underneath, a huge stylised mouth with massive teeth formed as a permanent grin, edging onto the nightmarish. Zero tends to forgo clothes as unnecessary.

Species: Bio-Mechanical construct
Size: 5'8"
Weight: 730lbs

Hometown/Homeplanet: Hermes, GC Territory Alpha, Venus, Sol

'Born' on Venus in the hidden Pinnacle Parliament research facility deep below the surface of Hermes.

Rank And Branch: Parliamentary Assassin and Infiltrator. (Puppet)

Personality: Indigo appears to be a somewhat bumbling yet kind and determined young man who will always help and defend his friends. Despite his cheery nature, he can control his body to the finest precision when he needs to, although he can still make 'human' mistakes. He possesses no memories of his life when he had a human body (and isn't entirely sure he ever did), but this doesn't trouble him as much as you expect. While he can be sociable, he prefers to act alone and is a fierce fighter in combat situations, able to excel beyond the abilities of a standard human. He possesses a slight British accent.

And then something changes...

Zero is the personality of an ancient GEAR that has been infused into robotic body of Indigo and is the true controller of the body. Whenever a situation gets out of hand, needs particularly strong bouts of violence or when he just plain wants to, Zero can seal away Indigo's mind removing all control of it from the body. Zero augments and improves the body using proto-nanomachines that he controls, changing the appearance of the body and providing it with the unique abilities and skills from a long forgotten race. Zero, like Indigo, lacks memories of what he once was but remains extremely intelligent and horrendously ruthless, seeking to only further his goals and protect Indigo (if it's in his best interests). He often plays games with his 'subjects' and likes to test them before violently and efficiently destroying them. When Zero needs a rest or becomes bored he will happily return the control of the body to Indigo, usually at a bad time. Whenever Indigo is locked away, he can see and feel everything and vice-versa.

Only one thing can control Zero - The Parliament.

Mana-Drive: A specialist custom Mana-Drive built to augument the mechanical body, giving Indigo some control over nearby electronic devices and a light boost to Mental activites. Zero, meanwhile, benefits to a much greater extent (he gains control over an ambient cloud of nanomachines for example). This Mana-Drive is a refit of the technology found within the unique 'VOID GEAR' where the intelligence Zero was also discovered, disabled and orbiting very closely to the sun. This Mana-Drive doesn't fulfil the actual definition for one (Indigo being a machine and all) but provides similar benefits to Mental Class Mana-Drives. It also features a suppression system that can suppress either conciousness at the will of the Parliament.

GEAR: The VOID GEAR, a unique gear lacking an AI. Indigo and Zero directly interface with it and 'become' it. Unlike modern gears, this gear features many angular edges and appears archaic in design. Despite this, it's armour is unmatched in strength - being made of the same alloy as Indigo's sword - and features extremely powerful weapons including a rail-gun, a gamma-infrared rapid pulse laser and two 180 degree chainguns where you would expect to find eyes. This GEAR has a wide turning circle.

PiNG: Indigo's sword, or more precisely, the large red box at the hilt.

Skills: Expert in melee combat with his sword. Extremely athletic for his weight, yet strong enough also punch through some stone walls.

Weapon: A large two handed sword with an extended handle. The sword is made out of a unique steel alloy that, while making it incredibly strong, also makes it equally heavy (Around 270lbs). This sword features a small red box at its hilt acting as Indigo's PiNG. When Zero gets his hands on it he can use his nanomachines to morph the sword into, among other things, a scythe, a pole arm and (in areas with electricity sources) even a railgun. When Indigo regains control or the sword leaves Zero's hands, it will always revert back to his original state. Indigo also seems to possess an innate ability to detect his sword, probably an effect of the Mana-Drive.

History: Indigo possesses no memories of his former life, and his time in the Pinnacle research facility is disjointed and blurred, probably for the better. Rarely he will get flashes of his time there, causing great emotional pain, but shortly after he fails to recall the event that just occurred, most likely a defence mechanism the Parliament installed. He instantly obeyed his commander, the man who ordered his construction, an official from the Parliament, although he [rarely] thinks this obligation may also be a factor of mind control. He spent around three months within the facility, the only people knowing of his existence being the engineers, psychologists and the official. Over this period he was 'calibrated' and his skills honed and perfected. At the three month mark, the official decided it would be a good time to announce his development to the rest of the parliament.

He was marched into the council chamber, but the discussions did not begin until everyone bar the officials and Indigo had left the chamber. His official, designated Atlas, discussed the research project that lead to Indigo and stated that he was the pinnacle of combat hardware (Indigo ignored the lack of personification). After discussions between Atlas and the other officials, they voted on whether to use Indigo or destroy him as an abomination. After some deliberation, the Parliament voted 4 to 3 to use Indigo - mainly as a result of the impending celebration and the threats it posed.

Zero, like Indigo, possesses very few memories of his former life (Though his were lost to him being offline for so long rather than through operation and psychological modification) but retains his full skillset and methodology and opinions of his former race, namely 'Eliminate everything'. He doesn't actually hate any one race or species, but rather has a very lax opinion on murder and would prefer it if most things were dead. He remained dormant inside the VOID GEAR which orbited Sol at the edge of the corona making it very hard to retrieve. The Pinnacle science team managed to extract the AI and implant it into the Indigo body, alongside the human brain. Zero was given greater control over the body as a consequence of being a GEAR and, therefore, being more combat able. Zero continued to remain dormant until the 'Celebration Event'.

Short history log:

April 7th: Awoken for the first time. 'Calibrations' and trials begin immediately.

May 19th: Discovers that he is 'Project Indigo'. Begins to call himself Indigo.

May 27th: Begins experimental GEAR trials. Operation of the training GEARs is near perfect.

June 6th: Awarded his permanent sword featuring a PiNG and his personal GEAR possessing the designation 'VOID'.

June 22nd: Accidentally injures a researcher during a combat trial. Studies begin on working out his 'humanness'.

June 29th: Announced that he will be introduced to the rest of the Parliament

July 7th: Leaves Pinnacle facility for the first time. Is presented to the Parliament. Avoids destruction by one vote.

July 9th: Given his first mission - Protect the guests at the grand celebration.

Julu 15th: The grand celebration begins...

Music Themes:

So begins...

Indigo's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fae Fanerith Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
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#, as written by danm36
"Who is this?" exclaimed one of the seven silhouettes. Indigo was on his own, standing in the middle of a small auditorium, a spotlight placed directly on him.

"His name is Indigo." replied a man to his left, the same man who ordered his creation. Atlas.

"And what is his purpose. Why have you brought him to us?" said another.

"He was created in the Pinnacle research facility on Venus as a tool for us. He is a mechanical construct with a human brain and abilities taken from the VOID GEAR." responded Atlas. He was cut off by another Parliament member, a woman.

"Are you mad!? We have no idea who developed that GEAR or what it can do! You remember the JX incident right?"

"We had not anticipated the GEAR AI to be so...violent. This issues have been stemmed by completely destroying what we believe to be the AIs memory cortex. Over the three months he's been active he..."

"Three months!? You mean this monster has been active for three months?" protested another member, a male. He was almost standing in anger. Indigo couldn't see the issues involved with his existence. He had don't everything required of him and have never once rebelled. They were talking about him like his was a monster. Was he? Before he could think any further the thought was abruptly cut off.

"We have been committing various calibration and orientation tasks to ensure he is functional. All tests were positive and conclusive. Indigo is fully stable and extremely competent when it comes to a combat role. He..."


The discussions and odd arguments continued for a few hours, before they began voting on whether to keep him or disable him. Atlas, for introducing him automatically voted to use Indigo. Two more followed suit and it looked like a positive outcome for him, then two women almost simultaneously voted for his destruction. Indigo became anxious, which was further fuelled when a man also voted to destroy. The decision was balanced on one Parliament member.

"By order of the Parliament" he announced, and paused for a second, "we submit that the construct Indigo shall be used as a unique extension to the Global Conglomerate. His will follow no leader save for the Parliament and his service will be active at once."

At this, the Parliament members left one by one until Atlas remained. He walked into the spotlight and lead Indigo out of the room.


Indigo stood in his room on floor 87 of the tower, looking out over the crowds gathered below. He couldn't understand why he had been given a bed or a shower, both being unnecessary. The porter even proudly announced that the bed was one of the most comfortable and softest in the whole building. Did he expect Indigo to sleep on his face?

The door opened and Atlas came in. Indigo was ordered explicitly to not conform to any formal military standards - he was a free agent after all - and didn't stand to attention for the Parliament member like he noticed the guard outside his room was currently doing. Atlas calmly closed the door.

"How do you find life outside Pinnacle?" he questioned, walking up to the glass and standing alongside Indigo.

"It's...nice." he responded, and said nothing more. After a few seconds, Atlas turned and walked into the middle of the room.

"Do you understand your mission?" he asked.

"To defend the Parliament to extents the home guard cannot, to pursue any criminals and murderers until they are captured or dead and to follow the commands of the Parliament without question, while appearing to be performing these actions as a rouge construct or pirate." he rolled off, the mechanics providing a more perfect memory than the brain could.

"Correct. Now, we are not expecting any trouble, but this event features many high priority targets. You should silently watch over them and protect them through triage and rank order. Now, is there anything you need?"

"No sir." Indigo responded bluntly.

"Ok, well, I must be off now. There is a trial regarding a particularly troublesome pirate." He nodded to Indigo and left the room. Indigo turned back to the window and eyed through the crowds. He noticed a woman be knocked into a boy, and some distance away a small argument between a guard and what appeared to be a drunkard. After a couple of seconds, a woman caught his eye. She wore a golden dress hand featured some tatoos - hard to tell what they were from this distance, even with his cybernetic eye - and she would appear normal to anyone else. What was it about her? Something stuck in his head, it wasn't that he knew her or had heard of her, it was something more...subliminal.

There! If he thought in just a particular way, he could pick out whispers and visualise faint outlines that weren't his own. Was she telepathic? No, telepaths were explicitly banned from this celebration by order of death, lest they read into a high profile's mind. What was she? He turned from the window and she instantly left his mind, but now something else was stirring there. He began his way down to the main hall through the emergency stairwell, keeping out of the way of the guests.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Indigo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by danm36
Indigo made his way to a balcony overlooking the main floor. This was a private balcony situated 4 stories above the participants and hidden in shadow - as a result, it was used by guards, two marksmen placed here and two placed on the adjacent balcony. These guards were in standard uniform as they we not to interact with the guests. Indigo calmly dismissed them for their break and decided to get a breath of the surprisingly cool air for this hall. People were filing in from the entrance at an increasing rate as if the greeters were getting bored with performing the full check, something he noted for future investigation. He flexed his servos a little, turning around in the process, to be greeted by a young woman (probably a guest) looking slightly confused by his appearance. Actually, she was more interested in the massive sword strapped to his back.

"Ar..." she began, before Indigo cut her off. Responding automatically, he calmly announced "Sorry ma'am, but guests are not allowed on the upper balconies. You are causing a secur..." he stuttered and was forced to almost sit down. He noted that she too appeared to have felt something, albeit to a much lesser extent - maybe a headache? That's when he recognised her, the woman from before, the one he heard the whispers from. "I'm sorry ma'am, please lea..." there! Something in his mind, something big and alien was stirring, something dangerous. "Leave!" he boomed, almost shouted. She quickly turned and fled, confused. Indigo shared the confusion.

The guards took 1 minutes 36 seconds longer than they were supposed to, but Indigo couldn't be bothered noting that down. By now most of the guests had entered and the hall was packed with high ranking people and a few with forged passes. He couldn't prowl the grounds himself, but instead snapshotted potential subjects with his eye and sent it to the ground guards' personal computers. Indigo, meanwhile, would investigate this particular woman. He returned to the emergency stairwell and began a GC Network search on her, using images he took of her as a guide.

Most of the relevant information was off limits to him (Which seemed odd, but he was still in his 'trial period' and dismissed it) but he did find out that she was Zoara Britanov, daughter of two genetics in Hermes, Venus, and was a military R&D commander in the central research division based there and lead of the GEAR research branch. Had she worked on him? From what he could recall from the scientists conversations, Indigo was made from an ancient GEAR. Trying to discover this he was greeted with an already familiar access denied image alongside the line art of an red unhappy face. Maybe this was the Parliament's personal touch just for him? At any rate, he was going to pay attention to the Zoara woman.

Deep inside his mind, an alien voice began chanting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Solo The Mad Character Portrait: Sarah Briggs Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Atlas Jameson Character Portrait: Kale Horn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by danm36
"The ship for the criminal Solo is headed here. Head up to the observation deck and..."

Atlas's report stopped synchronously with the screams of the party goers and a slight tremor in the building. Ignoring his commanders orders Indigo ran back onto the 4th floor balcony overlooking the main hall. Below was carnage, the band had disappeared and monsters were attacking the guests.

"Open fire!" he commanded, and at once the men on the balconies shot down at the creatures to little affect. Their bodies were like fluid and, as a result, the bullets and energy shots passed straight through. Deep in his mind he recognised at least the constitution of these creatures, and then the thought disintegrated. Watching below, some of the guests were taking a more active participation in the battle, doing what the guards could not. One woman was even in possession of something similar, using it to smash the creatures to pieces.

The bullets were too small to have an effect, designed for little more than human targets. They needed larger pieces of metal to destroy them, and before the hand cannons got here from weapons storage, he would have to do. He drew his sword and leapt as gracefully as his metal body would allow into the storm below. The bullets couldn't dent his body, only his face which he aimed to keep pointing down. Within a few seconds, and with careful aiming, he landed straight on a creature that almost seemed to explode, as did the floor beneath him. He stood up surrounded by dust when some of the creatures turned on him. Two leapt at him, and in response he swung his sword with precise force aiming to bisect both of them. The first simply reformed where the sword cut, albeit being a little stunned and missing him. Indigo misjudged, though, and he caught the second dead center in the eye, splitting it. The creature dissolved to dust and all that hit him was a slight gust of air. Indigo maintained the swing and brought it down back on the first creature, this time aiming for the eye.


"You, tell these soldiers to take these fucking chains off me! Let me go, and I'll help with your little...problem. Deal?" The convict was acting as insane as he was during the trial, never losing his grin. Calmly, Atlas replied.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that Solo." The grin swapped to Atlas, Solo now looking furious. "You see, under interplanetary law, a majority vote must be.." he began, semi-sarcastically, only to be interrupted by McCall. "Here's you majority vote, sir!" and he released an equally shocked Solo. Solo glanced at Atlas for a second, before running down the hall. McCall, meanwhile, returned to his stand. No more would be said until the building was safe again.


Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Zoara and an unknown man running deeper into the bulding where some of the guards were coming from, and behind them were three of the creatures. One of the creatures switched targets, only to be batted away again by a guard behind a column. Indigo began to run after the creatures before something heavy smacked into his face, knocking him to the ground. In a daze, he subconsciously called out and, almost instantaneously, saw Zoara stumble a little. In his head, he could hear her gasp.

And then...


Indigo opened his eyes. He was standing again, stock still in the middle of the hall, barely moving, but something was off. It was as if the world was placed at the front of a theatre, surrounded by a black outline. It was like he was watching the world from a projector. He looked around to assess the damage, and the image of the world scrolled out of view. Turning back to face it, he could see that it was indeed some form of screen or projection. He tried to move and found his arms bound and a suspicious lack of legs. He could see faint red lines on the walls around his 'vision' and, as his eyes adjusted, could see he was strapped to some sort of giant pillar that looked suspiciously like a neuron. Turning back to the outside world he was now moving, or at least his body was. He bent over his sword to pick it up, and Indigo gasped, a sound that echoed through the void.

His hand was definitely his hand, but what had been brown or yellow painted metal was now covered in a smooth matte black that had formed soft curved spikes. As 'he' grabbed the sword a black fluid, similar to the creatures, emitted from his shoulder and enveloped the sword, shaping it, transforming it into a brutal matte black scythe. What happened next shocked him more. The scythe suddenly sprouted three red eyes near the blade, not too dissimilar from that of the creatures, and as those eyes appeared, their visions appeared alongside the main projection. He could 'see' through them! Sadly, his body was just out of sight.

"So, you're awake?" announced a booming voice, slightly deeper than Indigo's and featured a subtle hint of egotism.
"Who are you? Where am I?" cried Indigo's particularly feeble voice back to the void.
"Who am I? Who am I? Let's see..."

At that dark grey beams appeared from outside Indigo's vision, coalescing on on point in front of him, forming a large mass. The viewports all ceased in movement. Whoever was talking to him was also controlling his body. After a few seconds the mass solidified and grew sharp obtuse edges, three spikes on a large torso, two arms roughly the size of Indigo here and whisps where the legs should be. Then the face solidified, forming a long pointed edge down the middle and then, on the left side, appeared a perfectly circular dark red eye. Instantly the figure began talking and gesticulating as if performing.

"I am you... or to be more precise, I am your significant." He grabbed Indigo's chin with a thumb and finger and pulled him forwards, almost tearing the bindings. "...and this is our mind. Don't you like it? I reside here while you fumble about, and then when I'm tired of you, or you don't go where you should go, I take control."
"Take control?"
"As I said, I am you. This body was built for me, with only you to tether me, restrain me. Not that I needed restraint, as with restraint comes inaction, and with inaction comes failure. Oh, and if you need a descriptor for me, call me Zero." He released Indigo who fell back into place. "Now, while I'm awake, I must fulfil our purpose," he turned. "...Oh, and thank that woman for wakening me." he replied, before the form disintegrated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Christopher Leung
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0.00 INK

Zoara's mind raced with adrenaline as she was dragged up the flight of stairs. What was going on? It had all happened so fast. One moment she had been at the table having pleasant conversation and the next chaos had ensued. Those creatures definitely weren't anything the Conglomerate was expecting though. Her mother had told her of stories of monsters like these. They were definitely Genetic made… And by a powerful one at that. Why would anyone least of all someone of her kind want to do this? The thought made her stomach churn slightly. There were definitely going to be repercussions later for this, next thing you knew the whole press was going to call Genetics 'terrorists' and all of her and Leungs PR work would go down the drain. Sighing she decided she should at least be happy that the Global Conglomerate was adequately prepared for something like this, judging by the gunfire downstairs a small war was ensuing.

Turning to Leung she nodded her head in silence as she sat down next to him, "those things are not normal…" Zoara said quietly as she tried to catch her breath, "they were Genetic made. I'm not sure by who… But it has to be someone powerful. Who would do this though? It's not like-- Augh!" Placing her head in her hands she groaned slightly as a headache shot through her. What was going on? She felt horrible and nauseous. But she was also picking up on something not dissimilar to what had happened previously when she had gone to the bathroom. It was some type of GEAR.

"I don't feel so well," Zoara mumbled as she rubbed the side of her temples trying to ease away the headache, "there's--there's something strange I'm are picking up on." Whatever it was it wasn't like anything she had encountered before. Trying to keep a steady thought she gently tried to prod at the feeling and establish a telepathic connection with whatever she was feeling, "hello?" She called out in her mind, "can you please make yourself known? I would like to know what you are."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Marielle Silverstar Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Christopher Leung Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by danm36
"Hello?" echoed a female voice, "Can you please make yourself known? I would like to know what you are."
"Yes! Please! Help me!" cried back Indigo, but his voice was lost to the abyss of his own head.


Zero chuckled. The woman was a technopath, that was certain. This could be interesting.

He quickly reasserted himself in the body. He had never had a small and nimble body before, with the GEAR body he previously possessed stood at around 20 meters tall and was extremely heavy.

"So, what do we have here?" he said casually, as if the chaos was outside a bubble. A creature dived towards him and, with the grace of a particularly large dancer, managed to divide the creature into many neat pieces before punching the eye with a hydraulic powered fist. He looked around, and there, in the distance, a mass of the seemingly self-duplicating creatures. Zero lowered his body and ran full speed straight towards them. As he got close be span and sliced at the writhing mass, revealing a heavily injured large bald man inside, possibly a senior officer of politician. Within an instant Zero reflected the direction of the scythe and swung back, and again. The man's expression was in mock horror has he, and the creatures, slowly slid apart into three neat pieces.


"ARE YOU INSANE!?" cried Indigo, helpless at what he just saw. "HE WAS ON OUR SIDE! HE WAS A GUEST!"
"He was an obstruction." calmly replied Zero with a voice almost sounding like an audiable smirk. "The sooner you realise the value of life the sooner you realise the solution to every problem." he chuckled.


Zero turned around. The place was a mess, genetics flinging debris, creatures seemingly duplicating and guests becoming an increasingly costly piece of art over the walls. "Beautiful" Zero said to nobody in particular, before walking to the stairs, his hydraulic systems creaking and the black nanobot coving absorbing any stray bullets or debris. The creatures ignored him, the guests were afraid of him and the soldiers were ordered not to interfere. He stopped around 200 meters, thought for a second, and then began running with his head lowered and his body forward.

Nearing the stairs he noticed a wall of three alien humanoids, the corpse of another nearby. They were shooting at the creatures but paused when they saw Zero charging towards them. They had little time to react as, by holding the scythe to the edge of his body, managed to cleanly bisect one of the Brin as he ran past. "Stop!" shouted another almost instantly and fired a shot him, barely missing. He turned round to the left to face them and, on the 'face' directly under the eye was a huge stylised side of a mouth in an upturned grin giving him an exceptionally creepy appearance.

The Brin had little time to react as within an instant two tendrils with small nasty hooks exploded from his back and plowed directly into the soldier, causing the other soldier to stumble backwards, almost falling down the stairs. It took only a second for the tendrils to tear apart the soldier. The remaining man was shivering, cowering near the bannister.

"Run" said Zero, calmly and slowly, retracting the tendrils. The soldier obeyed instantly.


"You... you MONSTER!" shouted Indigo to the void. "How could you do such things!?"
"I'm the monster?" Zero responded as if offended. "I didn't see you stop me from killing them..." echoed the cynical voice. Zero was clearly saying this out loud in the real world.
"How could I? I'm stuck in here!"
"You still could have tried! But now the soldiers have died." Zero responded, almost pitifully. "Their blood is on your hands, all because you never tried! Then again, you'd have failed either way... or could you succeed next time? Lets find out...", his voice becoming menacing at the last words.


Zero continued onwards into a smaller outlying hall. There was a small group of guests in here, including a child, their vision shielded from the battle and the sounds muffled. He strolled past calmly, then turned to face them, or, to be more precise, Zoara.




Zero continued onwards, keeping his head directly pointed to the group. The male jumped in front of her first, noticing the blood on him, then the Brin jumped in front of him while at the same time partially shielding the boy.

"Hellooo sweetheart." said Zero menacingly. Indigo noted that the voice sounded louder than usual, and that Zero probably thought those words too. His theory was confirmed when Zoara suddenly got another headache.

And then he turned back to the front and calmly strolled up the stairs, the tension lost.


"Oh, I'm not going to kill her. She's far too interesting... for the moment."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Marielle Silverstar Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Christopher Leung Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
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0.00 INK

Feeling her message had been sent out Zoara looked up in surprise to find another woman had joined them. Who was she? Listening to her and Christopher’s conversation, she tilted her head to the side as she examined her. She explained she was one of the Brin attending the celebration, which wasn’t too surprising. How were they all going to get out of this mess? One of the bigger questions in her mind though was what was she sensing in the area.

 Concluding that thought Zoara noticed that another person had joined their party only to collapse on the floor.  It was a young boy. Was he alright? It didn’t seem like it.  Frowning at the situation she decided that he must have became lost from the rest of his group. The whole thing tugged at her heartstrings a bit and she decided that he would have to be their responsibility now. Standing up to take a look at him she stepped forward, only to come face to face with an unknown entity.

The person in front of her was definitely akin to the man that she had run into earlier. Only something was off. He was covered all in black now, and watching as he continued to walk by she felt a chill run down her spine at the blood on him. "Hellooo sweetheart." Gasping at the headache she confirmed that it was indeed him who she had felt earlier. Just what was he? It was almost as if he himself was a GEAR. Disappearing, Zoara was left with more questions left unanswered. There was a more important situation at hand though.

"We really need to get out of here," she said to Christopher as she Kneeled down next to the collapsed boy, willing her headache to go away. If something like that blood covered man was in the building she'd sooner get out than stick around to see what happened. Feeling the boys pulse she decided that he seemed to be stable. "Hello?" she said staring down at him with concern, "if you can hear me, you need to get up, this place is in a lot of danger and you need to be awake."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoara Britanov Character Portrait: Marielle Silverstar Character Portrait: Indigo Character Portrait: Christopher Leung Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
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#, as written by Howler
There were a lot of things that Leung wanted to do right now. Moments ago, due to her oddly lengthy introduction, he mildly wanted to tell off the loud and stiff Brin Ambassador. More recently, he wanted to fire a bullet of shining green plasma into the head of the man covered in black who just spoke to Zoara in the most anger-inducing way for him. Just the littlest bit he even wanted to throw the kid into the hands of someone who could get him the hell out of here. But more than anything, he wanted to get out of the flaming tower before something worse got to him or Zoara, and if he had to do it alongside the sword-wielding alien and this collapsed child, so be it: survival was far more important than much else right now.

More people weren't necessarily a bad thing, despite the particular ones he was stuck with. The Ambassador was at least fit and combat-capable, and the kid wasn't going to be the toughest thing to take care of. He didn't have to think long to realize the best strategy was about the same as he'd been doing already; avoiding confrontation, and sticking close to each other. From the look of the end of the hall, the building was running getting more and more hectic, and the only other rule that needed to be added was to keep moving, so Leung chose not to waste more time.

"Fine, come with us" he turned and to the Brin, "You follow me, and help Zoara carry the kid. Got it?" Leung walked over to Zoara, still leaning over the kid, and nudged her to the side so he could get the kid upright. He was still not totally conscious, but he could at least be grabbed by his waist or shoulder and be dragged easily to safety. He pushed Zoara back on the kid gently, giving her the weight of the kid in her arms. He grabbed Zoara by the shoulder and dragged both of them further down the hall, not waiting for the Brin to come help with the kid. He didn't have any destination in mind, but he figured there needed to be some sort of emergency staircase somewhere that could get them somewhere else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Indigo
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#, as written by danm36
Zero casually marched up the stairs, his weight causing the floor to creak slightly. 2nd floor... 3rd floor... There was no action here. Some times a guard ran past, but otherwise it seemed calm.


"Where are we going?" questioned Indigo. It took a moment for the cold voice to reply.
"We're going to see some friends of the Parliament. They have been quite the trouble makers! he chimed as if he was talking about children.


4th floor. Here there were guards, shooting out the window. Zero ignored them and pushed open a concealed door to a maintenance hatch.
"Stop!" shouted a guard who fired at Zero, confused about his appearence. He was aiming to miss but, by sheer chance or incompetence, the bullet struck Zero's eye. He was flung into the shaft and fell.


Indigo opened his eyes. The world was a mess, so blurry, and a thick black substance was pooled around his head. Someone really had to clear the place up! It took a moment for his eyes to focus, and during this time he could have swore he saw the puddle slowly evaporate or be absorbed into his head. He quickly stood up, and then it hit him.

"I'm...back to normal?" he said aloud.
"Ohhh... far from 'back to normal'. I'm still in control..." echoed the voice inside his skull. As Zero spoke he could feel the presence as if looking over his shoulder.
"Then why did you give me back the body?" he questioned. Inspecting himself, he could clearly see the black substance was gone, the plated on his body showing the faux-rust and worn yellow paint.
"Because that little bastard 'freed' you...but no matter. Despite the situation, you still have to do what I say."
"And why would I do that?" replied Indigo, turning to the access shaft as if to make a point.
"Because you have no choice!" Zero said, almost singing. As if on cue, gunshots could be heard down the hallway, followed by an explosion.
"Time to play!"