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Salem Aritos

Helping others is to me as a heartbeat is to a lion, it is a necessity.

0 · 1,540 views · located in True Cross Academy, Fidel City

a character in “Equipoise”, as played by Nekohina


Salem Aritos



♠Race Angel
♠Rank Principality
♠Gender Male
♠Nickname(s)/Alias(es) Al, Arthur and its variants
♠Age 732 appears to be a young man of indeterminate age
♠Love Interest none

♠Weight200 lbs
♠Build Medium yet dense
♠Hair ColorGolden Blonde
♠Eye Color Sapphire Blue
♠Scars/Tattoos/Piercings No tattoos or piercings but body is covered in centuries worth mars from fanatically hard levels of work and pushing beyond ones limits on a regular basis.
♠Description With his overly humble dress and eyes permanently bagged and sunken to the extent of looking blackened one would hardly expect Salem to be a Principality. However the various scars across his body clearly indicate a lot of hard work for any station. His face is near always that of a calm kindness. His appearance is undeniably masculine but he keeps himself trimmed and his hair at shoulder blade length and frequently tied back out of his face which is highly expressive.

♠Preferred Clothing
simple cloth leggings. Allows for modesty and freedom of movement.


♠Oddities Openly weeps when locked in mortal combat. Goes to extreme lengths for the tenets of Justice, Duty and Mercy. In angelic form, hair color spasms into a prismatic spray with movement (the hair itself moving).
♠Skills Defensive skills, Healing wounds, Capturing and Sealing enemies.
♠Likes Justice, Perseverance, Loyalty, Peace, Mercy and all creation
♠Dislikes Cruelty, Destruction, Tyranny, Laziness, Deceit, Treachery,Violence and anything that disrupts peace
♠Hobbies Improving himself, helping others and furthering the causes of Justice, Duty and Mercy.

♠Phobia(s)That his efforts will never amount to anything or that one day he may be betrayed by his own ideals.
♠Sexuality Celibate; mercy demands unending love for all thus one cannot justly have favorites
♠Personality Salem defines himself and life around him by the tenets of Justice, Duty (specifically loyalty and perseverance) and Mercy (up to the point of peaceful nonviolence). However rather than merely seeking to juggle or pick and choose which aspects of each to follow, he seeks to meet each to the fullest extent. Needless to say this often puts him in moral dilemmas since Justice and Duty often directly contradict Mercy.

This doesn't keep him from trying, after all striving for perfection is something all creatures should prioritize. As a commander, this makes him benevolent to his subordinates. One could say calling him the caring grandfather as more appropriate than a commander. It also results in him taking the fall unnecessarily when an underling messes up since "the mistakes of the soldier are the responsibility of the commander". It also makes him highly critical of the angelic hierarchy, in his opinion it's rather petty. Instead of attempting to gain rank and power, an angel should prioritize doing the most and best they can with what they have. In which case promotion is merely handed down to those who are most capable with their duties. But he doesn't go out of his way to voice his criticisms, peace is the preeminent goal. In this regard, he has very little true respect for the current Seraphim. In his opinion, she's too young and has yet to learn the most important tenet: Mercy. However Duty demands that he follows orders passed down on high, thus he follows but will often file complaints about superiors he finds out of tune with how angels should behave.

Due to the lack of mercy demonstrated by the current system, he has taken it upon himself to compensate. To fulfill that obligation, he does not kill unless absolutely necessary and even then goes to great lengths to avoid the matter. To him, the greatest failure of good is when a life must be extinguished. The most defining part of his personality however is he will simply live by his code, performing his duty and kindness without seeking gain or reward. In silence, he will do what needs to be done and move on...others will simply follow due to the power of virtue.


♠Relationship StatusSingle
♠Family In his mind, all living things are his family (he also has two brothers by blood who do not get along). He is known to "adopt" every once in a while. In simple terms he takes them under his wing: training them, guiding them and performing every role the individual needs to best reach their potential. His most recent "child" left his care centuries ago and has sense surpassed Salem in rank. As with all his children, Salem was immensely proud of this achievement-more so than any other- but he professes a profound sadness at their corruption by the current hierarchy.

♠Personal History Salem's childhood took place in the time angelic strife, where houses and angels fought each other openly for power and prestige. Salem's family was able to use its own prestige to stay out of the conflict of the great houses but like a wild fire, the fire spread the houses of lesser prestige. His house and family had been sacked and raided by two lesser houses in an attempt to increase their own numbers, the goal was forcefully accomplished. Barely a teenager at the time, Salem was forced to watch his father, mother, both brother and everyone else he knew cleanly separated and dragged away...he'd been spared only due to being the final captive which resulted in an odd number.

Salem barely had time to mourn or despair before a new front approach what had been his home. It was the faction that claimed to seek peace instead of prestige and the man at its helm, Felspar offered him the only assurance Salem would ever hear. Conversely it was also the only words he'd ever need as the gesture gave Salem the straws of "hope" and "purpose" to grasp and while Felspar had by then left for bigger matters Salem immediately joined his faction. With fanatic devotion, he plunged into training. Whether through his own zeal or simply the lack of man power, Salem found himself an arch angel before his time (something he realizes now).

Due to most of his life by this point having been spent fighting, without surprise Salem's first bond was to the spear. He'd spent countless hours drilling with it before his first deployment, the same took place with the shield and sword but the spear was his personal favorite. It may have been due to a weakness of heart or even a misinterpretation of Felspar's words but Salem had fully hailed towards the idea of "Justice". On the field of battle his sword was swift and true and his conviction infallible. When he won, he was known to account for the wrongs of those he bested, "punishment" would take place thereafter. Sometimes it was simply doing unto the fallen as they had done unto those not interested in conflict and others were slightly more arbitrary but no less severe. Perhaps the most striking aspect during these days was never once were his "punishments" more severe than the crime.

As the war dragged on, the nature of their battles grew more defensive simply due to sheer numbers involved at that point. Salem was nearing the rank of Principality by this point...or at least stood as a veteran archangel. He called out claiming that "Justice" on its own is never's merely a fleeting thing. The more important aspect of their job was "Duty" for to win perseverance was needed, souls must be indomitable and every life they protected from the war was a victory worth fighting for. Unbeknownst to him, the war at this point had already apex-ed by that time but it bolstered the front enough from his point of view. The worst fight he had to fight during this time was against an all too familiar united front...the same that took his family. Once again the twin houses intended forceful recruitment of a peaceful area. Without orders, he rallied what he could and intercepted the two at their meeting point and the war finally hit home for Salem. The battle was trying in its own right, after all it was truly fought on two simultaneous fronts with a huge numeric disadvantage. The greatest asset on his side was the terrain, and his own troops had far more experience than the greens used to bully civilians. However, Salem ended up crossing blades with his own brother during this fight...and hardly recognized the man anymore. It was on this day Salem became known as the weeping warrior, he'd cried the entire time their blades crossed and the tears flowed even as the man retreated.

That battle also marked the day he began using the chain, after all some factions wielded chains to easily take captives for recruitment...perhaps he could do the same for peace. He drilled with the chain even harder with the sword, and gathered just enough renown with its use and his ability to fight on defense to over shadow his bloody and purely aggressive origins by the time of his promotion to Principality. The fight with his brother had robbed him of his blood lust, and in its place came "Mercy". Surely not everyone in the war wished to fight, and the taking of lives should be a last resort as such a final solution is surely the greatest of failures. Very few battles were fought after his promotion, from his view Felspar had somehow managed to do the impossible and force an end to the fighting. Among the first things he got was his family back when Felspar ordered the release of captives. By this point, his only remaining kin were his two brothers but the time they'd spent apart had changed them. The two viewed each other as enemies, and sought to ever kill each other...Salem was left to patch up these remaining dregs of his family and Aurae itself was all too good a comparison.

Whether due to old family ties or through some of his new celebrity, Salem ended up working directly with Felspar at this point. The man had now twice flipped his world upside down and firmly cemented his idol like status in Salem's eyes and as such he eagerly gave his all to assist in rebuilding Aurae. In its own way this task was evening more exciting and arduous in the war,but during this time Felspar became his dearest friend. Salem also developed his habit of "adopting" during this time, all-in-all giving his utmost to put the pieces back together. When the Seraphim's seat was vacated, Salem naturally cast his vote for Felspar, openly proclaiming the other candidate-Felspar's half sister- as too young and immature for the job. On some level she reminded him of a younger version of himself...and clearly not ready for the job. He was even willing to set his own name forward for the promotion to a Power in an attempt to lighten the load of Seraphim. But in the end, Felspar stepped down and Faida took the this point Salem lost contact with Felspar as he was unable to accept what he viewed as "brotherly promotion" of the new Seraphim. In time, Felspar disappeared and it was this act that forced Salem to accept the new Seraphim... and it's no secret that he only acquiesced to silence any whispers of rebellion. He doesn't defy the current Seraphim, for the sake of order and peace he must listen to his new boss, but the fact she "fell through the cracks" of a system still under repair is still chief in his mind.


♠Familiarnone, binding another living creature is unjust
♠Weapon Divine weapons are a chain with manacles to facilitate capture and detainment of foes and a spear. Ordinary supplements are a shield and a sword. Typical wields are Sword and Spear; Spear and Shield. Chain is usually wielded alone but is most frequently partnered with either Shield or Sword.

So begins...

Salem Aritos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Ryuu Shosuke Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Nathaniel K Jenova Character Portrait: Salem Aritos
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Alright my dears the story has begun!! Please go to this link before you begin posting.

The setting changes from New Earth to Aurae


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Felspar Tera'le Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Salem Aritos

Salem was not having a good day, but compared to the days of old it was a far cry from a bad one. He'd had to deal with normal petitions and complaints, such tasks were easy. But the more worrying matters involved having to go out in the streets to address complaints of the less formal sort. Within his own district, the young and angry had caused five incidents which had been quickly contained without any real damage. Twice he'd had to go out and address some of the disgruntled members of the mature populace in regards of the past two weeks or so. He'd even had to help a nearby district, not due to a lack of manpower but because he suspected the trouble initiated within his own. The rest of his aid beyond the initial onset was his way of further apologizing for the trouble.

In truth, that mess was still within expectation due to his rather vocal outburst against the current Seraphim. Part of him even felt that his behavior had threatened to undo the years of work it took to allow this level of peace to even exist. It was that moment of conscience that resulted in his submission. He relented his opposition, thus ending the debate of Felspar or Ammiel and even halted the bid for the throne being performed on his behalf. A smile filled with self-derision formed on his face with how blatantly he'd let Aurae and his supporters in particular down. Ultimately, he'd let his best friend down since Felspar trusted his sister implicitly. Salem on the other hand saw sibling favoritism, the girl was too young and reminded him so much of himself in his younger days. Her piety was admirable, the same could be said by her ability to garner such support but like his younger self she was too duty bound. Justice and duty dominated her thoughts, and much like his younger self there seemed a sever deficiency in mercy where her actions were concerned. This struck cord or rather the fear for its potential lead to his dissent and a rather disgraceful departure from his dear partner...he still wasn't ready to see the man yet.

The final straw, and thus the reason for the extended flight and the extensive time for his musing had occurred with his own brothers. The two never visited one another, in fact they frequently attempted murdering each other due to grudges of long ages past. He'd sought to rebuild the ties of his blood family but the arrival to his home was met with drawn weapons. It took a sword into his fore arm and an arrow through his calf during the effort, but he'd managed to bind his brothers to maintain the peace. However, now Salem felt his age and was flying to Aurae, the Seraphim in particular to request a reprieve. The burden of order was getting heavy, and he found even his shoulders grew weary...and he could only grimace and the thought of Felspar's own burden.

As he neared the buildings near the high temple Salem began his descent, and spotted a child of no more than ten years. What caught his attention in regards to this child was his proximity to Salem's own destination. The distance was too great for significant action to take place, and thus he could only observe the youth pry a loose bit of brick from the ground before hurling it into one of the windows of the throne room. The child was smart enough to run from the scene instead of take flight but Salem cut off his otherwise guaranteed escape. A mere flick of the wrist sufficient to bind the boy in Salem's beloved chain.

"What now, are you going to turn me in traitor," the boy viciously snarled. Salem looked closer at the boy and the child was indeed angry, but there seemed to be something more. The child continued without relenting "you were a beacon of hope, a promise of something better than the last Seraphim, but instead you relented to her." That was when Salem caught the tone he was looking for, the underlying blandness of one reciting something they'd heard repeatedly. A sad smile grew on his face while he took a knee, putting him at eye leveling with the child.

" I take it your parents supported either my promotion or my vote for Felspar," the inquiry wasn't meant for specifics and a simple nod and surprised face was all the answer he needed. Salem chuckled and ruffled the boys hair, " You're a good kid, taking your parent's hurt to mind. But there's better methods than throwing stones, especially when this affair is my fault." At this point Salem doubted the boy would understand, however the lecture continued.

"Yes I asked my friend to take up the mantle of the Seraphim. I truly believe he's best for the job, and I truly failed as a friend to see his own burden before selfishly asking him to take up more. I even sought promotion to help, perhaps even hoping to bear the load myself. However, all my efforts went against the very thing I wanted from the start." At this the boys eyes held a spark of curiosity, but Salem silenced him before the boy could ask. "I wanted Aurae to be at peace, and we both see how well my actions turned out."As if the weight of it all finally caught up, Salem's age ended up showing on his face. A weary man carrying nearly a millennium of hard work and emotion, the lapse was only temporary and Salem quickly had his usual young appearance.

"So for peace, I will withhold my reservations of the young Seraphim. Help her when I can and I shall always be her harshest critic and see if she can grow into the office. As Felspar's sister I'm willing to trust she'd either succeed or step down properly." Sure enough the child's face was one of partial comprehension, nevertheless Salem believed the boy held some promise.

"But enough of this," Salem clasped the youth's shoulder while releasing the chain. "You've an apology to deliver and I've work to do...don't worry I've got your back,"the finishing comment was to keep his charge from being too nervous. The two returned to the building the boy had previously vandalized, stopping before the door guard.

"Salem Aritos and guest for the Seraphim, we'd like to request an audience." The message was plainly delivered to the guardsmen and one was sent into the structure. Salem instinctively wrapped a wing around the shaking body next to him, but he himself wasn't certain how to handle the situation either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Felspar Tera'le Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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After the jumble of confusion and hurried activity that had overtaken the last sixteen days, it was a relief to hear that her brother had thought of a path for them to take. Things could only get worse as time passed, and surely it would be a relief to her people to hear something was being done. She had not considered many of the aspects her brother did, psychology, culture, trust, but that was why he was the advisor after all. A smile lit her face as they hugged. That particular tradition was something she always looked forward to. It often helped to brighten even the worst mood and make things seem a little more manageable. She could follow her brother’s line of thought faintly. Nothing would be fixed while hiding out in Aurae, yet letting people wander a realm full of temptation holds frightening possible consequences. In the pause after her brothers words regarding what types of angels are advisable, she speaks softly to assure she was following, “Yes. I can see why those versed in more serious conduct would be better choices…” Her brothers serious expression drew out the same in her and made her concerned for the content of the words that would follow the gaze. Hearing that Felspar would go to, she could not help letting the pouty, disapproving frown of a concerned sister escape before she managed to wash over it with a more dignified seriousness. Eyes wandering off of her brother for a moment, she feels too clearly the weight on her in his words, “There are enemies in this regime’s horizon.” At first she had wanted to deny it was too bad, but as time went it seemed people were angrier with her than she had imagined. It was upsetting that she was causing trouble, but she hoped soon enough they would see that her heart is in Aurae, and she would do all in her power to care for it as the Goddess would wish. She was in full agreement that separation of individuals was for the best, as his point was very convincing. “Ah, excellent thinking…” She feels a little silly after saying that, would she ever expect any less? She tried to explain that with her explanation of the wise precaution she would not have considered on her own, “Then an errant man won’t know who they have with them to stop.”

Ammiel would, indeed, choose very carefully who to send on such sensitive mission. The most loyal seem obvious, but as her brother said, it really was a good way of testing the true loyalty of those less certain parties. Nodding once in acknowledgment, she says, “I’ll be sure to put careful thought into it.” She frowned to think of those who would betray them. She hoped that they would not have to face such a thing. She meets her brother’s eyes more directly as he speak apologetically. It was not a pleasant concept sending out angels with intent to end the life of a child, but there was no other choice. The balance of the worlds and righting this terrible wrong of the past Seraphim was a matter too important to neglect for the consideration of the age of the one affected. Hearing that her brother may not return was concerning “Is it really so dangerous?” She looks down. “Yes, I suppose it must be…” Taking a deep breath, she raises her head again, “It’s not an easy thing to handle, but I believe your plan does an excellent job of it.” She smiles gratefully, pleased to never be let down by her big brother. “I will arrange to have a meeting of the council this evening to inform them what is to be done, and consider in the meantime who else I trust to send.” For a time she struggles to find appropriate words, in the end she settles with, “I will pray that if there is one thing that you ever will be mistaken about, it will be your suspected grave location.” With that, she gives her brother a final warm smile and speaks a quick farewell, wishing to waste no time taking his work and moving to put it into action.

Meeting with her guards outside the door of the main library, she received a message that Salem Aritos and a guest wished to meet with her. At first it was the meaning of the meeting that concerned her, but soon after she worried at how long he had been kept waiting. It was her hope that the guards had informed her she was out so that he could find somewhere comfortable to wait. Her thoughts then turned to piecing together how to present things to the senate and pouring through the names of angels worthy of trust, or at least a shot at this. It would be good to have some variety of folks, yet it would seem a bad idea to have too many on Earth lest it draw attention. A cautious number at first – test the waters before more is risked. As she was distracted by her thoughts, her feet completed the journey in a time faster than she would have expected and the High temple with its broken window appeared on the horizon. Closing the final distance, she approached Salem and the one shielded in his wing. Seeing a younger individual earns a gentle smile that she would usually try to make a bit more serious before this particular Principality. “Greetings Salem, I received your message. I have the time to spare to grant that audience now.” She raises an arm towards the door as an invitation to follow her. “You could walk with me if you wish, or you can find me in the throne room when you are ready. I have a two hour allowance I am willing to spare.” Doors opened by the guards, she continues on into the temple to make her way to the place appropriate for official meetings.


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Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Salem performed the proper obeisance for his station when the Seraphim entered the room. His weight also forced the young charge in his grasp to perform the action in a more stiff manner. It would appear that his timing had been relatively fortuitous, two hours was more than sufficient time.

"Peace Seraph," Salem provided his usual greetings after her words. " Since it's the same, we shall accompany you while you walk." He positioned himself behind her for the conversation, decorum demanded such behavior. The youth's resistance was paltry at this point thus allowing for a fluid motion. "Originally, I had come here with the intent of requesting leave...fate it would appear has decided upon a different course."

" First of all, the youngling here owes you an apology for a certain window." At this point Salem partly retracted his wing while pushing the boy forward. "The lad has a good heart, but he's responded rather poorly like many other youths within my district...a byproduct of my own behavior hence making this my responsibility." The second sentence was spoken quickly, Salem intended to shield the youth as much as possible from repercussion.

"In that regard, I'd advise no more than making the child assist in repairing the work." The boy was smart enough to voice his apology at that point before attempting to make himself scarce. A sigh escaped Salem's lips before he flicked his left wrist and once more caught the boy with his chain. "Child, the Seraphim's verdict is necessary before I may let you go. You broke a rather sacred mural for one, if you endangered or harmed her personage...everything changes." His voice grew harder with his final words and a harsh glint entered his eye. Regardless of rank,blessing and sacred law; try for more and I shall draw my spear. The words were unspoken, even the thought itself was absolutely ludicrous within the hierarchy of Aurae. His tone however, bore every bit of his unvoiced threat complete with the acceptance of the consequences.

"Consequently now seems a good time to voice my intentions: a request for supervision of my brothers and to shoulder the sins conducted by those due to my over zealous support of your brother, then my own bid of opposition."


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Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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A gentle nod professed Ammiel’s approval that they would join her immediately. With the full two hour window able to be taken advantage of, she wondered whether it would be wise to discuss the upcoming plan with Salem early. His was a name already firmly set on the list of those she would enlist. Though perhaps letting both of Aurae’s pillar gentleman leave at once could be a poor move, she wants Felspar to have someone he can fully trust available during this all too important mission. With these thoughts in mind, it startled her to hear that Salem was previously intending to request leave. In some ways she ought to be thankful to the youth and fate for slowing the undesirable possibility.

Turning briefly to lay eyes on the culprit of the damage, she did not perceive the true viciousness of vile intent. Understandable upset of emotions and a poor control of frustrations perhaps. Salem’s words on the boys behalf confirmed and strengthened her resolve that this was not a matter of serious criminality, though she could not truly accept placing the weight of responsibility on Salem’s shoulders. There was only one individual that she would place the blame on for the negative atmosphere currently gripping Aurae, and it was certainly not Salem. In her opinion it was good of him to try and fight for what he believed was best. The fact that she had won out over her brother even with such strong opposition made for convincing evidence that the position was truly meant for her. It was the will of the Goddess that had brought her to this position, and he had helped make that clear.

Ammiel was thinking of simply letting the boy off with a warning, but Salem’s idea was a perfect one - that way the boy could see the effort that went into creating such things so that he would think twice about destroying something similar in the future. She had faith that Salem had already given the boy a talking to, but she believed that she ought to add her own words. The boys attempt to prematurely escape showed for her that he did in some way feel bad for it. Those not at all remorseful would try to talk their way out of anything or add further insult she would imagine. After entering the throne room, she stopped partway up the carpet approaching the throne, purposefully parallel to the broken glass, and turned to face her guests. “Salem is correct; destruction of treasured images of the Goddess has been known to earn fairly severe punishment. However, taking into account that neither I nor any below were harmed, I believe what Salem suggested will be an adequate punishment for a first offense.” Her eyes glistened lightly as she allowed for a soft smile to escape. “I understand the frustrations that have led you to do something so violent.” The smile then gave way to a more serious composure. “But in the future I might suggest finding better outlets for frustration or methods of fighting for beliefs than destruction of property. Even if harm had come to me, it would not have helped to right the balance.” That was the extent of the words she had to offer the boy, so she raised a hand and bowed her head slightly to invite Salem to release him.

As she wished to speak in privacy, she waited for the boy to leave before addressing Salem. “I would not be comfortable placing the weight of wrongs not your own onto your shoulders, especially considering that I see no error in your actions.” Making her way to the throne and taking a seat, she folded her hands in her lap while being cautious to maintain proper posture. “The current unrest is unfortunate, but not entirely dependent on your actions.” As she thought of the citizens of Aurae, her gaze wandered to the broken window. “You do not have to worry about shielding them, but you may feel free to join the extra patrols I will be putting into place to hopefully diffuse violence before it begins. I intend to bend towards leniency except for in cases where serious harm is caused. I understand what troubles them and will be looking into ways of calming the people without treating them as criminals.” Turning her eyes back to Salem she decided to leave further explanation of what she would do in Aurae for the meeting and move on to what she wished to inform him about. “I will be calling a council meeting this evening to discuss the next course of action, set in place courtesy of Felspar, to secure the future of Aurae and better manage the unrest. I expect that you will be in attendance as always. There I will go into detail what the task entails, but briefly stated it will be a small operation on Earth, and I need those I can trust to carry it out.” Though she knows he hardly has her back, in doing what is best for Aurae she would not doubt him for a second. “Felspar believes this is the way to restore the balance and let us repair the damage to Aurae. I will be requesting for you to take part in this venture, and I hope you will consider it well.” That made two angels that she was confident in sending, the rest required a bit more thought, or perhaps a subtle test.


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Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Salem lowered his head at the Seraphim's decision in regards to his offer, a sign of acceptance of her decision and nothing more. He did raise his eyebrows at her call for a meeting later that evening, it meant he'd have to stay around instead of flying back home.

"Of course I'll be staying for a meeting, I have an attendance record to maintain," it was a poor attempt of a joke at best but Salem already knew he wasn't funny. " Though I must admit I am rather ignorant in regards to the other realms...last I heard humans were just learning to write and make cities. Perhaps some younger Angels would be more suited for this summoning if not also added into attendance."

Salem saw no point in pretending to hide his lack of knowledge in regards to both Earth and Inferno. Certainly, one could expect an Angel of his age to be out of date but feign familiarity. However, that wasn't how Salem flew- ignorance was best admitted instead of being hidden. The mention of his old friend also got his attention, for Felspar had never been wrong before... bar Salem's own wavering opinion on certain matters. In a way, he saw this as a way to begin an apology for his earlier shortcomings and failures.

[color] "I shall not detain you then Seraph, allow me to take leave and I shall return when you call council."[/color] He denied the urge to jest about being more learned by that time...he assumed it'd be best to just accept the mortal world as its own crash course. He rose to his feet and left the vicinity... a long flight would be needed to get his head on straight for council.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Though missing its humorous intent, Ammiel greeted Salem’s subtle joke with a smile. The words that followed however turned her gaze momentarily to the shattered glass on the ground. Apart from Felspar, she imagined that most of those who would end up leaving on this venture would be unfamiliar with Earth. Her smile returned with the reassuring certainty that her brother had considered that in his planning. Looking back to Salem, she replied, “Yes, younger… There will be some younger angels of lower ranks invited to the meeting.” Pausing for a brief moment, she wondered if the decision would be frowned upon by some members of the council. Her tone grew weightier with resolve. “A slight breach in tradition, I am aware, but it has its purpose.” As the angel announced his exit, Ammiel stood and nodded her head once in acknowledgment. “Thank you Salem, farewell.”

Left alone, Ammiel brought her palms together in mock prayer and raised the symbolic gesture to her lips as she set out in her mind what was to be done so not to leave anything out. Nodding to herself and making a small noise of readiness, she left the throne room to ascend to the upper floor of the high temple where she could find privacy. She entered into her study, a small room stocked with all the finest quills, papers, and inks for Seraphim to write out important documents or official letters. Compared to Felspar’s space in the main Library, she was not certain the name ‘study’ really suited the room. Ignoring that, she collected from her most recent files the listing of all Archangels.

The traditional council meeting in Aurae includes the presence of the senate and the elders, responsible for such important tasks as selecting the Seraphim, as well as all those ranked Powers and Principalities. Archangels and unranked angels are not welcome to attend in most circumstances, but today Ammiel had something different in mind. As she stepped back and briefly scanned the names on the list, some stood out for the praise she had heard from their mentors, but there were exceptionally few she had personally interacted with and felt that she could trust. It was for this reason that she wanted the Archangels to attend the meeting. She would observe them and their reaction to the plan, and from there she could assess which of the lesser ranks seemed suitable for the all too significant responsibility.

Taking a seat at the writing table in the centre of the room, the first name was set without use of the list. Levien Phrixus. She was not entirely certain how loyal he was, but she knew he would gladly go on a mission set up by Felspar. Easy choice aside, she ran her finger down the list of names, pausing to take note of those who stood out. She had heard a number of great things about those who had been taught by Salem and so selected a number of those she had heard the most about to receive an invite. Contemplating a vaguely familiar name, Felspar’s words of testing loyalty returned to her mind. Marius Raguel’s name made it to the front of one of the sepia tone envelopes. It would be an opportunity for the man to prove himself in whatever way he would end up leaning, and his experience as both a Power and a Principality could be advantageous. Only a few more names caught her attention, and after spending much ink and paper she sat back with ten envelopes to be delivered. As a final thought, she selected ten more less convincing individuals so that the anonymity of those who would eventually be going would be more protected. A smile lit her face at the musing that maybe one she had not considered at first could prove themselves despite having less praise. She hated to underestimate anyone, but reputation was all she had to gauge their loyalty.

After closing each envelope with a seal of the Seraphim pressed in golden wax, Ammiel handed the messages over to guards to carry out into Aurae on her behalf. She made her way through grand hallways of the High Temple to find those in charge of preparing the meeting room to warn them of the impending gathering and to make a special request for extra chairs set aside from the usual. Bows and promises of obedience let her be on her way to the highest level of the temple where a golden bell made its home. Its ringing was known to signify a meeting, the number of tolls telling the exact time. Hoping the timing would not inconvenience anyone or take them away from other responsibilities, she rang out a comfortable time where late afternoon and early evening were easily confused under Aurae’s unchanging white skies.

Now that everyone who needed informing was taken care of, Ammiel was free to take the hours she had left to prepare herself. It was enough to write out her words to be spoken to herself and revised multiple times before she committed the final version to memory. Final bits of time moving by, she changed to a more formal dress and attempted to smooth out the feathers of her six wings though it was unnecessary. She could not deny a faint hint of nervousness for the first meeting called and led by herself exclusively, but there was an eagerness as well. Soon, hopefully quite soon, the balance could be restored and Aurae could repair its pristine peace and important place in the universe as the absence of all corruption.

With words and appearance prepared, Ammiel made her way to the meeting room. Built to be easily accessible to many people, it is located on the ground level to one side of the High Temple - a large room with concentric circles of seat and tables where rank brought you closer to the front row where your words were more welcomed. Setting foot inside early, Ammiel stood behind the podium where she would be speaking and practiced her words under her breath while imagining who she would be facing. Eyeing the empty Archangels seats she smiled softly and bowed her head. A simple prayer was said before she left the room and waited behind the Seraphim’s door until the time was right.

Muffled footsteps and words heard through the closed door let her get a feel for how many people had arrived. She felt it would be a full room; there was much to be considered, after all. When the time finally came, she walked through the door with confidence and a stern smile as she approached the Seraphim’s podium to address the room. Looking over the crowd, she made quick eye contact with as many as possible before folding her hands before herself and begging to speak, “Honourable angels of Aurae, I greet you and thank you for taking the time out of your important schedules to attend this meeting.” She raised her hands before her chest and showed traces of sorrow on her face though her voice, made loud enough to carry through the room, did not falter. “As you know all too well, our world is hurting. The barrier is breaking under the weight of the sin of one we once believed in so strongly, and in the face of this new chaos we no longer have the Goddess to save us.” Her hands were lowered and a firmer expression emerged. “Our people are scared - they doubt, they fear, and they falter on this unstable ground. This affront to the order of the worlds, the child, threatens to destroy everything we have all worked for so hard since the great war.” Leaning forward slightly and resting hands on the podium, she spoke with the passion of her beliefs. “But Aurae is not lost yet. Those who brought the light once still stand and we have not forgotten who we are, though one of our leaders did. I am pleased to tell you that we have a plan, delivered to us by my top advisor. We will send a number of skilled or promising angels through the rifts and to Earth, to the find the source of the sickness that is ailing our world and put an end to it so that we can restore Aurae to the pinnacle of goodness that the Goddess made it to be.” She straightened her posture and folded her hands once more as she explained how things would work. “To aid the success of this venture, those sent will work alone and report only to me through untraceable means of communication. Working this way we hope to avoid conflict with the citizens of Earth and to avoid notice of those belonging to Inferno, to successfully complete this unfortunate, but all too necessary assassination. Once the source of the barriers breakdown is removed, we can fight of the corruption of Aurae once and for all.”

From what she saw in body language and eyes, whispered comments and the writing of notes, it was hard to gauge what people were thinking, but she had yet to see anyone who seemed too violently opposed to the idea. There was sadness in some eyes touching on the killing of a child, a sadness she understood, but there did not seem to be any other way to restore the balance. In between gauging the reaction of those of high rank she should be concerned with, she watched closely the attending Archangels. In brief assessment, those who seemed too excited about going to Earth were the first to be mentally crossed off her list. After a brief pause, she moved on to other matters, “This earthbound plan will be put into action near immediately; meanwhile, there are no less significant troubles plaguing us here in Aurae. The violence and anger seething through the population after the change in leadership has become a very serious concern. Some believe we should enact strict punishments, but I believe a gentler touch may be more advisable. After multiple reports of property damage and injuries, I believe it is best to increase the number of guards watching the streets to break up any violence before it gets out of hand and causes events that beg for punishment. In addition to these measures, I believe it is important to let the people know that we are listening to them, and so I plan to make a number of public appearances in each district where the people feel safe so that they can address their concerns with me directly as opposed to taking it out on others, on architecture, or in internalized suffering. I understand the danger of placing myself as a target, but I believe, with the right precautions in place, the benefit of easing their distress will outweigh the inherent risks.” Placing her hands on the podium in preparation for taking up her pen with which to take notes if necessary, she ushers the meeting into the portion where anyone may speak and those with proper authority and something to say may take their turn reporting on the current state of affairs. “With that in mind, at this time I open the floor to any questions.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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The perception of time is a cruel fate for a mind alert and active with internal conflict but a body that seemed to wish for it all just to fly by. Each swing of Marius' sword seemed swift to his body but the mind encapsulated the whole process within its own little era, that one little moment taking up the conscious leaving the abyss of the subconscious to its own war until the next time it spills over, to burst the bubble that had been so hard worked to try and distract the body from the debilitating beast of hesitation.

But sooner or later every toll was collected, he grew weary of seeing the same sword moving in front of him, every step and subtle twist of a foot. Such things are second nature to most yet all of it, all the boring detail seemed to be highlighted further each time. A modicum of angelic determination would of easily carried him forward through it all, but his determination was to clear his mind, not hone his skills so he faltered.

Salvation arrived soon though, as Marius heard footsteps presently a lot closer then he should. Turning slowly he placed his sword point down onto the stone below and carefully placed one hand on top of the pommel before the other hand on top of that. His gaze fixed upon the source of the footsteps, An Archangel, not that dissimilar to Marius himself, except this angel was adorned with all the trappings of a guard. Odd as it was a guard appearing in the courtyard it was just one guard who seemed relaxed enough.

" Marius Raguel?" the angel asked, to which only a slow bow of the head responded, stepping forward the angel reached into a pouch and produced an envelope to hold out towards Marius. Taking a hand from on top of his sword he reached across and took the envelope from the guard taking just a moment to inspect the writing on the front before turning it over to check the seal on the back. Seeing it was the mark on the Seraphim he prioritized its contents over his tedious training. " Thank you" Marius spoke curtly to the guard to emphasize the point that he was dismissed. Moving to one side, Marius rested his sword against a wall before breaking the seal on the envelope, sliding it contents out carefully.

'My presence is requested at a meeting?' Marius thought, the embers of surprise and confusion causing the age old flame of questions to appear again. It was known that Archangel were not permitted in meetings, and the fact it was sealed with the golden wax of the seraphim seemed to indicate it was not a clerical error. Still no matter how hard he questioned he understood the fact was that he must attend the meeting, for his own sake, to satiate curiosity, to quell small part of him that has stayed loyal to the mantle of the seraphim rather than its holder. The very same part of him that is getting lost the further the longer the darkness is allowed to creep idle within his mind.

Now he had to prepare himself for the meeting, which would mean placing his weapons away, giving himself time to cool down and relax and changing into more appropriate attire. The weapons and the clothes were dealt with swiftly leaving Marius, standing within his garden, now adorn in a soft grey, with gold trim cutting the dull edges. While he was now just an Archangel, the etiquette of the council had not eluded him completely so he knew such touches would not be noticed but also they would not hinder his position should the need to speak arise. Having taken the time it took for him to travel to the temple as extra time to clear his mind and prepare himself, he could now see those entering the council chambers. The confident faces of those normally permitted in the council were such a stark contrast to some of the Archangels he could see entering the room, Though seeing more Archangels like himself did help answer a few questions in his mind. Entering the council chamber swiftly he sat himself down upon one of the chairs that did not seem familiar to him, the chairs that had been laid out just for the Archangels, rather than the circles he once sat in which seemed so distant, now that he simply sat waiting upon its edges.

Though he found himself not waiting long, soon he found his eyes drawn towards the doors that opened, and to the confident and seemingly good spirited Seraphim. Her opening line was complete formalities but the following shift in posture and expression was not an unnoticed touch to his stone dead gaze. ' She plays the part well' he thought to himself as he listened intently to the Seraphims words, and the plan. A number of independent angels works towards the slaughter of a child, while at the same time trying to pass unnoticed by the eyes of Inferno and trying to keep the children of the Earth out of the way. There seemed to be a lot of flexibility in the general idea so it easily passed with Marius that Aurae could pull off such a thing.

Paying no attention to the Seraphim's words upon the internal affairs, he placed his gaze upon the floor, conflict was to be avoided with the citizens of earth, but plans change, unexpected obstacles are placed in the way. Could this new regime within Aurae condone their deaths for the sake of murdering a child. Hearing the floor was open for questions Marius took a deep breath before standing up. Clearing his throat once, he made sure not to falter once the council's eyes fell upon him, knowing their gaze could not be too friendly now that he was an Archangel within this room. Bowing his head slightly he spoke " Seraphim, Angels of the council.." he straightened back up, and fixed his gaze upon the Seraphim " I wish to ask, if conflict with the denizens of earth seems to be the only way to the child... are the angels sent upon the mission to engage regardless of collateral? Communication with you Seraphim at the time of these situations could be nonviable... So clarification upon this point would be needed prior to the mission, unless we are leaving it to the judgement of the angel within the situation?" For a moment, as Marius was speaking, the once lost confidence seemed to come back, his voice at one point effortlessly carrying through the room. Though that was dispelled once he bowed his head again " Forgive me, if I spoke out of turn" he said seating himself back down. Potentially he had thrown the Seraphim into a political minefield and depending upon her answer, given ammo for those protesting her ascension. Still Marius was doing this for his own peace of mind, to try and find out what this new regime was capable of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Following her final words the council meeting chamber was gripped with seconds of silent hesitation where the words and thoughts waiting to being said on many differing tongues could not find the confidence to be the first voice to emerge. The sound of a throat clearing from the back of the room drew Ammiel’s attention from the upper ranks to the distance outer realm of the unusually invited Archangels. Boldness taken to offer the first words was appreciated, and more so admired some small degree for the show of unwavering confidence to speak and make eye contact. The word content itself lessened the small smile that had appeared at first as Ammiel already knew the unforgiving answer necessary for the dark situation.

Before she had the time to voice her reply dispelling the need for forgiveness and offering her answer, the room came alive with new interjections from a variety of ranks. The first vaguely dissenting words had given all others against her the confidence to add their own opinions, hiding in the anonymous chorus of disapproval and judgment. It was in that whirl of dissidence that she realized the intent of her brother’s words. To pick those who could be trusted to support her and send them to Earth was not the purpose of the mission. Any angel of respectable quality, those of the upper ranks as Felspar had suggested, would be compelled in some degree to do what was in their power to complete the mission, or at least try to keep up appearances that they were loyal, for the sake of rank and angelic pride. The idea was not to remove those who could aid her here. The best plan would be to remove those who believed they knew better than her - let them wander Earth to protect Aurae as they see fit and leave her with those she could trust at her side to repair the maladies confronting Aurae itself. As Felspar had said, let them lose their wings and fall into limbo if they were not willing to support Aurae’s future.

With that thought in mind those speaking so proudly, ready to rule Aurae better in the place of the new Seraphim, were those she now noted to honour with the responsibility of the important mission. Although, sending a few that could be relied on was still in her mind, as Felspar should have someone to turn to if need be. Her first words were spoken with added volume and emphasis until the room quieted to hear what her response would be. “Thank you, I appreciate your drawing attention to this clarification.” Her tone became of unwavering conviction as she asserted necessity. “I expect those trusted on this venture to utilize their skills to avoid involving the humans in the conflict. However, if there is no other way to complete the mission, then innocent human lives may be the price we need to pay to save more damaging consequences to Aurae itself. We cannot afford to spend too long in kind caution, lest more cities become lost to the growing rift.” In addressing those who had spoken of less invasive ways to fix the issue at hand, she added. “It is the child’s existence that tears holes on our world – without removing the cause there is no way efficient enough to treat the affects. Thus far all efforts to repair the rifts on location have failed, we have but one option, and I have confidence there are those brave enough to carry this burden and become the saviors of Aurae.”

After a few further comments and clarifications, none of particular note, the meeting shifted through the typical reports and touched on less significant issues with brevity from most parties as minds seemed to remain in contemplation of the provocative plan. As the meeting drew to a close, Ammiel’s thoughts went to how she would be assigning the jobs without disclosing to all who had been chosen. Once again it was her brother who had prepared for her a perfect means of carrying things out – a tradition invented by him and practiced many times before in Aura council meetings. Whenever a task required some secrecy, or many specific jobs needed assigning at once, everyone would be handed a sheet of paper and sent on their way. Powers gifted to the Seraphim would allow the creation of a barrier over the doorway that would, when passed through, enchant each paper with appropriate words, instructions, or privileges depending on whose voice would later activate them. Most here knew how to proceed, but for the benefit of less common visitors, she explained the process more thoroughly.

As she spoke, the papers were distributed to everyone in attendance. The papers were on the surface simple delicate white, but made unique by a red insignia of the flower of life at the center of each sheet. These papers were recognized as allowance for passage into the reflective travel space of Sarira. “To those who are guests to this meeting place, allow me to explain the use of the paper you will be receiving. This is our method of assigning duties to individuals in a timely manner. Once you find yourself entirely alone, please speak your full name to the paper and a note dictating your assigned tasks will appear.” Only in seclusion the full name spoken by the voice of its owner would activate the paper, because of this no one would be able to figure out who was assigned to this mission unless an individual were to betray themselves. With a subtle waive of her hand, Ammiel marked the barrier with all necessary assignments messages. Others would be assigned simpler duties on home soil or asked to wait for future information, those meant for this quest would receive the instructions that would guide them secretly down to Earth. It was time for the mission to begin. “May the will of the Goddess carry you on. Meeting adjourned.”

Turning from everyone, Ammiel crossed the stage and slipped through the door back to the near seclusion of the adjacent room. Folded hands raised before her chest as she let out a gentle sigh. It was her hope that she had done things properly, that her brother would not be disappointed. She smiled a faint amount at her nervousness. If she could not be Seraphim, Felspar would not have stepped down. She frowned a small amount and said a brief prayer for her brother’s safety and the success of this mission. It was not entirely a surprise that he did not attend the meeting, but when would he come to get a paper of his own?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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After his meeting with the Seraph, Salem took to the skies again as he'd said to clear his head. Salem rarely enjoyed meetings because in his eyes they rarely did anything more than simply compare egos and position. He was a soldier, and to him that meant a meeting should be a short and efficient situation report with swift decisive commands shortly thereafter. However like always he would still attend, 'is what we're doing right? I am certain that Aurae now is better than that I grew in...but I hardly feel like we can properly say what we're doing is good. That single thought embodied the angel's worries, and so enveloped in his thoughts was Salem that he nearly missed the meeting.

Salem kept silent and remained as low a profile he could maintain as penance for his near tardiness. It was also as a gesture of good faith that he remained silent. After all, if his resistance was merely due to getting old then he would not taint the discussion with his own views. However, when the Seraph completed her announcement he felt the need to speak- but such was not his place during the time. Ultimately, the meeting ended before he could voice his thoughts.

'This is not the Aurae I fought for- what my fellows died in hopes to create. Safety of the realm aside...simply snuffing a life due to perceived inconvenience is not Just. It's that very thinking that tore my family apart.' Salem took to his feet and stepped forward before the rest of the crowd could follow suit.

" Speaking for myself...but simply murdering a child in fear due to a suspicion hardly seems angelic. If anything it sounds more like a repetition of the history we seek to place behind us. While I recognize it's no comfort or solution to our grievance, is it not our duty as the eldest Children to shoulder the heavy burden for our less fortunate younger cousins. If we are truly the Chosen children, then let us bring the child to our side and mutually seek a bloodless resolution." Salem addressed his fellows in a loud voice, and while his words may appear to argue...his intent was to eliminate the second option.

"Simply choosing the bloody 'easy way' is what the children of Inferno are famous for performing. Should not we then pick the harder route? I know not your intentions, but I will say here and now: I will descend and do this cleanly because an Aurae saved by slaying innocent shall never be a home of mine." Salem made to leave the room himself after speaking his mind. He intended to be the first into the human realm...he couldn't bear the thought of being second to one who could think otherwise. With that goal in mind, he strode from the hall and eagerly set out for the necessary papers. Fortunately enough, that took little time given his next goal was actually making the shift between worlds Salem had to delay to make some necessary arrangements for his absence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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A few little questions and look how the air became flooded with noise. The retaliation against Faida's announced mission to Earth was a beautiful thing to behold. Shielding his mouth behind his fingers, Levien let the angelic voices drown out the sound of his chuckling. So many questions, words, and brilliant better ideas sullying the air. He wished he was sitting closer so that he could see if Faida had begun to sweat. Killing a child, not killing a child - he had trouble feeling the same burning passion over it as his brethren appeared to bear. Aurae was doomed either way. Let it carry on its corruption or disappear into the rifts.

Barely listening to Faida's words of explanation, he observed the stoic angels spreading official papers through the room. Fascinating to see how their ceremonious delivery of significance shifted immediately to shoving a piece of paper into a few hands as they reached the Archangel section. Levien took the unassuming paper into his hands after winking at the one who handed it to him for the sheer joy of creating awkwardness and began tracing an index finger over the red flower pattern at its center. Felspar's ideas and plans seemed to be woven through near every aspect of modern Aurae. Perhaps that was how he had managed to avoid suffocating in this place up to now. Mentor, my mentor, thank goodness for thee. The teasing tone of his thoughts brought a smirk to his face and gave him inspiration to stand abruptly from his seat before Faida had entirely turned her back on the room.

He imagined it would likely be expected for the lesser ranks to stay out of the way until the fluff-winged upper ranks departed, but his patience had been consumed entirely by the dull length of the meeting. All that he had gathered from it was that he needed to be a part of this mission. The child, the fate of Aurae, honor and feathers and nonsense, meant nothing to him, but freedom was everything. The distant Earth with no sparkling Seraphim, with changing skies and speeding time - it sounded like a wonderland of chaos and creativity. The little world caught between grand Aurae and grisly Inferno... He believed with all his heart that he could be lost there and find the freedom of his dreams. That thought in mind, he darted out of the meeting room without regard for those he cut off and fled quickly into the anonymous white sky.

He flew like he had just gotten his wings, all speed and excitement weaving inappropriate patterns through the organized flight paths. The paper clutched in his hand inflicted equal amounts of excitement and nervousness on his mind. The thought of what it might take to convince the Seraphim to chose him for the mission if he had not been chosen was an exceptionally tiring notion. He hoped with gritted teeth that the paper would tell him what he wanted to hear. Not particularly wishing to return to his home, a humble place that screamed Aurae from every white bricked crevice, he swerved haphazardly from the sky and descended into an isolated and, hopefully, unoccupied garden.

A quick sweep of the perfectly maintained foliage circling a white marble bench revealed that his assumption was correct; he was alone. Lowering the bench, nervousness lead to excess vocalization. "I hope this will be enough to satisfy your shyness, it doesn't seem a good evening for walls. Surely you can understand." The official paper, target of his utterances, was smoothed out and held up between the grip of both hands. A faint nod pretended to acknowledge an offered reply before he spoke his full name as instructed by dearest Faida. "Levien Phrixus." Black ink words appeared gradually over the page. A mere few words were read before he could not help jumping to his feet and proclaiming his excitement in a victorious, "Yes!" The excitement filled him with electric drive. He laughed out his joy at the thought of Earth, seeing Earth, a dream come true, before turning back to the paper and absorbing the remaining words.

Simple enough instructions. Leave at the right time, bring the paper, keep the paper, and report back to the Seraphim. He had faith in his capability to manage the majority of the instructions. After a single read through, he folded the paper into a manageable square and slipped it securely into his pocket. Knowing he would need to be leaving, his thoughts turned to Felspar. Such a long time since they had seen one another and now he was to head off to Earth to scope out their future venue of freedom. Running fingers through his hair, he sighed lightly. Of course, it was not as though he imagined it would be particularly easy to convince Felspar to abandon duty for his well deserved freedom from obligation and the control of others... At least the most difficult first step has been accomplished. He had admittance to Earth, and, at his current rank, he felt that was spectacularly lucky.

Despite the secrecy imposed over the mission, Levien saw no problem going to inform his mentor that he would be leaving to Earth. The man organized the ordeal after all. Walking quickly to expend his excess energy, he made his way through side alleys and cobbled roads to search the library for Felspar. Midway through the journey, he began to wonder if Felspar would be joining the mission. It was something of a grand new war to save the first world, it would not be a stretch to imagine he would be dragged out to fight for dearest Aurae once again. Then again, he wondered if Faida would dare to let her "little" brother slip out of her control. Faida... Her smiling face and pretense of affection made her eventual manipulation of Felspar feel almost worse than the openly cruel treatment from Detritus and their father. If only he could have been there, he would not let his mentor continue to accept things as though it was alright. He would have fought them off. In his heated determination to fight for Felspar, he ignored the sensible voice at the back of his mind noting he would hardly be powerful enough for such a thing.

A thorough search of the library turned up no signs of Felspar. With mild disappointment he accepted that Felspar could be busy in a hundred different places and tracking him down could take days. He was briefly tempted to hold up in the library until Felspar inevitably appeared, but he thought better of the idea. He was no longer a child that he should need to wait for Felspar to pat him on the head before he left. Managing to find a scrap piece of parchment, he left a simple note for Felspar to find. Gone for the third. Signed, Le'ph.

It was more than clear to him that sleep would be impossible, so he decided to spend the night out in the bright as day Aurae night. His room was briefly visited to fill a small shoulder bag with a small number of possible useful things for the trip. After that, as a test of his resolve against Aurae, he walked familiar paths and visited all the places that ever meant something to him. Garden hideaways, particularly lively fountains, the place where he met Felspar. As much as they had meant to him at moments in the past, his perspective was far too poised by knowledge of corruption and the suffocating bonds of supposed honor. Seeing places now only brought memories of what his mentor had suffered for this place, along with the thoughts of how he would need to bow and likely be manipulated the same to ever earn a place here. To an abundant patch of white hyacinths he shared in passing, "This place is not my home."

By the time that the specialized clock's hands had shifted to announce the coming of morning, heavy thoughts and frustrations made way for the excitement of seeing Earth to make a comeback. After pacing the streets had become a fruitless effort, he took a seat at a cafe not too far from the market gauntlet that would need to be crossed to reach the Corridors of Sarira. He let the early morning fade away into the day as he observed those who passed by. As much as he would like to leave immediately, he decided to vaguely attempt fulfill the stipulation of picking a more subtle time to approach the gate. When meals taken started to earn the title of brunch, he took his leave of the outdoor table and made his way to the path of merchant tents.

Absorbing the atmosphere, he reprimanded himself slightly for not visiting this particular market more often. The array of tents tucked into every available space with their glistening colorful wares and friendly salesman filled the air with a buzz of curiosity and enticement. As little interest as he had in candle holders, one man had managed to enrapture him for a good few minutes with tales of the make and precious metals that comprised it. This place felt alive. Perhaps containing the most freedom he had seen in Aurae. Though it may have been his own enthusiasm that was changing his mind - the bright smile stretching over his face painting optimism over his view of the surroundings. Halfway to the Corridors of Sarira, he found himself breaking through the crowd to answer to the becoming of a particular item on display.

Raising his hand to clutch his chin, he stared down the item thoughtfully. It was a silly thing to be enthralled by, but he could not deny a quickly rising affection and desire for ownership. A sheer scarf tinted with rainbow colors. It would make him look terribly unprofessional. Yet scarves reminded him of Felspar and rainbows of his dear bird familiar, Jiya. A silly thing, but he would wear it with a grin and tease them both. A faint noise of surprise sounded in his throat at the realization he had not informed Jiya of his intended travel. The lovely bird, nimble and small enough to sneak through the tears in the barrier, had been scouting out the Earth for him. He had not even gotten to meet with her to hear her report and here he would be joining her. At least I can enjoy surprising her with my presence.

He had spent a little too long in his thoughts and the salesman spoke, "Does this scarf pique your interest? It is good quality, I assure you. Feel the fabric if you wish."

Refocusing attention on the unnecessary purchase, Levien replied, "Ah, thank you." Rolling the fabric between his fingers, he found the salesman's words to be true enough. It was relatively soft and felt to be rather durable. A question he had been taught to consider by Felspar arose, "Has it been previously used, or is it new?"

"I received it and others like it from the one who made it just a few days ago." The salesman began rifling through items hidden inside the tent. "Wait a moment. I have other colors."

Levien raised a hand to stop the man. "That's quite alright, this color is acceptable." It was second nature to keep a calm tone. Professing too much interest could make things more difficult when it came to settling payment if one was dealing with a salesman who clung a little less tightly to ideals of fairness. "Let us see if we can make a mutually beneficial exchange." Levien looked to the man with a bright smile. It had been a while since he had purchased something beyond food, and he found the exchanges to be such fun opportunities to experiment. A brief glance through his bag and he had an idea that he enjoyed. Pinched between finger and thumb of one hand, he drew out a marble sized chunk of gold, while with the other he brought out a small white envelope with contents that rattled faintly with the movement. His voice became the flowing, pleasant tone that often surfaced when he was testing someone - or speaking with a superior. "I can offer you this bit of gold... or... a package containing the seeds of one of my favorite plants." He had to keep his smile in check so that it did not turn to a smirk. It was a silly game, he knew all too well, but he wanted to see what curiosity might do.

The salesman raised his brow a slight amount, mockery faintly invading his tone. "Oh yes? And what is this favorite plant of yours?"

Levien continued to smile and keep his purple and blue eyes locked with the salesman's own shade of blue, saying nothing in response.

The salesman chuckled at him and crossed his arms. "I believe that I am going to have to ask for both. As I said, new and good quality."

Levien reached into his bag and took out an additional piece of gold. He did not waste breath to reiterate that the option remained one or the other, he could see that the man understood. He watched closely as the man shook his head and scoffed. He watched as his eyes fell on the seeds, curiosity slowly consuming him, it seemed, with each glance between the mystery and the gold. Levien imagined he would not be able to try such things on humans, they knew more of greed than angels.

With a shake of his head and a small chuckle, the salesman took the seeds. "There, now kindly leave my tent, good sir."

Levien chuckled brightly, stowed away his gold, and took the scarf from the display. Bowing a small amount to the man, he replied, "Thank you, and goddess bless you." Letting out a few further chuckles as he contemplated the man's choice, Levien carried on through the tents and busyness. The scarf was added to his wardrobe as a makeshift hood, overlaying rainbow tint over his white blonde hair and wrapped neck.

Escaping the mercantile maze, he looked affectionately upon the fanciful dome structure of the Corridors of Sarira. As with most things, all his appreciation for it arose from Felspar's work that had gone into its creation. Walking with confidence he took time enjoying the trip through the weaving sections of the white fence waiting to organize the line into the dome. A few others were waiting in front of him, looking official and serious as they were likely off to complete some bold chore on another distant plane of Aurae. During the wait for his turn, Levien watched the green light turn on and off as angels entered and vanished to make way for the next. Time was also spent watching the ceremonious acts of the blue-clad twins.

As the last person in his way disappeared behind double doors, Levien took his official page from his pocket and unfolded it. The words had faded and left the flower of life insignia to stand for itself. When the green light went out a final time, he stepped forward and showed his paper to the stern twins. In his eagerness, politeness faded a fair amount and the only words he listened for and recalled hearing were, "You may proceed." Whether or not he gave any reply, he had forgotten as soon as he entered the dome chamber and saw the colors shining onto the ceramic floor. As the heavy doors sealed behind him, he took a few moments to absorb every detail of the domes architecture, taking it as new reasons for his admiration of his mentor.

Imaging that dalliance was not appreciated, he pulled his eyes from the streaming color patterns from the glass of the dome above and made his way onto the beige platform. Knowing from the instructions listed on the paper, and more so from discussion with Felspar about how his place functioned, he kept a firm grip on the document as the dome began its work. The paper would guide this place to send him off to Earth, and it would bring him back. He wondered where on Earth he would- His pondering was cut short by the activation of the device, breaking him apart to less than dust to whisk him away for his chance at freedom.

Just after gaining back his awareness, before he had a chance to assess how the process had made him feel, he found himself blinded by a terrible light. Shielding his eyes, he fell through new air away from the unfamiliar sunlight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Salem Aritos Character Portrait: Marius Raguel Character Portrait: Levien Phrixus Character Portrait: Seraphim Ammiel
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Lowering his gaze to the floor, he bored a hole into the pristine floor, or so it felt with his gaze. His words were a match for half of the powder keg that made up the room. The noise rose, the tide of confidence rushing over those who wished to say what would normal stay locked within the bowels of their minds. Marius feared his words had become a martyr for the demon of dissent that lurked in opposition to the seraphim, Though once he had sat among these distinguished angels, a peer to some, an honourable voice to add room before, he recognized now that his words could be mutilated if collaboration become true between any of the angels that sat before him, only two had the power to keep the words pure, the Seraphim who could control the room, and himself. Silence was valuable, but it was too late now.

His gaze shifted up as a voice carried above the rest, she had finally controlled the room and now Marius felt something build, a terrible wave coursing through his system, anxiousness, he worried about those next few words of that feminine voice. It was that voice that could either save or condemn innocent lives, but then again he wondered if the younger species was truly innocent yet. The anxious tide recede as his answer was delivered, left within the tides was nothing but melancholy. While it was true Aurae suffered, rifts tearing apart the realms politics, families and literally the realm, it seemed that any angel within the room could be sent to the youngest realm, to butcher a child of no more than sixteen days old and be heralded as the saviours of Aurae. The most sobering though of all was that very butcher could be Marius himself. He was still bound to honour the hierarchy that he served a part of.

Taking the paper that was shoved his way, Marius gazed through the poor angel, subconsciously he was steeling himself the possbilities that laid on the paper within his hand, the red flower of life could very well herald the order of death. the sudden steeled gaze caused the angel to reel a bit before carrying on with his task. After the explanation and the meeting coming to a close, Marius like many stood to leave, but it seemed another wished to make a speech. One whom Marius recognized instantly. Salem. Striving for Justice in an ever courageous manner. Openly proclaiming that he would descend to earth and save the child. Deep down Marius truly wished that Salem achieved this task. If he was given half a chance he would probably assist Salem himself, for he was once a fine tutor to himself, and now probably the only company that would remotely feel welcomed, For now he wasn't even sure if he was one of the chosen. It would be no point in speaking boldly and offering assistance if he was confined to Aurae. No doubt lingered in his mind that Salem would be descending to the younger realm, just who else?.

Marius made his way away from the meeting hall in a relatively dull pace, he had seen a lot of angels fly off with astounding vigour. He was rather boring and simply walked back to the bland,bleach white stone courtyard he was training in earlier, his weapons still propped to one side, and his garden, crafted by his own hands and still a welcome sight, it was an open garden so all could visit, but it was rarely visited these days. A place Marius knew he could find solitude. The centre of the garden was a tree shading marble benches with red leaves, simply a slab upon two supports made up the benches. But it was a seat Marius welcomed.

Grey eyes fixed upon the red flower of life, the paper held firmly within his hand, the tide had come in once again, did he truly want to read this a cursed paper that had an almost infinite potential. He had to steel himself, he had to once again bring back some semblance of fortitude. Taking a deep breath he held it for a moment. " Marius Raguel" he breathed softly, brining the paper out of it slumber to deliver its private message. The Seraphim has summoned him to become the potential butcher that would serve Aurae. With the message now faded Marius stood and walked back into the courtyard and gazed upon his weapons, the ones expected to spill blood soon. he dare not look at them any longer as he waved his hand and released them from their physical forms, he knew he would have to summon them in the near future, but no longer did he wish to have their physical presence near him. He would gather other objects of potential use, but he departed swiftly for the corridors of Sarira

It seemed again that his mind was going to be dragged at a grave pace once again. A shuffle of feet and what seemed like forever of waiting. He was firmly in line to travel, but the Corridors seemed busy to him, and the line moved as fast as the old world did itself, a rather senile pace. Marius was not eager to complete his mission, no he wished to leave Aurae, finally get to the younger realm where he might be able to find his own answers. shuffle, wait. shuffle,wait. shuffle, wait. the pattern repeated over and over, until finally Marius saw the green light himself and stepped forward holding the paper for the infamous twins. " You may proceed" with bow of his head, he entered the structure. Not taking a moment to admire the grand space he was in, he stood upon his mark within the room. and waited. As beams descended,breaking his form apart. and Blackness taking over his entire mind.

Rushing wind, blinding light. an unfamiliar world indeed greeted him, and he was falling, head first towards what ever laid below him. but despite all of this and for the first time in sixteen long days a smile had the very audacity to tempt the corners of Marius's lips. Maybe now he would find the solitude to wage war with his own thoughts.


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Character Portrait: Salem Aritos
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Salem quickly found his departure to the human realm to be a lengthy process after the Seraphim gave her ruling. First he had to make arrangements for the areas under his supervision, not a hard thing but still a lengthy process. The more difficult task was finding people willing to take care of what remained of his family, it took effort and more than a few promises and favors exchanged...but it was enough to at least ensure he shouldn't return to his residence in shambles if the world transitions weren't entirely out of synch. After all ideally, it would be as if he never left Aurae since mortal time was allegedly so fast.

" Well at the very least there will be no lack of excitement on the other side." Salem commented as his long strides carried him through the world transition hall. After all he wasn't just going to have to compete with any Infernal sources, but also his allies. Until he'd exhausted every possibility, he couldn't let his kind descend to senseless violence and commit murder out of fear. The angel paid little heed towards the voices of others around him that called out for various forms of preparation.

His clothing was simple cloth on the waist - it should still do. His manacles, spear, shield and sword he'd prepared to be stored on his person as mere trinkets until he needed them. As far as Salem's warrior sensibilities told him it was better to go into this foreign battleground as lightly encumbered impossible. As world transfer finally occurred, he was forced to shield his eyes from the radiance before cautiously attempting to open them again. His body was heavier, the air less nourishing and furthermore everything felt...smaller. His very being felt as if it was crammed into some kind of vessel too small to contain it and the world around him felt somehow less real and more fragile. But the biggest change was how tyrannically bright and warm the blue sky was... there was no love in this light, it was a harsh tyrannical thing.

"Poor forgotten children, how do you even live in a world like this...even the air feels dirty" Salem could only voice his thoughts while he looked at the sea of clouds bellow. It would seem he'd been slightly brought off course, at the very least he was too high. The angel quickly sought to land, one he was beneath the clouds a new sight met his eyes and again overwhelmed his sensibilities. A giant metal contraption of lights and noise, it positively radiated humans and their hollow feelings...even more so their shortcomings. Salem noted his own power shrinking into his new form, his natural luminescence slowly diminishing encouraged the angel to land with rather excessive haste and force to avoid having to fall. Unfortunately, the slightly less than real seeming ground fell into itself due to his haste...this world's fragility would take some time to learn.

Salem turned his gaze around in what patch of green amidst this sprawling human creation he landed in...a park perhaps? Regardless Salem quickly set to work, his hands moving quickly while he murmured. Soon beneath his feet mist formed, the mist shifted into glorious looking hounds which fell into line. It was a simple searching procedure from his military days.

"Find any of my fellows and alert me of their doings, reach out to any of the for demons...howl loud and clear" The hounds quickly split, after all they could be his eyes, ear and mouth if need be, furthermore their destruction would only alert him with the last thing the hound saw. Sooner than expected a hound found someone of Faith and Salem felt his throat constrict while he conveyed his message.

" Fellow child, Principality Aritos begs for aid." Salem didn't know enough, the human world was too different. He no longer felt secure in his usual dress and felt certain his scarred visage would be conspicuous...he needed a human. One that could teach him and hopefully assist him in his mission, he definitely wasn't prepared for the human world.

The setting changes from Aurae to True Cross Academy, Fidel City

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Character Portrait: Salem Aritos
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Of all the things he had been expecting to come across this certainly wasn’t one of them. The young man could only stare at the beautiful creature that stood before him. From what he could tell the creature was a canine but it was no ordinary one that’s for sure. Just a second ago it had spoken to him in such a formal manner it sent shivers down his spine. Had it not been for the fact that it said Principality, Solomon probably would have tried exercising the holy thing. For whatever reason the brown haired Tamer thought that he had been chosen to aid this Aritos fellow but in actuality he had been randomly selected by an Angel who needed the help of a human.

Pride began to swell in his chest and Solomon grinned down at the canine. “I’d be more than honored to help Principality Aritos in his mission. Just lead the way.” Motioning with his hand as he spoke, Solomon followed after the canine as it led him to where this Principality was.

Upon seeing him, Solomon felt a surge of emotion but it ultimately led to a sort of calmness. Looking at the Principality with arrogant eyes, he bowed to the angel in disguise. “I have answered your call oh gracious one. How may I be of service?” Had it been anyone else Solomon’s words would have been laced with sarcasm however in the presence of an angel he kept his tongue in check.