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Kries Dairu

"Everything will do what it is designed to"

0 · 439 views · located in Spira

a character in “Final Fantasy X: The After Wars”, as played by Lightning Flash



Kries Dairu



Al Bhed

Gadgeteer classes into Machinist

Manages, repairs and creates machina.

Mark of Ixion

Appearance: Kries is not that special in his initial appearance. He is neither tall nor short nor incredibly thin nor stocky. He doesn't consider himself that attractive either although he views himself different than many others around him, being one of the few pure al Bhed. He has striiking blonde hair that is seemingly never completely flat on his head. He also has slightly more tanned skin than many of those native to besaid and the safe zone. Another prominent Al Bhed feature Kries has is his eyes. He has bright green eyes that have the traditional swirling pupil of the Al Bhed. Kries does have a few tattoos on his back and chest, but not nearly as many as many other Al Bhed.
-Height: 5'11
-Weight: 153
-Eye Color: Green with typical al bhed swirled pupils
-Hair Color: Blonde

Theme Songs
Main Theme: The Resistance cover by 2Cellos
Fighting Theme: Kickdown by Two Steps From Hell
Sad Theme: Aiedmus by Karl Jenkins
Anger Theme: Life or Death by Audiomachine
Theme of the Farplane: Reset from the Okami soundtrack

Kries usually wears no armor and dresses pretty plainly around the safe zone. However he is also used to wearing light armor if he is working in dangerout areas. He has padded leather gloves with the fingers cut off to allow for him to work with his machina more precisely. He also wears a matching pair of well worn boots. When dressed normally he wears a plain white shirt that is loosely fit and olive green slacks with that. When exiting the safe area he puts on leather armguards and hardened leather plate.

Red Dawn-Increases critical hit chance slightly.

Aim- Next attack will have increased accuracy and damage
Use- Able to use specialty items such as grenades and machina
Override- Deals damage and has a chance to disable machina in one hit

Deus Ex Machina: Unleashes a flurry of well aimed bullets.

Kries is a laid back guy. He doesn't let many things get to him and is normally pretty level headed. He is very critical though of others and especially of himself and this makes him very much a perfectionist. This criticalness can lead Kries to get into minor scuffles with other strong attitudes, but at that point Kries usually backs off, seeing no point into getting into a fight. He will however get into a fight over a few things, such as for his family or if someone disrespects him or his machina. When dealing with others his age, Kries is normally quiet, as he is pretty socially awkward, and doesn't consider himself to have charisma of any kind.

Bio: Kries had what you would call "a normal life" for most of his life. Well, for most of it, and in this era, he may even be considered lucky. Kries was born and raised on the banks of the Moonflow, in the small town that grew up around the ferrying of travelers across the famous river. But now, even this relatively small metropolis would be considered a megalopolis, as it was filled with machina like all other modern cities. And it was with this machina that Kries and his family found their home. Kries' family were one of the few Al Bhed families in the city and were prime machinists for all needs. Mostly they worked on maintainance around the city, but it was a life that Kries enjoyed, as he loved creating and working with machina. But when Malady finally turned its eye towards the Moonflow town after destroying most of the megalopolises of the world, the town fell to ruin. Despite Kries' father's stockpile of guard machina that he had been creating ever since malady had begun its rampage, the town was not saved. And neither was Kries' mother whom was killed during the attack.

After Kries and his father survived the attack, they fled. Partially for his father to escape the thoughts of Kries' late mother, and partially for shelter at the seemingly safe isle of Besaid. as they went, Kries continued to learn machina from his father, now learning how to make weapons and use machina weapons. As now, it was inevitable that they would need them. Finally, after a long travel the weary Al Bhed pair arrived on Besaid. His father attempted to keep his spirits high, despite still grieving over his dead wife, and the pair began a new life on the island.

That was two years ago that Kries and his father showed up on Besaid. Since then, both Kries and his father opened a machina shop in their home to repair machina and take commissions to create machina.

So begins...

Kries Dairu's Story


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Character Portrait: Kries Dairu
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Another day. Another day I wake up thankful to be alive. I hope I don't forget that. My father sure hasn't. He hides it well, but I know him better than that. He is just being strong for me right now. Ever since mother died. Ever since Malady took our home.

But now is not the time to dwell. He is not being strong for his own sake, but for mine. I must show him I am strong. I must feign ignorance to his good-natured charade, and play along, as if nothing has happened.

I just hope I don't ever forget.

-Kries Dairu

Kries reached out of the blackness to his tools. Fumbling for a second until he could tell he felt the right one, then grasped it and drew it into the darkness with him. Kries never really liked working in the Blitzball stadium like this. It was filled with cramped quarters to work with. Granted, it was a good piece of machina, and he had learned a lot from it, but still. Sometimes, it just became a pain to maintain. Oh well, even if he never used it, or for that matter rarely went to see any of the games, he knew the stadium was important to Besaid. It was something normal. Something that they could divert their eyes upon, and maybe the world didn't seem so bad. And for that, fixing this place up was all worth it.

Even if it was something as maintaining one of the indoor monitors. Kries rolled out from his position under the monitor and looked up to make sure it was working properly now. Thankfully for him it was. Kries gave a small smile then reached back, collecting his tools.

Well, guess that was that for the day. That was the only job he had lined up that really needed to be done. Guess about now he should go find the manager and get going back home. He probably still had some time to work on some gun machina or do some shooting in the woods outside the village. Either would be good with him really. He just wanted to relax some after working two hours on fixing the line of projectors. he took one last look at his work and then turned to leave.

Kries walked silently though the halls of the blitzball stadium, not really recognizing many people he passed in the hallways and not stopping to talk to any. But really, that was to be expected, he really didn't hang out with the blitzball player type anyway. But that was beside the point. Soon he came upon the main reception desk, where behind the counter sat the manager of the stadium. Kries tried to remember his name as he approached, but failed. So Kries just said to him "Hey. I fixed the monitors you asked me about. All working fine now."

The man smiled up at Kries, who shifted his weight under the man's presence. "Alright! Thanks! Those west wing monitors have been out far too long! Thanks for finally getting that done. So, I'll make sure your payment gets to your house alright?" Kries nodded at that and smiled at him "Alright. Thanks." Kries replied. "If anything else goes out, I'll be right over."

"Alright. I'll be sure to let you know." the manager smiled widely at Kries and Kries gave another nod and turned to leave.

Now, time to go home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valence Everwing Character Portrait: Issac Ettore Character Portrait: Kries Dairu
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Once, a long time ago. A child walked with a purpose. There was fire in his heart of injustice, of what could be done, and what should be done. And how it was different than what was being done. In indignation, he left everything he had known behind and risked death that he knew could wait. Only he found nothing that he sought. And when he thought his journey was over and the hardest miles traveled, he realized he must once again move along.

Today a man will step onto a sandy shore. With no room left in Spira to run. There is still the fire in his heart and it burns strongly. But that child is now just a legend. But the story doesn't end here.

-Issac Ettore

Issac watched as the sandy beaches of Besaid grew in his vision. Finally, he was almost there. The last safe haven of Spira, one of the two blessed safe areas besides the ruins of Bevelle. Issac pushed his hair back in the humidity and the heat. It was nice to feel this warmth, as it was nothing like his home, but still, enough was enough. His jacket flapped lightly in the ocean breeze as Issac watched the shore intently, watching the people running around on the beach. He smiled at how carefree they could be.

"Finally arriving, right?"

"Yeah" Issac replied. "You came from Guadosalam, didn't you Karvel?"

"Right." the young guado man replied as he leaned on the railing next to Issac. "It seems as though Malady has herded everyone in the world into little communities, doesn't it? I wouldn't have dreamed before that I would see Besaid."

Issac laughed at the comment and replied with a smile "Neither did I."

The pair watched the approaching shore in silence, and soon the boat began approaching the pier. "Well, then. I guess I will see you around." Issac said as he backed away from the railing, which was met by a confused look by Karvel. "What do you mean? The boat hasn't..."

Before Karvel could finish, Issac gave a short runup to the railing and made a small hop onto it. Then he made a massive leap into the air, and landed onto the nearby beach. "Can't stand waiting around." Issac yelled up to the Guado as he yanked his spear out of the sand,"I'll see you in the village!" And with that, Issac gave the boat a wave and headed across the beach towards the village of Besaid.


Kries looked up as he heard his name mentioned. It was one of the hunters around the town... Kries couldn't say he remembered his name. Really, Kries knew his gun better than he knew the man. Kries had worked on it a few times, for minor maintainance or whatnot whenever he needed it. But all of that was beside the point. Kries couldn't imagine why this man was in the blitzball stadium or why he had even talked to him. "erm." Kries stumbled across his words briefly, but soon thought of what to say. "Yeah. I just had to fix a few things around here. The manager came to us with the request yesterday, so I thought I should probably do it sooner rather than later."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valence Everwing Character Portrait: Issac Ettore Character Portrait: Kries Dairu
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Kries looked away, slightly embarrassed. Was it really that easy to tell that he had forgotten Valence's name? That was awkward, he didn't want to be disrespectful to the guy. Kries scratched the back out of his said, and let out an "Ah... Sorry."

"Well, you are right, though." He added, trying to keep the conversation up, "The blitzball stadium is probably the most important thing we have here. I mean, it lets us seem like there is something normal here. Something that Malady... hasn't touched." Kries hesitated for a moment after saying Malady's name. He had noticed it was often a touchy subject with most people. Everyone had their opinions on it; why it was here, or how to destroy it, or how to co-exist with it. And everybody it seemed had been affected by Malady in one way or another. People like himself had come to Besaid as a refuge, when they never thought of leaving their home. And when they were forced to leave their home, it was always in flames.

But that was neither here nor there. Right now they just had to live well, and hope that Malady would not stir from it's perch. Kries exited out of the stadium with Valence, and squinted in the sudden adjustment to the light, lifting his hand to shade his eyes. So he had the rest of the day off, right? Well it was a great day, he should probably spend it shooting. And if he was going to do that, it would be rude not to invite Valence as well.

"Hey. I know you use a gun, right? Well I was just about to go practice. You could come if you want." Kries offered to the honestly intimidating looking fighter. Kries had never seen Valence fight, but just from the look of him, Vanlence seemed to be a well experienced fighter, and a great one. While Kries was a good shot, he couldn't say he had ever been in a life or death situation, or at least one with his life in his own hands and not Malady's. Well, maybe he could learn something if he watched the veteran. That is, if Valence felt like wasting his time with a rookie.


Issac strolled up the relatively barren path, aside from the odd person here or there. Truly, this place was a tropical paradise. It was warm, there was no cold breeze, and all the girls here looked fine. Well, relatively all, he nearly laughed to himself as he passed a particularly unattractive one on the road. He held it in for a bit down the road before letting out a chuckle to himself.

He spun his head to catch one more glimpse at his walking signpost of irony when he caught the eye of a man walking some distance behind him, eyeing Issac suspiciously. When their eyes met, the other man looked away, and Issac shrugged. Whatever. He knew he looked different from most of the people there. He wasn't nearly as tanned as he had seen the natives there, and he carried a spear, which is by no means a standard weapon. More often he had run into the idea of it being a hunting tool, and not a legitimate weapon as sword or magic. So naturally, most people were surprised when they saw a spear as ornate as his.

It was all good though, they would learn in time. It was just his first day there anyways, you had to expect to be judged. He smiled to himself as he began to think about what he should do when he reached the village. Guess first thing was to get temporary housing and work out a deal at an inn or whatever. He had some gil on him, but granted, not much. But after that, he could probably sign up for the militia. That ought to be a fair job, and work well for a man with his talents. And maybe if he told the innkeep that plan, they may even give a discount. He would be keeping them safe after all.

But instantly all that left his head as he laughed. along the path he spied a blitzball stadium. Blitzball! He had seen it often on the few machina projectors at his hometown, so he knew quite a bit about the sport. Heck a few kids back home had tried to start a blitzball team that he joined. Of course that was shortlived due to the water they were using being runoff from Mount Gagazet. Damn cold stuff. But enough reminicing. Issac continued to smile as he altered his course to the stadium.

Soon afterwards, Issac was sitting in the stands, his spear propped up next to him, and watching the blitzers swim and play. What a wonderful day this seemed. Got off the cramped boat and got to see some blitzball. Certainly a good day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valence Everwing Character Portrait: Issac Ettore Character Portrait: Kries Dairu Character Portrait: Alfhild Winterhold
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Kries blinked and looked over at Valence, slightly confused at the question. "Erm..." Kries hesitated, "I just go out to the outskirts of the village. There are plenty of trees and everything there, and I am not bothering anybody." But as he finished, it dawned on Kries what Valence must have meant. He was a hunter in the village after all, why would he not go and hunt Sickness? It was obvious, and now Kries was suggesting that they just shoot at trees. He felt kinda like an idiot now. Here was an experienced hunter, and Kries was suggesting target practice.

Well, nothing that Kries could really do now. He really couldn't take the words back out of his mouth, and really, he didn't want to. He didn't want to go hunting Sickness, nor did he think he was really ready for it. But maybe he could get something out of this target practice. He could see how Valence shot, and see how he stacked up. He could really see how much he had improved since he began to shoot machina.

The pair walked and Kries tried (and largely failed) to make small talk as he led them to the outskirts of the village, to Kries' normal training grounds. As they arrived Kries gave a small 'Here we are" as he examined the trees that marked the entrance to the jungle. Kries hesitated a minute and walked forward to one of the nearer trees, and put his hand on the bark. The tree was fairly large, it would allow Kries to sight in more, and be able to give more feedback on his shots, as he should be able to consistantly his a tree that was as big around as about his armspan.

Kries thrned and took fifteen measured paces then turned to face the tree, pulling out his machina, and examining it for a second. Then he racked it back and unloaded the gun, placing the clip inside one of his jacket poackets. This was a habit that Kries had for before he started his practice. In the beginning, Kries had a lot of trouble loading his machina and making sure it was clear. So before every firing drill he always did a speed run on loading a fresh magazine into the chamber then unloading as soon as he was out.

Kries racked the chamber forward and holstered his empty gun once more. he then took a deep breath and flipped the switch in his head. He drew his pistol and transferred it to his left hand as his right hand dashed into his jacket poket, retreiving a magazine he swapped hands quickly and racked the chamber back and loaded in the magazine. He locked the chamber forward again and then took sight at the tree.

And unloaded his clip. After ten shots, Kries stopped pulling the trigger and racked the chamber back, and slid out the empty magazine, letting it fall to the ground.


Issac pushed himself up on his spear as the blitz game ended. That was quite thrilling, people here were good. Well, guess you could expect it, with the hot weather and all the water around. This place would be like a blitz paradise. He would have to be sure to come back here often. It looked like pickup games were pretty frequent from this, which was always nice.

Issac made his way among the crowd back down into the tunnels, and began to make his way around. Well, guess he should get going for the village proper, but he probably should introduce himself around first. He was a freeloader looking for a house right now, and hell, who koew what houses had space for a working guest. Probably none with all of the refugees that were coming around Besaid these days but it was worth a shot. He never counted on his luck but, maybe this once he could get lucky.

Issac made his way to the entrance of the Blitzball stadium. The manager (His first target) was already talking with someone else about the blitz stadium. It looked like he was setting up a tournament of some kind, because the guy already had loads of paperwork with him. Well, guess the manager was going to be busy for a while, so chatting him up wasn't really an option.

Eh. Guess he really didn't have good luck. It looked like the guys he had seen playing Blitz had decided to stay too, since he could see none of them, and really didn't want to be a creepy stranger saying "Hi, I'm new."

Although that may be fun to do to other people just for the reaction.

Soon though, he saw a head of white hair bobbing through the lobby. "Huh... white hair. That's odd, hardly see that around." Issac thought to himself. And then it dawned on him. that girl he had seen during the game, the really quick one, had white hair. And the height looked about right too.

Well time to go introduce himself.

Issac tried to make his way through the oncoming rush of people toward the white hair. But felt himself only falling further and further behind. Issac sighed and continued to fight his way through until he was outside, and then he stopped, his spear at his side. "Pardon me folks." he said as he stuck the butt of the spear out in front of him, creating a small clear area in front of him.

He took a hop forward

And then planted his spear into the ground, using it to vault high up into the air, and over the crowd in front of the stadium, landing next to the less crowded path. Ignoring the stares he was getting, he scanned again for the white hair, and waited as it approached his direction. Seeing the girl, Issac walked up to her. "Hey there! I just watched the game. You were playing right? The quick one?" Issac said cheerfully as he walked backwards in front of the girl, once again, using his spear as a walking stick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valence Everwing Character Portrait: Issac Ettore Character Portrait: Kries Dairu Character Portrait: Alfhild Winterhold
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Kries looked to the tree that Valence shot, looking at the incredible grouping that he produced. Then he looked back to his own tree, and his own grouping, which was not bad, but much worse comparing to Vanence's. His grouping at fifteen paces produced, from what Kries could tell, a spread of what looked like about a foot to a foot and a quarter circle. Except for one shot that Kries noticed he pushed a bit high, but that could easily be fixed, he knew what happened there.

"Sorry" he said to the hunter "I... don't go hunting. I just shoot when I can to make sure I could use this when necessary. If you want, you could go out to find Sickness to hunt... but I think I'll just stay here practicing regardless."

Kries reached down and picked up his empty magazine on the ground, stuffing it into one of his pockets. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out another clip and lammed it home. He took aim at a tree downrange and fired, then swiveled his body to target another tree, and alternated for that clip.


Issac blinked at the... brief response. What had he done to piss her off? Normally girls were only that untalkative when they wanted to hit something. Which he was never fond of being on the recieving end of. But then again, right now he was a relative stranger, so he should probably be safe.

"Erm..." Issac said as he realized that this girl had no intentions of saying anything further. "Well then. Erm. You headed back to the village? Miss... Oh right, how rude of me. Never got around to introducing myself. I'm Issac, Issac Ettore." By this point, Issac had stopped walking in front of the girl and now measured his steps as he walked along beside her.
