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Liliana Pheles

Looks like this is a good time to have fun.

0 · 525 views · located in Earth Land

a character in “Fairy Tale Redux”, as played by Shugo Seikatsu



Again - Geekyfandubs

Sorry to tell you but not all girls are soft.

Being Strong can also be feminine. I mean look at me, strong is sexy.

Name: Liliana Pheles
Nicknames:Lilly (She allows those she considers close friends to call her this)
Age:23 joined the guild at 21
Mage:Dual Caster - Genesis
Magic: Venom - Acid/Poison
Crest Location: right Tricep
Weight: 120 Lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Reddish-Brown

She is dressed in a low-cut fur-lined dark-grey-and-black dress that prominently displays her ample cleavage. She wears a collection of interlaced belts below the waist. Her hair is tied up in a knot at the top with long braids dangling from it. She wears many accessories, including several necklaces, rings and many ear piercings, as well as dark purple make up.
"No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew." - Lulu

Style: Liliana really doesn't care for style as much as other girls do, usually leaning towards black dresses with a grungy design. Liliana has been known to wear some different colors but these days are far and in between.
Distinct Markings: Liliana has a love mark near her bottom lip.

The people and the friends that we have lost, and the dreams that have faded... never forget them.

Personality: Liliana is a very dour person to those who don't understand her as she puts it as 'they are unable to see what's right in front of their noses'. Along these lines she is also a person who teases those who are either younger or act younger than her which she finds amusing. Unlike other women she isn't afraid of answering personal questions about herself or if they openly gaze at her as she takes it as a compliment, though if asked certain questions she'll just blow them off.

Weaknesses/Fears: Being of an independent person, she fears that her teammates will all be killed with it being her fault. She is also scared of three things: Snakes, needles, and overpowering enemies.

  • Spicy food
  • Hanging out with guild members
  • Helping whenever she's asked
  • Being around people she trusts
  • Being able to hold her own without help

  • Being alone
  • Being talked down to
  • Having to put on a show for others
  • People who endanger her friends
  • Being away from the guild for too long

Magic has no limits the only limit is the mind.

"Venom Genesis": Venom Genesis is a very strange magic as it is based off of two magics: Acid and Poison. The two magics can be cast at different times or at once to become venom which burns on contact and infects whatever it burns. The magics can be used in seperate ways as well where a poison can be applied and the acid triggers as an explosion, this is between the different poisons the magic can create being that it is a Genesis type. Unlike other magics that need for a conductor of sorts and can be cast from just mere thought.

Strengths and Special Attributes: Although her magic has quite a lot of leeway with what it can do she can also solidify a poison or dry it as well to add for use of other people within the guild even making temporary weapons out of her poisons. Contrary to what her magic is, Liliana is an amazing cook and loves to cook for the people of the guild.

    Equipment and Personal Artifacts:
  • She has an assortment of dolls she collects
  • She keeps an earring of the guild's crest but distorted heavily (true form can be seen if someone activates their crest)
  • Large sums of trinkets she collects when she travels


The friend in my adversity I shall cherish the most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my darkest hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.

History: Lulu was a girl who had never thought that she had magical ability, as such she always let things go as they did. Throughout her child years there were strange happenings as things around her would sometimes sizzle or just melt away without any knowledge to herself. This ability kept manifesting until her older years. Around this time she knew that she was a source of this power but couldn't really tell why as where she grew up magic was slightly outlawed to the point of it being under wraps. Sadly as she hit her 16th birthday her magic flared when she was with a friend. They were alone and that's when the magic burst forth. Before her eyes the person she was with started to melt away in complete agony. After seeing this she ran away from her town and then went around the world roaming from town to town never saying in one place for too long. After a while she learned to control this power and called forth it at will as it was known as Venom Genesis as she learned from an old book she found describing magic types. at the age of 21 she met a man named Conner Krosis and with his help overcame her trauma from her days in her original village.

So begins...

Liliana Pheles's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Edgar Waivestrife
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#, as written by Hoga
The sky burned like fire in the country of Desierto. Although it had yet to show itself, its presence was already well known long before from the colors it painted in the sky. Alexander watched the sunrise from his perch atop the mesa that was their home. Another sleepless night wandering and protecting the base. Alexander had a book in hand, and kept a close eye all night.

As the sun had just peaked when Alexander considered going down to the commons. He closed his book and stood up, when he noticed a disturbance in the distance. He activated his archive magic, and observed the disturbance through the rock. He sighed as he say the problem. He brodcast a message to his fellow guildmates.

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Conner Krosis
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0.00 INK

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.

Opening her eyes slowly Liliana stretched out her arms slowly and looked around her dark room. "Ugh.... Great another all nighter."
Alexander I'll be the first up it seems I'll head up there in a bit.
After getting dressed Liliana stretched out her back a little more and yawned. "What a day this is going to turn out to be. Ah well it doesn't matter as long as I can get some sleep later it'll all be good." After fixing her dress she headed down the long hallways and passed by Conner's room. "Hey time to wake up if you aren't already kiddo, we got business to attend to." Smiling to herself she kept her pace down the hallway and finally made it to the winding stairs that led to the mesa and stretched looking out at the stars above. 'Wow this is just beautiful, I never get tired of seeing this though.' After this thought to herself she shook her head and strode over to Alexander. "So what are we dealing with? Unwanted visitors, monsters, or worse... The military?" Looking down to the ground in the pure darkness she huffed aloud and stretched yet again. "Whatever it may be I hope we don't have to fight, I may have a gift but I hate using my powers for battle as you know Alexander." Right after saying this Liliana conjured up a chair made of solidified poison near the entryway to the top and waited for the others to arrive and grinned to herself. "Finally friends who I can easily talk to about magic, then again we all have our issues that we learn from but.... maybe I'm over thinking things a bit."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard
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0.00 INK

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.

Max lay in his bed, eyes closed, he had been in the guild for about 6 months but he still hadn't gotten used to the mental communication that was used between guild members. He heard Liliana waking up Conner, Max was only two rooms down from him, Liliana was an odd one in Max's mind, she was a very happy individual and while they were both grateful to be in the guild, Max was not as open about it as she was.

With a groan, Max got out of bed, and grabbed his jacket off of a nearby tree branch, his room had been transformed into his own personal oasis, being able to create rain has its perks. Max yawned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and moved towards the door and followed after the noisy Liliana, Max slowly made his way up to the balcony, up the staircase which lead to the mesa, Max caught Liliana's speech; "Finally friends who I can easily talk to about magic, then again we all have our issues that we learn from but.... maybe I'm over thinking things a bit."
'Good morning all.'
Max yawned yet again and looked over the horizon, it looked normal, a little dark, but that's what you'd expect at dawn, something had distressed Alexander, but he would have to wait for the other guild members to move their asses in order to get the explanation. Liliana had made herself comfortable in the by creating a poison chair, but Max was quite comfortable standing, Max figured some small talk was in order, thats what you did in these scenarios right?
"Liliana, did you get any sleep or were you up again?" Max needed something to preoccupy himself while he focused on keeping the Mesa dry, the last thing these people wanted was to be woken up to a rainy day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard
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0.00 INK

Each word rang through Briar's head as if there was a long and drawn out pause after each one as he was roused from his sleep.

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.

Briar was too groggy to know who it was actually talking to him, or that they were using the Archive to communicate. Swinging out in the direction he though the words came from, his fist caught only air as he mumbled into his arm. "No...go away..." Swinging his fist awkwardly around a bit more, trying to catch the person who wasn't really there, Briar lifted his head to peer through the fiery locks of red hair that fell down his face. He didn't see a person, but instead, stared out into the open desert as the sun was glowing on the horizon. The early light of the sun sapped any motivation he may of had for getting up and he quickly rolled over to hide his face away again.

Following the rolling action, Briar immediately felt a shift in his stomach as well as an obvious lack of support beneath him. His curiosity peaked, he stole a glance beneath him to see the rapidly approaching desert ground just outside their guild entrance. "OH BIT--!!" Was all he had time to shout out before crashing into the earth in a cloud of dust, sand, and debris. A muffled groan came from the tiny crater before Briar sprang to his feet and brushed the sand from his red locks. Eying the rocky exterior that extended all the way up to the mesa as if it was the wall's fault he fell, Briar let out a sigh as he grasped the rock face and quickly scrambled past the random perch he had woken up on. It was anyone's guess how he had actually ended up there in the first place.

A hunch told him he already knew where Alexander would be, and as Briar's red-covered head broke the edge of the mesa, he was awarded of the sight of the man as well as Max and Liliana. Briar hauled him self up and stifled a yawn as he waved with his other hand to the small group already assembled. "What's the problem?" He asked. "If we're out of food, it wasn't me..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis
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0.00 INK

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.

Conner rolled over and groaned totally shrugging it off.

"Hey time to wake up if you aren't already kiddo, we got business to attend to."

Conner groaned again; as Liliana left his doorway he rolled over and slowly crawled out of bed grabbed a crystal off the night stand next to his bed and bit a chunk off of it as if it were an apple. Taking his time shambling to his dresser and slipped a t-shirt and threw on his hoodie as he crept along towards the door of his room still only barely half awake he looked out his door and down the hallway and stared at the stairwell for a short bit and his head dropped down and he sighed. Conner decided it's to much work to go down the hall and up the stairs so with a slip under his breath "uuhhh... fuck it..." and he used his shadow dragon slayer magic to quick shadow travel up to the top of the mesa gnawing on his crystal and stood there awaiting direction and wishing he could go back to bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: River Wayland
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0.00 INK

Guys. Wake up. We have a problem.

River rolled over and sighed she could vaguely hear the sounds of another person heading towards the top of mesa. Slowly sitting up she rose from the bed and began quickly pulling on her clothes.

Once she reached the top of the mesa she noticed most of the guild was already there, standing just behind Liliana she decided to make her presence known. "Good morning, what's going on?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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Rin groggily sat up at the guild summons, and moved about getting ready. She was horrible at waking up, so it took her longer than she'd like to get her outfit on and her gear ready. But eventually she stumbled out in the hallway while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her morning talents lead to her fumbling on the trip to the top of the mesa two times before she fully awoke. But by the time she joined everyone else, she was wide awake and ready to handle the situation- provided it wasn't too violent.

She suppressed a sigh of relief at not being the last one up to the mesa, that would have been a bit unsettling. "So, what's the issue?" She found herself joining the group opposite of Liliana and River, the former due to slight intimidation and the later due to not knowing how to handle the icy personality.

"It's not something big is it, I wanna go back to bed- all good five-year-olds should be asleep right now." She managed to get something of a joke about her age, something she was insecure about, into the situation. She wasn't really five, but being born on a day that only occurs once every four years was something that just didn't sit well with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hoga
Alexander sat and observed the disturbance, waiting for the rest of the guild to show up. They slowly appeared one by one. They each addressed him, but he remained silent. He honestly didn't even notice they were there. He was off in his own little world. It happened often actually. He would start reading or doing something and it would consume him. He eventually came to when the majority of the guild was up there. He realized he had probably been asked more then once now what the problem was. He shook his head vigorously, trying to bring himself back to the present.

"Our problem is this bad boy." Alexander made a magic screen for the other guild members to see, and expanded it to a large size.

It was giant. A humanoid sort of creature. It looked like an ape, but it was so much larger then that. It had to be 4 stories high. It very obviously didn't belong in this place. It's thick fur and the color of said fur made it obvious this creature was from a colder climate.

"A yeti has somehow made its way here. I don't know how or how it got this far, but it did. From what I can tell, it's angry, thirsty, and hot. Unfortunately for us, we have all of the things that it needs to solve those problems. He's been making a bee-line here for the last 5 minutes or so. I figure we have about hour before he makes it here."

Alexander paused, making sure to let everybody take ti in. This thing was no normal yeti. Monstrous in size, and it's strength was unparallelled. A daunting creature for sure. It's footsteps caused the sad to spray high into the air, each step with several tons of weight behind it. It angrily threw it's fists against a rock, blasting it to bits in an instant. They needed a plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

Still standing in the background tired as ever; Conner let out an incredibly deep and arrogant yawn. He then proceeded to take another crunch of the crystal he has been eating and exclaimed in a sleepy groggy tone.

"So everyone what is our plan of action cause I'd like to get this over with and get back to bed as soon as possible."

Conner then glanced over at Alexander and shouted out a question to him and after knowing him for so long Conner also realized that if Alexander had his focus set on something he might have his ears tuning in and out of the background so Conner echoed his question over the archive specifically to Alexander as well as vocalizing it aloud.

"Hey Alexander how about you... Do you have any idea floating around in that noggin of yours?"

Conner paused for a few seconds after he asked his question to ponder a thought that had just popped it way into his own head so then he decided to throw his idea out on the table.

"The only idea I have to contribute to a plan right now is that River could use her magic to blanket the yeti in an ice dome containing cold temperatures making an internal climate of the kind of temperatures that are normally comfortable to the yeti, and the dome could even be mobile like with some tank treads under it. ...It's just a minor idea what does everyone think? keep in mind I'm still half asleep."

He stated that last end of the statement unconsciously demonstrating how quick and thorough to some degree his thought process can be even when hindered by sleep deprivation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Edgar Waivestrife
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0.00 INK

Looking up to Max she nodded her head and smiled softly. "Yeah another night of waking up and falling asleep right after it... So yeah I guess you could say another sleepless night. But anyway it seems that it's not going to end well with how everything is going so far ya know?" Stretching out her back everyone slowly started to pile in up the stairs to which she greeted each person who walked up the stairs. After 2 of the guys came up River took a spot behind her chair and just stood there for a second awkwardly before greeting the others. "River if you want I can make you a chair to sit in, it's no problem really." Just after this Rin came up the stairs and made a joke about her age and to this Liliana let out a small sigh. "Rin you're even worse than I am at making jokes and that's a bad thing hon."

Just after this though Hoga spoke up about a monstrous yeti of some sort. "A yeti has somehow made its way here. I don't know how or how it got this far, but it did. From what I can tell, it's angry, thirsty, and hot. Unfortunately for us, we have all of the things that it needs to solve those problems. He's been making a bee-line here for the last 5 minutes or so. I figure we have about hour before he makes it here."

Though shortly after this was said Connor spoke up. "The only idea I have to contribute to a plan right now is that River could use her magic to blanket the yeti in an ice dome containing cold temperatures making an internal climate of the kind of temperatures that are normally comfortable to the yeti, and the dome could even be mobile like with some tank treads under it. ...It's just a minor idea what does everyone think? keep in mind I'm still half asleep." Laughing audibly she poked Connor in the back and spoke teasingly. "That would be a good idea if we were making a novelty snow globe but this is a monster, not a holiday trinket kiddo." Stretching again she looked to the screen that Hoga had put up and started doing some calculations. "Hey Hoga although the snow globe is a weird idea he does have a point, couldn't we use ice to impede it's movement on the sand? Also if given enough time I'm pretty sure that with some help on weakening it I could land the finishing blow of a poison based on paralysis no?"

Shaking her head slightly she turned to Max again and cocked her head to the side. "Hey got any clues on how to use that water to it's full potential, as in steam, ice, water, and moisture?" As she was mulling it over she looked from River and back to Max and rubbed her ear in thought. 'if we can impede it's movement and cause it to sweat a lot we can exhaust it of most of its energy but at the same time it would have less fluids for poisons.... I'd wish for more time to think on this but... oh well.' Waving this thought from her head she looked around from everyone and transformed her chair into a very dense stick to lean on she smirked. "By the way is anyone going to wake up Edge?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Edgar Waivestrife
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0.00 INK

Max absorbed all the ideas that were being created... they were good but they had forgotten one key fact that would make this entire ordeal very easy to deal with; Max was a sandman.... sort of.
"By the way is anyone going to wake up Edge?"

Max shrugged, "Leave him be, he probably just cant be arsed to get up again, quite pitiful considering that Briar has managed to join us at this early hour." This probably sounded quite rude but it was just a statement of fact; Briar usually tends to go quite overboard when it comes food and drink. Max shook his head and continued talking,
"Anyway, to get to the point, impeding the yeti's movement is the easy part, it would probably only take my sand magic to trap it, quick sand is a wonderful thing, but my question is, what do you want us to do? If we just want to stop it, that's pretty much cleared, but are what to do once its immobile, because Im sure that you have all realized that this yeti will be a bitch to go up against. "
Max had pretty much covered the easiest way to immobilize the yeti but he wanted to hear the other guild member's opinions on how to actually fight the yeti, Max sighed and fell back, lying down on a sand-made cloud that rose to meet him mid fall, looking up at the sky he asked the world.
"What do we do next?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

"Hm?" Briar perked up at the mention of his name. "What now? Oh, right. Yeah...I'm here..." To be perfectly honest, he really wasn't listening all that much to the conversation atop the mesa. He still had hopes he would just wake up and realize this was all just a random dream and he would roll over and fall back asleep easily. Not that he wasn't already beginning to doze off again...

Planning and scheming atop a fortified position wasn't exactly his forte either. Get up in the target's face and beat it down until it stopped moving or there was nothing left was more his style. And much more fun. Yet all the snippets of ice talk, and slowing it down, or making it a mobile holiday decoration just left him falling more out of tune with the conversation. Not that Briar wasn't smart in his own way, but all of this analysis and over-thinking was starting to bring more questions than answers to him. With those questions in mind, he stood from his resting spot and stretched, letting out a rather loud groan as he did so.

Walking out to the edge to peer out over the desert sands once more, Briar paused to glance back at the others. "This thing's from a colder climate anyway yeah? Seems like it's at as much of a disadvantage as it's going ever be here in the desert. Seems to me, that trying to freeze it into a yeti-cicle ornament, or making it snow down there will only put it at an advantage over us. That being what it's used to after all right? Besides..." He paused in his moment of clarity and thought to crack his neck and shove his hands into his pockets. "We're Fairy Tale mages correct? Why are we hiding up here while that bastard is heading toward our home? Dunno about you all, but every step this thing takes is another success against beating us. Let's show it how much of a mistake it is to mess with us!"

With that being said, Briar felt completely awake and ready to go. And without the restraint of caution that normally hinders most individuals, he vaulted off the mesa's edge to hop and fall his way to the desert sands below.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

Listening to all the chatter and other ideas drifting around him as feels a little put down at the fact that everyone keeps referring to his idea as a snow globe, but besides that he tries to make things a little more clear on what he had meant by the idea.

"Guys what I had intended with the the so called snow globe idea" Conner said while using the air quotes action with his fingures.
"... was to hopefully put the yeti in a familiars climate that it's comfortable with which will hopefully calm it down enough that it won't be so aggressive and stop moving hopefully. I also mentioned the mobile aspect so we could hopefully get it to a safer place away from here that it would be more at home or something or another idea just came about we could make a cold cavern in a deep basement level of the base and keep it as a pet or gaurd pet"

Conner said trying to think on the brighter side of things, but he also had thought in the back of his mind that if the yeti didn't act the way he had anticipated then it would come down to force and possibly killing then the guild would have to send him to some back markets and check prices for a yeti corps.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

River was vaguely listening to the conversation around her, the ideas were good but Max's quicksand sounded the safest. Even if she did create an ice dome big enough it would take a lot of magic to sustain it and even with Max's help she doubted the would be able to sustain it long enough to slow the yeti down. Listening to Briar's impassioned speech about their guilds power before watching him jump off the roof she was tempted to comment on his stupidity. She had grown up in the mountains, she was yetis were capable of and was about 80% sure Briar would get himself killed or if he was lucky seriously injured. "Alexander, you really should call Briar back, I've seen what those yetis are capable of and based on its behavior right now Briar is more than likely going to get himself killed. And Conner, yetis are very volatile in the best of situations, keeping one as pet probably isn't the best idea. I think Max's quicksand idea is the safest and most practical, if it's trapped it will exhaust all of its energy trying to escape, and that would make it much easier to handle."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hoga
Alexander came to when Connor addressed him over the Archive.

"I've got a few, but I like yours with the snow globe idea. Although Max probably has the safer idea."

Alexander was about to speak up, but Briar beat him to the punch. An impassioned speech, although Alexander was pretty sure Briar was still a bit hung over. Oh well. He was and interesting fellow, and Alexander liked that much. He watched Briar jump off the top of the mesa.

"Alexander, you really should call Briar back, I've seen what those yetis are capable of and based on its behavior right now Briar is more than likely going to get himself killed. And Conner, yetis are very volatile in the best of situations, keeping one as pet probably isn't the best idea. I think Max's quicksand idea is the safest and most practical, if it's trapped it will exhaust all of its energy trying to escape, and that would make it much easier to handle."

Alexander smiled at Connor's crazy idea. He had always had a thing for exotic creatures.

"Yeah you're probably right River. Quicksand is safer. And I doubt a yeti would make a good pet." Alexander paused and began to walk towards the stairs. He paused though, and got a huge grin on his face. "But Connor's idea is a lot more fun. Besides, I've always wanted a pet yeti. If it doesn't work out, well just sell him."

Alexander turned around abruptly, and made a run at the ledge. "Meet you down there Connor!" And just as he reached the edge and made his leap over, Alexander turned around and yelled, "WHO ELSE IS IN?!?!?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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After watching Alexander jump off the mesa after Briar did Liliana couldn't help but have a bewildered face with an eye lid slightly twitching. "I love enthusiastic people but even that is a bit much for me." Shaking her head she turned to Max and winked, "Hey Sandy fancy a race though? let's see what's faster your sand or my venom?" Immediately after saying this she took a quick jump and landed back down on a large cloud of very viscous poison that would bubble and hiss every so often. "Well come on sunshine we can't let them outshine us can we?" Laughing to herself she also made a very condensed cloud of poison above Conner and smiled to him. "There ya go kiddo, we'll see you there.... but I want to know what it's like to 'shadow jump' one of these days. So after this mission or whenever you'll have to show me what it's like alright?" That said the venom blob she was standing on lifted into the air and she called down the others "I'll see you guys there alright? Last one has to hug our furry friend deal?" That said she smirked and rocketed on her homemade amorphous blob to meet up with Briar and Alexander.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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Conner saw as Alexander jumped off the mesa and he instantly perked out of his drowsiness then he smirked and said quietly under his breath

"This family is so easily excited and all around excentric..."

A greenish cloud appeared above Conner and he heard Liliana imply "There ya go kiddo, we'll see you there.... but I want to know what it's like to 'shadow jump' one of these days. So after this mission or whenever you'll have to show me what it's like alright?" Conner just smiled. just then Liliana said something else "I'll see you guys there alright? Last one has to hug our furry friend deal?" then she began to dart off and Conner let off on a hard push off and bolted off in the direction Liliana was heading and once Conner got to the ledge of the mesa with Liliana right in front of him he leaped off the edge of the mesa and screamed


As he shouted just before he got to Liliana and tackled her off her cloud and while holding on to Liliana he transmuted them both into a shadow and stretched towards the side of the mesa and rapidly slunk along down the side of the mesa until finding a shadow which happened to be cast by Liliana's poison cloud passing over under the moon light. Once they hit that shadow they vanished because had begun his shadow jump.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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Rin had kept quiet during the exchange on how to handle the yeti, she had nothing to contribute to the conversation.It seemed odd to her that something like a Yeti would end up in Fairy Tale's domain after all. The things liked it cold, preferably very mountainous too and to her knowledge there wasn't anything too close for this to be random in its occurrence. But once more, she kept her mouth shut, everyone else was enjoying this. Her suspicion of something having to have driven the yeti over here would have to wait for later. Especially with the threat of the last person there having to hug it, she might like fluffy things but the yeti didn't look the cuddling type.

As her guildmate's continued their antic, specifically Liliana expressing her curiosity about shadow jumping, she worked her own magic. A golden aura began to emanate from her own body,it blurred the line between her and the existence of starlight. Conner had begun to chase after Liliana at this point, but when Rin began to move, it was like a frozen image. From her view, she was walking, a casual stroll taking her to the ledge before she jumped down. A brief dark cloak of a weird fluid like substance formed at her behest around her form to shield her from the fall. Her jump had taken her much further than her pace would fact a 'hop down' had nearly carried her far ahead of her friends, who were mere specs in her vision. The realm of near light-speed granted by Heavens Body Magic didn't exactly have much in the realm of control.

She continued her walk through this frozen world, even going so far as to draw her scimitar as she gradually approached the cloud of the yeti. With a bit of mental exertion, her steps began carrying her distances immensely beyond her stride. So much so that three steps after she began trying, for a grand total of twelve on the desert floor, she was beneath the beast. Moving at her walking pace, she took at the back of the creatures leg. To her it seemed to connect, and she began her deceleration only as she was behind the creature. Upon entering normal speed, she saw she'd arrived first...unsurprising since Conner had chosen to run normally instead of simply teleporting here. The sensation of a blade cutting the air near her right hand also showed how badly her attack translated into the real world. The yeti had clearly been untouched, and she herself had ended up nearly in the vestigial back-swing of her own attack...probably due to her slowing her pace to attack and then picking it up again at the end.

"Does this mean I win?" she asked her question to no one in particular. But considering the fact she was less than twenty feet behind the rampaging monster, she wasn't in the smartest place. The sheer force of the beasts running had produced something of a sandblaster type effect into her direction. The suspicious matter-like shield from War God Magic was still up and thus protected her from damage. But the force behind the sand was still enough to blow her small frame back several yards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis
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With only himself and River remaining on the mesa Max let out a sigh, "This guild is full of idiots." He remarked as his body melded with his sand cloud, transforming into sand himself. His sand form quickly rushed off the the edge of the mesa and flew off in the direction of the mesa, sure this entire race was stupid, but Max would die before he let that venom witch beat him. Max moved down to ground level and the desert began to shift and change; as if it were alive, Max quickly came into first place but then he realized that, much to his dismay; Liliana had effectively cheated, she was shadow jumping with Conner, this race had pretty much already been decided, but Max felt something well up inside him: Probably Fairy Tail stupidity, but Max felt that he would still give the race his all.
With that, Max's sand body raced off in the direction the the yeti, Rin was probably already there but that wasnt the point; Second place was still up for grabs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Liliana Pheles Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Max Greyard Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Hotogi Rin
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River watched as one by one all of the other guild members jumped off of the mesa to face the yeti, she briefly contemplated just turning around and going back to bed, but she knew that if she did it probably wouldn't end well for her. Sighing she created a large ice eagle and jumped on top of it before flying towards the yeti. As she flew over her fellow guild mates she couldn't help but think that every single one of them had a death wish. Growing up in the mountains she knew what those things were capable of and she knew exactly what those yetis were capable and she knew keeping one as a pet was really not a good idea. Still it would probably be pointless to argue and it would certainly be much easier to just go along with their craziness than fight it.