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"Please don't shoot at me"

0 · 259 views · located in The Fallout setting, a famous game series.

a character in “Fallout: Neo York”, as played by Love me Not



Name: Iris
Age: ?
Race: Ghoul

Physical Description:
Iris is very small and petite, and often times mistaken for a child from afar. It isn't until someone gets close that they realize she's a Ghoul. She typically can be seen wearing a tattered flower print dress and a string of pearls around her neck. She doesn't remember where she got them but she knows she's always had them.

Iris is very quiet and reserved she is typically very cautious around anyone even other Ghouls. Very rarely does she speak louder then a quiet tone of voice, most have to ask her to repeat herself becuase they didn't hear her the first time. Well if they stick around long enough to listen that is. She is very dependent on humans, most of her "life" she has followed caravans stealing food and scraps that humans had left behind.

Iris doesn't remember much but she does know that she feels like she's been wandering forever. She started out scraping around in the wastes, with no contact anyone. She felt so lonely like she was the only thing left in this desolate world. Iris decided that to keep her own sanity that she would seek out, others whether they were like her or not. Most of the time people would become frightened of her, shooting and throwing rocks at her, so she learned to stay on the outskirts of caravans and settlements. Going in late at night to dig through the refuse left behind, that was until she came across a woman by the name of Ms. Nesbitt.

Ms. Nesbitt's husband had just recently died and the elderly woman was lonely, her children having grown up and long ago left home. The elderly woman who was also practically blind befriended the quiet ghoul girl that had scrounging around in her garbage. In fact she is the one started calling her Iris because of the flowers on her dress, Ms. Nesbitt was kind and most people ignored the "crazy old lady and her pet". But sadly Ms. Nesbitt passed away leaving poor Iris to wander once again, when Iris heard about the possibility of people being in Neo York she decided that she should follow the group going, in hopes of finding a means to continue surviving.

Iris doesn't carry much with her, she has an old sack that she uses to carry things she has picked up. She does however have an old Swiss Army Knife, and a revolver with no ammo.
"Pipboy 3000... Can I eat it?"

So begins...

Iris's Story


The bright shiny town scared Iris a little but she had to find something to eat, she found that most everyone was busy and ignored the small ghoul. She knew she was at one time a petite young woman but any resemblance of that was long gone. But that was okay cause she didn't like talking much anyway, she was digging around in an alley behind a tall building that was a little loud and had a big sign that said 38 on it. Iris could read numbers rather well but it was words that confused her. She noticed a man in a hood slip into a door not to far away her, she shrugged and continued digging through the trash.
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"My names Juniper Holland" she said then she turned to the man who called himself Lucas when he challenged her to a shooting contest. "Actually Im very good at handling a "rifle". Im just particular about whose rifle I use is all, so if you think you have a chance Mr. Redheart. I'll take you up on that offer fer a bit of a contest, and if I win when we make it to Neo York you'll oh me a stiff shot of whiskey" she said with a wink and a smirk.

Juniper had never been the type to turn down a bit of friendly competition, and it would be nice to have a little more people to talk to other then open wastes. This trip would be a good opportunity for her. A chance to make a new life for herself, and maybe feel like she's accomplished something a little more in life the surviving on this dust ball of a planet.

When Ringo asked her to recruit along side the spunky little girl with the curls, she was slightly offended but not surprised, "Well if I'm gonna catch some attention Im gonna have to rely on other assets then my good shooting skills" she said with a chuckle. She took the map from Ringo, "Come on Curly Sue lets go hook us some travelers" she said motioning for her to follow.


Juniper laughed at the enthusiastic girl "Alright Cadence you don't mind if I call you Candy do yah, and when I said other assets..." she took of her thick jacket and revealing a tight thin white tank top underneath. "I meant these assets dear, men can pass up red hair and nice rack" she laughed just then Candy ran off towards what looked to be a sickly child.

Juniper shook her head and jogged over to where Cadence had run off to "Good God girl you must be one of those hyperactive ADD types" at close range Juniper realized that was no sick little girl it was a Ghoul. It was picking through the trash "Hey there. Are you looking for food? I'm actually working now but if you want I can give you some caps to buy yourself something to eat inside."

Juniper got a confused look "What the hell are you thinking... she's a Ghoul and a puny one at that...", but maybe she might be of some use she thought. "Hey whats your name and do you know how to do anything other the dig through trash?" she asked.

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Iris jumped when a young human woman came up to her, she even flinched and covered her head "Please don't hurt me" she squeaked out.

"Hey there. Are you looking for food? I'm actually working now but if you want I can give you some caps to buy yourself something to eat inside."

Iris sheepishly turned to the girl with the dark curly hair, "I am hungry would you really give me caps for food..." she said in her usual mousy tone of voice. Her voice usually took humans by surprise, especially since she was a Ghoul and they typically had a gravely tone, but hers was soft and quiet.

Another woman with red hair came running up making Iris jump again and almost hid behind the trash can. The problem was the red haired woman had a gun, "Hey whats your name and do you know how to do anything other the dig through trash?" the woman asked.

Iris peeped up from her hiding spot realizing that the woman with the bright red hair had not come to shoot her "My name is Iris and yes, I can cook, sew, and clean. I learned it from Ms. Nesbitt" she said looking down at the ground.

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Juniper nodded as she listened to the "little Ghoul" talk, she was surprised how clear her voice was even though she spoke very quietly. Juniper had to concentrate hard to hear her talk, but from her reaction and way of speaking it was obvious that Iris had not always been treated nicely. Now that was common with most people and Ghouls, Juniper really didn't care as long as they weren't feral and trying to kill her she was fine with them. "Well come on in I think we could use someone on a special trip that can do those sorts of things, and from what I seen Ringo don't care if your a Ghoul or not. Lets get you somthin other then trash to eat" she said.


Juniper smiled as the young Ghoul woman's eyes went wide inside the Lucky 38 they went up to the bar where they were before with Ringo and the others. It was obvious that he was busy in the back room so Juniper just went ahead and ordered a small meal with one of the waitresses. She noticed the the one that Ringo had hired before as a bodyguard standing outside the draped off back room area.

She remembered that Ringo had offered him a chance to enjoy the "pleasantries" with him he must have refused, but he seemed aggravated. As the waitress came back and set the food on the bar, Juniper motioned to Iris to dig in. She walked over to Ringo's bodyguard "So whats your real name bodyguard I doubt it's Hoody" she asked.

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Iris looked around the casino in wonder she had never seen so many fantastic sights in her life. They sat down at the bar and the red haired woman named Juniper said something to another women and she went off. "Miss Juniper it's awfully nice of you and Miss Cadence to do this for me, if I could cry I would", said Iris quietly. When the waitress came back and set down the food, Iris could hear her stomach growl with anticipation, the waitress eyed the ghoul and raised an eyebrow. But she shrugged as long as she got paid she didn't care who was eating the food. Everything looked so good Iris was speechless, "Everything looks so wonderful" she said then she looked back to Juniper who nodded that she could eat. Iris went to work on the plate trying to savor each bite. It wasn't much by normal standards but to Iris it was a gourmet meal.

Atlas simply watched as his now employer got up and walked up to a hooker before motioning to atlas and handing her a pouch full of caps. He was soon led of by a different dame to be.... entertained.

He couldn't believe his luck. 7000 caps? It seemed too good to be true, maybe it was. Something about this trader didn't seem right. His smooth voice, the way he walked, it just had a different vibe than usual. Atlas gut feeling told him so, and his gut feeling was rarely wrong. And besides, it didn't look like he had a very great team either. But for even the promise of 7000 caps he would jump into a pit full of starving deathclaws.

Just then he became aware of the tense feeling radiating off the big guy with the hood. He could tell the guy didn't like or trust him, and wanted nothing to do with him. Taking a closer look, atlas could see that the big guy didn't want to be seen or have any attraction drawn to him. Usually what someone that's in hiding avoids.

Just then he became aware of the other hooker that was beckoning him to a more private room for a good time.


Atlas lay motionless, exhausted by the past half hours events.True, He wasn't as quite healthy as he once was, but he could still get the job done, and do it right (especially to a woman). He could also hear that what's-his-name had finished up and had wandered out to the ensuing chaos in the lobby.

After getting dressed and saying thanks for the good time, he sauntered out into the lobby. After scanning the lobby for his so called team, he noticed them crowded around some little boy. Scratch that, little girl. Scratch that, midget women. After examining the group for quite some, he noticed one slight detail-she was a ghoul.

He really wondered what that bozo was thinking,thinking of bringing someone like that along. It wasn't like she was going to be worth the caps to pay her, not to mention having to feed, clothe, and drag her sorry ass to and fro. He was sick of helping people, taking care of people, just to have it blow up in his face. He promised him self a long time ago that he would stop doing that whatever the cost. And that was a promise he intended to keep.

"Some team I have." He muttered to himself before he slipped outside to have a smoke and get some fresh air.

She smiled Cadence "Your both so kind", she was so overwhelmed by it all and then a man came up and started talking to them.

Iris looked down at the bar top when Ringo spoke to her "Iris...mmmy name iis Iris, I can cook annnnd clean and sew" she said. She smiled slightly when the man called Ringo ordered her some more food, this had to be her lucky day. Never had she been around so many kind humans before.
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Juniper was a little concerned about his reaction when she asked his name, and after a moment he finally spoke.

"Hrm, Will. Names Will... "What's with the little ghoul?""

She smiled "Well nice to meet you Will" she looked back over at Cadence and Iris "As for the little one, her names Iris we found her out in the alley eating out of a garbage can. So we brought her in to give her a proper meal, probably will have her come along on the trip she says she can cook, clean and sew. We might just need someone who can do that sort of thing for us. Would have brought her any way though even if I had to give up part of my own for her, I can't stand to see someone in such a state, ghoul or not. Ghouls aint as bad as so many other people make them out to be. The only reason the ones go feral cause they just go plum crazy from not hav'n no body to talk to. Hell anybody would go crazy if they are cut off from people too long even a smooth skin, but some people just get scared and stupid cause they don't know no better. I can't say I've never shot a feral... cause I have but when you know someone's about to kill ya you don't think about it you just act" she said looking back at Will.

She could tell he was a ghoul but she wasn't gonna make a big deal about it, "Well Will nice talk'n with ya maybe we can do it again some time during the trip iff'n you aint hav'n to cover Ringo's ass the whole time. She smiled and winked at Will then walked back over to Candy who was all a dither about the caps that Ringo had just tossed to her. "I'll be damned I haven't seen that many caps at once in a long time" she said to Candy.


Juniper smiled after the caps were split between she and Candy "Hey that was some easy money wasn't it" she said with a slight chuckle. She looked back at Will wondering if he had eaten recently, when a man came up sporting a gas mask and a Russian accent. It was an odd thing to hear for Juniper she'd heard accents before but Russian was a little scary.

When your taught as a child, that all of this happened because of the Cold War and the communists it was a little unnerving for her. She decided she would feel safer by Will and Ringo, so she slid her caps into one of the pockets of her pants near her boot and walked over to Will once again. Keeping an eye on the new guy she was sure Ringo would take the guy in the caravan. She leaned and whispered at Will "Have you eaten anything recently?" she asked with genuine concern for him.

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Was busily eating her meal when another man came up and talked to Ringo, she didn't think much of him other then he was armed with a gun. But that was common among everyone around her right now. She had a gun in the ragged sack she had with her, but she didn't have any ammo never the less it always made her feel safer.