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The Bleeding Suns

"We Rape, We Pilliage, We Enslave. Join today and get yours!"

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a character in “Fallout Reborn: The Faction Wars”, as played by Blazin Beard


Faction Name: The Bleeding Suns
Total Members: 31
Female Members: 14
Male Members: 17
Total Slaves: 12
Female Slaves: 8
Male Slaves: 4
Primary Focus: Raiding and Slavery
Secondary Focus: Chem creation and distribution
Significant People: Character Sheets for each below.
Leader of the Suns: Rebecca "Moon"
Doctor: Simmons "Doc"
Slaver: Konrad "Breaker"
Cook: Steven "Cook"
Raid Leader: Carla "Krieg"
Trader: James "Dealer"

Base of Operations: A Large Super-Duper Mart. It is a rather large building that the Bleeding Suns took over because of its size and defensibility. It is a concrete building with two sliding door entrances. Inside are rows of supermarket style shelves that the Suns use as both to stock their equipment and mobile walls encase of an attack. There is a large inside fence setup which the Suns call the Pen. It is where the slaves are kept, and it is always guarded by two Suns at all time. The slaves are used for manual labor and for physical pleasure. They are often sold to nearby factions for food, weapons, and ammo, that they then use to go and acquire more slaves. The Super-Duper Mart is divided into sections like the Pharmacy section which is in the far back, the main section where the aisles are, the Pen far back left, two sets of men and women's bathrooms on the far left and right of the store, and a security section which the Suns use as a barracks. There is a flight of stairs on the inside that leads to the roof of the Super-Duper Mart.

Faction Ranks: Highest to lowest
Great Sun: Rebecca Moon
Setting Sun: Carla "Krieg"
Rising Sun: Konrad "Breaker"
Elite Sun: Elite 9 member squad including the Setting Sun.
The Suns: Everyone else

Standard Sun Equipment for each rank:
Great Sun: Carries the best equipment as she can afford it. When raiding she wears combat armor and is armed with a Assault Carbine, 9mm pistol and a combat knife, if not in battle she wears jeans, a white tanktop. She tends to stay indoors at this time since the sun is unforgiving. She carries a 9mm even when inside the Super-Duper Mart.
Setting Sun: As the Raid leader, she wears reinforced leather armor (Leather armor with metal sheets on the shoulders and stomach) when on a raid and carries a Assaulst Carbine and a 9mm pistol. When not in battle she wears a trenchcoat, white tank top, and jeans.
Rising Sun: As a slaver he doesnt need much in the ways of protection and armor. He does wear leather armor because he has had some previous slaves manage to get knives and sharp rocks to attempt to cut him, he carries a 9mm pistol to help put down any slaves that rebel.
Elite Suns: As the fist of the Great sun they are all armed with leather armor and given a 9mm submachine gun. There are only ever 9 as it is hard to afford bullets for more.
The Suns: The average everyday raider. They wear whatever they can get with the newer one wearing the stereotypical raider scraps and the more experienced wearing leather armor. The newer members are armed with machetes while the more experienced are armed with pistols, grenades, or other harder to get weaponry.

Character Sheets

Full Name: Rebecca Sanchez
Nickname: The Moon
Gender: Female
Racial orientation: Caucasian
Age: 32
Hair: Rebecca has long shoulder-blade length hair that she dyes bright orange. She tries to comb her hair and keep it as manageable as possible, however the sun is always baking it keeping it frayed. She takes personal pride in her somewhat kept hair as among the raiders she is by far the prettiest (at least in her mind)
Skin: She has almost ivory white skin that she tries to maintain to keep it from turning into leathery skin like many of her raiders. She prefers to stay out of the sun as she burns easily under it, and everytime it heals her skin becomes a slightly darker tone, and she likes her milky skin.
Eyes: Bright, piercing blue.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 153
Occupation: Leader of the Bleeding Suns.
Fashion of Choice: Comfort and whatever lets her get rid of the extra heat.
Armor of Choice: Combat armor, protects her lovely skin.
Weapon of Choice: Her Assault Carbine. Over the years, shes had the option of other weapons, but she prefers the Assault Carbine because it is highly accurate, high rate of fire with low recoil.
Alignment: True Neutral, she just wants money and whatever beauty products she can get her hands on.
Motivations: Rebecca is a rather ambitious woman. She likes the feeling of power that owning slaves gives her. It is the power of God, knowing their miserable lives depend on her whims, and she knows of their value and use. The use their give settling down the men and women who are looking for companionship. She wants more slaves.. but knows she needs more men, and to get more men she needs more space. She wants above all to make a slaving empire.
Philosophy: The more slaves one has, the more power.
Sexuality: While she prefers men, she has been known to take female slaves, so Bi-sexual.
Positive Personality Traits: Ambitious, Intelligent, Brave, Stubborn, Prideful, and Cunning
Negative Personality Traits: Self-centered, Self-indulgent, Controlling, Sadistic, Vain, Stubborn, Prideful and Cruel.
Faction: The Bleeding Suns
Faction Rank: The Great Sun
Likes: Beauty products (hair dye, lipstick, blush, etc), bullets, Sex especially when she can dominate slaves, slaves, winning, and compliments (she is vain remember)
Dislikes: the sun, people who try and take over her Super-Duper Mart, most non-suns, other factions as she sees them all as either potential slaves or potential buyers of slaves.
Favorite Foods: Mutfruit, and mirelurk cakes.
Favorite Drinks: Nuka-Cola, and water preferably clean
Favorite Colors: Red and orange
Hobbies: Cleaning herself up, and pushing around the slaves.

Full Name: Doctor Richard Simmons
Nickname: Doc
Racial Orientation: Latino
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Hair: Short, rugged gray hair with whitish dots here and there.
Skin: Light bronze toned from both his race and the suns naturally burning.
Eyes: Deep green
Height: 6'2
Weight: 182
Occupation: Doctor and chem producer of the Bleeding suns
Fashion of Choice: Usually wears his old white lab coat he got from his years with the Followers of the Apocalypse
Armor of Choice: Doesnt wear any
Weapons of Choice: Doesnt carry any.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Motivations: He likes to see the sick and wounded taken care of, and while a man as kind as him living among raiders may be strange to him its the best place to heal the wounded both raider and slaves. He uses the influence he has to save slaves from darker fates like rape saying he needs them to help him with chem production.
Philosophy: Everyone deserves to be healed no matter who they are.
Sexuality: Straight
Positive Personality Traits: Kind, even-handed, Soft-hearted, loving of all, educated and loyal.
Negative Personality Traits: Somewhat stuck up as he is educated and many are not
Faction: Bleeding Suns
Faction Rank: Doesnt have a rank as he is outside the chain of command, but if anything he would be placed as a Sun.
Likes: Seeing his patients get better, helping slaves, and is rather fond of Sarsaparilla
Dislikes: Seeing chems abused, having to make so said chems, and seeing slaves abused.
Favorite Foods: Chips
Favorite Drinks: Sunset Sarsaparilla
Favorite Colors: Blue and Green
Hobbies: Reading

Full Name: Charles Konrad
Nickname: Breaker
Racial Orientation: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Hair: Has brown hair cut down in a buzz cut
Skin: Light tanned from being baked by the sun, he has a few scars from his previous time as Sun. Such scars include two bullet holes in his right chest, scars from knives on his left forearm and whip marks on his back from his time as a slave.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'11
Weight: 166
Occupation: Slave trainer of the Bleeding
Fashion of Choice: He tends to wear his leather armor at all times, you can never trust a slave.
Armor of Choice: Leather armor
Weapons of Choice: Whip and 9mm pistol
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Motivations: He enjoys breaking slaves because it is easy and he gets paid good for his job. Ever since he joined the Suns, he has lived a life of semi-luxury that only the slaver master in a slaver raider gang can get. He doesn't want that to end.
Philosophy: Anyone can be broken if one just finds the right place to whip.
Sexuality: Straight
Positive Personality Traits: Strong willed... thats about it
Negative Personality Traits: Harsh, sadistic, greedy, and self-indulgent.
Faction: Bleeding Suns
Faction Rank: Rising Sun
Likes: New slaves, stubborn prideful slaves they are much more enjoyable to break, Nuka-cola, and Jet
Dislikes: People interrupting his.. taming lessons, being ordered around, and when the doc tries to cut him off from jet.
Favorite Foods: Mutfruit and chips
Favorite Drinks: Nuka-Cola
Favorite Colors: Red
Hobbies: Breaking slaves, AKA why he is known as the Breaker.

Full Name: Steven Lewis
Nickname: Cook
Racial Orientation: African American
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Hair: What hair? Steven is bald.
Skin: Dark, almost charcoal, black. It is not as tough as the other raiders as he does not go outside as much.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 178
Occupation: Cook
Fashion of Choice: Usually wears a cooking apron over a t-shirt and jeans.
Weapons of Choice: None, although he could beat quite a few men with his frying pan and butcher knife.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Motivations: He is not much of a fighter, but was blessed with a small ability with cooking which has saved his life numerous times. He enjoys cooking and slave girls and luckily in his new position he gets both. He would fight hard to keep his position.
Philosophy: I cook, and I am protected, fed, and they let me sleep with whatever slave I want... what more could a man want?
Sexuality: Straight
Positive Personality Traits: Hard-working, is a decent cook as far as they go, diligent, has a good sense of humor
Negative Personality Traits: Tends to let his lust think for him and can be quite stupid at times.
Faction: The Bleeding Suns
Faction Rank: A Sun
Likes: Slave girls, cooking, making jokes, getting complimented on his cooking, and flirting
Dislikes: Being told "no", when other raiders talk him down due to his low battle ability.
Favorite Foods: Has too many to possibly name although his fried squirrel is to kill for.
Favorite Drinks: Water
Favorite Colors: Yellow and Blue
Hobbies: Cooking and Slave Girls

Full Name: Carla
Nickname: Krieg
Racial Orientation: Asian-American of Chinese descent
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Hair: She has long silky black hair that she constantly uses to tease Moon due to it being beautiful, soft, and it does not need to be tended as much.
Skin: She has a light tan that would mark her as latino if it wasnt for her eyes, her skin tone comes from both her race and the suns natural harsh glare
Eyes: She has black eyes.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 137
Occupation: The Setting Sun, or Raid leader.
Fashion of Choice: She tends to always wear her reinforced leather armor no matter the heat.
Armor of Choice: Reinforced leather armor
Weapons of Choice: Assault Carbine
Alignment: True Neutral
Motivations: She likes what she does, killing people and taking the weak as slaves. Its what she has always been good at. The suns give her food, a place of safety to sleep, and slaves to do whatever she has whim for. She rather enjoys life at where it is.
Philosophy: Kill, drink, fuck thats the way of the raider
Sexuality: Bi-sexual. She takes what she can get at time.
Positive Personality Traits: Strong willed, brave, determined, and loyal
Negative Personality Traits: has a gun-ho attitude of shoot first and never ask questions, she is also a borderline alcoholic
Faction: Bleeding Suns
Faction Rank: Setting Sun
Likes: Whiskey, Guns, taking slaves, and being on top in all situations..
Dislikes: Vodka, anyone who judges her on her height, and when the bars cut her off.
Favorite Foods: Doesnt much care. She was born and raised in the wasteland. She eats what you give her.
Favorite Drinks: Whiskey
Favorite Colors: Silver
Hobbies: Drinking, shooting, and teaching everyone while shes on top in more than one way.

Full Name: James Shaw
Nickname: The Trader
Racial Orientation: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Hair: His hair is eyebrow length brown hair that is starting to go gray especially at the temples.
Skin: Deep tan from years of traveling with his Brahmin caravan.
Eyes: Dark green
Height: 6'4
Weight: 215
Occupation: Trader
Fashion of Choice: He is outside often so wears a light brown duster (trench coat), white T-shirt, jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat.
Armor of Choice: None
Weapons of Choice: Carries a .44 magnum.
Men: His Caravan has eight guards all armed with hunting rifles and leather armor
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Motivations: He likes to earn caps. He trades with everyone the Suns, who he trades bullets, information, food, water, and clothing for slaves. He has earned a good living so far and doesnt plan on seeing that end soon.
Philosophy: Caps are Caps no matter how they are earned
Sexuality: Straight
Positive Personality Traits: Frugal, Fair, Opportunistic, determined, a hard man some say.
Negative Personality Traits: Shrewd with money, Can be called greedy, harsh, and lacks a soul some say.
Faction: N/A
Faction Rank: N/A
Likes: Caps, traveling, women, and the night sky
Dislikes: Raiders who attempt to raid his caravan, the critters of the wasteland, and people who try to cheat him
Favorite Foods: Nothing as long as its cheap.
Favorite Drinks: Water
Favorite Colors: Red
Hobbies: Reading and traveling

So begins...

The Bleeding Suns's Story