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Caroline Hyland

I can heal physical wounds, but no one can heal the mental wounds of the FAYZ

0 · 609 views · located in The Fayz

a character in “F.A.Y.Z.”, originally authored by Haas33, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Caroline Hyland
Nickname: Carri is a big one she is normally called, Cat, Carol, Aro, The Healer, Curoline is the most common nickname though (A play on words with her name and the word; cure)
Age: 17, she was the first and only one to survive the first poof. No one knows why, not even herself.
Where are you from: A small town in El Dorado, California
Role: Sarah Hyland, Healer from around town (not originating in Perdido beach)
Ability: She can heal almost anything, from paper cuts, to mortal wounds, to Cancer, she can heal. However, she can't bring people back from the dead, regrowing limbs and organs never grow back the same, it is better if she can heal the two back together. Plus, healing takes energy, not enough sleep and food and she won't be able to heal for that long.


Likes: being alone, smoking (she is addicted), reading (surprisingly), outside of the FAYZ, food, water, sleep, shelter, the basic necessities, living, breathing, and her dog
Dislikes: The FAYZ, being disturbed, darkness, the coates kids, mutants like her
Fears: darkness, not being able to save someone, fire, dying


Description: Carri has greenish hazel eyes that are sharp and cold to look at. She has somewhat pale skin that is soft and flawless (she healed all the blemishes and scars). She has long, wavy, brown hair that falls to about her shoulder, maybe a little bit longer. She isn't that tall, only 5 foot 3 inches, but her build is muscular. She has nice breasts, a tiny waist, and narrow hips. She has a set jaw and stubborn look to her. She also has a scar starting at her upper left ear that passes over her lips and ends at her bottom jaw. She doesn't like when people stare at it, and people do, often. For whatever reason she couldn't heal this blemish.

Personality: Carri is a very independent woman who often times takes things into her own hands. She doesn't like taking orders from people and she usually goes her own way. She can be a very stubborn, no nonsense girl with a set jaw and determined attitude. She has some anger issues, which is another reason why she likes to be alone. She is a very reserved person, not prying into people's business in hopes that they won't pry into hers. She is what some might consider a "tough girl" because whenever she says "leave or I shoot you" she means it. In fact, she follows through with what he says. However, this doesn't make her fearless. In fact, she has a deep fear of darkness which she tries to hide.


History: Carri grew up in a small town inside of El Dorado, California, with her mom and dad. However, her mom and dad have been fighting lately about Carri's behaviors (especially her smoking). Her parents had different views to it, and finally, there was a huge fight. Her mom filed a divorce and they did. It was decided that she would go live with her mom. So then they went to Perdido beach, They wanted to spend some quality time together before Carri went to live with her mother until she headed off to college

Carri, her dog Toby, and her father were heading to Perdido beach for the summer after her father and mother got divorced. So they were driving along the highway that headed to Perdido beach when it happened. Her father just disappeared. She was very confused, but acted fast, moving into the driver's seat and taking over. She had no experience driving and ended up crashing into a car who was also driving along the highway. She and her dog were still alive, but she was cut up badly from the crash. She really wanted to be healed, and soon enough, she discovered her powers and now is searching for some way to Perdido beach with her dog. However, she is very....depressed of what she thinks was her father's passing.
Theme Song: Broken, by Lifehouse


So begins...

Caroline Hyland's Story


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#, as written by Haas33
Caroline (Carri)

Carri flipped the page of the book she was reading. She glanced up at the GPS navigator, noticing they were only about 15 miles from Perdido beach. Her dog, Toby, reached his head to lick Carri's face. "Toby," she smiled, pushing him away, just for him to lean more, practically climbing into her lap. She grunted as her 60 pound golden retriever wagged his tail, pushing against her, licking her face. "Toby, get down," Carri said. Toby slowly went back into the backseat, a happy grin plastered to his face. Carri popped out her cigarette case and lighter, lighting one. Her dad gave her a glare. "Caroline, not in the car," Carri rolled her eyes and puts the smoking but out the window. "I'm trying to stop, really I am." she said. Her father sighed, and they rode on in silence.

Carri, looking out the window, finally spoke. "Look dad, I'm sorry, it's just-" she stopped short as she turned and saw her father not there. her eyes widened and she hopped into the drivers seat, Toby barking anxiously. She was too late though, the car was swerving, heading straight for a rock. She gasped, and instead, braced herself, grabbing Toby, pulling him to her chest. She wouldn't loose him too. The Car hit it straight on, airbags popping, snapping her head back and making Toby whimper. THen they slid and hit another rock. They tipped, sending shattered glass falling and cutting them. Her leg twisted severely, but finally the car skidded to a halt. After a long pause, Carri released a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

Toby whined in her arms, then hopped out a shattered window. Carri unbuckled and hoisted herself out of the wreckage, stumbling to the ground. Outside of the car, Toby met her with worried licks to the face. Carri felt like crap. She looked at her dog. He was limping, and had a gash on his ear and other cut on his body. "Oh Toby..." she said. She looked at herself. She could swear her leg was broken, and whenever she moved left arm, he wrist hurt like crap. Her face was cut up and her legs were bruised, she felt like she had a black eye and her lip was swollen and bleeding. Her arms were scraped up, and overall, she felt like death. She sat down on a rock and Toby limped up to her. The real question was, What the hell had just happened?