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Molly Weasley

"I know I'm a handful but that's why you have two hands."

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a character in “Epoximise”, originally authored by Maeves, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Molly Weasley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frank Longbottom Character Portrait: Roxanne Weasley Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy Character Portrait: Hugo Granger-Weasley Character Portrait: Rose Granger-Weasley Character Portrait: Molly Weasley
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#, as written by burning


{ saturday , oct 25th }

The school year is in full swing, all new students have unpacked and settled into their houses. As a treat for Halloween, the Headboy and Headgirl have managed to haggle a trip to Hogsmeade, on the condition that they and the prefects would then help set up for the annual Halloween costume ball that is held in the Great Hall on the 31st. A new tradition, but one all students looked forward to every year. The prefects may not be thanking their student leaders when they realise they're going to be spending the better part of a day decorating the largest room in Hogwarts, but for now, all are buzzing at the prospect of leaving Hogwarts for the day.

We join our witches and wizards as they are getting ready for their trip - pondering over what to wear, as they have permission not to wear school robes on the weekend. Where would they visit? What sweets would they buy from honeydukes? Did they have time to sneak in a butterbeer before having to head back? Each student is wrapped up in entirely different thoughts, planning their day to come.

No minds are thinking about the news, detailing vicious attacks on Purebloods by a group who labels themselves 'LOTUS'. What the students aren't aware of is the growing support for this group within their own school, no attacks have happened as of yet, but this trip would be the perfect time for something to go horribly wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frank Longbottom Character Portrait: Molly Weasley Character Portrait: Lucy Weasley Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: Albus Potter Character Portrait: Samuel Thomas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maeves
F r e dXW e a s l e y
G r y f f i n d o r

outfitX #BF9677

"Mmm?" It was nothing but a soft grumble that came out of Fred when he heard the bangs on his door. He was still half-asleep. What was that? The sound of his door opening made his ears twitch a little. There is a weird stillness in the air as Fred doesn't hear anything else after the door shuts. There was someone in his room but were they just standing there? Suddenly he feels a presence almost inches from his face followed by Sam shouting "WAKEY WAKEY!" In his ear as loud as he could. Fred's teeth clenched at the sudden shock and he nearly jumped out of his bed. "Dear lord man! I almost had a heart attack!" Fred exclaimed resting his palms on his bed sheets, his body slowly relaxing once more.

He looked up at Sam, shook his head while grinning and stuck out his hand. "Help me up, you ass." he softly laughed. Once on his feet Fred scratched the back of his head, grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and stretched out his shoulders a little. "So, I heard zonko's are supposed to get a brand-new shipment from my dad's. Remember his new and improved box O rockets I was talking about?" He smiled confidently, adjusting his glasses a little. "There we go! God sent." He laughed, rummaging around for some clothes to throw on. He found a sweater hanging off the desk by his bed and a pair of clean or somewhat clean pants hanging off of his bedpost with the belt still looped through, thank you very much. He pulled on the sweater and headed to the bathroom, leaving the door a crack open so he can still talk to Sam.

"I'm starving, I have been really craving a BLT from Hogs Head. Lunch on me?" The sentences that came out of Fred's mouth came out in between brushes and mouthfuls of foamy toothpaste. He rinsed, spit and hit the loo real quick before washing his hands and finishing up. Upon entering the room again Alfie, Fred's orange tabby nudged its head against his leg. "Hungry?" Fred asked only to get a blink, two slow tail swishes and a meow in response. "Alright, alright. Let's get going then." Fred seethed his wand in a belt holster his mom had gotten him for his birthday. It was pretty neat and the leather nicely stitched. For the life of him though, Fred couldn't find the sneakers he wanted to wear but a quick "accio!" Was all it took for them to appear and… almost smack him in the face if he didn't catch them in time. He quickly tied them up and looked over towards Sam. "You ready?"


M o l l yXW e a s l e y
R a v e n c l a w

outfitX #89AEC4

Up and about by first light, Molly was following her morning routine like she usually did, deciding to go blonde today. She was out on the quidditch field before most were up, technically, sneaking out before curfew and jogging the morning fatigue away. Her hair was up in a ponytail, honestly, Molly didn't feel like dealing with her hair other than opting for blonde today. A change of mood maybe? She has been feeling on edge for the last few days but couldn't pinpoint why. There would just be instances where she'd feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up accompanied by the feeling of someone watching her. She shook her head. No. It has to be her, maybe she was tripping up, too much tea?

Her earbuds were in and she was listening to Sweet Child O' Mine. The guitar solo always got her pumping, coming in handy in these situations. The morning cool felt refreshing against her skin and after a couple of laps, Molly stretched it out a little before heading back in for a much-needed shower. Knowing her little dorm mates, Molly had the shower all to herself because they were gone, all of them being early birds. Most likely waking up a little after she did. Molly soaked for a good twenty minutes before getting out of the shower and getting dressed, the faint smell of roses wrapped around her like a soft blanket.

Looking down at her bed while re-doing the ponytail from earlier, Molly spots Björn laying stomach up and out cold. She lets out a quiet snort, ties her small pouch of coins to her belt and gave a short and quick whistle. It wasn't too loud but loud enough to get Björn's attention. He quickly snapped out of his slumber as if it was all staged and jumped up into her hoody pocket. Making himself hidden as well as comfortable, right next to her wand. Molly planned on meeting her sister down in the hall and so she began making her way down but froze when she saw Irvin Watson. A boy who has a particular infatuation with Molly but doesn't know when no means no.

The bloke was chatting up some girls under an arch. He had his hand leaned up against the cobblestone wall and that damn charming smile Molly once viewed as such until she saw glimpses of his true self. That smile was in no way charming to her but creepy and frustrating. Standing there like an idiot for a minute, Molly finally gathered her bearings and backed up slowly. I'll just go the other way. And she did, taking her a bit longer to get to the hall than usual but she got there. Molly quickly scanned the room for Lucy while walking down to meet Anika and when she didn't find her, she decided she'd chat up Ani for a bit. "Hey, Ani." She smiled, taking a step back and folding her arm, giving a little bow. "Molly Weasely." After being checked off, Molly pulled herself to the side a little. Out of the way for the people coming up but closer towards Anika. "So, yea, hey. What do you plan on doing later?"


F r a n kXL o n g b o t t o m
H u f f l e p u f f

outfitX #e5b630

On his own, Frank was never an early riser, but because of classes he already used to waking up by a certain time. Once he was up, the first thing he did was water the few plants he had by the window. They were just seedlings but Frank liked raising his plants to maturity in his room before moving them down to the greenhouse. It was better this way since they needed more care starting out and, in his room, he could tend to them as needed. The trip to Hogsmeade hadn't escaped Frank's mind. How could it? His father had a small list for Frank, a list that contained some things he needed from Godweed and Deathcap. On top of that, he was a prefect so he kind of had to go, not that he didn't want to anyway. Oh, on the contrary, all Frank wanted to do this weekend was hang out with his friends, get a butterbeer from the three broomsticks and if he had time, look for a present for Lucy.

Frank took to the bathroom and didn't take long with his morning hygiene and gladly so because when he stepped out the other boys he roomed with were already forming a small line outside the door. Lucas, a well-known class clown that Frank roomed with yawned loudly, his bed hair sticking out from all sorts of directions. "Mornin, boss." Lucas stifled out, mid-yawn. Ever since Frank became a prefect Lucas began calling him this. The nickname stuck for some, mostly the younger Hufflepuffs but Frank didn't mind. He found it endearing. "Mornin Luke, " Frank smiled as he passed by, heading over to his bed. "Oi and leave the dung bombs here today. You don't want to be suspended from going to Hogsmeade for another two weeks, again." Frank called over his shoulder, letting out a half laugh. "You got it, boss!" Responded Lucas with a wicked smiled before disappearing into the bathroom.

Reaching down into his trunk Frank pulled out his clothes for the day and tossed them on. There was a pause though, after pulling his shirt on. He could have sworn he heard his name being called out but it was almost too faint to make out. Shaking his head slightly, Frank dismissed it. He sat on his bed and began lacing up his trusty brown boots and as he did that, he took notice of Solomon who had stepped out into the hall. He came back in pretty fast only to lock eyes with Frank, a semi-annoyed look on his face. "Lucy is looking for you..." Was all Solomon said before rubbing his eyes and filing up in line. Frank smiled, of course, it was her he heard earlier. He was just excited to see her as she was him but Frank had different ways of showing it.

Frank ran a brush through his hair rather quickly just to get rid of any knots, the only bad thing about having long hair. He then grabbed his father's list that sat on his nightstand, pocketed it, opened the window slightly for Athena when she returned from where ever she goes, and then grabbed his bag and was out the door. He rummaged through his bag as he went down the steps, stopping halfway because he couldn't feel his wand and he almost tripped. After a minute, Frank's hand brushed against it and he sighed, relieved he didn't have to turn back. Once he came to the landing, the top of Lucy's head was the first thing to catch Frank's eye. "A little bird told me you were looking for me?" He smiled, one of his lazy boy-ish ones while approaching the couch.


L i l yXP o t t e r
G r y f f i n d o r

outfitX #EB5136

"Ugh, why do you have me up so early?" Grunted lily behind tired blue eyes and passing students. The girl dragging her along, Jamie, is a good friend of hers. In fact, they are such good friends that Lily has been hiding a two-year crush on the girl. "Hogsmeade, sleepyhead." Jamie smiled back at Lily and her heart jumped, cheeks reddening as she ducked her head and mumble out, "Oh, yea..." Lily cursed herself, she knew Hogsmeade was today but she just couldn't get anything else out in the moment.

After some more walking, now keeping pace side by side, Lily began looking around. For a moment the surroundings didn't seem familiar but after rounding a corner Lily realized that they were too far from the viaduct. The bridge that connected one side of the castle to the entrance courtyard. The early hour fog is lingering making the view of the black lake from above more mysterious. Jamie leaned over the edge a little, protected by the stone railing. She was peering down below, watching for movement and when she caught what she was looking for she half turned to Lily. "Hurry! C'mon." Jamie grabbed her by the hand and pulled her quickly over. "Look down below, there swimming." Jamie pointed at three small bumps underneath the surface of the water. Are those? "Whoa, mermaids?" Lily always heard of the rumors from the students and her father did kind of confirmed it once but seeing it with her own eyes was different.

"I noticed something swimming when I was waiting for Rowan a few days ago. I thought you might like them." Lily turned her head to look at Jamie, smiling. "Uh yeah, this is really cool!" The two stared at each other for a second before giggling and watching the mermaids swim away. Above all, … Jamie really was a good friend. After that little surprise, the two decided to head over to the great hall for breakfast. "Hey Jamie, I'll catch up with you in a minute." Jamie nodded giving a small wave and heading up to give her name while Lily made a quick b line towards the slytherin table. "Mornin, Al." Lily plopped herself right across from her brother, on the other side of the bench.