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Exiled: a Knight's Story

Exiled: a Knight's Story


(Private Roleplay between Skullsandslippers and Firewind)

1,984 readers have visited Exiled: a Knight's Story since Firewind created it.



Several hundred years ago in a world known as Vaedrin, it had suffered a war of darkness known as the "War of Demons". It was won by the forces of light by the timely aid of those who coerced the Dragons to be on their side. Darkness however is never so easily defeated, and time and time again it has tested mankind and it's allies, but always had heroes to fight back the tide.

Time went by and the world had many heroes rise and fall to combat the ever present threat of dark. The most recent band of heroes was a band of knights called, The Order.

The most known of this order was three young knights classified as "Hand of Justice". The Gold Knight was their leader, and lead the attack against bandits and organized peace talks, or assaults, upon tribes of people without a nation to call their own be they invaders or passing through. The Onyx Knight was the Gold Knight's sibling, and had a violent streak wherever they go, and was the most vulnerable to corruption. Then there was the Grey Knight, not as well known as the other two, but would hurl himself into danger no matter the cost, who was aptly named for his morals and his family status, for where he came from, Grey Meant "Orphan". As such the Grey Knight considered the other two his only real family.

However, some good things, if not all, come to an end. Slight infighting between the two sibling knights reached a frightening head when the Onyx Knight killed their sibling in cold blood. The Grey Knight in a vengeful fury attacked The Onyx for the crime, but was stopped by the other members of the order, and was promptly exiled from the Order, who shortly after were forced to disband. This left Grey all alone once again and wandered off, never to return to the land he was exiled from.

Hope for a new start?

In the meanwhile, The Exiled Grey Knight has made his way to Davinnkor, a lush kingdom of Opportunity, gold running from local mountains, yet rife with trouble, intent on settling down after what seemed to be endless wandering. But, he also has a fear of looking behind him, for he fears Old enemies and former colleagues may disrupt his attempt to start a new life. Some former Colleagues also seek him out for aid against a growing threat and help reform the Order. Currently he is crossing a field towards a village; and that is where our story begins...


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Maria silently nodded and gestured for Edina to silently follow them to Verreth's room. When all three women were present in the room, Maria took a seat and removed her cloak, revealing silver armor covering a strange gold yellow material threaded jumpsuit as she sat on a chair.

"It is not the interests of mine that I seek Grey. Several weeks ago, several former knights received dangerous information, that a certain turncoat of the order has been playing the Political Game. Now I know that is not Damian so my remaining next of Kin is responsible. Dareon Flynn. Otherwise known as Dareon the Onyx, Or the Turncoat Knight, as some former members called him." Maria sighed.

"Now how does this pertain to Damian? That leads to some of what you may have learned. At age twelve, Damian joins a secret training program for the Order, to gain a new generation of members. Undergoing the Initiation trials is stressful. Very stressful. Only a handful make it. My elder Twin Brothers, Samuel and Dareon, were the best ones. They were altar boys and wanted a better life. But the third person to pull through the ordeal, was an Orphan. Damian, the Order called him a Wild Card. But all three became fast friends." Maria closed her mouth. "For years, those three warriors climbed the ranks of the order to become a powerful team. The Hand of Justice. They were sent to negotiate peace to small disputes, fight monsters, repel Barbarian hordes."

"But Damian's most well known deed by himself, is often mistaken for a grunt work, due to his choice of color scheme for armor. Grey armor is also a sign of Grunts."


The Grey Knight dragged His Dark Armored comrade out of the blazing building. "Dareon! Stay here, the healers will get here! Sam! Try and tell me how to kill this thing!!" The Grey Knight shouted as he drew his sword. "Cause I gotta take that beast out!" With that statement, The Grey Clad warrior ran and leapt off the tower and landed on top of the large snake- like creature.


"Took him nearly two days to kill it but he did it. That was all good until Dareon snapped and turned violent. Killed innocents. Dareon killed Samuel during that time...and Damian maimed him out of vengeance. But did not kill him." Maria sighed. "I was called upon two years later to see if I can pick up the pieces. Finding Damian is one piece. Stopping Dareon is another."

Meanwhile Damian had returned to the Inn and walked to Verreth's door and actually decided to listen in on the girl talk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth sat on the bed, Edina sat on the floor. Both looked to the woman for an explanation.

Verreth knew some of what she told her. Damian had told her himself. She was surprised to hear that the initiation was so hard on him, on those who tried but she had seen him do great things in the brief time she had known him. To learn that he was a fighter, a survivor did not surprise her.

Edina gasped as she listened to the story. At the end she stood up. "Damian has to fight, he has to help you. If this man is out there than only Damian can fight him." She was so sure. She felt as if he was on a noble quest and it was her job to see him follow through. Like in the stories her grandmother would tell her of brave men who went to battle and then came home to their sweethearts.

Verreth was quiet for a time. She did not have such romantic notions. She had seen what evil there was in the world and she understood that only a few were able to fight but she also understood being forced to do something you did not want.

"I think we should talk to Damian, I understand that finding him and having him rejoin you is the best way to fight this man but it is not simply about you. If Damian is back into a corner and does what you ask he may resent you and that will turn his heart form the good in the world. He could become jaded. You kicking him out, exiling him had a great impact already. Do you think he will simply forget what you did and walk with you once more?"

Verreth shook her head. "Better to talk to him, to ask him how he feels and to explain your side of things. I will help but I will not make him feel obligated to do anything."

Edina looked astonished, "But he has to! He just has to fight! He needs to stop this evil man."

Verreth shook her head, "Damian does not need to do anything except what he feels is right. All we can do is give him information and allow him to make the choice."

Edina frowned. "You are wrong but it doesn't matter. Damian is brave and strong and he will do it because that is what good men do. He saved you didn't he."

Verreth nodded, "Yes and for that I am grateful but every fight costs him something. I saw it the other night. We must talk to him."

Edina turned and opened the door, startled to find Damian listening in. "Oh! Damian, you just have to do this. That man is evil and they say he needs to be stopped!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian nearly fell forward into the room. After regaining his balance he looked at Both Verreth and Edina with a sad smile. "Dareon had finally come out of hiding huh? I knew this day would come but hope it would never do." He stated with a sigh.

"I know I may be pushing you into a tight squeeze by asking you to come back." Maria said with a slight sigh. "But We do need your help, you can even say you'll help and not rejoin the order if that's fair enough for you."

"It just wouldn't feel like the home I grew up in when I joined it. And I know that in any other field, I'd probably be afflicted by dreams and nightmares of the past." Damian replied. "The more harsher part is that the hope I'd live a simpler life gets more dimmer every day I travelled. I am a broken down drifter who doesn't know what he should do."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Edina grabbed Damian's hand, "You just have to help them. They were looking for you so this is very important. You have to do it."

Verreth put her hands in her lap. "I think you should do what is right for you Damian. I know you wish to stop this man but do it on your terms."

Edina looked up at Damian her eyes large. "You have to stop him."

Verreth sighed. "You don't have to do anything but know that they need your help and you told me if I ever saw someone in need of help to tell you. They need your assistance but that does not mean you need to become part of the order again unless it is what you want. Maria said as much. You can also change your mind later. You have a chance to change things both for the good of everyone and for the order."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian looked at Verreth and then at Edina, then Maria. He sighed and kept silent for a while as he thought about it. He was struggling with his own personal feelings about it. He silently remembered about one particular event.


The Serpent laid slain nearby a worn and exhausted Grey knight, armor slightly dented and damaged. He was facing the skies as he breathed in and out as Samuel Came into view looking down at him. "Hey Coin-Head." Samuel stated.

"Hey yourself Goldy." Damian replied. "So that makes the score we got with each other a LOT different are we?"

"Eh, it's not so bad. I still got the score beat by one rogue Dragon." Samuel stated. "Hey Lemme ask you something. If anything happens to me, which I doubt it will, will you make sure the Family me and Dareon left behind are well taken care of?"

Damian looked at Samuel strangely. "Will you help me up so I know you're serious?"


Damian sat down as he heard everything Verreth said. "I made a promise to Sam. I'd have to make sure his family was taken care of if he wasn't there. I'm not saying I'm helping the order, or rejoining it. This is my time to redeem myself and repay a long awaited debt."

"Works for me, Coin Head." Maria stated with a smirk.

"Don't call me that." Damian said, with an embarrassed tone.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Edina smiled. Damian was going to be a hero. She just knew it.

Verreth nodded slowly. Damian felt a need to repay a debt and redeem himself. She could understand that. She could also understand him wanting to do it for himself and not the order.

She raised an eyebrow at the nickname. "Coinhead? I don't understand."

Edina moved to sit next to Damian, ensuring she was next to him and not Verreth. She took his hand. "You can stay here for as long as you need. I will take care of that." She smiled sweetly at him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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"You don't have to either." Damian said defensively, rubbing his silver hair in the process. He then blushed slightly when Edina was next to him.

"Um, thanks." He stated in small confusion of her meaning but he then shook off his nervousness as Maria shook her head. She knew how women try to get men and knew Edina was trying to catch him. Hook, line, and sinker.

"Anyway. For starters, is there any abandoned buildings, large ones, in town?" Maria asked. "It'll be a good spot as any for a gathering spot for the order, and beneficial since we'd be crowded here if I called for them to regather."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth nodded slowly. She felt as if she had said something wrong. The nickname is personal. I should not have said anything. Once again I have made it uncomfortable.

She stood, letting Edina have all the space on the bed next to Damian. She had not meant to be in the way, she had simply been there first.

Edina nodded enthusiastically. "Just outside of town. The Mender farm has a great large stone farmhouse and a barn. They have left it after both the parents passed and the youngest died of fever. The boy who was left, well he was taken by his uncle. They have been gone over five years now. Will that do? I can show it to you."

She took Damian's hand, her eyes on him though she answered Maria's question.

Verreth walked over to the window and stared out a the night sky. She would leave them to their work. Her ankle still ached a little from where she had been pulled and a look at her hands showed that her fingers and nails were damaged from the floor. She rubbed them together a little and planned to visit the forest for something to help them heal.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Maria nods her head. "Yes I wouldn't mind being shown it." She said with a nod as she got up and headed for the door. "I wish for rest however, we shall look at it in the morning before I judge whether it is suitable."

"Understood, we shall wait for morning." Damian nodded as he got up and prepared to head for his room. "See you all in the morning I assume." As he stated this he walked silently for the door.

"Have a good sleep Grey." Maria called out nodding to him towards him.

Damian walked through the door and headed for his room, sighing as he does before getting ready for bed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Verreth stood as Maria made to move towards the door.

Edina was up in a flash and at Damian's side. "Yes I will show tomorrow morning. After breakfast." She followed at Damian's heels like a puppy.

"Good night to you all." Verreth said as she closed the door to her room once they had all exited. She shivered. Her eyes moved to the shadows as if fearful of what might appear there. There is nothing there. Damian took care of him.

Verreth sat on the bed. But what of the next one? What has Gideon done? She had no doubt he was behind this. No one else knew what she was. In order for her to be an oddity someone would have had to tell the mage. He had said there would be others. Verreth felt sick to her stomach.

She laid down, curling up on her side. She would just have to be careful, very careful in the future. The mage had taken her by surprise and that couldn't happen again.

Sleep came but she was plagued with disturbing dreams.
"Damian, I am very glad you are helping. You are so brave." Edina ran a little to get ahead of him. She stopped in front of his door. "I will see you in the morning." She smiled sweetly, shyly

"Good night Damian." Edina quickly kissed his cheek before scurrying off down the hall.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Damian suddenly looked flushed when Edina kissed him. He shook his head to try and shake off the strange feeling he had. He walked into his room and went to bed.


The next morning the Grey Knight had to wake from a nightmare of his days when he was in the order. He rubbed his face as he got up and tried to shake things off, wondering what he should do next. Damian sighed before walking out of his room and towards a table in the dining area. He had to think about the day ahead of him, and the probable chance of him figuring out what the Order does know of Dareon's activities.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Edina left Damian and went to her room. She was beyond excited. She had been daring and kissed him on the cheek. She had never before been so bold before. She closed her door and undressed. He was all she could think about as she laid in bed and tried to still her pounding heart.
Edina woke early, helped her mother with breakfast and even made a table ready for Damian and the others. She wanted to show him that she was useful to have around. She already had her cloak out, draped over a chair back in preparation for showing them the farm.

Her hair had been carefully brushed and plaited that morning. Her dress clean though a simple cut that flattered her. Edina had chosen carefully.

She flitted around the common room serving breakfast to the other patrons and waiting for Damian to appear.

Verreth was up before the sun. She did not feel rested though she had slept. She too had carefully brushed her hair though it was out of needing a task to do more than vanity. She dressed, packed her things and carried it all down to the common room.

Edina's disappointment that Verreth appeared and not Damian was easy to see. She forced a smile and showed her to the table she had waiting. "I will get your breakfast."

Verreth smiled kindly. "Thank you."

Edina returned quickly with a bowl of porridge and a mug of tea. She deposited them without another word and went back to watching for Damian.

Verreth chuckled softly to herself. The girl was certainly smitten with Damian. She began to eat her breakfast while it was still warm and waited patiently for the others to make their appearance.

Her thoughts were on the mage, the one who attacked her and she wondered how she could best recognize such danger in the future. He had appeared from the shadows and nothing gave away what he was or what his intentions were. He had been insistent but that might not be the case for anyone else.

Her spoon swirled her porridge as she was lost in her thoughts.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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0.00 INK

Damian shook himself as he realized he was in the dining area of the upper floor. Everyone was obviously on the ground floor possibly waiting for him. Shaking his head at his own confusion he walked to the stairs and noted Maria walked down the stairs, with her fellow Knights in escort. Damian observed them as he debated in his own head about his decision of assisting the Order, without exactly rejoining.

"Something tells me if Dareon figures out I'm involved once he realizes the order is still in existence... Don't focus on that now." He thought. He sighed as he walked down the stairs.

"Why do you carry your armor in that sack?" Maria asked Damian as he walked to the table and sat, "It must be a burden to carry."

"That's because it is my burden to carry." The Former Knight answered. He looked around the Inn and noted both Verreth and then he also noticed Edina looking a bit more attractive then He thought of her for this morning. It made him raise one of his eyebrows but he chose to not pursue her reasons.

"When are we seeing this Barn?" He asked Maria.

"Sooner then later hopefully." Was his only answer."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Edina straightened up as she saw Damian coming down the stairs. She brushed her dress to smooth out the wrinkles. She picked up a tray laden with bowls for everyone.

"Good morning." She smiled at Damian while handing out the bowls.

Verreth looked up from her bowl and nodded to Maria and Damian. "Morning to you." Her eyes moved down the table to the others. She had seen them at a distance the other night but now she had the chance to see them up close. Verreth gave a general nod to the table.

"I am ready to take everyone out as soon as we are done breakfast." Edina piped up as she finished serving the meal. She squirmed her way into a seat next to Damian.

"Did you sleep well? Was the bed comfortable?"

Verreth went back to eating her porridge. "Are you just viewing the farm today or are there plans to begin establishing things if it proves to be what you hope for?" She looked at Maria.

Edina kept her sweet smile in place as she watched Damian. "I made breakfast. I am a good cook you know."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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"We'd be viewing the farm today, just to make sure nothing else is hiding out there. Then if all seems good we'll take some of our supplies and begin work immediately on converting the area." Maria explained the objective of the day. Damian could only listen as he simply ate his bowl in silence. The only forms of interaction he'd show was a nod of approval to the food and a small nod in replay of Verreth's greeting.

His face may not have looked it but he still felt haunted by the nightmares he had this morning before he awoke. Maria finished her meal as she pulled her cloak to ready to go.

"Whenever you are ready miss Edina. We'll follow you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Edina stood. "I am ready now." She smiled and half bounced to the door to lead them out.

Verreth stood and followed, staying near the end of the group. She could not guess how Damian was feeling right now and while she wanted to walk with him, she really didn't know him well enough to pry.

Edina led them down the road and towards the east side of town. Houses and buildings gave way to fields.

"Not much further. You can see the barn from here." She pointed into the distance.

The barn grew bigger and the stone house grew visible. There was a lane that led up to it though it had become overgrown.

Edina smiled. "See. Large space, large buildings. Needs some upkeep."

She began to pick her way down the lane towards the stone house. "They had a few horses you know. Big ones for farming so the barn is quite large. Pigs and a few cows too."

She lifted the hem of her dress and tip toed around a muddy spot. "House is one of the biggest around. I told you I knew a good spot."

Verreth walked, uncaring about the mud or obstacles. She was used to trekking through forest and usually as something much bigger than her current state. She said nothing but her eyes moved over the buildings. They were indeed large and with a bit of work would be habitable once more.

Edina stopped and turned. "Is this what you had in mind? Should we go look?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damian Grey Character Portrait: Verreth
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Maria scanned the area and looked at her escort of two Knights, who nodded in approval. "Go get the others. I'll be fine here for the next day or two. The others need to be notified. Get the supplies." The Knights nodded in their instructions as they left back for town.

"The last generation of The Order had the Patronage of a royal. We shall not do so. If the Crown controls our funding, the crown has their thumb on us. We shall be independent. Our pay shall be from weekly donations from the community, or the pay we get on missions." Maria stated firmly.

"Do the latter. The community only will do donations to us for when we do services to give the poor and refugees from any disaster." Damian stated with a note of firmness but also a gentle tone. Maria looked at him as if she wanted to reprimand him, only to nod at his suggestion.

"Even if you're not part of the order, you still have the one thing you had coming into, and leaving the order. That heart forever has the beat of the common folk. Perhaps that's why fate made you the third member of the Hand. You were the group's morality."

"I was merely your Brothers' sword and shield." He stated calmly before walking to a large Boulder nearby and climbed on it to ponder about the area. "Verreth, the forest is close by us. Do you think any natural herb could be of some use for medical supplies grow there?"

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Character Portrait: Damian Grey
Character Portrait: Verreth


Character Portrait: Verreth

Healer and Shape Shifter

Character Portrait: Damian Grey
Damian Grey

"Greetings to you my friend."


Character Portrait: Verreth

Healer and Shape Shifter

Character Portrait: Damian Grey
Damian Grey

"Greetings to you my friend."

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Character Portrait: Verreth

Healer and Shape Shifter

Character Portrait: Damian Grey
Damian Grey

"Greetings to you my friend."

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Re: Exiled: a Knight's Story

Ouch sorry to hear that. And yeah. School has me bogged down a little, I'll write up the next post soon.

Re: Exiled: a Knight's Story

I assume you are busy? I hope everything is alright. I had a nasty bug that ended up with me getting pneumonia again. Sucks.

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