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"It could be worse. Right?"

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a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by Aramay


Name: Aramay
Age: 28
Mutation/Abilities: Failed chimera: Due to unknown factors mutations from the concoction of DNA she was given, expressed themselves far more than anyone expected. The results of this are still unfolding and so unusual that she is often checked on and tested to see what each new change brings. Thus far she's shown increasing dexterity in her tail and feet along with improved vision in low to no-light settings. And when properly motivated, can cover long distances in a short amount of time, but not for very long.
Mutation Appearance: With a somewhat elongated spine she has a slightly hunched appearance; ending in a naked, lean, two foot long tail. Her fingertips look puffy and are tipped with the beginnings of thick, rounded claws. While her elongated feet makes her legs more digitigrade like an animal's the toes on her feet are rather long; almost like that of a rat, only much more dexterous like a monkey's where the big toe almost acts as a thumb for grip. So far her face has maintained most of its humanity but her teeth have been slowly falling out to be replaced by much sharper canines. Her facial features have elongated slightly to try and compensate for the increased number of teeth that are still growing in. Her ears have also grown a bit and shown increased signs of independent movement.
Description: Her most recent measurements put her at 5'8" while at the same time her weight has dropped to a lean 120lbs. Medium length wavy brown hair often falls in her face. Large green eyes peek out from underneath. Originally there was nothing that stood out as exceptional for her physically and she came off as average for the most part.
Personality: She comes across as lethargic and tired most of the time. Before all of this she was far more outgoing and social after growing tired of being nervous and awkward around people during much of her teen years. Now she finds it extremely challenging to trust others; including those who are like her. Living through a great deal of discomfort daily has made her much more irritable and snaps at anyone who either willingly or unwillingly contributes to those pains, ie grabbing her too hard or prodding a particularly sore area. It also leaves her feeling incredibly prone to guilt afterwards.
Strengths: Exceptional eyesight in low light and dexterity makes it easy for her to slink around people while making almost no noise if she can focus enough. She's extremely patient when it comes to watching and learning about what's going on around her if it means that the learned information can be used to her advantage. With the help of Holmes' abilities she does an amazing job of sneaking up on anyone they deem as her target.
Weaknesses: Her eyes have a harder time adjusting to bright lights making it easy to temporarily stun her with the wave of a flash light. Her sight becomes blurry in brightly lit rooms. With the difficulty she has eating its hard for her to take in enough calories to keep her strong enough to fight or exert herself for very long. She can't change back and forth like the other animal mutations. The pain she has to endure from the changes further discourages her from doing much unless she's properly motivated. Like the promise of pain killers to easy her bodily aches.
Fears: Tightly confining spaces, being restrained in anyway and being stuck with needles used to be baseless fears for her until not too long ago.
Worst Torture: Being suddenly given to another caretaker to be experimented on and stuck in her cell and being expected to eat, sleep, 'normally' when she can barely feed herself and deal with the persistent pain that she can hardly stand without the aid of relief.
Writing Sample: It was supposed to just be a trial study. An opportunity for extra income to help pay for some surprise bills that came in the mail. She was told it would be easy money. The first hint should have been when she had to leave her cellphone and other belongings in a basket. Why they insisted that people walked in separately instead of staying together as a group from the moment they walked in the front door. The security was unusually tight in and around the area. They didn't even bother discussing details of the trial tests before feeling the jab of a needle, and then she was out.

Waking up to an unfamiliar room, on an unfamiliar bed, with unfamiliar smells, sights and sounds would jar anyone. Her pleas and calls for help were fairly standard for anyone who was held against their will. But once the needles came, the pains hit and then the expressions of surprise from the guards and staff did she really start to fear for herself. Things weren't going as planned and she took no time with figuring that out. There were talks of what to do with her when it got even worse. Part of it being that there were so many changes, she couldn't eat normally. The pain also stunted her appetite. She was more than willing to just lay in a corner and waste away. But instead of allowing that to happen they decided that it was more beneficial to see it through since she wasn't much of a danger and couldn't put up that much of a fight. They started feeding her through a tube to sustain her long enough so that she would start eating on her own again. Or at least see how long she would last.

There were a few minor incidents that occurred from both sides. Once they figured out that they couldn't manhandle her as roughly as the others and were begrudgingly more gentle, she calmed down, proving to be probably one of the least troublesome of the subjects. One guard ended up giving her a small red ball that could fit in her hand as a means of physical therapy. To keep her moving, give her something to grip, squeeze, catch, throw. It wasn't like they could take her to a warm bath daily to keep her muscles from cramping up on her and making her painfully stiff. This wasn't a place that catered to special treatment.

Just recently they found that she would be more useful when she (barely) managed to catch an escaped subject and inquiry grew on if she could do that again. In exchange she would have her pains eased as the changes were less than kind to her body. At first she was hesitant. But when she found that they weren't done experimenting on her to see how she would turn out; the fear of having to deal with more pain made her agree.


So begins...

Aramay's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
It took some effort to stir Ara awake. The pain that would have registered from having her foot shaken normally would cause enough of a jolt to send her reeling. She was dead still enough to appear as though she wasn't breathing at first glance. The very short rest from the ride made her look like she was fairing worse for wear. She was slow to sit up with a growing sense of listlessness about her. A familiar voice squelched inside her head from the transmitter, and her only reaction was with a blink and a twitch. Her clothes stuck to her skin from sweating in her sleep. Taking a sleeve, she wiped what she thought was drool from her mouth but the metallic taste told her otherwise. She felt around her mouth but she couldn't find any cuts or any place she could have bitten her cheek in her sleep.

Seeing that the truck stopped, she could only assume that they had arrived at what she hoped was their original destination before the others became concerned with trusting her. And the other, woman. She would certainly be the last one off the flat bed. Normally this would be around the time that Holmes or one of the guards would come in to help feed her. It was a wonder why he would put so much effort into keeping her alive. Only then did it occur to her that it would prove to be a challenge to live outside the Lab without quite a bit of help. Of all of the other mutants she looked the least relieved to be there.

Stepping onto the ground hurt her feet. Just about everything hurt, yet she somehow found away to forget just long enough to recoil slightly in surprise. Her ears perked and her eyes started to dart about from the noises around her, suddenly becoming overly aware of her surroundings. All of it was making her wince and draw her shoulders up so that she looked hunched and perturbed about the new location.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Chris looked at the the female mutant with a cautious eye as she offered Edur the jacket. She seemed nice enough and she looked very weak and tired, more so than the rest of them, he hoped that she would get the rest she needed once they reached Aileen's home. Once everyone was back in the car and they started to drive to Aileen's home Chris went back to watching through the window, glancing back every so often to keep an eye on the two new mutants. He looked at the woman in rags with a small amount of concern for her condition but looked at the tiger woman with a cautious glint to his eye.

Once they reached their destination he quickly got out of the car and viewed his surroundings. He was glad to be in such a wide and open area. In fact he was glad that they were finally some place they could rest, he tried not to show just how tired he was but he honestly felt rather exhausted after escaping from the lab. He watched the others and noticed that the woman in rags was slow to get out of the bed of the truck. After looking her again he had a hard time believing she was really a hunter. He didn't think that a hunter would be in such bad shape, but he was glad that she was finally somewhere safe. Well somewhat safe at least, he was glad to be here but he was sure that the lab would still be hunting them. Not to mention he was decently sure that the tiger woman was a hunter as well, he wasn't sure just how safe it would be as long as she was here with them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Olek rolled his shoulders once the truck ground to a halt. He briefly glanced down at the radio clipped to his chest and thoughts of Bast quickly crossed his mind. He rubbed his temples and clenched his jaw as he argued with himself. He didn't want to leave her behind, she was likely out of radio range, so it was unclear if Bast was even alive. They wouldn't kill her, she was experimented on, she could have important data. Olek reasoned with himself. If she was captured, her trail would rapidly grow cold. Olek glanced at the others approaching Aileen's large home. He rubbed his good eye, clearly exhausted, sleep deprived even. If he could find Bast's location, Olek was in no shape to help. Tomorrow then. Olek concluded to himself.

He quickly stepped down after noting the exchange between Dray and Ara. Olek's eyes drifted over them both, he halted for a few moments, but proceeded to walk towards Aileen's home. Just for tonight. Olek shifted his stance as he swayed back and forth. Black dots danced around his vision once more. Olek shook his head again, the thoughts of a bed quickly overtook his desire to eat. Olek's brain was essentially trained to be constantly rigid and alert. It proved taxing to say the least. Olek focused on putting one foot in front of the other. He focused on nothing else. Everything sounded muffled, it was almost as if someone was covering Olek's ears as he progressed. The only thing he could hear was the grass crunching underneath his feet, and his shallow breaths.

After a few moments, Olek arrived at the door. He blinked slowly a few times before stepping aside for the others. It wasn't his home, he didn't want to impose more than he already had, so he simply waited for the others to enter first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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When they pulled up to the house Edur's mouth dropped open. Being born away from normal lives she really had no idea what a home would look like. Sure she made pictures in her mind from the rare chance some guards would speak of their home, but other then that Edur was clueless.

In the corner of her eyes something glitiered and Edur stepped from the truck in awe. It was different from the Lab but still Edur felt slightly hesitant as she got a closer look. She had no idea what was on the inside.

The group made their way to the door and Edur followed with a hand gripping Chris. She felt a little bad for hanging on him all the time but fear outweighed guilt in this situation.

Olek, she noticed, stopped at the door. She wondered why he didn't open it. But then again it was the Healer Ladies home. Maybe he wished to not be rude or he couldn't get in without her help. Either way Edur wished they would hurry. Being in the open wasn't the best feeling at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
The voices through the transmitter would intermittently come through. They rang through as incoherent droning to her much like the voices of the others speaking around her. The causes could have been pain, stress, exhaustion, both mental and physical, weakness from hunger, the treatments. Any one of those answers would be true to an extent. A good number of the others were sharing similar difficulties. Her reaction to seeing the door to the house open was almost humorously slow if the air around them wasn't so thickly coated with a layer of malaise. It was actually Kisa's snarl that jolted her to attention just enough to get her to go inside once she saw that the feline had freed herself. But not before her eyes blankly stare at the sleeping Kyra for a few moments first.

She swallowed dryly while trying to avoid letting the blood in her mouth go down her throat. The lingering taste of it was making her nauseous. It wasn't like there was anything that she could throw up. Though the act of it would sap the last trickle of energy she still clung to right out of her if she did. Her face felt hot and tight as though her skin was being stretched. Ara's sleeve would go up to her face again, sniffling as Aileen spoke to the others. A warm trickling feeling from her nostrils. And as she brought her sleeve down, red would run from her nose and down her upper lip as if someone just punched her. Her other hand; which still held the bag of clothes comes up to stop herself from dripping blood on the floor. "Ahm srry hmm srry." She mumbled not wanting attention drawn on her. Not any more than she already had. Instead she tried to have Olek tended to. "Hm fine, help Olek it's just a bloody nos-...I...fine..." Ara went quiet once the room started to spin. She steadied herself against a piece of furniture to keep from toppling over. She didn't speak another word after that. Only a breathy murmur, then audible breathing. Not to be confused with hyperventilating. All her thoughts suddenly focused on staying upright.

She looked completely zoned out. Laying down sounded like a great idea. But her body was so locked up for fear that she wouldn't be able to lower herself to the floor. No, she felt that if she tried to move just an inch, that all of her muscles would give out on her at once. Poor thing was shaking and sweating while propped up against the furniture. No passing out again. She had to stay awake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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With one tired eye, Olek looked down at Kyra. If he wasn't so dazed, he would've found it amusing that there was a giant Tiger sleeping on the porch of Mansion/farmhouse. Olek didn't really know what to categorize Aileen's home as. He was too tired to maintain his analytic nature. Olek shambled inside after Aileen, noting at the amount of security measures that she had put into place. Careful is good. He continued to move past her, his eye darting around for any semblance of a bed. His eye scanned the hall, but there were only closed doors. The house was large, cozy even. Walls never made Olek feel safe, but for once in a very long time he felt the slightest bit of security. There was security in numbers, not enough to become complacent, but it made him feel slightly less on edge.

His eye was glazed over, and unfocused. He took once step forward only to realize that Aileen was speaking to him. "How bad are they still? Are they bleeding? How badly do they hurt?." Olek stifled a rough chuckle, laughing usually made things better, even if it was fake laughter. It made Olek seem more human. Aileen quickly looked to Hawke, for he too had lost a large amount of blood prior to any healing.

"You two take the first rooms on the left, okay...? I'm going to take her--" she looked at Aramay worriedly "--across the hall, help her get cleaned up. I..if that's okay...." Aileen spoke in a worried tone. Olek glanced down at Aileen's shaking hands, he glanced at her worried expression with sympathy.

Olek was startled when Ara spoke, her voice bringing back memories that Olek wanted to bury. His head turned slowly, giving Ara his full and undivided attention. "Hm fine, help Olek it's just a bloody nos-...I...fine..." She murmured. Olek noted her sickly complexion, and he unsteadiness. She was shaking and sweating, so Olek made a snap decision. He usually wasn't good at comforting people, but he was willing to make an exception if it mean getting some shut eye quicker.

He slowly approached Ara, and placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her from shaking, and to keep her from falling over. Olek spoke in a gentle tone, "Hey..... It's okay, you're safe. No one's going to hurt you." Olek paused, letting his words sink in.

"Let Aileen take a look at you, okay? She can help. I'll be fine, you and I both know that I've walked away from worse." Olek spoke in the most comforting voice that he could muster. He looked into Ara's eyes with his own, looking for recognition, emotional responses, anything. Olek cocked his head to the side to look at Aileen.

"I'll be fine, I'd like to get everyone settled in before I go to bed." Olek stopped and glanced at everyone else. "I think everyone deserves a rest."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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As they walked up to the house Chris was rather glad that he would soon have a chance to rest. Edur was once again clinging to him. Not that he minded and he gave her a small smile to show that it didn't bother him. She's never been outside before and everything she was seeing was completely new to her, so he understood if she felt frightened. He was glad he could comfort her somewhat just by being near.

When they entered Aileen's house Chris couldn't help but bring a smile to his face. He hasn't set foot in an actual house in years and he was rather surprised and pleased to see it was so large. He didn't even mind the mess very much,it was better than his cell, anything was. He already liked it here, it made him feel safe, something he hadn't felt in a very long time. He looked around at the others Kisa was already sleeping and Hawke and Olek both looked to be struggling to stand, the woman in rags however seemed to be in even worse shape. He looked at Aileen when she said she was going to take the injured mutant and try and clean her wounds, she spoke worridly and he gave her a slight enthusiastic nod to show that he agreed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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The rest of the group seemed to get out of the vehicle just fine as they arrived at their destination. The buildings had been left behind and replaced by trees. So the area felt relatively safe to him. What Aileen had called her house was a larger single story building in the middle of a small clearing. As she went inside there were several security checks that she went through even before opening the door. Those he recognized and it almost set him on edge right away. He didn’t want to be trapped inside this woman’s house now that he had been given a taste of the empty space and the freedom of being outside.
The mutant in the bundled clothing appeared to make it alright to the house and went inside. Kyra and Kisa both lied down outside and promptly fell asleep. He didn’t blame them and nearly did the same himself but Hawke and Olek had gone inside already and there was talk of helping the injured. He followed after Chris and Edur through the doorway and glanced around inside. He kept a conscious awareness of the other mutant and Olek, because he had stopped her from falling over, and at the same time looked around at the room that he was in. Aileen had said she could take care of the new mutant and he nodded in agreement. She was the most hurt out of the group and therefore the one in the most need of the healing that this woman could provide.
He figured Olek would get her to the indicated room and he glanced at Hawke. He seemed alright with the surroundings despite them all being tired and in need of food. He glanced at Chris and Edur then nodded his head towards some of the rooms that Aileen had indicated. He moved over to them as well and opened one of the doors. He partially expecting something akin to his cell, as it was the only type of living room he had known, instead he was faced with something new. There wasn’t a cot or bars over the windows, the floors weren’t cement and the whole room had more colors than the normal grey he had seen every day of his life.
The look on his face was one of pure fascination and awe, though it was gone in a few moments and he glanced around to see if anyone had noticed the change. He didn’t like the idea of anyone being able to read his thoughts and rarely let his emotions play on his face. He moved over to large bed, at least that is what he figured this was, the word was passed around the guards mockingly once in a while. He rubbed his hand over the blankets on top and was pleasantly surprised at its softness. He sat down on the edge and relaxed at the soft feeling, so different from the hard cot he had spent every night sleeping on.
He hoped the rest of them were exploring the rooms and were content as he was. The enclosed rooms were still somewhat troubling but he could overlook that small fact for the time being; he could leave the door open anyway. With that thought he laid back and spread his arms out over the bed. He felt like he was being engulfed by it and immediately his eyes began to drift closed as his muscles relaxed into the cloud-like softness. Before he could fall asleep all the way he pushed himself completely onto the bed, though forgetting to cover himself with any of the blankets, and sighed as he let himself drift off to sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Hawke chuckled softly at Aileen's worry. She shook with exhaustion but ordered them around with no cruelty in her voice. Only worry. A healer at heart-- he felt no reason to argue with her or talk back. "Rest sounds like a good idea..." He headed the open doors, and couldn't help but stare. A bed...! It had been years... so long since he'd seen a real bed. A few fluffy pillows, the blan,ets thick and soft... they almost looked like fur. Didn't smell like it, but he bet they were just as warm. The room was easily twice the size of the Lab's cells, maybe even three times. Made it smaller by normal standards, but huge to anyone from the facility. He glanced back toward the others, leaning casually against the doorframe as his vision fuzzed out once more. Aileen smiled, trying to coax the oddly shaped mutant toward a tiled room. The ceramic walls were a pale, gentle blue, everything accented in green....
"Featherhead?" he looked at the new shifter automatically. "That's between you and the healer. Right now, I think sleep is best for us all."

Aileen nodded to Olek, trying to hide her worry. " Just don't push yourself too hard. And get some sleep, the moment everyone's settled." She brushed the girl's arm gently. "I know he's hurt bad still, but he's healed up enough for now. He's going to be fine. Right now, I'm more worried about you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Chris watched as Dray nodded towards him and Edur, then clearly indicating to the rooms. When dray reached one of the rooms Chris noticed that he looked surprised maybe even awestruck, it wasn't really surprising Dray hasn't known anything other than a prison cell for his whole life.

Just as he was about to move forward and find himself a room for the night when Edur squeezed his arm again and looked up at him. "Can we share a room? I don't wanna be alone." He was surprised and thrown completely off guard by her question, yet when she asked it he found his tail start to wag. When he looked at her he tried to wipe of the look of surprise from his face."Share a room? Um I guess it would be alright at least for the one night." He wasn't exactly sure what to say but he figured one night wouldn't hurt and besides he knew how it felt to be alone and he didn't like the idea of it much more than Edur.

He walked to one of the vacant rooms opened the door and looked in with a small grin on his face. The room was much larger than the cell he was used to and the bed looked much more comfortable than his cot back at the lab, though there was only one in the room. He looked at Edur nervously and then back to the bed. "You can take the bed if you want. I could sleep on the floor for the night."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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Giving Ara a lingering gaze just to be sure that she was steady once more, Olek released Ara, and took a step back. He coughed lightly, a rattling noise coming from his chest. He wiped something away from the corner of his mouth with the back of his right hand. "Just don't push yourself too hard. And get some sleep, the moment everyone's settled." She brushed the girl's arm gently. "I know he's hurt bad still, but he's healed up enough for now. He's going to be fine. Right now, I'm more worried about you."

Olek dipped his head slightly. "Yes Ma'am." He spoke with a tone of courtesy and respect. He rolled his shoulders and slowly walked towards a vacant room without any more words. He lifted a hand to twist the doorknob in a dazed state. Sleep was the only thing that he had on his mind. The grumbling in his stomach was going to have to wait until the morning. He calmly withdrew his hand from the doorknob when he noticed the large amount of dried blood coating his hands and forearms. His clothing was covered in blood too.

Olek glanced at the others slowly, everyone seemed to be inside by Kisa. He was half tempted to get her to come inside, but quickly thought better of it. Mostly everyone seemed to be filing into vacant rooms. Some remained in the hallway, but they would be fine without an overbearing Olek for a while.

He blinked twice, and made sure he wasn't leaving any blood tracks. He didn't want to leave a mess in Aileen's home. Much to his relief, most of the blood on his person was dried from the ride in the back of the truck. He breathed out slowly and wandered off in search of a kitchen. After a small amount of searching without much observation, he managed to wander into what seemed like a kitchen.

Olek strode over to the sink and set the stream of water to a luke warm. Without wasting much time, Olek began to scrub and scrape the blood off of his hands. Streams of red flowed into the drain. He paused to think to himself for a few moments, only looking down at the sink. How did I even get here? How did this go so far? He lamented silently. He was quick to silence such thoughts however. He made his decision, he would have to stick by it. Even if it wasn't a decision he had thought out fully. He turned the faucet off once he was satisfied with his work. He let out a long sigh as he looked down at his calloused and scarred hands. He could wash the blood off, make it look like it wasn't there, but that was just his problem. Sure no one could see it anymore, but the blood would always be there. Olek would always see it even if no one else could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
Aramay said nothing. She should have been relieved that the others were no longer questioning her allegience. At least for the time being. But by then she felt so ill that she struggled to maintain her focus on them and what they were saying. Only minimally acknowledging that someone was speaking at her. Her eyes completely glazed over into a blank stare.

It would then become a game of keeping herself oriented with what was up and what was down. She used the wall whenever she could to keep herself upright if she wasn't clinging to Aileen. All this effort just to make it to the bathroom. The wounds she sustained were minor in comparison. It didn't make sense to get help over Olek. Not that she was well enough to speak up about it. Actually, the persisting pain that she would have been feeling by now was almost completely numbed in her extremities. It made it her clumsier, almost as if she were drunk. A permeating feeling began to creep over her now that she had a little more time to think to herself with fewer people around. It was familiar and something in her mind told her that she was supposed to be much more concerned about it than she actually was....

That injection Holmes gave her before she headed out. It wasn't medicine for the pain. It wasn't for pain. "I haven't, been outside for a while..." She mumbled to Aileen. She's had that injection before, multiple times. There was a time when they actually helped her a great deal and she would have had more in common with the others. ....I shouldn't be here.... Just when they reached the restroom her legs became heavy like lead weights. ...I should have...went...bauhhhhhh- Her entire body went limp from dehydration and lack of nourishment. Though she still seemed to remain conscious, it was just hard to tell if she was still aware of what was going on or where she was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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While the group of mutants in the truck managed to escape guards began rushing to their own vehicles in an attempt to catch up and follow. Several went on motorcycles, and many more in nondescript civilian cars and trucks. They spread out in paths looking for the run down truck that had managed to slip through their forces and take what they were sent after. With no immediate luck a few headed back to the Lab facility they were sent from in order to report back. A few already checking into the cameras within the area in order to get an ID on the female that had driven off with their property.
The guards who took Kyra to the scene began chasing after her and the others she took. There were a few moments of pause before they began getting on their devices to talk to their superiors about the situation. With much confusion about her actions a few loaded back into the van and took off after her; the rest heading back to the Lab like the others.
Within the van a computer panel was opened with images similar to a radar screen along with a blueprint of the city and the surrounding areas. While the van attempted to chase after the others, quickly losing them among the buildings and busy roads, they worked at hacking into the frequency set into Kyra’s body suit. At one of the points where the suit was imbedded into her skin a small microchip activated and the guards began searching for the signal.
At the same time a few got in contact with Oren in order to determine the type of tracking they had on Aramay and whether she could be trusted after what had happened with Kyra so suddenly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay
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0.00 INK

Olek lifted his hands out of the sink unsteadily, and wiped them off. He sighed, and lumbered his way back through the foreign house. For most of his life he'd been sleeping in a barracks. It was strange to have a room to himself, he was one of the higher ranking guards, but he only got a room of his own at the facility due to the shortage of 'volunteers' at the facility. He stretched and paused to yawn every so often, until he found himself at the long hallway that housed all of the rooms. He heard Aileen's voice briefly. He paused beside the doorway looking into the room where Aileen was taking care of Ara.

He cleared his throat when he noticed that Ara had slumped over, probably unconscious too. As soon as Aileen placed her in a nearby tub. He paused, taking great care in thinking about what to say. His eye lingered on Aramay with a hint of sadness. He felt responsible.

He knew quite a bit about Ara, but the information he learned had been years old, and was likely not applicable. He could only learn so much from outdated files, and secondhand information from his former partner. He remained completely calm and steady as he spoke. "She's having growing pains I think." Olek paused, not meeting Aileen's gaze.

"She's an older experiment. If I had to make a guess, she's probably suffering from faulty experimentation, and might be the victim of some sort of sick trial and error." Olek offered his two cents on the matter. He didn't want Ara to suffer, but there was nothing that they could do for her. The things wrong with Ara were likely rooted in her DNA.

"Not sure if that helps, but that's all I know." Olek spoke softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
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#, as written by Aramay
Aramay was abnormally light when she was carried over to the bathtub. That the clothing she wore didn't just hide her mutations, but it also made her look bulkier than she really was. In an underfed sense of the phrase. She began to stir. Slowly regaining consciousness once that warm wet cloth swept over her dirtied and slightly bloodied face. There was no clear wounds beyond light scratches. The sources were from her nose and mouth. Her reactions made it clear that no matter where Aileen placed the cloth, her skin was tender as though it were bruised. The glazed expression didn't leave her face but now she was a bit more responsive after being seated. Ara wanted to stand up and walk out as though nothing was wrong. Attention was not something she was all that fond of, unlike Kyra who seemed to crave it. Instead, she remained there almost completely still. The comfort that she was being given nearly brought tears to her eyes. Like being given sweets for the first time after going off of salty or bland food for so long.

Her ears twitched upon hearing Olek. She couldn't bring herself to look up at him. The prospect of falling asleep was simply far more appealing. Holding her head up to keep herself from nodding off was currently one of her biggest challenges.

Slowly, her hand went up to the wound on her shoulder. The one she had accidentally inflicted on herself while back at the warehouse. Certain movements re-opened the wound several times before the blood dried into a thick enough scab with the help of the surrounding cloth to bind it together. She pushes her thumb and forefinger into one side of her mouth. Wincing for a moment before pulling free a rather loose, bloody tooth. Then let it slip into the palm her her hand before it dropped completely. Her reaction was almost unimpressed. This wasn't the first time its happened. "" She mumbled aloud. Her eyes blinked slowly. "I shoul've stahy'd." If she was back at the lab she would have at least recieved medication to ease her suffering, and fed, if directly through a tube by now. They knew how to take the pain away to make it tolerable. Freedom didn't seem so appealing if she had to endure this along with it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Aramay
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Olek leaned in the door-frame for a few moments. Once Ara began to speak, it only reinforced the conclusion he was forming in his head. If Ara didn't get better soon, he would have to take her back. She would die without the proper medication. Olek hoped that her body would adjust on its own, but he was unsure if she would survive or not. Olek pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down at his boots. After a few moments he looked up and opened his mouth to speak. "If she gets worse we'll need to-" Olek stopped, his words cut off by a foreign entity brushing against his mind. Twinges of pain prickled along the back of Olek's head. Human cyclops... Kyra's voice echoed in Olek's mind. I need your assistance... Or maybe the healer's help as I've... found myself in a bit of a... tangle... After she spoke Olek gasped as an image flickered through his mind. He winced and rubbed the side of his head, visibly pained. It was Kyra in a heap of cloth, tangled in all manner of clothing.

Still rubbing the side of his head, Olek spoke to Aileen. "Look after for me?" Olek asked whilst regaining his composure. With that he turned around and walked through the house until he heard the muffled rustling of Kyra. As soon as he entered the room he fully realized the humor of the situation. He stifled a chuckle, still as stony and emotionless as ever.

He paused in the room, and set his rifle on the bed. He calmly approached Kyra, and wordlessly began removing the excess clothing. "I'll get you outta this in no time." Olek spoke in a respectful tone, clearly not trying to talk down to Kyra. He mostly kept to himself as he attended to Kyra. He wasn't really one for words. He felt like he didn't really have anything to say to the people he was formally caging in. Olek couldn't really say anything to change the things he had done.

As Olek was just about to finish untangling Kyra, he spoke up. "Almost done, try to get some rest after this. Need everyone at 100 percent for tomorrow." Olek thought it would be appropriate to show concern. He was on the run with these people after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aramay
The warm water relaxed Aramay enough to ease the balled up tension she held. She gathered that Olek's comment likely followed the same train of thought as her own. Her eyes drifted closed until she heard Olek walk out of the room.
I don't want to hear any more about anyone "staying" in a place like that.
Even Alieen had already developed a protective nature over Ara. Here Ara not only proved her inability of being a threat, but also that she was being almost pitied. Now she found herself wondering why she still felt like she lost.

As Alieen helped the unsteady Ara to her feet, the stiff joints in her long toes popping under her weight. It was a fairly quiet walk to the room, she found herself resting her head against Ali, shivering lightly. It was a challenge to keep herself awake before she made it to the bed. By the time her body touched the bed sheets though the 'growing pains' prevented her from drifting off completely. Allowing her to idly watch Alieen pick out clothes for her through squinted eyes. If she got much worse she wouldn't be able to dress herself. She tries to remember what it was like to not feel so ill.

Noticing that the room went quiet, Aramay looked up to find that Alieen had left at some point without her noticing. She couldn't tell if she had fallen asleep or if she was that out of it. Attempting to sit up straight causes her to wince due to the pain in her back. Sitting quietly, she eventually reached over to pick up one of the clean articles of clothing. It would take a lot of effort and moments of simply resting while awkwardly positioned in various states of dress till she would at least look decent.

It felt strange being in such clean conditions again. The fabric wasn't scratchy, the bed was soft and the room was warm. A frown remained on her pained face. It was so quiet. The only energy she had left went into curling herself up with the blankets tightly wrapped around her entire body in a pile of waded up fabric on the matress.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aramay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aramay
The entire time that Aramay spent there was in the bed that she was given to sleep on. Her willingness to leave the confines of the padded rectangle rapidly declined as it had become apparent that she was losing an alarming amount of weight. Especially considering the fact that she seemed to sleep most of the time like a hibernating bear in the winter months. Sleeping kept the pain at bay but that also meant that she wasn't eating or drinking either.

The only thing that brought her back from near vegetative listlessness was after she started recieving very frequent meals comprised of extremely soft foods or soups. Chewing proved to be too painful. Much like a child with loose baby teeth and sore gums, she was exceedingly finicky about assessing if the food was soft enough. Worst of all her body burned through calories faster than a flash fire through drybrush. She simply couldn't afford to go without eating or she would start to waste away again. It was dire enough that it wasn't certain whether she would make it through another night or not.

Anyone who visited her could see that she enjoyed the company instead of being alone. Though she could hardly hold any conversations without drifting off after a few minutes and most of the time she wasn't even sure of who she was talking to at any given time. There wasn't much difference to her mumbling in her sleep and mumbling while she was awake. Always cocooned up in the bedsheets feeling feverish as though she were fighting off an infection. Last night was likely the worst one. Since, she could barely recall most of it. Only enough to remember getting spoonfuls of something sweet or savory touching her tongue. Trying to keep her stomach full long enough to see any improvement. It was safe to say that by then she had lost all fear over the thought of not making it to the next day. Then, her eyes popped open.

Most of the pain that had plagued her was absent, making her feel more numb than anything else. Ara became very aware of her surroundings and the grunginess of her sheets; stained with sweat and small red splotches. There was no mistake that she still felt as though she had woken up after running a marathon. The feelings of exhaustion and distcomfort were unmistakably lightened. The very first thing she did after re-discovering that she could walk again, before anyone else she knew of was awake, was soak in a warm bath.

This way she could also assess the 'improvements' that haven't had time to completely settle. She would never be able to wear shoes again. Her long toes, tipped with curving claws could curl and flex the same way anyone would be able to move their fingers on the end of her animalistic legs. From the bottom of her calves up to her waist, it was almost impossible to tell that there was anything wrong with her. Save for the long extension protruding from the base of her spine. The previously budding tail could no longer be hidden easily under any but the most covering of clothing as it was now long enough to touch the ground if she was standing. Her shoulders slouched forward and any attempt to stand or sit up straight became tiring. The increased barreling of her ribs and chest could at least be covered. It actually made it easier for her to draw in larger breathes of air. While her neck was modestly longer, it was still within the range of what would be considered normal for a human being. Her face on the other hand looked almost elvish. Changes had to be made to accomodate the much sharper teeth that were now growing in. She could still speak but it would sound like she stuffed a couple of cottonballs in her cheeks.

Overall, she still looked malnourished and although she could stand and walk again. It was clear that she was shaking from the effort it took. Her, tail, would whip out at the slightest possibility of her losing her balance and smack into anything that happened to be in the way. Resulting in her wincing in pain. Back in the room she looked for what she could find to help best clothe her. Which was a challenge within itself. She couldn't stand another day in the room, and instead took a clean sheet around her freshly washed and clothed body to sit down on a couch in the living room with nothing but her thoughts to accompany her. The only reason she could think of for not getting upset over it was that she was still in shock.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay Character Portrait: Dax Crayton
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0.00 INK

Dray spent most of his nights on the floor by the window. On the night they arrived he had fallen asleep hanging half off the bed and was awake within a few hours sprawled out on the hardwood. The bed was soft but too squishy after his countless nights on a cot or concrete; surprisingly the wood floors were softer compared to that. Instead of trying to use the bed he gathered blankets and laid where he could see the sky as he fell asleep. He was particularly fond of the little lights that he could see once the sun disappeared and the sky darkened.
Though on occasion he would toss and thrash from nightmares and end up tangled in the blankets, he still remained silent through them as he always had before. In the morning he would spend a few moments wandering the hallway confusedly until he remembered where he was and that he was not confined. A nod to whoever happened to be in the kitchen was his ‘good morning’ and he spent the rest of the time within proximity of Hawke or Aileen. The healer woman showed him and Olek the security measures of the place they were living in and he made a point to try and remember them as well, just in case. He wasn’t going to be helpless for when it was time to put all the security practices into play.
After his usual routine of detangling himself from his blankets and peeking into the hallway suspiciously he made his way to the kitchen and picked up a piece of fruit from the counter. He found out quickly that they were much better than the kind they were always given in the Lab, the fruit here was crisp and sweet, not bruised, bitter, or moldy. He bit into what he took for his breakfast and went to the room with the couches, living room Aileen had told him it was called. Instead of the normal bars of sun coming into the room there was another addition sitting on the couch quietly.
Aramay had been bed ridden nearly from the moment they arrived and he hadn’t planned on seeing her out of that bed until she stopped breathing. He figured she was a lot stronger than she looked if she was up and moving around now. He walked over and sat on the couch near her, pulling his feet up so he could rest his arm on his knee and sit back against the cushions. Everything is so plush around here… He always felt like he was going to fall through the furniture from how soft it always was.


He looked up when he saw who is charge would be was heading towards him and the vehicle. Autumn was her name, he partially didn’t understand why the scientists insisted on giving the subjects names, or letting them keep their old ones. If they wanted to see them as animals then naming them defeats the purpose. However, their personalities were clearly more complex than animals, not to mention that most of them could still speak and interact with people.
He sighed and shook his head at the girl. ”No Autumn, I will not let you drive this time. Too much is at stake for me to take a chance on getting caught by actual authorities. Would be best for everyone if we both did our jobs okay?” He carefully detached the girl and opened on of the doors for her to get inside, noting that she had gotten her favorite toy back and no doubt had spiders stashed somewhere on her person.
He got into the driver’s seat and got the vehicle going. ”I see they let you have your toys back though. I’m sure they’ll let you do as you please with them once manage to capture the escapees. That sound alright with you?” He knew it was always best to keep Autumn in a good mood just in case she decided not to follow orders and go overboard with her actions. He didn’t always worry that she would go after him, he had made sure he was always on her good side, as close to a friend as he would allow himself to be to make sure he was reasonably safe around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Aramay
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0.00 INK


Olek finished up his drink and rinsed it out in the sink. His footfalls were light for a man of his size, he made little noise as he strode away from the kitchen. He caught a glimpse of Dray and Ara in the living room as he passed it on his way to his room. He finished his morning run and inspection of the outer perimeter about an hour ago. Everything was taken care of on his end for the most part. The security systems were working, but the last protocol that Aileen had spoken to him about still bothered him. Why did Aileen's grandfather have a protocol that was only used as a last resort? He pondered the question quite thoroughly. What was in that basement?

He shook his head. Lets pray that we never have to find out. Olek was very displeased with how Ara was doing. His next item on the agenda was to get in contact with Aileen for a bit. They needed to have a serious discussion about Ara. It was quite evident that she was dying, and that they didn't have the necessary resources to keep her alive. Olek rarely saw Kisa, so he wasn't too concerned with her well being. He simply wasn't aware of any problems with the woman. Kyra on the other hand was having trouble eating, she checked in frequently so it was easy to notice.

Olek had gotten much better at controlling certain parts of his mind. It was difficult at first, but during Olek's morning exercises, he made a point to discipline his fractured mind as well as his body. He was a long way away from being able to communicate with Kyra mentally, but he was getting there. One day at a time.

The former security guard stalked through the halls, checking on what munitions that the house had. Olek was very pleased with the amount of firepower that the house contained. The place was built to last a short siege at first glance. If Olek had a rifle, he could do some damage to an invading party if he caught it early enough.

As Olek arrived at his room his hand hovered over the nightstand that contained his sidearm. He felt vulnerable without it, but he didn't want to scare the others. After a few moments of self argument, he eventually decided to clip the holster onto his belt. Better safe than sorry. Olek was willing to risk disapproval for everyone's safety. After that he set out to find Aileen, walking through the halls with his rigid militaristic-esque demeanor.