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Neil Borack

"Having a mind the size of a planet isn't at all fun."

0 · 308 views · located in Modern Day United States

a character in “Experimental Eden”, as played by TheFlag


Name: Neil Borak

Age: 19

Gender: Male Image

Appearance: Neil's physical appearance is rather lean and skinny, he stands at 5'10" and he weights around 179lbs and hardly any fat clings to his bones. Neil however is still quite muscular, and is a lot stronger then he look. His skin tone is pale, and is almost white blemishes are a common sight on his face. His cheekbones are jutted inwards, giving him a quiet appearance and demeanour. His eyes are a muddy green, with hints of blue at the irises, his eyes are bloodshot and also a milky white centres around each globe: he has bags underneath each eyelid showing he doesn't get much sleep. His hair is a dark brown, almost black in daytime he often has it slicked backwards to keep the hair out of his eyes, and to retain a sophisticated look.

Personality: Neil is a larger than life type of guy, not one for dwelling on the past: he likes to move on and get on with his life always trying to live in the moment, the [i]now[i]. Although his brain; comprehends, analysers, observes and predicts every small decision, at a rapid speed he still feels emotions, for example if he predicted someone was going to betray him, and they did it would still hurt as much, worse even since it was expected. Neil is often if not always, thinking ahead on his situations, and when in thought he'll lose track to everything around him, only focusing on his plans. Neil takes pride in himself, and his great intellect and cannot help to be condescending to people when he firsts meets them, however if he develops a liking to the person, he'll become a lot more friendlier and extremely loyal, he'll never abandon a friend in need, he however wouldn't throw his life away for the person, he'd just help them out a bit. Neil doesn't pride himself in morality, thinking it pointless and often does thinks for his own sake. He seldom gets angry, and always rationalizes the situation: however if pushed beyond the point where there's no return, he'll let loose into a flurry of fiery anger, and will become withdrawn and quiet afterwards.

Likes: Predicting outcomes, learning, physics, science, biology, computers

Dislikes: Flaws, idiots, money, hypocrites

Ability: Enhanced Cognitive Functions

History: Neil was brought-up as a single child, and had a fairly standard family which raised him logically, trying to instil into him the ground basics of acceptance, practicably and change which he grasped very well. When going to school, he learnt as a rapid pace advancing through terms of knowledge in days, and everything he learned he remembered. Ironically at the age of 13 Neil was one of the most intelligent people in the world, however due to his mind maturing at that age, and various other things his mind subconsciously suppressed some of the information, and limited his cognitive abilities to prevent Neil from going insane due to all the changes. He however was still considered a genius at his school, because his brain didn't limit these functions entirely. Now almost 20, the cracks are beginning to crumble and his brain is speeding back up and he's remembering massive chunks of information.

So begins...

Neil Borack's Story

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Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Neil sat inside the warm lobby or the local medical clinic, his hands automatically rubbed together in anticipation of his impending appointment. His eyes flicked observing his surroundings rapidly, infact if he closed his eyes, he'd be able to remember this place in exact detail that would mirror its real counterpart in complete synergy. Neil's hand automatically raised in frustration, as he rubbed his temples he'd been getting serious migraines each day, which had begun a week ago and had been a constant non-stop. Neil's mind quickly synapses several explanations for this; one was a tumour on his frontal lobe, the second was his brain was under pressure and was psychologically induced and last perhaps his carbon monoxide levels were to high. He calculated the probabilities quickly and was satisfied with the results, which approximately took him 0.5seconds astounding him again. Neil hadn't told anyone this not even his closest friends or relatives but his brain felt like it was in overdrive, and was reacting way faster then it should be, which worried him. Infact it was one of the main reasons Neil decided to see a Doctor, that and his parents urging.

Neil heard his name being called by the Receptionist, and automatically pushed himself out of the chair: walking towards the desk. She looked up before nodding politely and speaking, "The doctor will see you now." She gestured a room behind her, to which Neil began walking to not before tipping an invisible hat to the receptionist of course, after all manners were everything. He walked in with a pirates swagger, and opened the door tiredly as there were bags drooping under his eyes and yawned. His eyes looked at the Doctor noticing several strange minor details; he had dirt on his boots, a blood spat on his shoulder and he was sweating from his left brow, a common sign of anxiety or perhaps deception? His left lip also quivered. Neil paused in the doorway, his head tilting left, not sure if he could enter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramona Blaque Character Portrait: Neil Borack Character Portrait: Gracie Torrence Character Portrait: The GM
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leshok
"Neil come in!" said the doctor in a thick Irish accent while looking at a chart in front of him. "So I understand you have been having some headaches is that correct?" the doctor added taking off the jacket he was wearing tossing it into a container marked for disposal and grabbing a new jacket off the back of his door. "Sorry for my ragged appearance, I just got off my shift as an EMT and was filling in for Dr. Johnson while he is sick." The man added wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I am Dr. Jonas, now lets take a look at you shall we?" Dr. Jonas said with a smile.

The Doctor did look nervous, it was indeed Neil's chart in his hand. The clock was exactly 42 seconds slow. There were 56 tongue depressors in that jar. The sheer amount of information again causing Neil's head to hurt.


Phil smiled and shook Gracie's hand. "Here is my card, will be in contact with you!" He said witha simple smile. As Gracie walked out, she sees two police vehicles, a fire truck and an ambulance fly by, sirens screaming. Heading in the direction of her side of town. She could see smoke above the houses and tree lines.


The man flinched as Ramona caught back up with him, attempting to thrust the money back at him. "No look, take it, I don't need it and you soon will, forget we met and don't tell anyone. You might want to look into getting out of town for a bit, now I have to get out of here." the man said in a panic refusing the money and jumping into a shabby grey car, starting the ignition and zooming out of the parking lot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
"Neil come in!" the doctor spoke after a few seconds had passed with a distinct Irish accent, to which Neil nodded walking through the doorway. "So I understand you have been having some headaches is that correct?" the doctor added, while he slung off the jacket he was wearing, throwing it into a container which was marked for disposal. Neil leaned again the wall before summing up a response "Yeah, they've gotten to a state where I can't think clearly." The doctor's hands went for a new jacket while slipping it on he gave an explanation for his appearance, "Sorry for my ragged appearance, I just got off my shift as an EMT and was filling in for Dr. Johnson while he is sick." Neil raised his head before nodding rather clumsily: he was experiencing a headache again, he could tell the clock was exactly 42 seconds slow just by looking at it, and the jar in the far corner loaded with tongue depressors had exactly 56 which made Neil lower his head and gasp sharply, as he held his forehead, rubbing it gently: trying to ease the pain.

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead away, before announcing his name to Neil "I am Dr. Jonas, now lets take a look at you shall we?" in response Neil forced himself to move, trying to overcome the headache temporarily, "I've taken several antibiotics, but they seem to have no effect." Neil added to his current statement, while closing his eyes trying to concentrate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack Character Portrait: Knox Dean
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leshok
Browsing through the store, Knox finally found the cat food Florence would like, it wasn't the cheapest brand, but atleast it wasn't the most expensive. The clerk behind the register was a stuck up girl that Knox went to highschool with, luckily the transaction didn't take long and he was out of there without too much awkwardness. It was a brisk early summer day, sun was out, the weather was warm and only slightly humid.

Leaving the store, Knox receives a text message from an unknown phone number reading only "Don't go into work, get home, gathers up what you need and try to get away for a few days. This is the only warning I can give."


Dr. Jonas proceeded to inspect Neil, shining a light in his eyes, asking him questions. After about a quarter of an hour, Dr. Jonas frowned and looked at Neil "I'm going to recommend you go to the hospital and have an MRI done, nothing seems wrong, but your pupils do dillate in a very odd manner." He said pulling out a note pad. "Meanwhile here is a prescription to some pain killers, I recommend you get to the hospital soon though."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
The doctor began inspecting Neil using mandatory exercises; shining light in his eyes, asking him questions to which Neil answered best to his knowledge after fifteen minutes of this had passed, the doctor looked at him with a low frown, which slightly worried Neil. "I'm going to recommend you go to the hospital and have an MRI done, nothing seems wrong, but your pupils do dillate in a very odd manner." Neil twisted his head carefully, before nodding "Sure I guess I'll be able to go to a hospital soon." Neil silently wondered what would show up on the MRI, a tumour? No, no a tumour's symptoms included; seizures, drowsiness and sickness, Neil had only demonstrated on of these symptoms, he paused curiously wondering how he knew all of this, it just seemed to come naturally, which shocked Neil.

"Meanwhile." The doctor continued "Here is a prescription for painkillers." Neil raised his hand, taking the prescription nodding in thanks, he'd head down to the Pharmacy after this to buy a couple, his head ached considerably, "I recommend you get to the hospital soon though." The doctor concluded, to which Neil nodded "Thanks for the diagnosis." He turned around, holding his shoulder and walked out of the room, and soon out of the Medical clinic, towards the Pharmacy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Neil's eyes went wide as the scene played out before him, his brain automatically piecing the event together which felt so natural. Neil's jaw slacked downwards in obvious disbelief. Neil however wasted no time in formulating a plan, which was done in a nanosecond. He'd kick the ball when it rolled into the street, successfully distracting the dog and the jogger while the ball rebounded at a 20 degree angle, hitting the wind-shield of the car, forcing it to break or slow down, the only one who would remain unaffected by this event would be the skater.

Neil wasted no time and instinctively acted on his plan, he ran in as soon as the child let go of the ball and it started rolling and punted it with his right foot, the dog immediately turned and began chasing after the ball in the other direction, while the jogger turned trying to flag down his dog. The ball rebounded off a sign, landing directly in the wind-shield forcing the car to a sway left, leaving marks on the road it skidded to a halt. Neil stood there, his mind comprehended the situation fairly quickly, and his eyes went wide, he felt pain flare inside his head however, and moaned rubbing the left side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Neil's mind ached, and he almost fell over the details overwhelming him. Neil, however through some miracle he remained standing willing himself not to fall down. This was the worst headache Neil had ever experienced. It felt like something had finally shattered inside him and finally broke the seal between him, like using a muscle which one had not used in years. Neil tried to silence all the information he was taking it, but alas he could not and remained holding his head.

Out of the corner of Neil's eye he saw Knox, walking along. Neil didn't particularly look at him, his brain automatically picked out the details; his pupils dilated, sweat formed on his brow, and his pace had significantly quickened all the signs pointed to stress. Neil, quickly shook away, doubling over throwing up on the sidewalk, unable to handle the amounts of information he was taking in. He grabbed his side hauling himself into a alleyway ignoring the situation just wanting a place to rest.

Neil fell between a wall, the back of his head leaning against the cold, cool wall. Neil moaned lowly from what he experienced, the pain had dulled but he was still experiencing it. He reached into his jacket, opening the bottle of painkillers, before pulling out two capsules and placing them under his tongue swallowing them both. Neil's eyes closed, he'd wait for the painkillers to kick in then he'd go home, and book an appointment for the hospital.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Neil Borack
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Neil walked across the side walk, slightly agitated that the doctors at the hospital didn't find any immediate results. Neil decided he'd just go home and get some sleep and hopefully it'd be gone in the morning which was a fairly slim chance. Neil's arm brushed past people as he was walking in the opposite direction of the crowd, and he spotted every single detail; male, female, height, age, current state he didn't know what to make of this and frankly he was scared. He clenched his head in slight pain, it hurt still but Neil had managed to adjust to it, and deal with it. What he was doing was impossible, the human brain shouldn't be able to process information this fast.

In a ditch attempt to prove himself wrong Neil thought of a sum, one that he shouldn't be able to solve 2456 times 4664 and almost instantaneously Neil had the answer which made his jaw drop, he wasn't sure how he was doing this, and wanted no part in it. Neil continued his route home, looking like he'd seen a ghost, he didn't know how he was doing this, only that it caused serve migraines. Neil's eyes lurched forward as he finally spotted his house, and relief swept through him.

Neil stopped at the door fiddling to get his keys, he stuck it into the door twisting them jaggedly. As Neil walked in he noticed a beep on his Phone, he pressed it hearing the automated voice, "You have 1 message." before a beep and "Excuse me, this is Officer Reynolds, we need you to come down to the station for some questions. A man was found dead outside his home today, when investigating we found his house was filled with pictures of 6 different young adults, yours included. Please come as soon as you can, we can send an escort if needed"

Neil's mouth once again dropped this time in a more comical fashion, a man had been murdered with a photo of him in his possession, does it have something to do with what's happening to me? Neil thought, but rationalism prevailed there we six others, it probably has something to do with something else. Neil however felt uneasy inside his home and decided to head down to the Station to ease his mind.