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Falling Forever: An Unconventional Love Story

World Tour


a part of Falling Forever: An Unconventional Love Story, by divinedarkness.


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World Tour



World Tour is a part of Falling Forever: An Unconventional Love Story.

8 Characters Here

Caroline Amsel [3] "Life is like a roller coaster. Live it, be happy, enjoy life." | The Dark Creatures | Backup Vocals/Bass |
Blair Lust [3] "I live in a dark fantacy 90% of the time, the other 10% is my own personal hell."
Emma Castro [3] You just need to feel the beat
Larey Pulé [2] Young Lust | Backup vocals/Guitar
Delia Warlen [2] Dark Creatures | Merch Girl Two
Jordan Paige [1] "I'm not crazy.. My reality is different from yours."
Grayson Feederman [1] "Smile for the camera."
Hudson Hawthorn [1] "To die would be an awfully big adventure."

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11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Lust Character Portrait: Jordan Paige Character Portrait: Nate Black Character Portrait: Larey Pulé Character Portrait: Leo Black Character Portrait: Tyler Wolfe Character Portrait: Hudson Hawthorn Character Portrait: Delia Warlen Character Portrait: Emma Castro Character Portrait: Caroline Amsel Character Portrait: Grayson Feederman
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Blair loved being on the road, touring because it meant she got to see her fans and staying at home could get rather boring when you’re used to being on the road so much. They’d been on tour a week and both bands were still getting to know each other for the most part. They knew each other from parties and what they read, but they didn’t really know each other.

She’d kept to herself mostly. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get to know the other, it was just how she was. Aside from Larey and Hudson, she didn’t talk much. She had slept a total of eight hours over the past seven days, her insomnia kept her from sleeping. But, she honestly didn’t mind it, the motion of the bus and the dim lighting of her bunk felt more like home to her than anywhere else.

They were currently on their way to Miami, Florida for tonight’s show. She glanced to her IPhone, the screen reading 6:23. Which meant she had at least another hour or so before anyone else was awake. She thought about texting Nate, they’d somehow become texting buddies over the past few days, she had to admit, he was an ass hole, but his constant flirting was growing on her. She decided against it though, he probably wouldn’t be awake.

She put her head phones in and pressed play, drowning out everything around her. She grabbed her make-up or at least that what everyone assumed it was. She pulled her curtain closed cutting her off from the rest of the bus. She pulled out a new needle and filled it with the toxic drug. She tied of her arm with a tourniquet as she slid the needle into the inside of her elbow wincing. She moaned softly as the drug ran through her veins like liquid fire.

She shoved everything back into her make-up bag and shoved it underneath her pillow as she lend back against the wall, letting the drug take over. She closed her eyes listening to the song play as it added to relaxing her. She hated being an addict, but in all honesty, the drugs controlled her nightmares and as fucked up as it was they kept her sane.

After laying there for a while with her eyes closed, she decided she was hungry. She quietly hopped down from her top bunk. She was in nothing but her favorite bra and boy short set., she didn’t bother to put anything on, considering Larey was normally the only guy on their bus aside from their driver and it wasn’t like she didn’t wear more revealing things on stage.

She made sure to keep quite not wanting to wake anyone else as she grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water, sitting on the small couch a few feet from the bunk bed as she checked her Twitter. Commenting and Retweeting stuff from the fans.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Lust Character Portrait: Emma Castro
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The slow rocking and vibrating on the bus had sent Emma to sleep last night, well that and the quantity of alcohol that she had consumed last night. She slept for about five hours which was pretty good considering they had a show tonight, a start of their world tour which was going to be insane. Two of the hottest bands in the world going on a world tour and the fans were going crazy for it, she had been getting so many tweets from fans saying that they would be there and at certain shows. Which was fantastic to have so much support from people that had found their music and fallen in love with it.

She had been awake for about half an hour and was busying herself by playing games on her phone and texting her dad who was on his way to work. She had promised to keep in touch and at least try to call him every week or so. Her dad have given her his highest praise when she announced she would be leaving for a world tour with the band he had even brought her 200 pairs of drumsticks to last her for the world tour. Which was also brilliant because of her tendency to throw her sticks or give them away to fans.

Checking the time she couldn't really stand to be lying in bed for much longer so after a quiet pondering as to what she would go and drink, something hot like a coffee or a hot chocolate. Sitting up slowly she grabbed the hoodie that was at the foot of the bed it was one of her favorite ones with a t-rex and on top it said " If your happy and you know it clap your ...oh" She had bought it especially for the tour bus since it was something cosy that would keep her warm incase she got cold.

Sliding out of her bunk she slid on her hoodie and made her way to the kitchen, she jumped a little when she saw Blair sitting their. " Hey. You made me jump i thought no one else was up yet. You want a coffee or something?" She asked pointing to the kettle behind her.


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Character Portrait: Caroline Amsel
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Go, Go Power Rangers! Go, Go Power Rangers! Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!...

"Oh, shut up..." Carol moaned quietly as the annoying kid song rang through her right ear. She had no idea why she chose that song for her ringtone... or, however, her alarm song. She wanted to make sure she didn't sleep in again like she had done several times before and was always in a scramble to get ready. So, this time, the blonde set an alarm for 6:30 AM so she would wake up early, with the advantage of waking up before anyone else on the tour bus. She had pressed her sticker-covered iPhone between her ear and her pillow before she had went to sleep the night before. Good thinking, eh? Well, she knew it would annoy the absolute shit out of her in the morning.

And here she was, trying to shut the damn phone off. She needed to make sure she wouldn't wake anyone else up. She finally tapped the off button on her phone and the thing finally shut up. She sighed as she ran her fingers through her knotty hair, making sure not to give herself head damage from the bunk above her. Once upon a time, she had fallen off a top bunk at a camp because of God-knows-what, and it didn't end pretty. From there on, she has always preferred the bottom bunk.

Carol yawned then lied back down to stretch her body out on the bed. It was still pitch black outside and she couldn't see a single thing. She reached over to set her phone on the mini nightstand but she was an inch off. The phone suddenly dropped on the wooden floor and made a loud clashing sound as it settled on the floor. "Stupid phone." she mumbled as she reached down from her bed, her torso finally out from out of the covers showing her thin baseball t-shirt with the number 80 printed on the back, and picked up the phone. She put it back on the nightstand then slowly let her body fall out of bed, making sure not to make a sound as she carefully fell onto the floor, revealing that she had ditched her pants and had nothing but her black underwear on. She lied on the floor for a second, hoping no one would suddenly get up and see her lying like a little baby on the floor. Oh, how she hated the mornings.

Carol finally pulled herself together and got up from off the ground. She didn't really care who saw her in her underwear. She usually just wears her bra and underwear to bed generally. She wasn't really self-conscious of her body. Once upon another time, she used to not wear anything to bed. But that, of course, changed when she met up with the band and started riding in a tour bus with her new "family"

She didn't really have much to say about touring and being away from home. She actually preferred travelling over staying at home and doing nothing all day, everyday. Sure, she missed having a big house and three bathrooms, but living on a bus with all your friends was much more fun then being alone in your room all day.

Carol began using her sense of touch to find her favourite panda sweater... which was somewhere at the end of her bed. Not being able to see anything in pitch black was the worst. Finally, she felt the soft material and quickly snatched it. She swiftly put her arms through the arm holes and zipped up the sweater. The sweater wasn't big or baggy on her, it just was a little stretchy and long on her. It looked like, honestly, she had no pants on.

Carol made her way to the small kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She was too lazy this morning to make herself some tea or coffee. She opened the fridge and snatched a small plastic water bottle. The light of the fridge shone in her eyes and she closed it quickly so it wouldn't disturb anyone else...even though everyone else is probably still asleep....

She made her way over to a small table where everyone's make-up and hair things were on and picked up a random brush. She didn't really care whose it was, she just didn't want to brush out her knotty long locks while everyone is in a hurry to get ready. Better to get the job done now. She took the brush and headed over to the couch, sat down, opened her water bottle, and started brushing her hair while taking gulps of water from time to time. The brush running through her hair made her wince as it snatched on every knot there was. She quickly and quietly tried to brush out her annoying hair.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Lust Character Portrait: Larey Pulé Character Portrait: Delia Warlen Character Portrait: Emma Castro Character Portrait: Caroline Amsel
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↷ Larey PulĂ©


His head ached. Ached so much that he decided to give up on trying to open his eyes. His headache was clearly attempting to kill him. What had he done again yesterday? Right... he was drinking... when did he come back? It was... after those parties and then they came back to the bus... driving to their next performance, right? "How annoying," He swore, feeling nothing but pain all over his body and a particular uncomfortable disturbance. But of course, his head was the worst case that morning, made him go for the try to get back to his sleep. Socializing had to do with drinking together after all... Irritated, Larey frowned in pain. Who had that silly idea anyway? Drinking alcohol is such a pain in the ass, bothering his precious sleep time all the time. He sighed, quite noticeable. Not like he would ever survive in not having alcohol in this business and in daily life. It's part of it after all. "I just want to have a hot nice bath now...," He murmured before forcing his eyes to open. Larey stood up, slowly, like an old man. Looking to the wall, he directly faced his messy appearance.

One glance to the mirror said it all: He looked terrible, just completely horrible. There are some tense second when he tried himself with the thought of destroying the mirror into pieces, but he did not do it in the end, fortunately. Somehow, he was better in controlling his temper like ever before - probably all Blair's doing. A slight amusement came up, going back to the times at high school. Who would have thought that the unsocial girl end up being one hell of a singer? Is she really the quiet girl she was back then? And daring was she, no question. Though she was not Larey's type of woman, she could just be one of his many sex buddies, if she were not the only friend he is proud of. Kinda became a principle to not have sexual relationship with Blair - though he honestly wouldn't mind if she asked for it.

A glass stood there, lonely. Every where else though, ruled the all mighty mess of his, and then, only on that one table was that glass. A bit fascinated (probably because he indeed was an artist), he dipped his finger inside the glass; it was water, cold water. Without any second thought, he poured away everything above his head, planning to refresh himself in a way that he won't look like a tired geezer. Although he might not seem like it, he still cared for his appearance after all. Feeling kind of awake, he grabbed his shirt and went to the bathroom; reviving his tiresome appearance, which is still in a horrible state of the lowest condition because of last night - indeed not the right way to slide to the mood of having a performance next. Trying not to sleep in the process, he tried to tidy his face the best he could while still having that freaking headache. After awhile, he gave up trying too much and grabbed his phone, not something he is really proud of but enough for him to make a proper call, he touched the on button, only to have it giving up its life and fell to a long, long sleep. Annoyed, he threw it away recklessly without even caring about the loud noise it had made and went out bare-chested, still having his shirt on his shoulders. There, he met two of the girls of the band, awake despite how early it was.

"You both are crazy, already up at this hour after yesterdays mess," Having that suppose to be his 'good morning' he approached Emma. "If you're at it, make a coffee for me," As then he slightly leaned on her shoulder, caressing her hair. Rey kind of liked this girl, though not in the direction of love interest. It some way has that brother feeling in it, having him to be older after all. With that being said, he walked over to Blair who was on her phone. Without any warning, he threw his whole body on the coach and without any second thought; he laid his head on her lap. "Hey attractive girl, lend me your phone. Family business," Every time he said 'family business', he meant calling his mom. Only Blair though knew about the fact that he loved his mom to that extent, so he couldn't help but calling her everyday. To not harming his reputation though, he decided it was for the best to let only Blair know about that fact.

↷ Delia Warlen


Lia was up already. Yeah, she was, well, awake. But still not up from her bed, where she stayed as if she had been glued on it. She was not ready to wake up... yet. Was it a dream? She was still a bit excited meeting the tour manager who turned out to be a very interesting person she became attached to. And then, there was that other band. Delia tend to have a good liking to any 'bad boy' so the last party was definitely heaven. She even did not need cocaine for that - whoa, it’s a new technique. She smiled to herself, terrible creepy if one should ever see her like that. In the other hand though, she was creepy without even being seen in her little place to sleep, just enough space for her to feel kind of at home. Well, not like she was every comfortable at home either. With a sudden energy, she slipped down from her bed. Her stomach made an honest statement - she was, again, hungry.

Quickly rushing outside having her boxers (yeah, she honestly wore boxers from time to time) and a disturbing colourful top, she ran to the kitchen... and stumbled. Well, that just had to happen. "Ouch ouch ouch!," she exaggerated a bit and tried to kind of blow the place where it slightly hurt, then though quickly stood up again and arrived at the kitchen. Not noticing Caroline's presence, having her eyes only fixed to the fridge, she carelessly opened it with making some quite loud noises and went through the insides. There were plently of drinks inside, but where is the food?

Finally, after quite a while, she found some bread inside and fished it for her to eat, right on the spot. Uncaring about the noise she made, Lia closed the fridge and planned to go to the coach, but there she finally spotted Caroline. "Cawwowine!," She shouted, a bit surprised with her mouth being full with bread. Quickly, she gulped it down and smiled in her own childish way. "Morning! You're very early," And with a small jump, she landed beside her on the coach. Lia liked Caroline, probably because she was not like her other friends who were mainly boys. Beside her, she somehow could finally experience to be a (some kind of) girl, and that feeling was that she lacked and sought, even though she is not aware of it yet. "You know, the tour manager is an awesome man! It's so disappointing that he is not going in the same bus with us," She started and took a bite from the bread - which was actually quite hard. Well, she was hungry, so she would have ate anything she could get.