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Naumi Takeo Suzukia

WIP - please do not accept yet!

0 · 306 views · located in Fiore

a character in “Fairy Tail Forever”, as played by UltraVioleta


Name: Naumi Takeo Suzukia
Name Meaning: Goddess of Creations / Warrior / Dreamer
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: ( 5'1")
Weight: (103 lbs)

Hair Color: Silver (though it seems to have a silver-blue tint to it)
Hair Style: Long (to lower back)

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Build: Slender and Tightly Packed (B Cups, proper posture)
Skin Tone: Fair

Clothing: WIP

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Long scar located across her left hip and two slanted scars on both of her wrists as well as countless small scars from various metheods of torcure
Fairy Tale Mark: Back of Neck


Classification: Lost Magic
Magic Type: Arc of Embodiment
Magic Details: to focus her magic and use it she must say the name of the object she wishes to create outloud

~Self Sacrifice seeing her entire squad dead on the ground scarred Naumi and she swore never to let one of her allies die if she could help it
~Killer once you kill your first person it become all too easy to kill another and sometimes she struggles against simply killing an enemy
~Physically Weak the neglect she endured made her body very weak and she cannot preform intense physically labor (though she's getting stronger)


β™₯ Ice Cream (or Frozen Yogurt)
β™₯ Respect / Personal Space
β™₯ Quiet / Solitude
β™₯ Going on Missions
β™₯ Music

X Disrespect or being Treated like a Child/Girl
X Threats / Harm Comging to her Friends/Allies
X Being Alone / Around too Many People
X Anything that Reminds her of the Battle Field
X Being Touched

Allergies/Medical Conditions: Naumi has a very weak ammune system due to the neglect she recieved and this leads to her often become very ill

βœ” Dead Eye Shot
βœ” Strategist / Leader
βœ” Violinist

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Naumi Takeo Suzukia was born to a strict and militant family. Her father was a military officer and her mother was an army nurse. When Naumi was born her mother had to stay home and care for her. The family travelled most everywhere because of her father’s job so she grew up on the road, constantly seeing new sights and meeting new people. But the people she found most fascinating were the wizards. She would watch in awe as they performed their magnificent feats and wanted to become one when she grew up.

Her father, on the other hand, thought differently of wizards. He despised them and their magics and kept Naumi far away from the magical world in were they thrived. Instead she grew up around military officers who lacked the time or compassion of a young girl with rose-colored glasses, and slowly her view of the world changed. But she never lost her wonder about magic.

When Naumi turned sixteen she was permitted to join the army, given that her father was a high ranking officer. She was rapidly trained and put in charge of a squad of soldiers whom she trained and lead on the field. She climbed the charts quickly and was promoted twice in a year before tragedy struck.


It had been a hard fight and her side was losing the battle. She’d been injured by a grenade that had sent a sharp piece of metal into her hip, making a gash that was bleeding heavily and making her light headed. Still desperately trying to hold the enemy across the line she did not leave her post. As she fought on she slowly began to slip in and out of unconsciousness before the world around her went black and she stumbled to the floor, gunshots and explosions and alarms ringing all around her that the enemy was invading.

When she awoke she was immedeately treated to the sight of her entire squad infront of her, face down, dead as she was restrained by chains in a dark cell. She screamed in desteration, and guards approached her cell. This was her introduction to Hell.

The next series of months she was tortured for information. Beaten savagely, whipped, burned, cut, bruised, starved, strangled, drowned, kept from light, from water, and even from interation with other people until she was nearly driven insane. Despite everything she'd trained for from her military father to being a comander of the military she'd very been through such excrutiating treatment and she could feel herself sanity slipping farther and father away with every passing moment.

Until finally, she snapped.


Naumi had been in solitary confinment for more than three months, able to walk around her cell but with no interaction what so ever. She kept staring at the lock on the door, and the keys across the room, envisioning they appear in her hand but never uttering a word. Finaly, for no reason but to her her own voice, she shouted "KEYS!!!" and felt something inside of her... change.

Looking down in her palm where the keys.

Sure that this was a dream and she'd finally given up and died she opened the lock with a click and took off down the hallways of the prison. There were no other prisoners as if seemed the only reason they'd kept her alive was because she was the general's daughter and they'd wanted to gain the upper hand. Already they'd issued a ransom note to her father threatening death to his daughter if he didn't comply to their commands, a note to which he had yet to respond to. Naumi decided to save them the paper.

Thinking fast she sent out a message claiming that his daughter had passed away in custody and that he was not going to be seeing her again. Why? Naumi was very damaged and confused, but she knew enough of what was going on that she had somehow gained incredible powers. Magic powers. And even if she were to somehow make her way back to her father, he would reject her for her newfound abilities as he was completely intolerant of such wizardry. Once the message had been sent Naumi quickly destroyed the messaging machine and held out her hand. She was still unsure able her powers but she thought about a bomb, and whispered the object's name out loud.

Something weighted down her hand and when she opened her eyes again she could see that she did indead have a bomb in her hand. She set it to go off in exactly 7 minutes before she took off running down the endless maze of hallways. She didn't know if it would be enough time for her to find her way out but had long ago reasoned that she would not fear death after everything she'd been put through. Of course, this did not mean that she wasn't just going to give up. She was a general after all.

Visualizing a loaded pistol in her hand she fought her way out of the base and started running, destorying as much and as many as she could. She'd only gotten a short distance away before there was a loud explosion and the building went up in flames. Victorious but now alone and lost, as well as weak from starvation and dehydration (having made it this far on pure adrinaline) she collapsed a short distance away from the crumbling remains of the base which had gone up in fire.

Naumi woke up in a soft bed a few days later, dazed and confused. She discovered that a passerby, a visitor of the nearby town, had discovered her face down and had taken her to the nearest inn to be cared for. He'd paided them to nurse her abck to heath and he would be checking up on her when he returned a few days later. In the mean time they tended to her wounds and took care of her, strengthening her until she was able to walk on her own. The man did indead return a few days later and introduced himself as Makarov Dreyar, the guild leader of Fairy Tale.

Makarov asked Naumi to join his as he made his way back home and, having no where else to go, she accepted. Through out the trip she ended up confessing her militant upbringing, breaking down into tears as she described the torture she suffered for months on end, her daring escape aided by her strange powers, her father's distaste for magic and why she could not go home. He listened intently, comforting her and when she was finished asked her if she wanted to stay at Fairy Tail where she would make new friends, learn more about her powers and start life anew.

Naumi agreed. Since she walked through the doors though she has never uttered a word of her past to anyone. She never speaks of her father or her revious roll as general, though she supports the army and will become very angry if anyone ever speaks badly of them. Her months of torcure lead her to shy away from human touch and give her a social stigma as, though most of her physical wounds have healed, she still has the scars from the memories. As for her powers, she never discusses them. In fact she rarely uses them at all. When asked she typically just stays quiet and people will eventually forget their own question.


Theme Song + Artist: (lyrics + Link)

Relationships: (This will be updated as the roleplay continues)

So begins...

Naumi Takeo Suzukia's Story