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Scott Hudson

"Throw at me all your judgement. I'll throw all the fucks I give."

0 · 483 views · located in Everest Hill

a character in “Everest Hill Preparatory Academy”, originally authored by Sly_Mafia, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Scott Emmanuel Hudson||Nicknames: Scottie Only by Anais, Hudson||Age: 17|| Birthdate: January 15. 1992|| Sexuality: Straight|| Hometown:Norfolk, Virginia

Pyromania -
Scott set his old school on fire. He's been quite fascinated by the flames since he was a kid. His parents left him alone for an entire night without a babysitter and Scott was petrified of being in the house alone. So, he stayed in the living room where the fireplace was always lit. The fire was comfort to him when all he felt was coldness. Setting his old school on fire, though...that was funny. He had simply been playing with his lighter and it just so happened that somebody spilled gasoline from their car at the back of the school. He dropped the lighter and then...BOOM! Technically, that wasn't his fault. But funny nonetheless. Naturally, everybody thinks he's troubled or some crap like that. In truth, that was just a simple thing that anyone could have done. Scott has started plenty of fires before. It just so happens that he's fixed his messes.


  • Fire Some call it an obsession. I call it one of my best friends. Besides, wouldn't you wanna see all the things you hate go up in flames?
  • Sleep I can sleep twenty-four hours straight if Anais would not wake me up
  • Booze
  • Playing pool
  • Smoking weed Anais hates this, but not all of us can vent by spiking a volleyball
  • Video Games
  • His lighter
  • Detention Nap time...when the teacher's not being an ass
  • Writing It's kinda my passion.
  • Chilling
  • Bon Jovi
  • Listening to music
  • Playing the drums
  • Horror movies
  • Girls
  • Playing basketball
  • Pizza
  • Marshmallows
  • Getting under a teacher's skin It's so fuckin' funny to see their faces.

  • Tuxes It feels weird...and stuffy
  • Guys who disrespect girls I seriously hate that. Open the fucking door for her, it won't kill you.
  • Being woken up
  • Chocolate I still don't see the obsession
  • Being called emo or punk Just because I'm wearing a band T shirt doesn't mean shit.
  • Preppy people
  • Show offs Nobody has time to inflate your egos
  • Cafeteria food
  • Poetry I was never any good at it.
  • Writer's block That is no joke.
  • Rap or techno music
  • Swag Still don't get this phrase
  • Gossip If you don't know the full story, that's for a very good reason. But it doesn't mean you go spreading shit around either
  • School Just a way for parents' to not have to deal with raising their kids. Especially boarding schools...lazy ass people. Shouldn't have had kids if you didn't want to care for them
  • His parents

  • Drowning - Scott cannot swim. Anais has tried to teach him how to swim several times, but he actually has a phobia for water. He can drink it, sure, but swimming...that's literally out of the question. He almost drowned one night in the bathtub as a child and his mother was too busy pleading with his father to not leave them. Scott has been terrified of deep waters. If it goes past his ankles, he's not for it.
  • Winding up a nobody - Scott doesn't base his friendships off of who's more popular than who, but he is very aware that people know of him because they know Anais. And while he knows that she is his best friend and has vowed to stick by him, Scott is terrified of the day she decides to find a better friend that matches her. That would mean that he would fade into nothingness and be just the average delinquent. At least with her, he's somebody. Without her...he has nothing. Then and only then will people have to worry about him endangering himself with his obsession with fire. It's not an obsession!



You wanna talk about me? Let's talk!

If all of the teachers at Everest got together and had to describe all of their students, they would all have agreed that Scott needs some serious help and mentoring. He is lazy and honestly lacks motivation, especially when it comes to education. He has pretty much managed to just get by with his grades, having Anais nearly on his case every day just for him to get one homework assignment done. It is not like he doesn't understand that education is important. It's just that he doesn't care. Scott is quite nonchalant towards a lot of things and that shows in every day life. You can tell him that he's failing, he'll shrug and walk away. He'll bring it up anyway. It won't be the grade you would want for him because he lacks the ambition to see his own potential, but he'll pass. You can tell him that his mom was crying yesterday and Scott will tell you with a straight face that he does not care. And he's being completely honest with you. That's the one thing that most people can't complain about when it comes to Scott. He's not a liar. He will tell you the truth. The problem is that he doesn't have a filter.

Scott tells it like it is. There are no cut cards. If he doesn't like you, he will not pretend for your benefit. He will tell you flat out that he does not like you. He is not intimidated by many and will speak his mind. After all, there is a freedom of speech that he is very much aware of and since he is an American, he follows that one amendment like it is his bible. Scott is also a tad bit rebellious. He does not seem to favor rules much as they seem to weigh down on him. Rules were made so that a few can be broken. After all, if we all followed the rules, there would be no real human being. There would simply be robots living on the Earth. So, he takes it upon himself to be the one that challenges authority. Besides, it's quite entertaining to most when he is irritating a teacher. You can say that he is a clown of sorts. He has no real humor unless he's being snippy, but people do find him funny when he's annoying a teacher.

One thing, though, that you should be aware of is that Scott isn't an idiot. If there is one subject that he's good at - one professor that might appreciate this kid - is English. English is definitely Scott's favorite subject as he is a writer at heart. He can honestly give you great detail about some of his favorite books and this is the one time he shows that he has a passionate side. Other than when he is angry. Which is also something people need to be aware of. There is a reason Scott and Anais are best friends. One, they share likes. Second and this is the biggest reason, they both have a temper, Scott especially. He is a ball of fire waiting to erupt. He has a short temper and seriously gets pissed when people question his ways or try to make him feel bad for not being as driven in school as they feel he should be. In his eyes, it's his life. Mind your damn business. He has been quite explosive before and let's be serious, you don't really wanna piss off a guy who can set you on fire at any given moment right.

Here is a beautiful thing about Scott that most people can respect: he is a charmer and has the utmost respect for women, his mother excluded. The one thing he paid attention to when growing up is that women deserved the most respect and care. To him, they are delicate and should be treated with care. Naturally, not all girls are weak or want something like that, but that's just how he views women. They should be revered for dealing with assholes like himself. Sure, he might joke around with Anais and playfully punch her arm. But he has never yelled at her unless pushed to the brink in a very heated, though rare, argument. He does not like to yell at women and hates his anger at this point. He would rather walk away from her or punch a wall to keep his anger in check so that he won't hurt her. He is known for complimenting females, even teachers, and being rather gentlemanly towards them. He hates guys who play girls and he is fiercely protective of all women, especially Anais. If anyone messes with her or hurts a female, he will gladly either hit you with a left hook or tell you off.
Nonchalant|| Rebellious|| Short-tempered|| Lazy|| Charming|| Protective|| Gentlemanly|| Direct|| Outspoken|| Troublemaker|| Honest


Relationship Status: Single

Scott was born to two of the worst people in the world. Not everyone can have the luxury of rich parents or even loving parents, but his were just a pair that should not have had kids. His mother, Anna, thought that it would be good to have a kid. Perhaps the child could keep her husband from leaving her. It didn't work as his father seemed to only remain married because he didn't feel like doing the whole divorce process and child support. It was easier for him to settle for his little job and remain the drunk idiot that Scott sees him as. For the most part, his mother did what she had to do as a mother until he turned six. She left him while running the bath water and Scott pretty much almost drowned. He would have died had the woman not come in. She blamed him for the incident. It was from that moment that a young Scott knew he wasn't going to have the best of lives.

When he was about nine years old, Anna and David, Scott's father, went out for a dinner after she pleaded and begged for the stupid date. She didn't even think of a babysitter and they left without warning Scott. He had been upstairs playing video games and when he realized that no one had called for dinner, he went downstairs. He was actually scared of the dark as a kid and the only way he felt comfortable was by being near the fireplace in the living room. In fact, after finding a flashlight in the living room and grabbing some chips and a soda, he stayed in the living room the entire time. The fire was rather comforting, made him feel less alone. His parents found him when they came back curled up in front of the fire.

From then on, Scott kept a lighter on him. Whenever he needed a moment of solace or just some peace in his life, he turned to that lighter. It was at his old school - the one that burned down - that he began smoking weed. He had been standing in this secluded area near the back of the school when this guy came out with some weed. He saw Scott's lighter and asked for a light. Then he asked if Scott wanted a hit. That began his new little addiction. Scott's increasing love for fire became more apparent to his old counselor as Scott would begin to play with the flames during class. He almost burned his finger because he held his skin over the flames a little too long. A psychiatrist diagnosed him, but Scott's parents didn't truly care. It wasn't like he was hurting anybody.

And then he burned down the school.

Again, that was not really his fault, but of course, everyone blamed him. He didn't care. He knew the truth. It was an honest to God accident, but if no one believed him, he wasn't going to force them. He endured a full four-week session with a psychiatrist before his parents enrolled him into another boarding school, Everest. It was here that he met Anais. They became instant friends. She was like a light in the darkness, per say. A little flame. Their friendship even began to lessen his desire to see the flames. However, that was over three years ago. Scott, despite all of his nonchalance, doesn't want anyone to know about the incident at his old school and Everest has done pretty good with keeping that under wraps. People still blame him for that fire and if people started gossiping now about it in Everest, Scott does not doubt that he would actually and purposefully burn down this school. And he's pretty sure he wouldn't regret it either.

So begins...

Scott Hudson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darian Summers Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Zander Mattheson Character Portrait: Mic Samson Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Tristan Hill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Mic Samson

Mic, hated the the world currently. Why? Because he was awake. He didn't like morning because this was when all of the blessings from above completely avoided him. Instead, he would always wake up in a terrible down. So, he go up, grabbed some essentials for the day, and went into the bathroom that was down the hall. It was there, that he pulled out a little baggie and rolled himself up a nice fat one. It was no secret that people smoked in here, so if people smelt it, they'd just think it was some fancy ass cigarette because of the smell.

After the first few puffs, Mic was finally starting to gain his chipper mood back. He finished his weed and headed to the showers to do exactly what the name entitles. Shower. 'cause he could not walk around smelling like beggars on the street. Sure they were nice people some of the time, but that doesn't mean he has to like their smell enough to want to wear it.

Coming out squeeky clean, Mic walked back to his dorm, pants on but shirt in hand, only to find Jo on here way to wake him up. "Looks like I beat you, this morning." He said, giving his friend a wink.

Adam Tew

Adam had actually woken up to nightmare that morning. His eyes shot open and he was freaking out mentally until he realized he was in his dorm. Not at home like he had been in his head. He glanced at the clock and realized it was only 3:24. He groaned, but knew there was no way in hell he was going back to sleep, no matter how tired he was. So, he stayed awake until his alarm hang. Unlike most people, he was quite fond of his alarm. Mostly 'cause his was set on his phone so he had an awesomely catchy tone to wake up to.

He rolled out of bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was always the first to wake up in his dorm, not because he didn't like sleep as much as the next guy, but because his body refused to sleep more than five hours until it gives out and has him sleep till about noon when he'd gone to bed at 12.

He got ready for the day and exited his room. Placing his usual fake ass smile on his face he walked to go find something to eat. First though, he stopped by the drama club. The new play was going to be posted soon and no one knew what it was. So he wanted to see if the lead role was actually worth trying for. He knocked on his instructor's door but there was no reply. "Probably isn't even awake yet is he?" Adam wondered as he looked down the hall where the teacher's dorms would most likely be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darian Summers Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Zander Mattheson Character Portrait: Mic Samson Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Tristan Hill
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Shut up." Dallan muttered as he hit the snooze button on the alarm clock that he was really regretting buying. Why did he waste his money? More importantly, why the hell did he set the alarm for so early? He should have set it for ten or something.
Yeah, ten o'clock was good.
The beeping stopped. Thank God.
Dallan closed his eyes in hopes to get in a few more minutes of sleep. He hadn't dreamt of anything that was worthy of remembering, but maybe he'd have a nice dream about eating rice pudding and flatbread. Yum.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Had it been five minutes already? Opening one eye, Dallan looked over at the dreaded box of noise. He rolled over and pulled the blankets over his head, maybe if he waited long enough, it'd shut up up and he'd be able to sleep for another hour or so... a wonderful hour of wonderful sleep.
Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound grew louder... then louder... and finally Dallan couldn't take it anymore.
"Shut up!" He shouted angrily. Reaching over, Dallan grabbed the alarm clocks cord and yanked it out of the plug and threw the box of noise across the room. It hit the wall with a crash, probably breaking something, and fell to the floor with a thud, probably falling on something.
That was better. Mr. Alarm Clock wouldn't be bothering him again until tomorrow.
"Sorry, Hill." Dallan apologized, wondering if he woke his roommate, and every other guy in the boys dorm. Maybe Tristan, as well as everyone else, had gotten used to the alarm clock being thrown every morning, Dallan shouting at the stupid thing, and things mercilessly being broken, so the noise didn't even wake them anymore.
On the other hand, probably not.

Dallan rolled out of bed, lazily arranged the blankets and pillows to make the room look like he put a little effort into keeping it nice, and threw on a pair of clothes that he probably wore a few days ago.
Looking around, Dallan realized he really needed to do his laundry. He shrugged. He'd do it later. Man, he missed his parents doing all that stuff for him.
Pulling on a pair of shoes, Dallan threw a pillow over at Tristan's bed.
"Wake up, lazy bones." He said, taking another pillow and throwing it at Tristan as well.
Dallan rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna look for something to eat before class, you want anything?" He offered, already opening the room door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anais Parker Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Indigo Taylor Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Joanna Cater
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If Jo had been looking for Anais this morning, she might have been a little too late. While Anais may have been like any other teen and enjoyed her sleep, she had more energy than what she knew what to do with. So, when her soft alarm went off at about a little after six, Anais sprung into action. She tip-tied daintily on her side of the room and gathered her things for the bathroom activities. Once she was showered and had brushed her teeth, Anais hurried back to her room in hopes of not running into anybody while only wearing a towel and a robe. She snuck glances over at a sleeping Jo while she lotioned her body. Finally, she decided upon an outfit that she deemed practical, comfy and stylish enough to go about the day in. To make sure her feather earrings were seen, Anais gathered her long dark hair into a semi-loose bun with wispy strands framing her face. Checking herself once in the mirror, she sprayed an expensive perfume with a delicate scent onto her skin, jammed a few dark bracelets on her wrist, grabbed her bag and was out.

Before heading to her real destination, Anais went to the cafeteria and made her coffe just the way she liked it in her to-go cup. She actually kept the thing on her at all times in case of a coffee emergency. You never actually know when those might occur. With a sigh of a morning person after they got their first coffee hit, Anais pranced over to the boys' side. In the hallway, a few were emerging from the bathroom and a grin spread onto her face.

"Hello, sexy," she cat-called and laughed lightly when one pale boy turned a rosy shade. Still chuckling, she knocked on a familiar door. Not hearing an answer, she grasped the handle and turned it to open the door, calling, "Coming in." It wasn't like there was anything she hadn't seem before.

Scott was in a fitful state. At one point, the dream world wrapped him in a blanket of comforting warmth and peace. It clouded his mind with a calm nothingness, leaving his body in a state of bliss. Sadly, everyone had an alarm clock and his had to be in the form of a small body bouncing repeatedly on top of him. At first, he only groaned and attempted to ignore the unwanted attention. It was like one of those annoying headaches that continued tapping at your skull. Scott's logic was that if you ignored it long enough, it would go away. However, Anais refused to be ignored and smacked the back of his head. That definitely had Scott opening his eyes.

"What the fuck Ana -?" She punched him again.

"Sssshhhh," she reprimanded him and nodded to the other side of the room, where his roommate either ignored the little sprite or just slept very deeply. Either way, he was a lucky motherfucker. "Don't wake up Adam." Scott rolled his eyes and fixed her with a glare.

"Aren't you so courteous?" He growled sarcastically. Anais rolled her own eyes in response and slid off of him. Scott contemplated going back to sleep, but figured she's probably find other means of getting him up.

"Shut up and get dressed," she hissed, still trying to be quiet. It was still only a little past seven.

"I gotta get in the shower." Anais huffed impatiently and for a second, Scott smirked at her near childish reaction.

"Well, chop-chop, buddy. I want food." Scott grumbled something along the lines of bossy princesses, no real feeling behind it. Anais, despite her bossy and sometimes controlling ways, was in no way some princess. While she took another drink of her coffee and began making his bed, Scott grabbed the essentials and headed to the shower. The jets of warm water actually winded up waking him and Scott got a small boost of energy. But he knew it would be nothing like the high Anais was on.

"So, what am I doing awake?" Scott asked when they finally emerged from the room. He had called to Adam, welcoming him to breakfast with them. He wasn't sure if the guy heard him. Anais drank more coffee before he snatched her cup and stole some. While Scott wasn't exactly a coffee person, there was just something about the way Anais made hers that satisfied him.

"Hey, give me back my baby." She snatched her cup back and pouted for a second. "Asshole." That had Scott chuckling and a smile formed on her face. "Anyway, I have to make the schedule for volleyball conditioning, I don't want to wait in the omelet line, and I wanna stop by the headmasyer's office to confirm that it's alright for me to throw the play's after party. The party? Scott had almost forgotten about it. He remembered Adam saying something about it before, but he might have been listening to music.

"And that includes me because?" Anais shot him a look as they entered the cafeteria.

"Because you're helping me, dumbass!" She stormed off in an almost dramatic fashion, heading to her precious omelet line. Scott just went to the regular line and got some pancakes and bacon. Thinking quickly, he got a tray for his food and grabbed two things of orange juice. He knew Anais' schedule:coffee first, orange juice layer. As he looked for a nice window table, he spotted Indigo Taylor and a very rare, almost dopey smile appeared obvious face.

"Hey, Indigo," he called. He had always found the girl beautiful and one of these days, although he hated dances, he was going to ask her to one. Scott found the table that Anais would like and settled there. Moments later, Anais perched herself in the seat across from his. Scott almost gulped as she reached for her glass from his tray, a knowing and mischievous gleam in her eyes. Oh shit.

"Don't worry," she reassured him. "I'm not teasing." Before he could even release what could have been a sigh of relief, she added, "Yet." Scott only groaned and Anais laughed, digging in to her omelet.