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Draven Henwitch

"According to the schedule, I have no time for your bullcrap."

0 · 925 views · located in The Fayz

a character in “F.A.Y.Z.”, as played by Spectrum


Draven Henwitch
Where are you from:
FC: Toby Regbo
Vice President of Perdido Beach
Dream Viewing. Draven can see into another person's dream as long as he is within a specified range of that person. Just because he can see into their dreams, however, doesn't mean he can interact in them. The biggest part he'd ever play in another's dream is just being able to be seen by them--but even that doesn't always happen. He can't mess with their minds or mess up their dreams. He can only view them through his own mind's eye. Whereas most people don't remember most of the dreams they have or, if they do, they can't remember every detail, Draven can when it comes to other people. When looking at another's dream, it's basically like watching a movie for him. Sometimes he can't control the power if he's around someone who's dreaming and he can access this power whether he's awake or asleep. If he's awake, he'll zone out in the real world and not respond until he leaves or is forced to leave the dream.


-His sister
-Peace and quiet
-Scary stuff
-Night time
-Losing Teddy. She's not a picture perfect sister, but she's his responsibility and he's not sure what he'd do if she wasn't around anymore. Especially nowadays with the FAYZ chaos, she's basically the only stable thing in his life and the only thing that reminds him that he still has a family, wherever they are, and that he's not completely alone, even if he feels like it.

-Agateophobia. Fear of insanity. He knows that it's not a really rational fear to have. He's obvious sane. Right? Of course, yes, of course he is. Draven just thinks that the line between sanity and insanity is a very thin, easily breakable one that can't be completely fixed once it's been broken and he's afraid of breaking that line and never being the same ever again.


Being a 5'9", 140lbs teenage boy, Draven probably isn't the shape that he'd like to be. He's not fat or overweight or anything like that, but working out isn't exactly his thing. He's not scrawny, but he's skinny in a simple way and probably pretty out of shape in the long run. He has dull, far-away gray-blue eyes that never really reach the expression on his face or in his voice. He can sound as excited as ever and his eyes will never light up with the mood. His fair skin is only lightly tanned since he doesn't really get out as much as he should--and if he does, it's usually under the shade of trees or at night time. He has a clear complexion thought. If you asked, he wouldn't consider himself unattractive, but he wouldn't really call himself anything to really look at either. He's not totally into his looks or anything. His stature could be a little less hunched and his posture could probably be straighter, and his head could be held a little higher, but then again it's probably all about perspective. His dirty blond hair is usually kept messy, but not unkempt.

As for the type of clothes he likes to wear, it's nothing in particular. Draven doesn't like to wear things that would bring any unnecessary attention to himself and he doesn't follow the trends. He considers comfort over fashion sense, but he doesn't want to look absolutely terrible or anything either. He has a tendency to favor nicer things like buttoned-down collared shirts and slacks, but it doesn't get much fancier than that. If he's feeling lazy, he'll go for a typical T-shirt and jeans all the same--although he doesn't really care for jeans that much. He thinks they look too Southern for his liking.

The smart guy. The normal guy. No, the weird guy. The guy who stays after class to finish up his work because he spent the entire class sleeping. What's he showing off for? We all know he knows how to do the work. He's acing the class for crying out loud. He's got near-perfect grades. Although, if asked, he'd say he considers himself only slightly above average in smarts and it's not like he has much to compare to anyway. He's not exactly a loner and quite the friendly guy when approached. If anyone asked him for tutoring, he'd tell them he could try his best and sit there and teach them whatever they needed to know. He's a kind guy, usually shy when it comes to himself but pretty outspoken when the time calls for it or when defending another person. Draven doesn't have the best self-esteem or even the best outlook on the world, but he'd never consider himself negative so much as he'd call himself a realist. The world is dull and boring and will kick you in the ass if you try to go against it. Only the lucky ones succeed and it's useless trying to wish for that luck.

Let's take a step back. The weird guy. Draven would come into class most days half asleep and in a daze. Most people didn't really care one way or the other why, but there were some rumors going around that some people had seen him walking around late at night. Doing what? Who knows? Honestly, he just enjoyed taking late night walks to clear his head. Sometimes he'd walk all night long and return in time to get ready for school. It was the only time he felt he had to himself so he took advantage of it, even if it killed him the next day. Aside from that, though, most people wouldn't really consider Draven to be the type of guy who's into horror movies and has a dark sense of humor. They'd consider him the guy that tries too hard to impress his teachers with his goody two-shoe grades and the guy who's nearly obsessed with organization. He has a schedule for everything and rarely ever strays from the schedule. If he does, he tends to get extremely anxious and even a little edgy. His schedule tells him everything, from brushing his teeth in the morning and laying his sister down for bed at night.

As nice as Draven can be, most people might consider him a little uptight or prudish. He doesn't necessarily like to get involved in everything that's going on around him, but he likes to know about it at least. He says it's just to be prepared for anything, but really, it's just him being nosy. When it comes to conversations with one or two, or even three, other people, Draven can act naturally and might even talk a little bit like a snobby know-it-all (although if he sounds that way, it probably wasn't intentional); however, if he's put in front of a crowd, he completely freezes up. He has severe stagefright and if too many people are pressuring him all at once, he gets really awkward and nervous and it's like his brain just shuts down. He might start hyperventilating if it's really bad. Draven doesn't mind helping people if they need help, but he has a tendency to act a little cold to people that he thinks are idiots just for the sake of being idiots. He doesn't believe in stupid questions, but he certainly believes in stupid people. And it's one thing to be literally stupid and another thing to just be acting stupid. He doesn't have the time to deal with those people.

There's just one more thing about Draven that nobody is aware of but him. He has a thing where he's torn between wanting everyone to survive and be okay, and wishing everyone could just die already. On the outside, he could be looking at a room full of deathly ill people and trying to find every cure possible for them and rooting for them to live, but on the inside he could be hoping that they would get it over with and die because they're nothing special anyway. He has very dark thoughts in contrast to his usually kind and caring exterior.


((TBA. I was going to wait until Teddy's profile was up to use as reference ^^"))
Theme Song:

So begins...

Draven Henwitch's Story