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Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm


The fairy mothers have been kidnapped. Summer and Winter have joined forces for the first time since Oberon was king. The old gods gather their armies while heavens forces dwindle. You are the only one standing between us and the forgot. good luck.

3,097 readers have visited Eye of the Storm since zerr0max created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Its in part a mystery so i wont tell you everything. The fairy mothers have been kidnapped and their power is gone from the courts. Now the fairy queens have gathered the armies of summer and winter to defend themselves and find the mothers. Together they stand to tear our world up and nothing will stand against them. For the first time since the days of King Oberon the Mad the fairy courts have forsaken the balance and joined forces. This has caused dramatic climate shifts across the earth, with snow in summer, sandstorms in the rain forest, temperatures to fluctuate erratically. The old gods gather their armies to combat the fey, but their power is weak and followers few. Heaven's forces are weakened on earth from the constant battles with the Denarians. Hawaii is at the epicenter of everything, the literal eye of the storm. Because the mothers are gone, the very nature of the nevernever has changed, chaining it down so it no longer shifts. Hawaii is where the crossover to the fairy mothers home is located. The armies of the Queens have gathered here, and with their coming a massive storm has sprung up around Hawaii, cutting it off from the rest of the world. None can get away from it in the mortal plane, the sea and storm stop all that try. The ways are blocked by the armies of the faeries. You are the worlds last hope, the mothers are not in the nevernever so they must be on earth. Queen Mab believes they are somewhere in Hawaii. Queen Titania disagrees and is not willing to let the armies waste its time, she prepares for war instead. She fears what is to come. In compromise they agree that you are to investigate in the human world, and if you find the mothers to let the army know so they can mount a rescue. If you can find them, you will have the full might of summer and winter to help defeat who ever it is that would dare to take the mothers. Should you fail, then the full might of summer and winter will descend upon the earth. You have three months till the last of the wyldfae can be gathered and the accords broken. Three months till the forgot becomes the remembered. Three months stuck inside the eye of the storm.


Honolulu Hawaii (closed for my IRL players)
Santa Barbara CA (open to all)
Death Vally CA (open to all)

8 months prior there was a massive upswing in the number of deaths in the state of Hawaii. According to all official reports there was no connection between all of those who were killed. However those in the know realized that each death was of a person with power. However the level of power ranged from the most basic to strongest wizards on the island. Even the white council’s wardens were killed. At the time it was blamed as the last casualty of the war with the red court and a new player stepping in to fill the red courts shoes. Two months after the killings started they suddenly stopped and everyone believed that everything was OK now. In truth, things were about to get a lot worse.
The next day the climate changes started. All across the globe, with no explanation as to why. On Jan 1st it goes from bad to worse. In the early morning a massive storm pops up surrounding the island of Honolulu, which is safe in the eye. All communication in and out of the island has been shut down, and her people trapped inside this storm. As the hour grows later, the Storm grows larger. It is predicted to reach North America in a week at its current rate of expansion. It is expected to cover half the earth just outside a month. A storm has come to Hawaii, and with it an unseen army prepared for war.

The Nevernever is in even worse shape, the ways have stopped changing. Before their was no guarantee as to what you will find once you crossed over. Now they are fixed to each other and to the earth. Slowly the Nevernever is becoming more logical, as it grows closer to the mundane world. Slowly the Nevernever is dieing as the two planes merge into one universe. But the fey will stop this, even if they have to destroy the earth to do it. Their armies gather for a war for their very survival, as well as one for revenge for the mothers. The queens want their power back, and Heaven help anyone who gets in their way. The storm is the representation of the Courts armies manifested in the mundane world. It is the declaration of war, the first since the accords were created.

Santa Barbara is one place that the oncoming storm is threatening, and it is one place the the earths "defenders" are gathering. All while Death Vally awakens, bringing with it a threat long since forgotten.

Character stuff:

Besides the basic backstory (such as history,personality, what you have on you, ect.) please provide the following:

Are you pure mortal or do you have a special gift?
If pure mortal what do you do? What are you good at? and are you in the know about the supernatural world, if so how?
If you have a gift, what is it? How powerful are you and who do you work for, if anyone?
Since most of the magical world was touched by the war with the reds, how were you involved? Did you do anything big or noteworthy?
And why are you in Hawaii? Were you sent or just a unlucky vacation?

Remember that the only power off limits is fairy magic, since the courts will be busy for the first part of this story.

note: Your character can be purely mortal if you so wish, their are plenty of them in the Dresden Verse that can kick all kinda ass. You just have to be creative. I do understand that a lot of the following is mostly geared towards those with a gift, but that is because I need a bit more information from them to determine the politics that will follow them about and because I expect most people to want to run a gifted character. I will not turn someone away simply because they want to run a pure mortal, and chances are that no matter what you give me in your character information I will ask for more specifics.

Examples of gifts include magic, being a werewolf, a vampire, having true faith, super strength or a magical sword given by a blind old man who rode around on a alligator called bubba. These are just a few examples, I am keeping it with the Dresden world so powers that appear in that universe are OK but if you want to do something that does not fit in this universe, like a magically powered robot, I am sorry but this is not the game for you. If you have an idea, please ask and I will do my best to work with you to fit the idea into this world. I will do my best to work with people who have not read the Dresden Files, but i do recommend at least checking out the Dresden wiki so you can get a feel for this universe. It is a urban fantasy with most of the world in the dark about magic.

below are some questions that you dont have to answer but show the type of information i want about what your gift. so please explain your gifts, how you got them, what kinda of power it is, and just how strong you think you are.

With magic what is your specialty? Evocation (specify fire, earth, wind, water, or spirit.) Ritual magic? Runes? Soul? How strong are you, white council material or just a one trick pony?
With a werewolf are you a changeling that can do it at will or is it the classical once a month?
Vampire needs to pick a court. Is it the sexy white, the classical black, or a new one that you want to create?
With faith what is your faith? How strong is your belief? Are you a priest, a knight of the cross, or simply a stay at home mom?
Or do you carry around an item of power given to you by someone? If so, who where they and what is this item. Is it like Thors hammer or like Excalibur?
Do you work for someone and they sponsor your magic, a high priest or even a old god directly? A powerful mob boss or the US military? A true dragon?
Do you have super speed, or strength? Can you heal from any wound or keep going without food and sleep for days?

Toggle Rules

1) You must be approved, your character must be approved
2) You can not be a part of either the court of summer or winter
3) This is based on the Dresden files rpg and in that world, so the magic system from that world is what i am using. the lore is from butchers world, how the fae work and all that good stuff. Please respect the man who made this amazing world for us to play in, but with that in mind i will take liberties with his work, so please bear with me if i change something to suit my story
4) Play nice with each other or i wont play nice with you
5) More detail is better but make sure other people get a chance to play too
6) There is no rule six
7) You dont have to be good but you do have to try to save the world. you can't rule it if it is gone
8) No god characters. If you want power you can go about as strong as Harry can, with just as much control. If you want more control, then you have to dial back the amount of power.
9) If you have questions ask, i dont care how stupid they may sound. I am new to GM online so i am bound to make mistakes, if i do please bring it up to me in a pm. that said I am the GM and the last word is mine and mine alone.
10) We will follow all rules for this site. No exceptions. I just got here, i would rather not get kicked off just yet ;P

If you have questions please ask, i reserve the right to add more rules as they are needed but this is all i can think of right now. just have fun without ruining it for others.

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

Death Valley and Santa Barbara

Death Valley and Santa Barbara by RolePlayGateway

While the storm grows around Hawaii, the rest of the world prepares for the worst. The old armies have gathered along the coast to present a first line of defense. Santa Barbara is one such place. On top of it all something is awakening in Death Valley.

the B. Shelter

the B. Shelter by RolePlayGateway

accorded neutral grounds and awesome bar

the bay ground

the bay ground by RolePlayGateway

neutral grounds

hawaii, usa

hawaii, usa by zerr0max

It use to be a paradise, one the premier vacation spots in the world. Now its streets run red, its skies black. The storm is here, all around you. Can you find a way to stop it?

in the past

in the past by RolePlayGateway

this is were past events need to be rped happen. warning will contain spoilers to the story, you have been warned

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Jack Frost Nick snatchs the coin from Enilas dad as her mom rushes to her side and wraps her in her arms.


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Character Portrait: says,
 “ hush baby, hush. its ok. its ok. we wont let the cold come back ”


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Character Portrait: says,
 “ Why is it so cold? ”


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Character Portrait: says,
 “ Becuase you silly girl, it is cold in hell ”


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Character Portrait: Jack Frost
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nick says snappishly before he leaves

The setting changes from hawaii, usa to the B. Shelter


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Withdrawing the folder from the table. "I'm sorry I seem to have made a mistake."

Getting up and straightening his jacket " I'm not sure why or how I hit the faeries radar, and I don't care. My goal is to protect the lives, property and sovereignty of the United States of America. Your 'people' threaten all of that, they are poised to destroy the world and you want to start a pissing match because you don't think I respect you. Now I could spend the time and tell you how much I respect your strength, or challenge you to a fight, but I don't give a ----. I already have plans in the work for if we don't find the thief in time. Half my night was spent making contingency plans that will result in the deaths of one million two hundred ninety-five thousand one hundred seventy-eight people, that is not what I call a fun night."

Lynch took a pause and then continued " The rest of my night I was filling out documents and forging history's and work papers so when the MP's demand to see some identification your not handing them an ----ing axe. A state of emergency has been declared and not only will there be a curfew but they are going to check I.D.'s and if anyone does something suspicious they are going to do a background check to check for terrorist affiliations. Sure you don't think this country or it's rules have any power over you; that won't stop them from putting a bullet in your head."

Pulling out a cigarette, Lynch put it in his mouth and lit it. After taking a puff he pulled the cigarette out and looked at Victor. "I wanted to go over the history I made for you. Yesterday I claimed you were on my team only so COMPAC would okay giving you a free pass. I hoped we could all work as a team and figure out who screwed the world before the fay screwed us. I expected Silias to be difficult and hide in his church, I expected Nancy to be obstinate, short tempered and not trust a word I said. I had hoped we had worked together enough that you would be willing to work with me and the others to figure out where this rabbit hole leads."

Reaching into his jacket pocket Lynch pulled out a small card and wrote something on it then began folding it in half while he spoke. " Yes, I have no power over you, but you don't have ---- over me. I stopped trying to feed you straight lines years ago, once I knew you knew and you could handle yourself. If your too bull headed to see that then I think we are done here." Lynch dropped the card on the table.

Lynch turned and walked steadily away from the table not stopping for anything "If you change your mind".


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#, as written by Phyrro
Vidar watches impassively as Lynch walks out. Then grunting he turn's to Zach and gives him a lopsided smile. "I like him. We might just have a chance after all".

"As for your question friend the answer is as always simple. War. The fey plan our on the warpath. Someone stole there power. And me, captain America, that blockhead priest and the girl have been tasked to find it. If we don't there will be war likes of which I will never have seen before." Vidar looks down at the table and suddenly looks very old. "I don't know what to do, my place is fighting in war not trying to stop it. The old ways are dead. My people are preparing for war, for Ragnarok itself, and instead of being with them I am here with these kids trying to stop it."

"I am too old for this shit man."


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Following the fathers directions Silias is lead to a small annex room. In the room there are two small iron chairs and the only decorations on the wall is a small crucifix on the far side. In the chair closest to the door sat an old lady with her back to the door.

Approaching the women gingerly, Silias places a light hand on her shoulder. β€œOh dear” the lady exclaims as she jumps.Turning around and staring at Silias with blind eyes. β€œI am sorry, I am just a bit jumpy after everything thats going on.” The lady appears to have settled herself and begins fanning herself with a black Chinese fan.

Taking the the chair across from her, Silias draws it close to her and while sitting softly takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. β€œOh hello dear,” She responds and she squeezes back staring off into space.”Please are you the one that last spoke with my son? He is such a good boy, and I am so terribly afraid that he has gone missing and might get hurt.” He voice seems strained as though unused to so much speaking.

Silias squeezes her hand in recognition of the question.β€œoh good. I had hoped the good father would find you for me. I know he said you were not speaking today, which is sad considering what the people have been saying about you on the streets.”she pauses β€œYes, they are saying that you are the coming profit. Thrice blessed by the Father to have calmed the storm as our lord once did. My neighbor says that Father Miles has been preaching about you” with this her eyes seem to light up ad she starts fanning herself again

letting go of her hand in disgust Silias stands up and starts pacing. while doing so he takes greater notice of the lady’s is raggedy, filled covered in torn black netting that looks to have been repaired rather clumsily by hand. If he squints, silias can just make out what appears to be gold embroidery on the fan in a very peculiar pattern. One he has seen before but can’t seem to place.

The lady’s head seems to follow him as he moves about, she calmly takes bach her hand when Silias lets go. β€œOh,I am sorry... I did not mean to upset. It’s just after what you did...Making it through.No one else on the plane survived... no one but you that is.”

With that Silias stops dead in his tracks and stares hard at the women. After a sharp intake of breath he simply mutters β€œDei gratia”.

The women continues β€œit was so tragic. all of them died after the government took them away. I hear the military is blaming it on a gas leak in t he building. But according to my neighbor...” the women lowers her voice and continues ” well, he says that the building was not hooked up to any gas. and he would know. he works in the building next to it. their was so much noise coming from the building. and then all of the body bags I heard it was a bloody mess in there”

Silias kneels next to the women still short of breath. β€œAre you okay my dear?” Silias speaks penitentially β€œDomine, peccata mihi ignosce, et ne in errorem me ducas; When did this happen?”
β€œhmm... yesterday, around three i believe. or at least that is when people started to notice the stench from the building”

Having already broken his penance of silence Silias continues β€œAre you by chance called Petunia?” this times she looks right at him she shakes her head slowly.
β€œno.... i do not believe anyone has ever called me that my name is Pen”

β€œyour son, if he is the boy i spoke to earlier, did. lad by the name of peter or puck if you prefer” upon naming the boy Pen shakes her head and smiles saying β€œno, that is my nephew. my son is jack”

Sick of such games Silias begins to loose his calm. β€œ has caused much trouble in days past. what is it you want from us, from me?”

β€œMy family?” Pen inquires β€œThe only family I have left is Jack and he is a good boy. everyone else was killed in the last great war. I know jack is a little hard headed at times, but he is a good boy at heart”

β€œwhat are you?” Silias demands β€œNot human clearly no more then your boy at least. And yet you stand he on holy ground surrounded by iron and yet you hardly flinch. what new tricks has the devil learned?”

β€œwhat are you talking about?” Pen erupts clearly offended β€œare you mad.... just because am blind does not mean that i am not human or touched by the devil. I will have you know young man, i was baptized in his holy waters and i go to church every sunday. just like a proper lady should. oh when the father hears what you said...”

β€œIf not you, your son has been.” Silias interrupts β€œWhen last i saw him he was in commune with dark forces.”

β€œMy son would never. He is a good boy. Would a servant of the dark forces give his dear mother a gift with crosses on it?” She turns the fan around for him to see. With it fanned open to him Silias now sees the symbol in earnest the gold forms the shape of the three triangles each with a cross inscribed in it. Silias feels a nudge inside hime to take the fan away from the women. It seems to radiate a repulsive sickness.

β€œIt is a beautiful fan” Silias says, his tone chill now. As he reaches into his breast pocket for his holy water he asks β€œDo you mind if I take a closer look at it?” Pen smiles and nods offering the fan to his general direction.”It is a very nice gift isn’t it?It’s from my son before he left. and such pretty crosses”.

Using the water to clean his hands Silias mutter,"Lord, wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." then sprinkling water on the fan Silias preforms a short exorcism β€œExorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi” With this he takes the fan and as it leaves the women’s hands she falls over dead.

Wrapping the fan in a white cross, Silias kneels to inspect the women. Being indeed dead he searches the body taking her possessions (a bag of money, some spare coins and a small cross)and leave the room being sure to close the door.

Finding the father Silias says β€œFather quickly the women has fallen ill! quickly come with me” β€œWhat women?” Father Chamber calls after Silias as he rises from his desk. β€œThe one you had me talk to off course...” Silias says as he leads the way to the room to open the door. He walks in to find the room as it first was the chairs unmoved and defiantly no body on the floor.

β€œPeace son, you have had a long day... I recall no women asking for you. Know peace and return to your meditation... and care what you speak least my brother start accusing you of prophetic vision” With that the father turns away he has much more to deal with then a tired brother.

Clutching the fan in his robes Silias knows what he has seen was no vision. This...Pen was trouble especially now. Still she had said a lot but not nearly enough questions had been answered. Angry, Tired and Upset Silias new his work was just beginning Taking a blank card out of his wallet, a card from a long time ago and one he never hoped to need, he hated to work outside of the church but with the current limitations he had no choice. Besides it seems fate had marked the group together anyway.Now grabbing his sat phone Silias dials β€œI need your help... Meet me at the shelter..One hour” and hangs up.

Returning to his room Silias sheds his more traditional garments. Grabbing his gear he readies himself for war. As he polishes his blades and packs his vest he mutters a quick prayer to Michael.

β€œSt. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Send us your sword Esperacchius and shelter us in your care.”

With that Silias started his way to the B. Shelter...


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"Okay..." Enila muttered to herself after Lady Lily vanished. "I'm trying to decide if that was a helpful conversation or not..." She warily continued walking toward the bar. Upon entering, she noticed Victor and headed over to where he was sitting. "So what happened after I left?"

//Assuming nothing else happens on her way there.


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Climbing into his jeep Lynch shook his head, he would do this alone and his way if he had to. Dropping the folder into the center console and securing it, Lynch drove off. Since Lynch was at the airport when the one plan made it through he radioed in to get a status on the passengers and plane. Originally he figured that Silias must of been the cause but that was hasty. It was possible that whoever stole the power was not alone and needed someone to arrive alive. He wanted to look into the the last people who came into the island. The plane was the easiest place to start but Lynch would look into the records going back a few days for everyone coming into the island. The next step was going to be finding out what players were in town, and that meant finding more information. He needed an information broker of some find, or someone well connected, Lynch really hoped his first stop of the day would not have to be with Vampires.

The setting changes from the B. Shelter to in the past


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enila says" Can I please hold this coin? ” but instead of heat this time a flash of cold rushes through her before her dad takes it away. Her fingers freazing the young 5 year old lets out a heart wrenching scream "Its cold, its cold."


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Nick snatches the coin from Enilas dad, quickly putting it back into his pocket. Enila's father turn to Nick and starts to yell at the man about daring to bring such a cursed coin into his home, as Enila's mom rushes to her side and wraps her in her arms.
β€œ hush baby, hush. Its OK. Its OK, momma is here now. We wont let the cold come back. Its gone and we will make it stay gone for good”
Whimpering Enila whispers β€œWhy is it so cold? ”


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"Because you silly girl, it is cold in hell.” Nick yells at her, causing her father to slam his fist into Nicks face. Cursing Nick punches her father hard enough to send him into a wall, leaving a nice human shaped imprint in it. "That was your last mistake." Nick says snappishly before he storming out of the house, promising the famliy that this will not be the last time he sees them.


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That was the last time the family saw old Nick, but it was just the beginning of their nightmares. Specificaly, it was the start of a long maddening descent for Enila. As a child she had always had bad dreams, of scary monsters in the closet. But since touching the coins they have just gotten worse and worse. Every few years seeming to turn up the notch on just how bad her nightmares could be... it is almost 25 years latter that we find her now.


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On this day she received word through the paranet that their was someone looking for her, and would like to take a moment of her time to speak with her about matters that she may find interesting.


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They would like to meet her at a local coffe shop, about half an hour from her place at 11

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Death Valley and Santa Barbara

Death Valley and Santa Barbara by RolePlayGateway

While the storm grows around Hawaii, the rest of the world prepares for the worst. The old armies have gathered along the coast to present a first line of defense. Santa Barbara is one such place. On top of it all something is awakening in Death Valley.

the B. Shelter

the B. Shelter by RolePlayGateway

accorded neutral grounds and awesome bar

the bay ground

the bay ground by RolePlayGateway

neutral grounds

hawaii, usa

hawaii, usa by zerr0max

It use to be a paradise, one the premier vacation spots in the world. Now its streets run red, its skies black. The storm is here, all around you. Can you find a way to stop it?

in the past

in the past by RolePlayGateway

this is were past events need to be rped happen. warning will contain spoilers to the story, you have been warned

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Puck Tiberious
Character Portrait: Agent John Lynch
Character Portrait: Silias Auditore
Character Portrait: Jack Frost
Character Portrait: Enila Mora
Character Portrait: Vidar "Vickor" Thorson


Character Portrait: Vidar "Vickor" Thorson
Vidar "Vickor" Thorson

Thor's son and viking war leader who is a veteran of countless battles. Currently works as a merc for Odin.

Character Portrait: Enila Mora
Enila Mora

Once studying to become a scientist, Enila's magic has made that quite challenging. She is now a pyromancer.

Character Portrait: Jack Frost
Jack Frost

Last Son of Oberon, Lord of Winter

Character Portrait: Silias Auditore
Silias Auditore

A member of the secret Ordo Inquisitari. Silias is a Brother of the Holy Church. Trained by the best in matters of Exorcism, he specializes in protecting the innocent and purging the demons that haunt them.

Character Portrait: Agent John Lynch
Agent John Lynch

The U.S. response to the supernatural

Character Portrait: Puck Tiberious
Puck Tiberious

General of the armies of Summer, First son of Oberon


Character Portrait: Agent John Lynch
Agent John Lynch

The U.S. response to the supernatural

Character Portrait: Enila Mora
Enila Mora

Once studying to become a scientist, Enila's magic has made that quite challenging. She is now a pyromancer.

Character Portrait: Jack Frost
Jack Frost

Last Son of Oberon, Lord of Winter

Character Portrait: Puck Tiberious
Puck Tiberious

General of the armies of Summer, First son of Oberon

Character Portrait: Vidar "Vickor" Thorson
Vidar "Vickor" Thorson

Thor's son and viking war leader who is a veteran of countless battles. Currently works as a merc for Odin.

Character Portrait: Silias Auditore
Silias Auditore

A member of the secret Ordo Inquisitari. Silias is a Brother of the Holy Church. Trained by the best in matters of Exorcism, he specializes in protecting the innocent and purging the demons that haunt them.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jack Frost
Jack Frost

Last Son of Oberon, Lord of Winter

Character Portrait: Enila Mora
Enila Mora

Once studying to become a scientist, Enila's magic has made that quite challenging. She is now a pyromancer.

Character Portrait: Silias Auditore
Silias Auditore

A member of the secret Ordo Inquisitari. Silias is a Brother of the Holy Church. Trained by the best in matters of Exorcism, he specializes in protecting the innocent and purging the demons that haunt them.

Character Portrait: Agent John Lynch
Agent John Lynch

The U.S. response to the supernatural

Character Portrait: Vidar "Vickor" Thorson
Vidar "Vickor" Thorson

Thor's son and viking war leader who is a veteran of countless battles. Currently works as a merc for Odin.

Character Portrait: Puck Tiberious
Puck Tiberious

General of the armies of Summer, First son of Oberon

View All » Places

Death Valley and Santa Barbara

Death Valley and Santa Barbara by RolePlayGateway

While the storm grows around Hawaii, the rest of the world prepares for the worst. The old armies have gathered along the coast to present a first line of defense. Santa Barbara is one such place. On top of it all something is awakening in Death Valley.

the B. Shelter

the B. Shelter by RolePlayGateway

accorded neutral grounds and awesome bar

the bay ground

the bay ground by RolePlayGateway

neutral grounds

hawaii, usa

hawaii, usa by zerr0max

It use to be a paradise, one the premier vacation spots in the world. Now its streets run red, its skies black. The storm is here, all around you. Can you find a way to stop it?

in the past

in the past by RolePlayGateway

this is were past events need to be rped happen. warning will contain spoilers to the story, you have been warned

in the past

in the past Owner: RolePlayGateway

this is were past events need to be rped happen. warning will contain spoilers to the story, you have been warned

the B. Shelter

hawaii, usa the B. Shelter Owner: RolePlayGateway

accorded neutral grounds and awesome bar

hawaii, usa

It use to be a paradise, one the premier vacation spots in the world. Now its streets run red, its skies black. The storm is here, all around you. Can you find a way to stop it?

Death Valley and Santa Barbara

While the storm grows around Hawaii, the rest of the world prepares for the worst. The old armies have gathered along the coast to present a first line of defense. Santa Barbara is one such place. On top of it all something is awakening in Death Valley.

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