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"Don't come any closer!"

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a character in “Escape... And Remember...”, originally authored by Steffix, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Rina
Rinaā€™s personality is a good question to ask for. Still no one seems to find the real answer for it. Even Rina herself canā€™t find the answer after recent events. ā€œWhat happened to me?ā€ Is a question she often asks herself. Because of this she feels the urge to find out what happened. Digging further in her personality she found out that she isnā€™t the type to be scared of most things, though she is scared of one thing and that is the feeling she feels when she tries to remember about her past. She feels that something isnā€™t right with her past and that something really bad might have happened to her. Rina also found out that she is a ā€˜strongā€™ woman in the sense of mentality. She found that out almost immediately after she woke up. She could feel a huge pain flowing through her body. The center of this pain was a, not so old, wound on the side of her belly. Even though it hurts like hell, she can still continue to do whatever she wants to do. This is how she found out that she is a mentally strong woman. Though she is mentally strong, she isn't really the physically strong type. She found this out when she tried to move a stone which was far too hard for her. She also found out that she is an intelligent girl. She was really pleased to find this out actually because she would need this to find out what happened. After a few little tests to find out her personality, she started to wonder about how she would react in front of people. Would she be a nice personā€¦ Orā€¦ Maybe a mean person? She came to the conclusion that she would find this out once she actually met one. If she would actually meet oneā€¦
Rina is a very smart girl and for an unknown reason she has great reflexes. She normally doesnā€™t show any symptoms of fair but there is one exception on this and that is her past. She also seems to be a great survivalist. If Rina would ever get into a fight then she can protect herself. Because of her great reflexes, Rina is really good in dodging and handing out attacks. Rina is also a great runner.
The wound on the side of her belly causes Rina to constantly feel a great pain flowing though whole her body, this is a great disadvantage for her because she canā€™t fully concentrate on anything she does because of the pain. She is also pretty weak and because of this she can barely lift anything or do any great damage using her bare hands alone. If the pain becomes too much to handle for her, it is possible for her to scream, stop moving, faint or even worseā€¦
Rina isnā€™t able to remember anything about her relatives and her relationshipsā€¦ In fact she canā€™t even remember anything at all. But stillā€¦ When Rina tries to think about her relatives or relationships, she feels a very fearful feeling. She tends to get really scared about this feeling. As if something bad has happened in her pastā€¦
None yet.
None yet.
Character's Journal:
- I slowly opened my eyes when I suddenly felt a huge pain flow through my whole body. Without realizing my right hand immediately grabbed a wound at my side. The wound still seems to be bleeding and it hurt like hellā€¦ Still I try to stand up. After finally managing to stand up, I looked around me to see where I was. It was a rather strange place. I could see a huge ruin before. The sun was shining brightly trough the stones. It was probably somewhat around noon. I walked a few steps in the direction of the ruin but as soon as I did this I felt regret from moving. ā€œThe sun made me forget about that wound and now it hurts even moreā€¦ā€ I thought while the pain in my side got bigger. I stopped moving and wanted to lie down again trying to remember about my past. But then suddenly I got this fearful feeling. Without realizing it my body started to shake. I even got a little scared of remembering my past. I was about to fall down again because of this fear but something stopped me. Thoughts started to flow though my mind saying the weirdest things ever. ā€œWhat happened to me?ā€ ā€œWhere am I?ā€ ā€œWhy do I have such a painful wound?ā€ where a few of the thought which flew through my mind. I literally shut down my mind for a moment just to get rid of these thoughts. I looked back at the place where I was lying to see if there was anything interesting there. But all I could see was a bed made of grass. I tried to observe my situation and came to a conclusion that I was in a really bad one. I was probably alone and no one would come to help me. I had no food or anything to drink and I couldnā€™t see any place where there could be population. The memory loss made it only worse. How can someone even forget his own name? I decided to call myself Rina from that point. I picked that name because it was the first word that came into my mind when I wondered about my name. After picking a name I slowly walked into the ruins ignoring the constant pain flowing through my whole body.

So begins...

Rina's Story


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#, as written by Steffix
"A-are you... Okay?"

The voice of a young man echoed through Rina's thoughts. "Yes I am fine" She replied to him. Rina looked at the manā€™s face and tried to look politely. "Hello, my name is Rina and you must be one of the people who helped me." Rina started to smile and said: "I am very grateful for that. Thank you." Even though Rina said this, she was still pretty confused about what was happening. But everyone would probably be. Rina lost her memories and woke up outside some ruins but maybe the others knew more. "Say... Do you know where we are?" Rina asked with some hesitation. "And what is this room here where everyone went in just a moment ago?" Rina was noticing that she was probably asking too many questions and that this could maybe see rude. "I am sorry I don't mean to ask for so much questions but I am very confused right now... Please don't think rude of me now." Rina apologized with a gentle smile to the man.


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Character Portrait: Rina Character Portrait: Alaric
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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric smiled as he listened to the girl ramble on. He was glad she was ok and held his hand up after her apology. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad your alright. But I'm sorry, I probably don't know anymore than you. As for the others, we think that room might hold some supplies that might help us. We're in desperate need of water and most importantly," Alaric pointed to her wound, "we need to get you cleaned up." Something about her voice seemed strangely familiar, as if he had heard it more than once before. Why was she so familiar? It was strange. Alaric chuckled. They would worry about that later. "I'm Alaric by the way." Mabye his name would ring a bell. Did she know who he was? But was that even his real name?


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Character Portrait: Rina Character Portrait: Alaric
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#, as written by Steffix
"Don't worry about it. I'm glad youā€™re alright. But I'm sorry, I probably don't know any more than you. As for the others, we think that room might hold some supplies that might help us. We're in desperate need of water and most importantly," The man before Rina said and a moment later he pointed at her Rina's wound. "we need to get you cleaned up." And after s short pause he said. "I'm Alaric by the way." Rina looked at Alaric. It was rather strange that Rina seemed to recognize this person after taking a good look at him. Could it be that she once knew this person? But Rina seemed to shove those thoughts away. "I can't suspect anything until I really know what is going on." Rina looked at her wound where Alaric pointed to a moment ago. "Oh don't worry about it..." Rina said with a gentle tone in her voice. "It's just a scratch." After saying this she took another look to the room where others seemed to find supplies. Maybe there was something that could give her a hint of her past so Rina would love to search in the room a little. "Come one let's go." Rina said with a joyful smile to hide the real pain she was in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rina Character Portrait: Alaric
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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric got to his feet and held out his hand. She was not okay and he knew it. "Alright." It was a good thing she was so positive towards her situation. 'She always acts like this, not wanting anybody to worry about her.' Alaric shook his head, confused. What was that just now? Was that him who was thinking? Strange. Alaric put the voice aside and focused on Rina. Hopefully he would find something in that room that belonged to him.