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Alvina Erinyes

" Money talks, so unless you have some, we have no business"

0 · 684 views · located in Inferno

a character in “Equipoise”, as played by umbra Alastor


Alvina Erinyes


♠Race Superior Demon
♠Rank Subordinate to the Prince of fire.
♠Affiliation 6th circle||Prince of fire
♠ Gender Female
♠ Nickname(s)/Alias (es) The Harlequin
♠ Age 520
♠ Love Interest TBA
♠ Face Claim
Demon hunter Diablo 3


♠Height 5' 10"
♠Build Slender
♠Hair ColorBlack
♠Eye ColorAmber
♠Scars/Tattoos/Piercings A number of scars, but always hidden away under clothing.
♠Description Alvina could very well be over looked within hell, if not for two things, The curvaceous shape, and the utterly arrogant way she conducts herself and the unrelenting glare from her eyes. Just her general demeanor can cause demons to hesitate when dealing with her, making her ideal at her chosen profession. Her hair flows straight down past her shoulders often meaning the black strands get lost in the backdrop of her clothes.
♠Preferred ClothingAlvina always favours more protective gear, allowing for movement as well, this often comes in the form of either leather or padded fabrics. But she is also a fan of Anonimty and decptions so often she will wear hoods, over coats and such items to hide what she could potentially be carrying.


♠Oddities Restless hands: Alvina has the strange habit that her hands sometimes cannot sit still, and often she can be found playing with a coin, or a knife.
Subterfuge: Aliva has extensively learnt various arts of deceptions to achieve her goals, more often then not she will have multiple tricks hiding up her sleeve and at not point will she ever think of anything to be dishonorable, to her anything goes.

Fexible and Agile: By virtue of all the training in subterfuge she has done Alvina is very flexible and very agile, this is also aided with her smaller frame.

♠Likes Getting paid, Being active, Training
♠DislikesLow paying jobs, Not having a job, Being underestimated
♠Hobbies Weapon designing

♠Phobia(s) Hydrophobia
♠Sexuality Bisexual
♠Personality Alvina is very capricious is nature, often focusing on what she ultimately wants, however this nature can often be quelled with the promise of payment as that seems to be the only thing she really values is payment. Her tongue is quick and sharp, and despite knowing very well the political games that are played, she never hesitates to speak. She is also supremely confident in her own skills, rarely ever flinching in the presences of the lords. However she does fall back on her skills as a thief to always think about escape routes and she has a habit of becoming nervous if she does not believe there to be an accessible escape route

However despite this nature, Alvina does become more docile around the Prince of fire, Sharing the same love of weaponry as him, and seeing him as a teacher. The subservient nature is not always apparent from her, as often she does question for payment, but her tone is vastly different with the prince of fire, since she has grown accustomed to him. However she does not hold this familiarity with anyone else working with the prince, despite the fact she too has worked with them for a considerable length of time.


♠Relationship StatusSingle
♠Family All deceased

♠Personal History
Alvina was the runt of a litter, being the younger sister to many brothers, always the small one to be picked on, even her parents cared little about her, heck the parents did not even stay more then half a century leaving the litter of kids to fend for themselves, and in turn Alvina to pick up scraps from her brothers. Love did not exist between the any of them, the brothers would fight each other all the time, most stayed clear of alvina, seeing no challenge in it. To get by at this stage of life Alvina took to thievery, not uncommon for demons, just no one ever wanted to get caught.

She soon got the taste for stealing, and she certainly did not lack the skills either, soon she was being contracted to steal items for other people, nothing major, to start with. It escalated quickly, the thefts getting larger and more elaborate. The money wasn't bad, and that's what Alvina loved, she was getting a lot more then if she had stuck it other with her brothers. But soon she found her biggest payday ever, an Assassination. The taste of killing consumed her and the glory of the payment had enraptured her. She devoted herself truly to being a hired killer.

Years had passed and Alvina was still content earning her blood money, until she was offered the biggest assignment of her life, To kill the prince of fire. Alvina took the job, and her skills took her all the way to the prince himself, except she could not match his skills, by her reckoning she was dead, failure was just that in her line of work, a death sentence except the Prince took note of her skills, and spared her life. From that point forward she has worked under the prince, and studied under him. Intelligence gathering, weaponry studying and performing the dirty work that made sure she never went back to being the runt of a litter feeding of scraps.


♠ Familiar A panther named umbra, a very agile and quiet familiar primarily used in a more scouting fashion as it shares a telepathic link with Alvina, it is also one of the few things aside from wealth that Alvina is actually attached to.
♠Weapon A pair of self made, hand held cross-bows designed for short to medium range use, an assortments of daggers for back up as well.


So begins...

Alvina Erinyes's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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(Wrong spot... Please ignore)

The setting changes from New Earth to Inferno


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Alvina Erinyes

Striding slowly down the dark halls, Alvina couldn't help but let a smile play across her lips, she had spent a fraction of the morning speaking with her tutor about the plan of the day. He was going to address Satan about the treasonous plot that had been unearthed. Alvina on the other hand had to deal with the mundane tasks , to give the façade of normality to start with she had to attend to the weaponry, make sure Seve hadn't slacked off, and check her contracts for anything outstanding.

However that was not the reasons that brought her down these corridors, the morning was well set it, and now she found herself within Satan's domain. Everything so far had fallen Perfectly, and she could not help but feel that it was bound to get better. A large majority of demons did not realize how to effectively deal with competitions outside of combat, yet effectively a right hand man and the Princess herself has been temporarily taken out of the picture.This Delighted her. Especially when with the right moves in the coming time could make it all a permanent removal, for at least one, though it would take work. Such an endeavour was surely accomplish able.

Reaching a set of large doors she carefully, and quietly opened when just enough so she could fit her thin frame through and into the throne room where she found Satan addressing the Princess of air, with Vincent providing the evidence and basis of the accusation. Sauntering now further into the room she levelled her gaze towards Azrael " Satan... it seems i have arrived just in time... My original intention was to offer my services in the suggestion of a search of the traitor's possessions but instead i would be happy to escort the Princess" she said blankly staring across to Bavol " Since we have yet to identify the traitors allies it would be foolish not to take such precautions"

Now turning to address Vincent she actually showed the first sign of respect since entering the throne room, with the slight bow of her head " I have secured the copies of the materials you asked for... as well as taken the liberty to personally organize my assets into such a position in which we might actually be able to track the traitorous faction should they decide to help their comrade" Naturally the first part was true, she had seen to the security of the copied evidence her self. But the second part was not entirely true, while she always had her contact from which she gathered information there was no specific instruction given to them. " Though it is .such a surprise... that a traitor could get so close to a Princess no less and go unnoticed.... Even the lofty can't see the wood from the trees it seems" the last statement was purely added to try and rattle the Princess, who she now watched to gauge a reaction. To further agitate someone in this situation could be very revealing about their character.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Vincent Price

A faint rush of adrenaline rushed through Vincent's veins as the pieces of the chess board began moving once again. A few pieces seemed to be removed from game..unfortunately it seemed to be only temporary. Yet with 'evidence' as clearly demonstrated as this, it would be an extremely difficult trick to pull off and disprove such 'facts'. A smug smirk appeared on Vincent's face as he witnessed Satan shoot down Bavol's attempts of appeal for her beloved man-servant..bastard that he was. His plan was going swimmingly, his advantages stacking up around him. It was a very generous gift of Satan to allow Vincent to takeover the expedition to the Human world. His mind was nearly delusional with ideas of weaponry just begging to be unearthed by his hands and to give further punishment to Seve, who would be deemed his personal pack mule for the duration of the trip.

Her smirk turned into that a Cheshire-like smile as another of his little pawns strode in form of the dutiful Alvina who stated her purpose as well as the progress of her own personal projects within his Library. ~I had better check on Seve's poor hands when I return..would hate for those delicate hands to blister too much~ Vincent thought with amusement as Alvina stated she had made preparations for the continuous tracking of the traitors opposing Satan, such a dedicated pawn she was. Quirking an eyebrow up as Vincent watched his right-handed woman attempt to provoke the clearly distressed and fragile Princess of Air, before speaking up "Now, now Alvina let's not distress the Princess as I am sure her mind is already clouded with grief of her mistakes in choosing an treacherous knave for a bodyguard". Running a hand through his hair in a relaxed manner as his mood was quite jubilant given the circumstances.

Turning his attention to the unsettled Bavol as his voice purred "Yes, my dear I would truly listen to Satan and do remember who you will attempting to challenge". His voice began to drip with sarcasm "Now, I feel so horrible for leaving you so..unprotected without that traitor, I would be more than pleased to lend you dearest Alvina at least temporarily. As I am sure you know I truly hate having to get my hands dirty when it comes to simple reconnaissance in the Human world. " That was the charm of having one as useful as Alvina who carried out his whims with ease. Such a useful tool.

Turning his attention to Alvina with a sharp turn "You are to follow myself into the Human world in order to find the cause of the power surge. Now I would prefer for this operation to have a delicate handling..meaning avoid the humans at any cost. Do I make myself clear? As for our dear Princess of Air, you are to assist her when you are not assisting myself. If there are any changes in your orders, I will send you a message through Jackal". Bowing to the distressed Princess, his eyes shifted to Satan as he inquired "Is there anything else I can assist you with sir? I am sure we will able to effectively wipe out those that oppose your just rule..". Now if only Chikyuu were to stay in the dungeons out of his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Yeuri Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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#, as written by Kapento

Bavol had merely glanced over the supposed evidence that was put before her. She didn't want to believe it and neither she would. Those around her could surely guess how she was feeling at that moment. Alvina, the loyal servant of Vincent was there, close-by. Bavol didn't dare to face her.

"Though it is .such a surprise... that a traitor could get so close to a Princess no less and go unnoticed.... Even the lofty can't see the wood from the trees it seems." The woman spoke and irked the princess ever so slightly. Her gentle hands formed into tightly wound fists as the white haired girl stood quietly. However, with the intrusion of Vincent that did not last very long. "Now, now Alvina let's not distress the Princess as I am sure her mind is already clouded with grief of her mistakes in choosing an treacherous knave for a bodyguard". He said in his common vincent-ness tone.

"Pan it, Vince! Yeu hasn't done anything wrong and once I get him free he'll kick your ass!" The otherwise sweetly appearing lass spat at the rival prince. She briefly shot a glance at his servant also. "You would do well to remember who you are speaking to! I am the Princess of Air! The only traitors here are you pair! Satan clearly does not realize."

Her once high praise of their ruler was increasingly dieing as time passed on. Could she trust Satan? Certainly not Vince or any of his subordinates. What was a princess to do? "What a pity. The high and mighty are truly falling."

Her little remark was more or less directed at Satan, though he seemed to not require her audience any longer and the girl took her moment to get a little dig at him. She turned on her heel and began to take her leave, somewhat quickly in fear their ruler may seek out punishment just then, though paused momentarily to look once again at Vincent and his little helper. "I will challenge who I see fit if it means proving the innocence of Yeu. I am no fool, I know who I talk down to! It is by no accident that I do not tread lightly around you both and our leader." She had heard all that the duo had muttered on about and really paid little attention to what Vincent said next.

"Now, I feel so horrible for leaving you so..unprotected without that traitor, I would be more than pleased to lend you dearest Alvina at least temporarily." Was he doing her favour? Hardly. "The only one who will serve me is Yeu. Once he is free and this issue is dropped normality will be restored once more." It was hardly a lie to say that Bavol did not trust Alvina around her. She couldn't tolerate the woman, especially now. "Do as you wish - just stay out of my way."

With that said the princess took her leave from Satan's room and immediately began to progress to where her servant was being held down below. A short time later, Bavol arrived at the cells in which Yeu had been placed in. Where exactly, she wasn't too sure. The princess only knew he had been taken to their rulers dungeon, a place that she had, perhaps, only visited once if that. It wasn't exactly the sort of area she enjoyed being in. Nevertheless she needed Yeu and wouldn't stop until he was free.

Having thrown her authority around it hadn't taken long before one of the demons that roamed the area guided the girl to the specific cell that contained her bodyguard. That demon of course was the overseer. A peculiar demon in Bavol’s opinion, though she felt little need to really converse with the woman. All that the princess wanted was to find her subordinate, and not long after the overseer had shown Bavol to the specific cell that housed her servant. With a swift motioning of her hand the princess did not desire the overseer to remain, shooing the demon away almost, though the woman would most likely linger around just to keep an eye on their interactions.

Prior to leaving the woman had unlocked the door to the cell, to which Bavol proceeded to hurry through and close tightly behind her. Turning round her eyes immediately fell contently onto the familiar face of her servant, Yeu.

Skipping over the girl wrapped her arms around his figure and held him close for a moment, until she finally released the boy shortly after, affectionately ruffling his hair and looking him over whilst doing so. "Yeu, Yeu! What‘s going on? Their all saying bad things about you!" She quickly spoke with little time to take a breath, before sitting herself down calmly next to the other demon. "Not that I believe them, of course. I know their all lying! Vincent says you’re a traitor and has convinced Satan that your opposing him -- he even has proof, but it can‘t be true?"

Her eyes slowly glanced over his features once more, a look of unhappiness filling her own face as she raised a hand and gently traced the tip of her finger against the outlines of his cheek. "I hope their not treating you too badly. I wish I could break you out of here and be more helpful. I'm suppose to be a princess and yet I can't even help you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Azrael stared down at Alvina with cool eyes, something a bit unusual given the situation. He took note of her actions but for now he would have to focus on current matters. A slight curve at the corners of his lips gave the idea that he was amused by his courts attempts at flustering one another. The demon remembered such a time where he was like that with the previous Princes but that was then and this is now. Shifting in his throne Azrael watched the sky through the large open windows of the room. It looked like the time was changing again but he hoped it would not be so, there were many things he needed to get done.

You would do well to remember who you are speaking to! I am the Princess of Air! The only traitors here are you pair! Satan clearly does not realize.” At this Azrael’s eyes snapped towards Bavol’s position, fury flashed in those red orbs and it seemed for a moment he was about to snap finally. Even if he did not say it, Satan was waiting for the foolish demon to continue and surprisingly enough she did. "What a pity. The high and mighty are truly falling."

What was truly surprising was Azrael’s reaction to it. Without any form of warning a deep laugh erupted from deep within Satan’s core. The Princess’s choice in words reminded him of his lover, Is it true, will I fall to as you did? The laugh was short-lived as he bared his teeth in what was a very strange smile. The Princess must have grown from her time in the Human Realm, however short it was. For a fleeting moment Azrael felt pity towards the girl but it was squashed upon recognizing it. Hearing the sarcasm drip from Vincents voice as he continued to tease and prod the Princess of Air, his eyes lost the fury from earlier and was replaced by something unfamiliar to those who stood before him.

"Is there anything else I can assist you with sir? I am sure we will able to effectively wipe out those that oppose your just rule..".

Regarding the Prince for a brief moment the strange smile was now absent as he returned to business. Taking in a deep breath, Azrael folded his hands in front of him. The Princes act gave Satan a feeling of doubt. He may be old but he’s had his fair share of demons attempting to over throw him, and it’d be in his best interest to gain help from someone he truly trusts. "I better hope so boy, need I say your behavior is truly like that of a child?” His own voice dripped with that same sarcasm Vincent had earlier. It was a subtle push to see if the Prince would retaliate as the Princess did. “There is nothing left for you to do at the moment Vincent. I suggest you get going on your mission.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Alvina Erinyes

Turning her gaze downwards, Alvina bowed her head deeply to Vincent's request to no longer agitate the Princess as he so put it. It seemed he was going to take that duty from her, His tone was completely different, but it was clear that the intentions were the same, then again that was how Vincent normally was. Her responses was imminent but the dear princess interrupted her, the almost predictable reply to the prince, but suddenly her gaze was upon Alvina. "You would do well to remember who you are speaking to! I am the Princess of Air!..." Alvina stared straight at the Bavol muttering to herself "Indeed Princess"

Alvina's attention waned, it was so far being rather predictable and uninteresting. She expected Bavol's dig towards Satan, though she soon turned chill. Her breath caught in her throat, Satan's laugh had unnerved her. The feeling soon passed , and Alvina had found her hand had strayed where she would normally keep her cross bow. Letting out a deep breath She turned and bowed to Vincent and then briefly towards Satan. " Seeing as i am no longer needed here, i will go prepare for our departure" her words were swift as she turned and with the same practised silent movements she slipped out of throne room.

As soon as she left the throne room she noticed someone on her peripheral vision, turning she feigned to walk towards the doors that would lead towards Chiyuki's domain, before swiftly turning round confronting the man who followed her " When i requested your Services did you really think the best place to meet would be in purgatory?" It was one who she worked closely with before, an information broker, with a large network of ears and eyes, always willing to accept jobs as well. " The information you seek will take time to gather" he said in a hushed voice

" But this is confirmation of the contract, correct?" The broker simply nodded " Good, you will receive payment soon, though i want personal delivery, i will arrange that when the time comes though.... now leave" her voice was stern, and luckily for her the broker slipped off swiftly, there was no way she could be allowed to be spotted within purgatory with any of her contacts, or otherwise she would have to come up with a very good cover story. She was a thief, a killer but she was not a story teller.

The setting changes from Inferno to New Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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((Wrong Location Sorry.))

The setting changes from New Earth to Inferno


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Vincent Price

A cheshire-like smile appeared on Vincent's face for a few moments as he observed the Princess of Air flounce off in a huff..of well hot air so to speak. The irony of the situation made that same smile return a few seconds later as he let out a small breath in order to compose himself. That smile was lost as Satan's laugh etched its way into his body, cold and if the joke was on him. Unwillingly, Vincent's hands tensed for a moment as the tension in the air slowly faded away..the source all from the devil on the throne. Withdrawing a cloth from his pocket, Vincent idly cleaned the lens of his glasses as he heard the orders from Satan of his own personal mission, slipping them onto his composed face, he gave a low bow towards his ruler before stating "Right away sir. I do so regret having to of ruined your day with the news of the traitor. I do hope my next report will be one to your satisfaction..". His footsteps followed the ones left behind his servant who was attempting to be inconspicuous through loitering just outside the throne room.

The briefest flash of a retreating cloak signaled that his associate had been in conference with someone. A rush of anger flooded Vincent at his associate's rookie mistake..even a child knew not to try and steal a treat right as the mother was nearby..distracted. With an irritated sigh, Vincent fixed his impeccably straight black tie as he strolled by the 'shrouded' thief before turning an icy glare at the female demon with a hiss " Have you really gotten so bold as to conduct your business in the open under the nose of Him..I must have forgotten your talents. Was it not true that you once knew how to be inconspicuous. I truly do not think you need..rats trailing after you in broad daylight like some lost puppy..". As graceful of a chess piece Alvina was, she should have known better to retreat from the white King. With a wave of his hand, gesturing for the woman to follow him, Vincent retreated back into his personal abode..or the shambles of what remained, given the state of the entrance. Skittish servants flinched away as Vincent's gaze fell upon the bits and pieces of his glorious door. A painfully nice smile etched on his lips "Clean this up now..anyone who disturbs me will be doing guard duty for the next century..". Cold and precise was his order, as a few select servants squeaked a response and returned to their cleaning..wary of the woman trailing after their Master.

Finally reaching the welcoming views of his Library, Vincent eased himself into the leach chair behind his desk, propping shined black shoes on the desk, lazily gesturing for Alvina to take a seat on the sofa in front of him. Cerberus, merely opened a single eyelid at the visitor before huffing and falling asleep. Meanwhile Vincent was shifting around in a drawer withdrawing something from, before rapidly throwing it at the woman. Silver knives flashed through the air..a trio of them headed for the pretty face. One missed and lodged itself firmly in the shelf behind it..the others, well that was up to the talents of his mysterious thief. A faint grin appeared on Vincent's face he awaited to see if she was still up to the challenge of surviving. After all what use would he have of a pawn if it was dead and buried..regardless of how pretty the body would be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Alvina Erinyes

It seemed that the broker, and herself had not been quick enough during their meeting. At this point Alvina was still trying to figure out whether or not she had been lucky or not that it was Vincent discovered her, of course she would of preferred no one to have seen that. Meeting his Icy glare with her own unmoving eyes, she made sure not to look away at any point while being spoke to, waiting precisely for her master to finish before nodding her head " I will personally flay the next piece of business that follows me"

Heeding the gesture Alvina followed behind Vincent, following just a couple paces behind and a pace or so to his right. She did not inspect the wreckage of the doors, she had spent the morning doing that, no she instead glanced around at the servants, nearly all of them did not meet her amber glare, one braved a look upon Alvina features and earned a slight smirk. Both the servant and herself turned to listen to the Prince of fire, before the servant swiftly turned to carry on her duties, except this time she was met by the glare of silver eyes, Umbra, Alvina's familiar had decide to try being social again with the servants again. They probably did not want to be social back, but they did not dare to test the gaze of this beast, seeing as behind its eyes sat those of the harlequin.

Sitting her self down on the sofa, she raised a brow, what was he looking for in his draw?. It dawned on her just as it happened. Throwing her head downwards she felt the knives, two of them narrowly miss her head.Using the momentum on which she threw her head downwards, she forced its path towards the floor, pushing up with her toes so she came off the sofa and rolled forward. Springing up at the end with grace, she lazily placed her left hand on the desk, before placing the dagger within her right hand flat on the desk, she had slipped the blade off her hip during the roll out of instinct " I can assure you, i did not wake this morn void of my experience and skills....some things can't be forgotten"

Leaving the dagger on the table, she stepped backwards, facing Vincent at all times, so she could once again resume sitting upon the sofa again. " Perhaps i should waive the charge of my next job?.... it would mean i could cheat my idiotic business partners into paying them less.... but i digress.... for i doubt you brought me in here to discuss such things.... especially as the mission to the human realm is now your" she wondered how much of the talk in front of satan was true. It did seem unlikely that Vincent would attend a simple mission like by himself, no she would probably be the one. Glancing off to one side, she felt something pass through the air, no not the air, the very realm. A surge in power. Trying to discern an exact location on the source of the spike would be next to impossible from her location, the intricate and complex relationship between realms and relative positioning to each other meant a vector could not be accurately be given a direction, however it could be given a magnitude. The strength of the inter-realm barrier and the rate of decay of the energy provided an approximation to the location of the Source. " I might suggest we be swift in our preparations as not to lose this advantage" Alvina spoke softly as she once again cast a questioning gaze up Vincent. No doubt he felt it too, and no doubt he to would of discerned what she had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Chikyƫ Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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He also was within his home when he felt that power surge. It was the second time actually but he hadn’t paid much mind to it. He merely assumed it was some human who went off and did something stupid. Chikyu looked down at the letter he held in his hands, still in a state of some disbelief of what has occurred while he had been secluded in his Circles, he reread the letter for the third time. Eyes danced across the piece of parchment in a slow dance, Chikyu wasn’t an avid reader, taking in its contents carefully and filing it away for later use. What really caught his attention was the fact that it was the Prince of Fire who had presented the evidence. “There is definitely something wrong with this.”

Folding up the letter, Chikyu stopped walking to look out a giant hole in the wall that was indeed a window of sorts. It could be assumed it came about during one of Chikyu's episodes. He folded his arms across his chest the letter tucked away under his arm. An amused expression settled on his features as he thought of the fun to be had due to current events. The Prince never would have thought Bavol's subordinate, her bodyguard, was in fact under allegiance to the Nine-Star faction. The thought made him chuckle since it was only eight years ago that they had apprehended quite a few of their members. “Which means some of them should be greeting their so called brother in arms very soon.”

With that in mind Chikyu stepped away from the wall to see more about the problems that have arisen. He left his home with the gateway of Purgatory in his mind. It wouldn’t take him very long to reach the gate even if it was on different peaks. Now that he was at the edge of his peak Chikyu whistled a low note. The ground rumbled beneath him as something swam under the surface of the ground. With a look of calm the Prince of Earth leapt off the edge of the peak to land safely on the back of what looked to be a smooth lump of rock. It was in fact his familiar Golem who was capable of fusing with the rock around him but there was only so much rock he could take in before he got to large.

Golem stretched out to the next peaks which held the door to Purgatory. If he wanted to visit his fellow Prince he'd have to go through Satan's many gates. Chikyu didn't quite wish to go through his old mentors’ home in order to get to the gate but it was in a sense the only way he could get to the Prince of Fires Circle. Finally Chikyu stood before the gate of Purgatory; still with a frown on his face. He scratched his head as if he were still thinking about whether or not he’d actually go through with his plan but then when he thought about how fun it’d be to poke at a few of his buttons a wolfish smile settled on his lips. The Prince of Earth looked up at the top of the gate before taking a step through it and opening a door into a white hallway. Looking around, he saw that no one was around which was good. Unfortunately even if he did try to hide his being there, Satan would know that someone had used his set of gates. Chikyu turned to the gate to the left, of the one that bore his mark, and stepped through the doorway.

Within Vincent’s Library

The wrathful demon strode the hallways of the paper filled room as if he was meant to be there. Many of the servants he came across squeaked upon seeing him, for they knew of the usual events that occurred when he was around their master. It didn’t take the Third Pillar very long to reach the area where he knew Vincent would be. Almost at once a servant tried to stop him, she was one of the more defiant ones and quite possibly new. “You’re not welcomed here. Please leave” she spoke with authority and it was obvious she was unaware of who he was. A cruel smile played at his lips as Chikyu stared her down. “Oh I know little girl.” He suddenly lashed out, kicking the woman who was thrown into the room that Vincent and another woman stood in. Chikyu entered the room, admiring the broken down door as if it were a masterpiece. “I must say Prince of Fire. You really need to educate your servants better; I almost gave into my ugly little sin.” sneering at his fellow prince.

With that being said Chikyu pulled one of the chairs closer towards him and plopped down into the cushions. He sat back in the chair his cold eyes staring intently at the demon before him. “I hear you caught a big one while I was holed up in my Circle and I must say it must have been awfully convenient for you to lay out such a well spun lie like that. I certainly didn’t expect you to pull out such a dangerous card. You know of the circumstances when he finds out you lied to him right? It won’t be pretty and I’ll be happy to lay out the punishment.” The prince watched Vincent for his reactions. He was well aware that the other demon probably had plans in case a certain meddlesome demon stepped in. Regardless of how the conversation went Chikyu would stand up swiftly to leave. Only once would he looked back his “comrade” with pure hate in his gaze. “I’ll make sure you burn for your lies Prince of Fire.” stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked away, his gaze falling upon the servant he had kicked before looking away without a care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Chikyƫ Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Alvina Erinyes

It seemed Alvina was had a curse on her today. Everything seemed to be ill timed today and already her master was in a foul mood with her. Though maybe this could benefit her, since the approaching prince of earth might instead earn the ire of Vincent. " He is here" she said in such a grim tone that could only ever denote her speaking of Chikyu. Her familiar Umbra, had fixed its gaze on Chikyu as soon as he entered the building, and upon her silent command it would not leave him either, and she was relayed ever bit of information, including his apparent mood, though you could never trust a demonic panther to gauge any emotions.

" You know.. i get that eery feeling of familiarity whenever i see you" she directed towards Chikyu as soon as he entered the room, using her familiars vision to time it, as she never looked round " the same lumbering, boorish demeanour, just like all my brothers.. but what can we help you with oh great Prince of Earth?" she said, listening to the prince. She didn't need to look at Vincent to know he was finding this boring, bordering on annoying, it was painfully predictable, and utterly unimaginative in its delivery. Still it helped confirm that Chikyu would undoubtedly be swift to react to any news that reaches his ears.

After Chikyu finished and finally left, Alvina let out a heavy sigh and focused once again back at Vincent. "He reacted quickly... though if he acted without correct information even he could not escape Satan's wrath" it would be a dangerous plan, but it was clear that he could prove a massive thorn in their side, and truly all that could be done was to try and turn Satan's favour even for the briefest of moments. She did not know either of the princes as well as they probably knew each other so despite her remarks she could offer no advice to Vincent about his rival. " Still.... our focus should be on the human world... Satan will have our hides if we came back empty handed.. and i have grown rather attached to mine" Placing her hand out to the side, she felt the nose of her familiar gently press against her hand, the panther wishing to sit by its mistress side. It was looking forward to exploring a new territory though Alvina would be swift to remind it that restrictions would be placed upon it, just like they would be placed upon herself. " Your familiar was not long ago in that realm.... anything we can use?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Chikyƫ Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Vincent Price

The woman before him was lucky enough to have barely ducked as the knives flew over her pretty little head. It was quite the sight to see those fluid movements of her as she got back onto her feet quite gracefully. That faint smile from before became much more noticeable however it wasn’t a nice smile. It was more like he was content that his stock was still in good shape. Lazily setting her own knife flat on the table Alvina walked back towards her spot on the sofa, all the while facing him. He couldn’t quite tell if she was just being cautious or if it was something else but he approved of the former. It was good that she felt that way. It meant he was still something to be feared and he would continue to do so for as long as breath left this body of his.

As he contemplated her words a surge of power erupted into existence. It was quite the marvelous feeling; to have felt it even here of all places. Vincent however did not disclose those emotions to Alvina but instead maintained a cool façade. Considering the relationship between the three worlds, it’d be near impossible to find the exact location of the power surge but one could determine the area that it may have originated from. Before he was allowed to comment on Alvina’s words one of the maids cleaning up the mess by his doors suddenly flew into the room, rolling across the floor and eventually into a stop.

Even before those words slipped past his dirty mouth, Vincent was well aware of who it was. When he spoke it confirmed his assumptions and he could already feel a headache coming forth. There was really only one dirt encrusted demon that could cause him such a disturbance and upon looking it up, it was none other than the Third Pillar, Chikyu. Those pale blue orbs watched in disgust as the Prince of Earth as he placed his dirty hands on a chair to perch on. “My, my quite the manners you have there. You most certainly may sit Prince of Earth.” Vincent could only listen in boredom as Chikyu once again gave the same damned speech he gave all those other times. He thought himself valiant when in fact he was meddling in affairs that he did not, could not, comprehend. In reply to the Prince of Earth’s obvious threat Vincent said, “And I shall make sure to bury you under your cause Prince of Earth.”

“Oh I’m well aware of that my dearest which is entirely why you will be staying here.” He leaned back into his chair, lacing his fingers before him as he gauged her reaction. Suddenly standing he placed his hands behind his back as he strode around the room, answering her questions one by one. “My familiar was indeed there. He came across an exorcist party and managed to bring me quite the specimen.” His hand hovered over a leather bound book that rested on the corner of his desk. Eyes flicking up towards Alvina’s face, they were cold and harsh. “Did you know there exists countless offspring between demons and mortals? I find it quite fascinating to which I will gladly look into while in the Human’s realm.” He continued his pacing and stopped just in front of his beautiful pawn. “You on the other hand will be here, making sure everything goes accordingly. I will contact you as needed while I am away. Any objections?” His eyes locked onto hers as if challenging her to voice out her objections. Regardless of what was said, Vincent would soon prepare for his trip to the Human Realm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Alvina Erinyes

Alvina simply arched a brow hearing that she would stay in inferno. It seemed like she was being punished harder then she thought. Normally venturing into the human realm with Vincent under these circumstances would give them a reasonable alibi for anything that had set up to happen, now while staying would give Alvina greater control over what would happen she truly felt she was being thrown to the wolves, being left with Bavol, who live Alvina had just helped throw into chaos. Chikyu who from what Alvina could tell despises everything that she is. And of course Satan, she wished nothing to do with him, even under the best of circumstance. Of course if she failed upon any aspect she also had to watch out for the wrath of her master.

" Half breeds?" she thought for a moment as she glanced over at Vincent's book, her instincts always told her she should steal that book one day and sell it to the highest bidder, but that would be a foolish move, and fools end up dead. " Any use for them?...or are they just annoying creatures?" she said referring to the half demon children, in all honesty she did not care if they were useful or not, it showed a thoughtful nature which she knew Vincent would look for. When Vincent came to rest from his pacing in front of her, she met his gaze. She knew she was being called out.

" I am to be left under the crushing gaze of satan while the other two lords positively hate anything to do with you, which by virtue of association means me?.... No objections, should be entertaining" Raising one of her fingers she made it clear that she had not finished talking. " However i would like to make one request.." she turned her finger and gestured roughly in the direction that the maid who got booted through the door lied. " I want her to serve as my assistant during your absence... she might learn something" Alvina was no teacher unlike Vincent, and as such was very stern with anyone working under Vincent. It was odd though that she was requesting an assistant as she could be seen as almost completely solitary.

Standing up she once again she made a very calculated move in bowing her head slightly, it was to show that she was not making a challenge and that she was still technically sub servant to him but from her earlier words she still showed her determined nature. " We should probably send a message to Satan to inform him of the arrangement...Would you like me to fetch one of the messengers?" Finally she seemed to break her gaze away from Vincent as she moved away from the sofa, but it soon became clear she was still watching as sitting in the doorway was her familiar Umbra, acting once again as her second set of eyes. The familiar was instructed not to enter the office, but it was keen to return to her masters side. Coming to stand next to her Familiar she rested a hand on its head as she looked back towards Vincent. She would not leave with out being dismissed but she felt that their conversation was coming to a close, and she did not want to be in that office any longer, she wished to get prepared for what was coming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Alvina Erinyes
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Vincent Price

“They’re more annoying than they are useful but they are expendable.” He replied to her questions. What Vincent said is true, well to him anyway. The pesky half breeds are always whining about being the freak in society when in fact they were superior to the regular human. It was when they were compared to a true demon, a Superior demon, that they became inferior. Alvina’s words rung true. The Prince had no intention of working under Satan’s scrutinizing glare and while the woman before him was quite useful, he wouldn’t hesitate to let her take the fall. Of course that’d require his plans to be discovered. Plans that have been in the works for years. There was no way he was going to have it all go down the drain after all the work he put into it.

A brow was raised in question at the gesture Alvina made to signify she wasn’t done just yet. “A request?” He deliberately said it slowly to show that she was toeing the line. Blue orbs flickered over to where she had pointed. It was the maid the Prince of Earth had kicked as a means of announcing his arrival. He looked at her as if contemplating whether he should give in to Alvina’s request. He really only did it to annoy the woman. “You want her? Mm I don’t see why not.” Shrugging his shoulders as he spoke, Vincent took note of the bow. It was good to know she was still subject to his words, but her request put a miniscule splotch on it.

Vincent walked back to stand behind his desk. The demon noticed that her familiar, Umbra, had arrived. The familiar stood by its master who was now at the door. “Yes do send a messenger.” He waved his hand at her as if to shoo her off. It was his way of telling her that she may go. Like Alvina he had much to prepare for however his preparations would be much different from hers. Hands shuffled through a stack of papers all of which needed his seal of approval but he eventually glanced back up to see if his subordinate had left already. He was glad to see that the maid she had requested to aid her was gone as well. "Such useless people I swear." He said with a frown.

After going over all the necessary paperwork Vincent left his office and to his personal quarters. They were off limits to the majority of the staffs and only a select few were allowed to enter. Those select few were all mute so that they wouldn't be able to inform anyone outside of his circle of what he was doing. It wasn't like he was doing anything truly bad but it certainly could be deemed as suspicious.