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Xavier Johnson

"I don't make very good quotes"

0 · 673 views · located in Eroryus

a character in “Eroryus”, as played by JustQuit




RUN! (Feat. Thundercat)|Flight Of The Navigator|White (Feat. John Mayer)|Sunset (Feat. Yuna Zaraai)

Full name:
Xavier Alastair Johnson

Al, X or Xavier

Looks 21, is really 119 years old



Born in the "Slums" of Algeria, Al had just about zero chance of becoming anything in life. For a while he hadn't done much, he'd cruised through just about everything. In all honesty the arrival of his powers saved him, he held his new abilities close to him and practiced to become proficient at them, urged by his small group of friends back home he accepted his invitation in the letter, citing it as an opportunity to broaden his horizons.


American but born & raised in Algeria



Body Build:
Slim Muscular Build

Smooth Milky White Skin Tone


Light Blue

A long horizontal scar on his back; currently no tattoos

No Piercings, at the moment anyways

Previous relationship(s):
One rather lengthy relationship til his true "nature" was revealed, I guess being half angel isn't really that hot



+Dancing (By Himself Usually)
+His Guitar
+Being Outside
+Street Fashion

-Country Music
-People who talk to much
-Nasty Food
-Singing in front of people
-Overly flirtatious people

>Making Music
>Using his powers
>Watch Netflix/Hulu

>Making Music

-Pretty Shy
-It's hard to get on his radar, and it's easy to fall off it too

Personality description:
Al can be characterized as lighthearted really, he's slow to spur a friendship though, as he doesn't carry respect nor love for many people in this world. He's also not the most motivated person in the world, seeming to need divine reason to do anything that doesn't include sitting outside and watching grass grow. That alone doesn't make him the most outgoing person, making friends isn't his strong suite almost by choice it seems.

Despite this he's a very passionate person when it comes to things he loves, he will die for every single one of his friends and has taken alot of fake bullets for them. It's nothing to him, as he'll only put his trust and time into people who do the same for him. His smile is misleading to everyone though, seeing he has major trust issues you'd think his shyness was due to something more lighthearted, like growning up an only child or some soft shit like that. Digging deeper he's much more depressed than a person should be. But he stays positive and things seem to be looking up the longer he lives, however long that will be.

He isn't exactly a timid creature but he doesnt crave conflict, he prefers to be in the crowd, not the one getting crowded on. But he has had his moments of being outgoing, most have ended in utter failures but he keeps his hopes up. His knack for being a little too quite has leads him to often not be liked by others, which he doesn't mind because he probably isnt very fond of them either, he does try to find the good side of people though, a nice trait of be an angelic breed I guess.

Al has the power to manipulate objects with his mind and move them how he would please. He can only do so to things he can see as his sight is an important part of his ability. His powers are rather general so as far as he knows there's nothing his mind cannot move as long as it's in eyesight.

He also has the ability to move from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between it if he thinks of a destination he can appear there at will. He has to have seen where he's going at some point in his life, whether its through pictures, movies, or actually being there himself.

He can heal people, usually in small ways like curing broken or withered plants, closing most wounds (deeper or fatal ones may be harder to do) and small scale broken bones.

Anything else you wish to add?

So begins...

Xavier Johnson's Story


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Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson
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"Jesus the sun is bright as shit today!" He screeched. Al was walking up to an unbelievably tall wooden area, finally he would become shielded from the overly harsh sun. Formally known as Xavier, the blond haired kid walked through the forest. Trecking through Al decided to come to a stop, his endurance was being tested, he'd been walking since the last time he'd seen a road.

Al dropped his duffle bag and pulled out his notpad. He had came to a rather pretty place where the sun shined through the various trees around him, he wasn't much a fan of naturalism, but to deny it's natural beauty would be childish, he only made these notes for songs. He loved creating various similes, metaphors and outight comparisons with everything, often using the outside world to coincide with the feelings he wrote his music on.

Deciding it was about time he reached the mansion, Al put his things away quickly and moved on. He dreaded being in a house with so many other people, the invitation he had gotten made it clear he was going to be surrounded by other supernatual beings, if you want to call them that. Whoever Glitch was seemed to know what buttons to press with Al, she even addressed him by his real name in the invite. He or she, was deeply invested in this.

Meeting new people wasn't a thing Al was bad at, it just wasn't a strong suit. But there's nothing wrong with a change of scenery, it already looks better than his homeland of Algeria, hopefully he'll like it just as much. The trees seemed to get bigger and thicker and the path less obvious, he stopped and turned. He took a complete 360, maybe he had taken a wrong turn, gotten off on the wrong road. "Fuck It". Al put his arms between the branches and leaves and came through on the other side.

Al came through on the other side to be surprised by a gigantic white wood cabin, he searched around the house a bit, seeng a surprisingly clean bright blue pool. Al yelled in his loudest possible voice "Anybody here!?" Al walked near the front door, still awing at the house, such a large mansion in the middle of nowhere, if it wasn't so cleanit would look abandoned with it's lack of people of course. Al made sure to look without touching, he didn't want to make a bad first impression. He sat down on the edge of the house steps, waiting for someone respond to his call from earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Monicue Character Portrait: Farah Djinn Character Portrait: Rain Character Portrait: Cheyanne Carter Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson Character Portrait: Adam Boswell
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Cheyanne knew there were others in the house. Their voices echoed in the hall and she could hear some of the others. In fact one of them was in a room. A door was ajar and she wanted to go in to see who had joined her in this hallway. As she quietly made her way toward the room a voice called to her. β€œExcuse me!” Her feet stopped moving and she turned around. It was a woman who had called to her. She was quite pretty and around the same height as the phoenix. The firebird walked away from the room and toward the woman that had called out to her. β€œAre you Glitch?”. The blonde giggled a bit and then shook her head. A smile formed on her face. "Sadly no. But I would like to meet the host myself" she said. As Cheyanne was talking, she was examining the girl in front of her. Trying to figure out who she was, just by the way she stood. It failed, but it was worth a shot.

"Anybody here!?" The young woman turned her head toward the voice. More people. Her excitement level was high, you could see it in her eyes. She turned back to the red head. "I'm going to go see who else is here" she informed her. The firebird turned on her heels and started walking down the hall. She passed the room with the door that was slightly opened. Cheyanne would return to this room later. She didn't bother checking to see if the red head was following behind her, she just assumed she would. If not then it isn't her problem. Holding the railing, she made her way back down the steps toward the front door. So many people had arrived within moments of her own arrival. A flame burned in her eyes and a brighter smile formed on her face. She stood at the bottom step and looked at everyone. Although she wasn't Glitch, she was the first one here.

"Hi!" she said to everyone within ear shot. Quickly she decided to skip introducing herself to them. She didn't know them so her identity will remain a mystery. "I'm not Glitch, but as the first person here I thought I should let you know there are rooms up these steps." the fire bird said pointing up. "I just wanted to give a warm welcome. As a phoenix, I'm pretty skilled at that" she finished. The smile never dropped from her face and the flame still burned in her eyes. This new life she entered was going to be rather interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Monicue Character Portrait: Farah Djinn Character Portrait: Rain Character Portrait: Cheyanne Carter Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson Character Portrait: Glitch
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G L I T C H.


Glitch knew, somewhere in her mind, that the majority of her invited guests would be arriving at her home at any moment, if they weren't already there when she finally reached the building. She appreciated punctuality above most else when it came to guests, and must've seemed a bit hypocritical at that point because she'd clearly stated that she wanted them at the house by 10am, and no later. She moved with an unspeakable swiftness, her feet light against the ground as she travelled through the forest, nimbly avoiding trees and streams on her way to the house. Behind her came the sound of paws thudding against the soft mud of the forest floor, a sound that she'd gotten used to over the passing months that Alexander had been in her care. He hadn't liked to be alone when Glitch went on one of her little scouting trips, so he'd often accompany her. Glitch had turned only her head, giving her a better view of the stunning black creature beside her. It was then that she realised how fast she was travelling, due to the fatigue in his eyes and the slight blur that his body carried as he went. A smile lined her lips.

Approaching the back entrance of the house, Glitch slowed herself to a halt and eyed the building, her head cocking to the side in an Avian-like manner. "I hear voices.. They must be here," she mumbled, her voice almost disappearing as she spoke. A pout had caused her bottom lip to push itself outwards until it was ahead of the other, and a frown lowered her eyebrows slowly. A sense of doubt filled Glitch's mind, causing her to think that they'd think less of her hosting abilities because she had arrived later than them; it wasn't entirely her fault though, she had gotten caught up in certain things. The feeling of a wet nose and masses of fur had brought her back to the present, and she found that Alex had nuzzled her arm lightly. Her expression changed almost instantly, from a sad frown to a smile as she let out a small giggle and shoved the male's head lightly. His eyes watched her for a moment, before she set off towards the door, opened it and stepped inside her home, carrying the lingering smile as she looked at each and every one of them.

In all honesty, there were less people inside than Glitch had thought there'd be, but she could sense others were around; outside or upstairs, but they were all there somewhere. "Apologies," she said as she walked further into the living room and across into the kitchen, which were joined as one, and set the plastic shopping bag on the counter beside the fridge, "somebody drank the last of the milk this morning, and forgot to tell me we needed more." To anyone that didn't know Glitch very well, it looked as if her mood had changed in a matter of seconds, her expression now a threatening glare as she turned to the brute sat on the far side of the room; he lowered his head with a whimper, but said nothing else. She chuckled as she finally let a smirk creep its way onto her lips once more, before she turned to the people in her house. "If you hadn't already guessed it, I'm Glitch. The Wolf, over there, is Alex. Welcome!" she exclaimed, somewhat enthusiastically. She placed both hands on the counter behind her, and jumped up to take a seat, her legs crossing. "Did you all find a room to stay in, or..?"

A L E X.


Alexander sat away from the group that had gathered in Glitch's living room, his bright amber eyes watching their every movement. Due to his wariness and distrust of other people, he kept up his transformation (despite his fatigue) and would continue to do so until he trusted them enough. He always thought Glitch was tiny, but looking at the other people in the house - especially the men - had made him realise just how large he was. Even when sat down, he towered over all of them. Each of his paws were around the same size as an average human's head. If it weren't for the unusually high ceiling, he probably wouldn't be able to sit inside whilst in his wolf form, at least not without having to dip his head. And yet, regardless of his brutish capabilities and size, he would never imagine himself to be capable of going against Glitch. There was something about her that sent a shiver down his spine, but he loved her like a sister and wouldn't leave her side until one of them were dead.

He hadn't really been paying much attention to the conversation before he noticed that Glitch had mentioned the milk issue, and he lowered his head as a harsh feeling of guilt washed over him. It was only milk, but Glitch had a way of making him feel like he'd just killed her entire family. God only knows how she did it. Perhaps it was just his canine instincts, to be loyal to a human; it made him feel like the smallest thing he'd do wrong would be the end of their friendship, and he was extremely loyal to Glitch - no matter what. Unknowingly, a whimper had escaped his throat, his ears now pinned backwards as his head hung low. He hadn't seen her change of expression, and so he simply stood himself up, shook his pelt free of dirt and pretty much covered the living area in small pebbles and piecing of soil, before making his way outside to one of the gardens. It looked more like a field than anything. Alex loved to run around in it.

Now that he was a reasonable distance from any sort of supernatural creature (and Glitch would probably warn them if they tried to approach him), he let his wolf form drop. The Wolf's pelt was clearing of all fur as its body started to shrink in size and shift its shape from that of a wolf to a human. Unlike the many myths and legends regarding Werewolves, Alexander would return to his human form fully-clothed, though those clothes would be tattered and worn-out. Now back to normal, he ran his hand through his scruffy hair, before taking a seat on the grass beneath him. He let a small sigh break through his lips, but made no sounds other than that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Monicue Character Portrait: Farah Djinn Character Portrait: Rain Character Portrait: Cheyanne Carter Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson Character Portrait: Glitch
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#, as written by Saerith

The sound of tires racing on the asphalt sent chills down his spine. There was no turning back now. Eli turned his head to glance wistfully at the spot his boss's car had been just a seconds ago and frowned slightly. John was apparently eager to get rid of him and never asked any questions about the strange location, only just helped Elias removing his luggage from the trunk of the car and hit the road. Now, staring at the long patch he had already hiked into the woods, the young, tall man trembled slightly, his hair a terrible mess, his hands, sweaty and slippery. He had been walking for several minutes now, carrying two heavy bags, his feet sore inside the shoes that were most certainly not made for walking long distances, and, deep inside, he felt like he had made the wrong decision. As always.
Of course he would be safer from things like storms and lightning, and certainly any bed they could manage would be more comfortable than crashing on the old, dusty mattress behind the cafe, but was it really worth it? This place, this house... He felt ambushed. A strange location, in the middle of the woods, prowling with with powerful beings, people who could actually be dangerous and capable of hurting him. And then of course there was a more basic, human fear of him; even if they were all harmless, he knew no one. He didn't want to feel lonely again. Sitting down, Elias felt overwhelmed by all of this. It was frustrating for him not having any control of the events yet to come. And what if he was the one to harm someone? After all, hurting people was the only thing his abilities seemed to be good for.
He heard a voice not so far from his position and a soft breeze caressed his exposed neck. He couldn't really figure out what the voice said, but it meant he should be a lot closer to his destination, whatever that was. Forcing himself to stand up, Volt continued walking. Complaining would do him no good, he decided, his only option now was to move on and, if he was doing so, do it properly. Practicing a friendly smile, he emerged into a wider area.
There it was. This had to be it. Surrounded by trees and a few people, there was an enormous white cabin. The smile on his face became a little more natural once his light, weary eyes lingered over the pool and gardens. Nevertheless, it quickly faded when he spotted a large silhouette, a black giant creature walking out the front door. Is this what he would be facing? Is that what the invitation meant by "others like you"?
After a few moments, after Eli could finally wipe the expression of shock out of his face, he gulped and approached the house. Not knowing what to expect, he cracked the door slowly and peeked inside to find a small group of people standing in the room. They didn't seem dangerous, so he let himself in and placed his bags on the floor. Apparently he had interrupted something. Only then did he notice his clocked showed fifteen minutes after ten. He was late. "I'm really sorry. I received this..." he said lowly, his voice fading. He blushed severely while waving the letter in the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Monicue Character Portrait: Farah Djinn Character Portrait: Cheyanne Carter Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson Character Portrait: Glitch Character Portrait: Alexander Devon
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Adam Boswell

Adam was so focused on the girl in front of him that he didn't even realize someone was behind him until they coughed as well. He jumped slightly and turned around quickly. How could he have been so stupid? Anyone could have tricked him into coming here, snuck behind him, and knocked him out like that. He was going to have to be a lot more careful. But before Adam could jump to any conclusions about the person in front of him, who was also a girl, she spoke for herself. "Hey, you know how many more are in there? And what about these?" She held up an invitation, and Adam could tell it had most of the same writing on it as his had. He relaxed a little bit and shook his head. "Sorry, I have no idea."

When another girl stepped out of the forest from behind the newcomer, Adam was a little more prepared. But at the sight of three girls and no other guys, he began to worry inside. Had he gone to the wrong mansion? Was it like that one movie he watched with his mom one time where a boy was accidently sent to a girl's summer camp? That would suck big time. "You guys got the letter too?" Adam nodded and pulled his letter out of his backpack for proof. He scanned it quickly, but it made no mention of a girls-only or boys-only section. So maybe he was just the first guy to arrive or something? That idea gave Adam a small sense of comfort.

He studied the two girls in front of him, but nothing about them gave away what they were. Strangely enough, they actually looked slightly similar. But since they hadn't arrived together and didn't show any signs of recognition, it must just be a strange coincidence. Adam still wasn't completely comfortable being surrounded by three girls that he didn't know and was debating about taking off when he heard what was definitely a guy call out, "Anybody here!?" He gave a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. At least he wouldn't be completely alone in this. Adam looked at the three girls he was with, wracking his brain for something to say. Luckily, he was spared an awkward silence when yet another girl made an appearance. "I'm not Glitch, but as the first person here I thought I should let you know there are rooms up these steps." Actual bedrooms? This place was sounding better and better. His old place hadn't been a dump, but it was no mansion either.

Finally, Glitch appeared, along with a very large wolf. Adam could guess just by looking that it was probably a werewolf, and although Alex could be masculine or feminine, he was going to hope it was a male. Glitch welcomed everyone even while scolding the werewolf next to her. "Did you all find a room to stay in, or..?" Adam shook his head, but didn't say anything. Surely someone else would have the courage to speak up. It would probably be one of the two girls he just met. "I'm really sorry. I received this..." Adam looked towards the door and smiled inwardly. Another male. This didn't seem so bad now. Maybe most of the guys were just running late.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Raven Monicue Character Portrait: Farah Djinn Character Portrait: Rain Character Portrait: Cheyanne Carter Character Portrait: Xavier Johnson
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#, as written by Saerith
Once the blonde turned to walk down the hallway, Sam looked around searching for anyone else that may have arrived, but not spotting other people, she just rushed to follow the other girl. Is not exactly like she could go around asking people if they were Glitch. As they passed the room that had it's door half open, Sam peeked inside. Apparently, a lot of people had already arrived, which she did not expect. In her experience, people didn't often arrive at events at the time pointed in the invitation, but then again, this was not an everyday situation. That made her a little nervous; from the looks of that girl, and of the man that she had spotted inside the room, those people were confident and comfortable with this situation and had already made themselves comfortable, but she was just really a bit confused.

As they finally reached the front door, Sam stood a few steps before the phoenix as she introduced herself. Seeing all those people made her heart race and a broad smile wrinkled her nose. Maybe she was lost and confused but all those different faces gave her a reassuring certainty that, however this would work, it would be fun. Just as these thoughts entered her mind, someone else walked into the door and, after her, a enormous wolf. Sam's smile slowly faded from her mouth and turned into an expression of awe. Fascinating. They both were outstanding creatures. Although she should feel threatened by "Alex", as Glitch had introduced him, being a wolf and therefor a predator to her own original species, she actually felt rather compelled to him, but decided it wouldn't be a good idea to follow once he had left. Glitch, on the other hand, was glowing with confidence and power. She was just as charming and pretty as the phoenix, and her presence alone seemed to change the whole atmosphere.

As they all stood there, two more men arrived at the living room and everyone seemed to be waiting for someone to reply to Glitch's question, so Sam climbed down the last steps and approached her. "Hum, miss Glitch? Is there any room division we should know of?" she asked shyly. "I'm Samantha Porter, by the way, you can call me Sam. I received your invitation and, hum... Brought you something to thank you for it. Hope that's ok. I didn't know there would be a second host, if that's what Alex is, so I didn't get him anything. You don't have to wear it if you don't like it, I just thought..." she mentally shushed herself, deciding she had already said too much. It was common for her to ramble at times. Rapidly shoving her hand on the front pocket of her dark, loose jeans, she removed the necklace from it and offered it to Glitch, nervously observing her reaction.