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I have to get out. That is my only priority.

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a character in “Escape... And Remember...”, as played by Abalyth


Age: 19
Gender: Male
Being a height of just a hair over six feet tall and with as much visible muscle power as his body possesses, it is immediately intimidating to think what could have brought a man, even as young as he, down. Whatever he did before he ended up in the ruins, it is clear he spent a lot of time involving himself in physical labor. His hair is short and dark, and currently infested with flecks of gray dust that he cannot seem to remove. His eyes are dark, at first glance in this dim lighting look brown, but they're actually a very dark shade of blue. His clothes are thin, were once white but now they're stained with sweat, blood and yellowed with age. On his right upper arm he has a wound that has been hurriedly and messily stitched together with black thread. His body is bruised, including a purple spot on his right cheek. The growing stubble on his face and the shaggy condition of his hair suggests that he's been unconscious for some length of time- but he can't remember the last time he shaved, so it doesn't really help. Though he can't see it, Talon has an inscription on his right shoulder blade, consisting of a solid black intricate shape and the letters in bold, black calligraphy, TALON.
Attributes: Talon is physically fit in the most strict sense. He is built like a warrior, which makes his very presence intimidating. What he lacks in wisdom and endurance, he makes up for in brute force. He is disciplined, and has the mentality of a battle strategist.

Weaknesses His mountain-like structure makes it hard for him to go through narrow passages and to move swiftly or quietly. His mind has been conditioned for fighting and survival, and so some of his humanity has slipped away.


When Talon was finally confronted by people, he discovered that he felt oddly protective of them. For some unknown reason, he feels as though he is superior to them... possibly because most of them are tinier than he is... But he tries to be polite and understanding.


Talon came across a set of dull black full armor in a room in the ruins. It is designed for silence, he noticed. He knows, somehow, that this armor is his, but it does little to jog his memory about anything he did or has done. The armor appears to be a layered combination of chain mail, leather and solid plate, but is deceptively light. Along with the armor came a double bladed battleaxe that is also solid, dull black except right where the blade thins into its deadly point.


Day I: Um, hi. I don't know how to start this. I'm in a... stone-cavern thing and I am sore. I am sore. Writing what is going on isn't going to help me solve anything. I'm going to take an inventory of everything. I have a big gash in my arm that looks poorly attended to. Fighting wound, maybe? I have four bruises on my torso. Six on my right leg. There are exits I see, but I think I can only fit through about half of them, maybe. I need a weapon. Found a rock with a point. Good enough. I don't know what is going on, I can't recall anything. I just know that I am here, and now I have to get out. That is my only priority. I will count the days until it happens.
Later: I found someone! She cried out for help after I took a fall down a passageway. It took me a while to find her, I think her yelling for help made her pass out... that, or the serious wound on her side. I tied it up for her.
But there is something else, too... When I was laying on the ground after my fall, I thought I was going to die. There was this... voice, I guess, but it didn't have a sound- like how people have sounds, how his voice is deep and how her voice is high-pitched, it was just.. words. They wouldn't let me stay on the ground. I asked it for a reason for me to get up, and then I heard the lady yell. Then it seemed like my death would be... selfish. Like I could not rest, or something, until I found this girl. Who am I?
I am waiting for her to wake up now.

Day II: ? I think. Met more people, others like myself. Things are getting too busy to keep up with... We found a room being guarded and Alaric and I killed him... well, actually, I beheaded him. It made the voice go away. Inside the room, I found my armor. Yes, my armor. I don't know how I knew it was mine, but when I started putting it on, the voice started again. It spoke to me with... reverence, almost. It also came with this axe that is so beautifully crafted I feel like I'm unworthy of holding it.
Day II?: There was a time a while ago when the lights seemed to get darker. But, in truth, I can't really tell. My vision doesn't seem to change. I met two more people: A nice girl- fearful, she is absolutely terrified, the poor thing- and a man named Alaric. Well, I don't know if that's his name or not, it was on a paper he had on him at the time. Apparently I have a name on my shoulder: Talon. I wish I could see it. But in the fight for a need for identity, I'm assuming it's my name.
Something else odd happened today. The girl I found... I'm flustered trying to think of how to say this... She's... pretty. There it is again, that pain. Whenever I look at someone, or think of them, I get this awful pain in my head. I think it's the voice... but I don't know for certain.

So begins...

Talon's Story