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Senta Nani Mo

Don't expect a fight.

0 · 205 views · located in Planet c7

a character in “Evolve: Struggle for survival”, as played by Riareous



Full Name:
Senta Nani Mo
Senta is the type not well acquainted to life outside daily routine, and as such isn't prepared for dangerous situations. His normal stance is a mild but friendly persona and he doesn't have a hard time of trusting new people and seeing the best in them much to his own detriment. The monsters give him nightmares and he suffers from panic attacks and mental paralysis in their proximity. Senta was usually quite passive as life on the ships had everything he needed.
Brown scruffy hair,a little over 5'11" with bluish eyes. Senta wears a blue/orange tee with lighter blue trousers. Earphones decorate his head.

CD player

Senta has vast knowledge about plant lore.
Never passed basic combat, Senta flounders with most weaponry.
Senta is a vegetarian, the taste of meat makes him physically ill.

Senta grew up on the ships with his older sister. They worked in the agricultural sector, growing vegetables and flowers for the populace. She taught him most of what he knew but vanished with an advanced settling squad. Senta has a makeshift cd player, a family heirloom of sorts which has been modified to charge in sunlight, the only CD plays an audiobook of children's stories that Senta uses to calm himself. Since his sisters disappearance Senta has almost always been wearing his headphones.


Older Sister - MIA

Theme Song:

Where am I? Senta pressed his hands against the ground peering at his surroundings, his shoulder ached and he slipped back to the floor in agony. Trees.There are Trees and foliage. Senta sighed at the ambiguity of his environment. 'Huh?' Images surrounded him and Senta felt as if he was spiraling into different plain. Bursting sounds barraged Senta's ears and sparks shot around the now clear area. Senta felt a sticky sensation and glanced to the ground he was now sitting on, it was red and absorbing into his clothes. A soulless gaze fell adjacent to Senta whilst gravity attacked his stomach.
Gigantic roars emanated from shadows and flames and Senta saw the great defensive wall crumble as if it were made of foil. There were so many screams and discharges and yelling and chaos. Senta felt cold sweat running down his cheek, the enormity of it all weighed heavily on him but he wasn't able to move. Senta saw shadows interlocking, dancing and being discarded. Fire erupted from a building as shapes ploughed the settlement.
'What are you doing?' and Senta snapped to.
'I ca-can't...' Senta tried but the voice was already ahold and pulling him up and away from the carnage. 'Get off! What are you doing!' Senta squeaked managing to squirm apart staggering.
'There's no time! Shut up and move!'It came out high pitched.
It's a girl. Senta stood half bent clutching his chest, the mess behind them was too much for him. She grabbed him again and this time Senta didn't fight, he couldn't.
The area faded out and reappeared as tropical forest, a river running beside his feet. 'Wake up!' Clenching his top the girl from before was shaking him, the barrage of noise from before was now distant and dying. 'I can't drag you anymore,' she admitted. 'But we have to keep moving.'
Senta rose unsteadily, he noticed they'd both endured numerous branch cuts but one of hers was... 'Your...' Senta pointed.
'Criminal, I know' The girl replied. This isn't real, this isn't... The girl was missing an arm below the elbow, a crude tourniquet had slowed the bleeding. And still she got me here.
'Accept what is, there's no time to be a pedestrian now you hear?' The girl unsheathed a large corrugated knife, 'Here, I need you now and we need to cross this river.' She gestured to the forest. Senta breathed still shaking, he instinctively grabbed at his side and felt a circular object. I have. Feeling up Senta realized he was still wearing his CD player albeit stained a splatter of red. He clicked "Play" and breathed. It was curious for the girl as the boy she dragged petrified was now collected and working.
A crack preluded the fall and then thump, 'That's it, lets go.' Senta had felled a reasonably thick branch in ten, and legged down the victims body. 'Move it into the water and we'll use it to float across,' Senta was ordered. He picked an end ignoring the sharp smaller branches and trailed it towards the river. Warm sweat dripped down even as the ice flow began to crawl up his red coated trousers, depth grew and Senta found himself waist under within a foot of stepping in. Senta used a hand to lift up his CD player and tucked it into his chest, Not chancing it's waterproofing still holds.
'Boy!' A cry came and Senta caught the girl's sight in time to see a trail of blood and the girl fall to the floor scrambling towards him. Where's her feet?! Senta dropped the branch moving to shore but the creature emerged from a brier, red oozing down. Senta froze, his heart paining him. The scaly demon hovered over the girl snarling whilst directing his eyes to Senta. Cold swept over Senta and his heart paced rapidly, every beat was a shard stabbing him and Senta started to loose focus, bracing himself against the branch. The girl was out cold and the creature had forgotten her in place of Senta.
What a strange odor death has. Smoke filled the air and the beast shrieked. Focus returned in the clouded seconds that followed until putrid nostrils cleared Sentas immediate vision. Crap. The beast glared.
Noise roared from the beast so loud even Senta's headphones made little difference but he felt a force, it bit him and pulled him backwards like a puppet. Senta saw briefly the monster turn to flee, leaking but the area surrounding him broke apart, the images shattered as he was pushed back, back alone with the trees and foliage.
A bitter cold sting poured out from his shoulder but Senta saw that his wound was scabbed over and scarring. 'So... I've remembered.' I just never knew her name... Senta caught tears falling and lent himself against the nearest tree. His lifted out his CD player and flicked it on, allowing for moment consciousness to drip away.

So begins...

Senta Nani Mo's Story