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Satan Azrael

"Yes I am Satan, I can do as I please and my don't you look like fun thing to play with."

0 · 1,668 views · located in Inferno

a character in “Equipoise”, as played by Polarisbear12


Satan Azrael



Superior Demon
♠ Gender
♠ Nickname(s)/Alias (es)
Satan||Lucifer||Azrael||Demon King
♠ Age
838|| Looks to be in his late twenties.
♠ Love Interest
The Previous Seraphim||


♠Hair Color
Pitch Black
♠Eye Color
Pale red
Azrael has no piercing that is seen on his person. His body sports too many scars to count and is adorned in a few tribal tattoo’s. One of the more notable tattoos is the one that covers the entirety of his back.
Shaggy black hair that reaches to his shoulders do all but hide the horns that adorn the sides of his head that curl just a bit at the ends. A grey complexion and cold red eyes, Ishmael is the spitting image of the iconic devil. His hair usually hides pointed ear tips and blends in with his dark attire. However he takes on two appearances one for when he is alone and with those he trusts and the other to strike fear into a person’s heart. This second appearance is the stuff of nightmares; Azrael is nothing but a forever moving shadow with glowing red phantom eyes and a cruel gaping mouth. This appearance is all thanks to his small skill in creating illusions and with the help of a certain clothe he is capable of using this.
♠Preferred Clothing
Often going bare chested when alone. Azrael usually wears black leather pants and a fur covered jacket that only covers his shoulders and arms. Dark fur covers his shoulders looking very much like a mane of black hair and recedes once the fabric reaches his arm that is until it gets to his wrists. There, fur sprouts again but ends almost as quickly as it started. The fabric continues onto his hand, forming gloves that end in small claws.


Azrael has the habit of licking his lips whenever he sees’s something that interests him. Believes everyone should be equal and that demons, humans and angels can live together peacefully.
Aside from holding the highest form of Demonic power, Azrael is skilled in the use of the sword, utilizing his demonic power with ease, being the King or Lord of Demons
Fear||Power||Equality||His daughter
Holiness||Current Seraphim||Those who oppose him||Angels
Those which are able to be carried out alone||Practicing his swordplay
Losing his daughter||Giving up his power to someone foul||Falling in love
As the demon holding the title Satan, Azrael must present himself as cold and “evil” to the three courts. Although he sometimes acts aloof amongst the few he calls friends, Azrael takes being Satan very seriously and with cunning. He will not tolerate any sort of misconduct that could potentially jeopardize his plans on uniting the three worlds. Although he may be the current Satan for Inferno, that doesn't mean he doesn't hold knowledge about the outside world.


♠Relationship Status
His parents, Ishmael and Sera, and his younger sister, Ani were killed as an attempt to keep him from taking the title of Satan.
♠Personal History
Azrael originated from the 7th circle; Lust. For as long as he could remember he always wanted a beautiful wife and when he first laid eyes on the Seraphim he knew he would do everything to make her his. Now onto his story of how he came to be Satan. Unlike most, Azrael was not a Prince but a servant to one of the worst in Inferno’s history. The way in which he meant the Seraphim was like most love stories go. Both he and the Seraphim did their best to disguise themselves as human and fooled one another into thinking that they were human. However even though the truth was shown to them the two continued to love each other, especially when it became apparent that the Seraphim was with child.


None. Azrael doesn't believe in making a contract believing familiars to be nothing more than beasts.
A large claymore, none have been able to wield this mighty sword due to its massive weight.

So begins...

Satan Azrael's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Ryuu Shosuke Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Nathaniel K Jenova Character Portrait: Salem Aritos
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Alright my dears the story has begun!! Please go to this link before you begin posting.

The setting changes from New Earth to Inferno


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Satan Azrael

There was a certain man who sat on his throne, with his back slouched and an incredibly bored face that held a faint smirk on the corners of his lips. The way he sat on the throne gave off the idea that he was an arrogant and cocky bastard who owned the whole place. The first part was untrue of course but the latter couldn’t be further from it. You see the man, no the demon, who sat on the throne was none other than Azrael, a Superior Demon who was now Satan of the world he lived in that was known by many as Hell but by its inhabitants, Inferno.

Before him sat the Three Pillars of Hell, two of whom were Princes, who were currently at war with one another and a Princess, who was rather young and the first female in a very long time. Azrael rolled his eyes at his potential successors and couldn’t help but allow his thoughts to wonder to his daughter and the report he would be receiving towards the end of the day of her. He was glad his most trusted servant, Cerbin had agreed to watch over his daughter sixteen years ago but he feared the idea of her powers awakening especially at this point in age.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Azrael allowed his mind to wonder once again but this time deeper into the past. In his mind’s eye, he saw the woman he fell in love with. It surprised even him that he could have actually fallen in love; after all he represented the sin of Lust. She was quite the beautiful woman back then, with her long flowing locks that cascade down her small waist in silvery curls and those knowing green eyes that almost seemed to look right through you. When he first saw her eyes, a chill had gone down his back and once again even now a chill crept down his spine. His smirk exchanged itself for something akin to a smile but it was different than what most have seen. It was a loving smile unlike his others that showed his predatory cunning and lust. But now after all these years he was no longer the demon he once used to be.

He became more like a man who had settled down permentantly with his family, thinking this Azrael snorted. I have no family, my wife is presumed dead and my daughter is beyond my reach. shaking his head to rid himself of such thoughts, Azrael straighten a bit in his seat and cleared his throat to gain the attention of his Princes. However two of them were focused on bettering the other in a war of words while the youngest simply sat like her sin described itself as. Rolling his eyes, Azrael cleared his throat again but once again was ignored. Now it was starting to get to him as he glared at the pair who continued to ignore their king. “Enough! By that is tainted, enough with your arguments. There are things that need to be discussed.”

This seemed to have caught their attention and a cruel smile formed on his lips. “Good, now onto the topic at hand. The rifts have opened after nearly 500 hundred years of them being sealed by that damn woman those angels call a Goddess. It seems the lesser demons are being summoned once more by the humans again and they are getting caught up in their wars. Not that it matters much to seeing as they are merely lesser demons but a few have gotten loose form their tamers and before they make things worse between us. I would think one of you three would have sent someone to catch them and bring them back. But I guess I have to do everything on my own.”

His short speech now being over, he looked at the Princes awaiting their own reports from their Circles. Knowing his mentee, Chikyu probably had things under control. Just as his appearance spoke of himself, his actions added back up to his rough looks. The younger demon was quite the savage when it came to dealing with those who didn’t follow his orders but unlike those who held the title in previous years. Chikyu didn’t flaunt it to get what he wanted, something that Azrael very much appreciated but that also meant that Chikyu often took matters into his own hands and punish those who went against his however he pleased. He rubbed the bridge of his nose again as an oncoming headache began to form. He took a sip from the wine that was set on a table beside his throne and he felt like he was forgetting something, something that hung at the back of his mind, almost like a nagging mother. Azrael simply pushed it back and ignored it. Little did he know the source of his power, the Relic, was giving him a warning. A warning that meant in the next few days everything he had done to make sure his daughter released her power under the guidance of her guardian was all for naught.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ
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#, as written by Kapento

I wonder how long Mister Satan plans to keep us here. I don‘t really enjoy being kept in one place for long… not whilst still being awake at least. I can‘t complain can I? Not without feeling his wrath most likely. I suppose a nap is most definitely out of the question…

The young girl sat obediently though her thoughts were elsewhere. With an ever-so-common lethargic slump in her slight stature her eyes were clearly struggling to keep awake whilst she attempted rather feebly to focus on the looming figure in front of her - that figure of course being Satan; their leader and ruler of Inferno who had summoned the three demons before him presently. With the faintest motioning of her shoulders her long frozen mane of white layers of hair flowed effortlessly downwards to the tips of her waist and beyond, clinging to her sides like a winter blanket and delicately tickling the open areas of flesh that she allowed to be shown and causing the young demon to smile quietly to herself.

The young demon in question of course was Bavol; The Princess of Air. Unlike many before her, she was the first female to hold a title in a very long time. And even more surprising the demon from whom she had obtained the title from was no other than her very own father - the former Prince of Air - Io.

Beside Bavol sat the other two princes; The Prince of Earth and The Prince of Fire. The pair never seemed to see eye to eye nor did it feel as if they ever wished to make peace between themselves. The curious female could not help but wonder as to why the two demons always acted this way. Intriguingly it was as if the two males never tired from their arguing. However regardless of their relentless quarreling Bavol sat almost oblivious to the entire thing - her mind trailing around elsewhere as usual and unaffected by all of that which took place round about her in the actual world.

I wonder how Yeu is amusing himself. I cannot imagine this is any more enjoyable for him than it is for myself. Pity. I so truly wanted to cause mischief today. Of all days, especially today. I had a special plan set out and everything… it would have been fun to just relax for once, me and Yeu. He really needs to chill out more - Oh the joys of seeing such a sight!

Bavol gave a slight pout in response to her thoughts, carefully tapping playfully at her chin as a gradual smile crept onto her pale face. Though being one of the Three Pillars of Hell she acted like any other juvenile demon and such behaviour often caused some to question her role as the Princess of Air. Upon hearing Satan clearing his throat twice - a bid no doubt to gain the three demons attentions - the young demon raised her weakened eyes slightly to gaze at their leader.

I‘m beginning to wonder what this is all about. Are we being punished? Ooh, perhaps rewarded instead. We have been good Princes and Princess, have we not? Well... that could be a tricky question.

A moment later Satan spoke, “Good, now onto the topic at hand. The rifts have opened after nearly 500 hundred years of them being sealed by that damn woman those angels call a Goddess. It seems the lesser demons are being summoned once more by the humans again and they are getting caught up in their wars. Not that it matters much to seeing as they are merely lesser demons but a few have gotten loose form their tamers and before they make things worse between us. I would think one of you three would have sent someone to catch them and bring them back. But I guess I have to do everything on my own.”

The rifts are opened… after almost 500 years it has finally happened? No wonder Mister Satan brought us here.

Bavol thought quietly to herself as she keenly listened to what the elder demon had to say. Of course it began to feel more like a slight telling-off than anything else towards the end of his short speech - the young demon unable to suppress the displeasured pout that curved on her lips.

”I‘m sorry Satan.” She said politely though without much thought at first - an attempt at an apology to their leader without actually meaning to voice it. Then again such a thing was expected from Bavol, out of the three demons at least. The girl slowly glanced over to the two princes whilst her voice grew faint, awaiting for either of them to speak up.

A moment later she continued, ”Well I can safely assure that nothing new has arisen within my circles. Everything is ship-shape, as they say. I put it all down to my faithful subordinate Yeu, he does his job ever so well~” The girl giggled in a rather joyfully manner as an evident sense of pride hung on her every word when mentioning her loyal follower; Yeuri.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Yeuri
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#, as written by Skwidge

Yeu sat rather patiently beside his master, really not paying any attention to those around him. He sat with one leg rested on the platform right below him, the other allowed to bend and settle fully on the ground. He was more focused on cleaning the small blade he always kept on him. It was a pleasant nuisance, really, the way it seemed to dull because of the amounts of dried blood sticking to the edge. A wicked smirk played along his lips as he ran his thumbnail along the crusted material, breaking it up and allowing little flecks of blood to drift down to the ground.

How many had it been the previous day with just this small weapon? Usually it was his faithful Twins that took the position of corrector, and yet he had still found time enough to use the smaller one as well. Some work just couldn’t be done by large means, especially if that work was meticulous and detailed. A wicked gleam sparked in his eyes as he reminisced of those who produced the corrupt substance that dulled his weapon.

However, quite often would Yeuri shift his attention first to Bavol, to ensure her comfort, and then to the two princes who bickered with one another. Their hatred towards one another was probably one of the most entertaining things to be experienced, ranked up in his list of enjoyment beside death and mischief. It was truly amazing the things they found to snarl and snap at each other over, and Yukon had to admit, he found a twisted pleasure in observing it. But that was only to be expected, what with the destructive seed that flourished within him.

Yukon, having thus since cleaned his blade during his observations, brought his thumb to his lips and ran his tongue along the nail to dispose of the dried blood flecked there. The familiar metallic taste met his senses, and he smirked with satisfaction, soon pocketing the blade and leaning back on his hands to observe the Ruler of Inferno with lazy, uncaring eyes.

The man truly was a piece of work- his attitude, his attire, his body language. Had he not called them here to discuss matters? Yet, he merely sat upon his throne and occasionally glanced at them, as if they actually had the time to waste on him.

’I could be pinning the writhing bodies of the disobedient underneath the heel of my boot, ready to part flesh with the cold sting of metal and watch their life’s liquid pool because of my hand, watch it drip and stain their skin, see it roll desperately to please me, and all the while they whimper and beg for their sorry hides. Beg for mercy which I will never give them.... But instead I’m stuck here at the beck and call of our Satan, probably whining about something or other and blaming Bavol for that which she had no part of.’

At his thought's mention of Bavol, his gaze once more shifted to her form. She seemed bored, much like he was at the moment, and he so wished to dispel such an annoying plague from both of their minds. If Satan didn’t speak up soon, Yeuri might actually risk his own life to get this show on the road.

However, he did not need to, as soon Azrael snapped at both Princes, causing them both to cease in their verbal abuses. He must have gotten tired of them. ’Pity, I don’t understand how one could tire of such assault.’ A subtle frown almost made its way to his features as he thought on the complication, but as always, he kept up that lazy smirk of his, though his eyes were sharp and keen.

Finally getting to the point, Satan began to inform them of just why they were here. ”The rifts have opened after nearly five-hundred years of them being sealed," Yeu merely snorted derogatively, ’Bound to happen sometime.’

”It seems the lesser demons are being summoned once more by the humans, and they are getting caught up in their wars,” Yeu’s attention shifted up a notch at the mention of the lesser demons causing havoc, and he sat up from his previously reclined position. He tapped his fingers against his knee, waiting eagerly for the point to come across.

”Not that it matters much, seeing as they are merely lesser demons, but a few have gotten loose from their tamers…” ’Big shock there.’

”…And before they make things worse between us I would think one of you three would have sent someone to catch them and bring them back. But I guess I have to do everything on my own.”

Yeuri found the update rather lacking, ending with Satan’s derogative tone towards the three pillars. Irritation flared internally within Yukon, he didn’t think it proper to blame any of the three, especially Bavol, when it was the man’s own fault that things were so bad between the worlds. As to his comment about getting things done himself and thus insinuating he go to Earth, Yeu couldn’t help a cruel grin from appearing upon his lips. ’Well, that seems right up your alley, what with all the mischief you’ve stirred up already.’

Despite Yeu’s somewhat harsh observations of the man, in all honesty, he didn’t mind the current Satan, as it meant his life remained unchanged. The only thing that caused him to follow this mindset was when it did interrupt his daily routine, and especially if Bavol was concerned.

”I‘m sorry Satan.” At the soft voice of his master, Yeu’s attention immediately snapped towards her. However, after processing her words, a soft ‘tch’ parted his lips. It was like Bavol to do that, but she shouldn’t have even bothered. By saying that, it was like she was admitting she had done wrong and deserved the wrath and down-talk from Azrael, when it was more than clear that was not the case.

She went quiet, and Yeu tilted his head to glance over the two princes, expecting them to say something as well. However, when that did not happen immediately, Bavol spoke up once more, ”Well I can safely assure that nothing new has arisen within my circles. Everything is ship-shape, as they say. I put it all down to my faithful subordinate Yeu, he does his job ever so well~” Despite the obvious praise and pleasure within his master’s voice, Yukon’s face did not change into that of a grin to display his reaction towards such words, nor did he shift his posture. However, as attention was bound to be drawn to him, his lips pressed into a dark, challenging smirk, and his eyes narrowed harshly at those who glanced at him, daring them to question the truth of her words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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As always Chikyu did his best to ignore the demon across from him, of course being one of little patience, at least towards him anyways, Chikyu had trouble focusing on his mentor. The great Satan of Inferno, it was only because of Azrael that he had yet to kill the Prince of Fire. However his patience soon ran out and he snapped at the other Prince after a while the two had gotten into a heated debate trying to belittle the other to the point Chikyu had forgotten what it was he had snapped at him for.

Not that it mattered really, soon enough he felt the atmosphere in the room change but took little notice of it. That is until Satan yelled at them to quiet down which was accompanied by a glare. Chikyu flinched in way that it was almost unnoticeable if you weren’t paying close attention to him. Glancing down, the Prince of Earth sat back in his seat and looked back up just in time to see the cruel smile on Satan’s lips. A smile pinched the corners of his lips at the sight, to think he’d find it amusing to see us stop in fear after bickering. Shaking his head, Chikyu leaned forwards to make it seem more like he was listening.

Listening to his short speech, Chikyu couldn’t help but let his mind wonder a bit about what the human world was like. Never having gone himself, seeing as all the rifts had been closed for the majority of his life, he had been too young when they were open. Not that he really cared for visiting such a place. Bringing his attention back to the matter at hand he thought back on what had happened the past while since his last report to Satan concerning his Circles. Nothing eventful happened since then but the news on lesser demons running rampant wasn’t anything new and he unlike his mentor, Chikyu didn’t really care much for the human world but he respected his mentor’s ideals.

Releasing a sigh, Chikyu turned his attention to the youngest of the Three Pillars who spoke up with an apology. Raising his brow he never expected her to say such a thing as it wasn’t really something a Prince or a Princess did when around Satan. Then again who was he to say, he had very little interaction with the girl demon and considering the Sins she represented he didn’t really feel like getting to know her. This was further proved by the fact that, from she herself just said, she lets her subordinate do all the work.

Pfft what a lazy woman, I hardly ever leave Astaroth to deal with things, knowing him, he’ll probably take things to the extreme more so than I would. And while on the topic of subordinates, Chikyu looked over at the Princess of Air’s right hand man, or demon really, I believe it started with a Y, something complicated maybe. The demon held a challenging smirk on his lips, something that irked Chikyu to a degree. So in return he sent a cold glare at the younger demon before returning his gaze to rest upon his leader.

“Mm that’s good to hear Princess, that you leave important matters to your subordinate. Anyhow very little has happened within my Circles and when something did occur I took dealt with it personally.” After saying this he glanced over at the Princess of Air before continuing. “I’ll make sure to send someone to round up those ugly little bastards so no need to take it upon yourself to deal with it. That’s what we’re here for correct?” The question was one that needn’t be answered and Satan knew this so he merely sent a nod of acknowledgement towards him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Judging by the casual air hanging over this meeting, seats set before the throne while the one on it allowed himself to be lost in thought, Astaroth doubted anything of interest was going to be coming to light this day. As it was safe enough to say that he would not be addressed directly, and the idea of cramming into a seat next to everyone else was particularly unpleasant, Astaroth stayed standing a few paces behind the seating arrangement. Hanging from his neck, a living scarf of black and white, his python-like familiar Iaculus provided him vague entertainment in the irritating wait for Azrael to speak. He was counting the passing time based on the number of times that the snakes black tongue flicked out of its mouth, 172…173…, when finally the man spilled his words.

Mention of the rifts piqued his attention, and for a time he actually bothered resting his muddy eyes on Azrael, but as the true reason for this meeting was revealed, Astaroth let his eyes wander once more to find something of greater interest. The frustration he felt was expressed in a breath louder than his normal, but nothing loud enough to draw attention from anyone but his snake companion. The strongest demons of Inferno have been summoned for pest control… Astaroth had no understanding of why it even mattered if a few petty demons were to trouble the humans. If they summoned them and could not control them, then they deserved whatever they got.

Paying the slightest bit of attention, in case things took a turn for the significant, Astaroth observed the Princess Bavol spilling words both humble and happy. She was odd, though nothing too irritating. Although it seemed that her treatment of her subordinate had fed pride into his mind – or so Astaroth thought from the man’s expressions and his earlier brandishing of a bloody weapon. Astaroth wondered if such treatment over enough time would end up inflating the man’s head to a point that he believed himself great and destroyed the one he served. Now that would be interesting.

Pacing slightly closer to where Chikyu sat, Astaroth cast aside thoughts of those who were of little consequence to him. The rulers could do as they wished, all that really held significance for him was the rifts. For sixteen years they had been spreading, since that child was born, and Astaroth was growing impatient of all this sitting around. He had expected the Satan to seize opportunities early and move to action, but of course he should not have expected so much. If things did not start to move soon, he would have to break ties and go on his own earlier than he had hoped. After all, the prophecy called and his brother was out there somewhere, waiting.

Running fingers over Iaculus’s smooth scales, Astaroth decided to have a bit more patience. It would be a nuisance to draw attention to himself too quickly. Now that he had considered it a bit more, he decided that this issue with lesser demons may not be a complete waste. At least they were considering in some degree dealing with Earth, and that was a start. Hopefully from there would come plans of more excursions into the neighbouring realm – maybe Azrael would even plan a battle strategy. A noise of mocking amusement was sounded aloud at the impossible thought.

Catching the tail end of Chikyu’s words to the Princess and seeing the Satan approve, Astaroth was relieved by the hope that this dull meeting would hopefully be over soon.

The setting changes from Inferno to New Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Yeuri
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((GAH wrong place apologies))

The setting changes from New Earth to Inferno


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Vincent Price

In the war of words between politicians there was a tipping point where the conversation no longer became simple argument, but a heated debate, as if Inferno was not already hot enough, it seemed to increase in temperature as a not so quiet argument took place between rivals Chikyu and Vincent. This was a typical occurrence with every meeting that it would be seen as impolite to start trying to seriously maim one another. So both parties settled with trying to injure pride and cripple patience. A smirk lined Vincent's mouth as he hurled a particularly barbed insult at the supposedly unshakeable opponent. However, even the largest of rocks can cracked if hit precisely first, as Vincent observed with barely veiled amusement as Chikyu growled out an response of his own, followed by a triad of insults of his own. Presently, it seemed that Vincent absent-mindedness had come into play as the debate continued right in front of the demon who had called the meeting.

His eyes widened as an oppressive darkness curled around his throat in an invisible grip, silencing his voice as Azrael ordered for silence. His mouth immediately shut as he repressed a shutter as the man he called his lord formed a smile on his face. Sitting up on his own chair as his eyes blinked as his mind attempted to process the information given to it. It was alarming news to say the least, the rift reopening could be the least of Inferno's worries. It was even more concerning that lesser demons were able to free their leashes from the collars of the so-called Tamers. Adjusting his glasses as he heard himself be scolded like a destructive puppy who had chewed on its owners' prized shoes. Although, the most dog-like of the three Princes was Chikyu, so the analogy would fit him perfectly. Pushing aside the analogy, he mentally recollected any reports of lessor demons slipping from his sight.

Glancing towards his fellow Princes..well Princess as even the sloth-like girl stirred from her sleep to trill out a humble apology and reassure with sugary words that everything was perfect in her own Circles. Even throwing a word of praise toward, who was now seemed to now take it upon himself to glare daggers at anyone who dared challenge the word of his Mistress.As the piercing glare reached Vincent who merely rolled his eyes at the over-protective bodyguard. An audible sigh escaped Vincent as he listened to Chikyu promise to make sure that Satan would not even have to lift a finger in the recapturing of the lesser demons. Running a hand through his hair as he cleared his throat "That is all fine and dandy Chikyu, please do everyone proud and send some of your dogs after an unknown group of lesser demons to bring your eternally strong fists down upon..". His words dripped with sarcasm at the end before speaking once again "I propose a less-risky mode of recapture, we will each send scouts to collect data on said lesser demons and then formulate a plan to reduce the risk of severely injuring the escapees as well as our own men. Besides, it's not any fun punishing others if they are dead..".

Placing his fingers to his lips as a shrill whistle came through his fingers an excited yelp responded as a massive silver-coated Jackal sped around the corner of his Master's throne before planting himself before the chair, an almost statuesque creature were it not for the furious wagging of the creature's tail. Descending his own seat with impeccable elegance as Vincent fondly ran his fingers over the rings piercing the Jackal's large ears before bowing to Satan "I offer up Jackal as my contribution to this little search party. While I can assist in endeavor through my network of spies within my own Circles. Although I doubt it is lesser demons from my own Circle, a majority of those imbeciles would sell out one another to satisfy their lust for gold. Although I suppose Greed, is the least of our worries if we have men falling asleep on the job or ripping apart a suspect." His smirk returned as his words were clearly directed at the sleepy Princess and ill-tempered Prince. ~Pawns should have a will of their own..what does it matter if they to checkmate a knight~ Vincent thought as he rubbed a silver ring on his finger, awaiting Satan's final word on his plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Satan Azrael

He raised one brow at the Princess of Air’s apology, never in all his years has he ever heard a demon apologize. She is indeed one of a kind, that much I am sure of. The young demon’s behavior is quite odd really. And she suited her Sin’s quite nicely although so far he has only witnessed Sloth and he was curious as to what Envy was like. So she’s the type to leave it in the hands of her subordinates. I guess I won’t be able to rely on her in the late future.

He then turned his attention to said subordinate. The demon sent a challenging glare at those who sat in the room; Azrael dared him to send it his way, if he had a death wish that is. A smirk planted itself on his lips at how cocky Bavol’s subordinate was. It was Yeuri or something like that. Sitting up just a bit he decided to address the Princess’s words. “I see so you leave things to those around you to handle. I do hope this doesn’t become a problem later. And don’t think I didn’t notice your man, do make sure he is taught to know his place or I will” His words were cold and challenging yet they held a hint of tease in them.

Azrael was curious to what sort of reaction he would get from them, the both of them. It seemed Azrael wasn’t the only one to think a bit about the Princess’s words. Azrael tilted his head to the side slightly hearing his mentee’s words and couldn’t help but give him a silent bravado in his mind. His eye’s narrowed slightly at Chikyu’s question, seeing as it wasn’t really a question but more if a statement, Azrael sent a nod of acknowledgement his way.

His eye’s flickered towards Chikyu’s subordinate, Astaroth who made an odd sound. Sitting back, Azrael rested his cheek in his hand, looking down at the Three Pillars. A frown began to form on his lips once the Prince of Fire spoke his mind concerning what Chikyu had said. The demon’s idea was indeed better suited to the task at hand however he showed a bit too much concern for the lesser demons. “I care little for the lives of lesser demon’s Prince of Fire. They are nothing but animals only capable of destroying everything around them so there won’t be much point in trying to handle them carefully to avoid injuring them. They’re more likely to harm your men then you are to them.” He said with a matter of fact tone, his last few words were somewhat amusing. They showed a bit of his true character but he cared little for that.

The Prince of Fire brought his fingers to his lips and let out a shrill whistle. In response to his whistle came a yelp of excitement and within moments a hound came running to plant itself at his master’s side. The creature was quite the sight however the wagging of his tail did little to help his image. Azrael rested his eyes on the Prince of Fire as he rose from his seat to run his hands across his familiar’s body before bowing down to him. His offer was quite nice and he couldn’t help but smile as he knew what his last words meant. “So you’ll offer up your familiar then.” Turning his gaze to the others, “ “And what of you two, what will you do seeing as I approve of the Prince of Fire’s plan.”

Chikyu sent a glare Vincent’s way before looking back up at Satan. “That is a good question. Well I obviously can’t send my own Familiar as he is simply too large. Why don’t I send in one of my men? Astaroth, do you want to go? If not I wouldn’t mind going to check up on a few things.” He looked over at his subordinate then back over at Azrael. “That’s fine, I really don’t care which of you goes but you’ll be restricted in what it is you can and cannot do.” “I am aware of that but it really depends on my subordinates answer.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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#, as written by Kapento

At first Bavol sat rather bored with her eyes trailing around the dull scenery surrounding the demons, her attention on the matter at hand rapidly escaping to say the least. However upon hearing a voice interrupting her thoughts the young female slowly averted her eyes over towards the direction of Chikyu, and his subordinate Detritus, who from what she acknowledged had said something concerning her.

“Mm that’s good to hear Princess, that you leave important matters to your subordinate. Anyhow very little has happened within my Circles and when something did occur I took dealt with it personally.” He said and offered a mere glance to the girl. Bavol couldn’t quite tell if it was his words or stare that made her feel a little uneasy at that moment. The demons words were mocking, direct and evidently offered with intentions of causing a reaction.

What’s his problem? Why does he belittle me so?

Turning away briefly and offering nothing but silence in return Bavol sat somewhat anxiously as she perched on the edge of her seat. She hadn’t imagined how mentally straining it was to have to sit in the presence of Satan as well as the other two Princes. Whilst away with her thoughts once more the female could just vaguely hear some of what the other Prince had said.

He said something along the lines of, “…Although I suppose Greed, is the least of our worries if we have men falling asleep on the job or ripping apart a suspect."

Bavol pouted and narrowed her eyes just a tad. She could tell what he had meant and so desired to teach the ill-natured Prince a lesson or two though right now was not ideal. Not yet. Doing so would require effort which was in short supply just now, fortunately.

I‘m beginning to see why those two argue as often as they do. They‘re just as bad as each other only now it seems even I am not spared from their wickedness. How rude. Clearly the era of gentlemen is long since passed away.

Her legs had only just began to sway to a whimsical rhythm before coming to a steady halt as Satan then chose to voice his thoughts once more also to the demons. Uneasily her eyes focused on the higher up demon curiously to hear what he had to say to the young Princess. No doubt it wouldn’t be anything too heartfelt. Oh the joys of being a young Princess…

“I see so you leave things to those around you to handle. I do hope this doesn’t become a problem later. And don’t think I didn’t notice your man, do make sure he is taught to know his place or I will.” The grand demon said.

“My subordinate is my business! If one more demon talks ill of either him or myself once more I will not be as easily forgiving as I have been.” She said and slowly glanced over towards the two Princes. She had in every sense taken quite enough down talks from the pair of them for one meeting, and her kind nature was dwindling gradually as all could visibly see. Although Bavol was not quite as brave to stare so strongly and directly at Satan. She was not a complete idiot after all.

Satan continued with, “And what of you two, what will you do seeing as I approve of the Prince of Fire’s plan.”

”Ha! Satan you have no idea what sits before you, and to prove it I offer myself and, if he wants, Yeu to participate in this little adventure party!” The young girl declared with bold, though surprising confidence. ”After all I am the youngest here and have the most to prove. Surely you could not deny a young girl that, Satan?”

There’s no way I could possibly send Chi and Kaz up there on their own. Their not strong enough to manage without me and I don’t really want to send them anyway… Besides who‘s to say the humans aren‘t better company to that which I find myself in now?

Bavol turned her attention over to Yeu at that moment. Out of everyone there he was truly the only one to see any good in the girl and treat her with some respect and dignity. Which was more than could be said for the rest of the demons.

”What do you think Yeu, think it's worth it? Are you up for a little adventure with me?” A crafty smirk found it’s way onto her lips as a sneaky twinkle lit up in her eyes. However Bavol would not act without the trusty guidance of Yeu. Maybe the girl did tend to rely on him a little too much but with that said she would hardly change her habits so easily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Among so many words - so many boring words - there was at least one here that he could rely on for a fleeting bit of amusement. It was always at least faintly enjoyable to see how the Prince of Fire would try to work insult into his words to bring down Astaroth’s own Prince of Earth. He listened with more attention than offered to most as Vincent spoke in hopes of catching such entertaining sharp words. The plan to go to Earth brought a crooked smile to his face. Finally… A useful idea. This would be the perfect opportunity, but it would be imperative that he became one of those who went.

Astaroth now had to observe the words of Azrael with more care. It was important to hear if this plan would be accepted. Relief comes upon hearing that it was. Taking note from the reprieve Azrael gives to the Prince of Fire for speaking gently of lesser demons that they were allowed to use deadly force on the errant creatures, Astaroth was liking this opportunity more and more. Trying not to kill unmanageable and useless things was an irritating waste of time. Just killing them would be much more efficient and allow him to slip away to seek his brother. His smile grew wider. Perfect. Looking down on Iaculus, he gave him a stroke on the head and spoke with a look in his eyes how things were suddenly looking up.

When Azrael questioned Chikyu on who would be offered from his side into this mission, the suspenseful anticipation of what the answer might be washes Astaroth’s smile away and leaves him tensed. If Chikyu chose someone else or a creature to take up the task, then he would be forced to voice out his desire to go, and that may cause them to ask for a believable reason for his interest. That could be an unpleasant challenge… Worries were laid to rest when Chikyu asked him if he would like to be the one to go. He smiled once more and replied to Chikyu, “I’ll go. It will be a simple mission and surely you have more important matters to attend to back in the circles.” His gaze travels momentarily to Azrael as he speaks of restrictions. Very well… Having parameters to try and work around would make it that much more enjoyable. Simplicity is far too dull.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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#, as written by Skwidge

From the attention the pair were receiving, Yeu couldn’t help but shake his head in the most subtle of manners with a crooked grin. They were so, so quick to overlook his Mistress. It was true that she left many a task to him, but he enjoyed it, and was more than eager to complete menial trifles for her. Besides, she shouldn’t have to be bothered with such foolishness. She had better things to do with her day.

His gaze was suddenly stolen by that of the Earth Prince, who sent him a frigid glare. Almost cheekily did Yukon respond, a quiet thrum in his vocals as he simply spared the man a rugged smirk and flashed a lazy wink in his general direction. Ah, he could care less about what the others thought about he or Bavol, as long as they didn’t get anywhere near her. In fact, the way they saw her now was exactly how he wanted it- other than the obvious disrespect- because in this way they did not expect her abilities in any shape or form. If they saw her as unimportant, that was fine by him, as it meant they would not be bothering her in any spectacular way.

“I see, so you leave things to those around you to handle. I do hope this doesn’t become a problem later. And don’t think I didn’t notice your man, do make sure he is taught to know his place or I will.” Despite the obvious complications of what Azrael had said, Yeu didn’t even blink as he was addressed. However, he wasn’t an imbecile, and when Satan finished his little note, Yeuri dipped his head to show subordination. However, his usual smirk was still plastered onto his lips.


He held his position for only a few moments before abandoning his gaze on Satan. A bored look tore across his features as Chikyu spoke up; his interest had already been dwindling to a small flicker before the man had decided to voice his opinion. As the words tumbled from the Pillar’s lips, Yeu’s gaze was already seeking out another muse.

He didn’t have to look far. Astaroth was, of course, close to the Earth Prince’s side. The man had been almost entirely silent during this whole exchange, doing little more than observing as Yeu himself was.

Content Neutrality was really the only thing that could aptly describe Yukon’s feelings towards the man- Neutrality only in the fact that both sides of his assumptions, good and bad, seemed to weigh equally, and Content because it wasn’t that important to get to know him other than calculating possible threats. Even at that, the man seemed comfortable enough in his current position- though that fact also made Yeuri wary of him.

While the gathering had rather turned into disappointment, both in the reasoning for it and the atmosphere surrounding it, Yukon did have to admit, it was a somewhat pleasant tangent from his normal routine to get to size up the hierarchy of hell, despite the fact he really did prefer to be elsewhere.

"I propose a less-risky mode of recapture….” Yeu’s focus snapped back to attention as Vincent proposed his own ideas. If ever the case, Yukon would certainly choose the First over the Third in any circumstance; Vincent seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and furthermore he had no subordinate that Yeu knew of. This fact alone only gave another layer to the puzzle-like mystery that was the Fire Prince- one that Yukon would love to tamper with to see exactly what made him tick.

However, the possibility of such a chance ever happening was almost laughable; he’d never have the time to bother with the man, nor was it a wise or probable idea to engage him without reason. Comparatively, Chikyu was pretty much an open book- his temper was obvious, and in such he tended to blurt out his thoughts, or that was how it seemed to be, anyway.

With the high pitched whistle that left the First Prince’s lips, Yeuri tilted his head up to watch the speeding form of a large jackal gallop to its master’s side. The creature was probably the main reason he took a liking to Vincent, as his own familiar was of the same species. Though, other than both familiars being jackals, the similarities ended rather abruptly there. The Prince’s had obvious size when compared to Gore, and there was also the difference in pelt color. Not to mention the Pillar’s jackal had so many stitches and wounds, it was quite unnerving to say the least.

As the Prince offered his companion for the job and downsized both Chikyu and Bavol, Yukon simply blinked and abandoned all thoughts on the man, soon turning back to look at Satan once more and see how he responded to the options presented.

Both were picked apart rather quickly, but in the end it seemed Vincent’s was the better choice. Yeu had little care for either, as long as a decision was made, and while Chikyu made point that he would send Astaroth if his subordinate decided to go, Yukon turned his gaze upon his own Mistress to see what she deemed was best.

”…I offer myself and, if he wants, Yeu to participate in this little adventure party!” He wasn’t surprised in the least to hear Bavol’s response, and a wicked smirk tugged at his lips. Sure, it was obvious the first reason why she wanted to go, but Yeuri knew her better than that, and he was more than eager to attend the job at her side.

As she turned her gaze to him, he met and returned it with a harsh, though good-natured grin. ”What do you think Yeu, is it worth it? Are you up for a little adventure with me?” The look in her eye only confirmed what he already knew, and he gave a short nod.

”If you go, I will remain at your side. Gore will keep watch of the circles and report anything amiss, to which will be dealt with on our return, should it please you to be so. There are also the others to reinforce your rules in the meantime.”

He looked forward to entering the realm of the humans with his Mistress at his side, and he knew that disposing of the Lessers was only one of the reasons to shift worlds. A lazy smirk and bright eyes accompanied his facials as he turned to eagerly see what Azrael had to say about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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Vincent Price

Boredom seemed to have entered Vincent's mind as his eyes glazed over as the declarations from his fellow Princes made, as well as instructions of who exactly would be joining the search party into the human world. Blinking lazily as the Princess declared her own being in the party with a shrill ”…I offer myself and, if he wants, Yeu to participate in this little adventure party!” and her silent underling merely consented with little protest. ~I doubt his little Princess would do much good in a combat situation anyway.. of course her little lapdog needs to assist~ Vincent thought with a smirk at the image of the prissy woman attempting to take charge of the expedition. As much as loathed the demon who would be ideally the best suited for a leader of the expedition, there truly was only one logical choice..Chikyu.

The demon was an arrogant, hot-headed, ridiculously brash and uncouth. Yet, there was a reason that Azrael kept him on a tight leash and within arms length, he knew how to get a job done in an efficient fashion with a few casualties as possible. Cocking his head to the side to rid himself of the tension in his neck, he merely nodded before declaring quietly "Well, if this is settled, I have my own little errand to run. Please send someone to notify myself when exactly this little search party is leaving for the human world, and I am sure Jackal would be most disappointed if he did not have any rabbits to chase after.." . Giving a deep bow toward the lord of Inferno and turning on his heel out of the throne room with a giddy Jackal loping after his Master with a undignified wagging of his tail.

The scent of dust began to fill the air as Vincent found himself in front an ancient looking door made of mahogany with a large crack in one of the panels. His tempered flared for a moment as he recalled the heartbreaking sound of wood cracking all those years ago when Chikyu came to 'protest' his appointment as the Demon Prince of Fire, the door was the first victim in his precious Library. A faint whine from Jackal snapped him out of his memories as he entered the door ever so gently applying pressure to the doors. The stiffness in his body that seemed attached to his title slowly began release as his shoulders sagged with a exhaustion one could get when dealing with morons. A content smile began to form on his face only vanish with a scowl as a resounding crash of metal echoed throughout the massive room.

Rounding the corner of one of the shelves, Vincent merely let out a sigh of irritation at the sight of one of his 'apprentices' on the floor scrambling in the hopes of hiding what was once a blade from a human legend. The metal seemed utterly lost to the world as it laid fragmented against the cold wood before it. A feminine whimper escaped the shaking figure's lips as it whispered " Please forgive my clumsiness sir, I was merely startled of the sound of the door opening". Removing the glasses from his face, Vincent cleaned them once with a cloth before placing them back..~Now what is this girl's name..Astrid..Amie..Anna?~. The girl dressed in a humble black dress and flats, her hair was a mousey brown in a messy bun. Ink stains dotted her fingers as it was one of duties of his assistants to transcribe the ancient writing that were around the place. "Never mind that..Astrid..there are other urgent matter I need for you to take care of.." Vincent said in a soothing voice as he sidestepped the mess and began walking toward the center of the room, past rows of sleeves lined with books. Astrid, followed silently, her face the expression of shock that her boss actually knew her name the sound of a bell ringing snapped her out of her trance.

Three similarly dressed women appeared from various directions of the library, nearly identical to the way of dress as Astrid aside from slight alterations in the clothing. The first was a smaller brunette in black heels who merely nodded at the silent command, none to stealthily glaring at Astrid. The second and third were twins, identical in everyday from their coal dresses to black flats, the only difference were the large bows forming a loose ponytail. Taking a seat behind his desk, Vincent merely pointed toward door of the Library "Red, see if you can do something about that unseemly crack in the entrance door. Silver, you are to stand and alert myself if anyone enters". A few moments of silence passed over as the twins nodded without a word. Now only two..well three if you count the sleeping Jackal by his Master's feet.

Leaning his face on his hands Vincent merely blinked at a flushing Astrid, with thousands of questions bubbling upon her lips. It seemed like the poor girl was about to explode as Vincent finally stood and leaned over the trembling girl "Now, why exactly were you handling that dear". The 'my dear' seemed to hint the threat of punishment..or a cat toying with a mouse.."Well sir, I". Her excuse was stopped by Vincent slammed his palms against the desk in frustration "Stop! I don't want to hear your excuses you stupid girl. Be grateful that was merely a replica and I know the reason you were startled." Astrid merely sat in the chair in front of the desk, wisely avoiding words to escalate the situation. Vincent merely leaned back against the desk muttering "Chikyu" under his breath..before throwing a pen and notebook towards the girl, who merely looked confused.

"You, my dear, as a punishment are going out to my Circles to collect information about any rumored escapes, plots, escapades etc about the human world. Now, go do this now before I change my mind.." Waving the girl away with a lazy hand, Vincent rolled his eyes at the silent implication that came with having four female assistants waiting on him hand and foot daily. It was a fair deal in his own mind, these women desired to have knowledge of the human world without having to leave the safety of Inferno through his books. A fair deal indeed, now the only question remained was of 'Who' broke out of Inferno. This would be a long work day..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Julius King Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: ChikyĹŤ
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Satan Azrael

“My subordinate is my business! If one more demon talks ill of either him or myself once more I will not be as easily forgiving as I have been.”

Azrael’s eyes widened ever so slightly at the spirited reaction from the Princess. A wicked smile crept along his lips as his eyes narrowed holding a cold light in them. I’ll have to teach her a few things later. Especially that tongue of hers, what an interesting little girl.

“Ha! Satan you have no idea what sits before you, and to prove it I offer myself and, if he wants, Yeu to participate in this little adventure party! After all I am the youngest here and have the most to prove. Surely you could not deny a young girl that, Satan?”

Once again she had surprised him with her words and her rising confidence. “You better watch your tongue girl. But you that’s where you’re wrong, why should I send someone who has no experience to lead this little adventure of yours? His voice was cold. The room seemed to get colder and heavy air of foreboding hung in the air. Azrael didn’t appreciate the fact that the Princess had cornered him with her words, it had been a long while since this happened.

“But seeing as your so eager to be a part of this I’ll let you lead. Just know I won’t take failure lightly, this isn’t one of your pretty little adventures. The same goes to your subordinate.” With that having been said, Azrael leaned back in his chair, his glare daring Bavol and Yeuri to say otherwise to his decision.

“I’ll go. It will be a simple mission and surely you have more important matters to attend to back in the circles.” Azreal simply glanced in the direction of Chikyu’s subordinate. Hmm I’ll have to them keep an eye on him. His gaze eventually shifted back to the Princess and her subordinate. ”If you go, I will remain at your side. Gore will keep watch of the circles and report anything amiss, to which will be dealt with on our return, should it please you to be so. There are also the others to reinforce your rules in the meantime.”

Once more Azrael’s eyes shifted to something else, their focus being the Prince of Fire. By the look of things the younger demon finally spoke up. "Well, if this is settled, I have my own little errand to run. Please send someone to notify myself when exactly this little search party is leaving for the human world, and I am sure Jackal would be most disappointed if he did not have any rabbits to chase after.."

Azrael snorted and rolled his eyes at Vincent’s words. But he let the Prince leave his chambers along with his rather horrid looking dog. He let Vincent’s departure rest in the air for a moment before shifting in his chair. Turning his attention back to those before him, Azrael sat forwards, lacing his fingers in front of him. “Well that settles it. Bavol you will lead a group to the Human World and with the help of Yeuri and Astaroth along with Vincent’s summon. You will be going under the guise of humans with limiters of course. Under no circumstances are you to deviate from your mission least you alert those damned Angels of our movement. Now go get a move on, your dismissed.”

He waved his hand at them to leave. Once they were no longer in his presence, Azrael stood up and donned on his public illusion. Becoming nothing more than a moving shadow with glowing red orbs set in what looked to be a cruel face, Azrael called for a servant. ”Go inform the Prince of Fire of the departure of the expedition group.” His voice came out gravely and deep with a tone of absolute authority in it. The servant merely bowed before disappearing as he was no longer within sight.

Azrael, sat back down and thought for a while. Now would normally be the time in which Cerbin would give him his report. “What is that bastard doing?” Pursing his lips, Azrael let loose a piercing whistle almost on par with Vincent’s. In a matter of seconds, Malice, one of Cerbins summons as well as his older brother appeared at his feet. A smaller lesser demon than his canine brother, Malice was a pure black dog, save for his paws, ears and tail. Which were red, almost like they were dipped in fresh blood. Licking his lips, Azrael spoke to the canine, “Cerbin you have yet to give me your report on her. How does she fare?”

True Cross Academy, Fidel City

At the same moment, the very lesser demons that Azrael had sent the others to capture showed up at the amusement park. At first they simply explored, messing with the old and rubdown structures within the park. That is until they caught sight of the humans. The group of lesser demons, five to be exact, only one of them was missing so really it was only four at the moment. The quartet sniffed the air in search of the best meal and caught the scent of rather strong individuals that and something that smelled vaguely of demon flesh.

Yipping and growling, the lesser demons flocked towards the group of humans. One of them was like the human that had summoned them to Earth. This puny male (Julius) had a horse looking thing while the others (Evangeline) looked weak but good to eat. Save for the other male (Akio), in his hand he carried a demon blade. The group of lesser demons hissed but they continued onward toward the group save for one of them who caught the scent of a pure demon, a superior one at that. Grinning to itself it left the three and attacked the Superior Demon (Cerbin). It was larger than the other three nearing the size of a small horse, it was a nasty looking thing all fangs and patches of fur and scales. The other three attacked the small group of humans but one caught the scent of something funny and attacked it (Aura) in hopes of singling it out so it didn’t have to share.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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#, as written by Kapento

“You better watch your tongue girl. But you that’s where you’re wrong, why should I send someone who has no experience to lead this little adventure of yours?” Satan questioned with his usual coldness.

My… he is very observant. My lack of experience clearly matters more than I thought.

The older demon continued with, “But seeing as your so eager to be a part of this I’ll let you lead. Just know I won’t take failure lightly, this isn’t one of your pretty little adventures. The same goes to your subordinate.”

“Of course Satan, by all means I shall not fail thee.” The spirited female humbly replied before grinning uncontrollably upon hearing of the older demons approval; managing just enough to keep a degree of maturity in her response.

Satan must be feeling generous if he‘s placing me in charge, huh? Well... I better make the most of this newfound authority and not let our great ruler down, shouldn't I?

”If you go, I will remain at your side. Gore will keep watch of the circles and report anything amiss, to which will be dealt with on our return, should it please you to be so. There are also the others to reinforce your rules in the meantime.”

Turning to her subordinate sharply at that moment Bavol gave a firm nod of agreement, “That would be most satisfactory, Yeu.” The girl knew she could rely on him. Yeu was hardly going to turn down the offer, and besides, the pair of them let loose on the Human World? Anything could happen.

“Well that settles it. Bavol you will lead a group to the Human World and with the help of Yeuri and Astaroth along with Vincent’s summon. You will be going under the guise of humans with limiters of course. Under no circumstances are you to deviate from your mission least you alert those damned Angels of our movement. Now go get a move on, your dismissed.”

“Understood Satan.” With a slight tilt of her head the girl offered a simple bow to the demon before returning her gaze to her subordinate once more. “Alrighty Yeu, see to it that Gore keeps a tight patrol round the circles whilst we‘re gone. I‘d trust no other to watch over my lovely little kingdom in our absence, and even if there are others to tend to things I‘d leave with a more peaceful mind knowing he was keeping a close eye on the place,” Having said that the female then remembered something and promptly added, somewhat amusingly, “Though by no means does that mean Gore gets to terrorize Kaz and Chi whilst I’m not around. I’d very much appreciate the pair in one piece upon my arrival.”

Spinning round on her heel the young woman took her leave at that moment, seeing little else to do just then beside getting the group together. From what she had gathered it was a small expedition group consisting of herself and Yeu, Detritus and the familiar of Vincent.

At that moment her eyes casually drifted over towards the direction of Detritus as she spoke, ”When your ready meet us at the gate.” She knew little of the demon personally though considering they were going to be grouped together it was only logical to establish some form of understanding amongst themselves. Needless to say however, considering Detritus was the subordinate of Chikyu, the female struggled a little to simply trust the strange figure before her.

This ought to be fun. The four of us together… what could go wrong?

Her thoughts were momentarily distracted when pondering over the small group. With a light shake of her head Bavol quickly dropped the matter and proceeded to leave the area whilst motioning for her subordinate to follow behind her.

“Come on Yeu, I don‘t really wish to linger around here any longer than I have to.” She sighed quietly before begining to make her way over and towards the Gate which lay within her circles and would offer a smooth transition from Inferno to the Human World. She expected to meet the rest of the group there, promptly.

Upon arrival at the gate in question Bavol stood idly for a moment. It hadn’t took long to reach the gate; mainly due to the young girls enthusiasm for the mission at hand. It couldn’t have been more obvious that the demon was keen to venture into the Human World and explore the unknown; mentally reminding herself not to stray too much from her current task.

Turning to Yeu just then the girl grapsed at the moment whilst the pair were alone. “It would be wise to keep an eye on the other two, don‘t you think? Anything can happen when we‘re out there.” She quietly suggested in a cautious manner.

The setting changes from Inferno to New Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Vincent Price Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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#, as written by Skwidge

As Satan reprimanded his mistress, Yeu simply blinked once with little to no thought towards the demon or the situation, still waiting for the man to make his point. “But seeing as you're so eager to be a part of this I’ll let you lead. Just know I won’t take failure lightly, this isn’t one of your pretty little adventures. The same goes to your subordinate.”

With Azrael’s pointed gaze, Yukon flashed him a fanged smirk, though his eyes avoided the demon’s own. This was going to be ridiculously entertaining, though, the fact that the duo had a few others within their little party was a bit of a damper. Yeuri was just looking in Astaroth’s direction when Vincent spoke up, informing the group of his departure. His eyes perked up to the Pillar’s form, a subtle interest portraying itself amidst his features, though it disappeared as soon as it was there.

“Well that settles it. Bavol you will lead a group to the Human World…. You will be going under the guise of humans with limiters of course. Under no circumstances are you to deviate from your mission….” Yeu couldn’t help but let a twisted grin spread across his lips as Azrael agreed to Bavol’s terms. He could care less about the limitations and such, he was simply eager to find himself in the human world itself. He had heard his fair share of stories half a millennia ago, so it served that he should be keen to experience it himself. Not to mention the obvious fact that neither he nor Bavol had visited the other realm before, though both knew well what to expect.

At his Mistress’s reply to his suggestion of authority, he dipped his head in recognition and tapped a finger against his thigh. “Alrighty Yeu, see to it that Gore keeps a tight patrol round the circles whilst we‘re gone. I‘d trust no other to watch over my lovely little kingdom in our absence, and even if there are others to tend to things I‘d leave with a more peaceful mind knowing he was keeping a close eye on the place,” He nodded, grinning slightly at the praise she shared with his familiar.

“Though by no means does that mean Gore gets to terrorize Kaz and Chi whilst I’m not around. I’d very much appreciate the pair in one piece upon my arrival.” At that Yeuri smirked playfully, ”No promises~” Despite the obvious light-heartedness of his comment, it was well known between the both of them that whatever Bavol asked would be completed to the best of her subordinate’s ability. Her familiars would be left in one piece, but he could hardly deny his faithful familiar’s small desires- or at least as long as Bavol gave him leeway in such matters.

As she turned and began her departure, Yeu rose from his seat and shoved his hands into his pockets, following her at a close distance with a cheerful smirk to his features. As they proceeded, his Mistress took pause to address Astaroth. Yukon looked back on him as well, but his eyes were blank and rather uncaring of the individual. Once that was completed, the pair turned and made their way back to their own domain.

As the two arrived back within their circles, Yeuri tapped his foot and let a low, eerie tune leave his lips. Immediately Gore materialized before his master in a fog of black tendrils, a Cheshire grin to his face and his orbs a pure, lucid yellow. The familiar was lapping his tongue over his oversized canines, liquid dripping from his maw to spatter the ground below in deep wine-red stains. He trotted up to his master, a low whine and a tail wag to show greeting before he slid underneath the demon’s hand, his ears swiveling this way and that as Yeuri stroked the soft fur and rubbed at his ears.

The trio then made their way casually to the gates between worlds, Yukon mentally giving orders to his familiar. As they stopped, Yeu shared a private grin with Bavol, mischief flaring up in his eyes. Gore took a seat beside the old stone, his orbs shifting this way and that as he surveyed the scene; however, it was near impossible to tell the motion within the jackal’s eyes, as there was no pupil to distinguish glance.

“It would be wise to keep an eye on the other two, don‘t you think? Anything can happen when we‘re out there.” When Bavol spoke up, Yeuri’s attention immediately snapped to her form. He pouted ever so slightly, crossing his arms like a child, ”If we must,” He smirked, dropping the act and gaining a somewhat serious look to his eyes, ”Probably a good idea; shouldn’t be too much of an issue if everyone behaves nice and proper.” He leaned against the door to the other world lazily, blinking once and waiting for the others to arrive.

“I’ll meet you on the other side – scout ahead to make sure the group is not noticed crossing over.” Yeu turned his head to watch the demon approach, still harboring no hints on his face towards feelings. He simply nodded at the guy’s proposition, watching as he stepped through the blackened vortex that stood confined between three walls. Yeuri stood up and stationed himself by Bavol’s side, awaiting the arrival of Vincent’s jackal. They didn’t have to pause for too great a period, as the creature soon came loping up. Gore’s ears twitched at the sight of the other breed, and he gave a low whine towards the other familiar, announcing his presence and sending somewhat of a greeting. Other than that, he remained motionless in his post.

”Shall we?” Yukon made a regal bow towards his Mistress, a cheesy grin to his features as he offered his hand playfully for her to accept if she so wished to do so. Regardless, Yeu gave one last glance towards his familiar and gave a short nod before leading the rest of the group through the doors.

Cool air met his lungs as they transferred between realms, and he breathed it in deeply. It stung slightly, as he was unused to such a different atmosphere, but other than that he enjoyed the feeling. However, their surroundings were rather bland and uncouth, with simple brick walls that hinted an alleyway, and trash bins shoved up against the end of it. He snorted lightly before allowing his gaze to drift over the rest of their location. The roads were dusty and strange mechanisms rumbled by. It was rather dark, but a few streetlights flickered occasionally to set the scene in a strange glow and offer some amount of sight to the humans. Yeuri himself, though, had rather adept eyes when it came to darkness, so he was actually pleased with the low lighting.

From the stories he had heard when he was so young, it was very obvious that everything about Earth had changed. Well… almost everything. Yukon let his gaze slide up towards the heavens, and he was greeted with the soft warmth of the stars. A ghost of an actual smile teased at the corners of his lips, and he blinked, soaking in the grandeur of those little specks. While he could have easily stood for an eternity just to observe them, Yeu pulled his gaze away, reminding himself of the task at hand.

Gazing to Bavol, he smirked, relaxing his stance ever so slightly before looking over the rest of their group. As his orbs fell on Astaroth’s form, he just caught the demon’s snake merging into the shadows to disappear after a task. Yeuri assumed that the familiar’s disappearance pertained to their quest, but with the unfamiliarity of Astaroth, it wasn’t entirely wise to trust such an idea. Yet, Yeu didn’t open his mouth to make any comment whatsoever.

”We should probably get a move on, yeah?” As Yeu spoke, he pulled the limiter from his pocket and clasped it onto his upper arm. There wasn’t much to change, merely subtle shifts in his form to clean up his look. However, as per respect towards Azrael’s authority and the fact that the limiter was a must have, it was an added security since Yeu’s form tended to shift when pushed to do so.

He paused for the others to gain their bearings before taking a customary position in front of Bavol for her protection, and then immediately started the group off on their little quest. They would probably be relying on Jackal for extra insight on Lesser positions, since he was a resource to be used, but other than that, it was up to them to figure things out. However, as they began proceeding in a general direction, Astaroth’s snake returned, and that was when Yeuri addressed the demon. ”Anything?” At whatever indication was provided, the group set off.

They walked through streets without incident, only seeing a few humans wandering about with drunken stances and uneasy gates. They walked for quite some time before they finally came to the city limits, soon passing away from the lights and the cramped buildings to the quiet emptiness of the off-roads.

Yeuri’s facials hinted towards boredom, and he had shoved his hands in his pockets about three miles prior. When he had envisioned coming to Earth, he had certainly expected it to be more exciting and fast-paced. But instead, they were stuck walking for what seemed to be an eternity through no-man’s land. Occasionally he would turn to check on Bavol, making certain she was still comfortable. Had it been only them, they probably would have found too many things to entertain themselves with, and probably have flipped some worlds upside-down, but alas, they had others with them and they had to keep an authoritative look and stature.

Yeuri mainly kept himself occupied with gazing up at the night sky, picking out a few constellations here and there and thinking about a plethora of different things. However, as they walked, an old abandoned amusement park came into view, and Yeuri’s attention piqued up. It was still awhile off, but at least they finally had a goal in sight.

The setting changes from New Earth to Inferno


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Yeuri
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The demon who wielded the strongest power in all of Inferno; the demon who feared nothing, this very demon who sat upon his throne wore a look of worry. Azrael sat upon his throne in a slouched position as would on any other day. However something was off by the way he held himself. If one looked closely enough they’d see that his index finger tapped the arm rest impatiently. Then there was the sour look on his face as if he had just eaten a lemon, which wasn’t all too unusual for the demon that held the title Satan.

Sitting upon his throne, Azrael rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked back up to stare off into space. His facial expressions changed rapidly from being that of a worrisome father to a sour old man, Azrael was not in the best of moods at this particular moment. Resting his head against his propped up elbow, he continued to stare off into space until finally he sat straight up as if surprised by something only he could see, which made some sense. However it wasn’t something that he could only see but rather what only he and a select few were aware of. That his daughter was living in the human realm, he did make sure that his most trusted subordinate and friend went with her to watch over her. And at a time like this Azrael was getting impatient as he was waiting for Cerbin to give him his report.

What is he doing? Realizing he was no longer in his usual position, Azrael sat back making sure to take up his leisurely pose. That way if someone happened to come by him they wouldn’t think anything was wrong. Pressing his fingers to his lips, the Demon King rubbed his chin in impatience. “This has gone on long enough.” Curling his index finger and thumb so that their tips almost touched each other, he brought them to his lips and let loose a sharp whistle. Within a matter of seconds a rather intimidating hound came creeping in. It was a lesser demon by the name of Indigo and it was also Cerbin’s brother. Hopefully the other one is with him.

The dog looked up at him expectantly, awaiting his orders. Leaning down Azrael grabbed the dogs muzzle tightly and brought it closer to his face; upon doing so Indigo let out a small whine, not out of fear but more so from the sudden action. Azrael glared at Indigo as he spoke, “Cerbin! What the hell are you doing? Why haven’t you given me your report yet? What goes of my daughter?” His words were commanding and they held the faint note of irritation from waiting. It took only a few moments of his time for Cerbin to reply to his demanding questions.

As he listened to Cerbin’s report, his impatient tapping turned into something else entirely. Gripping the edge of the arm rest, cracks formed until finally the most vital bit of information given to him came. “WHAT!?” his surprise ripped through the air and was accompanied by the sound of marble crumbling under his show of strength. Indigo yelped as some of the marble fell on his paws but Azrael merely ignored him and glared at the mess he had made.

“Damn. I wouldn’t have thought they’d attack her let alone be anywhere near her. You said you encountered Astaroth, which means the rest of them are will be in the vicinity. Cerbin listen good, do not under any circumstances let them find out who you are. And do not let them anywhere near Aura. Trouble has been brewing in Inferno and news of my daughter living in the human realm will do me no good. Not right now. I’ll have a messenger call the expedition team back. On the other hand if you can, try to get rid of as many Lesser demons as you can, if there are any left, simply so they no longer have a reason to stay. That is all.”

With that having been said, Azrael pushed Indgo’s muzzle out of the way as he sat back in his throne once more. Contemplating what exactly his next course of actions would be Azrael settled with bringing them back. Standing up Azrael reached behind his throne, grabbed a billowy cloak and with an elegant twirl of ghostly fabric donned on his public illusion. In a matter of seconds the ghostly clothe enveloped his body in a dark misty substance as horns capped his head and his eyes took on a feral glow. “Good this will do.” even his voice changed taking on a more gravely tone to it. And just like a phantom of sorts, Azrael left the throne chamber in search of a pair of Lesser’s who would be able to carry out his task.

It didn’t take him too long to find them. They were small grotesque avian creatures, their wings barely held their feathers so all one could see was their skeletal frame, and the few patches of feather they had had long ago lost their beautiful shine. There were three of them to be exact, each one varied in size with the smallest one having the least amount of feathers. “Inform the expedition team to come back at once, they’ve dealt with the problem and they seem to be having far too much fun messing with the humans. Besides didn’t I ask them not to kill any of the Lessers.” Unlike most other Lesser demons there were very few who were able to copy down intellectual speech. Most often they died out because this unique trait left them weak and therefore vulnerable to the more predatory of its group.

Azrael sent off the messenger birds the moment he finished his message via a reverse summoning. So now all he can do is wait for them to come back and hope that his daughter wasn’t found out.

Amusement Park||Messenger Birds

A dark inky seal formed in the sky above the park, however the seal itself was small so if one would look up they most likely wouldn’t have been able to see it. With a small flash of light, three messenger birds flew through the seal. They hovered over the park for a short moment before going their seperate ways. The largest went to Bavol, upon reaching her it cawed and croaked to get her attention. It even went so far as to dive for her head. Once it got her attention, the bird relayed its message. The second largest went to Astaroth, diving for his head before relaying its message. The smallest went in search of Yeuri and found him messing with a red-haired woman. It hissed and cawed the moment it saw the demonic blade but it carried out its task. Like its brethren, the bird dived for Yeuri's head and began to relay the message.

The setting changes from Inferno to New Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Aura Thorne
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#, as written by Damioa
(Ignore please. Wrong spot.)

The setting changes from New Earth to True Cross Academy, Fidel City

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Detritus Astaroth Character Portrait: Aura Thorne
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#, as written by Damioa
Cerbin Hiberion

A little bit before the present. (Dual written by Damioa and KuroNeko)

Cerbin ran quickly to the area where the other groups were. As he feared, the smell of even more demons was getting stronger as he approached closer to the area. He began thinking that if he wasn't able to reach his destination in time, he would have definitely failed his mission. Although, it might have been a failure ever since he had decided to enroll as a teacher in the academy. It didn't hit him until the last battle he had, but now he was certain. There was no way he could fight to his full potential in front of so many demon hunting exorcists. Nor could he guarantee the safety of the one he was ordered to protect. Heck, he couldn't even guarantee his own. He would have to consult Satan after the incident settled down to see what he should do next. Upon running, he had something hit his nose. It wasn't the vile smell of a lesser demon. He was never able to tell what kind of smell it was in the first place. However, it was a smell he had recognized. "Tch. I can't deal with this too." He said to himself before looking around for a place to hide. He wasn't too keen on being seen by this person. Not yet at least.
Looking over the area, Cerbin found a public stall. It was a usual private one that fit the amusement park fittingly. There were two openings and a wall that covered the middle of the small box. Quickly, he jumped over the wall and hugged the inner walls it bore. Closing his eyes, he sniffed the air and listened carefully for the sound of approaching footsteps. He hadn't thought about what he was going to do from there. True, he could just ignore this man and continue to his original target, but that would mean having to put up with being seen later by him. Even worse, if he was attacked then he would have no choice but to give up his true identity in countering him. There were too many loose ends with just letting him pass by. On the other hand, or respectively, yet another reason to deal with him now, there was a question. "What if he was the one who brought the lesser demons here?" It was a long shot, but it did seem possible. Having been on Earth for so long, Cerbin had no idea what was going on in Inferno. Would the mans position still be the same? Or maybe, there was a coup d'etat and now personnel are being dispatched to find him and Satan's offspring. "So there is only one thing to do. I have to attack him. I have to make him disappear." It wasn't certain at all. It could have just been an act of coincidence. However, Cerbin couldn't chance anything. Not when it came to his mission.
Like a predator he waited for the footsteps to come into range. It wasn't long before they had. The smell seemed to match. With all the senses declaring that his target had been acquired, he hopped back over the wall and ran in front of the man, about ten meters to be exact, and pulled out one of his double barrels. He wasn't one to shoot someone in the back, even if he would have ended up regretting. Even after the pull of the trigger, even Cerbin didn't think the conflict would end there. He was ready for a fight.

Thus far Astaroth had seen very little in this place that lived up to the promise of 'amusement'. He had expected the failure, but a faint bit more effort on the part of the creators of the space would have been appreciated. The sounds of his breaths and footsteps added further to the dull ambience sounds of faint creaking rust addled mental swaying in the disinterested breeze. Lesser demons proved even more of a rarity in his chosen section than something amusing, He had seen faint signs that Lessers had moved through the area and thought he heard suspicious noises coming from the distance, and he was beginning to think he had chosen the poor path. No matter, he would clear the border first then push in once the area was secure.
In such a dead space unblinking eyes detected the quick-moving discrepancy near immediately. Seconds are a tight space in which to confine thought, but he manages to slip in vague wonder at the intent of the human before him. Things pointed by strangers are rarely a kindness, and while he shot to the side in avoidance an unfamiliar form of noise affirmed to him negative connotation. More thoughts choked in seconds – what was the purpose of defending this place, or attacking on whim one walking quietly. Then thoughts of how to respond, weapon choices flitting by and vague wondering if it was worth the time. It had been some time since he robbed someone of their intestines…
Final decision is that he would like a closer look of this bit of amusement. In a flowing act of return, he darts back across the path once more, movement to avoid further pointing of small noisy things. While slipping through the air, pulling up small dust clouds from where his feet hit the ground to propel him on, a hand moves to the side to be consumed in ruddy mist from which is pulled his demonically warped katar. It barely had time to settle into his grip before it was launched towards the enemy.
The blade was but a distraction to allow him to jump to nearby and leap his way from foothold to foothold to close the distance between them.

Cerbin watched as the bullet slipped past his target and shot more in his targets direction. Those too seemed to miss, but Cerbin wasn't all that surprised. Not even he would have gotten hit by such a human-esque move, but at the moment that was what he was limited to. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to move away from his first destination. He didn't need any of the exorcists in the area seeing the fight which was about to take place. If they had, then he would have to lose the fight in a horrible manner. Not only was his adversary in combat a superior demon, but he was one of the three subordinates. In Cerbins head, the ladder of hell, if being written out on a tree would be his Satan Azrael, the three princes, and then himself along with the three subordinates. After that he didn't bother making name categories. It was obviously just superior demons and then lesser demons.
To top it off, not only was he fighting a subordinate, but in his eyes, the most dangerous one. No he had never seen Astaroth fight before, but he still had his attention. For one, he seemed to be the most to himself. Another thing would have to be the fact that the Demon Prince of Earth had been his master. The same demon who was taught under Satan. The connection itself made him dangerous. Lastly though, and this in itself could be the main reasoning behind Cerbins caution, but Astaroth had the presence of someone strong. It could have just been the mans imagination, but seeing just the way Astaroth carries himself was enough to have Cerbin know that he might be outmatched, even if he could use his full power. However, Cerbin had decided that if he just had a small advantage he might be able to best the demon in front of him. The first step was getting Astaroth to think him as weak, so he continued to fight like a human. However, he began to back step towards one of the coaster attractions. He did so at just enough speed making sure to sway to different corners of his counterpart in order to slow try to slow his engagement. To look on the outside, it would seem as if he was trying to cross him over while backing into the attraction. He only had his enhanced speed to rely on when it came to keeping a hairs distance away from Astaroth, which allowed him to jump up into the sky and land on one of the bars. He quickly reloaded his guns and began shooting down to the mans direction.

Missing its target, Astaroth’s katar dissolved into the same tarnished mist it was drawn from. Speed and agility that he could not deny to be at decent levels kept him from getting close enough to look at the face of this distraction. From the distance it held some faint curiosity beyond the norm, but as the chase went his interest faded with the assumption that it should be no more than a human, fast or not.
As the movement took them to the distance he wondered on the possibility of some form of ambush, but the area seemed quiet and there would be little motivation. Closing in on a mangled sort of structure, one of the decaying roofs he leapt to betrayed his footing and caused the necessity to return to ground level. When his eyes moved from catching himself back to the creature of interest, he was slipping through the air to a peculiar and mangled sort of structure. An aerial advantage was the plan then. That could be easily topped with the use of wings if only… Astaroth glared at the limiter on his wrist and suffered the temptation of removing it. Gun fire drew his attention and he launched backwards. His distraction cost him a bullet grazing the inner side of his right calf.
Maintaining constant movement as unpredictably as manageable in the space and growling angrily over his injury, he reached into one of the satchels at his waist and felt for the shape of the vials he desired to use. Two seem adequate for the job and are drawn free. The substance selected is a potent acid milked from a particular variety of snake-like lesser demon and he targets them in two quick throws at the beams supporting his enemy. Darting towards the structure, the mist returned around his hand and this time produced his battle axe, which was driven against the supports in hopes of aiding the acid in knocking his target down to a more simply attackable range.

As Cerbin hit his target he ceased fire temporarily to reload his double barrels. He widened his gaze a little in awe at the fact that he was able to hit him at all. Thinking about it, it could have been because of the mans limiter. That had to be it. He didn't take into account that the battle at hand would have a full change just because of an item. Although, remembering the guns in his hands, he realized that he should have never doubted this fact. If it wasn't for the limit on power, he would've probably never picked up the gun.
It seemed his opponent was more prepared than he was however, seeing as he ditched his first weapons. Of course Cerbin knew better than to think that any higher being, scratch that, not even most humans would give up after one little graze. Astaroth threw something like a whip, no it was too shiny in the remaining light of day to be a whip and also didn't come back to him. Whatever it was, it hit the structuring of the coaster trail Cerbin was perched on. It didn't take long for it to crumble and before the man had something good to jump off of, he was swallowed in the demolition. Stuck under under what felt like tons of steel and wood, and with his body feeling like it had just been hit by a train, Cerbin almost passed out. This easy to faint thing was yet another thing he hated about being in human form for so long. He began to think maybe being the way he was now for so long was making him exceedingly weak.
That's the answer he gave himself as he dug himself out of the dubree. He basically crawled through a small gap he happened to move and squeezed himself out. He looked up at the being in front of him. He felt like almost laughing at his luck. Of course his next weapon would be a huge axe. Slowly standing up, Cerbin looked ahead straight into the eyes of his adversary, a trickle of blood falling down his forehead to accompany his demonic red eye. Not wanting to use the power of his eye due to the side effects, he decided to stick to his guns. However, this time instead of running away while firing, he had decided to take a more frontal approach, but first he just had to know, "Why would you release demons to attack this place? Is this his new will?" By saying "his" Cerbin was referring to Azreal, but as far as he was concerned his master hadn't mentioned anything about an attack of any kind on the human world. Still, it was good to take out possibilities. He had to know why things were happening the way they were, and why one of the demon subordinates were here in the first place.

The attack was more effective than Astaroth had hoped and as he skidded backwards to avoid being caught in the debris he was momentarily disappointed by the possibility that the neglected old creation had stolen his kill. To his vaguest relief, the disappointment was premature. He raised his axe to rest on his shoulder and met the gaze of his opponent. At this range he noted the peculiarity of his eye and realized that it was not a simple human he was fighting. The question struck him as rather peculiar, particularly the latter half. What would Azrael have against a place like this? It took little thought to answer the accusations of using demons, “It would be pointless to release demons to do what I could do better myself,” but he took some more cautious consideration on what to reveal of Azrael’s intent. Uncertain what kind of demon would be wandering Earth uninformed, he decided against sharing what they were doing and instead gave his earlier thought as replacement. “What would the Satan gain from destroying this half-decayed park of amusement?”

Not understanding the question to his own question, Cerbin just sat staring at Astaroth in silence. The man did say that it would be pointless for he himself to send lesser demons to do his dirty work and knowing him, Cerbin wouldn't doubt for a second that if Astaroth did want something done in the human world, he'd do it himself. The other familiar smells also told him that the situation called for something different then what he had thought in the first place. However, the evidence that calmed his nerves the most was the mention of Azreal. Of course there wouldn't be a life threatening task that he would hash out that would endanger his or Aura's life. So there it was. Proof that he may have just jumped the gun by being a little too over protective. A strange tendency found in most of his kind. Still, he didn't want anyone to know about his location. Though, knowing the demon in front of him, if he didn't know who he was by now, then maybe he wouldn't mention it if he found out later. Cerbin smirked at how oblivious Astaroth was and lowered his guns after returning his face to his calm bland look. "I see. Then it's my fault for starting this mess between you and I. Well then. I should probably tend to something important instead of wasting time." He said as he turned away.

Astaroth's axe grew heavy with impatience as moments passed in silence. Considering the possibility of more interesting fights with more creatively designed lesser demons, the temptation to end this distraction was increasing. As fantasies of splitting the skull before him with his axe grew almost inescapably enticing to alleviate an increasing sense of boredom, lowered guns stayed his hand. The brief smirk and admittance that this was all a waste of time earned a high amount of irritation, but as the uniformed demon turned away, he decided that enough time had been wasted and watched him go without offering any reply.

Current time

Cerbin kept moving without even the slightest sign of looking back. Sure, it had crossed his mind that Astaroth would attack him from behind, but with his acute hearing, he could tell that he wasn't the target of Astaroths path. This was most definitely a good thing indeed. Now all he had to do was focus on finding Aura and making sure she was safe. As he ran he felt the same strange presence he would normally feel when a link between him and his brother was created. Most of the time however, he would be the one to open the link. His brother never talked to him on his own. If a link was open then that would mean that Azreal, his master, would want to speak to him. He stopped running, just so he could focus, and looked up at the sky. It was getting pretty late. Usually he had made the connection and given his daily report, however, because of his new trade and distractions, he hadn't been able to do his daily ritual.

Indigo was lying outside Satans chamber when he heard the whistle. Getting up he walked inside and walked towards Azreal. He didn't know what his master looked like, but he could smell him perfectly. He could also hear him and, judging from the tone of his voice, he wasn't happy. Feeling a pull at his muzzle, he whined at the sudden movement and opened the link between him and Cerbin.

“Cerbin! What the hell are you doing? Why haven’t you given me your report yet? What goes of my daughter?” Azreal asked, sounding rather aggravated.

Cerbin sniffed around the area before answering. "She is now a part of the exorcist school. I have infiltrated the campus by posing as an instructor here in order to stay close to her. However, it seems that during the initial test some lesser demons started to roam the area. I killed one, but I smelled more around the other group area. As of now, the smell of rot is in the air, but it doesn't smell human nor of Aura. I believe the demons are dead or injured. However, there is another circumstance that bothers me. I have ran into Astaroth just recently. We had a little scuffle, but nothing to care about. However, I smell others, even one who smells like the Prince of Wind. I suppose the other one is her servant. I also smelled two dog like demons and some other type of smell. As of now, I'm headed in Aura's direction. That is all I have to report at this time." Cerbins voice was bland and clear, however, the words were repeated through Indigo's mouth. It was hard to talk with Azreal's hand over his mouth, but he didn't show no sign of minding. However, once the marble fell onto his paw he couldn't help but to whimper. It wasn't so much of the pain as it was the wonder of what had fallen on his paw. After he was done he raised his ears to hear Azreals reply to Cerbin's message.

“Damn. I wouldn’t have thought they’d attack her let alone be anywhere near her. You said you encountered Astaroth, which means the rest of them are will be in the vicinity. Cerbin listen good, do not under any circumstances let them find out who you are. And do not let them anywhere near Aura. Trouble has been brewing in Inferno and news of my daughter living in the human realm will do me no good. Not right now. I’ll have a messenger call the expedition team back. On the other hand if you can, try to get rid of as many Lesser demons as you can, if there are any left, simply so they no longer have a reason to stay. That is all.”
After that Indigo waited to see what would happen next before being pushed back. Taking that as a sign, he left the room.

Cerbin was paused, he didn't know how he could get past any of the others with his eye. Even if they had forgotten what he looked like, the eye may stir back their memory. If that were to happen, he'd probably be targeted or the secret that he bore would be loose for public knowledge. Thinking of what to do next he felt a nudge on his leg. It was no other than Malice who had come back after dropping the kids off to safety. That's when Cerbin got an idea. If he didn't show his eye then he would be able to hide himself. "Malice, grab that rock by your paw." He ordered. The demon dog did as he was ordered to and picked up the rock with his fangs. Handing it to Cerbin, he looked at his younger brother questionably. With two swift shots to his face, Cerbin had swollen his eye enough to keep it sealed for a good amount of time. Now that that was taken care of, all he had to do was find Aura.

Following his nose, he had decided to go around the long way. There was no chance that he was going to waste time with other demons and humans. Especially not since he had just received orders. It didn't take long, but soon the smell of Azreal's daughter became more apparent, along with a smell he didn't quite agree of. As he walked he over heard some talking. He quickly took hiding along one of the walls and peered around. He saw a carousel a few feet away and two figures. With his now blackened eye, he only had one eye to focus with.

"Malice." He called, "I need you to gaze over in that direction for me."

Upon hearing Cerbin's request, Malice showed his teeth and looked around the corner. Making a link between them, Cerbin could see the area perfectly. Apparently the smell he had feared actually was something to fear after all. He had little contact with her, but seeing the long stands of pale white hair that almost looked grey, he could confirm along with her smell who she was. Looking closely, it seemed that Aura was lying right next to her and listening closely, the two were having a conversation. Malice pulled back and severed the link with Cerbin. Looking up at his brother and licking his lips, as if to mock him, he sat next to Cerbin waiting for the next move.

Cerbin, on the other hand was a little distraught to say the least. Not only had he came into contact with Astaroth, but now he would have to come into contact with the Prince of Air as well. Although, in the big picture of it all, that wasn't the half of it. No, after Azreal had ordered him to keep Aura away from the demons, he finds her talking to one of the top demon's one could talk to. It wasn't looking good at all for him. However, as he looked up trying to think of a plan, one had easily flown above him. It seemed the messenger birds were working pretty fast today. As he kept his eyes on the lesser demon, it did some movements and made some noises before darting toward her.

"That's right." He said, thinking aloud, "Get your message and leave so I can make sure Aura is safe." Waiting for the right time to move, Cerbin gazed around the corner with his one good eye and waited.

The setting changes from True Cross Academy, Fidel City to New Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cerbin "Cerberus" Hiberion Character Portrait: Julius King Character Portrait: Ryuu Shosuke Character Portrait: Bavol Character Portrait: Satan Azrael Character Portrait: Nathaniel K Jenova
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Nathaniel Kale Jenova



When Julius spoke of re-summoning one of his familiars he looked at him with a weak frown of disapprove before weakly speaking to him, despite looking like death walking and pressed into the young man, it was clear he was strong and could be respected for his resolve at this moment and devotion to Eve's and Julius' health before his which was far dire than theirs. But despite this he ordered the young man. ''Don't summon... You are already strained. I can see it, you will just hurt yourself.''

But as he heard foot steps he put his gun blade up, only to lower it and de-summon his weapon in black mist as he instantly saw that it was Ryuu. He was in obvious pain, struggling to stand but his eyes looked strong still, like... this was not the worst thing he had been though which would tell Ryuu... He was far from a simple teacher, more so now than ever as he shook his head softly and answered her honestly. ''You... can not help me. But I - I can help you.'' He looked to the side of Ryuu before putting a hand up then back to her. ''The bus right?'' He then swiped his hand down. A blast of wind and a crack appeared on the floor before a crack of bluish white light appeared and opened, showing the bus. He slowly put his hand down looking like he was about to pass out. ''All I need... is for you all to go through that rift of mine and you - you will be right at the bus.''

He let the sight and words soak in for a time, his breaths becoming more tired. The use of this rift would send a spike of power to Satan and the Primordiums. Satan would recognize this spike of power from... through out the years... Though it had been a long time since he would of felt this familiar surge of power that bent dimensions to, for him, a stranger, their will. The Primordiums would know this feeling also but... not understand it nor know what or who was causing it. They would have to see Satan about this... unnatural bent in dimension. Demons still in the area would also feel this presence of strange... new power for as long as the rift was open.

Nathaniel then spoke once more, getting more and more out of it, trying to focus still, despite his aggressive wounds. ''All I need... Is a room to take in... for some hours or... days... I don't know... But do not waste medical attention on me... I will be fine after some... rest.'' He looked away some, obvious there was more to tell, but he was reluctant to go into it. He pushed himself up, forcing himself to stand on his own, despite the maimed left arm with it's bone exposed. Or that there was a gaping hole in his midsection that still bled but it was slowing along with his breath and consciousness. He held a hand out weakly when more bluish mist came from his mouth and formed another ethereal orb that crystallized and he caught it in his hand before smashing it on the ground before cracking his neck. ''F-four..'' He mumbled to himself before he gently pushed everyone at once with him through the rift. The would suddenly all four of them be standing in front of the bus as the rift closed. Ending the spike of power once more.

He dragged his feet to the bus' door and opened it before just... getting onto the bus at the back and collapsing onto the row of seats, his breathing slowing but he refused to close his eyes or relax. He waited for Ryuu, Eve and Julius to follow with no energy to speak he just waited, starting to shiver from blood loss, his teeth chattering.