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Lucian Vilandros

"I've strength enough in my heart."

0 · 371 views · located in Daiva

a character in “Finding You”, as played by Auroria


Lucian is what most people would expect in a vampire. By looks anyway. His skin is pale, highlighted with a gorgeous olive tone. His eyes reflect the color of the blue sky, and his hair is snow white. No scars mar his flesh that stretches over all 6'9" of his toned body, although an inking of jet black is seen on his left hip, near his naval. The marking is that of an outcast.
He is usually seen wearing lightly buttoned up shirts, and blue jeans with expensive footwear. He sometimes uses his glasses to cover his eyes if he snaps, or his personality shifts, so he can hide the sudden blood red tinge.


Fun, aloof, and kind on the outside. Inside, he is a bottle of rage, hidden for years. He would never let it out, though, fearing to hurt someone as he had been hurt, but with that comes a distance he uses between himself and other people. He doesn't make friends easily. Rarely in fact. More oft than not someone catches his eye and he studies them through personal contact, then leaves them.


Claws, his telekinesis, and his affinity for air are his greatest weapons, although if he switches his personality, the one that is bloodthirsty and vicious, his weapons go from just claws to teeth, fangs, hypnosis, and his own bloodlust to dull out his pain.


Lucian grew up in a royal home, not as royalty per say, but as one who was more or less ninth in line. Until his mother attempted an assassination on the heir. From then on he was an outcast, his family branded as such.
He holds a great amount of shame for his mother, so he left her home and is currently on his own. His calm, kind personality usually allowing him to be taken advantage of. Until the one night, it got him into trouble with a group of street thugs. All the anger and rage he had held onto raged to the surface, splitting his mind in two, allowing another to live inside of his own head and take away the feelings of pain, sarcasm, and basically the larger amount of the negative emotions.
Enrolling himself into school seemed to be the best idea for him, and getting his degree is hopefully going to allow him to head to a college so that he can make enough money to support himself.
He is currently in the same grade as his best friend, Alex. Junior, leading to senior.

So begins...

Lucian Vilandros's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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"Thank you, good people. I'm alright." Feride told Isoya and Lucian, then Alex came and turned Isoya's ipod back. People she have ever met come to her and comfort her - that's why she had a lot of faith in humanity.

Alex seemed really interested in Isoya, he might also be friends with the other guy who wanted to comfort Feride. Could it be possible that finally she will be in a company? Is this the beginning of a new friendship? A gang of friends who are always together and support eachother?

A moment ago Feride was miserable, but then she was happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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Isoya smiled at Alex, "Oh thank you!" Taking back her ipod Isoya heard him ask for her name, "My name is Isoya, nice to meet you Alex." Placing her ipod into its rightful spot, Isoya turned her attention back to Feride she smiled and slightly tilted her head, "No problem. What's your name?" Isoya quickly stole a glance at Alex while she waited for Feride to answer. Why do I feel a strange feeling pulling me towards him? I just met him, sure I've seen him around but I never really talked to him... Mentally shaking her head Isoya pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind for the time being. Isoya saw the boy with white hair and recognized him from the courtyard, "I saw you outside when I was in my history class. May I know your name as well?"

Inhaling deeply Kaiden could smell vanilla and sandalwood lingering in the hall. Following the scent he saw a group of students in the hall and one of them happened to be Isoya. Smirking he made his way towards them, "Now students I believe class is about to start, we wouldn't want to be late would we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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"W-W-Watch out!!!" Shotaro said, rushing inside on his bicycle. By the looks of it, he was going to crash into the group, literally. That was the bad news. The good news was, Shotaro was able to turn so his instead crashed into a nearby pillar. Or was that the bad news? Anyway, before Shotaro knew it he fell off his bike with a head-ache.

" And I just recovered from the last one..." he said, lifting himself and his bicycle up. He turned and saw the people he nearly injured, or maybe the ones who would make him injured. All he wanted to do was go to school like any other kid, but he had gone through several accidents (four involving his head getting hit by a ball, one involving getting chased by a dog, another having him nearly fall into a manhole, and one him getting stuck on a tree for some unknown reason) before this one. Yep, he's that unlucky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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Isoya ignored Kaiden and looked over to the boy, "Are you sure that you're alright?" Her expression held concern but quickly went blank when Kaiden put his hand on her shoulder. Her gaze went straight to his and she raised an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong sir?"

Kaiden saw the her and Alex interacted and had to fight back his urge to growl. He walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile, "No, not at all." Looking back to the boy he shook his head, "It's quiet alright, as long as you're okay then we all need to go to class now. I'll let your teachers know what happened." Letting his hand drop from Isoya's shoulder he turned around and headed back to his class.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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"Th-thank you,sir..." Shotaro told the teacher, bowing again. He turned to the others when he heard someone saying he would help him. "I..." Shotaro said, before he noticed that the two boys who offered him assistance in finding his next classroom left. "Y-Yes, I-I do need help i-in finding my next class. I'm Sh-Shotaro, b-by the, uh, way..." he told the girls, blushing a bit as he did. He wasn't used to being in close contact to girls outside his family.

He picked up his bicycle and threw his water bottle at a trash can, only to hit a cat he became...acquainted with. "Sorry..." he told the cat, hearing it growl then scurry off. Shotaro sighed, when will the day come when his life will be like the others, not too filled with luck but never to the extent when it as none.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka Character Portrait: Feride Sadik
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A blush graced Isoya's face when Alex kissed her hand, "Yeah, see ya around." She watched him leave then shook her head to clear her thoughts, looking back over to the others she adjusted her bag, "I have independent study this period so I'll be in the library." Smiling she waved, "But thank you for the offer! See ya!" Walking into the library she went to the couch and set her bad on the table. Pulling out a book she laid down then opened the book and began to read.

After reading a few chapters Isoya's eyes began to close from the lack of sleep she's been having. Without even realizing it Isoya fell asleep with the book on her chest. Shifting slightly head her turned to the side making a strand of hair fall across her face. The librarian saw her and she shook her head with a smile. She knew that Isoya didn't get enough sleep so she let her sleep while Isoya had the chance.

Kaiden sat at his desk after writing today's notes on the board and he began to grade papers that were turned in. He began to wonder if the students would get to class on time, Kaiden also wondered if they all had the same class. Shaking his head he pushed that thought aside, Isoya was in independent study, Shotaro was in his class and he was sure the others had different classes as well. Looking over another paper he wrote 94% and placed it off to the side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka
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Isoya turned on so she was laying on her side and felt her hand hit something soft. Mumbling Isoya slowly opened her eyes and saw a her hand in black hair that felt really soft. She couldn't help but run her finger through it until she saw that it was Alex. Gasping she instantly sat up and had a small blush on her face, "Uh....hey?" Isoya was doing her best to keep her expression calm along with taking calming breaths. This is so embarrassing!

Kaiden saw his other student walk in and continued with the stack of papers. Coming to Isoya's report he could faintly smell her scent lingering on the paper. Inhaling deeply Kaiden sighed and looked over his class. Every clique was in here sitting in the proper groups. He noticed that Lucien sat next to Shotaro and slightly raised an eyebrow. This was new, in fact Kaiden knew that the group of students just recently met in the hallway and now it seems that they're going to be friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell
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Shotaro noticed a guy from a short while ago sat in the seat next to his.

"I'm afraid we haven't really been introduced..." he began calmly, looking the male over. "I'm Lucian, part of the student council. I'm sorry you were hurt today. Are you feeling alright now?" His tone had gentled slightly, and he gave a smile.

Strange. The people who usually stuck around Shotaro were bullies, who found him to be the easiest target. But, hey, the poor guys don't get to be with guys in the Student Council all the time.

"I'm...Shotaro..." Shotaro replied, "others call me 'Tori.' Well, a while ago, that was nothing. You should see what I get into when going to and from school. But, I'm fine, for now at least..."

Shotaro was usually alone. No one wanted to have him in their group, believing his bad luck plagues their work. He has been doing stuff himself, ever since. It was good that there was someone friendly to him, that's the nearest thing he had to a friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka
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Blushing even more Isoya shook her head, "I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just not use to being around or talking to people." Standing up she stretched, "I'm also not use to receiving compliments." Isoya was about to continue when she saw a little girl walking towards the front door to the library. She knew right away that it was a ghost and bit her lower lip debating if she should follow. Isoya watched the little girl until the said girl looked straight at her. Now she really had no choice, Isoya had to follow her and find out what was wrong. She could feel that something bad was going to happen and shivered. Taking one step forward Isoya was going to call out but the girl ran, "Hey!" Looking at Alex she smiled, "I'm sorry but I have to go!" Isoya ran out of the library and followed to where ever the girl was going to. Once again Isoya left her things behind in the library because she was focused on the girl.

Kaiden's ears twitched as he heard someone running in the hall. Standing from his desk Kaiden walked out into the hall right as Isoya ran by and going through the door that leads to the roof. Furrowing his brow Kaiden looked back to his class, "Open your books to chapter 10 and read in groups of two, I'll be back shortly." He headed towards the door that Isoya just ran through.


Isoya reached the rooftop and looked in all directions till she found the girl by the railing, "Hey, are you okay?" Walking over to her she knelt down and smiled, "You didn't need to run from me, I wont hurt you." Isoya placed her hand on the girls shoulder and felt her shaking in fear. The only reason she could touch her was because of the fact she could see ghost, "What's wrong? I promise not to hurt you." Hearing a chuckle Isoya stood up and scanned the area, looking up towards the sky she saw a soul eater smirking at them, "Why are you here?"

The soul eater laughed, "I'm here to eat that girls soul you silly woman. If you don't want to die then I suggest you stay out of my way."

Stepping in front of the girl Isoya glared at the soul eater, "Hell no. I wont let you get her."

Shrugging the soul eater smirked again, "So be it, I bet you'll taste delicious!" The soul eater flew straight towards them with the intent to kill.

Isoya quickly pushed the girl out of the way and used the railing to propel herself at the soul eater tackling him in mid air. Grabbing him by the shoulders Isoya with all her might spun him and threw him into the ground. Landing a few feet away Isoya saw that the girl went into hiding. Good, she wont be in harms way. Seeing the soul eater stand Isoya got into a fighting stance ready for whatever he threw at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell
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"Uh..well," Shotaro said, "sure. I guess I could use some company. Just...don't choose a place with a beam. You know what could happen..."

Then he noticed the fang. Well, he was cool with it. He knew quite a few "weirdos" in a few accidents, but they seemed friendly. He shook Lucian's hand and started reading.

"Well, that's strange of him," Shotaro said,referring to Kaiden, "usually when he leaves, weird stuff happens. But, that's just a rumor, or so I heard..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Kaiden Stonewell
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Lucian shook his head. "Want to check it out?" he asked, smiling at Shotaro.

"Uh..." Shotaro said, thinking of the consequences, "sure. W-Why not?"

His conscience sighed and face-palmed. Not exactly the stupidest thing he said, but it was one of the stupidest things he has said. Not that he cared, at least. He knew he responded toolate when he saw Kaiden come back.

"Oh well..." he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros
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Shotaro turned to Lucian, "Sure, I guess I do need help. I might get another broken bone on the way, anyway...'

He headed for his bag and noticed Lucian, "Hey, what's with the eyes, man?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros
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"Whoa..." Shotaro replied, "Okay...I guess that is a bit scary, yes,"

That was Shotaro's secret,compliment everything everyone else has. That also meant admitting everyone was better than him, but he didn't care. He was no achiever. He headed outside with his stuff, "Where to?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros
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"'s fine..." Shotaro replied, "I understand. You're worried about your friend. Plus...I'm used to getting late. Just lead the way."

Shotaro's view on "man-beasts" began to shift. Sure he met some, both good and bad, but he was never asclose to them as a friend. Some time with beings like them could make him understand better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis
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Shotaro followed Lucian into the infirmary (nearly hitting a few rails and tables and the syringe container) and stopped behind his companion. He walked beside Lucian and was surprised at the sight of Alex and Isoya on the same bed. Okay, to be honest, Shotaro nearly fainted.

"You didn't get hurt too bad from that fall, did you?" he heard someone say.

"Yeah, I'm used to the impact." Shotaro replied with a smile, "I'm starting to feel like I regenerate everytime I get in an accident..."

Shotaro's gaze shifted to Isoya. He swore he saw her most of the time, most of that time was before accidents. Though he has heard of her rather terrifying fighting skills, she seemed to be at peace in her rested state. She had a few wounds, again.

"So," he asked Alex, "how is she?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka
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Isoya felt the warmth she was surrounded in disappear and groaned. Rolling over showing the bandage on her neck Isoya could hear three men talking, one of them being Alex. Slowly she opened her eyes still feeling the effects of the drug and sat up. Rubbing her eyes she blinked so they could focus in and saw Lucian and Shotaro. Smiling Isoya threw her legs on the other edge of the bed and tried to stand, "Hey guys what's up?" She stretched her body resembling a cat and Isoya felt her body protest. She knew that she shouldn't be standing or walking but she couldn't just sit there when there was company, "How was class? Not to boring I hope." A small chuckle escaped her lips. Walking around the bed she gave Lucian and Shotaro a hug because the drug was bringing out her lovable nature, "Are you going to be late for the next class?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shotaro "Tori" Nagasaki Character Portrait: Lucian Vilandros Character Portrait: Alex Michealis Character Portrait: Isoya Asuka
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"Uh, dude...? Anyone..." he said, then noticed Isoya getting up.

"Hey guys what's up?" She stretched her body resembling a cat and Isoya felt her body protest. She knew that she shouldn't be standing or walking but she couldn't just sit there when there was company, "How was class? Not too boring I hope." A small chuckle escaped her lips.

"Uh..." Shotaro wanted to reply, but stopped when he felt her hug him. his face went red out of blushing.

"Whoa," he thought, "someone's too happy right now..."

"Are you going to be late for the next class?" Isoya said.

"Yikes..." Shotaro said, looking at his left wrist, only to discover his watch wasn't there anymore, leaving a scratch and a mark from his watch. It was gone for a short while, then. "Now how the heck did I get this?!" he said.