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Yun Faux

"For the LAST TIME, I am a woman....I mean not a woman!!! NOT A WOMAN, MAN."- D:

0 · 176 views · located in Belholt

a character in “Even Gods Bleed”, as played by RolePlayGateway



Physical Description

Hair: grey
Eyes: equally grey
Build: willow-y, in a feminine way, but also has lean muscle, is much MUCH stronger than he looks
Skin Tone: porcelain
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170
Voice: Justin Beiber JK, although his voice does sound as though he has yet to go through puberty, and is often mistaken for a woman's
Handed: ambidextrous
Body Markings: one earing on his right ear, and this strangely ominous birthmark on his abdomen, it gets bigger and smaller at times, and it burns from time to time. How annoying right?
Scar Tissue: his finger got a parchment-cut on it not too long ago that has yet to heal, does that count?
Unique Body Features: His birthmark, and hair and eyes. His Hair and eyes are the same shade of grey, which the eyes aren't so much a big deal as his hair, which is the color of an old man's
. It makes for an interesting look, but is strange none the less.
Name Yun Faux

Hey you
woman get over here
Grandpa is that you?
Hey aren't you that guy with a bounty on his head?

As if he was that important, psh.

Eighty percent water and twenty percent flesh and a hundred percent hot air...sounds like a human

Visual Age
He looks to be eighteen or nineteen

Factual Age
and I can assure you he is twenty six


Sexual Orientation
Somehow he always ends up on the bottom....

Mage Ranking


Stealth is his own personal specialization that he personally honed and worked at. Though his unwanted abilities as a Warlock make his true raw power otherwise.


Moral Alignment
Chaotic Good

Quirks You want a list? Well here is some of them at least;
If A) You raise your voice B) You are attractive C) He is sleepy, he will do whatever you tell him to do, unless that involves him being caught and put in a dungeon and it would be a fifty/fifty shot if it involves physical harm to his person.

He is extremely polite and courteous. Especially to the voice in his head that he is unaware of being an Eldritch.

He is chock full of ideas that would blow your mind, including doing weird things to get out of a sticky situation.

He does not know the meaning of shame.

He steals from the rich and gives to the poor :D

He is also an idiot.

Fears Again you want a list!? Well how about we just stick with generality, because Yun is afraid of just about anything dangerous, and a couple of foods. He is a bit of a ninny, but at the same time he is quite used to plowing through and dealing with things he is afraid of. Although his imagination gets away with him in plenty of situations.

Goal Survival, and maybe some good food every once in awhile. He is a simple man. Simply a tart.

Pretty things, this includes but is not limited to shiny things.

Helping out his fellow peasant by dropping gold coins on the step of their pigsty every once in a while.

Stealing is sort of fun in general, although he only steals from overly rich and pompous nobles or officials

Messing with the guards is good fun as well.

Food. Food is good.

So are flowers.

Overly rich and pompous nobles or officials.

People mistaking him for a woman

Those people mistaking him for a woman, and then promptly claiming him as their bed mate.

Having to try to figure a way out of said situation.

His aim is unrivaled so far. As is his stealth and pick pocketing ability.

And lately fire shoots out of his hands at irregular times and intervals, sometimes useful, other times just annoying.

The general unpredictability of his Warlock powers are a huge downfall. And he is not quite as strong as a barbarian, and so tries to avoid full frontal combat. So basically close range attacks are not his forte'.


Abilities & Skill & Combat Rating

[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Very Poor- Yun wears a loose shirt and dark blue vest, at times a cloak, but nothing that would make any noise or block anything blunt or pointy.

Combat Prowess
[Good]- Stealth- Raised as a street rat, he goes in and out of places without even being noticed. He can either blend in to a normal crowd, or sneak about without being heard, too an extent.
[Excellent]-Aim- His main weapon has to do with aiming, and as of right now it is one of his only defenses, so he makes sure it is top notch, no use in specializing in something you aren't good at. He's had a natural talent for it.
[Excellent-very poor]-Luck-He gets into unlucky situations, but gets out of them in a very lucky way, so it depends on how you look at it.
[Below Average-Good]-strength-Normally he is not the strongest of people, but every once in a while, lets say in a dire situation, he can become very strong, being known to push a cart out of the way. This is highly irregular.
[Good]-Speed- If you are a weirdo coward, it is a good idea to learn how to run fast. No one like him ever survived for long without being quick on his feet.
[Good]-Weird ideas- This goes along with luck, he gets out of pickles as quickly as he makes them, often through unorthadox means.
[Very Poor]-Horseback Riding, Charisma- Animals in general hate Yun, and people think he's weird, so far not many living things take a fancy to him for anything other than his looks.

[Very Poor]-Charisma
[Good]-lock picking

[Below Average]-Control of magical abilities, most of the time is unaware that he is actually using magic
[Good]-Fire blasts- They come unwanted sometimes, but at others they come right when he needs them! They are powerful, but he has limited control over how powerful they are.
[Good]-Black-out, from time to time, when in danger, Yun has blacked out. And when he consciously blacks out, the subconsious being from another realm takes over. Often times decimating whatever it was threatening the vessel known as Yun.

Weapon Name: Dolores
Weapon Type: Long range
Material: wood
Length: five feet
Weight: ten pounds
Weapon Description/Info: Dolores is a bow, and she is rather plain looking, but rather than her, the person shooting her is quite skilled. She shoots far and true, and takes quite a beating.

Dark blue cloak with hood
side pack- inside is provisions, blankets, maps, and anything he might have stolen that doesn't fit in his coin pouch, and of course pieces of metal that act as lock picks, and usually some rope.
coin pouch


Group Affiliation
He has a bounty on his head, although a physical description was never been taken. Oth than that, he is loyal to none other than himself.

The bounty is of a hefty sum *puffs out chest in pride*

Marital Status
Forever alone.

Dad is gone, and mom left when she was eleven, so like I said, forever alone....

Right now, the barn of an Inn in town. A Random Town.

Social Rank
Lowly peasant by day, dashing thief by evening!

Sometimes he keeps an odd job as a work hand for chores, but he mostly steals. Outlaw is his occupation.

Blood Pact
[size=200]Zethius Blood Pact Contract

Zethius, Son of the Lava Mountain, henceforth referred to as Zethius, and Yun Faux, of the country Grolith of Earth, henceforth referred to as Yun, set forth their contract as follows:

The Service:

Zethius shall lend the full force of the powers of his person to the objectives defined and stated by Yun and detailed in this Contract, as follows:

    Imprimis, Objective 1 - Protect the body

    Secundus, Objective 2 - Grant the body increased strength

    Tertius, Objective 3 - Grant the body increased durability

    Quartus, Objective 4 - Grant the body increased speed

    Quintus, Objective 5 - Lend the body the powerful magic that Zthius posses

The Reward:

In return, Yun shall allow his soul and energy to be feasted upon


  • Clause the first Zethius is granted physicality in the earth realm.

  • Clause the second Should the host die, Zethius is allowed to consume the host's soul, thus granting him permanent threshhold in the eathen realm.

  • Clause the third Should the host die means other than natural death, the above clauses are forfeit.

One idiot breeds another right? Well Yun’s sire so happened to be an idiot in the last moments of his life. Every other moment of the man’s life was spent grubbing around for power; he was not a merciful or kind individual. In fact he stole his wife, and double crossed the guard of the God King’s personal library to steal some of the scrolls in it. He had figured that the God King had some pretty powerful scrolls, and lo behold, the amateur (compared to the god king) mage finds that he has some scrolls that are written in ancient, a language he knows a little of. Translating this language, the mage finds that he can gain a load of more power via a contract with an Eldritch. He works it into his head that it would be good idea to try this contract summons even though he is not entirely sure of his translation, but hey, he can’t have others reading his scroll, his head would be on a pike much like the head of that guard he double crossed.

This summons requires a sacrifice, and he someone to sacrifice right at hand, that pregnant woman he stole as his wife would work just fine. Especially since he is impatient and he finds her whinny.

Setting things up in a cave to what he thinks is the correct setting, the mage begins the summoning, of course, he has read the scroll wrong. And stated his own name in offering the sacrifice rather than that of the woman he is sacrificing, thinking he actually was stating his name to the demon he wished to make a bond with. When the deal was fleshed out, he further made the mistake of marking (the marks of the contract) the pregnant woman’s stomach rather than her back; this in short, made her unborn child the holder of the contract.

Once the steam cleared, and the Mage was eaten, the Eldritch summoned found himself fading, and thus reappeared in the child’s conscious. The summoning had many mistakes, and was done crudely, not only was the mage effected, but so was the Eldritch. The Eldritch was now to spend quite a while inside of a child’s mind.

The horrified mother of this child, quite taken with half madness by now (the poor thing), fled the cave and ran to a nunnery, where she gave birth eventually. The birth itself however, was catastrophic, and the mother died, the child lived (not so miraculously) and was kept there. However the child was strange and the markings on the child’s stomach certainly did not go unnoticed. Facing judgment everywhere the child looked, the child eventually fled such grim living conditions, only to find itself in a bad situation as a street rat in a gang. Life was hard that way, but if you were a quick learner, you could make it. From there Yun’s story is much mellower, less demonic one would say, but still strange. At around puberty, Yun began hearing a voice in her head…..yah, this is one unlucky child. This voice she could speak with sometimes, but it was rather rude. Yun fell farther from interaction with other humans as people and employers of various sorts would find her speaking to ‘herself’. But being of the thoughtful sort, when not employed Yun would share what she stole with those not so skilled as she. This has become her primary role in life so far. For a while, the voice whispering to her has been giving her advice that is helpful, such as a spell (which she had no idea she could use!) when in a sticky situation.

At around a couple of years ago, she began blacking out from time to time, or rather her own mind did, what she doesn’t know is the Eldritch was becoming more able to work her form. This would happen primarily when facing a danger she was not sure she could break out of. Rumors of bodies being burned to ash or marred have spread through a couple of villages, and Yun is actually afraid of this being they speak of, very unaware it is the voice in her head doing it. The voice has become more and more silent for some reason, and she gets chills from time to time.

MOUNT- animals don't seem to like or respect Yun too much....they are in fact quite mean to him.[/size]

So begins...

Yun Faux's Story