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Eric Northman

I must be a frightening person, when I am myself. Or do I inspire so much loyalty through my good works and kind ways?

0 · 596 views · located in Shreveport, Louisiana

a character in “Finding Our Way Down Memory Lane”, as played by RubyBlue



Name Eric Northman

Age over a thousand years old

Gender Male

Species Vampire

Physical Appearance Erik is blond, blue eyed and classically handsome. Standing at six foot five inches tall, Erik is physically imposing. A Viking King, he is powerful and broad-shouldered.

Orientation Straight

Immortal - Cannot die from old age, disease or natural causes.
Preternatural Strength - Exceptionally strong, Eric is the oldest vampire in Louisiana and it is apparent in the amazing strength he wields. He can bat away an opponent as if they were a fly if he chose.
Preternatural Speed - Moves so quickly it is almost as if he's appeared out of thin air.
Superhuman Senses
Regenerative abilities

Eric was born over a thousand years ago in Scandinavia, being the only son he was destined to take over for his father as Viking Chieftain but his father seemed so hearty and hale that he couldn't imagine himself ever being a king. Which he was just fine with, Eric preferred to spend his days indulging himself. The tall, handsome viking youth was no stranger to a woman's charm...many women's charm. It was on one such occasion when Eric was sampling a a sweet servant girl when his home was attacked by werewolves. After they slaughtered his family, he made a vow to his dying father to avenge them. He set out to do just that.

In his travels he was joined by many warriors who joined his cause, accompanied by servants. Men and women alike. This is when he became enamored with a quite beautiful and mysterious new serving girl. Despite all of his intentions she seemed to be able to resist his charm and eventually he viewed her as more than just a conquest. The two grew close and she was the first taste of actual love Eric had ever had. Before they were able to bring their relationship to fruition she was stolen from him in the night. Not a man to be trifled with and finding himself hopelessly in love he set off to do battle for the girl who had stolen his heart. It was much to his surprise to find out that he wasn't going into battle with normal men but with creatures who possessed incredible strength and durability. Fighting his terror, the towering viking fought valiantly for as long as he could.

After receiving a mortal wound on the battleground, Eric begged his men to leave him behind, to let him die as he lived. A failure, he'd never avenged his family and he'd lost the woman he loved. After realizing they wouldn't leave him behind, the dying norseman allowed himself to listen to their accounts of the beautiful women and glory that awaited him in Valhalla. He never made it to the afterworld. His comrades killed in the night he was visited by a being who called himself "Death". Offering the man who was slowly dying in agonizing pain, who loved life more than anything, a chance for immortality. Eric agreed hastily and that night he ceased to live a human life. After being convinced that the woman he'd lost everything for was gone and most likely dead, Eric left his human life behind him.

He spent the intervening decades traveling with his maker, Godric. Learning and hunting for the werewolves that had slain his family. In that time he came across a woman named Pam, a woman he admired and who wasn't afraid of his otherworldly nature. Something he probably should have been suspicious of. When she slit her wrists and demanded to be turned he did the only thing he could and made his first and only progeny. Pam would become his close friend, second in command and partner in crime.

Soon after infiltrating the Nazi regime he came face to face with a werewolf whom he attacked and demanded to know information from, doing the unthinkable and bartering for information with his blood. After it coming to a horrible end where he almost ended up staked, he and his maker parted ways. Soon after Eric and Pam drifted to Louisiana where he became Sheriff of Area 5 and in the meantime they opened the vampire bar, Fangtasia.

+ Having the upperhand
+ Old swedish music
+ People who can appreciate a good joke
+ The pleasure of people's company. Only of those he deems worthy.

+ Losing control
+ Being disobeyed
+ Being underestimated
+ People with absolutely no sense of loyalty

+ Losing everything he's worked for all of this time, his home and the power he's acquired.
+ Losing those he considers his family, forefront in his mind Pam. She is loyal and true to him and he doesn't know what he'd do without her by his side.
New Fears
+ Remembering who he was, Eric is quite content with the way things are going and doesn't care for the stories he's heard about himself.

Opinion of Melody

Eric saved Melody two weeks prior, easily defeating the vampire that was accosting her. It wa after that he realized who she was...even if she didn't. It amazed him to see her, alive...young. In Louisiana. She had been his first love, the only woman he'd ever loved when he was still a human over a millenia ago. Finding her to be suffering from amnesia, Eric did everything in his power to try and help her recall her memories and him as well.

As a last resort he visited a coven where he ordered the witch Marnie to cast a spell to return Melody's memories. Marnie refused, saying she knew of no such spell and even if she did, wouldn't be powerful enough to complete it. In his anger, Eric lashed out at Marnie, believing her a liar. It was then that Antonia's spirit possessed the body of Marnie to protect the witch from the violently angry vampire.

While in Marnie's body, Antonia and the rest of the coven cast a spell upon Eric, ripping all of his memories away. Soon after he was found wandering the streets by Pam, unaware of even his name.

Although he has lost any memory of Melody he finds himself drawn to her. Neither of them has any memory, or past to tie them down. Why not build new ones together perhaps?

Eric is unfailingly loyal, calculating and dismissive of most humans. He is not quick to anger yet when he does it is a wrathful and terrifying thing. Eric seems to enjoy a life and his vampiric nature in a slightly different way than most of his counterparts. He doesn't feel the need to show how old, or powerful he is as he doesn't believe he has anything to prove to anyone. If anything it's the other way around. Eric is always quick to give someone he deems worthy a chance and will act accordingly depending on what you do with that chance.

He is surprisingly affectionate for a vampire, caring for his progeny, Pam and his vampiric sister Nora. He has not closed himself off completely in regards to others, but is very guarded and tends to prefer to play with humans rather than make any lasting connection with them.

So begins...

Eric Northman's Story

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Eric opened his eyes slowly, taking a moment to acclimate himself to the coffin that he'd been sleeping in the past two weeks...well according to Pam a lot longer than that. For the large, norse vampire this was all new. He hadn't even known his own name two weeks ago let alone where he lived or slept. He shuddered to think of what would have become of him if he hadn't been found. With dawn soon approaching he would have surely died that day without the help of Pam and Melody. Melody, where was Melody? He thought as he emerged from his resting place. She was always close to him and for some reason now she wasn't. The vampire was bonded to the beautiful, kind, gentle girl through blood and as such Eric was always slightly aware of where she was although it seemed different than it did with other people, even Pam. Melody had become his one constant in all of the confusion that surrounded, well, everything in his life. There was Pam but she spent most of her time trying to remind him of who he once was and looking for traces of the man she once knew in his eyes.

Climbing from the hidden room which held both he and Pam's coffins, he emerged into the basement of the bar and went in search of the women in his life. Eric could sense them both above him and found himself almost intoxicatingly drawn to the scent of Melody. So sweet and her blood even sweeter. Bounding up the stairs two at a time, he swung open the heavy door that separated Fangtasia from their private quarters and silently walked into the room. His icy blue eyes softening at the sight of the only two people who meant anything to him also knowing perhaps they were the only two people who cared whether he lived or died.

Being in Fangtasia was like being in some bizarre museum to the strange and he could barely imagine it filled with patrons. If it was up to Eric the doors would be open, music pumping, and money coming in. He and Pam were partners respectively and she'd decided to close the doors until his whole memory problem was rectified. It wouldn't do for word of his condition to spread any further. If others were to know of his amnesia their enemies would waste no time in striking while they were weak she'd told him. Eric felt anything but weak.

"You snuck away and I didn't even notice. I must be slacking in the Old Eric department." Eric said with a slight smirk in Pam's direction, she'd made it her mission to let her maker know just exactly who and what he was before he'd lost his memory. The thought of who he was before was a complete abstract. All he knew was what he saw before him and all he wanted was Melody. They'd both lost who they were for a reason, perhaps it was fate. Whatever it was he didn't care. Just as long as she was by his side. She was his and that was the end of it. Memory or no.

Moving so quickly he was but a blur, he was at the petite brunette's side in the blink of an eye. Reaching out to wrap an arm around her waist in an effort to draw her closer to him he glanced at the other woman standing in the room. He knew Pam was insecure about his relationship with Melody, but even he knew that statuesque blonde would always be a part of his world. He'd made her, she was his only child and they'd always be connected.

"We should think about reopening Fangtasia. It's been two weeks and nothing has changed beside the fact that our bank account is dwindling." Directing his statement to both of his confidantes, valuing their opinions over anyone elses. Eric could trust no other to speak the truth to him. "I need something to do." He finished solemnly, the strain of being tucked away from prying eyes beginning to take it's toll. That was something that hadn't changed with the loss of his memories, Eric's lust for life and amusement.

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#, as written by Vix


A soft, feminine whine came from within Eric's coffin as the raven-haired woman lying in his arms turned over so that the front of her body faced his. For the first couple of days, she would have nightmares. But from her intake of his blood, those nightmares would soon become fantastic dreams in which her Protector would slay those that wished her harm. And then they would have sex. Sometimes thinking of sex made her frightened, though she didn't know why. It was Eric she was talking about; She couldn't imagine ever feeling unsafe or frightened in Eric's presence. She let her fingers splay across his muscular chest, feeling much more at ease as she felt the chill of his flesh.

She tried to resume her sleep and go back to her lovely dream of running through wild flowers under the sun with Eric. Little did she know, it was entirely possible. Of course, he wouldn't be as sober as he was normally. But it was perfectly possible to frolic in the sunlight with him. The poor dear had no idea who she was, much less what she was. Eric seemed to know her from ages ago. But how could a human live so long? Eric said she even recognized him for a moment before she hit the shelf. And as much as Pam didn't like her, she did try to sink her fangs into her often. Even if Eric would throw her across the room for trying. As far as Melody knew, she was just a human who was catnip for Vampires. At least, according to Pam she was.

Sleep was now distant to her as she lay with eyes wide open. Sometimes it frightened her to wake and hear only her breathing and only her beating heart. That's why she had to reach out for him – To make sure he was still there. Silently, she pushed up on the coffin lid and swung her legs over the side to slide out. She stood on the tips of her toes and leaned her upper body back in, her plush lips planting themselves on his forehead for a few brief moments before she closed the lid of his resting place and made her way upstairs. Pam was there, pacing as usual. The only other person there besides the two Vampires and Melody was their jumpy barmaid. Ginger.

Melody didn't really like being around her. She screamed a lot. She freaked out about generally everything supernatural. And wounds. Plus she ate horrid sandwiches! Her chef skills were an abomination, a crime to digestive systems everywhere. Though, for Eric's sake and to save her own self from Pam's bitching, she would smile and be kind to Ginger. Ginger was pacing around the room with Pam, trying to think of something that she could do that might prove useful. What about the girl Eric's fucking now? Pam said she seemed fine until she got back. And before Eric left and lost all his memories, he said that she was thrown into the bar. She hit her head. Maybe if we hit her in the head again, we can get her memory back.

Was she seriously thinking of hitting her?

Judging by the amount of scars Melody bore, she thought that she had enough abuse that she didn't want Ginger swinging an iron skillet at her head. Pam glanced up as Melody took a seat on the bar, narrowing her eyes at her. Pam didn't like her because she had never heard Eric speak of her and now as she waltzes in, they act like lovestruck teenagers that have known each other for all of their lives that they can't even remember. The girl was shrouded in mystery and Pam wanted to know everything.

What was she? The days before Eric had lost his memory, when Melody had first arrived, Eric was speaking to her and trying to ask her to remember him. Pam had been with him for just over one hundred years and she had never seen her. Again, he had never spoken of her either. And if she was older than even Pam and wasn't a Vampire, then just what the hell was she? She could already imagine that the scars came from Louis. But why didn't glamouring work on her? And why were Vampires so attracted to her? And why did she seem to think that reading minds was not much of a big deal?

“What are you?” Her bored voice broke through Melody's thoughts – Or Ginger's, rather.

“I...don't know. I could have found the Holy Grail.”, she offered. She knew Pam was still as dumbfounded as she was when it came to the question of how old she was and just what she was. Her voice was melodious and innocent as she swung her legs back and forth like a child. Her violet orbs were trained on the imposing retired Madame that was glaring her down. She honestly might as well had been licking her lips because her eyes were screaming for a bite. But, thankfully Eric woke up before Pam got the chance to pounce.

Melody slid down from the bar as Pam moved towards her, stopping at her side. She smiled widely as Eric commented on her sneaking off and wrapped her arms around his waist as he came to a halt on her other side. She had only left him moments ago, but she still felt the need to inhale deeply. She loved the way he smelled – Not the cologne, but him. As he mentioned reopening Fangtasia, Melody squirmed from his hold and scrambled back onto the counter of the bar. She reached out and pulled him to her, now a bit more on his level. “New Eric. Old Eric. As long as you're still Eric.”, she piped up cheerily.

He really was a giant to her, being a whole foot and then some taller than her. She felt like a porcelain doll when he held her sometimes. Her gaze fell to Pam as her small hands rested on Eric's bare waist, trying her best not to stare and drool over his shirtless torso. She did not believe that she had ever met a man more attractive than he. Pam, however, seemed unfazed by his shirtless appearance as she rolled her eyes. Both at his suggestion and Melody's previous remarks. The two had exchanged no I love you's, they weren't fucking, and they wouldn't even kiss for God's sake! Ugh. Courting was so fucking sappy that she would vomit every time she saw them if she could.

“Great. And who exactly will be kicking off every Vampire that smells her and decides they want a bite? Her scent is so thick you can smell it from a whole mile away.” Pam's deadpan voice broke the small silence, her gaze making Melody uncomfortable. The frazzled Fae turned her gaze up to Eric now.

“But...They can't bite me, right? I'm his....Its against Vampire Law, isn't it?” Her eyes glazed over as she felt tears well up at the thought of Eric being unable to keep others from biting her. Pam only gave a snort. “You've seen the fucks we have coming in here. You think they care about Vampire Law? They feed on humans in fucking dirty bathroom stalls and behind dumpsters. They won't give two shits about the whole Law of Claiming.” Melody knew that they had all sorts of riffraff, but people to directly disobey Vampire Laws? Her bottom lip trembled as she buried her face against Eric's chest.

Pam rolled her eyes. “Here's a better idea. I will open Fangtasia to get the money flowing. You take your pretty little princess out shopping for new clothes. Latex doesn't quite fit her. She needs outfits that will go naturally with the innocent air about her. Short cotton dresses. School girl clothes. What am I telling you for, though? Get her clothes that make you hard to think about seeing her in. She can't keep wearing t-shirts even though I'm sure we all appreciate the way they give nice little glimpses of her ass.” Pam watched his face closely, hoping, praying even that she would catch a smirk or that he would undress the girl with his eyes. Something, anything the old Eric would do!

Melody's head lifted and her eyes lit up at the thought of shopping for new clothes. She smiled up bashfully at Eric, her lips parting as she prepared to ask him politely if he would take her. But then she heard Pam continue on. Her ivory cheeks flooded with red as blood rushed to her face. She looked down at the red Fangtasia t-shirt that she was wearing, knowing Pam's words rang true. Or at least most of them. She wiggled a little and pulled her shirt down some more past her knees, becoming increasingly self-conscious.

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Eric listened silently to Pam and Melody, knowing the words his progeny spoke to be true. Melody was perfectly enchanting, her scent like no other. It called to him constantly, to be near her to drink from her but most importantly to protect her. He could only imagine what any other vampire might have felt in her presence and it frightened him for a moment. They'd have to be a fool to go toe to toe with Eric, who while an amnesiac, was also one of the oldest known living vampires. His power was immense and it radiated through every part of his being. Perhaps if he'd had access to his memories, to who he use to be, it might have been enough to keep the one in his arms safe. As it were, Eric nodded slightly in agreement and gently lifted the petite brunette's head with his index finger. After trapping her gaze within his own icy blue stare he smiled warmly at the girl wrapped around him.

"No harm will come to you, I swear it. I would die first, Melody." He pledged, his much larger hand covering hers as if to place it over his non-beating heart. "But I think Pam is right. Maybe now isn't the time for me to make a reappearance as it were. Perhaps now we will focus on you." He replied kindly, instantly taking note of the response that the other vampire had elicited in his new companion. Her flushed cheeks warm and for an instant he wanted to lay his head in the crevice between her neck and shoulder. Eric wouldn't bite her, not yet, not unless she wanted him too. He merely wanted to bury himself in her scent, instead he admonished his underling for making Melody feel uncomfortable.

"We'll find you new clothes of your choosing, Melody. If your taste runs towards latex I'm sure there'll be no problem with that. As for this t-shirt..."He mused as he reached out to gently tug at the red cotton covering Melody. "I think you're right." With a swift glance at Ginger he tilted his head as if in deep thought and dismissed it soon after. Eric then gave his full attention to Pam, his eyes travelling from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. "Would you be so kind as to let our guest borrow a pair of pants." Eric asked with a grin that Pam had never seen before he'd lost his memory. It was a young and mischievous smile, one that told her he knew exactly what she was playing at.

"If the sight of her ass is merely appreciated here, I can only imagine what kind of disturbance it might cause out there." Eric finished, arching an eyebrow at the younger vampire. He knew he was a disappointment to her, everyday Pam searched his face for something...a glimpse of the Eric that made her. Of the vampire that had come to Shreveport and opened a thriving nightclub with her and everyday he could see the despair within his only child. Eric was unsure if he'd ever get his memory back, maybe it was better that way for them. He just hoped he wouldn't lose Pam in the process.

Pulling away from the warmth of the woman he'd become infatuated with Eric tossed on a plain black button up shirt and shrugged slightly to himself. Finding the small cache of credit cards and cash Pam had shown him a week ago he looked at them as if they were foreign objects before stuffing them into his pockets. He knew he'd need money, the viking wasn't completely helpless, he just wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do with it. Between him and Melody it'd be the blind leading the blind.

"Also if you could explain shopping to me, that would also be helpful. Or should I just take what I want?" Eric asked Pam, though now his eyes were once again upon Melody, his words benign yet his voice soft and warm.

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#, as written by Vix
“For fuck's sake, Eric! You go into the store. You pick out what you like. You put it on the counter. You give the lame bitch at the counter the credit card to slide or the appropriate amount of money.”

Pam's arms flew up in frustration at his lack of proper response to her previous jab at the catnip hanging all over him, but she was gone and back again in less than two seconds, having thrown a shirt at him and a pair of pants at the small young woman. Melody was still blushing from the direct eye contact with Eric. They were always so close to each other; holding hands, wrapped in each others arms, leaning on one another, or with she in his lap. But, never did it go beyond that. It sickened Pam that Eric was acting like a goofy fucking teenage human boy over some dairy maid little bitch. Her frustration showed as she often cracked her knuckles the past couple of weeks – She had never really cracked her knuckles before.

Melody smiled softly as she caught the pants thrown at her. They were black denim skinny jeans that didn't quite fit well. Her legs were a bit shorter than Pam's, her hips wider, and her ass just a bit rounder. But, she did manage to squeeze herself into them with a bit of hopping around. Pam sighed and looked at her, shaking her head. “You are not wearing that outfit in public.” Before Melody could ask her what she meant, the woman had pranced over, her pumps clicking on the floor. There was a loud ripping sound and Melody was left standing in her bra and skinny jeans looking quite embarrassed. Pam dropped the shirt on the floor and was gone and back again in a matter of seconds. She came back with makeup, a shirt, and hair products this time.

“Since you seem to be a permanent, slightly unwanted member of our little family, you need to learn a few things. One is that you do not go into public with Eric Northman looking....ghetto.”, she sneered as she began to work as fast as a Vampire possibly could. Which was actually really, really fast. Melody saw only a blur, but she did feel as makeup was applied and her hair was toyed with. By the time Pam stopped and stepped away, Melody didn't realize that she had on a shirt again. Well, a corset actually. It was black like her jeans and decorated with lace and ribbons as violet as her eyes. Her lashes were longer and her eyes seemed to glow, the thick eyeliner and her raven locks drawn up into a ponytail that curled drew attention to her heart shaped face, though the way the corset pushed up her bust just drew the attention back down to her chest. Her lipstick was as red as the walls in the scary place that she called home, making her plush lips look just so kissable.

Pam stood back and smirked, admiring her work. “That is much better. Be sure you give back my pants and corset. I really am getting tired of sharing my clothes and getting them back smelling like candy.” She almost purred in that humorless voice of hers, though she tilted her head some, admiring the sight with much appreciation. “You actually really do look half decent. If Eric isn't doing anything with you-” Her fangs slid out with an audible click as she took a step forward, dragging a single manicured, pink nail down Melody's smooth cheek. “I might find you less annoying if we spent some girl time together.” Her eyes slid quickly to Eric as she purposefully began to tread both on his toes and very thin ice as she moved in on what was his. Even if he hit her or cursed at her, she wouldn't mind. She would never stop until he at least showed just a little bit of who he once was.

Melody took a step back and shook her head causing her ponytail to bounce around her waist. “Thank you...for making me look presentable. I guess. But...I'd rather not...” Her voice was soft and bashful as she cast her gaze down. She wasn't quite sure what to say because Pam could be quite intimidating and Melody was confused by her. One minute she was trying to tempt Melody into her coffin and the next she was cursing the day that Melody ever found Eric. She understood that the woman was torn, but that didn't mean she had any idea as to how she should react to anything the woman ever said or did.

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"Have I told you how much I value your help in all of these recent difficulties, Pam?" Eric replied to her in a darkly sarcastic manner, nearly reminiscent of his previous self. It wasn't pleasant to have to be told who you were every day, to be looked at with disappointment not to mention the constant pushing and prodding. He was constantly unsure in every step he made, or action he took. The only time Eric felt like he knew what he doing was when he was alone with Melody. Then there were no sarcastic remarks or snide comments thrown their way. He could take it but the last thing he wanted was for Melody to be scared off.

Settling back onto a barstool he watched in amusement as the younger vampire began to transform Melody in front of his eyes. He couldn't say that he didn't enjoy the view but did his best not to make the half-naked girl feel more uncomfortable than she already did. Once Pam had worked her magic Eric couldn't help but notice the small differences. Melody was angelically beautiful and somehow Pam had turned that into something sinful, something that he hungered for.

Perhaps this was why he was standing between the two women closest to him in the blink of an eye. With breathtaking speed he caught Pam's wrist in his large, powerful hands. His fingers holding her gently yet as hard and cold as stone. The large viking towered over his progeny silently, his gaze betraying nothing as he leaned in slowly to plant a small kiss to her forehead. Moving his lips close to her ear he murmured softly "I don't remember much, but I do remember she is mine. You're the one who told me of the laws. It wouldn't do for both of us to forget ourselves." Pulling away from Pam he grinned at her, his threat mild yet feeling that his point had been made, he turned back to Melody.

"Lovely, as ever." He complemented, his sincerity shining through. "Thank you, Pam. We're in your debt." He said without glancing back to his protege who was now scowling behind him. Winding an arm around the woman who'd stolen his heart, he made for the exit of Fangtasia. He had keys in his pockets to a car that may or not be his, which he'd just learned to operate. Eric had a feeling the whole time that driving was being explained to him that he wasn't sure if it was something he ever truly did, or cared for. It seemed like such a waste of time.

Guiding Melody into the slightly ostentatious, black vehicle that apparently belonged to Fangtasia, he slipped into the driver's seat and sat silent for a moment, fiddling with the seat so as to fit his large frame inside the car. "I'm sorry, driving seems to be such a wasted effort but we're supposed to be...nonchalant." Eric finished lamely, shoving the key into the ignition, the engine roared to life and he put it into gear. Glancing over at the girl beside him, Eric smiled warmly, savoring the time they had together alone "We could go buy you a new a wardrobe if you'd like, something we could do anytime. Or we could see where the night takes us, is there anything you'd like to do...or anywhere you'd want to go? Unless the fluorescent lights of a department store are calling your name, that is?" He finished seductively, reaching out a cool hand to touch the warmth that she radiated.

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#, as written by Vix
Pam could only roll her eyes at her Maker, though a shiver went down her spine at his threat. At least he was still capable of making threats – That was a good sign...right? She hadn't answered his previous question of how much he appreciated her aid – She didn't care whether he appreciated her help or not at this point so long as he got back to normal. This...wasn't him. From the way he once spoke of his previous life as a human, it never was him. Eric Northman did not love anyone but himself and he most certainly did not fall in love with pretty little snacks. It made her absolutely sick to watch them as they left with his arm around her waist. Melody, however, could not imagine a time when she had felt better as she clasped her hands together in front of her before sliding into the passenger's seat.

“Pam seems to want me out of her clothes quite soon and I really would like to wear something besides what she has and t-shirts...” She blushed softly, glancing down at the dainty hands clasped within her lap. She then turned her gaze to him as he reached out for her. She couldn't quite explain in words the way it felt when his cool flesh made contact with her much warmer skin. Sometimes she thought that she almost glowed with elation. She really did glow, of course, but it was often just taken as the way the light was hitting her frame and the glow never lasted long. She tilted her head some so that her cheek rested in his massive hand, her fuchsia eyes closing slowly. “Maybe after that...we could walk around some and explore?”

Her smile was sweet and soft, though Pam's makeover had turned her once angelic and bashful smile was now seductive and alluring, her lucullan ruby lips volumized. Her gaze slowly opened, dragging upwards to meet his own cerulean orbs. His boyish smile brought a flood of blood to her cheeks, reddening them. She quickly sat upright once more and gave a light giggle. The ride was short, as there were plenty of small boutiques to shop at. Melody did her best to avoid malls for fear of the plenty of people there.

Instead, she was content dragging Eric around and modeling outfits for him. Her wardrobe consisted of plenty of cotton dresses, ribbons, bows, hair clips, vintage jewelry, and numerous types of heels and boots. She did grab a few darker outfits that she thought Pam would approve of and would help her blend into Fangtasia since it was to be reopened. Her eyes lit up with every new outfit that she saw and she was quick to grab them. The Chevy Cruz LTZ that they were driving around in was slowly filling up with clothes and accessories. Their trip had begun around 7:30㏘ and by the time she had slowed down it was almost 9:45㏘

She had two bags on each arm as they made their way around the boardwalk and she found herself chatting affably about the numerous musicals that she had purchased. She couldn't remember seeing any of them, but the man at the store had said that if she enjoyed music, good acting, and amazing stories, she would definitely enjoy the musicals. Eric told her that she could get them all. Melody worried for a moment that Pam might get angry for the amount of things that she was buying, but Eric assured her that she could get whatever she wanted. Even if he did tease her every few minutes that she might have a shopping addiction. Even if she did her best to stay cheap. By the end of her trip she had only run up about $3,500. She and Eric had even bought a few electronics – It was 2008, after all. They did have to fit in.

She had finally found herself in a jewelry store, promising him that she was just going to look this time. She separated from him after a few moments in the store to browse around and allow him to look as well; They had some nice male watches. As she was browsing, there were a little more than a few people in the store and their thoughts perturbed her deeply. She tried her best not to hear them, but she couldn't turn it off.

She must be one of those special hookers for Vampires Alex was talking about that one time.

I wonder how much she's getting paid.

Holy shit, those Vampires sure do pay a lot for just some blood and sex.

Disgusting minion of Satan. Probably seduced that poor girl and is turning her into one of them. Reverend Newlin says they can hypnotize you with their devil powers.

There were so many of them and she just wished she could shut them off. She never heard Eric's or Pam's thoughts. Or any other Vampire's for that matter. That is, unless she focused on them hard enough – Which didn't really happen very often. With every thought that entered her head, she could feel her mouth pulling itself into a frown and her eyes slowly begin to water. Just when she thought she was going to start crying a middle aged woman walked over to her and put a hand gently on her shoulder, speaking with a light coo. “Darlin', you don't need to do this. You really shouldn't.” Melody gave a look of confusion and the woman gave a soft laugh. “Whore yourself out to Satan's children, I mean. If you have moment, actually -”

The woman paused and reached into her purse and pulled out a Church of the Sun pamphlet. “Underneath that Jezebel outfit and she-devil makeup I can see an innocent, scared, good Christian girl. Now, I know that your parents must be real sad and disappointed to see you doing this. No matter how low of a point you've hit in your life, this is not the way. These creatures promise you money and love and...” She leaned forward some and whispered. “sex.” Melody rose her hand gently, trying to protest, but the woman didn't seem to notice. “But you don't need that. Because it won't end well. You'll end up “disappearing” when they're done with you or they'll turn you into one of them and there is no salvation for such a damned soul. You just need to give yourself back to the good Lord and let him take your life into his hands. You should consider this and soon. Before its too late. Judging by these scars...You might not last much longer, sug.”

The woman left the pamphlet in Melody's hand and gave a gentle smile, gently caressing the violet-eyed girl's cheek before leaving with a “May His holy light shine upon you.” and leaving Melody with teary eyes and a quivering lip, clutching the pamphlet. There were a few people staring at her, but she didn't meet their gaze. The jeweler behind the counter moved a bit closer and gave a light smile. “Ah, don't listen to her. Those people are a bunch of Bible banging retards.” The blonde's reassuring smile made Melody quickly wiped the tears from underneath her eyes delicately so that she didn't mess up her eyeliner, turning to smile at the woman. She dismissed the thoughts of the holy brunette and found her eyes drawn to a beautiful purple diamond ring and smiled gently. “Oh, that's beautiful!”, she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up a bit. “Nothing like some A-class diamonds to make you forget about idiots, right?” Melody was aware that the woman was kind only to have Melody spend Eric's money in her shop, but she was also aware from the woman's thoughts that she was a regular Vampire snack of her own free will. She blushed softly and shook her head. “I don't know – I've already bought so much...”

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Character Portrait: Eric Northman Character Portrait: Melody
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0.00 INK

“We’ll do whatever pleases you, Melody. I’d do anything in my power to make you happy.” Eric replied softly, relishing the warmth she emanated, She always smelled of sunshine and flowers and when he closed his eyes it was as if he could feel the sun’s rays upon his skin. The ancient Viking’s cold, white skin that hadn't seen the light of day in over a thousand years. Agreeing that it’s probably in her best interest to find suitable attire, both for her sake and for Pam’s, Eric found a small row of shops and boutiques to take Melody. Though, personally he didn't mind the t-shirt look himself.

There he wandered after her like a smitten puppy, holding boxes and bags when needed and nodding appreciatively at everything that was modeled for him. Eric’s was of the opinion that everything looked stunning on Melody therefore she must have it. Any protestations Melody might have had at the lavish spending spree Eric quickly silenced, expressing desire to shower her with gifts. To any outsider it would look as if he had no backbone, an inability to say no and an unlimited credit line apparently. Yet Eric knew that he only wanted Melody to have everything she might ever need, and there was a part of him that merely liked showering her with gifts due to his affection towards her.

Eric even bought things for himself, trinkets here and there, mostly electronics. It was if the salespeople could spot him coming a mile away and knew he’d make an easy target. The amnesiac vampire was fascinated by technology and would listen wide eyed and rapt to every sale pitch directed his way. He ended up with a new phone, gaming system and laptop, which he was very eager to figure out.

Carrying the many bags, and boxes they accumulated Eric took no pains to hide his superhuman strength and quite obliviously walked through the crowded boardwalk. A genuine smile plastered to his face as he listened to the petite brunette beside him speak of the musicals she seemed enthralled by. It was quite obvious that he was smitten, a slave to Melody’s desires and needs. He wasn't sure why but there was this need within him to protect her, keep her safe from all cost and to…love her. It confused him, much as everything did since he’d lost his memory.

So when she flew away from him into a jewelry store, promising that she only wanted to look Eric laughed to himself and followed her inside. Instantly he was taken with the displays of glimmering and glittering jewels, much like a small child would be. Instantly he knew that he wanted something for Melody, yet was unsure as to what he’d be able to find that would match her beauty. Noticing a display of a set of pearls, he looked at them admiringly before he noticed the conversation happening between the strange woman and Melody. He had no idea why Melody was so upset but thought that the idea of ripping open the woman’s throat didn't sound so bad right about now. Muscles tensed, he fought every impulse and merely gave the offending woman a blank, feral stare. Eric was doing his best to abide by Pam’s rules. Never feed on a human in public, never threaten a human in public, definitely never hurt a human in public. Instead he’d rely on intimidation he supposed, something which came pretty easily when one happened to be six and a half feet tall.

As he slowly watched the woman, who was now visibly cowering in fright, move towards the exit he casually showed her his fangs, laughing softly when she ran. Quickly retracting his fangs he looked around, an boyish, impish expression on his face and made his way over to Melody. Casually looking over her shoulder at the ring that had apparently caught her attention. “We’ll take it.” He said, a confident smile overtaking his face. “There were a set of pearls. I think I’d like those as well. Is there anything else you’d like, Melody? If not that idea of exploring sounds pretty good right about now. Because, and no offense, Miss” Eric said with a pause to look at the woman behind the display case”But If I don’t get out of here soon I might kill someone, and I don’t think that’s technically allowed.” He finished with a bit of a shrug and apologetic smile to the human woman before him whose smile had slowly begun to fade.

Handing her his card, he waited patiently to sign his name like he’d had at all the other places and kept his eyes on Melody. “What did she say to you to make you so sad? I should have been with you, kept her away from you. I was distracted, I’m sorry and I swear I will never let anyone harm you. I swear it” He repeated solemnly, taking a moment to look away from Melody to gather his purchases and sign his name before turning his back on the saleslady and ushering Melody and himself out of the store and back to their car. Where he deftly extracted the purple diamond ring out of its packaging and took Melody’s petite hand in his own much larger one. Casting his blue eyes down to catch Melody’s own gaze he quietly slipped the ring onto her finger and favored her with a shy smile. “You have excellent taste Melody, and now I think that since we’re done with that mess we should reward ourselves.”

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Character Portrait: Eric Northman Character Portrait: Melody
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
“Oh, it was nothing. Just the usual mindless drivel.” Melody offered a nonchalant shrug as the young woman behind the counter gently grabbed Mel's left hand and gave a light smile. “Perfect fit.” The saleswoman smiled as she slid the ring onto Melody's left middle finger. The iced out song bird wiggled her fingers and smiled brightly. It was paid for quickly and Mel was soon off with her protector to explore the town's beautiful sights. She couldn't help but to feel safer – But, she always felt safe when she was with him. She couldn't even begin to explain how safe she felt the first time he protected her from a Vampire in Fangtasia with a sweet tooth. It was because of him that she hadn't been bitten since her memory loss.

Walking along, she grabbed his hand and raced off towards the car where she was quick to slide in and head off on an adventure with Eric. They drove around for a while until she found herself dazzled by the bright lights and hopping music of the Boardwalk. After they parked they were soon off to explore the stores and restaurants available. She didn't have plans to buy anything, feeling that the $5,000 ring was pushing it even if Eric was so happy to spend his money on her.

“I have to go to the restroom – Wait right here!”

They had stopped a half hour ago and grabbed her a really large soda and it was starting to hit her as she crossed her legs before jumping up and dashing off into the nearby Hooters. She shimmied her way past everyone trying her best not to pay them any mind or touch them as she made her way to the restroom. She didn't take too long before emerging to wash her hands after handling her business. As she tried to leave the bathroom she was met by a woman with flowing curls of black like her own and piercing green eyes. The woman had her hands on her hips as she stepped into the restroom and locked the door behind her with a lick of her lips. “You smell...absolutely delightful.” Her voice was a soft purr as she slid out her fangs with a click and was soon shoving the petite fae against the wall, using one hand to hold Melody against the wall by pressing her hand against her chest and using her other hand to force her head to the side, exposing the tender flesh of her neck where her pulse was visibly increasing.

Melody pushed and shoved as hard as she could but it wasn't any use as the Vampire woman ducked her head down and sank her fangs into her supple flesh. Melody tried to let out a scream as she began beating against the woman at every angle that she could manage to maneuver her arms, but a hand was soon over her mouth nearly suffocating her. It was no use as she felt her life force drained from her. For a minute she thought that maybe Eric would feel her fright and burst in and save her. But then she remembered that he had never had her blood. More fear set in. And then rage – Rage that she was so weak and couldn't defend herself and as the anger bubbled, she felt an energy surge through her that was foreign yet so familiar. Her entire body soon lit up like she had swallowed a million violet light bulbs and a blast of energy surged from her fingertips, throwing the Vampire from her, knocking the woman unconscious.

Now, while she did have to previously use the restroom, she had noticed that ten o'clock was drawing nigh and had gotten worried. She mentioned nothing to Eric, but she feared that she was sick with some disease. She didn't know what it was, but she found herself vomiting blood and bleeding from her ears and nose, much like a Vampire does when they stay awake too long during the day time. She didn't want to go see a doctor because she feared that they wouldn't know what was wrong with her. She had searched online a few times when Eric and Pam were otherwise busy and found absolutely nothing. She could only imagine being probed and dissected by doctors as they attempted to find out what was wrong with her. For the past two weeks, with each time she would vomit, she felt herself growing weaker but she forced a smile in front of Eric and Pam, using Pam's makeup to cover her complexion which had grown sicklier.

As she began to vomit now, she felt a pain in her chest and stomach and clutched at them both, holding in her cries. There was a pause and she finally called out for Eric. She was met by a few women walking in and then screaming at the sight. “Eric! She cried out again as people seemed to just blur around her, asking if she was alright and jumping on their phones to call the police. Someone had picked her up and carried her out to the dining area that they had promptly evacuated. As she sat on the bar, she looked around for Eric, her eyes watering. “Eric...Eric!”

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Character Portrait: Eric Northman Character Portrait: Melody
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0.00 INK

Eric smiled at Melody and watched bemusedly as she ran for the nearest ladies room which happened to be in Hooters. “Humans” He said softly to himself with a shrug. Even if he had access to his memories, the thousand year old vampire barely understood what it was to be human. He’d spent much more of his time being undead than alive and he preferred it that way. Instead of waiting for his companion patiently, Eric decided to fly back to the boardwalk and back to a booth that had interested him.

To most of humanity Eric looked like a human being, his Nordic ancestry and its inherent paleness definitely gave him a bit of an edge when it came to passing as living person. Although the fact that he had no idea how to act like a normal person certainly impeded him. The vampire did nothing to hide his superior strength, enhanced senses or unique oddness that comes along with being a supernatural creature.

“Step right up, son! You look like a man who knows a bargain when he sees one. Three darts, one buck. You get all orange balloons you get the big prize, how bout it?” The older, bearded man asked Eric with a toothless grin, as the vampire walked towards the gaming booth “C’mon now, bet there’s some girl out there who wouldn't mind one of those big old teddy bears to keep her warm at night when you’re away.” He finished his pitch with a wink.

Eric was finally convinced and pulled a wrinkled dollar out of his slim fitting trousers and handed it to the grizzled man standing before him. Taking the darts in his massive hands he looked at them suspiciously before touching the tip of his finger to a sharp point, sticking his finger in his mouth he tasted his own blood before his wound healed of its own accord. While the vendor looked at the tall, blond man standing before him, wondering if the giant man was a bit touched in the head or simple, Eric quickly loosed the darts with superhuman speed. Three orange balloons popped simultaneously and the cigar the old man had been chewing on dropped from his gaping mouth.

“I want the pink one.” Eric said nonchalantly, pointing at the vast arrays of stuffed animals hanging above his head.
“You’re a vamper, and you cheated. You got nothing, now just move on.” The vendor replied, pissed that he hadn’t been able to tell that the mark in front of him was a vampire. Eric moved so quickly that the man had no time to react. One moment he was free and the next he had a hand like steel wrapped around his throat. “There are no signs stating vampires can’t play your games, and as a matter of fact I think that falls under discrimination…maybe. I can’t remember, but either way I’m taking the pink one. Now the only question is are you going to hand it to me or are you going to make me get it myself?

Slowly the man reached up and plucked twitchingly at a teddy bear until he violently pulled one down and showed it at Eric. Releasing the man, Eric looked at the white teddy bear in his possession and shrugged as he propelled himself back into the air and back to where Melody would be waiting for him. Landing gently he looked around and made no notice of Melody, immediately he was concerned. Dropping the bear in the street he quickly forgot about it and went to look for her.

Striding into the restaurant he waved away the hostess and walked to where the bathrooms were, dutifully following the signs. Nearly there and upon the still unconscious vampire, his attention was caught by the sound of Melody calling for him, for a moment he felt like his heart had leapt into his throat and within seconds he was at her side. Of course he caused quite the disturbance when he arrived virtually out of nowhere and with fangs blazing. Eric was on the offense and would immediately tear anyone apart who would hurt her or try to come between them.

Ignoring the murmurs, whispers and scandalized looks he received he went to gently lift Melody’s gaze to his by trying to deftly lift her chin with two of his fingers. “I’m here, Melody. What’s wrong, what happened? Are you hurt?” He asked quietly as he began to take stock of his companion’s state, absent-mindedly trying to ascertain her injuries by attempting to run his hands along her shoulders and arms.

“Everyone back off.” Eric called behind him firmly, the press of the crowd beginning to make him agitated and nervous. “Did you hear that, he wants us to back off? Well, last I checked I don’t take orders from vampires and we’re not gonna let you just waltz off with an after-dinner snack. That girl is sick and we’re gonna help her.” A bleached blonde woman in her mid to late thirties replied sassily to Eric, but was surprised when he didn’t react the way she thought.

“She’s sick? What do you mean sick? What happened to her?” The anxious vampire asked hastily, his desire to protect Melody readily apparent on his usually non-expressive face.

It was then he heard the sirens and the fight or flight instinct took hold, if he was alone perhaps he’d be more interested in playing with the authorities but time seemed to be of the essence. Turning his attention back to Melody, he moved to gather her in his arms.“Are you well enough to move? I’ll take you home and we’ll figure it out. I promise

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Character Portrait: Eric Northman Character Portrait: Melody
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0.00 INK

Eric’s mind was racing, between the people crowding him, the fact that there was some idiot vampire attacking who was his and the sweet, intoxicating smell of Melody’s blood all he wanted to do was spring into action and drain every person in a fifty foot radius, which sadly enough included Melody. Eric was aware that her scent was intoxicating, but her blood was like nothing he’d ever smelled before. It was sunshine, freshly baked cookies and like dust after the rain. He knew that the first thing he had to do was to get the hell out of there and get Melody somewhere safe which was the crux of the situation. He adored Melody and all he wanted to do right now was taste her, he could only imagine the way Pam or any other vampire would act. He’d sincerely hate to kill anyone, least of all his progeny. As a matter of fact he was barely able to believe in his own restraint as it were.

As a matter of fact, Eric could barely listen to anything that was said, not the officers or the scared patrons. All he could focus on was the sweet, red stickiness that was readily apparent all over Melody. If anyone had taken a close look at the blond vampire they wouldn’t have mistaken the look on his face for hunger. As it were it took everything he had not to reach over and start cleaning the blood from her with his tongue.

Eric was seemingly brought back to life at the mention of them being allowed to go. Pulling his gaze away from Melody he looked at the crowd surrounding and mentally made a note to glamour the officials. The last thing they needed was anyone poking around in their business. As for the vampire who dared to touch who was his, he’d be taking care of that without the help of the boys in blue.

Looking down at the petite brunette, he nodded in silence as began to gather her up in his arms, and gave a last look at the bathroom where he knew the vampire he was going to show the true death had been moments before. “Of course, home. First, we should clean you up.” He murmured so only she could hear as he strode out of the restaurant and back to their vehicle. Setting her down onto her feet, he stood over her and regarded her much like a starving man would a sandwich. Tentatively he reached out a hand and with his index finger trailed his hand through the coagulating blood still upon Melody. Slowly he brought his finger to his mouth and sucked the sticky sweetness from it, his glacial blue eyes never leaving Melody’s.

“You said doctors won’t know, what won’t they know, Melody? You know there is no substitute for the healing properties of vampire blood, all you have to do is tell me and it’s yours.” Sighing slightly, he ran a hand through his hair and did his best to grab a hold of his thirst before regarding the woman before him warmly.

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Character Portrait: Eric Northman Character Portrait: Melody
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
“Eric...I think I'm sick.”

She let there be a moment of silence as he set her down before placing her hands against his chest, shivering after his finger ran down her flesh. “Since I've stayed at Fangtasia, I throw up. Every night around ten. Nosebleeds...Just...gallons. If I hold it in, my head hurts. I get weaker and more tired. But when...she bit me. I started feeling a little better.” She bit her lip as she looked up at him. “I don't know what I am...Pam thinks I'm pretty old. I must be if we knew each other when you were human. And every Vampire I meet asks me what I am. I don't even smell like a human.”

She sniffled as she let a few tears roll down her cheeks before turning and sliding into the car. She felt bad as Eric followed after and even worse as the drive home was silent. She issued a quiet thank you as they arrived home and he opened the door for her. But as he began to walk towards the club, she grabbed his hand to stop him. “Eric...You haven't fed tonight...and. If I'm right, this could benefit us both.” Her head canted to the side where the fang marks remained and blood was still flowing, though much slower, it's sweet scent and thickness calling to him from her caramel flesh. “Just...don't hurt me...okay?” She pushed her hair back some more and took a few steps closer, putting her hands against his waist.