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Aleera Wood

A chaser on the Ravenclaw team, Aleera has made prefect this year, and was quite the shock when she didn't make it as captain.

0 · 290 views · located in Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Expelliarmus!”, as played by Saint Crash



My name is... Aleera Olivia Wood

I guess I'm proud to be a Pure-Blood witch, not that it matters, of course.

I was born 17 years ago.

I'm currently a Sixth Year Prefect.

The Sorting Hat placed me in Ravenclaw.

I play as a Chaser in our House Team and I joined five years ago.

My wand is a wondrous twelve and three quarter inches, beech, with a Veela hair core.

My favourite subjects are potions and herbology, and I'm top of the class in both.

I am currently single.

People tell me I am a bright, intelligent young witch, although some say that I can come across as being rather haughty and borderline icy to some, and it's true that I have little to no patience for those who cannot keep up with me. Despite this, and my 'gothic' exterior, most people find themselves surprised by my eagerness to teach and share my rather extensive knowledge as a Ravenclaw to those who are willing. I'm not a complete bitch, you know. I regularly tutor students for a minimal fee, as long as you ask nicely and actually do the work.
I don't have many friends, but those I do have, I generally treat with more respect and patience than I would to anyone else. Hell, I even smile a lot more around them. We all need our back-up, right? I can't stand bullies, and you'd better brace yourself if I catch you out, and I don't give a toss what house you're in.

I'll admit, when it comes to Quidditch, I tend to get more... aggressive, shall we say? It's in my blood, after all. I don't like to lose, and one bad quidditch performance (not necessarily a loss) will affect me more than any test or exam. I'm not known for my sunny disposition, but my mood can quickly go sour and for me to become decidedly more mouthy and/or snappy during a build-up to a crucial game. Last year, I was once so preoccupied in the weeks leading up to an upcoming game against Gryffindor that my results dropped by an entire grade... To add insult to injury, I was knocked out fifteen minutes into the game and the Ravenclaw team got hammered.
I generally hold a lot of respect for my fellow quidditch players; if I feel they deserve it, of course.

I really enjoy doing these kind of things... Needless to say, I love flying and quidditch in general. I'm a die-hard fan of the Montrose Magpies, the team for which my big brother now plays. Of course, I wouldn't be a Ravenclaw if I didn't enjoy reading and I do a little bit of writing on the side as well. I am currently the school's grandmaster at wizard's chess, another sport which I enjoy and excel at. I do enjoy chilling out to music in the evenings as well, some of the muggle stuff isn't that bad.

Ugh, I'm only doing this because I have to. Muggle Studies, because I need to 'be prepared' for them. Ugh...

I detest blood purists, spiteful bullies, narrow-minded bigots, slackers and class clowns. I also don't like people who play dirty at Quidditch. Jerks.

Let me tell you a little something about myself... I come from a long line of talented, well-known Quidditch players, including Oliver Wood, England Keeper and former teammate of Harry Potter. My father is Alexander Wood, who was the Keeper on the English team for their last victorious World Cup, my mother, Cassandra Brown, was a seeker for the Ballycastle Bats, and my big brother Chris was a Gryffindor Keeper and held Captain for two years. Quidditch, therefore, is in my blood.
Much to my delight, I was sorted into Ravenclaw in my first year. It defied tradition in a family of (mostly) true-hearted Gryffindors, but my family were happy for me all the same, especially when I made the team as a chaser the following year--with my brother playing his final season for Gryffindor. Neither of us pulled any punches and it remains to this day one of the best matches I have played, and definitely the one I have enjoyed the most.

As you probably already know, I have left no doubts about my academic ability either, with eight 'O' grade OWLs, and one 'E'. I usually maintain high, if not top grades in all of my classes, and I love reading [not just books and magazines on quidditch] and playing wizard's chess in my increasingly rare spare time. Learning is something that comes very easily to me, and is an experience that I take pleasure in.

My parents divorced about nine years ago, something which I don't like talking about. My mother began to become interested in the dark arts, and began talking more openly of her dislike of muggles, causing a rift between herself and my dad. She began acting strangely, distancing herself from her old friends and making newer, shadier friends. Things eventually escalated into a messy divorce which ultimately left my dad sole custody of myself and my brother. My mother, named and shamed in the press, not for her real faults, but instead for being a negligent mother, changed her name and virtually disappeared for a short period of time. I have not had any contact with her since, and to be honest, never want to see her again.

So begins...

Aleera Wood's Story

Aleera stretched out in her lovely, warm bed in the Ravenclaw dormitory. She had been awake for about an hour, but had felt no desire to get up and head downstairs just yet. Her eyelids drifted closed as she listened to the wind blowing softly across the windows. Yesterday had been a long day indeed. Her father had was coaching at a match yesterday morning, so he couldn't see his daughter off at Platform Nine and Three Quarters. However her older brother, Chris, had only been too delighted to take his place and escort his 'darling baby sister' across London.
When they finally reached Kings Cross, it wasn't long before he found some girls, witch and muggle alike to chat-up instead. Aleera was boarding the train by the time he noticed she was gone. Tall, broad, and handsome with dark blonde hair, hazel colored eyes, and a hint of their ancestral Scottish accent, he couldn't have looked more different to his sister. Aleera was average height, slim, with natural ebony coloured hair, green eyes and ever-pale skin. The only time she sounded Scottish was when she got overly stressed. Nonetheless, they generally got along like a house on fire.
This year, as a leaving present, he'd gifted her his old Quidditch goggles (' I thought Ravenclaw might need some extra luck...'), a couple of chocolate frogs ('...To fend off the Dementors...') and finally several canary creams and toffees designed to make the male eater sound like a eunuch. ('...Be sure to tell the Slytherin Team they're from me.')

The train journey was rather uneventful; Aleera met up with some friends, ran into a couple of members of the Quidditch teams, and threatened to hex a simpering Hufflepuff fifth year who was completely besotted with her brother. Aleera yawned as she finally swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She didn't put herself in much of a hurry to shower and dress, especially when she heard Gabriel yelling at her to hurry up. Tempted as she was to roar back down at him, the dark-haired adolescent chose instead to ignore the racket and continue applying her eyeliner and the search for her jewellery. Breakfast was a similar affair to the journey to the school, without the threats, or the Hufflepuff girl. Aleera had made an effort this year to try not to intimidate the tiny first years too much on their first day of school, like wearing plain Docs with her skirt and leaving the chokers behind in her dorm room. By the time she arrived down into the common room, the mongrel was gone. So much for "I'll wait for you'.

Any resentment towards Gabriel had dissipated by the name she had reached the Great Hall, picking out her part-giant friend out with ease. Stuffing his face as usual; She grinned as she approached him from behind, a little thrown by the sudden appearance of the team beater, Thersea Dodemond. None the less, it didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing the side of his head.
"I thought you were waiting for me, wolf-boy." She frowned slightly, starting to play with his hair. Her eyes flicked to his plate for a moment, the smirk re-appearing on her dark lips. "You'd better be watching what you're eating, mon capitan. I want you to be in top shape this year." She teased, ruffling his hair as she slid in beside him.
Aleera chose some cereal and some fruit for her own breakfast. "Love, you should have come with us to France. The Beauxbatons boys were beautiful creatures, much nicer than those Romanians. You would have loved it." A crooked smile crossed her face as she stabbed a strawberry with a fork and popped into her mouth. "How was your summer, Theresa?"